#all terrorist groups and militaries suck
twoelectrichearts · 4 months
Noah Schnapp is literally beyond evil. Like, spawn of satan level of evil. He only deserves to suffer for the rest of his existence. How dare he have empathy for innocent civilians in Israel and Palestine. First of all, there’s no such thing as innocent Israeli civilians. Second of all, you can't have empathy for both. Especially if he is a Zionist. All the Jewish people who identify as Zionists are evil. Israel has absolutely no right to exist and Jewish people have no right to exist in Israel. So many Jewish people who are Zionists claim that’s what Zionism means to them but they’re wrong. Zionism is pure evil. You can’t be Zionist and want peace and self determination for Palestinians. I’m not Jewish but I definitely know better than the Jewish Zionists who claim that. They’re all evil lying monsters. They want every Palestinian wiped off the face of the Earth. Hamas would never want such a thing. It’s not like they had a charter that said that about Jewish people. Even if they did, they supposedly recently changed it to Zionists instead so it’s all good now. Hamas is totally accepting of Jewish people now and would welcome them with open arms as long as they aren’t Zionist. Noah, if you’re a Zionist, don’t be anymore. You can change your evil ways. Hamas changed. Yeah, they may have killed civilians and taken hundreds hostage, they may have said October 7th was just the beginning and that it was going to happen over and over again, but they’re no longer antisemitic. They’re just anti Zionist so they’re good people now. You can change and be good too. You’re so young. There’s still hope for you. Stop lying and telling us how you want peace and self determination for Palestinians. We all know that’s not true. It can only be true if you aren’t Zionist.
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You liking something like this makes absolutely no sense if you’re Zionist. I bet you don’t even agree with it and just liked it by accident or something. It’s crazy how I even managed to come across this months ago considering nobody talked about it or brought it to light. You liking that sketch of people in the LGBTQ+ community simping over Hamas got so much attention and caused so much outrage though. Funny how the internet works. Anyways, as a bisexual, I was so offended by that video. Hamas are well known LGBTQ+ allies. How could you like that video as someone who’s gay? It’s probably because you’re lying about being gay too. Shame on you.
Last thing I’m gonna say is fuck Israel and fuck Israelis. That country and all the people living there are evil. They’re all colonizers and occupiers. It needs to cease to exist and all the people currently living there need to go back to where they originally came from. All of them came from Europe, right? That’s what I’ve been hearing. They all need to return to Europe. Gosh, why’d they ever leave there in the first place? I know Jewish people say otherwise but they’re wrong. They’re either lying or in denial. They’re not indigenous to Israel. They’re indigenous to Europe. Us non Jewish people really need to educate them more about their own history, religion, ethnicity, etc. We need to teach them what antisemitism actually is. A lot of them don’t seem to understand what it is. We do that to every other minority group that we aren’t apart of, right?
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waves-against-a-cliff · 3 months
She-Wolf - Feral!Reader x Ghost
Content Warnings - Violence, blood, descriptions of murder, smut, afab!fem!reader
Description - Soap notices something new about Ghost.
A/N - here it is @groguspicklejar I finally made it.
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That's new.
Soap has never seen that before. In the military you get used to the general disregard for privacy. You shower together, sleep in the same place together, eat together and bleed together. So Soap has gotten used to the bodies of those around him. But also, he's always noticed when things on his teammates' bodies changed.
Like when Gaz got that new scar on his thigh. And like now, with a tattoo on Ghost. Which is odd, he's never seen a new one on him before, always that same sleeve. Weirder still... Is that a tattoo of a bite on his left arse cheek?
For a moment, Soap thinks his eyes are deceiving him so he rubs them. Ah fuck- his hands had soap on them. Fuckfuckfuck. He rinses his eyes out and then looks over at Ghosts arse again. No, that's definitely a tattoo of a bite, a nasty one too. Like someone just tried to get as much as his arse cheek in his mouth at once.
Soap jabs Gaz in the ribs, "What the fuck?" Gaz hissed but Soap redirects his attention.
"Do you see that?'
"Ghosts ass? Yes I've seen it before." Gaz replies but Soap shakes his head.
"No you dumb fuck, look closer."
Gaz squints and gasps. "Oh my God."
Soap grins at him, "I know. Hold on, I'm gonna ask him about it."
"Hey LT." Ghost turns his head, a single brow raised. Soap had never been more grateful that Ghost had decided to suck up the communal showers. For both this moment and not having to deal with the vague smell of his BO on the flight back to the U.K. “What's with the new tattoo?”
“Yeah my girl’s a biter.” It's said so simply, Ghost turns and resumes washing himself. The soap suds run down his body and into the drain. Like he didn’t just say the most confusing shite ever.
“What?” Gaz laughs, “A biter?” Ghost shrugs and it dawns on Soap that he’s going to pull that classic Ghost move of saying out of pocket shite ever and then not elaborate.
A few months pass and Soap would like to say that he’s forgotten about it. That the bite mark tattoo did not haunt him and he didn’t- doesn’t- look at Ghost’s left butt cheek and wonder. Then they get a new mission and its all hands on deck, another task force joins in. Task force Medea. The 141 had worked with them a few times in the past, all very successful missions. The Medea task force was made up of seven women with varying skills but one always came to mind whenever Soap thought of the task force his mind wandered to She-wolf.
You’re wild, feral almost to a degree that makes him wonder how you managed to stay in the military. But your team members love you and when you’re not gnawing at the collar your captain tries to keep on you, you’re an amazing soldier.
“For this mission,” Price begins, standing at the head of the meeting table. On one side is Gaz, Ghost, and him. On the other is you and three other members of your task force (Viper, Circe and Artemis). Soap splits his attention between Price’s briefing (A terrorist group and cartel are working together to smuggle both weapons and people across the Polish and the Slovakian border) and you. You’re tapping your finger inaudibly, you keep glancing between Price and Ghost.
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Despite having worked with you before, Soap tends to forget the gruesome details. Viper and Circe were brutal in their own right, both combining their skills to gas out anyone in the building, Artemis and Ghost picked off the ones that fled. Now it was down to you and Soap to help clear out the building of any stragglers. Soap knew he was good at clearing rooms, it's how he got his call sign after all. But much like your call sign, you were a wolf. Predatory, sneaky and brutal. If you were a dog, he was sure you would be foaming at the mouth.
Soap tries not to focus on the gory details of your current appearance, (blood flecks on your face, hands soaked with blood after you gutted a man twice your size like a fish, blood smears on your pant legs from a man choking on his own blood and grasping for any sort of life line while you sneer at him), and instead clearing out the last room. 
“Steamin’ jesus.” Soap mutters and Gaz noticeably averts his eyes. Ghost, however, sighs.
“Lieutenant.” You chirp as Viper hands you something to clean your face with.
“Do you ever not make a mess She-Wolf?” Ghost asks and you bark out a laugh as you wipe the dried blood from your face.
“Nope.” You quip as he just sighs and Soap turns his attention to Gaz who is certainly not looking like he was enjoying this any more then he was.
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Your fingers dig into his pecs as you pant, your thighs, already sore from the mission, scream. “Did you like seeing me like that?” You ask between pants as you bounce on Ghost’s thick cock. You swear you can feel every detail of it, the veins rubbing against your walls, his tip constantly swiping against your g-spot and the very weight of him. “Did you like seeing me covered in blood?” You ask again as his hands dig into the meat of your hips. You stare down into his eyes that are swallowed up by his blown out pupils as he nods, a whimper crawls up his throat as your nails dig into him further.
You lean over and scrape your teeth against the junction between his shoulder and neck, you revel in the way he shudders. You bite down right as the thread snaps inside you and you gush all over his cock. Your moan around him as your pussy pulses rhythmically around him, your hips slow only for a moment. Instead you grind your hips against his as the last few shocks of your orgasm echo through your body. Ghost doesn’t move as you ravish him further in marks all over him. You love that about him, that no one will know these marks are here but you. He covers himself up a nun and only you know that he’s under you every time.
Only you know that his voice cracks and he throws his head back as he fills you. “Fuuuckkk.” He whimpers, his voice cracking and breaking. Only you know this view, of tears nearly spilling from his eyes as his chest rises and falls faster as you push him further towards overstimulation. When your hips finally stop you collapse onto his chest, he holds you close as you trace the multitude of bite marks and crescent nail marks.
“Wish we got to see each other more often.” You whisper.
“We’ll see each other when leave comes around.” Ghost- Simon, reassures you.
“Don’t think I didn’t notice that little tattoo you have.” You tease and pinch his vulnerable nipple. He hisses and smacks your hand away while you giggle.
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hero-israel · 19 days
I don't think the Biden administration has been withholding intelligence, I think that was just some really poor wording in the Washington Post article. all other reporting shows that there has been freely shared intelligence. the Biden administration want the intelligence that's being given to be used differently but it would be absurdly foolish for a very long list of reasons and go against standard practice to withhold it.
anyway so about realignment/reshaping operations. basically it's targeted strikes with the specific goal of creating a power vacuum which sucks other people into leadership positions who are more willing to sit down at the negotiating table and transition away from warfare. neither politicians nor the general public particularly like this method bc it's time-consuming due to the amount of intelligence gathering needed to ensure the ideal people are maneuvered into the ideal position. this method mitigates civilian casualties, doesn't flatten cities, and works far better than a ground offensive in situations like this and, given the small size of Gaza, a peace deal might have been possible by now if this had been done from the beginning.
as I said before, conventional warfare against an unconventional force doesn't work; it escalates the situation by turning the bystanders into sympathizers and turning the already sympathetic into being active in the movement, whatever the movement may be and for better or worse. this holds true in other situations as well; consider any situation with a state force vs a non-state force, such as the Boston Massacre, Bloody Sunday, and anything involving police violence. to quote the article in the post you linked regarding the Houthis: “And the use of force against the Houthis in the past […] has merely allowed the group to refine its military capabilities and portray itself as a heroic resistance movement, bolstering its legitimacy at home.” because even when the non-state force is the agitator or bad guy this still holds true. hence the IDF having to return to northern Gaza bc hamas has reemerged there and the unhinged people in the west supporting terrorists that they claim are heroic freedom fighters. hamas knows this on some level as well. they know they have no chance of winning in combat but they can win the propaganda war whilst recruiting new combatants to replenish what they lose after each new round of violence.
I do disagree with the author of that article about using an entirely diplomatic response in regards to terrorism bc that's unrealistic and frankly silly (and, as an USAmerican I'm compelled to quote the meme, don't touch our boats). but at the same time, to quote the article again, “[…] the United States has only bad options because of its failed approaches to Yemen over the past 20 years. Washington must not repeat its mistakes. Decades of experience have shown, by now, that military efforts to dislodge the Houthis are unlikely to be effective. Instead, they may merely further devastate the lives of the already struggling people of Yemen.” the author isn't wrong there. the USA spent two decades in the region with little to show for it, and unless Israel changes its method of taking on hamas soon then you guys will be speedrunning the same mistakes we did.
you can't fight an unconventional force via conventional means nor can you do diplomacy with undiplomatic people, but there are options other than doing nothing and fighting forever wars. I'm not as versed in armed conflict and counterinsurgency operations as I am foreign policy and propaganda, but there's been a century's worth of research into such things and this is what it indicates according to the experts.
the USAmerican advisors/admin are also aiming for a three-point plan of a multi-national regional security force to ensure everyone stays chill upon a ceasefire, supplying tons of stuff to rebuild, and a functional Palestinian Authority/government to lead the way to actual statehood. which seems to have some growing support among Israeli officials and surprisingly even neighboring states seem to be on board. this could actually result in a real end to the conflict though it may remain tense for some time and people may have to choose between getting justice or getting peace, similar to the aftermath of the Troubles in Ireland. there's no way this ends with confetti and parades. it will likely be depressing for both sides and have many variables that could cause everything to go off the rails and back into a cycle of violence. but despite the risks and current horrors, long term peace and stability seem more optimistic now than they have ever been.
I'm not among the people who expect a simple solution that magically solves one of the longest and most complicated geopolitical issues on the planet. and I don't have an opinion on what the course of action should actually be, I'm just aware of the likelihood of various things helping or hindering peace and wanted to at least try to explain some of the foreign policy stuff that tends to go over most people's heads. (I'm so sorry for this being so long)
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0venatrix · 15 days
What are the Ssca? And how would your characters react to my XCOM commander MEC helping the battle? My commander would probably just randomly be fighting aliens as he loves using weapons and hates aliens,so he just goes on hunts (Do remember my commander MEC is a combination of the gun love and manic love of using weapons i have combined with the combot programming of a MEC in the 8ft tall MEC frame with a chaingun and a powerfist)
There’s quite a bit of lore to Ssca. So here, text slab:
Ssca are one of many nations from planet Ruka. There xenophobic, fascist, and theocratic. There ethnic group (Scaa) looks very different from the other rikeuninerd, because they’ve been practicing eugenics for 30’000 odd years. Basically, they suck.
They wear this “we’ll fix everything for you” mask and they truely think what there doing is for greater good. “Adopt our religion and everything will be fine!” “Put this person in charge of everything because they live in a desert and have an opal pendant!” “We’ll fix your politics!!” “Your economics!!” “Make it better!!” “But first we have to kill the degenerates!!” “Build a wall!” “Send em to the oil rigs if they decent!”
Ssca is responsible for the Ssca dispute, a period of fluctuating unrest, characterised by racially motivated terrorism, political upheaval, and wars instigated by Ssca. It began around 27,000 BCE.
Throughout the Ssca dispute, The Ssca empire was reformed three times, with Sscaaa followers existing as insurgents when a government wasn’t present.
1st Ssca empire
For a long time people had been shunning individuals who did wrong. Lots of these individuals were violent pirates and religious extremists from a particular fishing union, Dy. At 27’000 BCE under Zyroo (means leader person) Scrsysysa, Ssca was formed as a separate nation from Dy as even Dy hated Scrsysysa.
Scrsysysa became a self proclaimed god cause Scrsysysa found some opals while surviving in the desert. This layed down the foundations for Ssca’s religious sect and politics. After 50 years of isolation in Scayikra’s far east, shunned individuals lead by Scrsysysa declared war on the entire Scayikra continent. This was the 1st Ssca dispute, where Ssca launched terrorists attacks on other quasi-states. Ssca invented guns and built a border wall, and for 11'237 years had control over all the high desert and east Scayikra, being the Kuka’s (planet) first military superpower.
That was until corruption and rebellion got to em. Ssca fell, re-forming a ton of the nomadic groups that had been oppressed, as well as some new ones, collectively known as Sluea by Ssca (basically means “anarchist”). Ssca still existed, but as one of the many groups, and they didn’t cause as many issues… until.
2nd Ssca empire
Founded by Scyzyzy at at 16’302 BCE the 2nd Ssca empire was a complete failure. Scyzyzy declared war on Screea, marking the 2nd Ssca war, to get revenge on them being “responsible for the downfall of Ssca.”
This guy was basically bird Mussolini. Scyzyzy ordered a bunch of naval ships to bombard Screea, wich all got stuck in a canal and were destroyed in a matter of hours. The war lasted 1.5 years (that’s by the Georgian calendar, this is like a month to them). There where lots of useless air raids from Ssca during this war.
The 2nd Ssca empire fell when they capitulated at the end of the war.
3rd Ssca empire
Arguably the worst literation of Ssca, the 3rd Ssca empire was founded by Scykykyky in 1923 after Ruka’s currant superpower Ra Reik drew up Scayikra borders, and gave Ssca borders.
At this time Ssca also made FTL (faster than light) travel. They’d never get the opportunity to develop spaceships tho. For now they just jump drones n people threw time and space.
Ssca set out on a mission to reclaim not only their former territory, but where also secretly locating other planets. Earth was one of those. They started spying on humanity and planning a genocide invasion, and also kidnapped people.
From 1974 there was the beginning of an ever worsening Cold War. The unease that occurred beforehand is considered a part of the larger dispute: it’s argued when this Cold War actually started.
In 2024 the 3rd Ssca war started when a reconnaissance unit proved that Ssca was braking international laws, prompting Ssca to declare wars early, as to keep people from discovering there atrocities. Humanity, mostly unknowing to what Ssca had been doing, got involved in this war.
For your second question, I’ll reblog this post cause it’s *long* already.
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autismserenity · 6 months
Nothing you say will change the undeniable fact that Israel has killed more than 1% of the civilian population of Gaza through indiscriminate bombing since the start of this war
this is why Hamas only reports total people killed, and doesn't separate out civilians and combatants. because it knows that you'll assume they were all civilians, despite zero reason to assume that. nobody else does it that way. every single country on earth reports civilians and combatants separately, because killing civilians is a war crime.
Part of the reason that this is really good propaganda is that if someone responds by clarifying that it was only ____ civilians, they will sound like they're minimizing, which will lead to immediately dismissing their point.
Hamas is honestly masterful at propaganda.
Which sucks.
Anyway, if you want Undeniable Facts or at least Numbers: there are 2.3M people in Gaza, of which 30,000-40,000 are Hamas military. An unknown number are Hamas leaders, cybersecurity, military academy staff, etc. None of that really makes a dent in a number like 2,300,000, though. As of the beginning of December, more than 5,000 of the 15k+ it had then killed were Hamas members, for a civilian:combatant casualty ratio of almost 2:1.
Meaning that it had killed almost 10,000 civilians. Which also sucks.
For the curious, here are the ratios of civilian:combatant deaths you get with the numbers here for various wars:
Mexican Revolution  1:1
WWI close to 1:1
WWII between 3:2 and 2:1
Korean War about 2:1
Vietnam War 2:1 at highest estimate, 1:1 at lowest
Russia-Afghanistan War between 5.6:1 and 20:1
Israel-Lebanon War 6:1
Both Chechen Wars 7.6:1
NATO in Yugoslavia most likely 4:1
Afghanistan War 0.4:1 (or if you treat the civilians as the basis for comparison, it's 1:2.5)
Iraq War 1:2 thru 2015, then 4.5:1
U.S. Drone attacks in Pakistan 1:5
Second Intifada between 1:1 and 2:1, with 59% of Palestinian and 69% of Israeli deaths being civilians
2008 Gaza War 3:2 
2014 Gaza War between 1:1 and 3:1
Ukraine: 1:6 as of end of 2022 - surprisingly, this is the lowest ratio of any of the wars I've looked at
Israel-Hamas war as of beginning of December: 2:1. (15600 total, more than 5000 combatants.) 
As of Dec 19, Israel has killed 19,667 people in Gaza. Let's see if we can get an actual number for how many of those are civilians.
I can't find an up-to-date number for combatants. It was 5,000+ on the 6th, and 7,000+ by the 10th,
It's been primarily fighting in Hamas strongholds that aren't SUPPOSED to have any civilians in them. Given that it killed three hostages, that's obviously not guaranteed. But that's why the number went up so fast.
As of the 19th, Israel has killed 4,000 people in about two weeks. At least half of those are combatants. But it's also wildly unlikely that it's only killed civilians since the 10th. Guessing that half of those deaths were combatants seems reasonable; it should be more, based on all the info we have.
That means that Israel may have killed 11,667 civilians, of maybe 2.27M civilians in Gaza. And killed 8,000 Hamas members, of maybe 30,000. (700 have also surrendered, last I checked.)
To be fair, separating out the combatant deaths doesn't do a lot to change what percent of civilians have been killed, because 2.3M is such a big number.
It's 0.6% with them, 0.5% without them. (Not 1%, fortunately.)
But it's always worth noting that Hamas is a lying group of liars that lied about having raped civilians en masse, lied about having killed civilians en masse, lied about wanting to specifically fight Israel and not Jews in the rest of the world, and is even happier to mislead people than it is to lie outright.
By contrast, it's about 30% of Hamas, between Israel killing its members being killed, and them surrendering.
I don't particularly like the number of terrorists killed either, tbh. Despite how enthusiastically some people misinterpreted what I said, I don't like it when anybody gets killed.
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maxwell-grant · 1 year
Street Fighter 6: Issue #2 thoughts
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Not at all a fan of this new art style especially for the women characters but I must say, I never thought Street Fighter of all franchises would make their geriatric Russian terrorist wizard villain look cute and not as an ironic thing.
Seriously though he looks WAY different than he does in-game, but I’m not complaining. I actually really like how Johann is drawn here, one of the highlights of this issue for me. The way he’s drawn here actually succeeds in making him look like he’s not a villain. He looks way more like someone you could buy as a deceiver, someone who’d trick you into giving your savings away to help poor starving children.
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They scale him down hardcore from his game design in a way that would suck if this was meant to be in-game, but here? It works great. He has this breath of expression that you just don’t see in the usual villains of the series, because he is putting a lot of effort into pretending not to be one and actually succeeding! He gets sad and worried over hearing about the opposition, he reacts with convincing shock over the broadcast, he looks scared and distressed over the news reporters closing in, he even displays enough moments of genuine concern over his assistant without anyone looking. I know none of this is that groundbreaking but we never actually see fighting game villains in storylines putting in effort when it comes to this stuff, even the ones we’re supposed to buy as great deceivers or upstanding public figures. The art style really does a lot for him here.
In fact, JP in-game doesn’t act like this, he quite clearly embraces his villainy more openly in it, which means this is pointing to a neat little arc of sorts where we’re seeing Johann on the backfoot working the long game in terms of attaining power, versus in-game where he’s clearly not afraid of openly skewering and poisoning his opponents with Psycho Power and then making a point out of not crushing their heads beneath his heel when he’s through because they are that insignificant to him, and I really want to see that mask-off transition as it plays out.
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Okay so for those viewers at home trying to keep track of the score so far: After last issue where Ken was almost assassinated with a car bomb in the midst of a political riot, this issue kicks off with him being framed by a terrorist hacker group of anti-capitalists dressed like plague doctors (a BANGER of a fitting design choice the more I think about it) who wish to “expose the agents of chaos to the world”, who seem to be using A.I deepfakes to frame Ken and claim he was both working with the Nayshall establishment as well as funding terrorists to manipulate the cryptocurrency market, and that they have seized these funds to be “an iron hammer, swung down upon the head of all capitalist exploiters”.
And this is part of a master plot to increase viral searches for Nayshall and the tournament, thus driving the crypto value up as well as bets related to it, which we know has to with a N.G.O oligarch and policy advisor’s personal project to secure military power and political stability for his nation through, among other things, viral popularity and weaponization of content and successfully scamming a billionaire into thoughtlessly tanking his country’s economy so he may rebuild it better than before.
I feel like I should clarify that Street Fighter and pretty much all fighting game have never really so much as acknowledged the word “capitalism” before, let alone made a plotline focused on it. And yeah the “anti-capitalist terrorist” is a loaded archetype to say the minimum in it’s own right, I’m certainly trying to keep expectations measured, but look, it is insane that this is happening at all, this is the franchise putting on big boy pants in regards to a storyline in a way it never really has before.
Street Fighter’s been dark enough allright, even too much, and it individually brushed past or even handled mature storylines from time and time, but it’s never remotely been this topical or even tried to be, it’s never made a conscious effort to go hard on being political, that’s just not what fighting games tend to do. Maybe they’ll botch it, maybe it’ll just be window dressing, but I’ve not been dissappointed so far and I think it’s very commendable that they’re actually giving it an effort here.
(Also calling it right now that Amnesia’s leader is JP’s assistant)
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How long was this before the game? In this, Chun-Li’s still with Interpol and got promoted apparently, but in-game she’s clarified as an ex-agent. So how much time passed?
Chun-Li’s fairly boring in here visually and character-wise, I’m not happy to see her as a cop ever. I like them putting her in work clothes and putting the characters in different outfits in general, but I don’t like how generic she looks. I like her scene with Li-Fen though.
Completely forgot Li-Fen was put in SFV as a hacker prodigy because I forget most things about SFV on the regular, but I dig her being Chun’s “guy in the chair”. Some people got confused by it but I dig that Li-Fen calls Chun her older sister, that’s kind of a role Chun-Li’s played before with other characters and I like that it makes their dynamic more casual than if it was a mom - daughter kind of thing, gives them more room to bicker a little and I think it gives Li-Fen a little more independence in their dynamic.
I do like that Chun-Li clarifies she isn’t fooled one bit by the video and that she’s keeping Ken in custody for his own safety, because Ken turned into a worldwide-hunted criminal overnight and it’s the safest place for him to be on. I also like that they’re clearly not close and barely even recall meeting each other and so they don’t really talk things through, I like it because it acknowledges that these characters don’t all know or even like each other just because they’re on the same sides. Small thing I know, but the more recent games really homogenized the cast dynamics so I like anything that corrects that.
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Oh man now THIS is great, Ken is so fucked. I need to talk about this guy.
This is deepfake A.I Ken, and if anything he looks way too convincing to be an A.I thing (but then again Street Fighter has enough sci-fi tech, I mean Seth was a thing years before this and so were the Illuminati shape-shifters), but putting all that aside, damn, this was kind of a revelation to me. I finally figured out why I just never liked Violent Ken as a concept and this is why: because he quite clearly should have always been THIS guy.
Violent Ken was designed as a counterpart to Evil Ryu, a Ryu who’s overtaken by the Satsui no Hadou and fully given in to his worst self, but because Ken doesn’t have the Dark Hadou, instead he’s based on the SF II film concept of Ken having been fully brainwashed by Bison’s Psycho Power. He’s not that terrible a concept or design, I think the SVC Chaos artwork is pretty cool, but he was never really worth much, not that much more interesting than if they did like, Evil Dan or Sakura (...well I guess they did do both at some point).
See, Evil Ryu as a character is not the best idea in the series by a long shot, but he works mainly because he’s Ryu designed around Akuma, which is not just cool but also works meaningfully, since Akuma was already designed to be Ryu’s darker opposite and ultimate enemy. Besides the fact that “hero becomes like their own worst enemy” is a time-tested cool idea with a lot of storytelling power and Akuma being an incredible all-timer design that is very clearly worth ripping off, Evil Ryu takes the shared traits they have, powerful martial artists who wander the world in pursuit of strong opponents to challenge them and to prove themselves the greatest among warriors, and twists Ryu into the fascimile of Akuma that he always dreaded becoming and was always in danger of becoming with or without supernatural bloodlust, changing very little about his motivation.
I’d argue Evil Ryu only really reached his potential as a character when brought back for IV, when they made him look like a monstrous and savage endgame for Ryu instead of just Ryu with a tan, and showed more thoroughly what would happen if Ryu was consumed by the Satsui. His already tattered gi is shredded beyond repair, he burns with overflowing uncontrolled power, and he is more animalistic and brutal than even Akuma because he has no control whatsoever over this power. Like Ryu, he lives for battle, he wanders the world with nothing on his back to seek out and fight the strongest warriors, but he has fully devolved into a fighting beast who fights and maims and kills wantonly, who finds no answer in the heart of battle because the heart isn’t there anymore and there’s only a volcanic gaping necrotic mark of shame and tragedy where it should have been.
Twisting Ryu to make him more like Akuma works because Akuma is Ryu’s nemesis, and because they have enough in common to have a middleground, something that Ryu cannot concede ground on (because the one time he did, he nearly killed the world’s strongest fighter with a cheap shot attack, over a fight he clearly lost). But twisting the other shotos to be more like Akuma always felt more tacked on than anything, because they just don’t have the same dynamic and motivation that Ryu has, and that’s kinda the major problem I have with Violent Ken: he’s an evil version of Ken who actually has nothing to do with Ken’s character, he’s just an imitation of Evil Ryu in Ken cosplay, and he doesn’t even get to fall in the dark side of his own accord since it’s Bison’s doing.
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And so this is why I think this, this thing that shows up for like a couple of pages? This is what Evil/Violent Ken should have always looked like. A Ken who becomes the worst version of himself, who maintains his basic character and motivations but is wholly and completely stripped of humanity, isn’t going to be a fighting hobo in torn clothing and an obsession with pursuing strength, because that’s not what Ken is.
Ken is the upper class rival who has everything his rival does not, the champ who flaunts his strength and privilege and fights with flash and style, the “arrogant steward of globalized capitalism” as he’s called in the comic. Evil Ken isn’t going to be a battle berserker caked in blood and dirt, he’s going to be Dio Brando squeezed into an immaculate yuppie shitbag suit. He’s going to be the picture-perfect image of selfishness
I frankly really hope this design shows up again even past whatever else they have planned for this cover-up. I love this split-second idea of Evil Ken too much to never see it again. I really want Terrorist A.I Ken to be a thing they bring back.
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laurellament · 6 months
anyways just a shame to unfollow you for falling into some truly violent rhetoric, I know people justify it all the time but the fucking “no innocent civilians” thing is just another fucking level, and it sucks. You can be pro palestine and pro peace without that mindset that not a single Israeli is deserving of like, life and human rights.
I understand emotions are running hot, but "all Israelis deserve death," and "not a single Israeli is deserving of like, life and human rights" are coming from you, not me nor the post you're referring to.
Here's the full post:
"it's not IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) it's IOF (Israeli Occupation Forces)
it's not Israel-Hamas war it's Israel-Palestine war
it's not even war it's genocide
and actually it's not even Israel it's occupied Palestine
Hamas is not an extremist terror group it's an armed liberation group
they're not terrorists they're militants
israelis are not innocent civilians they're illegal settlers and occupiers
there is no two states solution, there's one Palestine from the river to the sea for everyone jews, christians and muslims and it will be free"
I bolded the part you're focusing on. It says nothing about murdering all Israelis. It says nothing about all Israelis being undeserving of life or human rights. I didn't mean that when I reblogged it and I definitely don't believe it.
However, anyone who benefits from colonized land and genocide is not "innocent" of the actions that were taken to get that land. I live on stolen indigenous land, I benefit from its seizure and the murder and forcible removal of those who where here before.
I did not put on a military uniform and take the land myself but I am still directly benefiting from those atrocities and so I am not "innocent." Is it not the same in Palestine, or anywhere where the land is stolen and people are murdered so another group can move in?
It is the responsibility of everyone living on colonized land to admit this to themselves and do what they can to make it right.
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sitepathos · 1 year
The Boggart Problem
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Laswell catches wind of a group of terrorists meeting with a group of Dark Witches to trade weapons. You and the rest of the boys are sent in to stop it; a fight breaks out and in the chaos, the box containing the weapons is opened, revealing Boggarts transforming into everyone’s greatest fears.
A/N: a comment from @hellnoname inspired me to bring this concept I’ve had to life. I just hope it lives up to expectations.
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He’s been in the military for most of his life, and has seen the worst mankind can conjure. He thought he was capable of powering through the sheer horror his jobs brings while in the field, but his Boggart makes him reconsider that.
As the creature stops spinning and reveals his greatest fear: the corpses of his team, you included.
Sure, he’s seen death before, watched the life fade from a man’s eyes and witnessed his fellow soldiers be torn apart by a flurry of bullets. But it’s different with all of you.
141 is the first task force he’s personally assembled and led; he carefully picked each member and approached them to convince them to join. He’s stood side by side with all of you as gunfire rains from around the corner and laughed about it later at the bar for post-mission celebrations.
To him, you’re not just soldiers, but his sons. The ones he never had. And the thought of losing one of you hits harder than any artillery shell; seeing you makes it even worse. A young lad, still just a boy, with so much talent and potential inside and his whole life ahead of him. And it was cut short.
You agreed to join them in their missions; to boldly march with them, even if it could mean death. And worst of all, you put your trust in him. And this is how he thanks you.
When you finally cast Riddikulus and banish the damn things, he opens up more when you stop at the bar afterwards. That Boggart reminded him that in their line of work, death can claim any one of you, and he wants to make sure he spends as much time with all of you as possible.
Of course, death can take his boys over his dead body.
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Gaz’s Boggart would probably be something from his childhood that plagues him to this day. Something traumatic that put his life in danger.
Say, for instance, a snake bite. When he was little, his parents took him on a camping trip and when they turned their backs, he wandered off and unfortunately found the UK’s only breed of venomous snake, the Adder. The poor thing managed to see it pounce just before it bit him.
Luckily, his parents heard his scream and were able to find him. His dad had the training necessary to suck the venom out and he was rushed to the nearest hospital. He made a full recovery, but was forever scarred with an intense fear of snakes. Just the sight of one is enough to make his heart beat faster, his palms sweaty, and his breathing quicken.
Now, that same snake not only stands before him, but now it’s giant. Even bigger than Ghost. Just as his little Gaz remembered it.
He’s paralyzed. Countless missions in countless hostile environments, and an overgrown lizard is what makes him completely shut down.
You manage to cast Riddikulus before it can bite him and it takes him a while to snap back to reality. After he does, he vows to beat his fear no matter the cost.
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Trauma alert! Trauma alert! Trauma alert!
No, but seriously, Price may have years in the military on Ghost and seen more action, but Ghost has literally crawled back from the grave, if you know his past. And if you’re familiar with his upbringing, then you know that this man has seen hell itself.
For a man as troubled as Ghost, what could be so intimidating that it would make him completely paralyzed in fear?
The answer is simple: himself. His Boggart turns into a copy of him; a version of himself that’s completely snapped.
The first thing it does is choke you and Soap, the two closest things he has to friends… or what he imagines friends would be since he never had them growing up.
And the truly screwed up part? It’s staring at him the entire time, as if saying, “Look what you’re doing. They love you, they trust you, they put their lives in your hands, and this is how you repay them. How can you be so cruel?”
And that’s what scares him the most: the fact that he can snap at any moment; that one day all his repressed shit will bury him and he’ll hurt those that he cares for, which he thinks is the only thing he can do.
After the Boggarts are banished, he takes some time to himself before joining the rest of you at the bar. The thought of you and Johnny being hurt by his own hands is enough to bring a tear to his eye, which he thought was no longer possible.
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He may be 141’s resident comedian, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have his demons. He finds out that Boggarts can not only take the form of physical fears, but abstract ones, as well. And it makes its victim’s fears to the surface, no matter how much they may know it’s not true.
His Boggart turns into his fear of being alone, surrounding him in a seemingly endless fog that cuts him off from the rest of the team. Even worse, it seems to block all sound, so he’s unable to call for help.
He’s always been afraid of being alone, even as a child, so that’s why he’s always so loud and always being friendly, and why at night he needs to have some sort of noise in the background. Being alone for too long without any sort of noise brings some sort of dread in him that leaves him paralyzed.
He screams in the fog, but nothing comes out. He thrashes, but hits nothing. Eventually, he collapses into a ball, tying to comfort himself in some way, telling himself that he’s not really alone and that his team will save him.
And you do, you cast Riddikulus and help him back to his feet. He’s not ashamed to admit that he clung to you the entire walk to the helicopter.
At that bar, he clings a bit closer to the rest of you. So long as he has you and the rest of 141, he’ll march right into enemy fire, kick down the gates to hell, and give Satan himself a wedgie. So long as he’s never alone.
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His fear is easy to figure out, but that doesn’t make it any less frightful: a vision of Las Almos engulfed in flames and her people screaming as the fire consumes them.
Like with Soap, his Boggart is able to bring his fear to the surface and completely paralyze him in a matter of seconds. Deep down, he knows his home is still standing, but right now, the Boggart is making him think his greatest fear has come to pass.
In the vision, he sees Rudy, the closest thing he has to brother, on fire; Rudy screams for Alejandro, but he’s unable to do anything. And for some reason, death doesn’t come, just more pain.
As the flames grow stronger and the cries become louder, he begins to break down. His home is gone, reduced to a pile of ash, and there’s nothing he can do about it.
After the Boggart is gone, he makes arrangements to go home for a few days. He knows that what he saw was nothing more than an illusion, but it’ll help set his mind at ease. And Laswell is more than happy to give him the time off.
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Like Alejandro, his fear is easier to figure out, but that doesn’t make it any less valid.
All his life, he’s struggled with terrible social anxiety and he’s only just recently made progress to beat it. His Boggart takes the form of hundreds of eyes, all of them staring at him, judging him, belittling him.
He always takes a Calming Drought before a mission, to help beat the jitters that come with his line of work, but the Boggart somehow overpowers the potion and not only brings his anxiety back, but amplifies it tenfold.
He begins to hyperventilate and eventually crumples up into a ball, trying to make himself so small that he can hide from the eyes, but he’s reminded that his size makes him too big to hide anywhere.
He cries out for someone, anyone, to help him. To make the eyes disappear. To make his anxiety disappear. He eventually starts to choke up.
You manage to banish the Boggart and help calm him down, giving him a Calming Drought you keep on you whenever you’re around the Australian giant.
After he gets back to the base, he locks himself in his room, turning out all the lights and covering the single window he has. In the absolute darkness, he does the breathing exercises he was taught as a kid to curb his anxiety. For a while, he insists on being alone and Price is happy to give him his alone time.
Although, he’s happy to accept your offer of using your Animagus form if you happen to be a cat/dog. He finds petting your soft fur helps and asks if you’d be willing to do this again, which you happily agree to.
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miloucomehome · 10 months
(so good!!!)
First, first!!
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The moment where Doram and Nozaki try to get Nogi's Face ID at the restaurant was adorably funny.
Also: The Nozaki-Doram-Genghis teamup later? Love it.
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Onto the next stuff in this episode (there's so much. I'm only just touching upon some things)
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Nozaki being written and treated as a very competent state agent makes me happy. He's not hyper-competent, he has "fun", he's not hyper-serious all the time (that shit-eating-"You won't believe the plan I've cooked up heheheheh"-grin he has is golden--he's smart. He'll mess with people if he needs to and shares only the necessary info he has with those he trusts (at the moment). He also revels in messing with people haha. Plus he uses his jovial nature to get on others' good side, but he's sincere when he means it. I'm positive that prior to all this he truly has taken an interest in Nogi and is going to treat him the same way, but with more subtly poking to figure out what's going on
I love Nozaki (and I truly believe that in light of the reveal this week, he found Nogi endearing, was maybe falling for him or just wanting him to be ok idk, and now has to suspect him and truly learn who he is) but now I'm genuinely worried we will lose someone in the main cast by the finale.
(I have become a Nozaki oshi.)
A theory that had been floated about on twitter by multiple viewers in the VIVANT theories tag actually came to be. Multiple people pointed out that when Nogi was waiting outside the Balka International Bank, he was holding what looked like Ali's phone and something else. At first some wondered if it was a portable charger, but were curious when the switch happened. That was all revealed this week and I can't believe how much theorists were on the point trying to figure out what happened.
Nozaki's true past being discovered was more than I expected though. Amnesia, being sucked into the grim world of human trafficking...is this how Nogi F (or B through E) was born?
Finally: I can't tell if Sam was bad or if the CIA was trying to get Ali as an intelligence asset, BUT NOOOO SAM!!!!! NOGI F HOW THE HELL COULD YOU?! I LIKED OUR LUPIN IIIrd FANBOY CIA AGENT.
(that said, this means he met Sam at the Rongaly Military School then?!)
Jamine being some sort of "miracle child"?! Is Sakurai, Nogi's handler? Who's the head of BEPPAN?!
Now we find out that the character with Nino is Nogi's dad?! That he survived?! Nino is some kind of adopted son?! Or did his wife survive and they had another child?! Ali said he didn't meet her, but had seen the photos...but...still
The amount of silent screaming I was doing during the "execution" scene was obscene. I don't think I could've handled another episode 4 type ending. (That said, I think both Nogi F and Kurosue were willing to go all the way and cut the wires if Ali hadn't cooperated)
And I can't be the only one who is having a hard time telling Nogi A from Nogi F. I feel during the "executions", the apology was delivered by Nogi A. I think that in intense moments like the "executions" they both flip between each other, or even that the true Nogi is the one present. Not one or the other.
Nozaki slowly closing in on the TENT-BEPPAN stuff is wonderful to watch. The fact that Nogi Suguru was an officer with the National Police (and not the Prefectural Police) was surprising. Why did he quit? Why go to Balka? Nozaki being with a federal agency will easily be able to access this information now. What he does with the info he does learn will be interesting because at the moment, with the information viewers have from episode 5, it's that Nogi's father left the NPA(?), went to Balka with his wife and son, something happened, his son was kidnapped and trafficked, he changed his name and somehow he created a terrorist group based in Central Asia using his family's crest as its own symbol? I'm curious how the NPA officer-to-mystery-organization-leader thing happened.
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(help this wink after he says "We're Public Security.". helppp!!)
Masato Sakai is a wonderfully talented actor. Episode 5 was an absolute treat of his talents. (Can he get more menacing roles in the future???)
I'm also noticing NogI F's actions and interrogation methods are reminding of an older Masato Sakai drama from 2010 where he led a "double life" (it's nothing like this level) called JOKER: Yurusarezaru Sousakan. In it, by day he's a law-abiding officer of the law and at night he's a bit of a vigilante ala "You have failed this city". There's more to it, but that's all I remember. I couldn't help but feel that as a much more mature actor, Sakai dipped into that a bit.
Speaking of Nogi F, while I understand that what we know of BEPPAN's mission is apparently for the sake of saving the country from a potential attack, it's currently at the "Cool motive, still murder" stage and deeply morally grey. I'd like to know how he came to be paired with Kurosue and if he knows about Nogi F.
Which, from what the lady at the orphanage mentioned, it sounds like Nogi F (or B, C, D or E) have been around since he was a small child....
Anyway. I'm watching Episode 6 after dinner or shortly. Idk. T_T)
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papirouge · 6 months
Hamas is a plague they must be flushed out of their holes and eliminated before they take over and spread worldwide if you think covid was bad wait and see what an unchecked hamas does about your moral grandstanding
The way you guys thinks you're owning people by bringing the Hamas because you think supporting Palestine civilians = supporting Hamas will never not be both fascinating and embarrassing.
Hating both terrorists/islamists AND Zionism aren't mutually exclusive statement but simpletons like you seemingly think it does. I want BOTH to go away and leave Palestianians alone. Period.
That being said, I love how you guys flaunting the threat of Hamas spreading in the world because.....what are they waiting for? 🤔 Terrorist group are totally capable to target several places all around the world. ISIS and Al Qaida did that (btw I wish people would stop lumping ISIS with Hamas and acting like every islamist movement was the same - I know you guys are racist and think Muslims are the same but you need to use your brain at times)
Hamas sucks but one thing is sure : they are an Independence movement first and foremost, therefore they have no real purpose in attacking foreign countries. They want their land back (and install Islamic rule there). Zionists love fearmongering western countries with that and make their own issue with Hamas everyone's problem 💀 The only reason Hamas becomes an enemy to foreign countries is because Israel is a military ally ('the enemy of my friend is my enemy' rule). But Hamas in its current form doesn't represent a threat to...let's say France political sovereignty whatsoever.
Does Hamas have a plan of extension going as far as Europe? Couldn't say the same about Israel which doesn't have defined frontiers in its constitution 💀
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scentedchildnacho · 1 month
I told my case manager I would not be outside anymore it's a lot more brutal then it use to be just the head light shock and the rocket engines in cars its just so painful like little dentist tools have pierced your eye ball or you are always in a virtual jail cell.......
If I ever had to be without hope shelter to street after ten years of it I would finally kill myself it would cause me suicide a virtual jail cell is not tolerable
I explained most transitional housing is only funded for extemeist case like six kids before they let her leave a man who wasn't financially apt for condition
Or she had to finally train in adult film bars like throwing hatchets at wood with a softball bat and had to finally keep hitting her domestic abuser with a base ball bat before they let her leave him
Or she had to come out as an everyday opiate addict one of the most illegal groups to the states to finally be allowed to leave her dealer
So I told her I call everything case management gave me to call because I can't take anymore outside time or I would finally have to ask a mental for a potent vaccine from the asylum and stab security guards into jail rape policy....into raping inmates with a small shot as directed so he finally slept at the library sleep it off you disgusting pervo
So I complete a lot of calls to not ever have to tolerate that in my life when it's into jail rape it will harm itself
She asked me if I wanted to harm myself and I said no I just can't ever again tolerate how painful recent homelessness has been it didn't use to be a war...it's so loud so trembling painful all the time now
When I think about homelessness now I only enjoy the writings of prabhupada a real master on leaving my body for other planets that's all I want to do when I think of how painfully loud homelessness is now
I told her i found her someone who doesn't know what it's like to be mugged and left in the street in a constant without time nightmare of now you don't have anything and have a wait staff tell you after a two day starvation you can't have anything to eat with community foundations on inflated profits you don't know how verbally abusive it feels to be told to stay trapped in a program about basic emancipated things you don't know what it's like to have to speculate about everyone you have ever known after living that common jobs are God to themselves now
Anyway it's just worse then a bad situation now outside so my life has to change or I cannot ever again live that way....
The rescue mission traffick does get that terroristic I don't find him insane for thinking about suicide bombing off an over pass there is something very alien ship landed about traffick they did keep hitting and hitting and hitting him
Golden gate bridge the french concept of an inner city freeway they did politicize storm terrorists....so
Desert storm they feel they can direct their insanity to change weather patterns at them for it
After six months in southern California I don't feel bad for people who wouldn't de engine their over crowded project neighborhoods it's just well cause and effect I had to be slowly introduced into metropolization and that's mass transit and use it here and tolerate others
Angela davis uhm eventually a judge that wouldnt stop calling the street a criminal people dump of all his cops unmet case work or uncompleted case work is San Diego....that compass program would steal rations off my plate and give them to felons threatening to beat my face in as well as dick suck areas...and Mexican porn.....
You dont know what it's like to want to punch a butt ho chick in the face for doing a military man's job till you have been in dick suck pb
Or have people throw a tampon at you instead of a shower.....mind it away in San Diego they follow the most notorious wardens of Chicago were never brought to justice Angela davis ness
Anyway I spoke to treatment centers and found other options to be away from pb so I think I will survive without suicide
She asked me if I wanted to hurt myself several times so I said no...not at all I just feel homelessness with hygiene terrorists that want to watch and hoard all customs to itself is a worse torture then dying to me my life has to change
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iwantjobs · 4 months
The U.S. First Amendment states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion." Tui, Mai-Trang Thi Nguyen, or Trang, the female Buddha, an ex American and world history teacher with Infoseek and women.com experience said, "The United States in deed violated the Constitution via the First Amendment in the last 75 years when Congress made law to send money and arms to Israel respecting an establishment of religion called Judaism to BUILD its own democracy state of Judeo democracy of Israel in fairly recent STOLEN Islam land of Palestine in the Middle-East. Unlike the Christian democracy, the Judeo democracy of Israel imposed a severe iron-military-and-cement-wall-fencing apartheid system along with no visas for ins and outs which prevents the indigenous Islamic Palestinians from seeing their grandparents for the sole purpose to block the blending of two dominant religions (Islam and Judaism) in Israel and Israel-is-still-in-controlled-and-still-doing-land-stealing in left-over Palestinian areas (Gaza and the West Bank. The West Bank houses the town where Christian's Jesus was born, Bethlehem. Palestine is where the Hamas terrorists claim their Islam's Muhammad died and went to heaven. Israel said God instructed them to return to homeland). All this undemocratic work while Israel, America, and the West preach us humans to death with Judaism words of "all men are created equal," the West democracy values of freedom, equality for all in which the gays is the group of humans who benefit the most out of democracy. Having equality rights for the gays like in America in this Judeo-Christian democracy allows gay men raping heterosexual men and trans women and lesbians are raping our girls and even us women in the bathrooms for its equality for everything including committing crimes. Soon gay men will be prancing around half naked and in female under garments in music festivals in front of the place your Jesus was born). America, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and the British colonizers in South Africa were lucky that their indigenous people and the black ancient slaves (only in America) didn't have a major religion or God's representative to impose suck cruel apartheid system of the Judeo democracy of Israel." I would like to thank Bing and the Chandra Law Firm, LLC via Chandralaw.com with their explanation of a sample of violation in the 1st amendment by writing these words, "endorsing an expression of religious viewpoints in public schools." In my effort to file this lawsuit for a ceasefire vote in the UN by America and end all military support and release all hostages and thousands Palestinian administration detention prisoners from 10 years old for throwing rocks at IDF in jail with adults and being out the reincarnation theory of life via Buddha from Hinduism, fate assigned a Indian-nale laws firm (via Hinduism) to help y work as the female Buddha even though India sent Indian spies to Iran to help Israel with this war for India is not very good with upholding it's reincarnation theory of life because they are afraid of their British colonizers too much and they hate Muslims in their northern town trying to fight for Muslim rights living in Hindu land, so India sided with Israel in this war against the Hamas. The Indians completely forgot their pain of being colonized by England and not they hate Muslims in their countries so much that they don't care of Israel colonized Palestinians Muslim land. Whatever India. Stop arms and military support to Israel now America for your founding fathers knew that fighting between major religions will be a detriment to their Christian democracy America and the deaths and destruction of your children and grandchildren via a WWWIII. I think this will be my last post. Take care folks. (2/23/2024 at 8:43 p.m. after a long session of homemade neck stretching physical therapy (this time very safe since all the dangerous experimentation is over in the last 15.7 years) and after developing thicker arthritis fingers on my left hand typing out all my thoughts.
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mylittlesecrethaven · 5 months
Every Bsd Organization Goal (That I Know Of)
This is mainly gonna be about the Armed Detective Agency, the Port Mafia, the Guild, Mimic, the Gifted Special Operations Division, and the Decay of Angels, because those are the only groups I know.
Armed Detective Agency -
To protect Yokohama in their sorta own way while not actually being under government jurisdiction. They sometimes do things their own way (such as when the cafe was attacked), but they mainly focus on solving mysteries and crimes, with a little side job of trying to keep the other groups in check.
Port Mafia -
A criminal organization that smuggles weapons and deals in violence. They "run the night" and are constantly up to their knees in illegal dealings. They can and will mow down anybody on their turf, but are always at a stand-still with the Gifted Special Operations Division (because the Port Mafia isn't big enough to take them on) and the Armed Detective Agency (because the Armed Detective Agency is just a wee bit stronger than what the Port Mafia always thinks).
The Guild -
A secret group of American gifteds that do what they please because their fucking rich. They came to Yokohama to find "the book" so that the leader could bring his daughter back to life. They fell once after being defeated by the Armed Detective Agency and Port Mafia, and being covered up by the Gifted Special Operations Division, but they eventually gained back enough assets to become a threat again.
Mimic -
An older group that actually isn't around anymore. They were military officers for England (Correct me if that's wrong), but were used as a scapegoat for their country doing something around a deal (might also be wrong) and were basically thrown from their country. They searched for a "warrior's death" for a while until they all eventually died in battle, the last death coming from a now dead member of the Port Mafia.
The Gifted Special Operations Division -
The only truly legal group here. They actually work under the government and try to keep gifted people from being found out by non-gifted people. They always have their hands full dealing with the Port Mafia and sometimes request help from the Armed Detective Agency. They also deal with a lot of the cover-ups that come from other gifted groups almost being found out.
Decay of Angels - (I know the least about this group, so my facts are more than likely going to be wrong.)
A small group of very powerfully gifted and smart individuals who wish to find (edit-"use") "the book" so they can purge the world of sin, aka get rid of all gifted. They are ruthless and kill without hesitation. An enemy of the Armed Detective Agency, the Port Mafia, and the Gifted Special Operations Division, and actively hunted down, yet they're still kicking. (Em.... I looked into this a bit more, and their real goal with the book is to unify all countries with the book. My bad.) (Or it's to make Japan disappear? Idk. Season 4 is confusing af.)
(I haven't seen season 4 or 5 yet, so my info may be outdated)
(Also, this is from later, but I'm aware I forgot Rats in the House of the Dead, but that's cause my memory sucks and I forgot about it, so their goal is to find the book that alters reality)
(I'm sorry this post has so many edits, but I just have one more and it's for the Hunting Dogs since I just found out about them.)
Hunting Dogs -
They work for the government, and they're basically special ops for gifteds with strong abilities. So once a gifted starts using their abilities for criminal or terrorist activities, that's when the Hunting Dogs step in.
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thetristoneera · 6 months
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Princess Naturi is the heir to the Throne of Naughton, home to Puridiss Nation.
Prince Wou Long Huangfu is the heir to the Throne of Huangfu, home to Blackwater Nation.
Prince Etonix Krones is the heir to the Throne of Island Last, home to the Island Last.
Iccem is a natural born killer with loner tendencies.  She was guided to the Weapons Division because she knew it would take her to the life she always wanted.  Self sufficiency, ending up as a pawn of Project Kill wasn’t in her plans.
Pollisena is nowhere near as gentle as her name is, been hardcore since yay tall.  Then a scientist experimented too far with her & her family.  She is the sole survivor, then became experimented on again…  But by the same scientist makes it disrespected.
Meitroja hails from the House of Olios, a family known for taking care of vegetation around the magical reactors.  It’s a world wide family, she’ll get pulled into the epilogue because of Vizorio.
Vizorio was the main 1st Placer of the previous Weapons Division.  Capable of slaying all kinds of man made weapons to gigantic monsters.  He was viewed as a modern day hero & still is; but becoming an experiment during a period he cannot remember.  Will have him hunting around until he discovers all of the atrocious pain he cannot place.
Tones of 4 were all high ranking, Top 20’ers of the previous Weapons Division.  They became besties over the years & all had a flare for the theatrics.  With dreams of stardom, they eventually gained residency at the most popular amusement park around the planet.  With them being top of the line monster slayers, they help with the security of the exotic location.
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As a means of restoring magical balance to the planet, this terrorist group will travel around to destroy the magical reactors that suck the life out of the planet.  As well as taking any of the Eterios in the registry, away from the Dual Militaries.  Too many of these members have been disrespected by the Dual Militaries.  Known as Purity & Cavanaugh; they abuse the resources the magical reactors provide for humanity.  A little too much over the many millennia, they have disregarded sacred lands & sacred culture.  They will begin their onslaught by taking out a military base, then reach out to the world to see if anyone wants to join the cause.
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They are called the Land of Rainbows cause everything is sweet over there.  Have enough magical & militaristic might to keep the Dual Militaries from occupying them.  They’ve done what most from generation of leading to the next can’t do, create a system where everyone is a have.  In short, everything is gravy.  They have top notch monster slayers that do t need to be in a division.  All they desire is enough strength to keep their peace.
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On the left/west side of this planet, is the most naturally beautiful part of the planet.  Regardless of how many magical reactors they have, it has held on to its hundreds of beautiful scenic locations.  Still won’t hesitate to take candy from a baby though.  They may not appear ruthless, still believes in by any means necessary.  For the sake of comfortable living.
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On the right/east side of this planet, holds the most desecrated continent.  Cavanaugh is responsible for the magical reactors.  Master minded technology millennia ago for their sole betterment.  It may not be the most beautiful region of the world, but you’d find it hard to believe that every citizen has all the nutrients they need.  Other things, not so much; but totalitarianism has it set that the magical reactor civilizations gets the nutrients they need.  It’s all magical but living out in the wilderness in this region; is futile.  As it’s this world’s highest monster population is up, in & around the region.
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As a means for the longevity of humanity, an order was proposed between the three nations to keep monster kind from over developing.  The Weapons Division, is broadcasted every five years for thirty new monster slayers.  Those that will act as a hero like grouping to thwart all kinds of monster threats.  Been doing this for many millennia.  Each generation has uncovered more miracle gems, help with technology testing, help with monster data, help with keeping human dwellings thriving & becoming famous because of their magical might.  They try to take ten people from each nation, every generation & sometimes skip generational calls if a generation is still thirty strong.  The top ten of the next generation will be seen a lot once Anzlee gets her call to join.
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Years ago, this generation of world leaders had the means of creating a project that could change the universe.  Sacred cultures were studied to find one of their many gems of existence.  Project Kill is its name, “For those that want to take their place, remove them from such a thing.”  Jordana is the only one of the nine created for this prophecy, that stuck with the militaries.  Her sentiment was, “Yes.  You should’ve told me about the plans.  I would’ve agreed to it.”  The other eight that were experimented on against their will, sees this project as an abomination.  That disbanded the previous generation of Weapons Division.  A special ops unit of monster slayers that protect civilization; even the pieces that aren’t allied with the governments.  The ten of them, stayed & the Dual Militaries decided to call them the Triumph Unit.
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They are one of this world’s oldest lineage of heroism, so it seems.  They started calling themselves the Royale when mankind made vehicles.  Their bank account soared in that era, to the point they spend their resources to make sure that every generation has a specialty group.  In order to do this, they have several bases around the planet to ensure that those with one of the eight rings; will have an out to disband criminal activity or monster activity.  #1 is one of the most dangerous humans known to man.  His urban legend is in all communities at this point & plans on milking the Dual Militaries for their future with the next world.
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Several generations ago, a man saw the inhumanity that the Dual Militaries proposed.  Decided to make a Hail Mary, just in case they actually develop any of the ancient scrolls of epilogue capacity.  To power down any tool of mass creation or destruction, the Rhinos were created in secrecy to watch the world.  Only to act when a human wide extinction epilogue is on the horizon.
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damnhitsuzen · 2 years
So today I went to the first pre-medical help courses that was held by experienced tactical medics from army.
MARCH-training with simulations of tactical situation - boy, it's intense.
I am scrapped all over, covered in grass and dirt, bitten by a thousand of ants, it seems, and sporting fat striped bruise from being an over-eager with a tourniquet.
But hey, that means I wouldn't have bled to death!
If you want to know how you can save life in those precious, golden, vital first three minutes - try to find such courses in your area.
If you are living in the dangerous place - your country is at war, or terrorist attacks are common, you NEED that knowledge and that training.
So try to find courses with realistic simulations: believe me, you never know how you would react in crisis.
For example, I am a very calm and quiet person. But today I found out that I am the first one to shout commands in the group of people to coordinate them. Like, really shout, very loudly and not nice - exactly how you need it to do in panic and blood and screams and shelling.
And a lot of people just freeze. Big, strong man might freeze and all that muscle will go to waste.
You have to know if you tend to freeze and make your actions automatic, so you would not need brains and voice at first.
First of all, it might save your life. Then, if you are lucky, you may help others.
(Also, a mighty big and tall military lady had thrown me over her shoulders in one easy, light move. It was to demonstrate strength disparity and how to choose whom you can help.
But also I've never felt lighter and more comfortable while being carried. Suck it, boys from my previous experience
And it was hot. Very hot, okay?)
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robotslenderman · 2 years
okay but do you ever think about how Castis was terrified his son would become one of those abusive power hungry cops in ME1
then he turns into a mass murderer/serial killer on Omega "but it's for JUSTICE, dad!!!"
and then in ME2 he just fucking shacks up with an actual terrorist conspiracy theorist who thinks robots want to destroy the entire galaxy
Castis was probably relieved when the Reapers showed up. "Oh thank god, Garrus wasn't spending all this time getting brainwashed by a human supremacist nutcase after all!"
Seriously. Think about it. Castis probably thought his son got sucked into the alien equivalent of some kind of cult. He was probably taking a HUGE leap of faith going to the Primarch with Garrus's claims. Like imagine if your kid just friggen, IDK, wound up hanging out with someone who was funded by racist MRA groups and was trying to convince you that this person had good intentions, honestly, and also we're all gonna die and it's not a conspiracy theory dad it's totally true.
ESPECIALLY if your Shepard had the street kid background and therefore already had a track record of extremist racist beliefs to the point she hunted down and killed aliens for fun.
Like. No. Castis is not the bad guy at all here. He busted his ass to make the police force what it was supposed to be (and apparently his work was very quickly undone after he left, as Garrus comments in ME2 that things have quickly deteriorated, thank you Bailey, you asshole), and his son was basically becoming someone who would be on the wrong side of a BLM rally. And then his son winds up in something that is literally a military, racist extremist group. No wonder he and Garrus were at odds for two games.
I'm just imagining Castis meeting Lola during the Citadel DLC and being like "oh thank GOD you're normal" and just being so fucking relieved that Shepard really WAS the stabilising, grounding presence that Garrus has been claiming she is, and that she's a completely rational person who knows Cerberus are full of shit and she was just using them and oh god she's not going to hunt down and kill Garrus for sport THANK FUCK.
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