#camilla mcaulay
xoluciferxo · 2 days
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𝔚𝔥𝔢𝔫 𝔲𝔫𝔦 𝔣𝔢𝔢𝔩𝔰 𝔩𝔦𝔨𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔲𝔫𝔦 𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔟𝔬𝔬𝔨𝔰 >>>🍂
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noitsforthebetter · 9 months
how do i let people know that fall is my favorite season, not in a pumpkin spice way but in a “the snow in the mountains was melting and bunny had been dead for several weeks” kind of way?
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rosesforyourproses · 9 months
I really like how the Secret History lets you question your own morality, like you’re more upset of a person being a jerk rather than being an actual murderer.
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nathaniels-diary · 11 months
"The secret history is satire and you need to analyse it to understand the demonization of the dark academia aesthetic"
"The secret history is dangerous because it glorofices the dark academia aestethic"
Its neither satire and demonization nor a glorification it literally just shows the dangers of living FOR an aestethic and destroying your own life for beauty. Not even sutle like wdym the message "is written between the lines" richard is hanging out with the group for like a month and is already describing how alcoholism ruined him
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anatidephobia · 11 months
my grandma is currently halfway through TSH and yesterday when I asked her how she likes it and she was like “well no wonder they killed Bunny”
also she has lots of other savage opinions i love her
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gaymorbidlonging · 1 year
nooo don’t morbidly long for the picturesque at all costs youre so sexy aha
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mossykeats · 10 months
What film The Secret History characters would watch:
Henry: Oppenheimer
Richard: Oppenheimer (wanted to watch Barbie but couldn't lose the face)
Camilla: Oppenheimer then Barbie
Charles: Barbie then Oppenheimer
Francis: Barbie
Bunny: Barbie (would hate it)
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blackbirdswillsing · 1 year
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the secret history - donna tartt
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rlherondale · 1 year
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How do i tell people that this is what reading the secret history feels like to me, and this is why i love it so much?
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funeecate · 7 months
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hey guys its me bunny why are you all collecting ferns together wait now hold on just a minute
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xoluciferxo · 19 days
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𝔚𝔥𝔞𝔱’𝔰 𝔫𝔬𝔱 𝔱𝔬 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢? 🥖🍷🧺🍇🪟☕️🫖
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noitsforthebetter · 4 months
rotting in bed but in a richard wasting away during that first winter in vermont kind of way
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rosesforyourproses · 7 months
I had doubts that the gang really killed that farmer in the woods because he could be dead before they even tried shredding the hell out of him, but now my suspicions has been cleared. They killed the fuck out of him.
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Also, if the Bacchanal were mainly frenzied women (or at least that’s what i’m understanding) then could it be that it only worked on Camilla and the guys were actually running around the woods trying to stop her from whatever she was doing and she was actually the one who killed the farmer and Henry being the simp he is, tried to make up a lot of excuses and ways in trying to hide the crime? That by the time they found her they saw a dead farmer and Camilla sitting in the side of the river with blood all over (or at least their was blood).
Like think about it, Henry loved her, Charles had this weird obsession of her that makes him go crazy just by the thought of anything happening to Camilla, so of course Francis being their friend and liking her twin brother as well, tried his best to help as much as he could, and lastly, it was Charles at the end who was pushed so much by Henry and it could likely be because Henry threatened him that if word goes out, Camilla will be going to jail (obviously), and maybe that’s why Camilla couldn’t hate Charles after everything, and maybe that’s why Camilla was forced to have some romantic relations with Henry because Henry was pushing his brother towards sanity. But this could just be me or something.
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werewolfenthusiast · 1 year
i was thinking about this last night and i don’t know how to properly articulate what this means or makes me think rn but that part in the secret history when they’re at francis’ country house and camilla cuts her foot open and they all freak out and seem disturbed and disgusted by the wound and the blood and the pain and charles tries to pull the glass out of her foot but gets all freaked out about hurting her and can’t do it and henry just swoops in and deals with it with all the calmness in the world. idk if this is foreshadowing exactly but it sure is something
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urielliii · 2 years
probably the most upsetting realisation is when the desire to try to emulate either henry, charles, camilla, or francis is precisely what makes you a richard papen.
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bluesophie · 9 months
Maybe Henry lived more than twelve hours after the shot not because he didn’t wanted to die, but because he just wanted to live a little bit more and here’s why:
Maybe a part of him really wanted to know that Julian appreciated his “noble gesture” so he could pass away peacefully.
But, as I’ve said before, none of them will ever find rest, either in this world or in the after life and we can see the proof of this in the last Richard’s dream about Henry.
And notice that Bunny didn’t show up in his latest dreams. For he was innocent and his conscience was clear, he is the one who actually found peace.
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