scribbledghost · 14 hours
Hi lovely! May I ask you're thoughts on How would Fem! Simon react to touched starved reader? Who just needs and wants her? Who hates the thought of anyone else touching her, and feels recoils on the thought of anyone but her s/o touching her, and even then it's only after a strong bond is established?
Honestly, I think you and Fem Simon have a lot in common in this respect. I think she's pretty touch-adverse to almost everyone, aside from maybe pats on the shoulder from the 141 or the like. The idea of a random person coming up and grabbing her arm (or, heaven forbid, hugging her), makes her skin crawl.
Then you come along. At first, you're no different. She still doesn't want you to touch her. But she notices quickly that you appear to be as adverse to people having their hands on you as she is.
As you move from strangers to friends to officially dating, she keeps firm boundaries for you. She doesn't grab your shoulder to get your attention, she calls your name (or flicks the lightswitch off and on if you've got headphones in or the like). She won't handle you at all, really.
Until she notices a change. Both in yourself and her.
It starts with her noticing it in herself; where before, and with others, she can't stand the idea of touching. But now, with you, that's all she wants. She wants to hold your hand, wants to wrap her arms around you, wants to wake up with your head on her chest. And she notices you getting closer to her, too. Linking your pinky fingers when you're walking together. Not flinching when she stands next to you.
Once the dam breaks, it's over.
Of course, every one else? She still wants to keep a healthy distance from. But you... you're different.
You have a talk, she explains how she's feeling. She watches as you sigh in relief, then explain that you feel the same way - you don't want anyone else but Simon to put a hand on you. And with Simon, you're starved for it. Like you can't get enough. You explain that you want to feel her, want to know she's there with you.
Well, she simply wouldn't be a proper girlfriend if she didn't give her sweet girl everything she asks for, hm?
(Never mind the fact that it's exactly what she wants too).
From then on, Simon almost always has to be touching you in some way. If you're at home, you're likely pulled into her lap, her nose buried in your scalp or shoulder. If you're in public, she at least has a hand on your lower back or something similar. She wants you, needs you, craves you, and it shows.
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scribbledghost · 2 days
Cleaning season has begun and I've just been imagining fem! Simon waking up Sunday morning to the sound of Spanish music playing and walking out finding her lover with gloves on, hair pinned back, arms full with a broom, mop, bucket, etc. ready for some deep cleaning. My grandma really put that neat freak in my blood.
She's awoken to the sound of upbeat Spanish music.
Not a terribly unusual occurrence - but still a far cry from a military wakeup call. Not that she's complaining, of course.
She shuffles out of bed and towards the kitchen, rubbing her eyes against the lights as she stops dead in her tracks.
You've got your hair pinned, gloves up to your elbows, and are toting around a mop and broom in one arm while carrying a bucket of water in the other.
"Oh! Morning, love," you chirp when you notice her.
"What's -"
"Cleaning day!" you interrupt before she has a chance to ask what on earth's going on.
Ah. Cleaning day. That explains it. She'd forgotten it was Sunday.
Next thing she knows, you're pushing the broom at her, telling her which spots need the most attention first. Like a good soldier, she doesn't hesitate to follow orders.
One room at a time, starting with the kitchen. Floors are swept and mopped, dishes put away, shelves dusted. All while you're happily dancing and singing along to lyrics she only mostly understands.
Simon finds the activity cathartic, in a way. She likes the idea of freshening everything up, and it keeps her busy enough to not leave her alone with her thoughts for too long.
At the end of the day, you stand in the living room proudly, thanking Simon for her help. She's quick to put an arm around you and press a kiss to your temple.
Part of her is sure she's seen boot camp barracks less clean than this.
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scribbledghost · 2 days
Do u by any chance have a voice hc for fem simon? 👀 Been thinking about that a lot these days
Yknow, I've been trying incredibly hard to find audios that sound like fem simon, but I simply haven't been able to find the perfect one. They're all too high-pitched :(
She's still got a feminine voice, it's just deeper than all the ones I've come across, I think. Though if you'd like a good starting point, I think this audio is alllllmost where I'd headcanon Fem simon to be. Just a shade deeper and that's where she is (in fact I think the speaker in that audio hits it a decent number of times, its just not constant).
(nsft audio at the link btw but I know what yall are here for. There's also this one by the same woman if you're really feelin frisky.)
Also, if anyone wants to share their voice HCs for Fem Simon, I promise I am all ears 👀
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scribbledghost · 3 days
Hello, it is I, here to make more angst request with fem! Simon. Now, I have a hate/love relationship with misunderstanding trope, but here's my idea. Fem! Simon has been spending a lot of time with a fellow soldier due to an important mission they are working on together. They have been texting frequently and meeting up outside of their usual work hours to discuss the mission details. Her girlfriend notices the increased communication between fem! Simon and this soldier. One day, she sees a text on fem! Simon's phone from the soldier that says, "Can't wait to see you tonight! 😊" This message, taken out of context, causes the reader to feel insecure and suspect that something romantic might be developing between fem! Simon and solider. You can go on from there-
Simon tried so hard to keep things as tactical as possible with the Sergeant she'd been tasked with collaborating with. The mission unfortunately required frequent communication and meetups to discuss logistics, added to another misfortune of not being able to really include you due to the classified nature of it. It irritated her, truthfully, because now the bright-eyed, fresh Sergeant had been getting a little too close for her liking. No matter how many times Simon offhandedly mentioned she had you, her girlfriend, waiting for her at home.
She should have known it would cause trouble.
You'd been distant lately. The past few days, as a matter of fact. And Simon couldn't pinpoint why. She suspected her frequent meetings with the Sergeant had something to do with it, but she didn't know the specifics.
"You're upset," she says one evening, coming up behind you as you're making dinner to wrap her arms around your middle. It's not a question.
"I'm fine, love," you respond softly. Too softly.
"You're not," she says, reaching past you to turn the stove off as she turns you around to face her. "Talk to me, love. Please. Let me help."
You sigh, looking up at her.
"This... assignment you've been on."
"With the new Sergeant."
You hesitate, then sigh again before explaining.
A few nights prior, Simon's work phone had lit up when she stepped out. You'd managed to catch a glimpse of the message on the screen, a "Can't wait to see you tonight! 😊" from her work partner.
Simon hadn't entertained the thinly-veiled attempt at flirtation, and had simply responded with a quick "Keep it tactical. And don't forget the case files I requested."
But you hadn't seen that part.
So, she shows you.
She doesn't hesitate to pull her phone out, unlocking it and scrolling to the messages in question. She feels safe letting you scroll through the message log - it's all coded jargon anyway, as specifics are only discussed in person for security reasons.
"Keep tryin' to tell her I'm taken," Simon explains, nudging her nose against your temple as you look through the texts. "Won't take the hint."
Her texts reflect as much:
Sgt: Drinks tonight?
Simon: Negative. Night in with my girl.
Some days later:
Sgt: Anything a girl can do to entertain herself around base?
Simon: Wouldn't know. The missus and I live off-base. Get that report I asked for?
The exchanges go on.
"I... I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions," you say softly. Simon softly shushes you in response.
"Don't apologize," she says. "I know how it must have looked."
After a moment of silence, she pulls back, putting both hands on your upper arms as she gazes at you intently.
"Y'know you're the only one I want, right?" she asks. When you only nod and cast your gaze aside, she tucks a finger under your chin to redirect you back to her.
"I mean that," she says. "Don't want anyone else. Never have. Never will. I'm serious.''
As you pull her in for a kiss, Simon's already formulating plans to really get it through this Sergeant's head that she's a (very happily) taken woman.
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scribbledghost · 3 days
I unfortunately had to put my dog down a few days ago, and I just have this thought of how comforting fem!Simon would be in that kind of scenario. Especially for me, I was weeping like a baby so being soothed by a 6'4'' muscular butch woman would lowkey be some great comfort.
First, I'm so sorry you're experiencing this. I know how difficult that grief must be to handle right now, and I wish you peace and healing in your future 💖💖
I'd like to think that Simon goes with you to the vet for the final appointment. She wants to be there for you when all this occurs; she doesn't want you sitting in a cold, sterile vet's office by yourself when your beloved dog passes on.
She holds you while the vet walks you through everything, and continues to do so as everything unfolds. Afterwards, she'll help you out to the car, making sure you're comfortable for the drive home.
Through everything - before, during, and after - she holds you. She holds you as you weep, as you mourn, as you grieve. She's experienced loss too, of all kinds, and she knows that pain intimately.
Simon is quiet. She doesn't try to tell you platitudes like "they're in a better place" or whatnot. Words simply aren't her preferred comforting style. Instead, she prefers actions.
So she makes sure you eat, even when you don't want to. She makes sure your water is always topped off (and encourages you to drink plenty to replenish what you lose in tears). She runs a warm bath for you. Turns on that show you like. Your comfort right now is her priority, and she wants you to have as few responsibilities as possible for a while, because she knows it will be better if you let yourself feel your grief.
You crying always breaks her heart, but she also knows it's better than having you bottle everything up. So most of the day is spent taking care of you and letting you cry on her shoulder as much as you need.
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scribbledghost · 4 days
Hi Ghost!! Just wanted to say Happy Pride to FemSimon!!! How do you think they would celebrate their first Pride as a couple?? My money's on a cute private party at home & Reader got Simon one of those shirts that says "Let Me Be Perfectly Queer" & she's wearing that while they're both cuddling & blissfully happy. 💗🏳️‍🌈💗🏳️‍🌈💗 Hope all is well with you & the kitties!!!
Hello hello!!!
I think, to be quite honest, Fem Simon takes.... a while to come around to the word "queer". Purely because 1. she grew up in a violently homophobic household, courtesy of her father and the fact that she's never been particularly "feminine", and 2. the military wasn't much better. Pretty much every context she's heard that word in until very recently has definitely been severely negative and indicative of oncoming violence. She doesn't flinch when anyone else uses it to describe themselves or anything, she's just kind of cold towards using it for herself for a while.
However, there is one shirt you can get her. And its the one that says "Resting Butch Face" in rainbow letters. She will wear the hell out of that. Or the one that says "I'm the gay one" in all caps. She thinks its fucking hilarious to wear it out when the 141 go to the pub together as a team.
But as for their first pride as a couple, I think low-key would definitely be best! I think launching Simon into a full pride parade first thing into her first long-term relationship with another woman would overwhelm the poor woman fast. Lots going on. So a cute, private party would be awesome for her! Some snacks, some movies (preferably ones with LGBTQ characters), lots of cuddles with you and the pets.
Little things through the month would melt her heart too. A bracelet with the lesbian flag colors. Some photos with the two of you featuring the rainbow flag somewhere. That sort of thing.
After some years, I think she'd be ready for a full parade/celebration. It's still overwhelming at first, but not too terrible. Plus it lets her be as close to you as she wants without having to worry about anyone else having a negative reaction.
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scribbledghost · 4 days
Roughly one day left on this, and looks like Neighbor Simon is in the lead by a fairly large margin!
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scribbledghost · 4 days
Me, logging in to see I have 10 new messages in my inbox: 👁👄👁
Me, seeing they're all requests for Fem Simon: 👀
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scribbledghost · 5 days
I was outside in the sun too long this weekend and my pale ass got an entire sunburn and I'm Suffering so now I'm imagining FemSimon to cope with it. Warnings: None, fem!reader, pale reader (or at least mentions of red skin in relation to a sunburn)
Simon chuckles when she walks in to your shared bedroom to find you sprawled on the bed with an ice pack on your face. You've got a fan pointing at you, the ceiling fan on, and you're wearing one of her old military tank tops to keep your shoulders exposed to the cool air.
"Alright, love?" she asks with a smile.
"What do you think?" your muffled voice answers from beneath the ice pack.
"Why don't you sit up? Got a cold cloth and some aloe for you."
You do as she asks, albeit with some groaning and protestations. The ice pack drops onto your lap, revealing a bright red sunburn on the lower half of your face that stretches down to your collarbone.
She chuckles softly to herself at your expense when she notices your grumpy expression.
Simon maneuvers behind you, running the washcloth across your skin to dampen it before putting the lotion on. She starts with your shoulders and nape of your neck before moving down to your arms.
"Learn a lesson, did we?" she teases.
"Shut up," you quip. "Not like you've never gotten sunburned before."
"I haven't."
"Sure. Let me guess, you tan perfectly every time?"
"Mhm. An impeccable bronze."
You huff out a laugh.
"Yeah. I'd like to see that."
You will, one day. One day she'll take you to a quiet beach somewhere and spend the day with the waves, making sure to coat you properly with sunscreen to avoid a repeat. She just knows you'd look stunning in a bathing suit.
After finishing the areas she can reach, Simon moves around until she's facing you. There, she gently applies the aloe to your throat and collarbone before moving up to your face, starting with your nose.
You scrunch your face in mock annoyance when she squishes your cheeks as she passes them over. The facial expression holds no bite, and she can't resist leaning in to kiss your nose.
Unfortunately, aloe was never her favorite taste. She endures for you though.
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scribbledghost · 8 days
You go through Ghost's search history on his phone to try and figure out what sort of porn he watches but it's all videos of incredibly complex miniature landscape builds and model trains
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scribbledghost · 9 days
I see that your request are closed and because I am slow I want to ask if your still taking request for fem! Simon. I just love her so much and I've been getting some ideas lately, but I understand if you're not and it's no worries at all! :)
I sure am! Fem Simon is the exception to the "requests are closed" rule, simply because she's my current fixation lmao
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scribbledghost · 9 days
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scribbledghost · 9 days
ngl i really wanna create some sort of songfic based on the songs "De Selby" Parts 1 and 2 by Hozier cause they're so good but idk if anyone would be interested in reading that lmao
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scribbledghost · 10 days
Sorry I don’t interact as much 🥲 understaffed at work and I’m work mom/personality hire that actually does shit. Also I caught covid somehow pushing carts outside 4 times a week for my 8 hour shifts?? 😐
I’m buff but at what cost.
The way you write fem Simon… She’s a f-ing Klondike bar. The things I would do for her 😭 she wouldn’t ask but I’d do it.
I’m just down bad for Simon in all forms. I’d throw myself from a 5 story window for a cuddle session.
Also I hope you’re doing well ❤️❤️❤️ please stay hydrated and well rested!
-Kimchi Anon
I'm so glad to hear from you! I'm sorry you've been overworked and sick (for the fourth time!?), but I hope you're still taking care of yourself!!
I'm so happy you're enjoying the fem simon content!! I love her a lot, and it's so awesome to see other people interact with her!
You're right though, she doesn't really ask for things. Not at first, anyway. After some time though, she opens up a little and starts mentioning things she wants/needs in a relationship. (She's not gonna let you carry in those groceries though. She will pack two cart-fulls in one trip. No she doesn't need help.)
I hope you stay hydrated and well rested too, my dear! 💖💖💖
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scribbledghost · 11 days
How do you think Fem!Simon would feel with a reader who is hesitant to be physical with her? It’s been so long for me because I was SA’d by a partner a while ago, and it’s scary to be vulnerable with someone again. It does NOT have to be from SA, but maybe reader is just insecure? How do you think Simon would react, or reassure her partner that it’s ok.
Darling, Simon is the exact same way. She has a history of SA herself, and on top of it, she can sometimes be insecure, considering this is her first long-term relationship.
So when you nervously confide in her that you're hesitant to progress physically (regardless of the reason behind it), she completely understands. That level of vulnerability is frightening, especially when it was preyed upon by someone else in the past. She'll tell you she's the same way, that although she cares for you so much she aches sometimes, that level of openness scares her too at first. There's a lot of discussion between the two of you, a lot of hashing-out of where your boundaries lie, and what you're both comfortable with at this point in time.
It becomes a well-choreographed dance between the two of you; each of you with your own specific boundaries and stopping points. Neither of you pushing the other to go any further than they're comfortable with. If you're only okay with cuddles, that's as far as Simon goes.
She relies on you to tell her when you're ready to move further. Until you flat-out tell her you're comfortable, she's keeping things as-is. You are safe with her, in every sense of the word. Simon is quick to reassure you that she doesn't judge, she doesn't think any differently of you, she's not just biding her time until you're comfortable being more physical. She's perfectly fine with the way things are. She loves you for who you are now, not who you may be in the future (though rest assured, she will love you then, too).
If/when you are ready to become more physical, she takes things incredibly slow and makes sure to check in on you often. She keeps a close eye on your body language, checking for any signs of discomfort. If she has to stop in the middle of things, she will, no questions asked. But through the entire experience, she's softly praising you, telling you how good you are to her, how beautiful you are, how much you mean to her.
Overall, Simon understands that her trust is the highest honor she can give. And your trust is the highest honor she can receive.
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scribbledghost · 12 days
I love me some angst and this idea has been in my head since reading your Fem!Simon fics. This hasn't happened to be me personally but I've definitely seen it happen more than I'd like to say I have. But basically what if the reader has a straight best friend who constantly tries to wedge herself between reader and Simon physically and figuratively. She's always trying to fetch for Simon's attention, compliments, touch, etc. Like girl claims to not like or be interested in woman at all and yet has a habit of wanting to steal the attention away from reader just because she can. How would Fem!Simon go about dealing with that and reassuring her lover in the process because I've seen too many beautiful sweet woman feel less about themselves just from this
Truthfully? Simon won't have it.
She's good at reading people - she has to be for her job. So she can spot what's going on a mile away, probably from the second time said "friend" tries to squeeze herself between you and your girlfriend (the first time, she may chalk it up to a mistake or misunderstanding).
The friend can try all she likes to vie for Simon's attention, but ultimately it will be for naught. In fact, after enough time, Simon may start making a point to give you the attention instead, right in front of her. In the beginning, she'll be more noncommittal (i.e. just responding with single words or maybe a hum of acknowledgement). But as time goes on, she'll start making it really obvious that she's your girlfriend. Not this other woman's. If she still doesn't get the hint and keeps trying to butt in, Simon quickly stops being nice about it.
"Look, if you're startin' to question some things about yourself, that's fine. But I'm not gonna indulge this," she says angrily one night when your friend literally tries to wedge herself between you and Simon. She then proceeds to move both of you somewhere only the two of you can fit (probably sitting in a recliner with you in her lap tbh).
She also turns the PDA up to 11 when this woman's around. Normally, Simon isn't one for showing affection when someone else is present, but she makes many exceptions in this case. She'll sit you in her lap and make out with you in front of her, she doesn't care. Anything to hopefully get this woman to take the hint.
In private, she may ask you if you really want to keep this person around, when she's obviously causing you a lot of distress (and overstepping Simon's boundaries to boot). She's not going to force you to cut contact or anything - she doesn't want you to feel like she's controlling you or trying to isolate you. But she will gently ask if this friendship is actually still beneficial to you, and she'll give you pointers if you need/want them on how to set firmer boundaries with this person. Whatever you decide on that front, she'll support you.
She's also quick to reassure you in any way she can that she doesn't want this other person. She wants YOU. You've always been the one for her, and this doesn't change that in the slightest. Any way you need her to convey that, she will. Soft words, plenty of physical affection, and complete transparency. Your trust is of the highest importance to Simon, and she shows that.
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scribbledghost · 12 days
I have two moms and I barely see any fanfics that relate to this because it's usually just "mom and dad" or if I do find one with two moms it's always ones feminine and the other masculine but NO, both my moms are butch. But my point is, Fem! Simon needs some love and acceptance and I think my mamas would do just that (she will be getting a talk though, I won't lie. My moms had given all my sisters boyfriends a talk and they made it clear that regardless of the gender of my partner they're getting sat and getting a talk when they first meet 👀)
(hey, are your moms by any chance looking for another child?? asking for a friend).
Listen, I need you to understand that Fem!Simon especially misses her mother. (Canon Simon does too, but Fem Simon ticks that up a few notches).
So when you tell her about your family situation, her thought process goes like this:
Two moms??
Which is to say she's over the damn moon lol. Not only is she getting TWO moms out of the deal, they're like her too. And she doesn't mind the stern talking-to. She understands, your moms just want to make sure you're taken care of. She's gotten much worse dressing-downs during her time in the military, after all. In fact, she appreciates how much they care about you (so much that they're willing to go toe-to-toe with her, when a lot of others won't). So if they try to offer her any sort of maternal affection, she's taking it gratefully.
Anyway, be prepared to have some sort of exchange like:
"Why are you on your phone? It's late."
"Playin' online chess."
"...With who??"
"Your mum."
"Why are you playing online chess with my mom at 2 am!?"
"Cause she asked."
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