nipsyyy · 3 days
Being sad and depressed and having a mask on when you’re outside,and as soon as you come home you physically feel that mask falling off,but then you again see someone’s home so you have to put it back on.
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nipsyyy · 9 days
I'm the elder daughter. I obesse over academic validation, can only escape the never ending thoughs in my mind when I'm reading or listening to music. I am an overly logical cynic but also a hopeless romantic. I cry over Everything but refuse to show emotion in front of anyone.
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nipsyyy · 9 days
“It could’ve been worse.” It could’ve been BETTER. It could’e been EASIER. It could’ve been lovely. It could’ve been beautiful, it could’ve been fun. It could have been simple, it could’ve made you HAPPY. 
You can drown in two feet of water just as simply as you can in an ocean. Stop downplaying what happened and neglecting your feelings. Kill that idea with fire. Or at least acknowledge that what happened was bad without immediately trying to justify or dismiss it.
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nipsyyy · 10 days
Have you ever so desperately wished for the ones around you to actually see your problems and struggles,in hope that it will change the way they treat you,if not out of love,atleast out of pity.
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nipsyyy · 15 days
I do have the ability to be alone,grow alone,be happy just with myself but it doesn’t mean that I want to have to do that.
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nipsyyy · 17 days
I feel all of us at the end of the day become the person who could’ve helped us when we needed it the most.
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nipsyyy · 21 days
I became the empathetic mature,self sacrificing reliable figure for everyone around me,in hopes that someone would become that for me too.
I think I realised it a little too late that treating others the way you want to be treated isn’t always the truth,so many times you will not receive the love you so desperately craved for because caring for someone because you love them and caring for someone because you want them to love you are two very different things.
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nipsyyy · 25 days
Our unfinished story will always be my favourite one.
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nipsyyy · 29 days
Wanting a parent to so desperately acknowledge that you were a talented child and that your achievements were less than normal,and so, compulsively talking about your achievements which may come off as boasting,but it was just a need to be appreciated.
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nipsyyy · 1 month
I've always been warned to not get swayed by butterflies
yet I find myself only loving someone with excitement
As I've grown older I realized
love is effort
love is concern
love is not like a burning flame
it is rippling water
it is a gentle breeze
To love someone is to be able to breathe
like their heart is your home
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nipsyyy · 1 month
Are you a strong hyper independent woman or have the men in your life constantly disappointed you with their supposed help which they kept on making you count every time there was a fight so now you’ve sworn to never ask a man for help?
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nipsyyy · 1 month
My childhood trauma didn't make me stronger. it made me a people pleaser. it made me forgive way too much. it made me not speak when i'm supposed to. it made me an extreme empath.
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nipsyyy · 1 month
Watching everyone tell you how much you’ve changed,how selfish you’ve become, because you no longer love them is a weird kind of satisfaction.
I love them,I always will love them,but I stopped loving them unconditionally,and obviously it meant I would no longer be a doormat which was absolutely not tolerable to them.
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nipsyyy · 1 month
Tumblr media
– Audrey Hepburn
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nipsyyy · 2 months
Is your love language words of affirmation or you constantly need other people to say how grateful they are for the stuff you do for them, because you grew up in a house doing everything for everyone so they got used to it and only ever acknowledged if you messed up something.So now you feel the perpetual need to go to extreme lengths doing stuff for others hoping that’s what will finally get you that thank you.
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nipsyyy · 2 months
the urge to tell your mother that you aren’t her therapist,that you were a child,that you deserved a childhood without being burdened with adult problems,but then you see her trying her absolute best to give you the life you wanted,seeing her cry after a hard day at work and realising that if not me then who.
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nipsyyy · 2 months
Growing up everyone around me wanted to become adults,and despite the grass always looking greener the other side,I remember never wanting to grow up as if I felt that things would only get worse.I wasn’t an old soul, I was a child with a ton of responsibilities who knew that would only increase as I grow up.I watched all my friends talking about how much they miss being a kid,but I don’t. I don’t miss being a child,I don’t miss never understanding why there was this tension in the house,I don’t miss being the reason of multiple fights.
That’s why I constantly crave stable mature figures in my life,people around whom I can let loose,people around whom my inner child feels at peace.
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