kenzialexandra ¡ 8 years
“I love you.” “What if I got a bowl cut”
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kenzialexandra ¡ 8 years
Here's to the people who...
… Ask “can I kiss you?” or lean in halfway and then wait for you to close the gap.
… Tap the item of clothing and check to see if you’re okay removing it.
… Respect your boundaries *without* pointing out how “nice” and “patient” they’re being and how very hard they’re struggling to be okay with it.
… Surprise you with kisses *only after* you’ve told them how much you enjoy getting surprise kisses from them.
… Remember where you don’t like to be touched.
… Appreciate your body as it is and when it changes.
… Communicate before, during, and after intimacy.
Here’s to the people who make consent a natural part of relationships, as it should be.
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kenzialexandra ¡ 8 years
The Magnus Effect - When a small amount of spin is added to a dropped object, the object moves forward
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kenzialexandra ¡ 8 years
50 States of America - 2nd Edition | ASL - American Sign Language
(Those of you that live in these different states may use a different sign. These are the most common signs for each state.)
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kenzialexandra ¡ 8 years
what men think women love to be called:
what women ACTUALLY like to be called:
lamp shade
broken chair
Samuel L Jackson
dirty dish rag
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kenzialexandra ¡ 8 years
why is it more likely Sanders was the zodiac killer?
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Preliminary Wikipedia-level research tells us that the Zodiac Killer’s period of activity is confirmed to have extended from 1968-1969, but speculation places the first murders as early as 1963. Excluding that 1963 murder (which occurred while Sanders was still enrolled in college in Chicago) every Zodiac murder fits on a timeline that does not preclude Sanders as a suspect. 
However, we can still account for that unconfirmed 1963 murder when we consider that Sanders was actively traveling at the time - he participated in the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom on August 28, 1963, but his whereabouts were unaccounted for on June 4, 1963 when Robert Domingos and Laura Edwards were murdered (presumably by the Zodiac Killer) in Gaviota, California. The University of Chicago does not have record of Sanders participating in any summer enrollment at that time, and summer break was well underway - Sanders had ample opportunity to travel to Gaviota and commit the crime.
Following his graduation from the University of Chicago in 1964, there is a period of time in which it is difficult to track Sanders’ movements throughout the country. Vermont news source ‘The VT Digger’ even notes specifically that 
“One period of his life, the years from 1964 to 1971, however, has been left unexplained.”
It wasn’t until the mid-to-late 70s that Sanders became recognizable as the politician we know now. In the intervening years, verbal record puts him at some point on a kibbutz ‘somewhere in Israel’, though a reporter with Forward has been unable to uncover exactly which kibbutz - and when questioned, his campaign did not provide clarification.
Property records place him back in the United States at some point in 1964, but those are far from definitive proof of location. He was in the United States between 1966 and 1971, the Zodiac Killer’s speculated period of activity after the initial (suspected) activity in 1963.
What years are unaccounted for in Sanders’ publicly available history? Of course, 1964-1971 - after which he aligned himself with the Liberty Union Party and made a number of attempts at public office. Why the sudden foray into the public sphere?
It seems simple enough: Sanders is the Zodiac Killer, and he knew he was close to being caught. Where better to retreat to than Vermont? How better to establish his alibi than as an anti-war public figure? Even so, he continued to taunt the police well into the early 1970s, finally going silent in 1974 as he made his first bid for a Senate seat and succumbed to the pressure of greater public scrutiny.
Why is it more likely that Sanders was the zodiac killer? The timeline makes sense. The opportunity was there. The motive? Who can say.
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Is it really so impossible?
Oh, and as to why it’s more likely that Bernie Sanders was the Zodiac Killer as opposed to Ted Cruz, keeping in mind our 1963-1974 timeline during which the perpetrator would have had to possess significant physical strength (Sanders was a basketball star in high school) and reasonable mental acuity…
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I’m not saying that I don’t think Cruz is responsible for some vast multi-level murder conspiracy, but it’s far more likely that Sanders is responsible for this one.
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kenzialexandra ¡ 8 years
isn’t it funny how gay men are defined by their attraction to men, and lesbians are defined by their lack of attraction to men? isn’t it funny how literally everything revolves around men? and by funny I mean misogynistic
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kenzialexandra ¡ 8 years
15 facts about people with concealed anxiety
1. They don’t hide their anxiety, they hide their symptoms. To have concealed anxiety isn’t to deny having it – only to do everything in your power to ensure other people don’t see you struggle.
2. They have the most anxiety about having anxiety. Because they are not comfortable letting people see them in the throes of an irrational panic, the most anxiety-inducing idea is… whether or not they’ll have anxiety at any given moment in time.
3. They come across as a paradoxical mix of outgoing but introverted, very social but rarely out. It is not that they are anti-social, just that they can only take being around others incrementally (which is mostly normal). Yet, on the surface, this may come across as confusing.
4. They make situations worse by trying to suppress their feelings about them. They are extremely uncomfortable with other people seeing them in pain, and they don’t want to feel pitied or as though they are compromising anyone’s time. Yet, they make things worse for themselves by suppressing, as it actually funnels a ton of energy into making the problem larger and more present than it already was.
5. They are often hyper-aware and highly intuitive. Anxiousness is an evolutionary function that essentially keeps us alive by making us aware of our surroundings and other people’s motives. It’s only uncomfortable when we don’t know how to manage it effectively – the positive side is that it makes you hyper-conscious of what’s going on around you.
6. Their deepest triggers are usually social situations. It’s not that they feel anxious in an airplane, it’s that they feel anxious in an airplane and are stuck around 50 other people. It’s not that they will fail a test, but that they will fail a test and everyone in school will find out and think they are incompetent and their parents will be disappointed. It’s not that they will lose love, but that they will lose love and nobody will ever love them again.
7. It is not always just a “panicked feeling” they have to hide. It can also be a tendency to worry, catastrophizing, etc. The battle is often (always?) between competing thoughts in their minds.
8. They are deep thinkers, and great problem-solvers. One of the benefits of anxiety is that it leads you to considering every worst case scenario, and then subsequently, how to handle or respond to each.
9. They are almost always “self-regulating” their thoughts. They’re talking themselves in, out, around, up or down from something or another very often, and increasingly so in public places.
10. They don’t trust easily, but they will convince you that they do. They want to make the people around them feel loved and accepted as it eases their anxiety in a way.
11. They tend to desire control in other areas of their lives. They’re over-workers or are manically particular about how they dress or can’t really seem to let go of relationships if it wasn’t their idea to end them.
12. They have all-or-nothing personalities, which is what creates the anxiety. Despite being so extreme, they are highly indecisive. They try to “figure out” whether or not something is right before they actually try to do it.
13. They assume they are disliked. While this is often stressful, it often keeps them humble and grounded at the same time.
14. They are very driven (they care about the outcome of things). They are in equal proportions as in control of their lives as they feel out of control of their lives – this is because they so frequently try to compensate for fear of the unknown.
15. They are very smart, but doubt it. A high intelligence is linked to increased anxiety (and being doubtful of one’s mental capacity are linked to both).
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kenzialexandra ¡ 8 years
hey theater kids, are you tired of doing the same old vocal warm ups?
“how now brown cow?“ stop asking. that cow is the same as it’s always been. try these instead!
It’s unlawful to offer an awful waffle when you’re all full.
My ex expected exceptional eggs.
I can’t complain about the pancake campaign.
Banana bandanas are banned from Anna’s cabana.
We caught the cocky coffee coughing.
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kenzialexandra ¡ 8 years
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this tip tho!!!!!!!!
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kenzialexandra ¡ 8 years
My daughter will ask me for another cookie after she already had three that day. And I will start to say “No, too much sugar, too much fat.” But I’ll catch myself and remember my own mother saying “No, you cannot have those chips. No, your birthday cake is for the other kids - not for you.” And I will remember back to school shopping in too small, dimly lit dressing rooms; trying on dresses that showed my baby fat thighs and shorts that all the other girls were wearing and my mother saying, “No, wear something longer, don’t show your shoulders, suck your stomach in.” Don’t exist, don’t be seen, you take up too much space. And I will catch myself before I say, “No” to my own daughter, as I imagine her at 10 years old sucking her stomach in pinching her skin, missing out on ice cream cones. I will imagine my daughter at 13 memorizing the calories in a single grape, skipping meals saying she already ate. And I will imagine my daughter at 15 wanting to disappear, I will imagine seeing her – a reflection of me – slowly wasting away. And I will catch myself before I say, “No” And instead say, “Yes baby girl, another cookie won’t hurt.” And I will let her know she is allowed to take up space she is allowed to grow out of her jeans, she is allowed to eat when she is hungry. I will let her know she is loved I will teach her how to love herself. And I will always say yes, to dessert.
Why my daughter won’t use “fat“ as a curse word  (via antiproanorexia)
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kenzialexandra ¡ 8 years
me when i’m arguing with someone: look my memory is shit but looking at these vague statistics buried in my brain i can promise you you are wrong
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kenzialexandra ¡ 8 years
Freshmen Me: i dont get why older students hate us freshmen so much its so dumb ugh 
Senior Me: who the fuck let all these fucking gremlins into this school
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kenzialexandra ¡ 8 years
person: hey what should we name this flower
second, much creepier person: baby's breath
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kenzialexandra ¡ 8 years
*hears noises at night*: well this is it this is the end for me I had a good life
*gets shampoo in my eyes*: I guess I'm blind now how am I ever going to see my first born child
*heart is beating fast*: I think I am having a heart attack is this what cardiac arrest is
*a cop walks by*: here I go about to get arrested I probably murdered someone
*taking a test*: don't take your eyes off of this paper you will get caught cheating and get kicked out of school and amount to nothing
*gets a sunburn*: great now I have skin cancer how will I tell my parents
*tripping over something*: I guess my leg will have to be amputated why did this happen to me
*period is late*: shit i'm pregnant i'm the next virgin mary
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kenzialexandra ¡ 8 years
Some advice for when you’re writing and find yourself stuck in the middle of a scene:
kill someone
ask this question: “What could go wrong?” and write exactly how it goes wrong
switch the POV from your current character to another - a minor character, the antagonist, anyone
stop writing whatever scene you’re struggling with and skip to the next one you want to write
write the ending
write a sex scene
use a scene prompt
use sentence starters
read someone else’s writing
Never delete. Never read what you’ve already written. Pass Go, collect your $200, and keep going.
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kenzialexandra ¡ 8 years
just because you don’t look like somebody who you think is attractive doesn’t mean you aren’t attractive. flowers are pretty but so are christmas lights and they look nothing alike
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