#alice rambles
alice-after-dark · 2 days
Vox's Death and Electrokinesis
So I'm straight up warning everyone now that this is a super dark take on Vox's death and where his powers of electrokinesis come from. Please, please, PLEASE read the trigger warnings. This has been in my head for a very long time.
TW for homophobia, 1950s mental illness views and treatments, homosexuality treated as a mental illness, sexual assault, gaslighting/victim-blaming, and other canon-typical triggers.
Some time during his career, Vox began an affair with a man who was also from the television industry. When his wife eventually found out, Vox was presented with two choices: a very messy and highly public divorce where the affair would be plastered across every media source in the country, or end the affair and seek psychological help. Not willing to destroy his image, Vox chooses the latter. He ends the relationship and quietly takes a "medical leave" from his career and is admitted to a psychiatric hospital. It's supposed to be the best in the country, with the most up-to-date practices and treatments. He is greeted by a man with a kind face names Dr. Robles, who takes Vox's hand in his and promises him everything will be alright. Vox's wife assures him he will be well and home in no time, kisses his cheek as he is led away, deeper into the hospital.
It is Hell.
Vox is quickly labeled as having a "sociopathic personality disturbance" in the form of "sexual deviation" and is considered a curious case as he has positive sexual reactions to both men and women. This makes most standard treatments fairly ineffective as he is already having a positive sexual response to women. So they decide to resort to unmodified electroconvulsive therapy.
The treatments are painful and brutal, often leaving him with nausea, fatigue, headaches, confusion, and even minor memory loss. Worse are the breaks and fractures that result from the induced seizures. Frequently he is left bedridden, confused and delirious and unsure of where he is. His sleep is riddled with nightmares of some horrific creature lurking in the shadows of his room, creeping close and hurting him. It finally ends when the machine malfunctions, sending him into cardiac arrest and killing him.
When his electrokinesis manifested, two decades later, it was...a time. First Vox was afraid, then he started cackling at the irony, before having a complete breakdown and scream-crying for the better part of an hour.
For the first week following the discovery of his new powers, Vox refuses to let Alastor touch him, which is particularly startling for the Radio Demon because he's usually the touch adverse one while Vox is very physically affectionate. Even small bumps and brushes has Vox leaping away from him. He begins to grow concerned that Vox has become afraid of him, which is frustrating because half the fun of Vox is that he isn't afraid of him like most Sinners. Eventually he corned the Tv-headed demon and demands an explanation. This of course leads to Vox panicking and sparking like crazy which in turn leads to even more panicking before Alastor seizes his shoulders, enduring the small shocks as he tells Vox to calm down.
Vox breaks down sobbing and tells Alastor everything he has never told him before: the affair, the choice, the hospital, the treatments, the nightmares, his "mental illness," everything. He's terrified of this ability. He knows what it can do and it terrifies him. And Alastor takes his face in his hands and tells him that his knowledge makes him all the more powerful. Not only can he control electricity, but he has first hand experienced what it can do to a body and that is power. Though Vox is hesitant at first, he accepts Alastor's offer to help him gain better control over this new ability.
It's about three months after the battle with the angels when Vox gets invited up to Alastor's radio tower. He's only been there once or twice in the past to silently watch Alastor with his "guests" as he broadcasts. Though initially skeptical of the invite, his curiosity gets the better of him despite Velvette and Valentino's warnings. When he arrives, he finds Alastor calmly tuning his radio equipment while his latest guest lays strapped to a metal table. It is unusually dim in the tower and Vox can't quite see what poor soul Alastor has plucked from the streets of Hell this time, but he can smell blood, which is even more unusual as Alastor usually likes to save every last moment for his broadcast, but from the wheezing it's clear this Sinner has already been worked over well. The Radio Demon greets him cheerfully as though nothing is amiss, as though it's perfectly normal to invite your friend-turned-rival over for a casual hang out. It's only when he encourages Vox closer that Vox understands what he's seeing.
Inky shiny black skin. Six limbs. Distended jaw. Long curling tongue.
Lying on the table is the creature from his nightmares.
Instantly Vox begins to panic. He feels terror, hands on him, pain, so much pain, he can't breathe, he can't think, why is it here why why why-
Alastor grips his shoulder, grounding him. He's saying something about...introductions?
"Vox clearly recognizes you, Dr. Robles, but I'm afraid you may have a harder time recognizing him. Like you, dear Vincent has gone through quite a few changes."
Dr. Robles. Dr. Robles. Dr. Robles. The name rings in his head like a gong.
Warm hands closing around his. A thumb running gentle circles on the back of his hand.
"It's all going to be alright. I promise."
Vox rips out of Alastor's grip and barely makes it to the wastebasket before he is sick. Because he understands now. He understands and he feels disgusting. All the nightmares...all the terror...all the pain...
Alastor's hand is on his back and Vox has barely composed himself when the doctor finally speaks.
"Vincent? Vincent Haynes?"
Vox didn't know exactly what expression he expected to see when he turns to face the doctor again, but the pure unconcealed hatred takes him by surprise.
"Filthy fucking whore!"
His words are venomous as he accuses Vox of being the reason he's in Hell, of tempting him and luring him into sin, of making him crave his flesh. How fitting Hell has stripped him of his beauty and shown him for the vain artificial creature that he is. Even as he says it though, his eyes rake over Vox's body and the TV demon has never wanted so badly for someone to not look at him. Alastor stops the tirade of vitriol with a simple flick of his wrist and a glowing green thread binding Robles' lips together.
"That's quite enough out of you, sir. I hope you don't mind, old friend, I already took a turn with the good doctor. Had to make sure I had the right wretch after all. It didn't actually take all that long. My goodness does this insipid creature like to talk about himself!" Without another word, the Radio Demon slips past them both to slide into his chair. The equipment before him buzzes to life.
"Salutations, listeners!"
Vox's hand crackles with sparks.
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vampyre-lesbian · 8 months
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these absolute madmen. they actually did it. they actually made billy the puppet bisexual.
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Love how they slipped a vampiric reference into Hannibal's characterization. He's asking to cross the boundary like in classic vampire literature - and if we wanna be real wanky about it we can say he's asking for permission to enter into Will's psyche and invade his every waking moment :]
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simbury · 8 months
How I got my Sims 2 game working on my new Windows 11 laptop, step by step.
OKAY. Gadies and Lentlemen.
I have seen plenty of these around, but I wanted to share my process!
So I bought an MSI creator laptop. The specs are as follows:
CPU: 13th gen Intel i7-13700H
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4050 laptop GPU
Step One: Fresh install. I used the EA App to install the UC version on my new laptop.
Step Two: Download and install RPC launcher. This will automatically apply the 4gb patch. Run as administrator, but not in any kind of compatibility which renders the 4gb patch useless.
Step Three: Download and install Graphics Rule Maker. I used all of the recommended settings, aside from texture memory which I set at 2048 mb for reasons that will become clear later.
Step Four: Memory allocation fix (empty standby list). Explanation here.
Step Five: Setting virtual memory. I used instructions from this post at MTS - My virtual memory paging file is now minimum of 25000 and maximum of 30000. You'll need to adjust to your system's own specs.
Step Six: In game settings. Shadows Off. Neighbours Off. Lighting Medium. RPC Settings. Apply 4GB patch. Automatically Clean Cache. Lot Imposters Optimized. Sim/Object Shadows Classic. I also have lot view ocean reflections ticked.
If your game works like this with no flashing and crashing, awesome. Mine did not. I firstly tried several different texture memory sizes, but they had 0 impact.
I believe the next step is only for NVIDIA cards, but may be wrong.
Step Seven: DXVK. The most recent version from, here. There are plenty of instructions on how to install out there. But make sure you install the 32bit version. I have these two following lines in my DXVK.conf file (and do make sure it is saved as a conf file, NOT a txt or similar).
The first line corresponds to the texture memory mentioned earlier. DXVK installs won't recognise more than that and having it higher can cause crashes apparently. The second line... No idea what it does but it was mentioned in several guides and reddit posts.
I don't know if the newer versions of DXVK allow fullscreen mode as the older ones did not, but I play in borderless mode anyway which works.
I also delete my thumbnails folder every so often.
I hope this helps someone, this silly old game can be cantankerous but I was determined to get it running again!
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lost-in-the-shadows · 7 months
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I spent some time re-vamping (pun intended) my Lost Boys playlist! featuring songs from the movie, songs inspired by the movie, and songs that remind me of the movie.
Listen on Spotify here!
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thecoolersolver · 23 days
Cyn's situation is a lot more scary than Uzi's, when Uzi gets possessed by the solver she talks on Cyn's voice, if the solver and Cyn aren't one being that would be really fucking scary, someone controlling you, using your voice, your whole personality, to murder millions
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spooniepumpkin · 7 months
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I made my first life series meme here you go.
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linphd · 3 months
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not having a good day + I just saw a tiktok abt THOSE chapters y’know ahah anyways Horikoshi take me instead 🙏🏻
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universitypenguin · 3 months
Personal update:
I’m sick right now and I told my mother I was “too tired” to go to the doctor. She came over, took one look at me and drove me to their office, filled out the paperwork, and is now sitting with me in the waiting room.
I am miserable… 😩 but I am also spoiled. 👑
Also, I feel like this is exactly what Lloyd would have done to Princess before they were dating. He definitely would know her allergies and medications.
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suaddicts-autism · 9 months
Why is nobody taking about the absolute MASTERPIECE that is "...And If I Did, You Deserved It"???
Like seriously, It's such an amazing song! From the lyrics to the sound to the message, it's a raw and bleeding emotional masterpiece! The way you can just tell how personal the songs lyrics are as he sings it with so much passion and pure honesty is just amazing. It's Will admitting to loving all the attention he's getting but also being overwhelmed with how suddenly it happened. It's Will telling us that he wasn't ready for the fame but how he still loves it nonetheless. It's him telling us that he still needs to fulfil his needs before he can continue creating art for us. And the best part of all, it's Will showing us, screaming at us, begging us to realize that he's a human being. A human being with feelings and emotions and problems and flaws, just like us. The ability to convey such a powerful message into a song is something I greatly admire. And to be completely honest, it's what really opened my eyes to the fact that creators are people too.
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alice-after-dark · 2 days
Vox and the Vees in Season 2
I really really hope that we'll get more scenes in season 2 that illustrate how the denizens of Hell view Vox and the Vees.
Like we get glimpses (Vox's press conferenece, Velvette and the social media background display during "Respectless", Valentino in the club), enough to know that they are treated like celebrities, but I want to see this in full swing. The advantages, the disadvantages, maintaining their images, etc.
Unlike Valentino and Velvette, Vox makes a huge deal about their image and I want to see more of how that image is perceived by the public and I want to see what it does to them to maintain it. With all the constant people pleasing and catering to the public and his partners that Vox does, he has to be fucking exhausted. He is always on and I want to see this take a toll on him season 2.
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vampyre-lesbian · 8 months
deleting all my dating apps because I want to meet someone the old-fashioned way (in a saw trap)
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I'm reading back through my first ever thoughts watching Hannibal:
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simbury · 9 months
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Looking good. No weird shadows, no pink soup, and no crashing thus far!
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lost-in-the-shadows · 6 months
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aind-art · 3 months
I'm trying to draw creepy Rosie but she's such a cutie that it always end up this way 😭
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