blueprint-9376 · 15 days
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16.05.2024 [😉]
⭐️: 미술관 갔다 토익 공부/ I often go to art museums these days.
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spocks-husband · 7 months
The fact that the canon reason that the Ferengi aren't seen in TOS is bc Jonathan Archer scared the fuck out of them so bad that they didn't come back for like three generations
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destielmemenews · 8 months
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u-mspcoll · 1 year
An Extraordinary New Acquisition!
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We are delighted to announce an important recent acquisition made possible by the generosity of Katharine J. Kilgour: a manuscript containing the texts of a Book of Hours and a Psalter. Written in Latin and French, it was exquisitely illuminated by one of the leading miniaturists working in Paris in the first two decades of the sixteenth century: Jean Coene IV.  Read more!
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Detail of miniature by Jean Coene IV, "Lamentation over the Dead Christ", in the opening of the Office of our Lady of Compassion, f. 28. Book of Hours & Psalter. Parchment manuscript, 256 folios. Paris, ca. 1505-1515.
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askagamedev · 24 days
in light of the microsoft closings, a lot of people saying that getting acquired by a bigger company should be considered a death sentence for small studios. one thing I never understood is why are studios sold? I understand the owners want to cash a check and get out of the anxiety crisis it is running an indie studio but is it that unreasonable to refuse it? does it cause other consequences most people arent aware of?
Honestly, the decision to sell to a publisher is primarily a question of stability.
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Independent studios live and die on their ability to secure contracts regularly, year in and year out. This process is a constant grind, requiring the studio leadership to maintain good relationships with publishers. Financial situations are never super stable, they are often feast or famine when there are tons of opportunities that your studio can't possibly field and then there are lean times when finding work can be difficult. It's especially difficult because there's almost no way that an independent studio can bank the kind of money they'd need to keep everyone paid for any extended period of time without securing a new contract to keep the lights on. There's also the disaster of having so many opportunities that the studio staffs up in order to handle more, only to get caught in a lean period where there isn't enough work to keep everyone employed. In lean times, the independent studio is left to fend for themselves while the publisher-owned studio gets higher priority when the publisher is considering project assignments. And there's always the issue of IP ownership - often the publisher is the one who retains the rights and the studio is work for hire. There's very little room for error when running an independent studio.
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If the studio is owned by the publisher, there isn't a need for securing contracts anymore. An internal studio almost always has priority over an external studio for being assigned a new project. The internal studio can focus on developing games and technology. They don't need to worry about securing IP rights anymore, since they're all owned by the same company. It's a huge reliever of stress from studio leadership to know that there's more of a safety net, even if that safety net is not perfect. When lean economic times hit, everyone suffers - including the internal studios, as we have seen. Large companies will often shed staff during bad times but have a higher overall survival chance than small ones.
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ragpicker-and-poet · 11 months
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When they inevitably make a marvel dc crossover movie, will it be a sharing situation like disney has with sony over spiderman, or will it be because disney and warner bros merge into one giga-conglomerate? I say merge because I think of them as roughly equal in scope, but let's be honest, it would be disney buying wb, not the other way around.
Hey, remember back in 2008 when WALL-E showed us a ludicrous world where a single company took over the entire planet and made it hostile to all life as we know it and held humanity hostage for centuries with brain numbing distractions to keep them docile? Crazy, right? That could never happen, certainly not by the 2100s!
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theleadersglobe · 1 month
US Air Force’s Digital Acquisition Initiative Redefines Reconnaissance Aircraft Procurement for Foreign Allies
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Making a landmark decision that would transform the battlefield technology landscape, the US Air Force is piloting an innovative digital acquisition process. Directed by the ISR & SOF Directorate, the Digital PAQuisitions team is enforced by young engineers to do a digital replication of the light recon aircraft for all the foreign military allies to be deployed. This revolutionary engineering method stands out by going against traditional procurement processes and using digital prototypes instead of physical ones.
Through digital technology, the conventional way that would require up to five years from development to deployment will be truncated to less 18 months. That is why the team can quickly change from a digital model into a physical aircraft, which will surely save plenty of time and money. This procedure not only shortens the time for acquiring significant support capabilities but also increases the adaptiveness of reaction to ever changing environment of global security and stability.
Read More:(https://theleadersglobe.com/science-technology/us-air-forces-digital-acquisition-initiative-redefines-reconnaissance-aircraft-procurement-for-foreign-allies/)
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We have taken over Faial Island and Graciosa Island.
I think the Portuguese government is starting to notice that we're stealing their islands. This time it definitely wasn't peaceful. I think we shot a plane on the runway?
I'm unsure, as i'm not physically in the Azores. All i know is that there were civilian casualties.
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linguisticdiscovery · 9 months
6 ways learning a language as an adult is different than learning it in school, courtesy of Babbel magazine:
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sshbpodcast · 6 months
Wake me when Season 1 of Enterprise gets interesting
by Ames
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Season one of Enterprise just seemed to fly by, and thank goodness because we’re not finding it all that great, to be honest. Too much of it feels like more of the same stories that previous Treks have already told way better, but with less likable characters, less nuanced writing, and so much sexual objectification that we feel ill just watching it sometimes.
Sure, it’s still probably better than season one of TNG, which had more objectively BAD episodes, but it’s surprising to your hosts here at A Star to Steer Her By just how boring this show is so far. We’ve noted a bunch of times over in our podcast coverage that there never seems to be any stakes because every opportunity for some character (main, side, guest, even background) to get killed, they never do. So grab your phase pistol and see what we had to wade through to get here in our usual bottom and top episodes from the season below and also in this week’s podcast chat (jump to 56:26 for season discussion). Cap’n.
[images © CBS/Paramount]
Bottom Three Episodes
There was a lot to dislike this season and I’m pretty sure we covered most of this season’s dreck in our typically varied responses here. Good work, “Cold Front,” you managed to squeak through somehow despite that terrible airlock scene.
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“The Andorian Incident”: Ames If you’ve been following along with our podcast coverage, you’re probably as tired of me hating on Archer as I am of Archer hating on Vulcans, and this is where that sour taste really transpired. It’s a whole episode of our captain going lightyears out of his way to ruin some Vulcans’ day and then patting himself on the back for being justified about being so racist.
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“Silent Enemy”: Chris Talk about uneven. What was almost an intriguing suspense episode about the crew being wholly unprepared for the kinds of enemies you find in space is thoroughly undercut by a mismatched B plot that, while cute, is distracting as hell, and by some really laughable alien design. At least Reed gets some pineapple cake.
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“Fight or Flight”: Jake Poor Sluggo, we hardly knew thee. Boy, does this show start off with characters it’s just hard to care about. We’ve got Hoshi being pathetic in an “overcoming your fears” plotline so predictable I could have called every beat. And Archer simultaneously being indecisive and whining about his decisions at the same time. And then the metaphor with releasing the slug doesn’t even mesh!
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“Fortunate Son”: Jake While it’s unfortunate how little Mayweather gets to do, I can’t say I feel that bad about it considering that everything he does get to do in this episode is annoying as hell. We’d love to see more about his upbringing as a boomer and the culture clash therein, but this episode botches it hard by making all the Fortunate crew assholes!
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“Broken Bow”: Caitlin, Chris The whole series really gets off on the wrong foot with a premiere that is simultaneously too little and too much all at once. Between the Klingons, the Suliban, the Vulcans, the flashback scenes with Archer’s dad, the weird time room with the Humanoid Figure, AND introducing us to the whole crew, there are too many things happening, but absolutely none of them are interesting!
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“Dear Doctor”: Ames, Caitlin All season long, we’ve been struggling with what we think of the Phlox character, and it mostly boils down to us finding him offputting. So of course the most Phlox-centric episode is in our bottoms list. Certainly helping matters is the fact that both Phlox AND the writers don’t understand evolution at all and use that as an excuse to genocide a people. Oops.
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“Fusion”: Ames, Caitlin, Chris, Jake But the one that gets votes from all your SSHB hosts is the episode that sexually exploits the token hot character, as always. Hang on, that doesn’t narrow it down. It’s the one with the mind rapist Vulcan who takes advantage of T’Pol, entirely muddying whatever message about Vulcans this whole season was trying to make. Turns out they’re ALL just monsters, but in different ways, except for one you’ll see in our top episodes.
Top Three Episodes
It’s hard to call these “top” episodes of anything, as you’ll see we all pretty much agreed on two episodes this season that were genuinely enjoyable, and each of us frankly struggled to think of a third that we could see giving any accolades to...
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“Acquisition”: Chris Listen, we don’t like it any more than you do, but there weren’t enough decent episodes this season and Chris had to include this retread of much better episodes. But you know what: the Ferengi hit us right in the fanservice spot, the veteran alumni are all pros, and aside from all the oomox, it was at least entertaining.
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“Oasis”: Jake Back when we were covering season 2 of DS9, Jake put “Shadowplay” on his tops list, so it’s only fitting that he essentially do it again with this carbon copy of an episode. I guess there’s nothing wrong with doing the same idea twice when it’s a good one like this. It’s even got Rene Auberjonois! What’s not to like?
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“Fallen Hero”: Caitlin One more “I know that face!” episode coaxing an emotional reaction out of us, which is almost certainly exactly what the show wanted to achieve. In this case, we have to give Fionnula Flanagan some credit for bringing some much needed nuance to the Vulcans, who badly needed it this season.
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“Vox Sola”: Ames The final one-off episode that we scraped up to include on this list. And no, it’s not perfect by any stretch, but I have to give it some credit for giving us a truly alien alien, which I’m always a fan of watching our crew interact with. And T’Pol and Sato got to have some scenes together, which is a nice character pairing!
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“Shockwave, Part I”: Ames, Caitlin, Chris, Jake Thank goodness for this season finale. Without it, I have no idea how deep into the bench we’d have to dig for other Top Episodes. But I have to hand it to this finale: this was the first time I felt like there were stakes and consequences. And what a cliffhanger! Say what you will about the Temporal Cold War, but seeing a ravaged 31st century scene sure makes things interesting.
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“Shuttlepod One”: Ames, Caitlin, Chris, Jake But the one episode I can say we all legitimately liked this season was one of the great bottle episodes of Trek. Proving yet again that less is more, this little character piece leans on the acting chops of Connor Trineer and Dominic Keating, whose chemistry together is lovely to watch. Just super solid all around.
Pass the pecan pie, the rocky road ice cream, and the pineapple cake; we’re on for dessert! We’re hoping season two shapes up better overall than this one, so find out with us as we watch along in our podcast coverage over on SoundCloud or wherever you get your podcasts, bounce a message off of Echo One on Facebook and Twitter, and get me a spoon!
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blueprint-9376 · 8 days
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22.05.2024 [😲]
🦤: 단어 외우고 다시 책 읽고../ Daily life of memorizing words and reading books
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thedaddycomplex · 1 year
Wait... You're telling me Mayer now thinks buying a microblogging platform full of nothing but shit-posts, sub-par porn, and SuperWhoLockian fanfic for more than $1 billion was a mistake? Who, I ask, who could've foreseen this?
I mean, aside from literally all of us.
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mudwerks · 2 months
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(via WordPress.com owner acquires Beeper, giving it two chat apps to rule them all | Ars Technica)
Beeper, the multinetwork messaging app that recently gave up on trying to engineer around Apple's walled-off iMessage service, has been acquired by Automattic, the company behind WordPress. It is now open to everyone and has a completely revamped Android app.
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valentosthoughts · 25 days
3 Stages of Language Acquisition by Steve Kaufman
In this video, Steve Kaufman explains how to get the language, and how long it really takes. I am going to make a summary highlighting the important information and stages.
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3 stages of language acquisition:
You need to connect with the language: Getting a sense of the language and trying to understand how it works is the key to starting the acquisition process. You can develop this stage by listening, reading, and often repeating (using short stories).
Getting comfortable with the language: When you feel comfortable with the language you can build habits and gain a high level of comprehension and vocabulary. Here it is recommended to use conversations and simple and intermediate-level books.
Constant improvement: Basic production about the context to build base vocabulary. Being comfortable reading and listening to expand your vocabulary.
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fearsmagazine · 1 month
YELLOW VEIL PICTURES announces world sales SHE LOVED BLOSSOMS MORE, surrealistic sci fi from director YANNIS VESLEMES.
Yellow Veil Pictures announces world sales today ahead of the Tribeca Film Festival world premiere of Yannis Veslemes’ sophomore feature and surrealistic science-fiction drama, SHE LOVED BLOSSOMS MORE. Written by Veslemes and Dimitris Emmanouilidis, the film will be positioned in the ‘Escape From Tribeca’ section of the festival, a genre specific sidebar of stand out titles with auteur-forward storytelling. Veslemes first earned acclaim with his 2014 breakout NORWAY, which debuted at Karlovy Vary International Film Festival. The film stars Panos Papadopoulos, Julio Giorgos Katsis, Aris Balis, Sandra Abuelghanam Sarafanova, Alexia Kaltsiki & Dominique Pinon (Delicatessen, Alien 4) and was shot by cinematographer Christos Karamanis (Monday, Suntan) and edited by Yorgos Mavropsaridis (Poor Things, Dogtooth).
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The film is produced by Fenia Cossovitsa, alongside executive producers Christos V. Konstantakopoulos (The Lobster, Attenberg, Before Midnight), Ant Timpson (Greasy Strangler, Come to Daddy), Andreas Zoupanos Kritikos (Before Midnight) with co-producer Alexis Perrin (Vesper, Revenge). The film is supported by the Greek Film Centre, ERT (Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation) and EKOME (National Centre of Audiovisual Media and Communication)
In SHE LOVED BLOSSOMS MORE, three brothers build an unusual time-machine in order to bring their long-dead mother back to life. When their delusional father comes into the picture, the experiments go awry, and they descend into a psychedelic hellscape where the past and present fuse in a comedic yet deeply disturbing exploration of grief.
Director, Yannis Veslemes said, “SHE LOVED BLOSSOMS MORE is a family drama in science fiction disguise. A ballad for the defeated, a comedy for the accursed, a moral tale for us all and our beloved families.”
Hugues Barbier of Yellow Veil Pictures added, “SHE LOVED BLOSSOMS MORE is the first film we've onboarded at script stage, and it's been quite amazing to see it come alive. We couldn't be more proud of Yannis' vision and the amazing team he has around him. Blossoms is an emotional thrill ride and a calling card for one of the most exciting new filmmakers.”
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