vaggieslefteye · 14 days
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I couldn't bear to see you suffer that fate.
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gaywarenn · 13 days
#so. there’s this girl. we’re taking the same 20hr a week summer class#so for five hours a day we are in close proximity. i saw her on the first day and thought she was cute. we got to talking#became friends. i organized a study group with us and a few other ppl from class but no one else showed… thank god tbh#what was meant to be a three hour study sesh became 12 hours of us talking about everything and nothing. hinting at being gay. more hinting#about being gay. hour ten: i tell her i’m into women. her smile. god. she laughs and says she’s also into women. red cheeks#nervous glances. she’s been kicking my feet all night just because she could. i’m smiling like an idiot because there’s a chance. she keeps#causally initiating contact. it’s getting to hour twelve. i’ve got to go because i have work in the morning. i can’t keep my eyes off her#‘when are we doing this again?’ ‘tuesday’ ‘deal’#i say goodbye followed with a casual ‘see you in less than 24hrs’ she replies even more casually ‘feels like an eternity’#so basically i’m feeling AO NORMAL HAHAHAHA!!! SHES INTO WOMEN.#SHE SAID I WAS INTIMIDATING WHEN WE FIRST MET. FEW HOURS LATER: INTIMIDATING WOMEN ARE ATTRACTIVE. AAAAHAHAAHAHA!!!! I CANT EVEN#basically i’m in LOVE. we’re planning her birthday party already and that shit is months away- just the two of us.WHAT THE FUCK IS MY LIFE?#I’m so happy and the one tumblr user that follows me has to know.#the way we’ve been texting for an hour after we’ve left. i’m positively gleeful
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clemencetaught · 3 months
🔥 What kind of pieces has he done through wood carving? Does he keep these pieces as personal items or gives them away to other people? 🔥 What are his favorite books to read? Has he retrieved any kind of information from books as to use them for his skills or any situation he's faced? 🔥 What are his favorite scents when it comes to bath salts? 🔥 Does he have a pocket knife he always uses or that's always with him? If so, is it personalized in some kind of way; maybe added marks or something to it? 🔥Is there a situation you'd like to write out in this verse but haven't? 👀
Also feel free to skip any questions here IUWHEDWHD; HOPE YOU'RE DOING WELL, TAKE MUCH CARE, MY DEAR FRIEND!!
now the victor is on the hot seat ( nosy questions for the birthday enby w/ @jeoseungsaja )
HI ALEX!!! here i am again with more of your WONDERFUL QUESTIONS :DDD thank you again for these; i will try to answer them all to the best of my ability <3
🔥 What kind of pieces has he done through wood carving? Does he keep these pieces as personal items or gives them away to other people?
okie so i was actually going to recon this headcanon ( there are a few things i want to revise for this verse especially with what i know about hyuk now here 👀) into more like, yes he does do wood carving, but it’s not really the artistic kind ^^’ i’d say it’s more like, you know how some people will pick up a random stick and just start shaving away at it until there’s nothing left? Yeah that’s the kind of carving patrick does….i wouldn’t be surprised if when he and hyuk are at the beach, that’s typically how patrick passes the time– he finds a random piece of driftwood and just idly shaves away at it while listening to the waves and enjoying hyuk’s company <3
🔥 What are his favorite books to read? Has he retrieved any kind of information from books as to use them for his skills or any situation he's faced? 
In this verse, he hardly reads fiction, mostly because i’m assuming that the books published in panem are probably pro-capitol. Books from before that (think of say, pride and prejudice, etc.) are probably found in the capitol, but you won’t be seeing anyone in the districts getting their hands on these legally at least–). So i could see patrick being more interested in reading say, history books? Anything related to history even though he knows that most accounts are, again, pro-capitol…this probably also ties into his capitol public persona as an academic, where he’s considered a ‘historian’ regarding panemian history….of course this’ll come back to bite the capitol in the ass 🙂
( on a note of after the second revolution, i could see patrick like, writing just one book on a comprehensive history of panem, one that cover both the districts and the capitol and it’s complete with interviews and primary and secondary sources….he had that published and then fucked off into obscurity aka he wanted no cameras on him ever again. he probably also played a role also in setting up a national university for both the district and the capitol students…although he would stick to teaching history in solely district three for the rest of his life <3 )
He will also read about science books and about the other districts/the capitol. The latter, he uses to kinda?? Get a better sense of the places he’s either stuck in or could be visiting, while the former, you could say it’s a paranoia thing just in case he’s ever thrown back into the games for a second time– this being said, i do think before he reaped, since he and hyuk did sneak out to the one beach at the edge of district three, he did do some reading about marine life and forest survival…whether that information actually did help him out though, who can say 🥲
🔥 What are his favorite scents when it comes to bath salts? 
Probably nothing too fancy, but he definitely would hate anything that was too…sweet-smelling, like roses or vanilla. I could see him liking more of the refreshing scents kinda like, eucalyptus, peppermint or tea tree. Considering that often he take a bath after meeting with snow’s ‘clients’, i think he prefers sharp smells as the scent would ground him to the present moment. Keep his thoughts from spiraling too far. 
🔥 Does he have a pocket knife he always uses or that's always with him? If so, is it personalized in some kind of way; maybe added marks or something to it?
i could definitely see him having one although it wouldn’t be anything fancy. I could see his favorite being say, something you’d find in the black market, something secondhand from district three. Mind you, he probably did get a fancy pocket knife here and there from snow’s ‘clients’, but i don’t see him keeping them…most likely he would’ve given them away or simply just thrown them out.
as for his usual one, the personalization is probably something very simple, like a carving of his initials into the handle. Just in case it gets lost ( although i don’t see that happening ever since well…never assume a dog no matter how sweet doesn’t know how to bite 🙃)
🔥Is there a situation you'd like to write out in this verse but haven't? 👀
Ahhhhh my favorite question on this list, alex i’m afraid you’ve opened pandora’s box here JFKLSDJFLK :3 
But honestly? I think the connections that he has for this verse already do a wonderful job with fulfilling all the hypothetical situations i’d write him into ( and if there is more…well i do know who to ask ;D ) that being said…
i would be interested in writing patrick in the initial aftermath of felicity’s passing OR in a case where hyuk is say, kidnapped by the capitol (aka there’s no guarantee that he’s alive or dead) ? of course that would be super depressing so it’s not like we would have to go all in depth, but at least i would like to see a patrick that is perhaps temporarily unhinged as that’s not a side that comes out often and i have yet to see what that would look like in action. in the case of hyuk being ‘missing’ since hyuk here is patrick’s rock, take hyuk away and any stability that patrick is known for showing would probably just…crumble. like yeah, he’ll act he’s perfectly fine and composed but he’d also be consistently two steps away from a breakdown…probably would need to be sedated at some points in time to calm down :’(
if we’re talking about hyurick tho, this is going to be so vague, but i wanna write it all with you :D firstly bc hyurick has my whole heart and brain space BUT also i am genuinely curious to see how they interact in this depresso verse!! whereas in the black knight verse, they are on the same side and do agree on what the right thing is to do even if they throw barbs at each other :’DDD; here, however, just based on what you’ve told me about hyuk so far, patrick and hyuk each have very different ideologies/ways of being in this society. So i am curious to see how they navigate their friendship/relationship despite disagreeing on this very fundamental level…and also seeing how they might accidentally screw each other over in the process too ( aka hyuk tries to start rebellion things and patrick tries to sabotage said plan bc that’s gonna get hyuk killed 😣).
that and the reunion kiss we talked about 👀i need a play-by-play walkthrough of that PLS 🥺🥺🥺
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smoooothoperator · 1 month
hiii lauraaa!! im just gonna say first things first and once again, Congratulations on writing an amazing series!!🥳✨️🫶🏼💗
I've been dedicated in reading and catching up and heads up, i may spam you with imagine plots soo sorry not sorry hehe😅😭
diving head first: I'd love to know abt the proposal + wedding details like whether lando proposed or violet proposed or maybe both🤷‍♀️😉 (like one of the tiktoks where the couple proposed at the same time), whoever proposes, what was their THE MOMENT when they knew 'this is it' (context: like jake and amy from b99 if you have watched), etc and etc.
i may have ranted in more detail but just wanted to share my pov of the idea. I'm sooo excited to see how this takes place! (ps: no pressure on writing asap!! take your sweet time pleasee! its always worth the wait to read😭😭😭)
okie now! byeeeeee loveee youuuuu mwaaahhhhh take care and happy race weekend!!🫂😉🫶🏼✨️ xx
Sorry it took me too long! Right now I'm very very very focused on reading that I really forgot that I had to write this HAHAHAHA
But I hope you like this!
He always knew he wanted to marry her. At first it was a joke he used to tell himself or his friends, that he was going to marry Violet no matter what, that he would put his last name next to hers. But it was only that, a joke and he barely though about it as something more.
But the day he had her, the day she said she loved him, he immediately knew he had to make that come true, that he was going to love her until his last breath. Days with her were like a new adventure he was dying to explore.
Lando started the search of a ring for her during the honeymoon phase of their relationship. He was so naive, so on love. He found himself countless times looking at rings everytime he walked in front of the jewelries Monaco, making screenshots on his phone of the ones he liked, picturing Violet with that ring on her finger.
But then the crash happened. He had to focus on her, on her recovery and making sure she was comfortable. And during that time with her, he came to the realization that he has to love the present and enjoy every second with her, enjoy life with her. But it made him realize, too, that he wanted to be next to her forever, now for real.
A year turned in two, two in three, and their love never stopped growing. They filled their house with souvenir of every places they visited, and their dogs were like their kids, always going with them to Lando's races.
It was a day he went out around Monaco with Max when he stopped right in front of the jewelry he always looked at. Max looked at him and smirked, nudging him and walking inside of the store. That day, he held Violet close to his chest, and while she was sleeping peacefully, he was staring at the ring inside elf the box, smiling widely.
He planned it, he kept the ring for months, and even if sometimes he decided to not wait and propose right in tbe moment, he waited for the day.
They went back to that city of snow, the city their favorite writer got inspired to write their favorite books. He thought it was perfect, Max and Pietra were with them, as well as their dogs.
"You know she will suspect if she find us recording, right?" Pietra sighed, looking at him.
"She won't" Lando nodded. "I have it planned, don't worry guys"
Lando had it pictured in his mind, he has been thinking and dreaming about this day since he bought the ring. When he's going to kneel, what words he's going to speak.
But it wasn't as easy as he thought.
His first attempt ended up with a fail. He wanted to go for a walk with the dogs and making sure that Max and Pietra were some meters away, with their phones in their hands making sure to record everything. But it ended with them screaming in a panic attack because one of their dogs decided to go explore to the wood. Thankfully they found the dog, covered in snow and the day ended with them cuddling the black dog in front of a fire and making sure he didn't freeze.
His second attempt was planned while they slept. It had to be something simple, no surprises. He has to make sure that their dogs are near, that the ring is in the box.
But at morning, when everything he wanted to do was cuddle her, he found Violet already in the living room making lunch for the day that was planned on the ski resort. So maybe that was the perfect moment to ask her.
He made sure he had the box with the ring in the inside pocket of his snow coat, sometimes having the need of patting his chest to make sure that the box was still there.
"Babe, you okay?" Violet asked worried, watching how he was always rubbing his chest. "Did something happen?"
"Oh? No, no! Why do you think that?" he frowned confused.
"Well..." she smiled looking him. "You can't stop touching your chest. Are you nervous because we're going to the red zone?"
"What?! Me?! My second name is danger" he scoffed, talking with a high pitched voice.
"Sure" she laughed, kissing his cheek.
Lando swallowed thickly and turned his head slightly to look at Max and Pietra, somehow panicking and moving his hand side to side under his chin.
"Abort plan, abort plan" he mouthed, making his friends chuckle.
He never thought that proposing to hercould be that hard without making her suspect.
He normally has a lot of patience, he had to get high levels of patience to love with two puppies and train them. But this? This is ending his patience levels.
The four of them spent the day skiing while their dogs were at a dog daycare place. And once they finished and got back with their dogs, Lando was too quiet on the way back to the house. And when they were finally there, he went immediately outside, grabbing his phone and texting Max.
Lando: Okay, this is the last chance. I'll stay out for a while, if she goes outside to talk with me, follow her.
Max: I never imagined proposing would be this hard...
Lando: Try it, then we'll talk 😩
Lando stayed out of the house, looking at the ring inside of the box. It doesn't have a big stone, in all his hers dating her he discovered that she doesn't like big jewelry. And the ring is the perfect definition of what she would wear everyday.
Rhysand and Feyre, their dogs, walked out of the house and stayed with him, cuddling him and trying to keep him warm, or trying to give him a reason to go back to the house.
"Hey, what are you doing outside? It's getting cold" Violet smiled, leaning on the door frame.
"Oh-" he wasn't ready. "C-can we talk?"
"There's something wrong?" she asked worried, walking towards him. "Lando, are you okay?"
"Well, I'm nervous" he sighed.
Violet started to panic. Nervous? Why would he be nervous? Is he going to break up with her?
"W-what?" she mumbled, swallowing thickly.
"I just wanted to do it before, but everytime I tried to talk with you, something happened" he said.
She could feel her vision getting blurry, not noticing the confusion in Lando's face.
"Baby, why are you crying?" Lando asked, holding her hands.
"You are going to break up with me, it's that?"
"What? No!" he laughed, pulling her close to him. "No! I'm actually going to do another thing"
She didn't feel him kneeling in front of her, grabbing the box inside of his coat. But when she finally understood what was happening, he didn't even need to say a word before she threw herself into his arms.
"You gave me a heart attack!" she exclaimed.
"I'm sorry, baby" Lando chuckled, holding her.
"But... Yes" she whispered. "I will marry you, idiot"
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violetspots1 · 18 days
Part 2 to that Welcome Home Incorrect Quotes post I made, like, a year ago. Wow how productive of me.
Poppy: Good morning.
Julie: Good morning.
Eddie: Good morning.
Barnaby: You all sound like robots, try spicing it up a bit.
Barnaby, holding in their laughter: Hey, how do you ask a glass of water what it’s doing?
Frank: A glass of water is an inanimate object. Therefore, it's incapable of having a thought process or understanding basic human language.
Barnaby: Water you doing?
Julie, peeling a banana: May I take your jacket, sir? Hahahaha.
Frank: Do you think other people can’t hear you?
Wally: Good. Thanks, dad.
Poppy: You just called Eddie “dad”. You just said “thanks, dad.”
Wally: What? No, I didn’t. I said “thanks, man”.
Eddie: Do you see me as a father figure, Wally?
Wally: No. If anything I see you as a bother figure ‘cause you’re always bothering me.
Howdy: Hey! Show your father some respect!
Howdy: *on the phone* Just snap his kneecaps and he’ll talk, I’m at a parent teacher conference.
Howdy: Anyways, you said Wally is enjoying finger painting! That's great.
Eddie: Shouldn't get stressed out, it's not good for the baby.
Wally: What baby?
Eddie, crying a bit: Me.
Wally: The shadow realm? No, I’m sending you to Ohio!
Howdy: Well, if you're not at least a little bit gay for your friends, then what kind of friend are you?
Frank, looking at a selfie of Wally's: I hate this photo.
Wally: I’m cute as fuck in that photo! I’m smiling kindly.
Frank: You’re not smiling kindly; you look like you’re up to something.
Wally: Up to kindness.
*at a zoo*
Julie: What are they in for?
Frank: Julie, this isn't prison.
Julie: So they can leave?
Frank: No, but-
Julie, pointing at a meerkat: I bet that one murdered someone.
Poppy: Fine! Judge all you want but...
Poppy, points at Sally: Married a lesbian.
Poppy, points at Julie: Left a man at the altar.
Poppy, points at Wally: Fell in love with a gay ice dancer.
Poppy, points at Barnaby: Threw a girl’s wooden leg in a fire.
Poppy, points at Howdy: Lives in a box!
Julie: Frank and I are so close we even share a toothbrush.
Frank: We what?
Wally: I never tell people off the bat that I'm gay. I wait. I wait until they say some homophobic shit and then I laugh and am like "you know I'm gay right?" and watch the look of terror on their face.
Barnaby: I like you.
Eddie: I think I'm falling for you.
Frank: Then get up.
Julie: Why do you act like we’re three year olds?
Frank, exasperated: WHY?!?
Frank points at Barnaby: YOU TRIED TO HYJACK A CAR!
Howdy: Just a minute. I need to go take out the trash.
Frank: Oh. We're going out?
Howdy: Wh…
Wally: *gets set on fire and screams in agony*
Wally: Nah, I’m just kidding. Fire does nothing to me.
Sally: I need 28 lightbulbs for 28 ducks.
Howdy: Ducks can’t eat lightbulbs?
Barnaby: I think that’s the point.
Sally: Exactly. I want my ducks to glow so I can find them.
Julie: Wasn't icarly that guy that girlbossed too close to the sun because he was down for Apollo?
Frank: ICARUS?
*at an awards show*
Poppy: Can I carry you on my back like Eddie did?
Wally: I don't think Barnaby would like that.
Poppy: *pouts*
Poppy: *carrying Wally on their back*
Barnaby: What the hell??
Wally: What was I supposed to do? Say no?
Frank: I have very high standards, you know.
Eddie: I can make spaghetti...
Frank: Oh no! You're meeting all my standards!
Wally: I’ve been here in jail so long I think I’ve lost my mind.
Wally: The days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months.
Wally: How long have I been in here now? Almost a year?
Barnaby: This is Monopoly.
Wally: Could you guys at least try to see this from my perspective?
Barnaby: *crouches down*
Frank: *kneels down*
Poppy: *sits on the floor*
Wally: I hate all of you.
*Sally is crying after a breakup*
Eddie: There there, Sally.
Sally, still crying: Thanks, but how did you get into my room?
Eddie: Great question—
Barnaby, knocking on the door: Howdy, open up!
Howdy: It all started when I was a kid.
Barnaby: That’s not what I-
Sally: Let them finish!
Julie, on a random band name generator: Oooo! They Might Be Depressed Horses! That about sums up my friend group.
Julie: War is heck!
Sally: What’s it like being tall?
Sally: Is it nice?
Sally: Can you reach comfortably for the cupboards?
Poppy: We live in constant fear of the short ones who, in my experience, will climb 4 chairs, 2 boxes, a small coffee table and 6 oddly placed stools to get what they want.
Wally: It was one time!
Howdy: Last night I found out Barnaby is a sleep talker.
Poppy: Oh, really?
Howdy: "The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell." Right. In. My. Ear. At 3am.
Wally: Wakey Wakey Eggs and Bakey!
Poppy: But I'm a vegan.
Wally: Wakey Wakey Vegetables and Sadness.
Howdy: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the things you lost throughout your life.
Sally: It would be nice to have my sense of purpose back...
Julie: Oh wow, my childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this.
Eddie: My will to live! I haven't seen this in years.
Barnaby: I knew I lost that potential somewhere.
Wally: Mental stability, my old friend!
Howdy: Jesus, could you guys lighten up a little?
Frank, looking over Wally’s shoulder: You can draw?
Wally, stopping what they were doing: You can speak?
Wally, near tears: Please, Neighbor, I don’t speak meme! I don't know what a 'yeet' is!
Julie: A party is a celebration of a life, bringing people together to let the guest of honor know how much they’re loved. Frank has done so much for us. This is our chance to do something for them.
Eddie: By forcing them to have fun at a party that they don’t want to be at?
Julie: I knew you’d understand.
Wally: Julie noticed only today that they can label their email inboxes, but they took apart their entire bloody laptop two weeks ago.
Sally: This reminds me of the Julie who couldn’t turn on the coffee maker, but remembers about 500 digits of pi.
Wally: I’ll be delighted to inform you that this is the very same Julie.
Julie: What do I get?
Sally: A night of fashion, mischief, mayhem, and possible death.
Julie: Ooh, check, check, and check; not sure about that last one.
Sally: It won't be you.
Julie: I'll get my coat.
Wally: My crush isn’t picking up on my hints.
Barnaby: What hints have you given them?
Wally: Well, I think about them a lot.
Wally: And sometimes I even think about talking to them.
Poppy: Don’t worry, I know exactly what I’m doing. Everything is going to be fine!
Julie: How can you still say that?
Poppy: Because sometimes, when things get tough, denial is all we have.
Julie: If you spell skeletons backwards, it still spells skeletons.
Barnaby, deadpan: Wow, I can't wait for Halloween to see some snoteleks.
Wally: I'm not a morning person. I'm barely even a person.
Julie, holding a scooter: Poppy! Can I go outside and play with this?
Poppy: Sure, whatever. I'm not your parent, okay?
Julie, running outside: Thanks Poppy!
Poppy, running out after them and screaming: NOT ON THE STREET! STAY AWAY!
Sally: ....Thou shalt not marry each other, for thy art both sinful...
Frank: I just wanna fucking marry Eddie!!
Eddie: My life is a little too much panic and not enough disco.
Julie: My life is a little too much fall and not enough boy.
Wally: My life is a little too much chemical and not enough romance.
Sally: My life is a little too much imagination and not nearly enough dragons.
Frank: Fuck capitalism. It's a rigged system that keeps us poor and it isn't fair. You shouldn't need to work three jobs to afford basic necessities.
Frank, playing Monopoly: Sorry, if you wanted to win you should have tried not being poor.
I did it :D
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callsigndragon · 1 year
Hi Jenn (I’m saying hi as if we don’t have an active group chat that we talk in every day 🤦🏻‍♀️😂)
Anyways! If you’re don’t mind my request, and if no one has asked for this yet, this shrimp asks for prompt list 1, #15 with the himbo 😉 (as if you didn’t expect this from me 😂)
Pls and thank you! 😬💛
-Shrimp 🦐
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| Kiss, kiss |
Bradley Bradshaw x reader
A/N: My loooooove! I'm sorry this is so short and probably crap but here you go hahahaha. Love you lots ❤️
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It all started with quick pecks behind closed doors. 
Bradley didn't need anything more, actually. Just a quick peck once in a while, so he could continue with his day. He would look out for you in the hangar, and once he had seen you checking a plane that had just been repaired. Then he checks around, making sure that nobody is looking, and pulls you close by the belt loops of your jeans, crashing his lips against yours as if it was the first time in ages he’d kissed you. 
It was cute, and while it was risky, as not a lot of people knew about your relationship, and you wanted to keep it that way, Bradley always checked the surroundings to see if there was someone around that could notice them and spread the word. 
But then, Bradley became a little shit and began to kiss you in the most inappropriate places. In the parking lot when you get out of work, and he’s waiting for you to get you home. 
At the Hard Deck, when he makes you gestures from the other side of the room while you’re with your friends. He gestures you to go outside, so he can kiss you and compliment your outfit. “And I bet it looks ten times better on my bedroom floor.” 
None of you enter back to the bar after he says that. 
Bradley justifies his behavior adducing that he might be deployed at any moment and while most of the time you get deployed too because mechanics are always needed, it might happen that someday, somehow, he has to travel away without you. 
And as soon as those words leave his mouth, it happens. He gets deployed on a mission in the Pacific for a month or so. Calls are good, when they are possible, but you usually end up texting each other, and you get texts at the most random times. It’s exasperating. 
It makes you realize that you want the relationship to be public, so you don’t have to keep quiet about how much you miss him, and how much you hope he’s okay. You just have to wait and see what happens. 
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“Y/n, you’ve been called to the main hangar. It seems like there’s an F-18 that makes a weird noise.” Your boss says, handing you a folder with the plane number written in blue letters. You recognize that number, but it’s hard to remember as you have many planes to fix and even helicopters now. 
“I’ll go right now, sir.” 
You walk towards the hangar, really close from where your office is, and then start looking the said plane, the one that’s giving trouble and making ‘weird noises’. It’s surprising the amount of times you get called to check an aircraft for that reason. It’s usually an easy fix, but you always check the whole thing, just to make sure that nothing happens later when the aircraft is in the air. 
Checking the number of the plane, you see the name of the pilot written on the side. 
Lt. Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw. 
“When did he come back?” You ask aloud, not expecting an answer. 
“Three hours ago, actually.” Bradley says, appearing from behind the plane, a bouquet of flowers in hand. He drops the flowers to the floor once he sees you running towards him, catching you mid-air. "I'm gonna guess you missed me a lot." 
"It's been a whole month of not getting my kisses. I want my kisses." 
He looks at you, a teasing smirk that you've missed for a whole month. "Weren't you the one who said that you didn't want to get caught by the others?" 
You raise an eyebrow, carefully choosing your next words to make him suffer a bit. "Well, then. Put me down, I'm sure Hangman will be more than happy to give me a ki-"
He kisses you before you can even finish your sentence. He pulls away, a whole minute after, leaving you breathless and dizzy. "You're mine, babe. Don't forget that."
"Jealous, aren't we?"
"For you? Yes. I don't wanna lose you." 
You shake your head, kissing him softly. "You're not gonna lose me, idiot. Now, what about we go get something to eat?" 
"Are you on the menu?" He says, slowly leaving you on the floor. 
"I can be the dessert." You smirk.
"Never have I been so excited for dessert." 
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suzukiblu · 4 months
Get to Know Me
Tagged by @paleolithicarcher.
List 3 ships I like: Current hyperfixations being what they are, I'd say my current faves are Tim/Kon, Core Four polyam, and Kon/Match. ( honorable mention to Tim/Kon/Bernard, because I SURE DO have a lot more of "think pink" outlined, cough cough cough )
First ship ever: Tiny baby Rin wanted Madeline and Pepito to get fucking MARRIED and anyway THAT particular ship dynamic was clearly etched in my heart from Day Fucking One, hahahaha.
Last Song I heard: "All I Ever Wanted" by The Airborne Toxic Event, one of my long-time faves. Just popped up from my shuffled likes while I was typing this up.
Favorite Childhood Book: Animorphs. Just . . . all of it. All of them. I used to call the mall bookstore first thing every month to see if the new one was in yet. ( NO WALDENBOOKS YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND I NEED IT-- )
Currently Reading Now: Mob Psycho 100 volume one. I've seen bits and pieces of the show, but my library finally got it on Libby so I finally started actually READING it. It's so stupid, I love it. ❤ Also about halfway through All Systems Red, though teeeeechnically I'm not reading that one, I'm listening to the audiobook. Saving the rest of it for a long drive I've gotta do next week. Superman Smashes the Klan is sitting on my bedside table and up next.
Currently Watching: Just finished season three of the American version of MasterChef as part of a two-week Gordon Ramsay binge I've been on; planning to rewatch Encanto this weekend. Really WANT to see American Fiction, which I'm pretty sure is streaming now, so I might ask the roommates if they're up for that one too.
Currently Consuming: McDonald's french fries and a Coke. Relatedly, I may or may not be sitting in a McDonald's as I write this.
Currently Craving: The chicken sandwich waiting in my takeout bag, lucky me!
Tagging: @chromatographic, @authenticaussie, @mistystarshine, and @definitelynotaminion.
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5, 8, and 16 for the ask game!
5. Be honest, which is your favourite character to write lines for?
In Monstrous Agonies it was 100% the CEO. I have one (1) friend with a corporate job who I sent all the CEO's lines to to check if I was making them insufferable business bro-ish enough. In Travelling Light, I really enjoy writing Wolph actually! He's got so much energy and I like hearing his voice in my head ❤️
8. Pick a character from your show and put together an outfit you think they’d wear.
I think the Traveller needs, wants and most importantly deserves dungarees.
16. Briefly outline your process for making a season happen.
Hahahaha OK so the basic model for a Monstrous Productions audio fiction is: about three months before the season starts, you make lots of brilliant and clever plans that will keep everything running smoothly, including social media, marketing, production, etc; forget to do any of that; crash into the start of the season with nothing but a hastily sketched outline on the back of a napkin to guide you; about three weeks in, have a panicked phone call with @aestheticcluttercore who then solves all your plot problems and designs the story arc and crafts a brilliantly paced season outline, all while sipping a bellini and polishing their sunglasses collection; and in the case of Travelling Light, proceed to run like hell through 8 weeks of production and release, then spend a week in a blibbering pile on the floor followed by a week of planning the next 8 week chunk; rinse and repeat.
The actual creation of the episodes runs rather similarly, but on a weekly basis: spend Mondays pretending you're going to write; spend Tuesday also pretending you're going to write; spend Wednesday pretending you're going to write until The Dread hits at around 8PM and you panic your way through to getting at least half an episode written; spend Thursday writing the rest of the episode, recording it, and editing the bulk of it, all while feeling like your hair is on fire and this is the week you finally balls it up; underestimate how long everything will take to do on Friday and just barely squeak the episode out on time; cling desperately to that momentum to write the annotated script for Ko-Fi supporters; play Baldur's Gate 3 for two days solid to recover.
Who, ADHD? Me? Naaaaah.
Questions from this post!
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hananoami · 1 day
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[2024/05] Collection Progress
It's May 31st -- end of the month collection progress time! This was a special month because I hit 💯 collection for every love interest for the first time on 05/20! And then again after they added Rafayel's current limited-time banner, Dawn's Embrace, hahahaha... at this point I'm committed so it is what it is. Below is a breakdown of each LI's collection progress~
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Unfortunately I must have accidentally deleted my shimmering moonlight pulls vod while I was clearing out my storage for more space so I can't include any screenshots of those pulls. However, I still have my tracker, so the TLDR is I got lucky with my pulls to get Rank 3 MN memory pair in 430 pulls + moon blessing crate. I only lost the 50/50 three times. Which is kinda wild, considering it took me this exact amount just to get R2 TP memory pair for Rafayel last month.
[05] New memories that were added to the collection in May:
5☆ Midnight Rainfall [Banner: Shimmering Moonlight]
5☆ Midnight Whispers [Banner: Shimmering moonlight]
4☆ Veiled Guardian [Event: Another Dawnbreak]
4☆ Veiled Starlight [Event: Another Dawnbreak]
3☆ Real Look [Event: Another Dawnbreak]
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There was only 1 new memory for Zayne this month. His [Heartstring Healer] could only be obtained by purchasing the Promise package Heartfelt Vow. Of course I had to get it. Not only because I'm committed to Zayne, but also because the [Floral Melodies] universal headwear accessory was totes adorbs.
[01] New memory that were added to the collection in May:
4☆ Heartstring Healer [Promise: Heartfelt Vow]
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The God of the Tides was truly merciful and answered my long awaited prayers. I had both his Heartfelt memories show up in the Galaxy Explorer the same week, albeit they were shards it was still just enough for me to be able to craft them. Heartfelt Game was crafted on 05/20 & Heartfelt Moment was crafted on 05/22! There was also his current limited-time wish banner, Dawn's Embrace, which I wrote about here. With this memory now in my collection it means I have finally 100% Rafayel's memory for the first time!! I'm still reminiscing over the fact that after I watched this memoria my affinity with Rafayel increased to 95. How sweet.
[01] New memory that were added to the collection in May:
5☆ Private Trip [Event: Dawn's Embrace]
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[ 𝓶𝒆𝒐𝒘 𝓫𝒂𝒅𝒈𝒆𝒔 ]
Today must have been my lucky day because Zayne and Rafayel both obtained the missing meow badges they needed to complete a series -- more about that can be read here! This was the first time Rafayel has completed a meow badge series - [Meowstar]. Zayne is on fire, having completed 3 of them so far as of writing this, with his most recent being [Kittyland]. Poor Xavier. He'll complete one soon. I believe. Xavier: 72% Zayne: 74% Rafayel: 66%
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Meowco ! There's currently a limited-time event going on for [Kittycat] meow badge series. However, it cost 10x diamonds for additional runs up to 3 times a day. That's 30 diamonds per love interest, 90 diamonds per day. What a diamond trap. No thank you. I'll wait for this to come back at another time. My diamond priorities go to Zayne's upcoming double myths banner. I'll just passively play and use the weekly reset to see how many badges I can get before the event ends.
[ 𝓹𝒍𝒖𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒆𝒔 ]
Rate up [Fluffy Doggie] to the two-prong claw machine this month. XAVIER: 40/112 (35%) ZAYNE: 38/112 (33%) RAFAYEL: 46/112 (41%)
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gineazu · 14 days
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chapter two
Sometime in the day Denji has killed the Tomato Devil and pulls Pochita’s blade out of it
"Phew…Gotta be the Tomato Devil. He’ll revive from the seeds, so you’ll wanna burn those" denji says speaking to the boss
"Nice work, Denji this carcass will bring in a fair price on the black market. I’ll pay you 400,000"
The yakuza boss praises the sixteen year old boy
Denji face has an excited expression at the praise and the money "Hey, thanks!"
"After what you owe and the interest, that leaves 170,000. So after the finder’s fee, admin fee, management costs, and so on…"
Then his expression dropped slowly
Drops each time as the list goes on
Sometime later, in the city Denji walks with Pochita down the street
"… that leaves me with 70,000" he says to pochita then continues
"After the water bill and some other stuff I owe…Funny how that works. I’ve got 1,800 yen left"
"No food at home, and this is gonna have to last us a month, so…Pochita, looks like dinner’s gonna be a slice of bread"
Denji walks past a car with the yakuza boss and his driver then denji can feel a familiar sense of dread that he still has not gotten used to even after many years
The driver and the boss shiver from the but try to ignore it but it was unerving then start to have a conversation as they see walking to help
"Why hire a brat like that to hunt devils?" The driver asks
"He’s paying off what he owes us. Well, technically, it was his deadbeat Boss’s debt" the boss responds
"And a kid with a pet devil can get the job done?"
"The thing about real devil hunters is that they don’t pass devil carcasses on to the yakuza Besides, the best thing about Denji is he does what he’s told"
The car drives to catch up with Denji the more the car gets close to denji the more the sense of dread grows
"Hey, dog!" The driver yells out the window
"I’ll give you 100 yen to eat this cigarette! Hmm?" The driver tells denji at that point the the dreadful feeling thickens making the atmosphere almost hard to breath in
The sky seems to be cloudy maybe even turn black or red for a split second before returning to its normal blue
Ignoring it denji responds "For real? Don’t mind if I do"
Denji takes the man’s cigarette
Denji swallows the cigarette
"Hahahaha!" The driver laughs in amusement
Then the bosses window rolls down
"We’ll be in touch when there’s another devil Try and run, and you’re pig slop" he says
"Ngh… Oh"
Denji walks away from the car, and the car drives off then a familiar angelic man pops out if nowhere and slaps him on the back of the head with one of his wings
"You imbecile"
Denji sticks his tongue out. The cigarette is on it
"I didnt really swallow it...That’ll keep us for another three days"
In Denji’s shed in which the three call home Denji and Pochita rest from the rain Pochita takes a bite of bread while m/n sits next to denji with a mini alternate in his hands
as if it was his child he showed it but he examined it as if it was an expiriment
he sat the alternate Down near pochita to see how it will react to pochita but it just ends up climbing on him as if he was a horse
"The other day I heard that normally, people put jam on their bread before eating it" denji speaks up
M/n raises an eyebrow at denji not seeing the point in food since he doesn't eat or need to eat
and doesn't get whats so good about the mush in your mouth 
Besides....human tastes better
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trashpandacraft · 10 months
tour de fleece (crash)
ok, so the tour de fleece ended, and i...did not do so great. i did really well for the first bit, and then we went to sheep and wool. and sheep and wool was amazing and delightful and i had an amazing time, but also: i'm disabled, and the crash from putting out that much energy was, uh, intense. i basically couldn't do anything for a week, and even spinning on my eel wheel in bed was too much to manage.
so i didn't. i picked up over the weekend, the last two days of the tour, and (very slowly) managed to spin some lovely rambouillet that i think will stay a singles—we'll see what it looks like after it's had a week to chill out on the bobbin.
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(yeah, there's a couple little pigtaily bits, but (1) i literally finished the spin about thirty seconds before taking this photo, and (2) i prefer to spin at very low tension for most things, so it doesn't always wind on evenly. i suspect they'll go away.)
i'm not thrilled about how this ended for me, but when i made my tour de fleece plans, we hadn't decided to go to bendigo yet, so they were sort of overly ambitious. i also, uh, thought that the tour de fleece ran the entirety of july, and not just the first three weeks? so i thought that i had more time that i did, right until i started seeing people posting about the final stretch and went WAIT WHAT?
goals (link to original) and how they went:
spin a chunky yarn. i absolutely did not do this, and didn't even really think about it. i may just...keep not doing it. i still don't enjoy chunky yarns. maybe that's fine.
spin a singles yarn. see above! this one actually worked out ok, i think. i'm pretty sure it's going to stay a singles, and at minimum, it could stay a singles if i wanted it to.
spin some sock yarn. i didn't expect to finish this in july, but actually, yes i did! unwashed, it's about 25 wpi, which i'm pleased with. (it'll puff up some, but it's fairly firm, so i think not a ton.) unfortunately, i once again succumbed to the fallacy that i knit socks from 100g of commercial yarn, so 100g of fibre should be plenty for socks! it. is not. i think that washed up, i'll have about 225m, which might be enough for like, ankle socks. i'm gonna try, anyhow, but next time i say the words 'spinning for socks', someone please remind me that i want to spin at least 150g.
spin a breed i've never spun before. not a breed, and not much of it, but i actually did spin some bamboo fibre this month, and that's the first time i spun it and it wasn't a blend, so i think that counts.
spin this chunk of polwarth i dyed a few weeks back and am desperate to get my hands into. this was a just-for-fun addition that i absolutely did not get to, and am mad about. it's probably what i'm spinning next.
dye some wool in colours i don't usually use—the red-orange-yellow end of things. this was meant to be my second dye of the month, but didn't happen—the spin above is from fibre i dyed a couple years ago. i think it'll still happen in the near future, as my kid picked up a spindle at sheep and wool, and they fuckin love orange.
dye something brightly coloured. this one happened! i dyed some grey and white merino into a vivid purple. i'm thinking about blending in a little silk and sparkle.
make 20 rolags with hand cards. hahaha ha hahahaha no. i think i made four. the rolags will continue until the rolags improve, but i did not meet this goal even a little
stretch goals:
spin a four ply. surprisingly, yes! the sock yarn mentioned above is four ply, and i'm pretty pleased with it. i would, obviously, be more pleased if i'd remembered the whole density issue, but it's a very consistent four-ply sock weight, so i'm calling it a win.
spin a textured yarn. i did not do this. maybe later? maybe not, honestly. i feel like i should like textured yarns and chunky yarns and art yarns, but in my heart, i just don't. i'm impressed when other people make them, but maybe that's not reason enough to make them myself.
ok, spelling it all out like that makes me feel a little less bad. at no point did i say that i couldn't combine goals, so i achieved exactly half of those things. which isn't great, but isn't as bad as i thought. maybe next year i'll remember that 'do things you don't enjoy' doesn't really make for fun challenges for yourself, too.
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anns-works · 11 months
Jay, Lloyd and (and Morro) Things.
The Trenchcoat Adventure™.
On the same week as that, they crashed into a stranger's meet up to thank them for being understanding enough that night when working as a cashier. Making their day.
Like literally, so many late night snack runs...
Introducing Lloyd to the League Of Jay was the best (kid got a chance to be a kid again) and the worst (they forgot how much of a gremlin he used to be) thing Jay did.
Lloyd took up art with Scott by graffitiing the walls of Cliff Gordon's mansion.
Once Jay and Lloyd disappeared off the face of the earth and everyone started panicking cuz they thought they got kidnapped. Found them two weeks later on the other side of the continent after Lloyd called saying Jay was in the hospital. Turns out he had a severe allergic reaction after the café they were having brunch at messed up their orders and put peanuts in his food.
Disappeared off the face of the earth AGAIN. But this time they came back a week later in their crumpled PJs looking like they got mauled by a feral racoon in a forest. A freshly revived Morro in tow.
Kai, having several breakdowns: GUYS WHAT THE FUCK-
Jay: Kai, chill. We got a guy who came back from the dead and is probably very understandably confused right now. Do you really wanna do this?
Kai, full on having a stroke: I'M-
Morro, vibing: Hey, is that ice cream.
On that note, never let these three be in a room together.
Jay and Lloyd are chaotic sure but with Morro they just lose all sense of morality and are down to commit multiple felonies at a moment's notice.
Jay and Lloyd: I'm just a silly little guy :)
Morro: *exists*
Jay and Lloyd: Ok its time to commit war crimes
Morro himself doesn't have to do anything, like he'll enter the room and his mere presence will be enough to trigger these bozos into committing arson. He's actually pretty chill.
Jay: I wanna add one of the ninjas into the League
Scott: Yeah, no. Not gonna happen
Jay: *sends a pic of Lloyd*
Scott:...Ok I'm willing to make an exception cuz they look very polite
Jay managed to convince Morro and Lloyd to help him mess w/ Zane's audio output and the next month they spent dealing with what was an increase of hostility towards the nindroid from the criminals.
Villain of the week: Hahahaha! I've got you now ninjas!
Zane, in a weird mesh of a australian and californian accent: You thought so smurf now get ready to eat this bread you thoty square!
Villain of the week: what the fuck
Also these guys in Trip (ninjago tumblr) are the best thing ever.
@ living-in-htis-windy-pain (Morro): This guy was declared dead abt a couple of months ago and today I get this message from him.
[Image description: Jay throwing a peace sign at the camera. He has white hair and pink-blue dual colored eyes. There is a blurry figure of Lloyd in the background staring at the camera. The caption reads "i lived bitch". End description.]
@ living-in-htis-windy-pain (Morro): i just started a 30-days free trial on having a normal life.
@ zappy-traffic-violation (Jay): where's the link?
@ thepoweroffriendship (Lloyd): WHERE'S THE FUCKING LINK OP?!?!?!
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stevenbasic · 2 years
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GITJ Post 264: EvolutionaryBra, p1
Okay, yeah, okay everyone, I thought to myself ruefully, leave me alone. I was walking, slowly, to Melissa’s office to see what was up. I didn’t want anyone to kill the good mood I’d been in! Since my date with Melissa, really, I felt like a new man. Like I’d had a new spark lit inside me, something to look forward to everyday. In the meantime, I glanced through these emails. They were strange, linking some weird new lingerie company to Evolution Pharmaceuticals to some other bigger outfit called “Nexifem” and some other “Kollective”. Yes “Evolution Bras” had sorta the same name as the company we were doing these clinical trials for sure but…really? He sounded crazy, and I didn’t have time for this. And, why is he sending me a link to our own Instagr-
Four minutes ago. Randi had put it up on our practice’s feed, this blatant boob-shot cheesecake. Holy shit. Melissa, modeling a bra, obviously in her office, this morning. This - this can’t be on our Instagram! We were a medical practice! But…holy crow…
I barely realized it but I was at the door to her office, phone in hand, frozen, staring...lost in-
Next thing I knew, the door cracked open and Randi had me grabbed by the collar of my shirt, yanking me inside with surprising strength. The door slammed shut behind me and there she was: Melissa, standing in front of one of her huge, floor-to-ceiling windows, in a bra. The one from the picture. My eyes went wide.
She’s so tall, so built. Both girls were, really. Randi at least 5’9” plus her heels towered over my 5’2” behind me, her lean, leggy but busty figure undeniably sexy. On the other hand Melissa…my god. She was monumental. In the room with them I felt like a shrimp.
Melissa gasped, seeing me come in. I got all of about two seconds of a view of the pretty, white-and-gray embroidered bra she’d been modeling. She looked surprised that I was there, turning away, like she was caught in the act. Randi stood behind me, smiling with a camera, and with one hand on my upper back she urged short little me into the room. “Randi what did you do?!?!!” Melissa exclaimed, starting to laugh and yanking down her tight, pink, long-sleeved sweater back over her prodigious chest, “Hahahaha!!!” 
Are they actually doing a photoshoot?!?
“Hi we’re doing a photoshoot,” Randi stated, plainly, as she pushed me deeper into Melissa’s office. “Missy was being shy, didn’t want you to know, but I thought you’d want to be here.”
“Omigod Randi!!” Melissa exclaimed, still laughing as I stood there between the two girls, flummoxed, “You’re terrible!!” She straightened her scoop-neck top, recovering. It looked like a thin, soft, merino wool; the white straps of her bra were on display over her tan, athletic shoulders. 
“Yeah um I-“ I began. 
“Oh c’mon aren’t you two like, an item?” Randi cracked dismissively as Melissa fluffed out her huge, thick hair. Randi was casually looking at her phone, nodding. Her own breasts jiggled over the neckline of her low-cut black top. “So you saw the new Insta? How do you like Missy’s new expandable bra?”
“Her w-what..?” Her expandable bra? And, wait…how did she know I’d seen-
“I am so sorry our annoying social media director interrupted your day..!” Melissa said, offering caustic apology for her friend, “But we were just-”
“Last month this company from, like, Russia sent her a free bra. The black underwire, the black bra,” Randi interrupted, a sly lilt to her voice as she eyed me askance, “You know the one…”
“Uhhh…” I stammered, caught off guard. I looked at Melissa, who was looking at me, biting her lip coquettishly, almost shyly. These two were friends; I figured they’d talk about our Friday night together. I had wondered how the black bra I’d seen Melissa in - twice - fit on two separate occasions, about three weeks apart after so much obvious growth on her part. How? I’d wondered. Bras, lingerie, fabric doesn’t…grow, these days, does it?
“...and she had such nice things to say about it, online, did a little interview for them” Randi said, “they decided to send her five more. They’re cool. They’re expandable. They’re like-”
“They’re like magic!” Melissa sang, laughing again, “I’ve grown like, so many cup sizes in the past month and it’s kept right up with me!” At that, Melissa placed her hands on her trim abdomen and straightened her posture, drawing her shoulders back and emphasizing the size of her remarkable chest through her tight pink sweater. Good god the girl was huge! This custom-fitted bra, or whatever it was, admittedly had the effect of lifting her burgeoning boobs, supporting them better than ever, enhancing their elevation and the pronounced projection of her bustline, smoothing her curves while at the same time solidly jutting out in front of her more than she was used to. Combined with the hot pink sweater she was a sight, a magnetic presence in the room that kept all eyes pointed her way.
“And th-they…expand?” I asked densely. 
“Yeah,” Melissa grinned, pivoting at the waist, seeing how my eyes had remained glued to her, “They’re getting so big…”
“He means the bras, Missy…” Randi smirked. 
“Oh haha!” she laughed. . 
So, this…thing, this photoshoot, this post on my practice’s social media feed, was some sort of advertisement/endorsement for some Eastern European Bra company? It boggled me.  “So, Melissa, this is s-so you can get free, uh, underwear?” I asked. 
The girls dissolved into giggles. “Yeah kinda!” Melissa snorted, “Bras are expensive!”
“These would go for, like, five grand,” Randi added, casually picking up another, huge-cupped bra - vibrant pink - from a package on Melissa’s desk.”They’re super fancy.”
“And if we do this sort of testi…torial?”
“Testimonial,” Randi aided, patiently.
“...testimonial, these try-on hauls, the company said they’ll send all the girls one!” Melissa was obviously excited. She could be like a little kid, at times. It was hard to be mad at her, even though she was using my medical practice to market for a lingerie company. 
”Wh-..w-why would you all need expandable bras?” I asked, incredulous that I’d somehow found myself in this crazy conversation.
At that, Randi drew in a deep, deep breath. Her big tits ballooned up her chest, threatened to pop from her top...
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“...and look at Missy…”
Suddenly Randi stepped, reached to Melissa and pulled her pink sweater back up over her chest, gathering it up near her shoulders. Surprised, Melissa laughed but did nothing to stop it. My eyes had peeled themselves off Randi and were now plastered again on Melissa...
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“But now we can grow all we want, and not have to buy new bras every week…” Randi concluded. 
I swallowed, hard, watching Melissa continue to adjust her bra, the straps. If this was for real - I was still a bit incredulous - what was the technology? What kind of material was this? I’d, maybe, heard something about adaptive fabric being used in the military, some nanotechnology…was this the same sort of thing? In a lacy underwire undergarment for suburban office workers?
“This one hasn’t completely stretched for me yet…” she was musing, idly, turning to glance at her half-reflection in the window. But satisfied she was well covered, well supported, she continued. “I was, like, a little hesitant to do another product promotion after the MegaMilk thing,” she said, recalling her past experiences as a small-time model for that energy drink a few years back. I knew it still sort of haunted her; she’d made some money but the uncomfortable attention she’d attracted never fully disappeared. “But, this just seemed so right,” she continued, turning back to me and eyes going wide when she saw me staring. She had paused, as if a bit stricken, and took a moment to gather herself. I myself hadn’t noticed her reaction: I was too busy ogling her tits. I couldn’t help it; they were currently the focus of attention.. “I-it’s a woman-owned company,” she pushed on, “and they donate to the right causes…”
“Plus we all need new bras,” Randi said, eyeing her friend, then me, then Melissa again. "Problem solved, eh?" Her deep, smoky voice still sounded casual, but she’d sensed a change in her friend Missy. She’d seen this sort of thing happen before, when Melissa got excited…
I needed to…to say something. “But, uh, Randi?” I began asking, “D-don’t you think it’s a little, uh, inappropriate to be using the company social media to-“
“To post pictures of your big busty Mommy Girlfriend?”
“Randi..!!” Melissa laughed, mouth dropping open in shock, boobs jiggling in her mirth. 
“Uh…” I followed, flushing red as I tried to ignore the “girlfriend” comment…and the “mommy” one too. Jesus! Anyway, we’d talked about this before, Randi and I, her misuse of our Instagram, Twitter. This seemed like almost willful insubordination. “I dunno, maybe we should-”
“Oh c'mon it’ll be great publicity for us,” Randi answered, bemoaning my complaints with offhanded aplomb, “Even their tagline is great, works for us: ‘Evolution Bras - We’ll Grow With You’…perfect, right?””
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“Look how it holds me in..!” she giggled. 
“That’s great, sweetie,” Randi acknowledged, with long-practiced patience. She shook her head - both of us were half-flabbergasted - and turned back to me. She began in on a heartfelt lecture on how hard it’s been finding well-fitting bras. "Dr J, seriously,” she began, in her sooty voice, “finding a bra that fits is hard enough for a woman, something like this could revolutionize that. Help level the playing field in a society where men have had it easier for so long. Just carrying these humongous milk-bags around on our chests so we can feed all your babies is hard enough…right Missy?”
Glancing at her friend, Randi shook her head in amazement. She was able to tear her eyes away but I was having no such luck…
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“Right..!” Melissa finally laughed. 
What was happening here? Her perfume had suddenly become very strong, filling the room. 
Randi continued. ”You would seriously be against something that improves women's lives?" she jeered. 
"H-hey wait, I never said that!” I blurted. Randi’s little speech, which had turned into a pro-women's empowerment message obviously pre-meditated to squash any reservations I might have, brought heat to my face, “I'm, uh, totally in support of women and, uh, women’s rights…” What was I saying?? Man she smelled good. “I guess this is a great product..."
“And using the practice’s accounts is okay?” Randi asked, expectant. 
“Uh, yeah…” bounce bounce bounce. Melissa was posing again, throwing me little kissy-faces. 
“Okay, great, now…shoo,” Randi quipped, grabbing me by my thin shoulder and turning me around, away from Melissa, “Missy has four more of these to try on, and she’d like some privacy.”
“Bye..!” I heard Melissa call out to me, as I was ushered from the room. 
Thanks to CaptainAmbiguous and Joshua67 for help and guidance, and especially TopographicScoiety for that first image (wow, right? I left the original face because it was just so beautiful) and big chunks of the prose.
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acidheaddd · 6 months
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Since I made Ian, I kinda wanted to do this for him too. 😂 I might do it for Candy as well. MAYBE Carmine, once my presets are fixed, so I can take a new picture of him.
ANIMAL: An orange cat COLORS: Blues and black MONTH: June SONGS: Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol NUMBER: 21 PLANTS: ...................... Apart from weed? SMELLS: Leather GEMSTONE: Green calcite and moonstone TIME OF DAY: 2am... Ian stays up late and his sleep schedule isn't the greatest... or existant. It's a bit better since he got a job, but. SEASON: Summer PLACES: The subway or a crowded small concert venue FOOD: Pizza DRINKS: Coffee, red bull ELEMENT: Air ASTROLOGICAL SIGNS: Gemini SEASONINGS: Garlic powder SKY: Sunny with bright blue skies or a night sky lit up by the NYC skyline WEATHER: Sunny MAGICAL POWER: Healing WEAPONS: Anything within reach that won't be deadly. Then he'll run away. A bat, his fists, his skateboard... SOCIAL MEDIA: Twitter MAKEUP PRODUCT: His girlfriend, Clover, takes care of his skincare for him. 😂 But he does like wearing eyeliner. Not on a regular basis or anything, but for special occasions. METHOD OF LONG DISTANCE TRAVEL: Ian's a fan of road trips or train travel. ART STYLE: Hahahaha does anime count? FEAR: Losing loved ones and being helpless MYTHOLOGICAL CREATURE: Faerie PIECE OF STATIONARY: Pens and markers THREE EMOJIS: 😎🍃😏 CELESTIAL BODY: Mercury
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japhan2024 · 9 months
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Oops I accidentally posted this ask prematurely w only the outline lol SORRY@! But yeah so here it goes!!
The Most Special Person
"Sure you're going home?"
"Yeah, I have pilates in the morning."
"Who are you and what have you done to Ian?"
"Shut up!"
"Ah, there he is!"
"So who is ready to continue this party?!"
"Nah, I gotta go home to my dog."
"I need my beauty sleep."
"But you're already so pretty, Keith! But YOU Noah, you look like you need some sleep hahahaha"
"Okay alright okay, I see how it is! Just kidding, I was already going home. Bye guys."
"Sleep well princess!"
"I guess it's only the three of us now!"
"Where do you want to go?"
"I don't care I just want to continue this party!"
"Alright we'll take you some place special!"
The voices and sounds around Anthony began to blur. He'd drunk quite alot already this evening at the grand Smosh get together they threw every couple of months. Tonight was extra special as Smosh had hit a new subscriber record.
The three musketeers, Anthony, Tommy, and Chanse, were the only ones left, as they usually were. They would often go to a cocktail bar until the early morning, but today, Tommy had a different plan. Pretty drunk himself, he led the lads to one of the most iconic gay bars of Hollywood, Micky's. The stately building and beautiful interior were accentuated by the lounge music, loud enough to compliment the atmosphere but low enough so they could hear each other talk.
"Wow, you're taking us to Mickey's you wild boy," Chanse giggled.
"What better way to end the night than with hot guys and even hotter cocktails?!" Tommy greeted the bartender. The guy hugged him and gave him a little wink to boot.
"This is not my first gay bar, by the way!" Anthony lied. Ugh, why did he still have anxiety even when this intoxicated?
"Oh well, then you know the rules! Show your dick and you get a free drink!" Tommy joked. Anthony looked like he was gonna do it though so he quickly added "just kidding BRO! You're obviously new to this kind of bar, bless you. It's just like any bar. But gay!"
"Ahh okay."
Anthony felt a little bit awkward. He loved his fellow musketeers, but he wasn't often around this many gay guys. He felt like people looked at him like he didn't belong here. He honestly didn't - he'd experimented with his sexuality years ago but found that a male body just didn't excite him sexually. A female body, however... so he wasn't gay. At least not sexually..
In the corner opposite Anthony, he saw a big, beautiful drag queen. Her hair silver, her makeup grandiose, and her dress sparkling and green. She wore boots so high that Anthony wasn't sure how she could ever walk in those. Somehow, he felt drawn to her, she looked friendly and exuded a motherly vibe.
Anthony walked up to her and said, "Good day, milady, so what brings a beautiful queen like yourself to a bar? Surely you already have a husband or at least a sugar daddy somewhere to take care of you?" To be honest, those words all blurred and slurred over each other, and he wasn't sure if she'd heard anything he said.
The drag queen laughed a beautiful hearty laugh and answered "why what a blessing to have such a striking young fellow visit here of all places. I feel like I know you from somewhere? My name is Dolly Brightheart, what's yours?"
"Anthony's the name, drinking is the game! At least tonight," he blundered on. Luckily Dolly didn't judge him for his cringey words.
"I am afraid that I am indeed already taken, sweet boy. But tell me, truly, what brings YOU here? You don't strike me as a guy who comes here often?"
"My friends took me here, we're celebrating my - our - youtube channel. It hit 30 million subscribers last month. You know, I started that channel in 2005 with my best friend Ian! Ian Hecox, yeah, he's the more outgoing one of us. But he's not here tonight he has pilates in the morning. Can you believe it? And so Tommy and Chanse took me here, and here I am!"
"Well, that sounds like quite a channel you have built, congratulations! Let me pour you a drink." She poured Anthony a glass of water but he didn't notice and drank it all in one gulp.
"Yeah, I am quite a big deal in the youtube world you know, our channel Smosh is loved by people all around the world! But well, running it as two seventeen year olds, that was pretty hard to do you know? So we sold our channel to this dickhead company, excuse my French! They didn't even pay us with real money but with stock that turned out to be worth zero dollars."
Dolly shook her head slowly. "Those scallywags. So what happened then?"
"Well, Dolly, slowly but surely the company took everything from me. My passion, my time, my best friend... I left Smosh. I lost so many years. But I'm not even mad right now because the story has a happy ending! Wanna know what it is?"
Dolly nodded, smiling to one side of her gorgeous face. Anthony looked around but didn't Tommy and Chanse anywhere. He was having a good time though, so he continued to talk to Dolly.
"So I went on a journey to find myself ya know, I built my own individual youtube channel, it's doing pretty well. And I interview all kinds of people, different sexualities, I also interviewed drag queens as wel! So yeah once I regained my confidence, I was more open to talk to Ian again. We'd not been friends for so many years but Ian, Ian is such a big part of my life.. he is like the sun, you know. He's my other half, professionally speaking. He's extremely like, extremely creative and comes up with these incredible ideas that I'm like?? You're a genius Ian!! And he doesn't even realize how amazing his ideas are. And that's not all. So we reconnected, right? And then Ian asked me if I wanted to buy back smosh, our own company and channel, together! Isn't that amazing?"
"This Ian sounds like a very special person," Dolly said, sipping her own drink.
"He is, he's the most special person in my life..." and then it hit Anthony. Ian WAS the most special to him in his life. Not in a sexual way maybe, but in a romantic way? Possibly?
"And so we did, and that's why we make it a point to celebrate well and often," Anthony said, smiling at Dolly. She smiled back.
"Do you tell him that, darling? That he's that special to you?"
"I try to. I try to.." Anthony slowly blinked. "Dolly, thank you for listening, it's been wonderful but I have to go call a Uber."
He gave an awkward bending-down hug to Dolly but she didn't mind and told him farewell. "Damn, Jon was right all along," Anthony thought to himself.
"Hey, where are you?" - a text message from Tommy.
"I'm heading home, I have pilates in the morning."
"Sure, Jan."
"Shut up."
"Good night."
"Good night."
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callsigndragon · 1 year
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Tasting the Ashes | Ch. 29: A broken man
Word count: 1.3k
warnings: mentions of torture and what happened to Rooster in afghanistan, major angst and fluff towards the end, it's a rollercoaster guys, i'm sorry
A/N: okay so it's shorter than i wanted but it was getting too sad for me and i had to stop writing it i'm sorry hahahaha
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Later that night, once the twins have fallen asleep, Rooster lies in the pull-out bed, wide awake. He’s supposed to be asleep because in two days, you and the kids will be coming home, and sleep won’t be a thing for him anymore. 
He’s a father now. And he has to take care of three people who depend on him. 
Here comes yet another responsibility that he’s not ready for. 
The softness of your voice contrasts with the way he gets up so quickly that he sees black dots illuminating the dimly lit room. “Do you need something?” 
“I think you’re the one who needs something. Want to talk?” You pat the empty space in the bed, encouraging him to come closer and take a seat. 
Bradley doubts. He surely wants to talk to you. Earlier that day, you told him, your dad, and your brother your big secret. You have finally trusted them. 
Now is his turn to finally confess his deepest secret. 
He sits next to you, delicately grabbing your hand in his, as if giving you the chance to pull away in case you don’t want his touch. You tighten your grip around his fingers, and Bradley feels a warm feeling in his chest. It’s bittersweet, though. A gesture so big and still not enough for him. 
“Talk to me, Rooster.” 
“That’s a sentence we repeat a lot around here, you know.” He snorts softly, not wanting to wake up the babies. 
“I know. I keep hearing it everywhere I go.” You place your hand on his bicep, gently pressing it. “Let me get something straight, because I feel like everyone has a wrong impression of me.” 
Rooster frowns, turning his head in your direction to give you his full attention and to notice how beautiful you look in this light after giving birth to his babies. God, he wishes he could lean closer and kiss you until he runs out of breath. “Okay, shoot.” 
“Everyone thinks that I’m weak. That I need to be protected. Rooster, I’m not weak. I’m a naval aviator, and I’ve done the craziest shit while flying with Red. But Gina is a psychopath, she’s worse than Steve.” 
“I don’t think you’re weak, Hen.” He pats your hair, placing his arm on your shoulders. “It takes a lot of strength to choose to keep those babies, even when you thought that you were alone.” 
“But you’re always trying to protect me.” You insist, trying to make your point. 
“We protect the people we love, birdy. My mother taught me that.” He explains, looking over the crib, smiling when he notices Carole stir in her sleep, as if she had understood that they were talking about her namesake. 
You decide to ignore his indirect confession, it’s better for now. Things are already complicated as they are. “What I meant to say is... that I’m not weak. Whatever you want to say, I can take it. You can trust in me, Bradley.” 
He takes a deep breath, the air leaving his body in a shaky, nervous way. Is he ready to say this? 
“You had babies with a broken man, Hen.” Bradley closes his eyes, ready for the hundred questions that will surely follow in the next ten seconds. But they don’t come. You don’t say a thing. 
“I had babies with a scarred man, Bradley. That doesn’t mean that you’re broken.” You place your hand on his cheek, moving his face so he’s looking at you. “Look at me, please.” 
He opens his eyes slowly, hearing his own heartbeat beating on his ears, and his breathing speeding up. “You don’t know the things they did to me.” 
“And I don’t need to know. If telling me will make you feel better, I’m all ears. But if you can’t, it’s okay. You’re a good man. You’ve taken care of me every day for the last months, and holy shit, Bradley that says a lot about you. I don’t regret hooking up with you and getting pregnant.” You kiss his cheek, holding your breath when the first tear falls. 
"I'm sure you're aware that I was taken as a prisoner by the enemy in Afghanistan." You nod, and he follows his story. “I won’t get into many details, because I don’t want you to have those images in your mind, but… I need to get this off my chest, I haven’t even told my dad.”
“Go ahead. I’ll listen.” 
He takes a deep breath, the nth that night, and starts telling you about his two weeks as a prisoner. How he was beaten up, how they didn’t feed him for days, and gave him water just so they could keep him alive and keep torturing him. 
Every night, he was taken to another building, so it was impossible for him to plan how to leave. They moved him through subterranean tunnels; he couldn’t see them because he was blindfolded, but they smelled like death. He wondered how many of his fellow soldiers were rotting in those damp tunnels. 
When he closed his eyes to sleep, he was jolted awake by a fist colliding with his broken ribs. Sleep deprivation was the worst thing, because he started hallucinating. He swore he heard his mom calling his name, wanting him to fight and keep fighting to stay awake. To survive. 
He didn’t know if it was a nightmare, a hallucination, or the ghost of his mother, but he followed her orders. Because there was no way in hell he was going to die in that hole in the middle of nowhere. 
On the last day, when he was ready to give up, and his torturers had broken all the fingers in his left hand, he was rescued. Finally. 
“I spent a few weeks in a hospital in Kuwait. I was too weak to travel in a carrier.” 
“And you got back into a plane as soon as you were clear to fly again.” You say, honestly impressed by the courage he has. 
“It was the only place where I felt safe. Up in the air, alone in my aircraft… Nobody could touch me.” He admits, and looks at you. “I still dream about those days. And sometimes, when I close my eyes, I fear that when I open them, I’m back in those tunnels.” 
“Oh, Bradley…” You hug him as tightly as you can, taking care not to injure yourself because the c-section is still fresh. “You’re not broken. You’re the bravest man I know, and our babies couldn’t have a better dad than you. They’ll be so proud of you once they get older.” 
“If I’m not broken, why does nobody love me?” 
“Rooster, everybody loves you.” You remind him, as he is part of the biggest and craziest family ever. 
“People run away when they see the scars, the new ones. You were the only one that didn’t.” He says, looking away. 
“Then people are dumb. What a pussy you have to be to get scared by some scarred skin.” You scoff, being mad that somebody could reject someone as precious and wonderful as Bradley Bradshaw. 
It hits you then—just like you thought you were a burden to everyone, he thinks he’s broken. This isn’t something that either of you can help fix because that feeling will linger in your soul and follow you for the rest of your lives. 
You can’t fix each other. But you can surely hold each other so tight, that the broken pieces of your soul are still together. 
Maybe it’s time to stop fighting against your feelings. 
“Bradley… Once my c-section is healed, want to go out on a date?” 
He blinks a few times, looking at every corner in the room. “Is this a prank?” 
You slap him in the arm, and he smiles with absolute joy. “I’m serious.” 
“So… are you giving us a chance?” He asks, more enthusiastically than ever. 
You nod, kissing the corner of his mouth. “In six weeks, McNuggie.” 
He sighs, kissing your forehead and smiling like an idiot. “I’ve waited for months. Six weeks? That’s nothing.” 
But he knows that those are going to be the longest six weeks of his life.
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