hanako0o · 4 years
OMG Hi! 💗 I’ve been looking for a writing blog about this manga because I’ve j binge read everything, and I love it 🥺💖💕. Anyway dear Anon can I request a little headcanon of our spider man boiii Tsuchigomori? I love this man but I hate spiders so he’s an exception 😤. How would spidey boi be as a boyfriend? Thank you and good luck with the blog!! 🥳
a/n: this has been sitting on my inbox for So long im so sorry TAT
also very very important note: i write for gender neutral readers! (and only gn, or male bc im vvvv uncomfortable w only doing female reader TAT its the dysphoria i guess—)
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if you get this man to date you, you’ve won in life.
lets say, for this HC you know that he’s a ghost.
i feel like he wouldn’t care about PDA. if you’re comfortable, go ahead. you two are teachers after all.
when he compliments you, even if its the simplest thing like “you look good today” its like !!!!!!!! because this man is just so attractive you’re like how tf did i catch this man.
the funniest part of your relationship is that you have a phobia of spiders so when he’s in his ghost form you try to stay away as much as possible.
“I THINK IM GONNA DIE!” he heard you scream in the middle of the night, you guys were getting ready to head off to bed and you wanted to grab some water; he ran to the kitchen, “WHAT HA....ppened...?” when he sees you in the counter looking at the floor he got confused. you just pointed at a small spider, “KILL IT PLEASE! I DON’T CARE IF HE’S YOUR COUSIN!” he rolled his eyes at the obvious jab and safely threw the spider out the window.
please, PLEASE lay on your stomach on his lap. he loves it, you look like a cute cat. also it distracts him from his stress, and he puts the rest of the papers on your ass so good luck trying to stay like that and not drop any papers.
there has been many fights because of his habit. habit of not communicating and fighting his feelings alone, which makes you feel like he doesn’t trust you. he has been trying his best to not do that anymore.
he can’t cook for shit lmao, so either you have to be a good cook or have a lot of money ‘cause you’re always gonna order from somewhere.
suprisingly never forgets anniversaries.
when he brought you to his book stacks, with our trio there, hanako was confused. he didn’t know who you were and how you saw him but Tsu said to mind his own business and so he didn’t ask further questions. he stalked you both instead.
yashiro helps with what gifts to give you, they’re always expensive but its for you sooo worth it.
late night ice cream dates by the waves, coffee dates kinda guy. i feel like he enjoys reading a good book with his s/o by his side.
he actually loves cuddling, he especially loves it when you’re the big spoon!
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hanako0o · 4 years
yeah shut the fuck up dumbass
all the requests are so cute!!! ill be writing one everyday as much as i can!!
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hanako0o · 4 years
❤️🧡💛💚💙💜Friends are like balloons. Once you let them go, you can’t get them back. So I’m gonna tie my heart so I’ll never lose you. Happy Friendship Day! Send this to all of your friends including me if you treat me as one. If you get four back, then you’re a great friend.❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
thank you so much omg❤️❤️❤️❤️
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hanako0o · 4 years
also 600+ followers?? thank you
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hanako0o · 4 years
i promise to clean my inbox this week hhh
tumblr: 99+ notifs
me: ahahahah fuck
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hanako0o · 4 years
tumblr: 99+ notifs
me: ahahahah fuck
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hanako0o · 4 years
Clingy mitsuba texts..?
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A/N: here ya go anon<3
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hanako0o · 4 years
dont worry guys i didnt leave&:$:!: ill post tomorrow!!<3
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hanako0o · 4 years
his laugh is very very cute and his voice in general is so nice to listen to
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hanako0o · 4 years
you like enstars? :O!! who’s your fav?
his name was Hiiro i think?? its him he’s very epic
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hanako0o · 4 years
my stomach said fuck you and decided fuck me over so now im gonna rest for today<3
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hanako0o · 4 years
Feel free to post your art and manga colourings. I'm sure they're fantastic!
aw thank youuu<3
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hanako0o · 4 years
hey guys a quick question, would it be okay to post art or manga colorings on here from time to time? i dont draw or color frequently enough to make an account so— yeah!
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hanako0o · 4 years
I'm so late but, WELCOME BACK :D
just being welcomed means a lot! thank you<3
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hanako0o · 4 years
hcs of hanako-kun, nene and kou with an s/o that plays rhythm games.?.?.??? and is kinda sorta good at it??. .??.😳😳😳
as a bandori and ensemble stars fan u have my full attention anon.
Pro Rythm Game S/O
one day you just dramatically kick the door of his toilet, and he screams
you look at him with the most serious face you can muster and, “i challenge you to a duel you foolish perverted ghost!”
“okay first of all i am not perverte—“ “JUST PLAY THE DAMN GAME WITH ME”
you show him how its played and he was naturally good at these games...
...thats what he told you
you wanted him to start with easy but he wanted to start with expert so fuck it i guess let’s go ghost bitch
you absuolutely DEMOLISHED his ego by getting a full combo while he failed 3 times
he wad being all pouty until you gave him a kiss on the cheek and the donuts you brought!
he still wants to beat you tho >:(
I feel like she’d know these things, being a romantic and all who doesn’t love some good looking idol boys?
so when you challenge her its a duel dude
she can’t get a full combo but she isn’t as bad as hanako let me tell you
“babe its dark let’s go hom—“
“no y/n!! i want to beat you!!”
you had to get the phone out of her hands and carry her to her house
she gets a lil competitive sometimes but shes cute when she does!
“hey babe lets—“ “OKAY :D”
he doesn’t even care what you two are doing he just !!! wants to spend time with you !!!
he doesn’t understand it at first but when he gets into it he starts beating your scores???
and you start to get frustrated while he’s just “? :D”
he has fun whenever he’s with you so he doesn’t really understand why you’re upset
you tell him why and he starts to feel bad, so you and him decide to make a recipe instead!
communication is key ya know, he would never judge you for your feelings!
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hanako0o · 4 years
Hanako giving his s/o a surprise hug and kiss? ~ ♡ ~🐇 anon
lets start with something light eh?
Hanako giving suprise kisses and hugs!
i’d imagine him creeping up on you and just when you turn your head he kisses you on the lips
you go red and the little shit just winks at you
he plays with your fingers when you’re in class and as much as endearing it is YOU CANNOT FOCUS
when you clean his bathroom or just walk by wherever he is he’ll jump at your back and yell your name
if you’re in public you act like you don’t see him but that just makes him more of a tease
when you reverse it and suprise kiss him yourself he’ll go “goodbye” with a red face
catch him if you can and tell him that he shouldn’t run away every time you show affection to him pls
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hanako0o · 4 years
Umm, can you do a tsuchigomori one?
if you can be more specific of course!
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