#October 7
jewish-vents · 7 hours
I saw someone say October 7 doesn't really matter because "it was only a few people" and the world knows it "wasn't a big tragedy." just a few people is still a tragedy - one or two or three people killed in terrorist attacks is too many, and we've seen more tragedies like that in Israel than I can ever list. only a few people? the biggest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust doesn't matter because it's only a few people? over 1200 dead and still being identified months later because they were so desecrated is only a few people? over 240 hostages brutally abducted is only a few people? victims of atrocity tortured and murdered in the worst possible ways doesn't really matter? tens of thousands of people internally displaced, rockets fired at them constantly, and the entire nation grieving and suffering from PTSD doesn't matter? our lives are so meaningless, so unimportant to the world. no one cares this happened. I don't think they'd care if Jews were massacred in the diaspora as long as it's primarily us being killed. after all, we're 0.2% of the population. practically invisible, right? we don't really matter. it's only a few people.
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dragoneyes618 · 2 days
"It is high time to remind AP and the rest of the world that Hamas had full and exclusive control of Gaza - as well as a ceasefire - when thousands of its members invaded Israel seven months ago. There had been no Jews inside Gaza since 2005. Gaza was, in fact, an independent and sovereign Palestinian state. But that did not stop Hamas from launching its Oct. 7 massacre against Israelis, because it wants to eliminate Israel and replace it with an Iran-backed Islamist terror state."
- Bassim Tawil, Gatestone Institute, May 3
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girlactionfigure · 2 days
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Baruch Dayan HaEmet
This was 39 year old Staff Sgt. (res.) Refael Kauders of the Alon Brigade's 5030th Battalion from Tzur Hadassah who was killed in yesterday's Hezbollah drone attack in Hurfeish
May his memory be for a blessing.
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mysharona1987 · 5 months
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eretzyisrael · 1 month
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If you were honestly more concerned with advocating for Palestinians than you are hating a specific group of people, you would be disavowing these actions the loudest. But instead all we hear is a deafening silence, and worse… When a minority group tells you there’s a problem with your movement, listen to us, don’t “but” and “if” our concerns. Don’t bring up one Jewish person or 12 who agree with you or are too afraid to tell you what they really feel. Because tokenism is racism.
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dailykafka · 8 months
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— October 7, 1915 / Franz Kafka diaries
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jewish-vents · 3 days
tw suicide
I wanna kms if the girls end up being pregnant. I can't live in a world where it happens. where they suffer so much. I don't know what else I can even do. I can't save them.
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jewish-mccoy · 2 months
Given how unsafe queer spaces have become for Jews, I’d really love to hear how queer goyim plan to make these spaces welcome for us again.
Because you are the reason they’ve become hostile and unsafe. You haven’t stood up for us or said, “hey, this is wrong, we shouldn’t be pushing our own people out!”
What do you plan to do to make your spaces inclusive? Do you care that the queer Jews who have also been a huge part of the movement have fled your spaces?
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bsof-maarav · 27 days
Will they ever begin to wonder why the only Jews in their circles are Jews who feel no social obligations to any specific Jewish community; Jews who lack even the most fundamental knowledge of their own history, let alone the history of Jews from other parts of the diaspora; Jews who recoil from the thought of belonging to any Jewish collective that is not just a grouping of tokens but is fundamentally Jewish in its nature; Jews whose stake in being Jewish goes no deeper than some vague "cultural" reference to humor or bagels or buffoonish stereotypes; Jews who have never demonstrated a degree of solidarity with other Jews that is remotely commensurate with the loyalty that is demanded of them on the basis of whatever their non-Jewish circle claims to value; Jews who allow themselves to be externally defined;
Jews who preemptively disavow their own culture, traditions, history, and/or country to make others comfortable with them; Jews who do their utmost to reduce the friction between their culture and everyone else's, who are quiet about any ways in which they deviate from the group norm; who are quick to say that the only value in something Jewish is as an object lesson to be universalized and used in the service of someone else's liberation...
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girlactionfigure · 1 day
🟡 Friday - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
Rosh Chodesh Sivan, have a good new month!
Erev Shabbat - Parshat Bamidbar - Numbers 1:1 - In the Sinai Desert, G‑d says to conduct a census of the twelve tribes of Israel.
🌡 HEAT WARNING.. high temperatures today and tomorrow, returning to normal summer temps Sunday.  Hydrate, check your elderly.  And there have already been several baby and toddler deaths from left-in-car overheating, be extra careful!
🔸DEAL.. Hamas leader Sinwar to mediators: "Hamas will not disarm”. (WSJ)
.. Qatar has threatened senior Hamas officials to be expelled from Doha if they oppose the deal.
.. Qatari Foreign Ministry: "Hamas has not yet responded to the proposal for a ceasefire; they are still studying the proposal and the efforts of the mediating countries continue.”  (Yes this is opposite from previous reports.)
▪️INFILTRATION FROM JORDAN.. overnight near Tirat Zvi.  Town alert squads activated, IDF searching area.
▪️HEZBOLLAH FIRED ANTI-AIRCRAFT MISSILES.. at Israeli jets over south Lebanon.  This is the first time they have fired at jets, but have previously shot down Israeli high flying observation drones.
▪️US SEC STATE BLINKEN TO ISRAEL.. early in the coming week.
▪️ISRAEL ORDERS MORE F-35’s.. Israel signs a contract with the US to purchase 25 F-35 fighter jets for $3 billion.
▪️KIRYAT SHMONA SHOPPING MALL HIT.. by Hezbollah suicide drone.  Significant damage, no injuries.  (( As a precision weapon, someone want to comment about shooting at military vs civilian sites?  Israel is literally dropping leaflets warning civilians, Hezbollah is targeting civilians. ))
▪️MEDIA FEEDING THE ENEMY ENERGY.. The Lebanese Al Mayadeen channel quotes from the editorial of the Haaretz newspaper this morning:  “The countdown has begun and it is only a matter of time to the final collapse of Israel. A Lebanon war will push Israel into the abyss with a lack of international legitimacy and an exhausted army.”  This is from an Israeli newspaper during a war!
▪️HOUSING.. High Court decision on a long running case on who pays differences in some indexed payments on fixed price new apartments, the contractor, the State, or the buyer which was agreed between the contractors and State to be divided among the 3 - the court rules buyers aren’t party to the agreement and therefore can’t be charged.  Savings of NIS 8,000 per 1,000,000 of home price for buyers are expected. (Calcalist)
▪️MORE POLITICAL POLLING.. this time from right wing Ch. 14..
Likud - 25
National Unity - 17
Israel our Home - 14
Yesh Atid - 13
Shas - 10
Otzma Yehudit - 9
Labor - 9
United Torah Judaism - 8
Ra’am - 6
Religious Zionism - 5
Hadash-Ta’al - 4
Balad - below minimum at 3%
Meretz - below minimum at 2.2%
National Right - below minimum at 1.7%
Trends of note:  Labor significantly up with new leader, Israel our Home trending up.
⭕ HAMAS ROCKETS at Magen and Ein HaBsor near Gaza.
⭕ HEZBOLLAH ROCKETS at Beit Hillel, Ma'ayan Baruch, HaGoshrim, Zarit in the north.
❗️ON INFILTRATION from Gaza attack:
.. The tunnel shaft through which the terrorists reached 200 meters from the border is a shaft that is connected to a tunnel that has been known to Israel for 10 years, since Operation Protective Edge, and has not been destroyed.
.. When the terrorists reached the first fence, the old fence, they passed through an opening in the fence that remained breached and unprepared.  And while IDF forces are using it for entry to Gaza, not even a gate added.
Links to prepare for greater conflict.  Note many of the links work on in Israel, to view from outside use a VPN (special app or program that lets you appear somewhere else on the internet).
.. Preparing your home for an emergency.  https://www.oref.org.il/12490-15902-en/Pakar.aspx
.. Supplies and Equipment for Emergencies.  https://www.oref.org.il/12490-15903-en/pakar.aspx
.. Help Prep your Neighborhood and Family Elderly.  https://www.oref.org.il/12550-20999-en/pakar.aspx
.. Know the Emergency numbers
Police 100 emergency, 110 non-urgent situation
Ambulance 101
Medics 1221
Fire 102
Electric Company 103
Home Front Command 104
City Hotline 106
Senior Citizen Hotline *8840
Social Services Hotline 118
Cyber (hack) Hotline 119
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glitzy-dynamite · 13 days
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The latest questions are centered around Anat Schwartz, an Israeli who co-authored several of the paper’s most widely circulated reports, including the now well-known and scrutinized December 28 article headlined: “‘Screams Without Words’’ How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on Oct. 7.” Independent researchers scrutinized the online record, and raised serious questions about Schwartz. First, she has apparently never been a reporter but is actually a filmmaker, who the Times suddenly hired in October. You would expect the paper to look for someone with actual journalistic experience, especially for a story as sensitive as this one, written during the fog of war. Surely the paper had enough of its own correspondents on staff who could have been assigned to it. Next, the researchers found that Schwartz had not hidden her strong feelings online. There are screenshots of her “liking” certain posts that repeated the “40 beheaded baby” hoax, and that endorsed another hysterical post that urged the Israeli army to “turn Gaza into a slaughterhouse,” and called Palestinians “human animals.” (Just this morning, more evidence emerged online; Schwartz apparently also served in Israeli Military Intelligence.) Finally, one of her co-authors on two of the reports was Adam Sella, who is her nephew.  Let’s pause here. What would happen if the Times suddenly hired a Palestinian filmmaker with no journalistic background, who had recently publicly “liked” posts that called for “pushing Israeli Jews into the sea,” to co-write several of its most sensitive and contested reports? 
There’s another related example of how the Times has botched the sexual violence story. One of the first Israeli organizations that arrived on the scene of the Hamas attack was Zaka, a volunteer group that recovers dead bodies. On January 15, Times reporter Sheena Frankel wrote a positive profile of the group; she included 3 or 4 sentences of criticism, only to quickly dismiss them. This site had already raised serious doubts about Zaka weeks earlier, pointing out that “the organization’s volunteers have systematically given false testimonies, and continue repeating them to journalists on behalf of the Israel government.” Then, on January 31, the Israeli daily Haaretz published a long investigation, that highlighted “cases of negligence, misinformation and a fundraising campaign that used the dead as props.” Haaretz cited one Zaka report that said a volunteer had seen a murdered pregnant woman, with the baby still attached by the umbilical cord — before concluding that the incident “simply didn’t happen.” At this stage, there are serious doubts about many aspects of Israel’s overall account about October 7. Only a genuinely independent and impartial investigation might some day get closer to the truth. But meanwhile, at the very least the New York Times must publicly recognize its errors, and assign new, unbiased reporters to try to clean up its mess. 
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emptygoldstudio · 8 months
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[7] Eldest daughter brother 🎀
Prompt source for October
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mysharona1987 · 5 months
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It didn’t just start on October 7.
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