gmanifests · 4 months
daily habits that are making me feel much better this 2024
waking up very early
if you are a person who finds it difficult to get up early you can achieve this by getting up an hour earlier than usual, you'll notice the difference.
it's my favorite habit and i do it every morning and before going to sleep, it also helps me in moments when I'm not feeling well to feel better and see things from a different perspective. on amazon there are many journals with questions already formulated to answer every morning and every night, highly recommended! i've been doing this since october last year and i noticed a big difference.
listen/watch personal growth videos/podcasts every day
it's not necessary to spend all day consuming this content but every day i like to learn something new or just reaffirm something i already know to make it stronger. watching content like this helps to replace old beliefs with new ones that are more beneficial and healthy. plus the people who make this content usually have a really good vibe. i love listening to this while i'm at the gym.
break with the routine once or twice a week
i mean do something different from what you can normally do, for example, I love to go out to a coffee shop have my favorite drink while listening to music, and spend some time on pinterest looking for inspiration, not only pictures but i also find very interesting things that i can apply in my day to day life!
listening to frequencies to raise my vibration
i have realized that this is very powerful and it is very important to have a high vibration, one of the most important reasons for me is that i have realized that besides having more mental calm and fewer worries is that low vibrational thoughts do not enter my mind, so to speak. examples of frequencies: 528hz, 432hz, 111hz. on youtube there are many. crystal bowls are also one of my favorites.
getting out of my comfort zone
the first week of this new year didn't make much difference to me and sometimes we expect things to change suddenly, and this can happen but it doesn't always happen right away. this week i have been much less resistant to making changes in my life and having a new schedule with an improved routine has made me feel much better.
be more present. think/act as my best version would act
this is very powerful. it is typical to act on autopilot and many times i was not fully aware of some habits i had that were harming me to a greater or lesser extent or of the things i was thinking. this doesn't mean that sometimes you have to do something you don't like, it's just another experience at the end of the day, but i mean to stop consuming content or doing things that don't help me to be the version i want to be and also to be more present, enjoying my day no matter what happens tomorrow.
besides all this, exercise, healthy and balanced eating, meditation are also important to me, but these are things that i always mention because they are part of my life and i wanted to contribute something new to serve as inspiration for others.
you don't have to do everything on the list but maybe something of what I have written catches your attention, you implement it in your life and it starts to improve significantly. that has happened to me.
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gmanifests · 1 year
i have the power to get what i want
this is my most recent affirmation that i’ve come up with. i have been stewing on my affs not coming thru for me. i’ve been thinking that i need coaching, or other people to do my affs for me. but i realised that like everything else - i can change that belief! so i’ve started affirming that I HAVE THE POWER, i don’t need someone else to do it for me if i decide!! I HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE MY LIFE! PERIOD.
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gmanifests · 1 year
self concept affirmations
i always get what i want when i want
i get everything i desire instantly
WHY do i always what i want?
manifesting is literally easier than breathing
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gmanifests · 1 year
assume what you want you already have.
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gmanifests · 1 year
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in the loass community, "ignoring" the 3D is a very common phrase, but i find that this often leads to confusion and stress. i think that a much better phrase for it is "dismissing the 3D."
your subconscious responds to feelings. your subconscious doesn't have eyes; it cannot see your 3D. and your thoughts (dominant or not) do not manifest. your subconscious mind doesn't care what your conscious mind is thinking: it cares about your state.
your 3D is a manifestation of your previous state. your 3D doesn't look the way it does right now because of any thoughts you've had, it looks that way because it is reflecting your dwelling state. so how do you change your 3D? by changing your dwelling state.
you don't need to ignore your 3D, you need to dismiss it.
an example i'm going to use is one i've been getting a lot of questions about: you're living in your parents house in the 3D, but you're manifesting moving into your own place. how do you ignore the 3D?
you wake up in your old bed every day, in your old bedroom. you go to your old bathroom and take a shower in your old shower. you go to your old kitchen and do your old dishes and eat your old food. your parents talk to you and tell you you need to clean your old house. you sit down for family dinner at your old dining room table and talk about the things you did in your old house that day. then you sit down with your parents on your old couch and watch a movie on your old tv before going to sleep in your old bed in your old bedroom.
how are you supposed to ignore the 3D when you are constantly witnessing it? how are you supposed to not think about your current 3D when you are constantly dealing with it?
because you don't need to ignore your 3D, you need to dismiss it.
as i mentioned earlier, your subconscious is blind. your thoughts don't manifest. neither of these things are going to effect your manifestation. the only thing that will effect your manifestation is your state.
let's take a little detour to talk about the inner man (i promise it's relevant)
what is the inner man? it's YOU. it's who you identify as, and it's who you are in your imagination. so when you imagine something, you are giving whatever you imagine to your inner man. your inner man is experiencing your 4D.
your outer man is the YOU who is experiencing your 3D. your outer man lives in your outer world, and your inner man lives in your inner world. however, there is no separation between your inner man and your outer man.
as Neville says, "where I shall go in imagination, I shall go in the flesh as well." you must give your inner man your desire first in your inner world, and then your outer world will follow. you cannot skip step one.
this is what i like to do: i give myself my manifestation in my imagination. still using the above example, we'll simply say "there. my inner man lives in my desired apartment right now."
now my inner man is living in my desired apartment. i made a little post about how i like to view my inner man as a little, doll-like version of myself inside of me, but it is not actually separate from you. my favorite way of dismissing is the 3D and shifting myself back to my desired state when something in my 3D shakes me is by reminding myself that my inner man already is/has what i want to be/have.
so, still using the same example, if i were to feel myself slip out of my desired state while manifesting my dream apartment--say that i was dwelling in the fact that in my 3D, i have to do chores at my parent's house--i'd remind myself that my inner man is already living in my dream apartment and that nothing i see or do in my 3D can change that.
there is a difference between dealing with your 3D and identifying with your 3D. in the example i just gave, i could've allowed my actions in the 3D--doing chores--tell me that my desire was never going to manifest because my 3D was showing me the opposite. i could've let myself dwell in the state of lack. instead, we recognized the 3D for what it is: a reflection of our previous dwelling state.
there's this comment i read on the Neville Godard subreddit that I really loved. it said: "the best advice i can give you is stop worrying about what your subconscious is going to think of what you're doing."
your assumptions manifest. what you do in your 3D is completely irrelevant unless you identify with it. your subconscious is not gonna see you doing chores at your parent's house and think that that means you don't live in your desired apartment. your subconscious mind doesn't have it's own opinions or ideas on what things in your 3D mean.
for example, say you wash your face and do your skincare every night, yet you are still dwelling in the state of having bad skin. which is going to manifest? your state, every single time. it's why that skincare product that everyone under the sun said helped clear their skin didn't work for you: you assumed it wouldn't.
if you negatively react to your 3D, that is an indicator you fell out of the state of the wish fulfilled. shift back to it, and then continue taking care of business. you're going to notice your 3D no matter what you do. your only job is to dismiss it, because you know it's not your true reality.
keep reminding yourself that your inner man already has your desire, and you're just chilling in your current 3D--no matter how opposite of the 4D it appears--until it catches up. your 3D is not permanent. you don't have to accept it as true.
the goal isn’t to ignore your 3D, it’s to let it pass without worrying about it.
an analogy that i read that i really liked was this: say you're in a disagreement with someone. they keep telling you that a song is sung by a specific artist, but you know for a FACT that it's actually sung by someone else. no matter what, they won't believe that you're right, and they're actually trying to convince YOU that THEY'RE right. but this is literally your favorite song, you know for a FACT who it's sung by, and it's not the person that they're saying. do you let them convince you that you're wrong, or do you stand firm in your belief?
that's how you should act in regards to your 3D. you know that you have your desire in your 4D. i mean, it's YOUR imagination and YOU'RE in control of it! you can have whatever you want in your own imagination! so are you gonna let your 3D tell you that you don't have your desire in your imagination? or are you gonna stand firm in the belief that you have your desire in your 4D?
that's all you need to do. you don't need to believe that you have your desire in your 3D, you just need to believe that you have your desire in your imagination. and YOU can control your imagination, so this should be super easy. give your desire to you inner man, and as long as you stay faithful to the fact that your inner man has your desire, your 3D will reflect this.
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gmanifests · 2 years
i will win the zumiez giveaway
they are choosing me as a winner
they are already considering me
i have already won
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gmanifests · 2 years
i will win the zumiez giveaway
they are choosing me as a winner
they are already considering me
i have already won
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gmanifests · 2 years
affirmations 🎀 *:✧*:✧
i am beyond angelic and my soul is kind
i am the most beautiful girl in the world
everyone is attracted to my beautiful aura
i am the girl of everyone’s dreams
my beauty is otherworldly, i am just so pretty
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i always care for my mind and body
i radiate the most beautiful energy
i attract the kindest and most caring people
everyone loves spoiling me with gifts and treats
i always radiate elegance wherever i go
i love myself and the people around me
everything always works out for me
people compare me to angels and princesses
i am so effortlessly gorgeous
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gmanifests · 2 years
my skin is glass clear
and soft
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gmanifests · 2 years
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gmanifests · 2 years
Picture x icon
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