nyx-umbrakinesis · 12 hours
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Just know, no matter your sexual orientation or gender identity, you are valid, you are important, you are loved and accepted and always welcome on my blog, and it's a safe space for you, I will not tolerate bullying of any kind.
A/n:Sorry totally spaced on the fan art, didn't realise for a moment, it's not mine I wish I knew who's it was, if someone could let me know who so I can give credit or ask permission I'd appreciate it 💜💜 (found it on Google)
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nyx-umbrakinesis · 18 hours
Just so everyone is aware, I'm not in the best mental state right now and it will take me longer to get to my WIPs and longer asks, I will still do them eventually but I'm not in the best headspace rn...
But I'll still do shorts and quips in the meantime etc...
Also as I've stated before but will again, I take asks that aren't just Alastor and Lucifer... You can request anyone... Short or long scenarios... For example I have a friend who likes Vox and I will write Vox as best as I can.
I just ask if you could all bear with me kindly, if you have anyone you wish me to write about please don't be afraid to ask... My ask box is open and will remain open, also if you wanna go on the tag list for my longer fics just comment on this post stating so and I'll add you 💜💜
Please bear in mind I've only been writing for a month so if something isn't well refined you'll please have to excuse me. 💜💜💜
Ps. (I'm also open to other ships)
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nyx-umbrakinesis · 19 hours
Small lil idea; Luci and Alastor plotting ways to rid you of anyone who upsets you 👀
(Could technically be a continuation of your previous post but could also be its own separate thing 🖤)
Okay Dear, I'll try... <(Part 1)
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Alastor: "Where are they... How is our Dear One?"
Lucifer: "They're finally asleep... It took a while, they even threw up at one point, I left Niffty there... Niffty's been... Surprising..."
Alastor: "Niffty is a little darling, she's actually acutely aware of when people are hurting... Her own past... Well let's just say our Heart is in good hands..."
Alastor's tone changes to menacing, radio crackling almost making his words unintelligible.
Alastor: "Now what do we do about those 'people'... Because my Darling is suffering and I'm not having it, they hurt them badly, and this isn't getting better until we do something."
Lucifer: "I know... I just... I'm not sure to be honest, I just want to protect them too but-"
Alastor: "I could eat them."
Lucifer: "Wha- what?"
Alastor: "Yes, I'll go and murder them, and eat each one of them whole, that way our Darling won't even have to be faced with their cruelty again."
Alastor sounds utterly gleeful at the prospect.
Lucifer: "You... Nevermind... You can't do that Al, our Kitten wouldn't like that, you know they don't like hurting people..."
Alastor: "I'd deal with the consequences and Dearest would forgive me... They know my past... They don't hold it against me by any means..."
Lucifer" "I don't know Al... I just thin-"
Alastor: "No, no it's decided, you stay here and tend to Dearest, and I'll deal with this."
Lucifer yells as Alastor sinks into his shadows.
Lucifer: "Hey wait! No fair! I wanted to help, you can't jus-... Aaaand he's gone... Impossible to deal with."
Lucifer soon returns to Alastor's quarters, thanking Niffty for watching over you as she leaves the room.
Even in sleep you looked to be in pain, curling over, swollen face from crying, nose buried in Alastor's pillow, reaching out for Lucifer still as he'd had to leave you.
Lucifer gets on the bed again, pulling you into his arms, smiling woefully as your hands immediately cling to him like a lifeline, and he finds it hard to regret not stopping or going with Alastor now... You still need him and as you sniffle, a tear running down your face, he kisses it away.
Lucifer: "I'm here don't worry, I'm so sorry I had to go speak to Alastor my love, but I'm not leaving your side again, I promise."
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nyx-umbrakinesis · 1 day
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Alastor hugging you, as you cry against his chest, he rubs your back trying to soothe the ache in your soul.
You: "Why wouldn't they just talk to me... I don't know what I always do wrong?" You say sobbing.
Alastor: "Darling sometimes that's just the way things are, don't let it get to you, you'll always have me."
Alastor wraps his arms around you as his mind races with calculations on how to proceed once he's able to leave you with Lucifer for a while to care for your needs, as you utterly break down, his heart aches for you.
Alastor murmurs love and praise in your ear as you cling to him hoping he will never let you go.
(Part 2)>
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nyx-umbrakinesis · 4 days
Random thought
Alastor practicing the power slide...
You walk in on Alastor as he nearly loses his balance and laugh asking him what he's doing
Alastor: "I'm trying to do a 'power slide' Darling."
You: "Why are you trying to power slide Alastor?"
Alastor: "Well it's clearly the most powerful dance move, it's literally got 'power' in the name... And if Lucifer can do it so can I."
You laugh as you see Alastor attempt it once more, getting his shoe trapped and falling face first... Alastor face plants your stomach and you can't help but laugh harder as with an evil grin he tickles you in punishment for your gall as you beg him for mercy.
A/N: He's so silly I love him 🥰
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nyx-umbrakinesis · 4 days
How do you know if an ask for a oneshot should be smutty or just romantic lol
Usually the ask will specify, otherwise go with your gut. 💜
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nyx-umbrakinesis · 5 days
Tonight's random NSFW thoughts about Alastor that I shared on discord 😂😂
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I would've done a little scenario for each but I'm tired 😂💜
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nyx-umbrakinesis · 9 days
Imagine asking Alastor to glow in the dark because you can't find your way to the bathroom at night 🤣🤣🤣
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You tripping on a root: "Ouch... Alastor...?"
Alastor (half asleep): "Mmmm?"
You: "I can't see... And I need the toilet badly... Can you... Do the thing please...?"
Alastor sighs, but opens his eyes, a rush of power making his eyes glow red and the rest of himself glows green, illuminating the room.
You: "Thanks..."
Alastor: "You're welcome Dear... Now hurry up."
You go to scuttle off.
You: "Oh and Al?"
Alastor's smile strains, You can see his glowing teeth.
Alastor: "Yes Dearest?"
You: "Love you."
Alastor's eyes and smile softens.
Alastor: "I love you too, my Heart, do please hurry up... I'm awake now and you're in need of punishment it seems."
You giggle and hurry along, You love disturbing his nights like that... It's why you always drink a litre of water before bedtime.
A/N: Yes Alastor is now a nightlight 🤣
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nyx-umbrakinesis · 10 days
Alastor x Reader fluff
You can't sleep so Alastor takes care of you.
Word count: 1600
“Ah! Hello, my dear!” Alastor greeted with his signature smile “My! You seem absolutely fatigued! Can’t get to sleep again Dear?”
“Good evening, Alastor,” you say softly, a hint of exhaustion “Yes, I have been having trouble sleeping lately.” Your eyes flicker towards the door, thoughts of escaping his watchful eye momentarily crossing my mind, not wanting to upset him at the state of your sleep schedule, before you quickly dismiss them, knowing the futility of such efforts. Despite your frustration, you can’t help but feel a sense of security around him.
“Oh, my poor darling,” Alastor cooed sympathetically, stepping closer to you, closing the space between us almost imperceptibly. His fingers twitched, reaching to touch your shoulder comfortingly. His smile remained, growing more sincere at the thought of being the one to chase away your sleepless nights. “Perhaps we could try some relaxation techniques together? A warm bath, maybe?” He suggested gently, watching you intently. “And after that, we can cuddle and I’ll read to you until you manage to drift off. Just the two of us...” His words trailed off, painting a picture of a peaceful night, just what you needed.
Your eyes light up at the prospect of spending such an intimate moment with him after him being so busy lately. “A warm bath sounds heavenly right now.” You took a step closer to him, allowing your bodies to almost brush against each other. You could feel the heat radiating off of him, and it sent a thrill down your spine.
Sending his shadow ahead to prepare the bathroom.
“Oh, my sweet Dearest,” Alastor purred upon hearing your agreement, his delight evident in his voice. Gently guiding you, hand resting on your lower back, he led you through the halls to your shared room.
A bathtub large enough to accommodate both of you sat invitingly filled with fragrant water, bubbles swirling lazily. His diligent work paid off; a soft pleasant scent filled the air, known for its calming properties.
“Step in, my love,” Alastor instructed tenderly, unbuttoning his own shirt and slipping it off his shoulders. The cool air momentarily caressed your own skin as he helps you strip too, before you lowered yourself into the welcoming water.
The warmth of the water enveloped you, your body sinking into its embrace, as if the tub itself was trying to alleviate your stress. You couldn’t help but moan softly at the comfort it provided, eyes closing involuntarily, the world melting away into oblivion...
Alastor joined you soon, his tall frame gracefully slipping into the tub before yours on his knees. Water lapped gently at the edge of the tub, as he shifted, making sure not to cause any discomfort for you. His hands came to rest behind your neck, massaging lightly, expert fingers working to release the knots of tension that had taken residence there.
As he worked, his lips come close to your ear, he whispered, “It’s okay, darling. Let go, let yourself be free. I am here, I am yours.” His words were as soothing as the water, lulling you into a calm state where only his touch mattered.
The gentle pressure of Alastor’s fingers continued to soothe you. His hot breath tickled your ear, causing shivers to run down your spine. You leaned into him, feeling desired, wanted. For this moment, all your worries melted away. All that mattered was the connection between the two of you.
“How does that feel?” Alastor asked, his voice low and soothing, echoing softly in the quiet room. His gaze darted to your face, checking for signs of relief or discomfort.
Your response was barely audible, “It feels amazing,” you breathed out, smiling faintly. The tension in your body began to dissipate, your muscles relaxing into the warmth of the water and Alastor’s ministrations. As he continued to massage your neck, his other hand moved to rub your shoulders, applying pressure with calculated precision to release all remaining tension.
Alastor leaned forward, his breath hot against your skin as he places feather-light kisses along your jawline, following it up with a nibble of your earlobe. The sensual touch left you quivering in anticipation...
The tap of his fingers against your pulse point slowed rhythmically, helping you to breathe deeply. His other hand drifted below the water, skimming down your body, lightly tracing over each curve, finally settling upon your hip. He pulled you in closer to his chest, water splashing softly around the tub as your bodies intertwined.
“Feeling better now?” He whispered softly into your ear, his tone filled with satisfaction, a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth knowing how much you craved these moments of intimacy.
Feeling your nod of confirmation against his shoulder, Alastor couldn’t help but let out a contented sigh. His mission was accomplished – he had managed to ease your worried mind and tired body. He decided it was time to move this intimate moment to the next room.
With the grace of a predator, Alastor carefully helped you stand up from the bathtub. The water dripped off your glistening skin, creating an enticing sight that left him craving for more. But he held himself back, remembering his goal was to make you feel cherished tonight.
He handed you a plush, white towel, wrapping it securely around your body. Then he grabbed another one for himself, drying off his own lithe form. Despite his control, he couldn’t resist stealing glances at you, admiring the way the soft fabric clung to the enticing sight of your body.
Once you were both sufficiently dry, Alastor took your hand, leading you back into your shared bedroom. The dim lighting cast soft shadows on the walls, setting a romantic atmosphere, enhancing the warm feelings spreading within you. With care, he guided you onto the neatly made bed, pulling back the covers with a flourish, revealing the crisp, inviting sheets.
Alastor climbed in beside you and gathered you in his arms, holding you close. The cool sheets felt wonderful against your still slightly damp skin. The heat radiating from his body was a stark contrast to the lingering coolness on your own, and it proved incredibly comforting. His fingers traced idle patterns across your back as he nuzzled your temple, planting gentle kisses on your forehead, nose, and cheeks.
One arm curling possessively around your waist, the other propping up his head so he could look at you. Legs entwining, he created a cocoon of warmth around you.
You allowed him to lead the interaction, letting him set the pace.
He reached over and tucked you into the luxurious bed, pulling the blankets up to your chin. The room was bathed in a warm golden light, cast by the flickering candles placed strategically around the space. A gentle smile played upon Alastor’s lips as he lay beside you.
The sound of the bayou offered a serene background melody, complementing the intimate atmosphere inside.
Alastor’s shadow retrieved a book from his private library – a collection from renowned authors throughout history. He opened the cover and began to recite the verses in a deep, soothing voice that resonated within the room, casting a spellbinding effect on you. Each word felt like a gentle caress against your soul, weaving a web of passion and desire that bound you to him.
As he read, his thumb traced soothing circles on your stomach, the touch barely perceptible but carrying a sense of reassurance and warmth.
Each touch sending gentle waves of comfort coursing through your body, lulling you into a serene state.
As Alastor continued reading, his deep, calming radio crackled, voice filling the room, you couldn’t help but feel completely at ease. The warmth of the bath, combined with the comfort of the bed and his loving embrace, made the weight of your fatigue dissipate, leaving you feeling refreshed and content. His thumb still moved gently against your stomach, sending occasional tremors through your body, reminding you of the sexual tension that always existed between you.
A gentle yawn escaped your lips, signalling your impending surrender to sleep. As Alastor noticed this, he paused in his reading and looked down at you, a satisfied smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
“Are you ready to dream, my Dearest?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper, but containing a strange sense of authority. Your eyelids fluttered open to meet his crimson gaze, filled with love, desire and possessiveness. All this time, his fingers never stopped their gentle dance on your skin.
Feeling the pull of sleep becoming irresistible, you nodded softly, a small smile forming on your lips. Alastor returned the smile, a tender expression that warmed your heart. This display of affectionate vulnerability was a rare sight, one that revealed the depth of his feelings for you despite the darkness of his nature.
He resumed his reading, his voice continuing to weave a soothing lullaby that guided you toward slumber. With each passing moment, the lines between reality and dream began to blur, pulling you deeper into a peaceful abyss. The last thing you remembered before succumbing to sleep was the comforting presence of Alastor’s embrace, his steady heartbeat acting as a lullaby, assuring you that you were safe and loved.
As you drifted off, Alastor adjusted the blankets once more, ensuring your comfort. He then tenderly pressed a kiss to your lips in a bid for goodnight, his love and devotion evident in the simple gesture.
You sigh letting his scent be the last thing your awareness takes with you as you slip into darkness.
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nyx-umbrakinesis · 11 days
It's so perfect thank you 💜💜💜
Lucifer and Alastor x Reader
Prompt via ask from @nyx91
Reader w/ health issue involving heart
"She should get up and walk. Some fresh air might do her good." Lucifer suggests.
"Walking is what made her get so dizzy that she collapsed, you ass." Alastor tells him; he is carefully laying you down on the couch in the lobby of the Hazbin Hotel.
"I just thought it might help!" Lucifer is defensive. "I don't know... I've never been sick! Lilith's never been sick...Hell, Charlie was never sick!"
"Tough love is hardly the balm she needs..." Alastor is knelt by the couch beside you, he brushes the bangs from your eyes, tucking the hair back. "And, she's not sick... she has a heart condition. She just had an attack. She told us about it when she first arrived; you don't recall?"
"I don't know...I thought it was something that was supposed to make finding redemption harder for her...like, she couldn't feel love or...her heart was two sizes too small, or-"
"You thought she was The Grinch?" Alastor hissed at him, adjusting the pillows underneath your head now. Alastor notices you are clenching your hands; that you are pale and have a slick sheen of sweat across your face and forehead.
"Make yourself useful and come over here. Fresh air isn't a bad idea; fan her with your wings." Alastor tells Lucifer.
Lucifer quickly brings his wings out, stepping back, he creates a wafting wind that is cool against your heated skin and somehow eases the tightness in your chest.
"Is she running a fever!? We could shock her system...dunk her in ice water. Or do we need leeches?" Lucifer wondered, still waving his wings.
"Luci, if I'm ever ailing and there's only you to take care of me...stay the fuck away from me." Alastor growled.
"She's in pain."
Alastor thinks of something, and he asks you, "Do you take medication, dear? Would it help now?" You nod, but the thought of having to make it up the stairs to your hotel room is too overwhelming. Alastor nods back, understanding the worried look in your eyes. "I can fetch it for you. If you don't mind, of course." You tell him in what room, where it is and he stands up.
"Don't try to help while I'm gone. Just keep doing that." Alastor directed him, quickly disappearing into shadow.
Lucifer rolled his eyes, still moving his wings and folding his arms.
He's grumbling but you manage to catch, "....bossy motherfucker..."
Alastor is back right away; finding just what you needed. He manifests a glass of water for you, conjuring it smoothly with a snap of his fingers and a puff of green. He hands everything to you. 
"I'm really not good with this sort of...stuff." Lucifer confesses, feeling awkward with not having helped much.
"Why would you be?" Alastor asked him and you think the next thing he says will be coated in snark but, "You've never had ailments...neither did Lilith. Charlie is Hellborn. You've never had to really think about it... I, myself, was often sick as a child. I know what something like this feels like..."
After awhile, you start to feel a little bit better. Your chest isn't as tight and the pain is subsiding. You're no longer pale or sweating so you tell Lucifer that he's ok to stop fanning you now.
"Are you hungry? Or do you need anything else?" Alastor asks you, noting that you are improving. You tell them no... you're still dizzy, disoriented and feeling nauseous...but, you'd appreciate their company.
Lucifer smiles, folding his wings away he comes to sit beside the couch next to Alastor. "That I can do. You know, I've got loads of stories... there's one where I went down to Georgia, and I was looking for a soul to steal..."
Alastor rolls his eyes.
You know this one, of course, but Lucifer is happy to tell it and you're glad for the distraction...and the companionship.
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nyx-umbrakinesis · 11 days
Tysm ily 💜🫶 it's perfect 💜💜💜
If you feel up to it
I'm having a really hard day, could I please request a little comfort pic where y/n has a health issue with their heart and just had an attack and Alastor and/or Lucifer are comforting and caring for them and are worried about them too can have any character traits/ animalistic traits, but basically y/n is very vulnerable and needy and in pain, can't get up because nearly collapsing, weak dizzy and feeling nauseated when they try) (not projecting at all here lol) 🥺 it can go anyway you want really, I'd just really like that included/conveyed if it's not too much trouble because I could cry rn with my struggles and I've got no-one, and I love you and your work so much 💜💜 (I might ask a couple of people for this as I just feel that vulnerable and needy just so you're aware, but I do love your work so much and you're the first artist I've reached out too cuz I love your work that much and just need to be bombarded with love today 💜💜💜)
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I’m so sorry :(( I hope you feel better soon🫶🫶
This was a lil rushed cause I wanted to give you smth, but damn that sucks, I’m so sorry man
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nyx-umbrakinesis · 11 days
I'm sorry if there's anyone else I've forgot to ask (because of brain fog and illness) but if you're feeling benevolent and would please please please like to gift me with some work based on this ask I would so very much appreciate it...
"I'm having a really hard day, could I please request a little comfort one shot or artwork where the reader has a health issue with their heart and just had an attack and Alastor and/or Lucifer are comforting and caring for them and are worried about them too (can be female or GN I don't mind, can have any character traits/ animalistic traits, but basically reader is feeling emotional and vulnerable and needy and in pain, can't get up because nearly collapsing, weak/ dizzy/ pain/ feeling nauseated when they try) (not projecting at all here lol) 🥺 it can go/ appear anyway you want, I'd just really like that included because I could cry rn with my struggles and I've got no-one..."
I just need to be bombarded with love and comfort today 💜💜💜
Tag me please and I will be eternally grateful
Tysm to @hazelfoureyes, @impale-me-radio-daddy and @inuhalfdemon for already gifting me some wonderful one shots, and to @aboyscriminalrecord for the wonderful artwork 💜💜💜 ILY all 💜🫶
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nyx-umbrakinesis · 11 days
Tysm it's perfect and I love it 💜💜🫶
I'm having a really hard day, could I please request a little comfort one shot where the reader has a health issue with their heart and just had an attack and Alastor and/or Lucifer are comforting and caring for them and are worried about them too (can be female or GN I don't mind, can have any character traits/ animalistic traits, but basically reader is feeling emotional and vulnerable and needy and in pain, can't get up because nearly collapsing, weak/ dizzy/ pain/ feeling nauseated when they try) (not projecting at all here lol) 🥺 it can go anyway you want after I'd just really like that included because I could cry rn with my struggles and I've got no-one, and I love you and your work so much 💜💜 (I have asked a couple of people for this as I just feel that vulnerable and needy just so you're aware, but I do love your work so much and just need to be bombarded with love today 💜💜💜)
I'm still writing the next lookalike chapter, so have something short:
When you sold Alastor your soul, it was an act of desperation. You never expected him to actually care about your wellbeing. He was the Radio Demon after all; hardly known for care and compassion.
Imagine your surprise then, at waking in his bed. Not in a state of undress, or anything tawdry, but in freshly laundered pajamas, your body clean and warm, your hair washed and set up in its usual bedtime state. It is quite possibly the cleanest and best cared for that you have felt since your arrival in Hell.
"You had another one of your... episodes," says Alastor, from his chair by your bedside, putting down the book he was reading. "You collapsed. I thought you would be better off in here." The fauna in the swamp behind him chirp merrily as you try to process what he is saying. Well, that and the fact that your current warm, bathed and glowing state is due to him.
"Why?" you ask, sitting up.
Alastor's smile is enigmatic. "Why does anyone do anything, my dear? Either whimsy, or naked self-interest!"
"You're looking after me because you feel like it?" you ask, a strange mix of feelings churning in your gut.
Alastor hums, an undercurrent of mains signal in his audio, and his eyes narrow a little. "As I recall, I do own you."
You shrink back as he approaches, fearing that he might do something terrible, but Alastor simply touches his palm to your forehead, feeling your temperature. Embarrassingly, you sink into the touch, but Alastor doesn't react, his mouth a steady curve. "And what kind of owner would I be," he asks, "If I were to leave my poor souls to suffer by the wayside?"
An owner like all the other overlords is the answer to that, but you don't feel like that's an answer that Alastor will care for. So you sit, under Alastor's watchful eye, and obediently eat, as a small parade of shadow creatures bring you breakfast.
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nyx-umbrakinesis · 11 days
Tysm I love it so much 💜💜💜💜💜💜
bedside manner
Lucifer x Sick Reader with heart condition (fluffy)
An ask from @nyx91 💖
It wouldn’t be hell if everyone was perfectly healthy; perfectly fit.
But, a counter point, hell wasn’t made to hurt. It was made to be full of people who caused pain and then, hopefully, spread it. The punishment was being in the company of the punished.
However Lucifer was no heartless sinner. No, in fact, his heart fell to his heels when Charlie came to his office in a worried huff. Another spell had hit you, another instance where he was reminded of the fragility of human souls.
Knocking, he realized quickly how thoughtless that was. By the time he opened the door he found you crumpled on the floor. You’d resigned yourself to not making it to the door and got comfortable on your knees.
“Ffffuck, I shouldn’t have knocked. I should have just— no don’t try to get up.” Small but strong hands hooked under your back and behind your knees. You weren’t weightless, but for Lucifer your physical self was barely noticeable compared to the power of an angel. Fallen or not, carrying you back to your bed was easy. It made you feel… small. Not small as in insignificant, small as in safe. Something the king of hell could cradle and tuck into his breast pocket to ensure your continuous care.
He sank onto the bed, trying to act cool and calm despite the blonde hairs out of place. He had run down to your room, forgetting he was capable of magic in his panic to confirm your condition.
When you tried to sit up, to offer some kind of normal greeting, you found your head akin to a fish bowl tilted too far forward. You were in danger of tipping over and spilling what remained of your consciousness.
“Hey now,” Luci’s hands gently pushed against your shoulders. “I didn’t get you back to bed just to have you fall out again.”
You attempted a smile, but you were past the point of faking it. There’s always a line that’s crossed when pain is concerned, when nerves get too bare and the mind too brittle to conceal it for the sake of niceties. Pain too quickly monopolized the body’s mental resources. All of the energy left in you was focused on breathing, on checking the rhythm of your heart. Was it speeding up? Or perhaps now it was becoming too slow… was that skipped beat an omen? Would the next one come?
His eyes came to the little white cube clutched in your hand. He’d become accustomed to it by now. Slipping it on your index finger’s tip he watched the numbers change. While he never spent much time around humans on earth, he understood when a heart was going haywire. He knew when the little peaks and valleys broke their pattern it wasn’t normal. He couldn’t understand how you felt but he wished he could do more than understand. If his hand could touch yours and take all the discomfort onto himself, he’d never let you go.
The paleness of your face caught his attention next. You looked ill. A little frightened.
“Would you like some food? I could get you anything you desire. No sacrifice needed.” A joke, but again, jokes don’t override exhaustion. You shook your head, letting a hand snake over to his and gently take hold.
“I don’t think I can stomach it.”
He nodded. Noticing the drink on your nightstand he handed it to you as some alternative. Lucifer watched your hands struggle to grip the drink’s lid strong enough to twist it open. “Let me.” He took it back, another ball dropped in his attempt to comfort you.
The way your fingers trembled as they lifted higher to receive the drink made his own heart ache. He brought it to your lips and slowly poured it into your mouth.
“What do you need, kitten?” He set the bottle back down within reach for you.
“A warm distraction.” Your eyes didn’t meet his. Embarrassment keeping them on your hands.
Lucifer was new to many things, and rusty with far more. But doting on someone special came naturally to him. Perhaps too much so, given how quickly eden’s vacancy sign lit up after his arrival.
He slid in bed beside you, pulling your head onto his chest, and took out his phone. “I made a stop motion of my ducks…” he scrolled through his apps.
His voice drowned out the paranoid pounding in your ears, so you leaned in closer.
It didn’t numb the pain, or return vigor to your body, but the purr of his chest as he spoke helped you focus on something else for a little while. And that was enough.
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nyx-umbrakinesis · 11 days
Not hazbin related— sorry for the odd not horny personal post
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Donate here if you’re able and wanting to sharing is also a lovely way to help support me (support my mother)
You may have noticed I was briefly MIA recently , and it’s because I’ve been ✨stressed and angry✨
My mother is currently in remission for breast cancer and was excited to use the state dental insurance she was notified in November she had. She lost some teeth to chemo, along with other issues, only having three teeth on the bottom of her jaw but all of her teeth on top.
In March she got approved and scheduled for May surgery to remove all her teeth and for her denture appointments in June. They hand she get rides two hours away because they said they’d only pay for that specific doctor in network.
After they took all her teeth, they called and said she actually wouldn’t be covered for the dentures or the surgery they already did. She was told, “Lots of people are out there walking around without teeth.” They said her insurance actually ended at the end of March, despite no notification and still approving the May and June appointments. They said it was a state thing and didn’t know why it ended. Even the morning of the May surgery they CONFIRMED she was approved with her dental surgeon. Then four days after the surgery they said “oopsies no you weren’t.” And sent her a 4800$ bill.
They can eat my entire ass.
So, they took her teeth and then told her tough luck. They made a mistake in approving these and won’t own up to it. She’s made it through cancer just for some knobheads to take her goddamn teeth. 
Did she have a lot of teeth before? No. But she never would have had them all taken out if she hadn’t been told she was approved for fully paid for dentures. She even asked to get just half dentures (bottom half) and was dissuaded. “We will only pay for this procedure one time, so it’s best to get it all done at once.” (Paraphrasing)
If you can, we’d appreciate any help in getting my mom some teeth. We’re looking into a place that would offer payment plans and looking into lines of credit to make it happen but anything would help offset the shocking and unfair burden placed on my mother.
We’ve been quoted around $3500 for a full set of “standard” dentures (meaning…not… the best? Lmao Jesus I don’t even know what that means but it’s what we can manage. I didn’t know they had good and bad ones??). We’re using PayPal as we don’t expect to raise that full amount, so gofundme wouldn’t be helpful.
We are getting her some goddamn teeth one way or another, but any help would be immensely appreciated.
Because I’m in Japan we’re using my sister’s PayPal. If you’d considered tipping or using my ko-fi in the near future, consider instead donating to help get my mom some fucking teeth. 🫠 any money I receive through my own PayPal and ko-fi will go to this anyway. I’ll be working more, too, to add to the dentures fund.
fuck Florida and fuck the government for doing this to my mother 🖕🏼 had they not made SEVERAL mistakes in approvals and lack of communication she would have teeth still. So in my angry opinion, they fucking took them from her by misleading her into an unnecessary surgery.
my mom, before the cancer and chemo took her hair and a breast, and before her teeth were bamboozled out of her fucking skull (with her grandbaby)
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nyx-umbrakinesis · 11 days
This is an A/N post, why my writing is delayed currently, CW: health issues, (heart), mental health, mentions of trauma.
I am trying to write, most of you don't know but amongst my health issues I've recently been having heart problems, and when I get an attack it literally feels like I'm having a heart attack, I had one such attack late last night and early this morning (as well as last week which means the frequency is increasing) and I had to medicate myself as when I go to the hospital they do nothing (also I can't sit in A and E in agony for hours on end to receive no help and be sent home again, and I'm too anxious once the pain is gone to call the GP the next day to try to find out why I keep having these attacks as I always get treated poorly at the doctor's and I don't have an advocate🥺) but the meds I took, they make me so drowsy so I can barely focus for more than five seconds intervals right now before my eyes keep closing, often times it's either my health or mental health that slows down my ability to release content quickly, but I am trying guys, life permitting I really am and I haven't forgotten about you all.
I just feel guilty that this week has been a rather bad one for me (I have alot of trauma based around my birthday too which was last Friday and the days surrounding it so my mental health also spiralled and caused a burn out over the weekend, plus I had alot of socialising with people I'm not comfortable around who aren't always very nice to me which was another thing that set off the burn out as it was for several days I had to be around them...
Sorry if I'm rambling or being too erratic I can hardly focus for more than five seconds at a time as I've said earlier, so writing this is difficult, but I want you all to know, I haven't abandoned my works, I will still be doing them, I'm just experiencing a lot of issues simultaneously rn...
Thank you to everyone who has been supportive and enjoy my work, I can't believe how many people have liked my stuff so far, especially as a new writer I feel so humbled at how many of you have left me notes, I honestly never thought I'd be any good but I've been blown away and emotional about all the love I've received for my little one shots and even the little quips I occasionally post and I just wanted to say I love you all so much.
(please excuse grammar, spelling and punctuation issues in this post as I've said I'm not with it from the prescribed tablets I had to take to stop the pain).
(If anyone wants to send me anything to brighten my day I'd really love that 💜💜💜, it can be anything, art, a meme, a short message, a short story, even an ask, on here or on my main blog (@nyx91 where you can see a pic of me if you wonder what I look like and there's posts on there too more personal where you can get to know me better if you're interested in me as a person and not just my content 💜 if you're not that's fine too 💜💜) even a message to get to know you or me better, I'm just feeling rather mushy and vulnerable so no doubt when I'm back in the right mindset I'll completely cringe at this post lol. 💜💜💜💜)
Anyway thank you for listening to me ramble, if you got this far because it's not actual content thank you that means so much to me. 💜💜💜
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nyx-umbrakinesis · 13 days
Random thought of the day...
Alastor often has his hands folded behind his back to hold his tail down to disguise and hide it when he can't keep it still. 🤣
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