princesscait26 · 17 days
An Unlikely Friendship
Summary: Who knew marriage came with a side of rivalry?
Alastor x Reader, Vox x No named wife, Reader x Vox’s wife platonic!
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In the confines of Alastor's radio tower, Y/n, his wife, lounges on the plush couch, her expression a mix of amusement and exasperation as Alastor engages in his usual broadcasted, banter with the TV demon. With each witty comeback from Alastor, she rolls her eyes, familiar with the routine of their sparring.
As Alastor concludes his broadcast with his trademark sign-off, Y/n rises from the couch, her steps deliberate as she approaches him. With a hint of irritation, she exhales audibly before speaking, her voice tinged with sarcasm, "When are you two going to cease this endless bickering? It's like dealing with children."
Alastor, ever the charmer, feigns offense, his laughter echoing in the room. "My dear, you wound me with your accusations. I assure you, I am the epitome of civility. Once Vox comes to realize the error of his ways, our little disagreements will be a thing of the past," he responds with a disarming smile, his innocence clearly feigned.
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In the heart of the city, within the confines of Vox's office, his wife occupies the chair beside him, her demeanor a mixture of frustration and resignation as Vox's irritation mounts in tandem with each of Alastor's lightning-fast comebacks. With a weary sigh, she rests her head in her hand, her exasperation palpable as the verbal sparring between Vox and Alastor continues.
As the television screen abruptly flickers, losing signal, Vox releases a defeated sigh, the weight of yet another round lost evident in his slumped posture. Sensing his defeat, his wife rises from her seat, moving to console him. She envelops him in a comforting embrace, her arms encircling his neck from behind as she leans in, her voice laced with both affection and frustration, "When will you two finally put an end to this childish fighting?"
Vox swivels in his chair, his movements sharp and agitated, causing his wife to step back crossing her arms. His gaze darkens with annoyance as he retorts, his tone laced with venom, "This isn't merely bickering, my dear. We are rivals. I despise him, and he will soon realize that I am the epitome of power. That radio of his will be nothing more than a relic once I'm through." With a disappointed shake of her head, Vox's wife exits his office, leaving him to stew in his frustration and determination to best his rival, Alastor.
Seated in the cozy ambiance of a charming café, Vox's wife's laughter rings out melodiously, punctuating the air as she cradles an iced coffee in her hand. Opposite her, Alastor's wife, Y/n, joins in the laughter, her own amusement evident as she delicately sips on a cup of tea.
"I can't believe this feud is still going after all this time," Vox's wife exclaims between giggles, her eyes sparkling with amusement.
Y/n nods in agreement, her laughter bubbling forth, "Tell me about it. Sometimes I feel like I signed up for a lifetime of babysitting rather than marriage." She punctuates her remark with an exaggerated eye roll, a smile playing on her lips.
Bonded by the shared antics and bickering of their spouses', Y/n and Vox's wife have forged a strong friendship. The two women share a knowing glance, as they exchange amused looks. It's an understanding between them, the necessity of meeting in secret. If Vox and Alastor were to discover the depth of their friendship, the consequences could be unpredictable, even chaotic.
Their laughter echoes in the cozy café, mingling with the soft clinking of cups and saucers. Y/n and Vox's wife revel in the absurdity of their situation, finding humor in the thought of their husbands' potential reactions to their clandestine meetings. Their bond forged in the secrecy of their friendship and the shared understanding of their husbands' unpredictable antics.
Short story: (Should I make a part 2?) I was at war writing this as a double y/n story so you could choose who to be married to but I feared it would become too confusing.🫤
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princesscait26 · 18 days
One way ticket to hell
Alastor x Reader
Summary: “She may be as crazy as Alastor” how y/n ended up in hell
Warnings: depictions of violence and other themes that may be triggering. ⚠️‼️
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The dimly lit chamber of the Hazbin Hotel was filled with the eclectic assortment of souls, seated in a circle, their eyes fixed on Charlie, the princess of hell, hosting yet another of her redemption exercises. With a gentle but commanding tone, she posed the question that always stirred a potent mix of curiosity and discomfort among the group: "What brought you to hell, and what lessons can we learn from it?"
Silence enveloped the room for a moment as each patron contemplated their own journey to damnation. The air was thick with anticipation, everyone eager to hear the raw and often harrowing tales of their fellow damned.
Alastor, the ever intimidating radio demon, reclined in his seat with an air of detached interest, his crimson eyes flickering with intrigue as he chose to remain a silent observer, preferring to use these learned insights from the narratives of others to his advantage, rather than expressing his own.
A hush fell over the room as the first brave soul began to share their story, each word laden with the weight of regret and longing for redemption. And so, the circle became a crucible of confession and reflection, each participant laying bare their sins and sorrows in the hopes of finding solace in the company of kindred spirits.
As the room settled into a somber silence, Angel Dust, always the provocateur, shattered the tension with a sardonic quip. "We all know why we’re here," he drawled, punctuating his statement with a suggestive gesture, his tongue playfully pressing against his cheek. This cause a roar of laughter and many eye rolls.
Y/n, the embodiment of innocence amidst the chaos, remained perched on the edge of her seat, her eyes wide with rapt attention as she absorbed the weight of each confession. Despite her quiet demeanor, her presence radiated a palpable warmth that drew others to her.
Husk, with a heavy heart burdened by the ghosts of his past, bared his soul to the circle, recounting the reckless choices that led him down the path of ruin, fueled by his addiction to gambling. Angel Dust followed suit, his tale a tapestry of desire and regret, woven with threads of familial devotion and self-destructive impulses.
And then, as the spotlight of scrutiny shifted, all eyes turned to Y/n, their gazes brimming with curiosity and empathy. It was her turn to unravel the layers of her existence, to expose the tender vulnerabilities hidden beneath her serene facade.
As the attention of the circle shifted towards Y/n, a tension hung in the air, filled with anticipation. Her every movement seemed to echo louder in the quiet chamber, her breaths shallow and uneven as she prepared to share her truth.
In the midst of this charged atmosphere, Angel's voice cut through the silence, his words both a challenge and an invitation. “Alright toots, your turn. What brought the sweetest little thing to this shithole” Y/n felt her cheeks flush crimson at the sudden spotlight, her heart pounding in her chest as she grappled with the weight of their collective scrutiny.
Unaccustomed to being the focus of such intense attention, she squirmed uncomfortably in her seat, her gaze flitting nervously from one face to another. Little did she know, amidst the sea of curious stares, one of the deer patrons watched her with a gaze that held both reverence and intrigue, a silent testament to the allure she possessed to him.
Alastor, ever the astute observer, leaned forward with an almost imperceptible shift in posture, his scarlet eyes gleaming with a keen interest as he awaited the unveiling of Y/n's story. In that moment, the room seemed to hold its breath, as if bracing itself for the revelation that was about to unfold.
Y/n's expression shifted, her features etched with a subtle unease as she began to speak. "I grew up in an era where men held dominion over women's lives," she murmured, her voice tinged with a mix of resignation and discomfort. "My father, he... he insisted I marry one of his colleagues," she confessed, a shudder running through her at the memory.
Y/n's words gained momentum, each syllable laden with disdain. "He was a repugnant old man," she continued, her voice trembling with suppressed anger. "But, he came from wealth. My parents, they insisted on securing my financial stability," she explained, her gaze shifting to Charlie, who met her eyes with unwavering intensity.
Charlie's expression softened, empathy radiating from her features as she listened intently. "No one should be subjected to such cruelty," she said earnestly, her voice filled with conviction. "Everyone deserves to find love on their own terms."
"I was absolutely petrified of him," she confessed, her voice trembling with fear and disgust. "He had this cruel streak running through him, and the things he did... his touch, his voice, they were just so… gross."
Alastor's smile began to falter as he listened intently, his usually jovial demeanor overshadowed by a growing sense of concern. His brow furrowing with genuine sympathy. He being a gentleman could never understand the despicable act of taking advantage of a young woman. How dare that man touch that sweet little girl.
Y/n continued, her voice devoid of any emotion, her gaze fixed on a distant point as if reliving a painful memory. "I couldn't stand him," she admitted, her words weighted with resignation. "I knew there was only one way out. To kill him”
Silence enveloped the room as everyone turned to look at her, their expressions a mix of shock and disbelief. It was inconceivable to them that someone as gentle and kind-hearted as Y/n could ever harbor thoughts of hurting another person.
Harold settled into his worn armchair, the soft fabric welcoming him as he patted his lap, inviting Y/n to join him. Despite feeling a wave of repulsion at his request, Y/n obediently approached Harold and reluctantly seated herself on his lap. The weight of his expectations hung heavy in the air, and she complied, not wanting to risk angering him. He kissed her cheek with a wet sloppy kiss, trying to trail down her neck. His hand sliding up her dress. Suppressing the urge to vomit, Y/n forced herself to stay composed. Just as she thought she couldn't bear it any longer, the welcoming sound of the timer signaled that dinner was ready.
With a sense of relief, she hurriedly got up, using the excuse of needing to retrieve the food from the oven to escape the uncomfortable situation. "Let me get the food out of the oven so it doesn't burn," she said quickly, her words a thinly veiled attempt to create distance between them.
Harold's displeasure was evident as he frowned, clearly not happy about her abrupt departure. She knew he wanted more today, something she wasn’t willing to let happen. Looking to her left on the counter she saw the large butcher knife.
End flashback:
In the lobby, a hushed silence enveloped the listeners as Y/n bravely shared her story, their sympathy evident in their expressions. Each person felt a pang of sorrow for Y/n, knowing the pain she had endured.
Alastor, feeling a sense of unease at the depth of Y/n's distress, approached her quietly. Sitting on the edge of the couch, he gently placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, a silent gesture of solidarity and support. As Y/n leaned into his touch, a sense of gratitude washed over her, thankful for his presence and the grounding reassurance he provided. In that moment, she felt a profound sense of safety and security, knowing that Alastor was there to stand by her side.
As the atmosphere in the room shifted, an undercurrent of unease began to permeate the air, like the calm before a storm. Y/n's lips curled into a chilling grin, stretching from ear to ear, as she delved into the recollection of what transpired next with Harold.
"I remember it vividly," she began, her voice carrying a hint of darkness. Y/n's words hung in the air, heavy with suspense, as she painted a gruesome picture of the events that transpired. Each sentence dripped with tension, drawing her audience deeper with shocked expressions.
"And then," she continued, her tone dropping to a hushed whispered “I slit his throat”
A collective gasp swept through the room, leaving every occupant speechless, their mouths hanging open in sheer shock. Even Alastor, known for his unflappable demeanor, couldn't conceal his astonishment.
Husk leaned in close to Angel, his voice barely above a whisper, disbelief coloring his tone. "No way," he muttered, his words a testament to the incredulity that reverberated through the room.
Y/n's smile stretched wider, now tinged with a touch of madness as insanity dripped from her tongue. With an absurd laugh punctuating her words, she declared, "The feeling I got was amazing, the feeling of power. I had to feel it again."
Her voice, laced with a tone of crazed determination, echoed through the room, sending a chill down the spines of those present. The unnerving laughter between her words only added to the surreal atmosphere, leaving everyone unsettled by the intensity of her desire for power. "I began to hunt down those who did wrong, helping others in situations like me," Y/n explained, her tone gradually calming from its previous fervor. "Disposing of their... problems."
The room fell into an uneasy silence, each person grappling with the revelation of Y/n's dark past. How could someone who seemed so sweet and innocent harbor such a tumultuous history?
"She may be as crazy as Alastor," someone murmured, the disbelief evident in their voice.
Alastor, hearing the comparison, couldn't help but smile from ear to ear. It was clear why he had taken a liking to this little demon. The way she spoke, her demeanor—it was as if she was crawling her way into his heart. Together, they could be a force to be reckoned with, their combined power unmatched.
The notion sparked a glimmer of excitement in Alastor's eyes, a newfound admiration for Y/n blossoming within him. Perhaps, in each other, they had found kindred spirits, bound by their shared affinity for chaos and power.
Y/n's sudden shift caught the attention of everyone in the room, her once intense gaze softening into one of innocence. With a shy smile playing on her lips, she spoke softly, "Enough about me. Let everyone else have a turn."
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princesscait26 · 19 days
Oh Deer
Alastor x Y/n
Summary: What happens when y/n uses Alastors mug.
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The morning hummed with the promise of a new day at Hazbin Hotel. Y/n, feeling the pull of caffeine, ventured downstairs to the kitchen, her eyelids heavy with the remnants of sleep. A cursory glance at her array of cups revealed a mountain of unwashed dishes, prompting a tired sigh. Resigned, she reached for the nearest ceramic, which happened to be Alastor's iconic mug emblazoned with the words "Oh Deer." A mischievous grin crept across her lips as she imagined the chaos she could sow with this borrowed cup.
Pouring herself a generous serving of coffee, she indulged in a sinful amount of sugar and cream, relishing the sweetness that danced across her taste buds. With her concoction in hand, she sauntered into the living room of the lobby, her tail swishing behind her with excitement, ready to tackle the day's challenges.
From his post at the bar, Husk's bleary eyes widened in horror as he spied Y/n cradling Alastor's prized possession. Panic clawed at his chest as he approached her, snatching the mug, his voice a frantic whisper. "Are you out of your mind? He'll have your head for this," he hissed, the fear in his tone.
Y/n chuckled, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she defiantly reclaimed the mug. "Relax, Husk. I'm just a doe enjoying her morning brew," she quipped, her smirk daring him to challenge her further.
Husk's expression wavered between disbelief and trepidation, but ultimately, he decided to wash his hands of the impending chaos. With a resigned shake of his head, he retreated to the safety of the bar, determined not to be caught in the crossfire of Y/n's antics and Alastor's wrath
Alastor, the illustrious radio demon, embarked on his customary routine. With each step echoing a sense of purpose, he descended into the kitchen, eager to fuel himself with the elixir of wakefulness before ascending to the radio tower for another captivating broadcast, replete with reminders of those who dared to cross him.
However, his meticulously planned morning took an unforeseen detour as he reached for his prized mug, only to find it conspicuously absent from its designated spot. A flicker of confusion danced across his features before morphing into a scowl of irritation. The scent of coffee hung heavy in the air, betraying evidence of recent use. How could anyone be audacious enough to pilfer his cherished vessel?
Venturing into the lobby, Alastor's keen eyes swept over the familiar faces occupying the space. Husk diligently tending to the bar avoiding his bosses gaze, Charlie engaged in animated conversation with Angel Dust, and Vaggie brushing Charlie’s hair—all mundane scenes in contrast to the brewing storm within Alastor's mind.
Yet, it was the sight of Y/n, nestled comfortably amidst a sea of paperwork, cradling a cup of coffee in her hands, that drew Alastor's attention like a moth to flame. A devilish grin spread across his lips as he honed in on the object of his suspicion.
Approaching with predatory grace, Alastor loomed over his favorite little doe, his presence casting a palpable shadow over her workspace. With a tilt of his head and a glint of mischief in his eye, he addressed her in a melodic tone that belied the underlying threat. "What have we here, my dear?" he crooned, his voice a siren's call of danger.
Y/n met his gaze with feigned innocence, her lashes fluttering as she summoned her most pure expression. "Just a cup of coffee, darling," she replied, her voice dripping with sweetness as she dared him to challenge her façade.
A tension lingered between Alastor and Y/n, their relationship a delicate dance of affection and provocation, evident to all who dwelled within its walls. Over time, they had forged a bond woven with pet names and whispered endearments, their connection an open secret among the patrons who watched with bated breath as their story unfolded.
As Y/n sat, in the familiar warmth of Alastor's presence leering against her, sending a cascade of shivers down her spine. His voice, a velvet purr, tickled her ear as he leaned in close, his breath ghosting over the nape of her neck. “That belongs to me, cheri.” Y/n was at a loss for words, heart pounding in her chest and her face as red as Alastor’s ears. With deliberate intent, he materialized before her, his proximity a deliberate distraction as he reached for the mug cradled in her grasp.
A pout graced Y/n's lips as she resisted his advance, her fingers tightening around the mug as if daring him to challenge her claim. Alastor, undeterred by her defiance, closed the distance between them, his nose almost touching hers and his gaze locking with hers in a silent challenge. The tension in the room could be cut with a knife, every eye trained on the unfolding drama, anticipation crackling in the air like electricity.
Charlie, her smile a beacon of encouragement, stood hand in hand with Vaggie, their shared anticipation mirrored in the gazes they exchanged. Husk, his expression a mixture of concern and resignation, braced himself for the inevitable fallout, while Angel Dust held his breath in rapt anticipation, his eyes fixed on the unfolding spectacle.
With bated breath, Y/n awaited Alastor's response, her cheeks flushed with a mixture of apprehension and desire. As he took the mug from her grasp, a triumphant smile graced his lips, the thrill of victory evident in his crimson gaze. He went to retreat as he thought he had won but, Y/n seized his hand with a surge of newfound confidence, pulling him close in a bold display of affection.
“This belongs to me” she says and their lips meet in a fervent kiss, the world around them falling away as they surrendered to the undeniable pull of their attraction. For a moment, time stood still, the only sound echoing through the lobby the soft murmur of their mingled breaths.
As the kiss lingered, a resounding crash shattered the fragile stillness, the sound of breaking glass punctuating the moment jolting them back into reality. Alastor, his resolve crumbling like the shards of his shattered porcelain cup, returned Y/n's embrace with both hands and a passion that ignited the room, their connection transcending the confines of words and gestures.
In the aftermath of their impulsive display, the patrons of the hotel stood in stunned silence, their shock palpable as they beheld the wreckage of Alastor's beloved mug lying in ruins upon the floor. Yet, amidst the debris, a newfound understanding dawned, as they witnessed the depth of Alastor's devotion laid bare in the wreckage of his shattered mug, a sacrifice made in favor of a love that defied all expectations.
Amidst the scattered remnants of Alastor's shattered mug, Nifty, the ever-efficient maid of the Hazbin Hotel, sprung into action with characteristic zeal. "A mess, I'll clean it," she declared, her voice ringing with determination as she swiftly gathered the fragments littering the floor.
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princesscait26 · 19 days
Jazz Music
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(This is my very first EVER story. It was written on my phone. I took inspiration from a few stories.)
(I would love feedback. However, if you don’t like it, please just move on.)
Summary: The newest member of Hazbin Hotel has caught the attention of the Radio Demon. How will this turn out?
Alastor x Doe! Reader
As Alastor leisurely strolled through the corridors of Hazbin Hotel, his ears perked at the familiar strains of jazz seeping from room 430. The melodic notes beckoned him, coaxing a ghost of a smile to his lips as he approached the source.
Intrigued by the vintage tunes reminiscent of a bygone era, a simpler time, Alastor paused in front of the door, his curiosity piqued. With a gentle push, the door creaked open, revealing a dimly lit room bathed in the soft glow of evening light.
Inside, a petite figure moved with grace, her silhouette illuminated by the warm hues of hells “sunset” filtering through the window. Alastor's crimson eyes widened slightly as he took in the scene before him—a woman, unpacking her belongings while white fluffy tail swaying to the rhythm of the music.
Caught in a moment of vulnerability, Alastor's smile faltered, replaced by a flicker of something he couldn't quite place. He watched in silence as the woman danced around the room, her movements fluid and unhurried.
Suddenly aware of his intrusion, Alastor quickly withdrew, retreating into the safety of the hallway. His heart pounded in his chest, a strange heat creeping up his cheeks as he grappled with the unfamiliar sensation stirring within him.
Descending to the lobby, Alastor attempted to regain his composure, though his thoughts remained fixated on the enigmatic woman he had just encountered. As he approached the bar where Husk and Angel Dust lounged, he couldn't shake the lingering image from his mind.
Before he could gather his thoughts, Charlie burst into the lobby, her vibrant energy filling the space. With her was Vaggie, trailing behind as always, and a newcomer whom Alastor had only gotten a glimpse of.
With a flourish, Charlie introduced the newcomer to the gathered residents as Y/N, her voice brimming with enthusiasm. Alastor observed from a distance, his gaze drawn to the doe-eyed stranger who stood shyly beside Charlie.
As Angel Dust playfully urged Y/N to step forward, Alastor's heart skipped a beat at the sight of her blushing cheeks and hesitant smile. He felt a strange pang of protectiveness wash over him, though he couldn't fathom why.
When Y/N finally noticed him, her eyes widened in surprise, and Alastor found himself momentarily transfixed by her gaze. Charlie's comment about their shared "deer-like" characteristics drew a small chuckle from the others, but Alastor remained silent, his mind elsewhere.
Unable to articulate the whirlwind of emotions swirling within him, Alastor offered a polite nod before excusing himself, retreating once more into the shadows. As he disappeared from view, the others exchanged puzzled glances, while Y/N's ears drooped in confusion.
Husk's gruff voice broke the silence, followed by Angel Dust's characteristic laughter, but Alastor's absence lingered like a ghost in the room, leaving them all to wonder about the mysterious radio demon and the woman who had captured his attention.
Y/n hadn't set out seeking redemption; rather, she longed for a sense of belonging in a place where safety felt like an elusive dream. Damned to hell, she had navigated its treacherous paths with constant vigilance, always on edge. But fate intervened when she crossed paths with Charlie in the bustling city streets. Their chance encounter led to a conversation that sparked hope within Y/n's weary heart, and Charlie's unwavering optimism convinced her to give Hazbin Hotel a chance.
Though redemption wasn't her primary goal, Y/n embraced her new role with sincerity, channeling her innate kindness and sweetness, much like her shy and skittish animal counterpart. Yet, beneath her gentle exterior lay a hidden past, a tale of woe she dared not share with anyone. There is a reason she was sent to hell.
Finding solace in keeping herself busy, Y/n eagerly lent a hand wherever needed, particularly finding joy in assisting Nifty with her cleaning duties. The quirky little demon took an instant liking to Y/n, charmed by her selfless gestures and warm demeanor.
Angel Dust, with his keen eye for character, saw in Y/n a kindred spirit. He admired her intelligence, wit, and undeniable beauty, envisioning a blossoming friendship between them. Even Husk, typically reserved and aloof, appreciated Y/n's presence during late nights, finding solace in her company as they indulged in a casual game of cards.
Despite her growing rapport with the other residents, Y/n couldn't shake the memory of the red deer demon she had encountered only once. Charlie had mentioned his busy schedule, while Husk had cautioned her to steer clear of him. Yet, the more she tried to push him from her thoughts, the more his image lingered in her mind.
Determined to unravel the mystery surrounding the elusive demon, Y/n resolved to uncover the depths of his character, drawn to his undeniable charm and the allure of the unknown. With each passing day, her curiosity only intensified, fueling her desire to uncover the secrets hidden beneath his facade.
A typical Monday morning at Hazbin Hotel unfolded in its usual chaotic manner, with the corridors bustling with activity as demons scurried about their daily routines. Lost in a whirlwind of thoughts, Y/n navigated through the labyrinth of hallways, her mind buzzing with a million different tasks demanding her attention.
Caught up in her own thoughts, Y/n's foot caught on an unseen obstacle, sending her stumbling forward with a gasp. Bracing herself for impact, she closed her eyes, anticipating the hard embrace of the floor beneath her. Instead, she found herself enveloped in a cloud of intoxicating scent, a mixture of cinnamon and pine that sent a shiver down her spine.
Opening her eyes, Y/n found herself locked in a gaze with none other than the infamous radio demon himself, Alastor. Towering over her with an air of elegance and confidence, he exuded an aura of mystery that left her feeling like a deer caught in headlights. Why is he constantly making her feel this way.
Muttering apologies and expressions of gratitude, Y/n's words stumbled over each other in her haste to regain her composure. Alastor's chuckle cut through the tension, his voice smooth as silk as he remarked on the importance of being careful in the bustling corridors of the hotel.
With a polite nod and a reassuring smile, Alastor assured Y/n that all was well, his crimson eyes twinkling with amusement as he watched her regain her footing. As she continued on her way, Y/n couldn't shake the lingering sensation of his presence, his charm leaving a lasting impression on her mind.
As days turned into weeks, Y/n and Alastor's chance encounters in the hotel corridors evolved into deliberate rendezvous, their paths seemingly intertwined as if by fate. With each passing exchange, Y/n's smile grew brighter, mirrored by Alastor's friendly wave and the unmistakable twinkle in his crimson eyes.
Their bond deepened as they found themselves working side by side, tackling tasks together with effortless synergy. Y/n found herself drawn to Alastor's smooth, captivating voice, hanging onto his every word as he regaled her with tales from his past, his radio talk voice weaving a spell around her.
Unbeknownst to them, their burgeoning friendship did not go unnoticed by the other residents of Hazbin Hotel. Husk's warnings about steering clear of his boss fell on deaf ears as Y/n and Alastor became practically inseparable, their connection undeniable
As time passed, it became increasingly evident to those around them that there was something more than just friendship blossoming between Y/n and Alastor. Angel Dust, always quick to pick up on such matters, took delight in teasing Alastor mercilessly, earning himself a death stare in return from the radio demon.
Vaggie, ever the protector, grew increasingly wary of Alastor's intentions towards Y/n. With her keen angelic powers, she sensed a strength within Y/n that belied her gentle demeanor, suspecting that Alastor may have recognized it too. Determined to shield Y/n from any potential harm, Vaggie kept a watchful eye on their interactions, her concern palpable in her every glance towards the pair.
With the Hotel buzzing with Lucifer’s impending visit, Vaggie wasn’t able to worry too much and found herself torn between her duty to protect her friend and to her girlfriends mounting stress, who was determined to make a flawless impression on her father. With Charlie frantically orchestrating preparations, Vaggie could do little but offer her support, juggling her own concerns alongside her duties to the hotel.
Charlie's anxiety radiated throughout the hotel, her relentless pursuit of perfection leaving no room for rest or respite. Alastor and Y/n, sensing her distress, stepped in to assist, hoping to alleviate some of her burden and quell her fears. Vaggie, though grateful for their aid, couldn't shake her worry over Charlie's fragile state of mind.
Alastor, however, harbored no such sympathies for Lucifer's impending arrival. To him, the king of hell was nothing more than an unwelcome disruption, his disdain for Lucifer's callous indifference towards his daughter and the inhabitants of hell simmering beneath his composed exterior.
Y/n, always attuned to Alastor's moods, noticed his brooding demeanor and instinctively moved closer to him, seeking to offer comfort in her own quiet way. With a gentle touch, she intertwined her arm with his, silently reassuring him of her support.
Despite his aversion to physical contact, Alastor found himself surprisingly comforted by Y/n's presence. As she leaned into him, he couldn't resist the urge to reciprocate, offering a rare pat on her head that earned a blush and a soft, endearing noise of affirmation from Y/n.
Caught off guard by the warmth of her response, Alastor felt a rare flush of warmth spread across his cheeks, a sensation he hadn't experienced before. In that moment, he realized just how much he valued Y/n's companionship and the solace she provided, silently wishing he could be the sole recipient of her affectionate gestures.———————————————————————
As Charlie's anxiety about Lucifer's impending visit reached its peak, she implored everyone to put their best foot forward, emphasizing the importance of making a stellar impression. Her visible stress prompted a collective agreement among the hotel staff to dress to impress, each determined to ease Charlie's worries by presenting themselves in their finest attire.
Y/n, always a vision of elegance, opted for a striking red 1930s-inspired midi dress that accentuated her curves flawlessly making her bosom and tail poke out more. With its puffy sleeves and collarbone neckline, the dress exuded vintage charm, complemented by her hair pinned up and a delicate set of pearls adorning her neck. A touch of matching lipstick that completed her ensemble, drawing admiring glances from all who crossed her path.
As Y/n made her entrance into the lobby, she commanded the attention of everyone present. Angel Dust couldn't contain his excitement, letting out a whoop of approval and a wolf whistle that caught Alastor's attention. When Alastor's eyes landed on Y/n, his breath caught in his throat, his heart pounding so loudly he feared it might burst from his chest. She looked positively radiant.
Unable to resist the magnetic pull of her presence, Alastor approached Y/n with a graceful stride, his movements fluid and purposeful. Taking her hand in his, he pressed a reverent kiss to her knuckles, his words overflowing with genuine admiration as he proclaimed her the most beautiful doe he had ever seen. Y/n's cheeks flushed pink as she bashfully covered her face, but Alastor gently removed her hands, insisting that she not hide her stunning features.
Linked arm in arm, they ventured into the corridor together, leaving Charlie in awe of the softer side of Alastor that Y/n seemed to effortlessly bring out.
Meanwhile, seeking refuge from the overwhelming emotions swirling around her, Y/n made her way to the bar in search of a drink to calm her nerves. Husk's amused chuckle greeted her request for something strong, while Angel's playful compliment about her bewitching effect on Alastor elicited a shy blush and a nervous laugh from Y/n. She secretly hoped there was truth to his jest.
As the final preparations for Lucifer's arrival unfolded, Y/n couldn't resist a tantalizing touch as she passed Alastor, her finger tracing a delicate path across his chest as she met his gaze through her lashes. The effect on Alastor was immediate and undeniable, his usual composure crumbling in the wake of her subtle yet potent allure. Ears flushed crimson, his tail betraying his inner turmoil, and a noticeable tightness in his pants, Alastor found himself utterly captivated by the enigmatic woman who had managed to ensnare his heart and unravel his self-control with a single touch. What was she doing to him?
The atmosphere in Hazbin Hotel ground to a halt as a portal crackled open in the lobby, spilling forth the unexpected figure of Lucifer. Contrary to everyone's expectations, the imposing ruler of hell was surprisingly short, a stark contrast to his daughter, Charlie. Y/n, petite herself, couldn't help but note the irony, realizing she might even tower over him.
Charlie's nerves were palpable as she reluctantly approached her father, offering a hesitant greeting before embarking on the daunting task of introducing him to the hotel's residents. Alastor, ever vigilant, stood close to Y/n, maintaining a respectful distance while silently wishing he could be closer, especially when he noticed Lucifer's intense gaze fixated on her.
Lucifer's eyes lingered on Y/n, his appraisal unsettling as he took in her innocent beauty. Sensing her discomfort, Y/n found herself at a loss for words as Lucifer gallantly took her hand and planted a kiss upon it, his words dripping with a disconcerting charm. Feeling intimidated, Y/n's nerves betrayed her, causing her to giggle nervously in response.
Alastor, seething with barely-contained rage at seeing Y/n's discomfort, could no longer stand idly by. Stepping up behind her, he introduced himself to Lucifer, a silent gesture of protection that did not go unnoticed by Y/n, who smiled gratefully at him, internally thanking him for rescuing her from the uncomfortable situation.
However, Lucifer's audacity knew no bounds as he seized Y/n's wrist, pulling her towards him and demanding a tour of the hotel. Alastor's patience snapped, his demon form surging forth as his antlers grew, his fury unleashed at the sight of Y/n being manhandled.
Ready to defend Y/n at any cost, Alastor bristled with aggression, his intentions clear as he faced off against Lucifer. A confrontation seemed inevitable until Y/n and Charlie intervened, diffusing the tension and redirecting Lucifer's attention. As they redirected Lucifer's focus, Alastor stormed off in frustration, leaving Y/n bewildered by his sudden outburst.
As Y/n clung to Alastor's arm, attempting to calm him down, his agitation only grew, his temper flaring as he abruptly ripped his arm away, causing Y/n to stumble. Tears welled up in her eyes as she struggled to comprehend what had transpired, seeking solace in the comforting words of Angel and Husk.
Meanwhile, Alastor paced in the radio tower, grappling with his conflicting emotions and struggling to understand why Y/n had such a profound effect on him. Realization dawned upon him, sending shockwaves through his being as he came to terms with the depth of his feelings for Y/n. She was his, and he would protect her at all costs.
Alastor, after his realization, went in search of y/n, finding her in her room, withdrawn and overwhelmed. As she retreated from the day's events, she changed out of her dress and into one of Alastor's button-up shirts that she stole a while back, still carrying his faint scent of cinnamon and pine. Despite her efforts to distance herself, a knock at the door disrupted her solitude. Expecting sympathetic friends, y/n mumbled her intention to talk tomorrow until she heard Alastor's voice, distinct and sweet, on the other side
Unlocking the door with her powers, she avoided meeting his gaze, her disappointment palpable. Alastor, visibly regretful, pleading with her to look at him, apologizing sincerely for his earlier behavior. He assured her that he never intended to hurt her, explaining that he was grappling with inner turmoil that needed sorting out. His gaze held such adoration that she forgave him instantly, though not without a warning that any future transgressions would not be tolerated. He laughed at her stern look. She was just too cute.
She stood from her bed, Alastor noticed the shirt she wore, his eyes lingering appreciatively at her body in his shirt before he composed himself. She turned on the radio, filling the room with quiet jazz, and Alastor approached her, his presence intoxicating. Offering his hand, he asked her to dance, his voice devoid of its usual static, like honey to her ears. As they swayed together, their tails wagged in sync, reflecting the emotions swirling inside both of them. She rested her head on his chest, humming to the song. He was content and could get used to this domestic life with her.
Alastor complimented her appearance, both in the dress and in his shirt. Y/n blushing as she realized her attire and apologized. He expressed that what was his was hers, a statement that surprised her but to which she readily agreed, reciprocating the sentiment.
After the dance, Alastor took a bold step, asking her on a proper date, expressing his desire to court her. Overwhelmed with emotion, she said yes without hesitation, kissing him before realizing the implications of her actions. Instead of being upset, Alastor seized the moment, pulling her into a passionate kiss, the intensity of which left them both breathless. Green and white powers intertwined, marking the beginning of a powerful and enduring love.
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