It's All About You
request: chibs proposal based on 'All About You' by McFly | chibs x gn!reader (i think - if i specified anything please let me know!) | 917 words | very very very light angst at the start | fluff!
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Chibs was already home by the time you got back. He was in the kitchen, music playing softly on the radio and he swayed his hips as he stirred what seemed to be pasta sauce. You smiled at the sight, but it didn’t reach your eyes.
Something felt off since last night. You didn’t know what to expect from him, didn’t know how long this thing between you would last. You’d been together almost two years, but you’d never met his daughter, you’d only just moved in. You knew he still spoke to Fiona, and with Jimmy out of the picture now…well. You didn’t want to think about that too much.
You dropped your keys on the end table in the hall and all you wanted to do was go to your bedroom and change out of your work clothes. You didn’t want to face him right now, you hadn’t seen him since he walked out last night.
The problem with that was to get to your bedroom, you had to cut through the kitchen.
Sticking your head down and your hands in your pockets, you started towards your room.
“Evening, lass,” Chibs greeted happily. A hand reached out and grabbed your arm, stopping you in your tracks. Reluctantly, you looked up at him.
“Hey,” you greeted, offering a half smile.
“C’mere,” Chibs pressed a kiss to your forehead and pulled you into his arms.
He started to sway with you slowly, his hands coming to rest on your hip. You wanted to be mad–you were mad–but this was the man you loved, so you let your cheek rest on his chest as you danced to the music.
“Last night,” you could feel him looking down at you. “You asked me something. Do you remember what it was?”
Of course you did. How could you forget? He was still on the phone to Fiona when he got home, and when he finally decided to turn his attention onto you, you had asked, what does your future look like to you?
Chibs had looked stunned for a second, then he grabbed you by the back of the neck and pressed a searing kiss to your lips. Then he left.
He hadn’t said anything, but you heard his answer loud and clear. Not you!
“Do you?” He repeated when you didn’t reply.
“Yeah,” you say, looking down at the kitchen tiles. “I asked what your future looked like, and you didn’t say a thing. Your answer was pretty obvious.”
He let out a low chuckle and your head snapped up. If he wasn’t so damn handsome, you’d be smacking that smug face right now.
“I thought you knew, lass,” he said, smile softening. “It’s you.”
You stilled in his arms, shocked. He stepped back and twirled you in time with the song, then pulled you back into him. You landed against his chest with a soft thud that broke you out of your reverie.
“What?” Your brows were furrowed as you met his gaze.
Chibs smiled down at you. “My future. It’s all about you.”
“Then why did you just leave?”
“I had to get to the courthouse before it closed. I sent Fiona divorce papers this morning.”
Your heart stopped dead in your chest. Butterflies took flight in your stomach. Chibs dropped slowly down on one knee.
“I don’t have a ring yet, but we can get one first thing tomorrow. I just needed you to know–you are my present, my future and everythin’ between. I want to live the rest of my life with you by my side. You’re not just my old lady, you’re my best friend. I want to marry you. So will you do me the honour?”
Tears stung your eyes as you kneeled down before him. You took his face between your hands and pressed a tender kiss to his lips. Your thumbs stroked the scars on his face and he pulled you flush against him, titling his head to deepen the kiss.
You ran your hands through greying hair and he snaked his arms around your waist to hold you against him.
“Is that a yes?” He whispered against your lips.
““You make my life worthwhile, Chibs. My future…it’s always been you.”
He kissed you again and again and again.
You heard something on the stove bubble angrily.
“Chibs,” you muttered between kisses. “Your pasta…is boiling…over…”
He groaned against you and stood, holding out a hand to help you up too.
“So, what about all those phone calls to Fiona?” You asked, grabbing two plates as he strained the pasta. “I thought that now Jimmy’s gone…”
He shot you a look, cocked his brown and pressed a fleeting kiss to your temple. “You thought wrong, love. It was meant to be a surprise, but Kerrianne is coming to stay with us for Christmas. Fiona and I were just organising it all. It’ll be her first time flying alone.”
All of a sudden you were crying again, big, body-wracking sobs. Chibs wrapped his strong arms around you and you clung to him like a lifeline.
“I love you,” you said, peppering the side of his neck with kisses. “And I’m so excited to meet her!”
“She’s excited to meet you too,” he told you.
“Do you think she’ll like me?” You can’t help but ask, looking up at him with glimmering doe-eyes.
Chibs smiled again, the kind of smile that made you weak in the knees.
“You’re my family. She’s gonna love you.”
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fictionalboyfriends · 2 years
His Kutte - Chibs X OC (NSFW)
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Chibs hangs back at Leah's bar after an 'interrogation' to make sure her booze isn't stolen. What she doesn't know is he has much more in store for her than he lets on.
Rating: M for mature / NSFW / smut
Words: 5,390
Pairing: Chibs X BarOwner!OC
The sound of banging on her back door woke her up.
She jumped at the sound and cursed under her breath when she realized she’d fallen asleep on the counter… again.
She sat up and spun around, hoping there was no fallen alcohol left over from last night’s customers. She rubbed at her face, wiping the sleep from her eyes and stretching, trying her best to wake up and figure out what time it was.
The banging sounded again.
“Keep your fuckin’ pants on!” She yelled back, hopping off the bar and striding to the back, mumbling something about the time of day.
Unlocking the four different chains and bolts, she whipped the door open to three members of the Sons. The member in front smiled, holding a toothpick between his teeth as she stretched her back, looking at her over his sunglasses.
“Another one…?” She questioned groggily, noticing the man between Happy and Bobby.
“Afraid so… Did you sleep here again?” Chibs asked, a smirk playing with his lips.
She rolled her eyes and ignored the gagged and bound man as he struggled against the two members.
“Get you asses in her before someone walks by.” She snapped, stepping to the side and letting them in.
“What’ll you need?” She asked, closing and locking the door as Hap socked their captive in the face for letting out a muffled scream. He took his face in his hand roughly, forcing him to look him in the eye.
“Quiet.” He growled, throwing his face as Bobby held him still.
“Just the usual, Leah.” Bobby grunted as the guy jerked from Happy’s force. She strode to the front window, drawing the blinds and double checking the locks on the front door.
“Right, haven’t touched the room since last time, so everything should be in it's place.” She replied, turning back to them and picking up stray bottles she’d missed the night before.
“You’re a goddess.” Chibs praised, winking to her before they threw the guy down the stairs, watching him tumble down them before they followed after him.
The Sons would use the basement of her bar as an interrogation room to avoid both public suspicion and using their own facilities. They offered her protection in exchange for the occasional party and use of the ‘private room’ when people got mouthy.
To her understanding, this was the fourth one in the past two weeks. There was no way they were letting this one get off easily…
Why dealers never comprehended what “Sons turf” meant, she would never understand. Her best guess was that their boss didn’t like losing…
The room was sound proof so she was never worried about her neighbors hearing anything. However, when the Sons did come to unwind, there were times when she would have to repeatedly tell them to keep it down so that she wouldn’t have to deal with a noise complaint. That was the last thing she needed to deal with, what with living just above the bar on nights she gave herself off…
The sharp sound of a muffled scream sounded as Leah quickly realized the door wasn’t shut. She threw the bottles into the bin and pushed the door closed, leaning on it for a moment.
It isn’t any of my business...It wasn’t like she was a member’s old lady… and even then, it wouldn’t be any of my business. She thought, forcing the train of thought out of her head.
She looked at the windows, trying to see if there was anyone coming to question the sound. She watched the shadows of the trees on the blinds, quickly asking herself if the sound had really been all that loud or if it was just because she was tired. Hoping for the latter, she walked behind the bar and peeked through the blinds to check the building next to her.
No one was there.
Of course no one’s there, they don’t open for another three hours you paranoid idiot…
The bar was sandwiched between a small diner and a tattoo parlor of which she believed Happy spent some of his spare time at. The owners of both establishments knew her and didn’t mind the frequent visits of the Sons, as they also were protected by them. They knew the black van that would pull up behind the buildings and would look the other way as they waited for her to let them in.
Even though she knew this, she was still deathly afraid of someone hearing what was happening below her establishment…
She grabbed a clean rag from under the counter and wet it in the sink before wiping down the sticky wood, picking up the small bowls of peanuts as she went. The radio hummed softly in the background, calming her nerves as she busied herself with petty work.
A few moments later, Chibs and Bobby emerged from the stairs, muttering to each other. They looked tired and giddy at the same time, the latter most likely due to the lack of sleep. It’d took them the whole damned night to find the fucker after all.
“Need a drink boys?” Leah asked, pulling up two glasses and reaching for a bottle of whiskey.
“You always know what to say to make us feel good.” Chibs smiled as Bobby sat down heavily on a stool in front of her. She smirked with him as Bobby rested his elbows on the counter and shot her a smile, leaning against the edge of the bar.
“She poured the amber liquid and slid the glasses to the guys, capping the bottle and setting it back on the shelf.
“You think it’s safe to leave him with Hap?” She asked, turning around. They grew silent, looking to each other before all three burst out laughing.
“If we were concerned about keeping him safe, we wouldn’t even be here, sweetheart.” Bobby chuckled into his glass as Chibs grinned. Another set of footsteps sounded on the stairs as Hap came out of the doorway.
“Whiskey?” She asked, holding a glass in question. He shook his head, massaging his knuckles as he walked up to the counter. Leah walked out from the bar and started flipping the rest of the chairs on top of the tables as the guys talked business and tried her best to stay out of it.
After a few minutes of conversing, Bobby and Chibs gulped down the rest of their drinks and followed Happy down the staits, shutting the door and leaving her with the sounds of the radio.
She sang along softly and wiped the tables, swaying in time with the music. She looked around the bar, wondering if it had always had this many tables.
There’s no way I’ll be able to have everything ready by tonight… good thing I’m closed today…
She glanced at the basement’s door, wondering if the Sons would stop by for a surprise party again… She groaned at the thought, and wiped the tables at a quicker pace. She hadn’t even restocked the counter yet, let alone done the rest of the dishes. She cursed herself for letting the bus boy leave early last night… She was too good to her employees sometimes…
This was the reason her mother nagged her so much and told her to hire more people. She didn’t like seeing her work so much, saying it left her with no social life. It wasn’t the first night she’d accidentally fallen asleep on the bar while closing up. She’d told her repeatedly that a girl her age should be thinking about the future, to which Leah would protest, saying she works day and night to keep her bar in tip top shape. But of course her mother would respond with requests of grandchildren, or, at the very least, just one story that involved a guy she was interested in.
Her mother knew of the Sons and was getting so desperate and baby crazy, that during one particular phone call, she’d actually suggested going after one of them. Leah was reminded of the horrid conversation every time they walked through her doors as her thoughts unwillingly turned to analyzing which would be better in bed.
Of course after she realized they were hopeless delusions, she would quickly remind herself that they either A: had old ladies of their own, or B: were only looking for a fuck.
In all honesty, she wasn’t bothered by the latter… It’d been awhile since she’d gotten laid. But she also wasn’t fond of the idea of fucking a watchdog and getting into gang related trouble.
It’s been so long though… A horny voice in the back of her thoughts pleaded.
She thanked the scraping of a stool for interrupting that particular train of thought as she looked up to see what had caused it.
The flick of a lighter echoed as Chibs lit a cigarette, cocking his brows as a greeting when he noticed Leah looked in his direction. She looked around the room.
Nearly all the tables were wiped down and had their chairs flipped. She stood at the last one and realized the floor was swept and the windows looked cleaner than usual. Had that much time really gone by?
“Happy and Bobby leave you?” She asked, shaking her head to rid the thoughts that were surfacing, and going back to wiping the table.
“Nah, I volunteered… There’s talk about a raid that might happen tonight. Nothing too bad, just some shit-head teenagers lookin’ for some booze.” He smiled, holding his cigarette between his teeth before taking a drag.
She tried to avoid looking at him as she flipped one of the chairs, glancing at the clock. Her stomach growled.
“Did you eat today?” He asked, getting up from the stool and meeting her halfway to the bar.
“Slipped my mind.” She gave a short chuckle, gripping her stomach as a pain shot through it. The pain almost knocked her off her feet, making her knees wobble and pushing her forward. Chibs caught her and helped her to a stool, worry running through him.
“I’m gonna go get something from Saul and Gina next door, alright? You gonna be okay?” He held her shoulders and squatted in front of her, looking into her eyes. She nodded.
“Thanks.” She replied with a weak smile. He smiled back.
“Alright, stay here.”
She bit her tongue to keep herself from whimpering as his hands left her. The door closed behind him and his shadow followed him against the blinds as Leah internally scolded herself.
Stop it! Get a hold of yourself!
It was a bad idea to skip dinner last night… She gripped her stomach again as another growl threatened to rip her open. She looked behind the counter, noticing she’d restocked almost all of it.
Shit, I still have to finish the dishes… She realized, looking at the notepad on the counter, the names of the bottles that were still needed scribbled in a neat list.
She really needed to stop losing herself in her work… She rested her head on the counter, needed sleep quickly catching up to her as she used her arm as a pillow.
She woke up on the counter for the second time that day. Only this time, there was no searing sunlight assaulting her eyes, nor was there obnoxious knocking. No, this time the sound of soft snoring woke her. She rubbed her eyes and carefully rolled onto her back on the counter, stretching and realizing something was draped over her.
She picked up the leather and examined it the best she could in the dim lighting of the neon signs on the wall.
It was a kutte…
She sat up and looked on the counter to find a black sweatshirt folded up into a makeshift pillow; a takeout bag a foot or so away from it.
Soft snores sounded again, causing Leah to look to her right. Chibs sat on the edge of a chair facing her. The chair was turned backward, his hands on the top, the side of his head resting on his knuckles as he slept, hunched over.
She smiled at the sight, trying her best not to giggle too loudly as he snored again. She was quickly reminded of the pain in her stomach and decided that she’d waited long enough to eat. She slipped her arms into the kutte and hopped as quietly as she could manage, off the bar, then grabbed the takeout walking to the back kitchen.
She grabbed a plate from a shelf and dropped the spaghetti on it before popping it in the microwave, hoping it's noise wouldn’t wake him.
She looked down at the leather around her as the hum of the microwave filled the room. Why she put it on, she wasn’t entirely sure…
Truth be told, whilst she thought about which Son would be best in bed, she couldn’t help but think about what it would be like to be an old lady to one of them. She’d always come back to Chibs as being the best possible option and even day dreamed about waking up before him and greeting him in nothing but his kutte… but that was only a dream… she knew there was no way anything like that would happen.
A girl could dream though dammit…
She gripped the edges of the kutte now, hugging it close to her and surprising herself with how warm it was. She nuzzled the edges with her cheeks, stopping abruptly when she caught it's scent.
Whiskey, cigarettes, and gasoline… All encased in a leather overtone. She wondered if that’s what he smelled like…
The beeping of the microwave broke her thoughts and forced her to think about her stomach instead. Snatching a fork from the clean pile of dishes, she popped the door open and began shoveling food into her mouth.
She turned to the sink full of dishes once she’d cleared her plate and walked towards him, turning on the hot water and pumping it full of soap. There wasn’t too much left…
She picked up a clean rag and went to work, humming lightly as she did so.
He woke up to the clinking of dishes; jumping awake to the sound, he stretched his back out. He really needed to stop sleeping on chairs like that… He cursed under his breath as he heard his back crack, then looked to the counter. She wasn’t there…
Concern spreading through him quicker than reason, he jumped to his feet and looked under his sweatshirt. She’s short, but she’s not that short ya dumb ass…
His gaze moved to the back, where the kitchen was, and started walking over slowly. How the hell did they get in? Why didn’t I wake up when they did? Where the hell is Leah?
Shut the fuck up! He yelled at his thoughts, his hand hovering over his gun as he approached the doorway and peered inside. He let out a quiet sigh of relief.
She was washing the dishes… the fucking dishes… Damned workaholic… He smiled then, noticing his kutte on her. She looked tiny in it, the shoulders drooping and the hem covering her ass. Pity… He thought with a grin, toying with the idea of what she’d look like in nothing but his kutte.
“Don’t you ever give yourself a break?” She jumped at his voice, dropping a plate back into the water and soaking her front.
“Fuck, Chibs!” She cursed under her breath, turning to him and ringing out her shirt. He smirked as she muttered something about it not being a good idea to scare her, but he barely heard it as he noticed her shirt had gone slightly transparent now that it was wet. Water dropped on the floor as she wrung it out, revealing the edges of a tattoo following her hips and the bottom of her stomach, just above the waist of her jeans.
“I’m gonna need that back some time tomorrow morning.” He grinned, casually leaning against the doorway. Her face went red as she realized he was referring to his kutte.
“Shit… sorry, I-i don’t really know why-” She started, beginning to shrug it off.
“Keep it on… it looks good on you.” He cut her off. She froze, trying not to look at him. What was happening?
He walked towards her slowly now, looking her up and down, taking in her appearance.
“You eat?” He asked softly, looking into her eyes, stopping a foot or so in front of her. She nodded.
“Yeah… you want a drink?” She suggested a little hurriedly, walking around him out of the kitchen and behind the bar, trying to clear her head. She put her hands on the counter, taking in a breath and closing her eyes for a moment before grabbing a shot glass.
Turning to the shelves behind her, she took down a bottle of vodka and poured a healthy shot before throwing it into her mouth. Gulping it down with a grimace and squeezing her eyes shut at the burning of her throat. Her heart nearly stopped when she heard footsteps come behind the bar with her. She opened her eyes, only allowing herself to look in front of her.
“It’s not a good idea to drink on the only meal you just ate, lass.” A husky voice advised behind her as a hand rested on her hip, and another took the vodka from her, sliding it down the counter.
He moved her hair from her shoulder and placed his other hand on her other hip, pulling her ass against his crotch as he grazed his lips against her neck. He did everything he could to keep himself from bending her over the counter right then and there.
“Was there really talk of a raid happening tonight…?” She asked, her voice shaking slightly as he swayed them to the music of the radio. One of her hands went to the back of his head, lightly gripping his hair, the other resting on his hand at her hip. She could feel her heartbeat everywhere; threatening to rip her chest open, making her hands shake, her legs weak… He smirked into her neck, his goatee tickling her as her grip on his hair tightened.
“Ya caught me.” He whispered, the thumb of his left hand playing with the hem of her shirt as the other’s fingers slipped under her jeans. Her breathing grew heavy as he pushed her ass up against his crotch again, kissing her neck as he whispered in Gaelic to her, his hand trailing up her shirt to cup her breast.
For once in her life, she thanked her mother for teaching her the language when she was a child. Her mother had grown up speaking it and thought it was important for Leah to learn. It wasn’t very important to her until now…
She withered at his touch and groaned at his words.
“Tell me… what do you think about when you watch me in the bar?” He licked her neck as he squeezed her breast, shoving her bra to the side and making her moan.
“I wonder what your cock is like…”
There was a small hesitation as he realized she not only understood him, but she also replied in the same language. Her moan distracted him from his thoughts and he quickly remembered the growing throb in his jeans.
He spun her around and pushed her against the edge of the bar, his hands planting them on her hips to steady her. He brought his lips to hers and stopped millimeters before they touched, snaking his hands behind her.
“You’ll find out sooner than you think, love.” He whispered huskily, his accent thicker than usual, before his lips covered hers. Her hands knotted in his hair as he squeezed her ass and picked her up. Her legs wrapped around him as his tongue forced its way into her mouth. He sat her on the counter, one of his hands moving to the knife at his side. Withdrawing his tongue from her, he bit her lip, raking his teeth across it as he gripped the edge of her shirt.
“Hope you don’t care about this…” He growled, bringing the knife to the hem of her shirt. She furrowed her brow, wondering what he meant. He cut and ripped the fabric off of her, derailing her train of thought and sheathing the blade as he moved her to the edge of the counter, throwing the shreds of cloth behind him.
“There are easier ways to do that, you know.” She chuckled, bringing his face closer to her with a delicate hand, cupping the side of his cheek.
“Aye, but this way, you don’t have to take off my kutte.” He chuckled, kissing her deeply and pushing her down onto the bar. He kissed down her jaw, to her neck, then licked his way to her breasts, his hands moving up her thighs and over her stomach to unhook her bra. To his delight, it hooked in the front.
He slid her towards him, making her hips meet his. She ground them against him happily, moaning as she felt him growl against her breasts, giving them a quick nip. One of her hands moved the hair out of his face and held it back as he took her into his mouth. He brought his free hand to her other breast as she moaned his name, her neck arching as her hips moved against him again and his teeth pulled her.
“Shit, Chibs… please, just fuck me already…” He smirked against her as she moaned and ground her hips against him again. He chuckled, nipping her flesh before he responded.
“Impatient little slut, aren’t you?” He bit her again, thrusting his hips into her and making her moan even louder.
“You want me to fuck you on this filthy bar, like the filthy slut you are?” He slipped a hand between her thighs and rubbed her through her jeans. She moved against his fingers, panting and begging.
“Please!” She whined, pulling him close to her and forcing her tongue into his mouth. His fingers worked the button and zipper of her jeans as her legs pulled him closer to her.
Her hands hooked under his shirt and pulled it off of him, quickly reconnecting their mouths after she threw the garment to the ground. She lifted her ass off the counter so he could pull her jeans off of her, her shoes slipping off with them as she yanked her arms out of her bra.
He pushed on the small of her back, biting her lip and moving his mouth to her neck as her hands slithered down his chest and to his belt. She unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, her hand diving into them and grasping his dick. He groaned against her, biting her neck and leaning into her. He pressed a thumb against her panties, rubbing her slit as she moved his briefs to stroke him.
“You’re soaked, love.” He whispered huskily, capturing her lips with his. “And you’re hard.” She chuckled, jerking up on him and causing him to groan. He took her hand then, hard, and pulled it out from his trousers.
She cocked a brow at him as he smirked, sliding his belt off and tying her hands behind her back with it. She moved against him with a smile, his hands trailing over her breasts and down her stomach. He pulled her panties off her, squatting slightly as he took them off and spread her legs apart. She placed her hands on the bar behind her, resting her weight on them as she waited patiently for him to touch her.
He gripped her thighs, pulling them lightly to bring her closer to him as he trailed his tongue along her inner thigh, hooking one of her legs over his shoulder. She threw her head back as his tongue traced a line up her slit, groaning as he tasted her. Her breasts heaved as her breathing quickened, his tongue delving deeper into her folds this time when he swiped it up her again, looking for her sweet spot.
“Shit!” She nearly screamed as he hit it, she took a deep breath, panting as he cocked a brow up at her.
“Here, lass…?” He asked cockily, circling the tip of his tongue around her clit. Her thighs jumped as she swore under her breath, nodding stupidly. “Right there, Filip… fuck…” She murmured as he sucked on her, the tips of his free hand inching across her inner thigh as his other pulled her greedily towards him, his thumb rubbing her thigh lightly.
She bit her lip to keep herself from whimpering as his lips left her, but a moan ripped through her when he entered a digit; curling it up and replacing his tongue with his thumb as he slid his free arm out from under her leg. He pumped his finger a few times as he rose from his knees, his thumb working her clit as his lips moved up her stomach and to her breasts, his tongue trailing along her skin lightly.
“Such a dirty little slut… I bet I can make you come with just one hand…” He whispered to her, a devilish smirk on his lips as his free hand moved his kutte to the side to fully expose her breasts, his lips tracing her throat. He added another finger, making her moan even louder, her hips moving to the rhythm of his hand.
“Then make me, baby…” She moaned breathily as his fingers quickened their pace, his thumb rubbing tight circles into her clit.
Fuck, she was so sexy…
“Mouthy little bitch…” He growled into her mouth before shoving his tongue inside, his free arm wrapping around her waist and pulling her closer to him. She moaned into him, rolling her body against his as she tightened around his fingers, the muscles in her thighs twitching.
Her head fell back as her eyes squeezed shut, cursing under her breath as her hips bucked into his hand. She moaned his name, her hand gripping the edge of the bar till her knuckles turned white.
“That’s it… come for me, love… nice and loud now, so the neighbors hear…” He whispered in her ear, making her whimper and nearly fall back on the counter. She screamed his name, her hips shaking uncontrollably as her back weakened, arching into him as he held her up so she wouldn’t hit her head on the bar.
A groan caught in the back of his throat at the sight of her, his dick sore at how hard he was. He needed to be inside that wet pussy of hers…
He slid his fingers out of her, pulling her towards him as she panted under him, a small smirk on her lips as his free hand worked the belt off her wrists. She chuckled breathlessly as her arms looped around his neck, his lips smashing against hers as he took one of her wrists.
“I need ya, lass…” He whispered, his accent so thick now, she barely understood him as he guided her hand to his crotch and groaned as her fingers curled around him. He kissed her hungrily, gripping a fistful of her hair as she carefully slipped off the bar, moving them so he leaned against it now.
Neither of them remembered how exactly they had gotten upstairs into Leah’s apartment… it was all a blur of sloppy making out and spontaneous sex. That morning, she had greeted him in nothing but his kutte, waking him up by helping him with his morning ‘visitor’, and making him breakfast before he left to go back to the clubhouse. He was reluctant when doing so… especially when getting his kutte back… he may have gotten back a little late…
But now he was back at the bar, celebrating the arrival of his visiting brothers as the croweaters helped Leah’s normal crew with the mass amount of customers. Leah didn’t mind, they worked for tips and blowjobs, so she didn’t have to worry about paying them. Hell, She didn’t even mind the casual flirting from the visiting members… what she did mind, were the attempts the guys would make to have sex right in the middle of the bar.
More than once, she had to scold a member and tell them to at least move it into the back alley or the bathroom, saying she wanted to try and keep her tables sanitary. The bar was already a lost cause…
She did her best to distance herself from Chibs all night, afraid of giving the impression that she caught feelings after last night… and this morning… The last thing she wanted to do was seem clingy, especially around the croweaters. She had been successful most of the night… that is until Tig was requesting her specifically.
“Leah!” Tig yelled over the roar of voices in the bar, waving his arms frantically as though he were directing a plane. “Bring your sweet ass over here!” He yelled again, his brothers chuckling around him as she turned towards their table.
“What is it Tiggy?” Leah sniggered, her hand on her hip as she rested a hand on the sticky wood. Chibs smiled up at her, sitting to her right as his hand went to her waist to rub it lightly. She did her best to ignore it as Tig leaned on the table heavily, slurring his words as he flirted with her, asking her sweetly for a round of whiskey with a side of sugar. Sugar being “Your pretty little face, doll!”.
She chuckled in response, rolling her eyes and turning towards the bar, calling a quick “Got it!” over her shoulder as Chibs’ hand slid down her side and over her ass before she walked away.
She gave their order to Jessie, her usual bartender; a short, small girl that cursed like a sailor and gave back as much shit as she was given. She was Leah’s favorite, and could mix one hell of a Daiquiri.
“He’s already sauced, isn’t he?” She asked, shaking her head and placing the glasses on the tray as she grabbed a bottle of whiskey, chuckling to herself as Leah nodded to her. “Of course he is, why do you think he keeps leaning on the table?” She chuckled back, freezing as she felt a hand grip her hip. The stench of vodka filled her nostrils as a hot breath blew onto her shoulder.
“Don’t think I’ve seen ya around before… I would have remembered that ass.” They laughed a bit too hard, swaying into her as she tried her hardest not to punch him right then and there.
“You must be new too, I would have remembered that pathetic excuse of a pickup line.” She replied, turning with a smirk as she picked up the tray.
“Don’t be like that sweetheart, I’m only messin’ with ya.” He smiled sloppily, leaning against the counter and nearly sliding off. She nodded her head to the simply dressed croweater behind him.
“Why don’t you try it on her, I’m sure she’ll appreciate it more than me.” She suggested with a wink, chuckling as he turned to look at the girl behind him, and throwing Leah a quick thumbs up in approval.
Tig cried with satisfaction as she set the glasses down, listening as Juice started telling them about the car he had to work on earlier in the day. Leah felt a hand on her hip again, this time it pulled her as she looked for it's owner.
Chibs pulled her into his lap and wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder before he whispered to her. “Sit with me for a while, lass… Yeh’ve been workin’ too hard.” He kissed her neck, one of his hands resting on her thigh as it's thumb rubbed it slowly.
“Do I smell jealousy?” She teased, resting a hand on his as she smirked in his direction and leaned back into him, relaxing slightly. He chuckled darkly in her ear, reaching for his glass and taking a sip.
“Don’t get cheeky now, love…”
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“ We can't allow our hearts to be louder than our reason. “
Chibs Telford.
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gneebee · 3 years
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The Boys of SOA
source kim coates twitter
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monorail3000 · 2 years
Can you believe that in Praxeus there’s a police officer who’s on break and his space boyfriend and the Doctor saves the life of the space boyfriend at the same time as she saves their marriage and then she does the Scronch and says “what can I say, I’m a romantic” like WHAT THE FUCK
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magickhajiit · 2 years
Just saw a post on reddit and it got me thinking you were able to rewrite season 7,especially the ending how would you do it.
For me I think the perfect ending would have been
Unser- wouldn't have died. He didn't reach Gemma in time and Jax was already gone by the time he got there.
Jax- would have been hit by the truck (bc I'm a vengeful person) but survived. He spends rest of his life rotting away in prison cut off from the club.
Juice- immediately taken out of prison alive. He gets all the therapy he could ever want or need. He rejoins the club and they welcome him with open arms. Obviously he's now kept away from anything involving drugs or guns because he was never really meant for that sort of life. His time in the club is spent as their hacker like he was in the 1st few season before the writers apparently forgot about that. (Starts a life long relationship with chibby but that's just me. Maybe tigs involved too? @viskovie )
Everyone else would be the same I think.
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Opps, The Mean One strikes again.
The things SOA characters got in season 7 (Caution: I’m a mean person)
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Tig: Love of his life His OTP, which in Tig's case stands for One True Penis.
There, I said it, so you won't have to. You're welcome.
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Chibs: A hot, kinky girlfriend
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Quinn: Traumatized {By said girlfriend}
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Happy: Shot. And a finger.
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Juice: A nice boyfriend who read poetry to him
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Unser: … On the bright side, the cancer didn’t kill him
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sad-trash-hobo · 3 years
Ya know maybe if someone gave Juice a hug ever once and a goddamn while he wouldn't have turned out like that
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sadandgeek · 2 years
You know this scene in season 6 where Chibs is like 'you ratted, Jax is okay with it and I hate it, but I gotta make right with it somehow'? And Juicy says "I love you, brother" and we all cry because Chibs just says 'I know' and then proceeds to beat him up?
But while he's doing his whole speech, Chibs takes his rings off because, yes, he's a violent arsehole, but he doesn't want to hurt Juice too bad, and that is Chibs' way of saying that he loves Juicy too.
I'm crying??
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champagnebrock · 3 years
you should be sad | one
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SUMMARY — caught up grading essays you end up being late to get home, your husband isn’t too pleased. a short conversation with your ex (who called from your dad’s phone) ends with a physical altercation which you decide is the last straw.
PAIRING — fem!reader x angel reyes
WORD COUNT — 3,451
WARNINGS — abuse, violence, strong language, mentions of blood, reader gets a glass thrown at her head, loss of a job, manipulation, mentions of alcohol abuse and drug use.
NOTES — so, this is a x reader fic, but you have a nickname (tok/tokyo) which will be explained a bit later (just wanted to clear that up so no one was confused)
POSTED — 08/22/21
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—"HAVE A GOOD NIGHT TOKYO!" your co-worker shouts, waving as you pass her room.
you step back and wave, "night meg!"
you keep walking, adjusting the strap of you bag. you check your watch, six-fifteen.  shit shit shit. i'm so fuckin' late. once out in the parking lot, you pick up your pace even more, all but sprinting to your car. you should've just packed up your students essays at four like you planned, but you'd gotten distracted by two particularly good essays. when you finally looked back up again, it was six.
you packed your things at the speed of light, and then booked it, only slowing down to pass your co-worker's open doors. you speed nearly all the way home, shortening the thirty minute drive to fifteen. you pull into your driveway and fear shoots through your entire body as you catch a glimpse of your husband's porsche sitting in the driveway.
i'm so dead. dinner is not cooked and you weren't home when he arrived. instinctively, you touch the fading bruise on your wrist from the last time you'd been late. grabbing your bags from the seat beside you, you scramble toward the house, hitting the lock button on your key fob as you go. you carefully open the front door, your rottweiler dog ares bounding down the steps just inside the door, excited to see you.
he skids to a stop, plopping down on the carpet a few feet from you as you take off your shoes. you dump your things on the floor, and sink to your knees patting them so signal ares he's allowed to come to you. he barks once excitedly, and you wince, hearing a chair scrape heavily against the linoleum as ares nuzzles his face into your neck.
ares is solely your dog. you'd gotten him before you'd gotten married to dominic three years ago. well, partly true, you'd gotten him with your ex, and as much as your ex loved ares he felt like it made more sense for you to keep sole custody of ares because he was rarely ever home. dom absolutely hated ares and that has a lot to do with how protective over you ares is.
when things turned violent with dom, you felt as though ares was a god send. the minute dom even raised his voice, ares had his lip pulled back in a snarl. you loved ares with your whole heart. dom steps into the hallway, his tie askew, his hair messy and his dress shirt sleeve pushed up to his elbows.
"why are you so late?" he demands, stepping toward you and ares. ares has turned on dom—sensing like every other time that dom is drunk—his unclipped tail high, and his ears forward. dom steps back, nearly tripping over his own feet.
you stand up straight, "i got caught up with grading some essays,"
"sure you did," dom scoffs, rolling his eyes. "i was home an hour ago, no dinner, no phone call... i work my ass off to maintain your "lifestyle" and you can't even give me the courtesy of a phone call, really y/n?"
you so badly want to point out that the only reason his porsche hasn't been repoed yet is because you've been covering payments. the only reason that the power hasn't been cut off, is because you've taken a second job to cover the other half of the bills. your "lifestyle" is not the issue. him having lost his job a year and a half ago is the problem.
"i'm sorry," is what you reply instead, knowing that if you bend to his will you might actually get a few hours of sleep tonight. "what would you like for dinner? i think we have steaks in the fridge."
"i'm not hungry now y/n." he snaps, crossing his arms over his chest. "i was hungry an hour ago, i ordered a pizza, which you can pay me back for,"
"right, okay, sorry. how much was it?" you ask, digging in the pocket of your dress, producing a fifty dollar bill. before you can search your other pocket for smaller bills, dom snatches it from your hand.
"this'll do, cover the emotional distress as well," he replies, shoving it into his pocket, and turns on his heels heading back into the kitchen. likely to make himself another drink.
you take a deep breath, and ares calms down as well. nuzzling his face into your lowered hand, you look down at him, and crack a small smile. you lower yourself, "you're the only man i need," you whisper kissing his nose. he licks your face and you groan softly, standing up again.
you scoop up your bags and head upstairs to your room to change into pj's. you had a late lunch, eating while you're students finished up their essays last period so you're not hungry quite yet. you take the steps two at a time, ares following closely behind you, stopping every few steps to glance behind him to see if dom will follow. he doesn't. which you're thankful for.
after a quick outfit change you plop down at your desk in yours and dom's shared office, though he never spends any time in here anymore. you place your cellphone on the wireless changer on the edge of your desk and pull the stack of essays out of your work bag. with your reading glasses perched on your nose you set to work.
after grading three or so essays, your phone begins to ring. the distinct sound of your adopted dad, bishop's favourite song, here i go again by whitesnake filling your once silent office. you can't help but smile, every friday night at ten bishop always makes sure to either send you a check-in text or if he has a couple more moments to spare, a phone call.
you pick up, "hey you,"
"tokyo!" a voice shouts into the receiver, a familiar voice, but not bishop's.
"angel?" you ask, pulling your glasses off your nose. "why are you caling? why are you calling from bishop's phone?"
"i just—" he's drunk. you sigh, elbows resting on your desk as you rub your forehead with your free hand. "i miss you," he hiccups and you feel your heart break a little.
you feel ares shift, perking up at the sound of angel's voice through the phone. he recognizes his dad's voice. you don't reply. you hear a bit of a ruckus on the line, shouting and then you hear bishop's voice.
"hey kid," comes bishop's voice.
"hey, what's up with him?" you ask, glancing out the open office door.
noise travels in your house, chances are if you can hear the tv, dom can hear you. you're surprised your voice calling out 'angel' hadn't caused dom to stomp up the stairs and rip your phone from your hand.
"club party, got a little too loaded, i left my phone and you know how he is when he's like this," bishop sighs, the exhaustion evident in his voice. "sorry,"
"don't be, it was kinda nice to hear his voice," you whisper, and bishop lets out a bark of laughter.
"well, while i have you on the line, how's work? how are you? how's my favourite grandson?"
"works good, i'm grading final assignments right now, then i'm done. i'm okay, kinda tired, but okay. and ares' is good, taught him a new trick on sunday,"
"oh? what trick did you teach him," bishop asks.
"ares can now close and open doors by himself," you reply, and bishop chuckles.
"what next kid? gonna teach him to talk?" he questions and you giggle.
"i think he's got that skill mastered bish," you reply, lowing the phone down to ares, "say hi to grandpa,"
ares lets out a short series of soft barks that almost sound like 'hi grandpa' and you hear bishop laughing hysterically on the other end.
"that's fuckin' trippy mija, almost sounded like he said it,"
"yeah he's gettin' good at that," you say, leaning back in your chair.
"well i gotta go chase down angel, he's gettin a little too— angel! get back from the fire! angel! ang— prospect! grab your brother! sorry tok, i gotta go!" with that the line goes dead.
you let out a breath-y laugh, and set your phone back down on the charger. you pick up your pen, and glance up at the open office door. dom's leaning against the doorframe, glass full of scotch in his hand. even though he's leaning, he sways slightly, the ice in his cup clinking.
"you were talking to angel?" dom questions, eyes never leaving your face as he takes a swig from his glass.
blonde hair longer then he normally keeps it, shaggy around his face, long bangs hanging in his blood shot brown eyes. he's not just drunk. the drinking makes his anger explosive, the drugs make him paranoid. up until dom lost his job you'd only ever seen him get explosively mad one time, that anger hadn't even been directed at you. he'd lost it on some guy making you uncomfortable in a bar. then, he got into the drugs, which made him volatile, and his anger was now always directed at you. something made him think you were cheating, so, he'd started isolating you. the only man you were allowed to talk to was bishop—who was as good as the only family you had.
you'd had to cut out angel, your ex, and one of your best friends. you also had to cut out his younger brother ez, who'd you only ever seen like a younger brother. there were so many connections and relationships you'd been robbed of since dom had lost his mind. dom is sick, that's evident. you should've left the first time he hit you, but you couldn't. he'd managed to fool you into thinking it was a one time thing.
then, the next week you'd found out he lost his job. not from dom, but one of your co-workers who worked with dom. it was a shock, but suddenly the pieces of the puzzle clicked into place. when you came home that night, you confronted him, and you were met with a handful of jabs about your job. you were also met with a few jabs literally. he'd punched you in the face for raising your voice at him. it was around that time that dom started locking ares outside, or in a room when he wanted to yell, realizing that the one man dom couldn't take from you was the one keeping you just slightly out of reach.
you blindly reach for your phone, opening the voice recording app and hitting record. you keep your eyes down, attempting to play it off as just fiddling. it works. dom doesn't even register that you've even got the phone in your hands. he just stares at you expectantly. you shove your phone into your pocket, and look up, lacing your fingers together and giving him your attention.
"not really, he called— he stole bishop's phone, bishop took it. i just got off the phone with bishop," you reply, stumbling over your words.
there's an aura of calmness that exudes from dom, his voice is barely a whisper, and even though there's the clink, clink, clink, of the ice in his drink, you catch a small glimpse of the man you used to love. the man you married. not this possessive monster in your husbands body. however, just as you see dom, that man disappears.
"how is angel?" dom spits, and your whole body immediately tenses at the venom leaking from each hate filled word.
"i uhm, i don't know." you mutter, eyes moving away from dom's face and towards the glass in his hand.
dom's knuckles are turning white, and it takes exactly .2 seconds for you to realize what's coming next. you don't duck in time, the glass hitting you in the eye and then dropping to the floor shattering into millions of little pieces. a few of the shards embed in your legs, and you're just glad that ares isn't still laying at your feet. he's up on his feet, stalking slowly toward dom, his lip curled up showcasing his sharp white teeth, herding him out of the room.
you're in absolute shock. maybe you shouldn't be, you've been dealing with this for months. up until this exact instant, dom had never thrown anything at you. he never hit you with anything. you'd never feared for your life... until now that is. you feel blood trickle down your face.
"you can't stay in there forever!" dom shouts, he's in the hallway, staring right at you.
"what is the matter with you?!" you shout back, all the pent up anger, frustration and sadness pouring out of your mouth before you even have a chance to think about what you're saying, what kind of damage you're about to cause. "you have no damn right to throw shit at me because of a ten second interaction,"
he looks taken aback, "what did you just say?"
he shoves ares aside with his foot and marches into the room, slamming the door in your dogs face. you hear ares being to bark and growl at the closed door. you're going to stand your ground. a year and a half is long enough. you're leaving, tonight. be it in a body bag or of your own volition. you slam your fists down on the table, standing up using your socked feet to drag the glass to once side of the floor before standing up.
"i said, you don't get to throw shit at me." you snarl through gritted teeth, your eye throbbing in pain. "i am a person, with feelings. just because you lost your job, and feel like a worthless sack of shit doesn't give you the right to lay your hands on me, or make me feel less then dom,"
"oh you're in for it now you little bitch," he sneers, and lunges at you, but do to his intoxication, you're easily able to duck out of his reach.
you make a mad dash for the door, but end up slipping just before you reach the door. you hit the floor, and it knocks all the wind out of your lungs. that's when you realize in the seconds it's taken you to recover, dom's gotten a hold of your leg and is dragging you back from the door. he drags you away from the door, and drops his whole weight on top of you. you glance around, looking for anything to get your hands on. you being screaming, hoping, praying one of your neighbours will hear. you catch a glimpse of a larger chunk of the glass. if you could just distract him long enough...
"dom let me go!" you shout, wiggling your whole body underneath him, unfortunately for you he's got probably a hundred pounds on you. "get off of me! get off of me you prick!"
you smack at his chest, scratching your decently long nails at him in any attempt to get him off. you can guess what his play is, choke the life out of you. then it dawns on you, hit him where it hurts. literally. so, while he's distracted trying to grab hold of both your hands, you use all your strength to punch him directly in the balls. dom lets out a yelp, his eyes rolling back as he slides off you to left. you roll over, grabbing the glass shard and immediately push yourself up onto your feet. you hold it out in front of you, slowly circling him, and using your free hand to feel for the door knob.
"you stay away from me dom, this "marriage" is over. i'm leaving, tonight." you say, and he just groans.
you open the door, step out into the hallway, and then close the door behind you. you have ares sit in front of the door so you can cross the hallway to pack a few things. you hear ares growl and snap at the door every few minutes, and then the door click shut again. you change out of your pyjamas and into a black henley, a pair of black skinny jeans and your favourite leather jacket bishop had gotten you when you were fifteen.
you'd been denied the things you used to love for so long that finding yourself wearing clothes you'd promised dom you'd thrown away years ago is weird. this outfit had been such a comfort to you over the years, and now, it feels foreign. you hadn't worn skinny jeans in years, opting mainly for flowery dresses because you needed formal-causal clothes for work. your style had been suppressed by dom for so long that you almost feel weird wearing these clothes now. you'd started wearing less "biker-slut" (dom's exact words, not yours) clothes and more "respectable attire". you dressed like dom's friends wives. a style that when you were seventeen you and angel had made fun of.
"they all look the same," angel had laughed, and you nodded, "suburban mom chic, you'd never catch me dead in that shit!" you'd responded. you don't dwell on that though, you just shove the things you need into your duffle and pull on a pair of old combat boots you'd had hidden in the back of your closet. as you get ready, you begin to realize you'd hidden a lot of things from dom even in the beginning of your marriage. maybe you should've clued in then, but you were in love. it took him physically putting his hands on you to realize how manipulative dom was.
you'd been smoking since you were twelve, a bad habit, one you'd always tried to kick but being with dom made you anxious—even in the beginning—so you began secretly smoking. anxious that he'd see your flaws and decide you weren't worth the hassle. you'd even stopped speaking spanish, a language you grew up speaking. not your mother-tongue, but one you'd been taught by bishop, angel, ez and their parents. a language you loved. dom didn't speak spanish, so you'd never had anyone around to speak it to except ares. you catch a glimpse of yourself in the window, and find yourself smirking.
you don't see twenty-seven year old you in your reflection. you see seventeen year old you. long dark hair a mess, blood streaked on your face, a growing black eye, all black clothes. you used to be a force of chaos, no one dared to even glance at you wrong. now, you don't know who that girl even was. she seems like a completely different person. you remember being such a firecracker, always getting into fights with people twice your size and nearly always coming out on top, and now, now, you're fleeing from your home in the middle of the night with your tail between your legs because your husband couldn't keep his damn hands to himself.
seventeen year old you would be incredibly disappointed in you. seventeen year old you would've killed dom the first time he hit you. however, you're not seventeen year old you. what you are, is scared, alone, and hoping you hadn't burnt too many bridges in the name of your "love" for dom. you turn away from your reflection and take your wedding ring off. you set it on his bedside table, and then you grab ares' favourite toys, and head down the hallway. dom peaks his head out of the office, and ares snarls.
"you're making a big mistake!" he says.
"the mistake was staying to begin with," you snap back, continuing on your path.
you walk down the stairs, your students essays long forgotten as you head into the kitchen and grab the coffee can you'd secretly been stuffing money into since before you'd gotten married. then you head out into the night, whistling for ares. he trots down the steps, and out of the house into the passenger side of your car as you wait. you can hear dom stumbling to make it to the door, and you just close the door and round your car.
you slide into the driver's seat, and turn the car on. dom comes running out, waving something in the air, you don't stop. you just back your car out of the driveway. if you drive all night you'll make it to santo padre by six or seven am. you glance at ares, smiling, slightly to yourself. we're free. you think, turning on the radio and turning it up.
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sunnynoga · 2 years
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Oh look, testing a new post from me after years of inactivity since the purge of ‘18 and glitches discouraged me regularly posting here after that.
Here’s the current redesign of my main avatar. You can learn more about her here on refsheet.  I’m more active on Twitter, which is my main hub for interactions. Tumblr will just be my occasional dumping grounds for art, but don’t expect regular updates here FYI. 
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beeroses · 3 years
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(gif credit to the owner)
Heyyy @evanstanwrites​ here’s my take on prompt 17 !! :) Congrats again for your new milestone, it’s well deserved! <3 
I tried being the most neutral and least descriptive of the reader, please be aware of the slight language warning! No other warnings! 
I felt like I HAD to tag you @chibsytelford​ on this one <3
- At some point, you’re gonna have to tell Chibs how you feel, gorgeous, Tig told me, half drunk, half smirking and halfway leaning on me.
I’d say, without me, he’d probably fall on the floor, by now. But since he agreed to emotionally support me, I figured I owed him to physically support him, at least for a while. He’s been a annoying child, nagging me about my feelings for the Scot ever since he’s known about them. To be completely fair, I hadn’t intended for Tig, out of everyone, to know about this. But he manages to be very AWARE for someone… well.. like him.
- I don’t plan on it Big Boy, I’m fine on my own. Plus, look at that, he looks perfectly fine on his own too, I let out, bitterly, watching him with his arm over some obviously far more out-there person than me. 
- You seriously think you’re not far better looking and that he’s not just trying to provoke you right now? Tig asks, almost surprised. 
- You must be kidding me, seriously.. 
Tig looked annoyed by my answer, and by me, most definitely. For a second, I thought he sobered up, he looked completely clear-headed. But the next second, he leaned down and kissed me all mouth, tongue and teeth. I don’t think I have the time to realize what’s happening and push him off before he’s already off me. The Scotsman holding him by the back of his Kutte looks like he’s about to shoot his face off with only his eyes as guns. When I look at Tig, he smiles sheepishly at me, winking and walks off, pull his kutte out of Chibs’ hand. 
Nobody says anything for a solid minute. Chibs and I both share a solid minute of looking at the floor awkwardly next to each other before he mumbles something about needing to do something and almost runs off somewhere, never to be seen again that evening. 
After that, the rest of the evening was uneventful : Tig kept apologizing, saying he was so sure that it would work, but also kept on drinking. I left he clubhouse towards the end of the bottle he was working on. It took me a couple of days to go back to Teller-Morrow. What am I saying, couple of days, it actually took me 2 weeks. I was usually here every other day, so after a couple of days, I started receiving messages from everyone, saying they missed me. But I felt embarrassed. For absolutely no reason, obviously, since I did nothing at all. But I felt embarrassed that even Tig’s plan didn’t work. Which meant, no matter how much I wanted to be wrong about Chibs not being into me, it meant I was right. 
When I went back, it felt like ages since I’ve seen them, which is ridiculous, but I found myself missing them a lot too. I had decided to move along and accept that Chibs and I were great friends and that it would be more than enough. Not only did I actually believe myself, but it was, as a matter of fact, true. Better have him some way than not at all was going to be my new motto. 
I sat on the picnic table with Juice for a while, talking about stuff : he’s been providing me with all kinds of things to listen to, new music and movies to give a try. I had my cellphone in my hand, taking notes as to what new things I needed to give a go when a hand took a hold of my phone and it disappeared. I looked up to see my favorite Scotsman, smirk digging his dimples plastered in his face, with my phone in his hand. I bolted up from the picnic table as there was some things, on there, I really didn’t want him to see or read. I ran up to him but the solid height difference between us made it really easy for him to just dig the distance between my phone and me. 
I tried pulling his arm down but to no avail, and by then, he was just, plain as day, laughing at my failed efforts. But the nightmare went on when he said :
- Let’s see what’s so important on there… 
My eyes grew three times their normal size. My thoughts were running wild. I HAD to think of something so, to my own dismay, I actually heard myself declare :
- I swear to God, dude, if you don’t stop, I’ll fucking hold your hand and tell you I love you. 
In which Universe was this logical, I have no idea, and it took my brain less than a nanosecond to regret my words. Now his eyes looked wild, like deer lost on he motorway, somehow. But I spotted a twinkle, it was there, I could see it, no doubt. 
- Alright, Darlin’, do it then, he said, his smirk taking back its place on his gorgeous face.
He looked daring. Like he was taunting me to do it. I didn’t move for a while, pondering what the hell was going on. So his eyes flickered back to my phone, where he started scrolling through my apps. He then opened the Photos app. He was about to start scrolling through them when I yanked his hand yelling : 
He paused for a solid second. And I figure he’s trying to find a way to defuse the very tense situation I put myself into. But he’s not, he softly laughed, intertwining his fingers to mine, pulling me closer to him. I suddenly feel my phone being put in my back pocket and he softly whispers :
- Took you long enough, Love. 
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ill-heart · 3 years
Clay : *screams*
Gemma : *screams louder to etablish dominance*
Juice : Shouldn't we do something about that ?
Bobby : Na, I want to see who wins.
Tig/Chibs : Fight ! Fight ! Fight !!
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mortaljortlebortles · 2 years
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I first went of Tumblr in July 2019 and I immediately realised that the gayness I saw between Yaz and The Doctor wasn’t in my head- that there were people like me who “see gay people”( my mum literally says this to me daily) and who were also looking for a home with their WLW ship mothering them. Sure that means I have a problem or something missing from my life without Tumblr but I am not alone and that made my 13 year old, literally just stopped repressing their biggest trauma, self feel valid. Though Bechloe was my first ship, Thasmin will always be why I can feel normal in this messy world and the place I go to be comforted. Thasmin is why I am on Tumblr, why I can admit I am a Biromantic Lesbian, why my gender doesn’t seem weird and the reason I can say I am mentally ill and its okay.
It took 4 years( and literally hundreds of poorly taken and some well taken snips- there are more those are just the auto sorted ones in one category) but I think Chibs has made sure we have 2 season, Flux and 3 specials in which we had a Pansexual companion explicitly pining for the Doctor and the Doctor being too scared to act. We also got Ryan and as a dypraxic person I am beyond grateful for that as well. 
I will forever be grateful to Tumblr, Thasmin and Dr Who!!! 
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