#be for real
ladydeatharcheron · 4 days
Acotar fandom: Nesta called Feyre stinky in the beginning of acotar, so she’s an abusive bitch 🤬🤬
Also the Acotar fandom when Rhys twisted Feyre’s broken arm, SAed her under the mountain, drugged her, neglected the women of HC and Illyrian mountains, climaxed at the image of his unborn child, tried having sex with Feyre in a library designed for SA victims, actually did have sex with Feyre while people were dying 2 meters away, withheld vital information about Feyre’s own body and life and proceeded to force everyone to keep it from her, then threatened to kill Nesta when she told her the truth, destroyed an entire building to prove a point to Nesta (a girl who is TWENTY-ONE TIMES YOUNGER THAN HIM MIND YOU), threatened Nesta AGAIN because he refused to believe another woman could have control and authority over her own possessions: omg feminist king slayyy!! Feysand is such a power couple 😍😍
—If your hatred of Nesta was about her treatment of Feyre like you claim it is, you would’ve called out that purple bat a long time ago.
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raceweek · 8 months
all these celebrities and athletes investing in alpine has to be a money laundering operation like why would you look at that steaming pile of mid that is in some form of turmoil every 3-5 business days and think yeah. that’s where i want to put my millions
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free-my-mindd · 1 year
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ciaonicole85 · 2 months
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Rewatching season 1 and finished ep.6 today. I'm BLOWN away that from where we are in episode 6 that by the end of episode 8, Carmy wants Sydney to be his CDC and right-hand girl.
So, here's a recap. in Ep. 6 Sydney is zealously trying to convince Carmy to let her add a new dish to the menu and the to-go menu. Despite him repeatedly asking her to discuss it later, Syd keeps going, and he has to go into boss mode, basically telling her that her prior employers described her as talented but impatient and VERY GREEN. He promises to consider her suggestions, but he also wants to enjoy the relative peace they've finally established at The Beef.
Then later she presents him with the dish, this time considerately asking him if it's a good time to try it. He does calling it tremendous, but the sauce is a little tight. It's also not perfect and it's not there yet...Her face is cracked, but she soldiers on. Later he apologizes if he was " being sh***** earlier (he wasn't imo). Sydney answers, "It's all good" and he asks, "Yeah?" and she confirms they're good. Baby boy doesn't go around apologizing to even Natalie unless she confronts him.
Anyways...episode 7 is the to-go debacle, Sydney quitting in the middle of it, and then returning at the end of episode 8. This is when Carmy decides that this impatient and VERY GREEN young woman will be the CDC of his restaurant, The Bear, the dream he wanted to share with Mikey.
Yes, Sydney helped a lot with getting The Beef running more smoothly, but this is his dream since forever and his $$ on the line. Why not keep her as the sous when he has access to an elite culinary network? Someone might be willing to take a risk now that he's opening The Bear. Heck, he could even use ZipRecruiter. Either Chris Storer & Co. are writing a fairy-tale where a successful, award-winning, Michelin-retaining male chef will put all his trust in a significantly less experienced, stubborn female chef he's known for maybe a 3-6 months tops OR this man is at least subconsciously down bad for Sydney.
Like if this stays platonic, this is the most Disney-fied unrealistic platonic partnership I've ever seen. We love these characters for how real and flawed they are, but that decision is hard to swallow unless there's something complicated underneath.
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elskiee · 4 days
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who let the baby get on that goddamn horse?!!?!? he's way too small!!
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ineedaplacetostay · 3 months
The constant ao3 refreshing while it’s down is proof none of y’all could be Orpheus
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desperatefan54288 · 18 days
okay so this is a general observation.
Dwarves, while being strong and mighty, reallyy dont have much thoughts behind their eyes. Oh theres a key? There must be a door! Oh we need to sneak in? Thats why we need a burglar! Totally ignore the fact that thats the reason theyre raiding the hobbits pantry. And i could give so many more instances, but lets branch out to the dwarf king.
This mf, claims bilbo to be useless. When he only catches up very lately, that bilbo was stalling. AND STILL SAYS "NO THANKS TO YOUR BURGLAR".
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suchawrathfullamb · 28 days
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butraura · 9 months
Eddie in Eddie Begins: almost dies
Eddie in Survivors: after I almost died last year I changed my will so that if I do, you’re Christopher’s legal guardian
Eddie in The One That Got Away, the episode AFTER Eddie Begins: you wanna do a rope rescue?! Of course you do
Eddie in his head, probably: he’s gonna get himself killed after what I just went through to put him in my will
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optimizim · 6 months
discourse about what jhonen did or didn't declare as canon means absolutely nothing to me, considering jhonen has made such outrageous claims as "zim's favorite chipmunks movie is road chip"
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navnae · 1 year
Gareth and Jeff teasing Eddie about his “I don’t date” rule then him being a complete mess around Steve and showering him with kisses because he’s so in love with him. Eddie can’t go a day without hearing about how much he swore that no one on this planet could ever make him do anything that revolves around lovey dovey stuff and now he’s bought more gifts for Steve than he’s gotten in his entire life. Things don’t get easier when Steve joins in the teasing and makes it known to everyone that Eddie is more of a lover than he lets on making everyone laugh, Eddie is dismissive about the whole thing but he knows that he would do anything for Steve even if it’s being disgustingly in love with him.
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tooth-with-eyes · 15 days
I keep seeing people on TikTok post Andrew and Neil to the "a twink and a redhead" sound and each time my blood boils. How tf are you calling Andrew a twink? Really him? He is definitely not a twink, do you people even know the meaning of the word or is every gay man a twink to you.
Also Neil is not an actual redhead but this is the part that we as a fandom decided to ignore and the boy is Ed Sheeran now
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copingchaos · 7 months
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good to know that if i, as a future doctor, ever work in a hospital that simply provides care to every human being seeking it's internationally established right to health care, then it would be justifiable to bomb the surroundings of the hospital, take siege over it and to cut electricity off and to force me out under threat...
In all seriousness they're apparently seriously blaming a hospital for providing medical care to wounded people. In life threatening situations where people are bleeding out, you safe a life first and ask questions later. AND an infrastructure that simply allows medical care for all human beings does not make it a "terrorist" infrastructure. What kind of dense way of thinking is this?
Even "criminals" have a right to healthcare. Are doctors and nurses who visit murderers, drug dealers etc in prison all morally corrupt for establishing their human rights?
Any healthcare provider has a moral duty to provide the best of care to their patient, regardless of any personal belief.
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gwandas · 2 months
“the ember and randall bonus chapter doesn’t mean anything is wrong between Nesta and the IC because Cassian was eating cake with Nesta, Ember, and Randall later in the book”
orrr… and hear me out on this… they’re still going to be around each other even if they’re having relationship issues
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nightwngobssd · 3 days
Hey friendly reminder that there're more Batfamily members than Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian :)
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thegurlwhoisntthere · 6 months
I’ve been thinking about the whole “Batman won’t kill the joker and that’s stupid” take and I’m just thinking-
Okay? Like if mans wants to stick by this one specific moral code for a job that he has literally nothing but a moral obligation to do, than by all means, let him be.
But you know who we should annoy? The fucking DC Government. “Oh he plead insanity and that mean we can’t kill him” be so fucking for real. This is the same government that made the suicide squad. This is the same government where Amanda fucking Waller is in charge of random shit. You’re going to look me in the fucking eyes and tell me they couldn’t just make an exception??? You’re going to sit there and tell me the judge or jury or whatever the fuck couldn’t be like “actually we don’t believe that he’s insane, kill this motherfucker”???
I’ll be honest, I’m not extremely familiar with the comics, but if this is not a storyline that has happened? It needs to be. Story where Batman catches Joker, but instead of just throwing him back in Arkham, the Gov. steps in and puts him on a super high security trial, and regardless of what he claims, they legally sentence him to death. Nothing Batman can do, it’s out of his hands. Joker dies, not by a pissed off Harley Quinn, or an enraged Red Hood, but by a Government that’s tired of this motherfucker costing them too much money in property damage and other shit.
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