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Italian notes : passato prossimo
getting back into Italian, taking notes for review (its been a year)
formed with two parts
auxiliary verb (avere, essere) in present tense
past participle (participio passato)
avere :
io ho noi abbiamo
tu hai voi avete
lui/lei ha loro hanno
essere :
io sono noi siamo
tu sei voi siete
lui/lei è loro sono
participio passato : regular verbs
-are -> ato
-ere -> uto
-ire -> ito
ex. lavorare -> lavorato, ricevere -> ricevuto, preferire -> preferito
participio passato : irregular verbs
accendere (to turn on) -> accesso
chiedere (to ask) -> chiesto
chiudere (to close) -> chiuso
conoscere (to know) -> conosciuto
correre (to run) -> corso
decidere (to decide) -> deciso
dire (to say) -> detto
fare (to do) -> fatto
leggere (to read) -> letto
mettere (to put, to wear) -> messo
perdere (to lose) -> perso
prendere (to take) -> preso
ridere (to laugh) -> riso
rispondere (to answer) -> risposto
rompere (to break) -> rotto
scegliere (to choose) -> scelto
scendere (to descend) -> sceso
scrivere (to write) -> scritto
spegnere (to turn off) -> spento
spendere (to spend) -> speso
vedere (to see) -> visto
vincere (to win) -> vinto
passato prossimo with essere
used with intransitive verbs, verbs that cannot be followed by a direct object
when a verb takes ester in the passato prossimo, the past participle (participio passato) has to agree with gender and number
most common verbs that take essere :
andare (to go) -> andato/a/i/e
arrivare (to arrive) -> arrivato/a/i/e
diventare (to become) -> diventato/a/i/e
entrare (to enter) -> entrato/a/i/e
essere (to be) -> stato/a/i/e
morire (to die) -> morto/a/i/e
nascere (to be born) -> nato/a/i/e
partire (to leave) -> partito/a/i/e
rimanere (to stay) -> rimasto/a/i/e
stare (to stay, to be) -> stato/a/i/e
uscire (to exit) -> uscito/a/i/e
venire (to come) -> venuto/a/i/e
vivere (to live) -> vissuto/a/i/e
some intransitive verbs DO take avere. most commonly:
camminare (to walk)
dormire (to sleep)
telefonare (to telephone)
piangere (to cry)
ridere (to laugh)
viaggere (to travel)
dovere, potere, and volere are flexible
when followed by another verb, they take the same auxiliary that that verb would take
ex. Lei è potuta venire. Io ho dovuto finire.
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Discourse time: Les pâtes crues, c'est bon.
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officially DONE with all schoolwork!!! now to figure out what to do with myself until July...
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Anthony Bourdain, from Les Halles Cookbook
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Don’t fucking look away from Rafah, don’t look away, if you are willfully looking away then you should be ashamed of yourself.
Fuck the Met Gala, it means nothing but a distraction for those of you who are willingly looking away.
The Palestinians need our attention, they need our support, they need us to witness and remember and help when it is asked for and when we can.
All Eyes on Rafah, All Eyes on Palestine!
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first of May under the sunlight with fruits and my friends, the pen and paper 📖 reblog is okay, don’t repost/use
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HIGHLY overestimated how much of a life I could have during finals season. if I'm not actively writing my own essays I'm checking something for my TA class and I still havent thought about finishing ceramic stuff
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the commodification of friendship is the most annoying thing to come out of the internet in ages. like actually i love to break this to you but you're supposed to help your friends move even if it's hard work. or stay up with them when they're sad even if you're gonna lose sleep. you're supposed to listen to their fears and sorrows even if it means your own mind takes on a little bit of that weight. that's how you know that you care. they will drive you to the airport and then you will make them soup when they're sick. you're supposed to make small sacrifices for them and they are supposed to do that for you. and there's actually gonna be rough patches for both of you where the balance will be uneven and you will still be friends and it will not be unhealthy and they will not be abusive. life is not meant to be an endless prioritization of our own comfort if it was we would literally never get anywhere ever. jesus.
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La Xara, Central Valencian Country.
Photos by costablanca.org
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Old yellow house in Plaka district (Athens, Greece)
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Pushkin, St. Petersburg, 1989. Photos by Inge Morath.
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- Evelyn Waugh, from Brideshead Revisited (1945)
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You know what really fucking Annoys Me about internet censorship is stuff like swear words being heavily censored because that's entirely an American cultural hangup being forced on the rest of us. I don't know a single country where swearing is as taboo as it is in America. In fact most languages have swear words that would have the same effect on an American as giving a Victorian chimney sweep a pepsi max cherry.
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No in between. Reblog if you vote pleas
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