#baby miles tails prower
tornado1992 · 2 months
Sonic dressing up baby Tails in something like this
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There had to be something wrong with him.
The two tails were the most obvious. But there had to be something more. There had to be something wrong with him.
Why else did no one want him?
Little Miles curled up in the small cave he'd found for himself, burrowing in a pile of leaves he'd gathered up for a nest of sorts. The cave was far enough away from the village that no one should be able to find him here.
Why did they hate him so much?
He'd taken a few things, but that couldn't be the reason. They were mean to him before that. He only snatched scraps of food when he was really hungry because no one would give him anything and he couldn't find anything in the woods that was edible. And they'd already chased him away multiple times before he'd gotten that hungry that he'd risked sneaking back into the village to grab some food.
It had to be something else. Was it just the tails? Why? He loved his tails. They were warm and good for snuggling. He loved them. Or, he could love them. If it wasn't for everyone else telling him why he should hate them. He could never really hate them.
Maybe he was just a bad kid.
Bad kids took things. Bad kids got in the way. Bad kids weren't wanted.
Even his own parents didn't want him. He had only vague memories of them now, of golden-brown fur a little darker than his and loud voices that were angry a lot. He remembered them telling him to stay and wait, and then never coming back.
Maybe... if he'd waited just a little longer, just a couple more days, they would've come back. Maybe he was just a bad kid like that.
Maybe that's why no one could care about him.
Darkness was falling outside, separating his cave from the rest of the world. The night was always so empty and quiet, with no one around to protect him. He curled his two tails closer around himself, hugging them against his chest.
Was he always going to be alone?
The fox glanced up at the sound of his favorite voice. Sonic was staring at him, head slightly tilted as he studied his face. "You okay, pal? You zoned out there for a sec."
"Yeah, yeah! Just got distracted."
Sonic chuckled and ruffled his bangs. "Imagine getting distracted," he said with a laugh, leaning backwards to lie on the picnic blanket. "I, for one, am ALWAYS focused."
Tails chuckled as he shifted. "Yeah, right."
He glanced around. It was a beautiful day in Green Hill, perfect for the Restoration (and friends) picnic that they'd set up as a celebration of foiling yet another world-ending catastrophe together. Amy, sitting on Sonic's other side, gave him a smile before returning back to whatever she and Sonic had been chatting about a minute ago. Knuckles was leaned back against a tree looking almost peaceful, until Rouge came and started poking at him. All of Team Dark had actually shown up, even Shadow, although he was sitting at the very outskirts avoiding conversation. Cream served out slices of cake to everyone. Her mom was cutting the slices while chatting cheerfully with Vector and the other Chaotix. Silver was showing off his telekinesis for Blaze by making a kite fly even though there was no wind. The Restoration girls; Whisper, Tangle, Belle, and even Jewel and Lanolin; had found all spots in the grass where they were chatting.
Sonic gave him another look, before stretching out his arm and patting the empty spot beside him. Tails grinned and shifted over next to Sonic, curling up into the spot that fit him perfectly. He rested his head on his brother's chest, hearing the soothing thrum of his speedy heartbeat. A comforting sound. The sound of safety, of home.
"You sure you're okay, little bro?" Sonic asked quietly.
"Yeah. I am."
He was more than okay, he realized, as he looked around at his friends. His tribe. His family.
He wasn't alone anymore.
AO3 link here
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la-topazzz · 1 month
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0vergrowngraveyard · 2 months
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tailsnumber1fan · 6 months
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yawn snore yawn snore yawn snore yawn snore
redraw of this VVV
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chelsiegeorgia · 1 year
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*through my tears* wh-what if..Sonic’s first word *sobs* was Tails’ name *passes out*
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donelywell · 7 months
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July 15- 16 2023
Sonic and Tails Origin Pages 13-18 (of 22)
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 2 months
Since it's Knuckles Wachowski's week, I rewatched both movies, the first a couple nights ago and the second tonight.
And may I just say
No fictional characters have ever awakened my maternal instincts as strongly as the Wachowski children have.
I MEAN?!?!
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ratrrriot · 1 year
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Hand-me-downs 💙🌻
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b4kuch1n · 2 years
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same teacher, different lessons
#sonic the hedgehog#dr. ivo eggman robotnik#miles tails prower#sonic frontiers#SPOILERS. THERE ARE SPOILERS IN THIS COMIC BY THE WAY.#SONIC FRONTIERS SPOILERS#smiles gently I can not believe I let sonic the fuckign hedgehog ruin my life#(I can I totally can)#hi <3 if you follow me because I drew this sonic comic. don't!#don't do it! follow me bc I'm funny and hot and devastatingly smart don't follow me bc I draw sonic stuff. bc it won;t happen again#I mean it. not bc I dont like or want to do sonic stuff. but bc I am literally in the middle of a job rn#one that I want to invest 100% of my time and brain in#this comic is actually an effort to win my brain back so I can do my job lol#because I finished miss penny snapcube's streams of this game and it force fed me emotions#I just! I just thought sonic would come tell eggman abt sage!! idk seems like something he'd do!!!#and also the whole thing abt letting the characters move on and have a future and change and develop#vs Killing My Baby Little Guy Daughter For Like Ten Minutes#thematically interesting! also for some reasons I had. a pretty easy time drawing this#I was mouthbreathing galloping like a horse to finishing this. Because I Need To Work#I didnt expect to have a good time with these designs tho idk why. probably bc I most suck shit at drawing animals#but to be fair yet again sonic and tails are little guys. theyre animal but theyre also like dudes. also sonic's design is kinda perfect#as far as character design goes he's really pretty goo- wait I made a continuity error hol on#okay. okay I fixed it. no problem. no matter 's all good now#okay. I go sleep now. today has been very noisy. but this actually got me through it okay#thank you sonic the hedgehog. that was pretty cool of u#have a good night guys! absolute freedom is probably really really sad#long post
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tornado1992 · 4 months
The world does not deserve some things.
It doesn’t deserve destruction, hate or cruelty.
Sonic has known this for quite a while, being some sort of fighter for nature or a so called “protector” of it by a lot of people, he’s not so sure about that though.
Just as the world can be beautiful it can become dreadful, the world gives origin to everything in it, and that everything is part of the world itself.
The people that live in it are the part that shows the contrast the most clearly, just as some inhabitants are kind, take care of each other and enjoy the wonders it has to offer, there was a few of them that seemed to spite everything that wasn’t like them, everything they didn’t like, and everything that wasn’t theirs. Sonic knows that, he’s been fighting that enough time to be named a protector.
All things considered, to him the world still meant kindness, endless opportunities, adventure… and it meant freedom.
Then it meant something else.
Between all his fighting and running, he met and befriended a lot of the ones that called him a hero before he could even process the title, some of them energetic, some hotheaded, and some unbothered, they reminded him that even if there was despair or tragedy, the world he knew and loved was still there.
At least it was there to him.
Getting to know all the world meant getting almost as much deception and anger as happiness, every new place meant new sceneries, new ways, and new people, and he wouldn’t want it any other way. Even if it meant taking all the damage himself, getting to know everything personally was better than blindly trusting anything he was told, he knew it was worth it; he confirmed it when he went through one of the worst parts to find the absolute best one.
The place wasn’t even bad looking, the nature growing harmoniously beside the artificial work, it gave a peaceful kind of vibe, the people seemed kind and respectful, kids playing and chasing each other while adults looked out for them from afar, even welcoming him with open arms not caring if he was a stranger, “a united and caring community”, no sight of conflict or cruelty came to view, they didn’t seemed to have any hate in them. Only kind words and even warm chilli dogs greeted him. He thought this was the kind of place he would fight for.
That thought lasted less than an hour.
It really doesn’t take much longer than 10 minutes to completely change your perspective of a so called perfect community when after thirty minutes of an apparent peaceful environment you notice the sick looking child they suddenly chase down the woods so he doesn’t “steal their food and gives them bad fortune”. Sonic gives them a full minute of doubt, doubt to himself as what he’s hearing and seeing, because that can’t be right, because it must be a mistake. What reason could there be for a kid to “give bad luck”? Why would a kid need to “steal” food? And why would he be called a “curse”?
Some villager takes a long four minutes to explain the reason for all that, falling down to “that mutant was born with two tails”.
Sonic spends the next five minutes looking for the kid, and restraining himself from committing several crimes.
He had to focus, ending a full village’s whole career can wait, what cannot wait is the fox kit that just ran away from a group of kids leaving a trail of blood behind him. Even in the thick forest tundra it’s easy to see the big droplets of blood on the tree branches, the ground, and the tiny bush that kept trembling.
That’s where he found him.
A fox kit, didn’t looked any older than two, but by what he heard he could even be four. He looked way too tiny to be around four.
Big baby blue eyes greet him, a glassy sight, sorrow, confusion and sadness behind them.
The moment the fox noticed the speedster he tried to run, but the bush was too thick around him, and his back was facing a big tree log, he was trapped, the kid flinched every time he moved towards him, whined whenever Sonic rose to stand, and even started silently tearing up while curling around his tiny bruised body when he tried to reach for him. This kid thought Sonic wanted to hurt him.
How much does a kid has to suffer for his first reaction to some one approaching him being to cry, tremble and try to protect themselves?
Sonic can’t decide what enrages him more, the matted brown fur that surely must mean a long time without proper care for it, the bruised skinny body that trembled every few seconds as if it couldn’t stand by itself, the obviously recent bleeding nose that made the fox kit whimper every time he breathed, or the so clear loud sound of an empty stomach.
This was the result of long period of abuse and neglect, and by the way the kid hugged his twin tails while crying, Sonic would even call it torture.
Sonic couldn’t help him without getting close to him, but the kit wouldn’t let him near him without flinching. Putting the kid through more distress was not an option, but leaving him alone wasn’t one either, and the kid needed help, so he stayed. Sitting beside the trembling bush, taking watch in case some of those hollow hearted villagers came back while thinking of a way of helping the kid.
This is not the kind of help Sonic is used to offer, but he cannot just leave the kit alone. Even if he didn’t know anything about taking care of younger kids, even if his first aid kit was almost empty in his plane far away from him, even if the fox cried at the very sight of him, Sonic won’t leave him alone.
He doesn’t remember feeling like this before. Frustrating, he remembers some adults calling it, a feeling of helplessness, anger, and even sadness that consumes one self through the impossibility of effective action, in his case, the impossibility of helping.
And so he found himself, frustrated, sitting on the forest ground while rubbing his eyes with his hand, who knew, frustration is stressful; he kept at that for a few long minutes, until he felt a slight touch in his back. Finding those big blue eyes when he turned his head, a tiny gloveless paw patting him gently, careful with his quills but yet touching them, trying to comfort him.
This kid could barely stand, was obviously scared, at the verge of tears, and hurting from the beating the other kids gave him; and he was trying to make Sonic feel better.
It was clear now, they didn’t seemed to have any hate in them because they put all the cruelty and hatred in a kid, an innocent, tiny, and so kind hearted kid. The same village that greeted Sonic with kind words and offered him warm food was willing to let a literal toddler starve, if he wasn’t killed by the village’s youngest inhabitants first. All over something that wasn’t even bad, it wasn’t even his fault.
That won’t do.
Looking less distressed than before but still trembling wasn’t an ideal state to approach the twin tailed kit, but again, the kid needed help, the most urgent now being probably first aid, but Sonic sadly knew that the thing that would calm down the kid more would be something to eat.
Sonic offered him a smile, an attempt to soothe him, standing as slowly as he could not to scare the kid, and running as fast as his legs allowed him to return with four chili dogs was the game plan, managing to startle the kid a little bit with his rushed return, with the most difficult part of the plan being convincing the kid that the food was for him, that he could eat, that it wouldn’t hurt him, that Sonic wouldn’t hurt him.
Words might be useful to communicate that, but they just might, this kid was obviously casted away from society, who knew since when, he might not even understand him, well, if he used words that is, for now he hopes his smile would do (that and him eating a chili dog himself so the kit would know it’s safe).
It took a while, but it seemed like the fox’s empty stomach finally convinced him to eat, his hands trembling as he grabbed the supper, eyes getting a different kind of teary as he took his first bite, his twin tails wagging as he devoured his second chili dog.
Sonic wasn’t much of a baby person, sure they were cute and all he didn’t saw the big deal, all babies were the same. But seeing this little kid, a hurt toddler, starting to smile and wet his eyes over something as simple as warm food.. while a part of him was burning with rage, another part of him couldn’t help but think that he wanted to see this kid truly smile.
He wonders how could anyone see this kid with anything but love.
So he stayed around him, always with a smile, but even bandages, chili dogs, and big smiles couldn’t help much with the kids perspective of the word, much less the perception of himself.
The only world the fox knew before Sonic was a merciless one, rejection, hate and cruelty being its main traits, with bad people who would hunt him down, hit him and hurt him because he was the bad one, just for existing in the same time and place as all of them, but not being the same as them. He believed he really was the bad one for some time.
Sonic wouldn’t allow that for any longer, so he took the best part of the world with him and never planned to return it.
His life wasn’t the ideal deal for a toddler, he couldn’t give him a traditional family structure, a roof over his head, or a warm bed, but he also didn’t trusted anyone else to take care of him, he didn’t trusted the world to take care of him. So he would take the job himself, this kid wouldn’t go a day without warm food, he would never lack shelter, and as long as Sonic was around, he would always protect him.
But Sonic still was a hero.
Sonic fought and ran, ran and fought, and when the running and fighting from him alone seemed like not enough, the kit didn’t even doubted risking his own life to help him.
After a life of suffering, as little and scared as he was, at barely four years old, he still wanted to protect the world that wronged him.
The world doesn’t deserve this kid.
But it was the world itself that gave Sonic the title of protector, guardian, and hero; he knows there are things worth fighting for, far more than the things that wouldn’t deserve any kind of protection.
He won’t deny the title, ever.
Because even if some day everything around him comes down, everyone gets mad and bad, and his own hope is questioned, he’ll still have a reason to fight.
After all, this kid is his world.
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arataka-reigen · 5 months
I love that in every universe Sonic lands in his instant thought is "I gotta find Tails." "You know who can solve this? Tails." "I bet Tails can take us out of this situation."
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smallpwbbles · 6 months
Request: Some Baby Sonic being an absolute menace. Thanks!
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Based on how my Nephew acts when he doesn't know what he wants
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0vergrowngraveyard · 3 months
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redrew one of his sprites from murder of sonic the hedgehog
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dunkinbublin · 11 months
hi me again but you gave me permission to annoy you <3 so how abouttt
baby tails w shadow??
we have him w sonic & knuckles, so why not the edgelord this time
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nortedwayfinder · 2 months
if he fits he sits
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Was inspired by that top-tier post from @tornado1992
This one:
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