futurememor1es · 17 hours
summer bucket list ideas
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some of these are not on my list, but these are just ideas you can add to yours. i'll post mine in the end of summer.
🔲 re-do your bedroom
🔲 create a summer playlist
🔲 read a book
🔲 learn a new skill
🔲 watch sunset
🔲 watch sunrise
🔲 go to the movies
🔲 have a no electronics day
🔲 make popsicles
🔲 diy manicure or pedicure
🔲 have a spa day
🔲 dance in the rain
🔲 go thrifting
🔲 customize an old shirt
🔲 explore a new town
🔲 explore a new part of your town
🔲 finish a netflix series
🔲 stay up all night
🔲 try a new form of exercise
🔲 have a fun photoshoot
🔲 stargaze
🔲 chill in the hammock
🔲 spend a day at the beach
🔲 play a board game
🔲 go night swimming
🔲 chalk the driveway
🔲 try a new ice cream flavor
🔲 sleep on a trampoline
🔲 wake up early to go on a run
🔲 water gun fight
🔲 make a smoothie
🔲 create a scrap book (or a digital one)
🔲 catch a frog (and name him ^⁠‿⁠^⁠)
🔲 annotate a book
🔲 go on a bike ride
🔲 get a sun tattoo
🔲 go on a picnic
🔲 try yoga
🔲 write a letter to your future self
🔲 make every day count !!
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futurememor1es · 2 days
hot or cold showers?
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both, cold and hot water have health benefits, but which one should you choose? that depends on what you're looking for.
cold water
☆ accelerates metabolism
→ helps with weightloss
☆ helps the immune system
→ prevents colds
☆ tightens the skin
→ you'll look more lean
☆ tightens pores
→ glass skin
☆ makes you alert
→ good for mornings
☆ reduces tension in mind, "natural anti-depressant"
☆ reduces hairloss
hot water
☆ reduces headaches
☆ relaxes muscles
→ good after a workout
☆ cleanses the skin
→ less acne
☆ relieves nasal congestion
→ helps with a stuffed nose
☆ helps with sleep
☆ lowers blood pressure
☆ reduces anxiety and tiredness
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futurememor1es · 14 days
apps every girlblogger should have ♡
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♡ pinterest - my #1 favourite. you can find anything on there. you can save your interests on little boards. my safe space <3
♡ pinterest shuffles - powered by pinterest. create collages from pinterest pictures, and post them! love this, but it's not supported on all devices.
♡ landing - great alternative for shuffles, but has less photos to choose from so you usually have to add them yourself.
♡ study bunny - the cutest app for studing. you get coins when you study, and with them you can buy stuff for your bunny. you can also see your study stats. so motivating and cute!
♡ picsart - a great app for image editing, very easy to use too!
♡ duolingo - such a fun way to learn a language! bite-sized lessons, so not a lot of commitment is needed. i currently have a streak of 555 days of learning french <3
♡ structured - this one is for the extremely productive girls. you can plan your whole day so easily with this!
♡ acloset - remember the dress up scene in clueless? this is it, inside your phone. i've tried like all the digital closet apps out there, and this is the best in my opinion.
♡ libby - all the free audio- and e-books you could ever wish for. use this one constantly, it's so good!
♡ goodreads - to track books you've read and want to read. you can also rate books and read other peoples ratings!
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might add something later if i find something new. have an amazing day, love you ♡
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futurememor1es · 18 days
☆ how to get out of a reading slump ☆
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reading slumps are the worst. you just can't pick up a book and even the thought of reading makes you want to cry. i was in a reading slump for like 3 months before last week, when i finally grabbed a book again. here's my tips how you can get out of that reading slump!
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⋆ don't force it - if you need a break from reading, take it. reading should be something you enjoy doing, not a chore.
⋆ go back to your favorites - grab your favorite book, the one you've read in one sitting. you already know it's good, so it'll bring back your love for reading.
⋆ try something different - you should try a completely new genre to you, that way it's exciting and fresh.
⋆ read fast paced or short books - find some books you just can't put down. here's a list of popular fast paced books.
⋆ ignore your goal - you don't have to read 50 books every year to say you like books. take your time. goals can be overwhelming.
⋆ try an audiobook - when i was in a reading slump, audiobooks got me back on the road. the best thing about them is that you can do anything else while listening to them! i recommend libby for free audiobooks.
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remember, reading slumps are normal ! you'll find your love for books again. have a great day ♡
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futurememor1es · 22 days
☆ sunday reset ☆
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oh sunday, the last day of the week. it has so much potential but people just waste it on rotting in bed, devastated about the upcoming monday.
me personally, i love sundays. i spend them recharging and preparing for the upcoming week, and it makes me feel so good and prepared. here's some things you can do to use sunday to reset and rewind:
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
~ have a healthy breakfast
~ set goals for the upcoming week
~ exercise (yoga, pilates, walk etc.)
~ read a book
~ declutter and clean your room
~ everything shower
~ take time to wind down
~ plan outfits for the week
~ make sure all your homework and assignments are done
~ write a to-do list
~ do laundry and wash your bedding
~ meditate or practice mindfulness
~ water plants
~ do a face mask
~ paint your nails
~ go to bed early
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
enjoy your sunday and shock everyone (including youself) on monday by how put together you look and feel ♡ have a great week !!
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futurememor1es · 26 days
✯ how to set goals and achieve them ✯
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setting goals is a very important thing to motivate you and help you work towards something. often you might find yourself setting goals, and never achieving them. i'm here to show you how to set goals that you will actually achieve:
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♡ don't choose too many goals - it might get overwhelming and confusing. choose something you want to focus on and create small goals based on it.
♡ be specific - ex. instead of "read more books" you could say "read 10 pages every day for a month".
♡ make your goals achievable - don't set a huge goal at once, break it into little goals so it won't feel so overwhelming.
♡ track your progress - depending on your goal, try to track your progress somehow. it will really motivate you when you get closer to the goal.
♡ prepare to fail - you might not succeed right away, so you should have a plan B for it.
♡ take responsibility for your goals - make sure that achieving your goals is completely up to you, and won't rely on anyone or anything else.
♡ be flexible - when achieving your goal, you don't have to follow just one method to get there. try different ways and go with the flow.
♡ focus on what you can control - let go of the things you can't control and focus on achieving the goal by yourself.
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
i hope this guide has given you clarity how to set achievable goals. remember, even though small steps might not feel important, progress is always progress. stay motivated and don't give up !!
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futurememor1es · 28 days
♡ 50 things to do when you're bored ♡
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we all have times where we just need some time for ourselves. being alone doesn't have to mean being lonely, so i made a list of things you can do all by yourself:
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1. read a book
2. journal
3. go on a run
4. take a nap
5. start a new show on netflix
6. paint your nails
7. do a face mask
8. learn how to crochet or knit
9. put on some music and dance
10. meditate
11. make a vision board
12. play a solo board game
13. declutter your phone
14. draw or paint
15. start a blog
16. make a bucket list
17. try new outfits
18. go thrifting
19. color in a coloring page
20. write a letter to your future self
21. create a new playlist
22. try new hairstyles
23. workout
24. start a bullet journal
25. bake cookies
26. clean your room
27. listen to a podcast
28. yoga
29. try a new makeup look
30. work on your current goals
31. do all your homework and assignments
32. create a wishlist
33. do a hair mask
34. try a new video game
35. make a to-do list for the upcoming week
36. go on a walk somewhere you've never been
37. write a poem
38. research self-care topics
39. learn a new language
40. sort your clothes and organize your closet
41. do a puzzle
42. take pictures
43. build a fort
44. go for a bike ride
45. scroll on pinterest
46. plan your dream house
47. try a diy
48. redecorate your room
49. watch movies from your childhood
50. read my posts ♡
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
i hope this list was helpful, and you now figured out something to do. if you didn't that's fine too, sometimes you just need to be alone without anything to do. just remember to appreciate the free time ♡
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futurememor1es · 29 days
★ how to declutter your phone ★
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i spend a lot of my time on my phone, and most likely you do too (don't worry, i'm not here to call you out). if you never organize or declutter your phone, after a while your storage gets full and you can't find anything on it. here's a list of things you can do to keep your phone looking clean and organized:
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✧ move new and unorganized apps into folders
✧ delete all unneeded alarms
✧ delete unneeded photos and videos
✧ delete unneeded screenshots and screen recordings
✧ close all tabs
✧ delete unneeded notes
✧ add upcoming events to calendar
✧ delete unneeded bookmarks on browser
✧ organize apps on homescreen
✧ delete and unsubscribe unneeded emails
✧ organize social media (unfollow people, update profiles)
✧ delete unused apps
✧ organize playlists
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
if you do all this once a month, or atleast every few months, your phone will stay nice and tidy. it might feel like a big project the first time, but once you start doing this regularly, it'll be much easier and faster. have a great day, stay organized ♡
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futurememor1es · 1 month
✎ romanticize school
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there's only a bit of school left before summer break, and most of us are probably bored and unmotivated. waiting for summer break just feels exhausting. here's what you can do to get more motivation and to actually enjoy and even romanticize school:
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♡ create a pinterest board or a vision board of what you want your school aesthetic to look like
♡ wear cute outfits and accessorize to feel pretty in school
♡ create playlists with the vibes you want (ex. studying, walking to school, doing hw, etc.)
♡ study and do homework in aesthetic places (ex. cafes, libraries) and keep your own study space nice and tidy
♡ carry a book you like at school and read on breaks, great way to keep up to your reading goals too !
♡ watch motivating shows and videos (ex. gilmore girls on netflix, study with me - videos on youtube)
♡ make your homework and notes aesthetic and clean
♡ turn in assignments as soon as possible to avoid stress on the last day
♡ buy cute stationary (ex. highlighters, pens, post-it notes, etc.)
♡ download apps to help you study (ex. forest, quizlet, study bunny)
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hopefully this helps you enjoy school more ♡ remember, the most important thing is your mindset !
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futurememor1es · 1 month
☆ thrifting for small town girls ☆
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i'm a broke teenage girl, but i'm obsessed with shopping. second-hand is basically my best friend. the only thing that's making thrifting hard is living in a place with just two tiny thrift stores. so, here are my tips and tricks to get the most out of thrifting, even in a small town.
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1. wear tight or form-fitting clothes - some thrift stores don't have fitting rooms or they're very small. i like to wear biker-shorts and a tight tank top under my clothing, so i can try the clothes on in the store.
2. try to look for nice materials - you don't have to look at everything you see. look for colors or fabrics you like, and take a look at those pieces of clothing.
3. try everything on - if you find something that might look nice on you, make sure to grab it and go try it on. give the clothes a chance, they might look even nicer on you than they do on the hangers.
4. consider what to buy - even if it's second-hand, it's not good to buy things you won't use. i always think about how i would style the clothes, and whether i would buy them if they weren't so cheap, and then consider if i really need (or want) it.
5. don't set high expectations - most likely you're not going to find exactly what you're looking for. step into the store open-minded, you might find something even better.
6. think of thrifting as an activity, not a chore - even if you don't find anything, don't feel bad. personally i like to go thrifting when i feel bored. i just put on one of my favorite podcasts and go on a little walk around my town. i find thrifting fun, because you can really find some interesting stuff even if you don't buy anything. it's more like self care to me.
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most importantly, have fun ! you're only doing this for yourself, enjoy it ♡ and remember, you're not only saving money, you're also saving the world !
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futurememor1es · 1 month
⋆ dear may ⋆
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may is soon here and so is summer ! may is the season of exams and preparing for summer, so here are some of the things i will be doing while waiting for the sun ✿
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things i will try to do daily, and why:
⋆ stretching / yoga - i am so inflexible and that is really a problem for me in dance. my goal is to stretch atleast 5 minutes every day.
⋆ avoid added sugar during the week - i have been addicted to sugar for so long, but it isn't really good for me or my health. i will be having it in the weekends though, so no crazy restricting !
⋆ do homework immediately after school - i have a bad habit of just going on my phone after school, and doing my homework on the morning before school. especially now when there's a lot of exams coming up, i want to have homework out of the way so all the stress won't build up.
⋆ drink more water - i've been so dehydrated lately, and drinking enough water has so much health benefits
⋆ read more - i used to read so much, but i've been in a reading slump for ages. i'll try to go to bed earlier than usual to read a little.
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
tasks i have to get done before summer:
⋆ organize my closet
⋆ make a summer bucket list
⋆ declutter my phones gallery, delete useless photos and videos
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dear may, please be kind to me. let this month be full of productivity and achievements. i really need this ♡
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futurememor1es · 1 month
♡ about me ♡
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.⋅♡‧₊˚〰 beginner girlblogger from europe 〰˚₊⋅♡‧.
.⋅♡‧₊˚〰 doing this for fun and to have something to look back to 〰˚₊⋅♡‧.
.⋅♡‧₊˚〰 born in 2009 〰˚₊⋅♡‧.
.⋅♡‧₊˚〰 scorpio 〰˚₊⋅♡‧.
.⋅♡‧₊˚〰 infp 〰˚₊⋅♡‧.
.⋅♡‧₊˚〰 i do ballet, jazz and lyrical dance 〰˚₊⋅♡‧.
.⋅♡‧₊˚〰 i like drawing and reading 〰˚₊⋅♡‧.
.⋅♡‧₊˚〰 i listen to billie eilish, taylor swift, sabrina carpenter and many more 〰˚₊⋅♡‧.
.⋅♡‧₊˚〰 pinterest addict 〰˚₊⋅♡‧.
none of the pictures i post are mine (unless said so)
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