#all i do is roll his balaclava to his nose to give him a kissss (i know i am cringe)
ave661 · 1 month
Weird question but do you have the 3D model of Ghost without his mask? I want to get his haircut.
There is no such thing as Ghost's hair in the game, all renders on the internet are artists' visions. Officially there is nothing except this one scene from cinematic, where you can see the back of his head (cinematic models are different from game models)
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In that one big reddit leak of his face at the end of 2022 someone used Graves hair, but normally his model is bald OMG SHES BALD SHES BALD AND SHES TORTURING PEOPLE WHO HAVE HAIR
And I'm sorry but I don't plan to publish Ghost's full face because I don't want to get involved in leaks. For me Ghost is "ghost" and I want to stick with it. Unless COD changes their mind and officially shows his face, then maybe I'll start doing it👍
Sorry I didn't help but I hope you understand
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