darkwolf989 · 7 hours
Outside The Office Part Thirty Six
Hand in hand, Valentino and I stepped into the apartment. Instantly, we were surrounded by a mass of overfilled balloons. We pushed them down as we tried to push our way through the wall of purple and red. I heard the explosive pop of confetti cannons and winced as a shower of black, silver, red and white rained down on us. Next to me, Valentino’s expression twitched a smile. 
“Surprise!” Vox and Velvette yelled.
I looked around the apartment. Balloons, decorations and an overly bedazzled “She Said YES” complete with an inflatable diamond ring flooded the room. 
“A little much guys, don’t you think?” Valentino asked casually as he picked off a piece of confetti from my shoulders. 
“Well if we’re having a wedding, we might as well go all out,” Velvette exclaimed. “Besides, it's not every single day we add another V to our group.” She glanced at Vox, “I mean, the last one said no and…”
“Let’s move onto the celebration at hand, shall we?” Vox replied hastily. “You said yes! Congrats you two, I always knew…”
“This isn’t going to launch into a whole thing is it? Because I have bigger things to do tonight,” Lucifer’s voice interrupted the beginning of Vox’s speech. “And so do you four.” 
Funny, I hadn’t felt his usual energy surge. I turned around to face him. The sight that greeted me left me unsettled. Lucifer looked exhausted, ragged almost. His typically pristine suit frayed at the edges, and dark circles encased his eyes. 
“The ceremony is simple enough,” he continued as he walked across the floor and laid down a pen and a simple, single sheet of paper, “My sweet Reader, Valentino, both of you sign your given names. The two of you become one and boom, you’re married until the other dies.” He looked at us both. “Well? Hurry up. We literally don’t have all day.” 
“You can still say no, princessa,” Valentino said softly. “You can turn around and walk away from this. No hard feelings. You can wait if you need time to consider. We can have an engagement period, and I I cannot stress to you enough that this is a life-binding contract. You do not have to do this right here, right now.” 
I looked to him, to Vox and Velvette, and finally to Lucifer. Our eyes met and he gave the slightest nod. An approval I didn’t think I desired but somehow felt comforted by. With that small gesture, I took Valentino’s hand and tugged him over to the table. 
“Who signs first?” I asked as I picked up one of the pens.
I felt a sharp prick and looked down as the gash that appeared in my hand, the cartridge filled halfway with the crimson liquid. My blood. Wordlessly, Valentino took the pen from my hand and the same happened to him, the final result a definitive mix of both his blood and mine. A symbol of our forever unity.
“Doesn’t matter, as long as I sign last,” Lucifer replied impatiently. “And of course, that we all sign with the same fucking pen. I’m sure you figured out we all sign with your blood and Valentino’s blended together, but in case you’re still confused, now you’re not.”
I took a deep breath and with a kiss to Valentino, I signed my name in crimson. He did the same. Then Vox. Then Velvette. 
And finally, Lucifer. 
The second he lifted his pen from the paper bright red chains appeared, connecting my wrists to Valentino’s. Valentino stepped forward and held me to him as the chains continued to wrap around both of us, tighter and tighter with each additional link. 
“It’s alright,” Valentino said softly. “I’ve got you.” 
A final squeeze and they vanished. I felt an energy pulse through me, a power I had never felt before buzzed under my skin. I looked at Valentino and he took my hand. 
“Ah. And did I forget to mention that we now jointly own all the souls in the other's possession?” Valentino asked quietly as he studied me. “I should have added that part in.”
I stared at him, “what do you mean, jointly own all the souls in the other's possession? Does that mean that I now…”
“Have claim to and draw power from every being owned by Valentino, Velvette and Vox? Yes. They’re interconnected, and now by marriage, so are you. Congratulations. Now let’s go prepare to slaughter some fucking angels,” Lucifer responded as he turned away from us,  “let’s see what you can do with this newfound power.” 
I stared at all four of them as I thought back to the night at the club. I had asked Valentino if the three of them fed off of each other, off of the energy. I assumed by Lucifer’s comment there was a contract between the three of them giving each other joint ownership of souls that now, by marriage I was a part of. I made a mental note to find out more about that later. 
“Open the portal to your office downstairs,” Lucifer said to me with a wave of his hand, “I would, but I’m fucking beat. And you’re now more than capable.” He paused for a moment, “just to the foyer, though. We still need to pass through the retinal scans.”
I felt the energy spark at my fingertips as I traced a slash in the air in front of me. Effortlessly, the portal opened, and all it took was a step into to appear in the hallway that led to my office.  Lucifer and the V’s followed.
“Can I do this anywhere?” I asked as we went through the security checks.
“Technically, yes. Technically, you could bypass the security checkpoints simply by opening a portal that led inside. You’re the only one with that power in hell. But I don’t want you to make that a habit- if you can go through a portal, things can follow you,” Lucifer replied. “So your best bet would be to remain ever vigilant.” 
I nodded and took my place in the middle of the practice floor. Unlike the last time I ended up exhausted after the amount of enemies Lucifer sent to me, I bypassed that number with relative ease. Then doubled. Then tripled. Finally, he hit the stop button. 
I could feel all four sets of eyes on me. 
“Strength. Your ability to fight will be the key to winning. Your wits and decision making will me a close second. I suggest getting some rest. The second they open the portal, it will be all you can do to fight.” Lucifer said. 
His phone ringing tore through the silence of the room. Without another word, he vanished from our sight. 
“So…what do we do now?” I asked after a momentary pause. “If he truly has the guys upstairs covered…”
“Then we celebrate our wedding night,” Valentino said smoothly as he took my hand in his.
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darkwolf989 · 2 days
heyy ik this is weird to ask but cam you do valentino's daugher x vox idk why but im screaming for content and honestly i think it would be interesting to see if they "got along" you coulf say you dont have to do this i just find this a interesting concept like imagine if they had more of a special bond then valentino and his own daugher plus im sorry if this is to much to ask for
Hi there,
Sorry for the delay! Take a peek at this one- and let me know if you were thinking a different vibe!
“Hey, Uncle Vox!” I called cheerfully as I walked into his office.  Two more nights, two more until my final game of the school year. As an avid water polo player, my games were the height of my highschool experience and this final game this year was one I had been working hard towards. I tossed my backpack on my desk next to my Uncle Vox’s and slid myself into my chair. 
My weekday routine had been the same since I started school. With my father being The Valentino, and the odd hours he worked, it was my Uncle Vox who usually woke me up early and kept me on a schedule. Brushing my teeth, getting me dressed, breakfast and out the door when I was little. Now that I was sixteen, that morning routine looked a little different. Instead of waking up at seven, I woke up at four with Uncle Vox. We hit the gym together, then parted ways until it was time for breakfast- or more importantly, coffee. Sometimes my dad joined us, and sometimes my Auntie Vel joined us. But with their ever changing schedules more often than not it just wasn’t practical for them to join. So Uncle Vox stayed the consistent one. 
“Hey yourself, kid,” Vox replied as he stood up out of his chair. “Your dad is on the line, he wants to chat with you.” 
I slid into Vox’s seat and my fathers face appeared on the monitor in front of me. My heart soared. I bet he had a big surprise waiting to celebrate after tomorrow night.
“Hi Daddy!” I said cheerfully. “Are you ready to watch me rock it tomorrow?” 
My father’s face looked sad. “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about bebita. I’m sorry, I won’t make it. I have a crisis to handle down in the greed ring and I…” 
I could feel the sadness wash over me. The rest of the conversation went in one ear and out the other and I tried to hide my crushing disappointment. 
“I’m sorry baby, but your Uncle Vox and Auntie Vel will be there and they promised to keep me updated.” My father finished. “I’ll make it up to you later okay? We can do whatever you want. Daddy daughter day.”
Yeah, sure. I had heard that one before. To date, he owed me no less than six daddy daughter days. And the flowers and trinkets he sent to make up for his absence didn’t help either. He tried- I knew it. But nothing he said or did would make up for his lack of presence. 
I signed off and put my head in my hands as I tired to keep tears from falling down my face. I felt Vox’s hand on my shoulder and I looked back at him as I bit back bitter disappointment. 
Vox seemed to recognize the look on my face. “Aw honey, I know. But we’ll be there. I promise.” He squeezed my shoulder gently. “Your Auntie Vel and I will cheer you on.” 
“Yeah, at least someone cares.” I muttered as I rubbed my eyes. 
“Now you know that isn’t true sweetheart,” Vox began. “Your Daddy loves you very much, his work just…”
“You make time for me!” I said angrily. “You make it a point to sit with me and go to my games and ask me about my day, I can’t remember the last time I saw my dad at one of my games or even just right after school!” 
“My schedule is a lot more fluid than your dads is sweetheart,” he replied calmly. “I understand your frustration, but if your dad could make it he would.”
It was the age-old argument. After a few seconds, I stood up and Vox pulled me into a hug. 
“Hey, you’re loved. Don’t forget that, okay?” He planted a kiss on my forehead. “Now let’s get that homework done.” 
I scowled but sat back down at my desk. The homework rule had been instilled by my father from my first days of preschool. Home. Snack. Work. Sometimes at my pink desk in my room, if it was Dad or auntie Vel picked me up. But more often than not, it was uncle Vox who showed up in the limo and he had work to do too. As I grew, the desk next to his grew as well. From a tiny pink plastic chair to a full grown pink office chair- I sat right by Uncle Vox almost every single day. 
His snack drawer too changed as I grew- from cheeze-itz, to fresh fruit, to protein bars and goldfish. 
“Hey, can you check this one?” I asked after a few moments of work. “Uncle Vox?”
“Did you try it three times three different ways and watch a video?” He replied back without another glance. 
“Then, sure.” He lifted his head up and picked up my homework sheet. He glanced it over. “I think this is a quadratic formula problem. You forgot the square root sign- remember the song?”
“I do but…”
He cleared his throat. “X equals negative b plus or minus the square root of b squared minus for ac all over two a!”
To his credit, the song was a great study tool. To my mortification, Vox couldn’t sing worth a damn. 
“You’re way too enthusiastic about math,” I muttered as I made the correction. 
“But I was right wasn’t I?” He teased as he turned back to his computer. 
“That’s not the point,” I replied. Not to my surprise, the problem worked itself out. “Thanks Uncle Vox.” 
I stood up and leaned in between him and his desk wrapped my arms around him. “And thanks for being the best uncle a girl could want.” 
I felt him return the hug. “Love you, kiddo. More than you’ll ever know.” 
I released him and he grinned. “If you get your homework done quickly I’ll take you to the pool and run a few practice rounds with you. And then I’ll take you out to dinner- see if Auntie can meet us.”
The work that went into Vox being able to get into the water was tremendous- not to mention he’d be leaving his job early. 
“Really? You have time for that?” I asked. 
“For you sweetie? I’ll always have time.”
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darkwolf989 · 2 days
If ur still takeing request what if val wife or girlfriend was feeling insecure with her little bit of baby fat after haveing there baby cuz she's worried he would be attracted to her anymore cuz all of his skinny pretty employees he works with he can tell something is wrong but she won't tell him but he won't take no forget answer till she tells him and when she does he reassure her that no matter what she looks like or anything he will always love her and think she's beautiful and to make sure she believes him she shows her in his own way 😏😏 nfsw if u know what I mean 18+ if would like to 😁
Hi there!
So sorry for the delay! I love this idea, but I think I took it in a much different direction- just kind of went with the writing vibes! Hope you like it <3
I stared at myself in the full length mirror. Two months. I had my daughter eight weeks ago to the day. It had been one month since I began working out, four weeks that I, as quietly and secretly as I could, tried to turn my body back into its pre-baby figure. The body that my husband, Valentino, had fallen in love with. 
As much as I loved my daughter, I hated what pregnancy had done to my body. My chest, once swollen, seemed to be flatter and hang lower now. And with Valentino starting to work longer hours and later nights, I came to the conclusion that this was my fault. My body, my figure was driving him away. So although technically I wasn’t cleared to lift anything heavier than our daughter, I couldn’t let that deter me. Not only did I now need to be a mother, but I had a duty to be pretty and thin- lest I lose my husband to one of his drop dead gorgeous models.
I pinched at the roll of fat that now sat stubbornly below my belly button and cursed to myself. No wonder he was working late again tonight. No wonder he wouldn’t fuck me, or take me up on my offer to blow him. I wouldn’t want me either. With a final glare of disgust towards my body, I tugged on a shirt and pulled my greasy hair up into a ponytail. Valentino wouldn’t be home for about an hour- just enough time to squeeze in another workout while the baby was sleeping. 
I rolled out my yoga mat and tried to ignore the protest in my muscles. I knew better than to try to stream a video- Vox would catch on quickly and I’d get caught. And the gym in Velvette’s studio wasn’t an option- not only could I not leave the baby, but I’d risk being seen. So self guidance and training was my only option, basic moves until I was officially cleared to push my body as hard as it could go. 
Sit ups to start. 
 One…two…three….twenty…twenty one….fifty…
I ignored the pain that coursed throughout my body. Pretty and thin. That was my focus. My sole focus. Keep Valentino. Make him love me, earn his…
A cold leg against my back pulled me from my movement. Hands that pushed my shoulder to the mat. I looked up into Valentino’s burning eyes. 
Shit. So much for effortlessly pretty. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” Valentino demanded in a sharp whisper. His hands slid under my shoulders and pulled me up off the floor, to my feet and he turned me to face him. “Reader?”
Unable to help myself, I burst into tears. 
“Shit. Hey, don’t cry. Fuck,” he said quickly as guided me to the bed. “I’m here. What’s going on?” 
The sound of our baby screaming from the crib pulled our attention away from each other. I felt a pang. Our voices had woken her up. Her cries triggered mine and my chest ached at the sound. 
“No, no,” Valentino said quickly as he looked at the mess that appeared on my shirt. 
 “You’re not okay, muñeca. I’m going to have Vox take the baby, okay? Just sit here.”
“She needs to be fed,” I sobbed as I tried to cover the growing stains with my hands. “I, I can take her.” 
I watched something shift in Valentino’s expression. He shook his head quickly. 
“Nope, he can make her a bottle. There is lots of milk in the freezer. Stay here,” he said gently as he put his arm around me. 
I heard the door open and Vox’s voice speak softly to her. 
“Wait, where is Vox taking her?” I asked in a panicked voice. “She needs to eat and I…” The sound of her cries leaving the room and the silence it left behind sent me into a new wave of frantic worry. 
“Shush bebita. Vox is going to watch her. He’s just taking her to the nursery, sit in the rocking chair and give her a bottle.” He said gently. His hands touched the hem of my shirt. “Let me see your tummy. I want to make sure nothing is bruised or…” 
I recoiled from his touch. No. I couldn’t let him see the physical mess I was. I rubbed my eyes and tried to swallow back the creeping sadness. 
“I’m fine Val,” I snapped as I pushed his hand away from my shirt. “Really, I’m fine.” 
He frowned and sat down next to me. Instead of fighting, he put his arm around my shoulder. “You don’t look fine, and you’re not acting like yourself. You’re pale, cariño. I just want to make sure you don’t..”
His voice turned from gentle to sharp. “Muñeca, I’m not asking.” 
With the quickness of one hand, I felt my shirt tear in half, leaving me exposed under his gaze. I closed my eyes, as I tried to protect myself from the disgust I was sure would play across his face. I felt his hand on my stomach and waited for the criticism. 
“Honey, does that hurt?” His voice was soft. “Please tell me, I need to know if I need to take you to the hospital or not.” 
I felt my eyes open. The feeling of uncontrollable rage and defensiveness rushed through me, washing away the worry and sadness. 
“For what? Plastic surgery? Fix this mess of. A body?” I snapped as I pushed him away. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry my body isn’t what you want!” 
Just as quickly as it appeared, the anger vanished and turned to sopping wet tears in a matter of seconds. He pulled me to him and gently stroked my hair as I sobbed into his chest. 
“Baby, what are you talking about?” He asked, confusion and concern in his voice. “Plastic surgery? Where the fuck did you get that idea?” His grip tightened, “give me a name. I’ll kill them.” 
I half laughed, half sobbed as I continued to cry. What was he talking about? Why would he want to kill someone who would only want me to look better for him? Sheer exhaustion rushed through my body with each choking gasp. 
“Hey, hey I’m here. It’s okay. Let it out,” he said in the same voice I heard him use around our daughter. “Talk to me, mi amore. Please. I can’t help you if you don’t talk to me.” 
As though a dam had broken, all at once it came spilling out. The workouts. The diet- balancing cutting carbs with trying to produce enough milk to feed our baby. The feelings of insecurity and sadness. The anger I felt towards my body, and my worry that I was no longer good enough for him, no longer pretty enough- no longer worthy of his love and affection. 
“I just feel ugly. And fat. And like nothing I do is good enough I can’t feed a baby and be on a diet, I can’t be thinner and my boobs are…” 
“Your boobs are perfect,” he interrupted as he kissed me gently. “Honey, you pushed our daughter out of your body. You’ve spent the last nine months growing her and the past two feeding her. When was the last time you slept? Or had a decent meal?” His hand pushed against my forehead and he tucked back a stray strand of hair. 
“Val, you’re surrounded by beautiful women who don’t have the scars- women who can fuck you. And here I am, and I offer you my body and you turn me down!” I yelled through the hiccuping sobs. 
Fury rushed across his features. He grabbed my chin and forced me to look into his eyes. 
“You listen to me and you listen to me good bebita. You had a baby. You physically can’t have sex yet. The doctor said it herself. Not only will doing do cause you immense pain, but it could cause a whole host of issues. To protect you, I’m not fucking you. Believe me if I could have I would have fucked you the night you came home from the hospital.” His eyes searched my expression, “ do you think I would cheat on you? Honestly and truly? Because that’s what it sounds like.”
Slowly, I shook my head no. A wave of exhaustion rushed through me and I let the full weight of my head fall to his chest. 
“Then why do you think I would leave you? You had my child- our child- and you are an amazing mom. I’m sorry I haven’t told you enough lately how much I love you and how beautiful you are.” He sighed and kissed me gently as he pulled out his phone. “That’s it. I’m taking the next two weeks off. Work be damned.”
“Val I…”
“No. We need to spend time together as a family. This isn’t up for discussion.” He said firmly as he stood up. He took my hand and pulled me to my feet before lifting me up into his arms. 
“Where are we going?” I asked as he carried me across the room. 
“To shower while Vox has the baby. And then I’m holding you until you fall asleep.” He replied shortly as he set me in the rocking chair we kept next to the bassinet in our room. “Pump now while I start the water, and I’ll take care of the next feeding.” 
I flushed in a mixture of self consciousness and embarrassment “Val, I… And you don’t want to shower with me, I’m..”
“Sincerely in need of a little love, yes.” He replied firmly. “Now relax and let me take care of you. Let me be the husband and the father.” 
“Val…” I bit my lip as I felt the tears start to leak out again. “Val I don’t deserve you. Why do you want me?” 
“Honey, I can’t say it enough. I love you. Only you. No one else in this world will have my heart the way you do.” He kissed the top of my head. “I got you honey- for once let me take care of you.” 
Ten minutes later he had his arms wrapped around me as he held me under a stream of hot water. I closed my eyes and laid my head against him. I heard the sound of a bottle opening and felt Valentino’s hands slowly work their way through my hair. After a few seconds, he pulled me out from under the water.
“Let the shampoo sit bebé muñeca, you’ll feel so much better and more like yourself when we’re done.” He said gently. 
I felt his hands run down my body and to my surprise he knelt down and pressed his lips against my belly. 
“You need to understand how much I love you,” he said softly. “Your tummy grew our little girl. That changes a person both inside and out. I don’t expect you to have the same body you had before our little one because it went through something drastic. The only thing I need from you is to love yourself. That includes this new body, and your health and to love yourself enough to ask for help when you need it. Ask for help from me, from Vox, from Velvette hell- call Lucifer for all I care. I know I’ve been busy but I assumed you were talking to them. It’s my fault I should have checked in more, myself. I’m sorry. You’re not in this alone, and you never will be.”
“Val I…”
“Shussh.” His lips pressed against my belly again and he slowly stood back up. 
“Relax against me. I’ve got you.” He wrapped his arms around me and carefully washed the shampoo from my hair. “I’ll condition the ends and wrap your hair up and then we’ll take a bath. Let your body soak in the warm water for a bit.”
“I don’t want to take a bath. I’m still bleeding.” I said tiredly as I laid my head on his chest. I could feel the exhaustion creeping, threatening to wash over me at any moment. 
“It’s been eight weeks,” he said sharply. 
“And it can go up to twelve,” I answered as I closed my eyes against him.
“We can still take…”
“No, Val. I don’t want to.” 
“Alright,” he relented. “Then a heating pad? How can I take care of you?” 
His softness broke me and again, I broke down into sobbing tears. This time he said nothing, and rocked me gently against him. 
“How can I take care of a baby when I’m not even me?” I sobbed. “I feel sick and awful and…just wrong! Like I’m a terrible mother!”  
“I think sweetheart you need a little TLC, a ton of sleep and some good food.” Valentino said softly. “Let me take care of you. Please. Before we get out of the shower, what else can I do for you? Body wash? Shave?”
I laid my head against him. “If I have the time, I need to shave. Literally everything. Just give me a moment and I….”
He grabbed my chin and again our eyes met. 
“Did you forget that I shaved your legs when you couldn’t see them anymore? Did you forget that I held your hair when your morning sickness hit? Did you forget that I laid our newborn baby on your chest seconds after she came out of you, despite the fear of you bleeding out in your hospital bed?” His voice was hard, “You are mine. My wife. The only other being in this worth I love with every inch of my soul. The other women in my life? They are merchandise to me. And don’t you ever forget that. Understood?” 
I gave the smallest of nod and he released me. Carefully, he washed the remaining conditioner from my hair and sat me down on the tile bench in the middle of our walk in shower. 
“I’m sorry, Val…”
“Stop apologizing,” he replied as he ran the shaving cream over my legs. “You have nothing to be sorry for. I am the one who should be sorry for leaving you alone so damn much. And I am, sorry that it. It won’t happen again.” 
I felt the sharpness of the razor slide up my legs. I closed my eyes as I tried to shake away the fear that wrapped through me. 
“Why do I feel so bad, Val? I feel like I’m going insane.”
“When was the last time you put food in your stomach? Or had a full, uninterrupted night's sleep?” He asked as he slathered my other leg in shaving cream. “And be honest.” 
“Last night, kind of. I had a bowl of oatmeal. As for sleep..” 
I heard the metal of the razor hit the floor and his head shot up. “What?” His fingers reached up and gently squeezed my nipple. 
“Ow! Val!” I shouted. I tried to yank away as a small stream of milk shot out. ”Fuck, that hurt!” 
“I am shocked that you’re still productive,” he said sharply as he picked the razor back up. “What the hell do you think you’re doing to yourself? No food? No sleep? No wonder you feel so sick.”
“I’m trying to pretty,” I whimpered. 
“No. You’re going to end up putting yourself in the hospital,” he snapped. “Lack of sleep alone is enough to make you feel this awful. Add in the exercise which you shouldn’t be doing and the lack of food, and quite honestly I’m not entirely sure how you’re still standing, let alone carrying out a conversation.” 
“I’m sorry,” I said softly. 
“Stop apologizing,” he replied firmly as he helped me back to my feet. “It isn’t your fault.” 
Carefully, he and I stood back under the stream of water, rinsing away the rest of the soap. As soon as we were finished, he wrapped me in a towel and gently combed through my hair. I crawled into bed next to him and settled my head on his chest, straining to hear the beating of his heart. 
“You promise you still find me sexy? Even after all this?” I asked quietly. 
“I promise. Now forever and always. You’re my wife, my one and only, now and forever more.” He kissed the top of my head. “Now go to sleep. You’ll feel better when you wake up. And then we can have a real conversation- we’re a team, sweetheart. Don’t ever forget that. I love you. I promise.”
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darkwolf989 · 6 days
Drugs 'n Memories (Valentino x Reader x Vox's Daughter)
Valentino’s limo pulled up outside the run down house. Flashes of his own teenagerhood raced through his mind. Part of him couldn’t blame his niece for wanting to have a little fun, to let off steam- especially when she had just aced her final exams last week. But as he and her father monitored the cameras that kept a watchful eye over every inch of the Pride ring, as well as the vitals on her tracker, their concern level grew. Anger pulsed through both of them as they watched a much older demon slip something into reader's cup. Valentino recognized the drug instantly. Nothing that would kill her, but it would definitely multiply the effects of the alcohol she was currently consuming. 
Vox’s reaction was instantaneous. On his feet, slamming the keyboard, his typical hot headed, kill them all reaction. Valentino, on the other hand, understood the scene. And more importantly, he knew how to counteract the drugs that were now rushing through her veins. 
“I’ll handle it, amicito,” he replied coolly. “You stay here and monitor the situation. I’ll bring her home. After all, she’s my niñita as well.” 
And so as he stepped out of the limo, the familiar spring to summer scent engulfed him. He smiled to himself as memories of his own teenagerhood remerged. Memory lane wasn’t a path he often allowed himself to venture down- he much preferred his life in hell to his life as a human. But still, there were some parts of his humanity that bubbled up from time to time, memories he couldn’t simply erase. 
Unlike his sweet niece, the younger Valentino, couldn’t have given less of a shit about grades. Not that he wasn’t intelligent, but brilliance isn’t defined solely on what happens in the classroom, and at seventeen, Valentino had bigger things to handle. Fucking, fighting, drugs- those were the three things he focused on. And rightly so, because when broken down, those three things translated into pleasure, protection and money. 
It was about this same time- the end of the school year, post exams. Excitement buzzed in the air as most looked forward to summer break, time on the beach. Valentino, on the other hand, had business to attend to. No matter the season, he was always incredibly busy, a master at the art of supply and demand. So when one of his competitors approached him in the hallway, there was no hesitation. His girlfriend at the time, his sweet reader, jumped in front of him and before Valenitno could react, his competitors first met reader’s face. 
Her reaction wasn’t expected. To every inch of Valentino’s bad boy reputation, reader was anything but. Straight A student, head of the student council, on the fast track to a law degree. And perhaps most importantly, had just earned herself her black belt. 
The hallway filled with deafening silence. Valentino smirked and crossed his arms, more than content to watch. He knew what was coming. In one swift move, he watched Reader take down his competitor, leaving him nothing but a moaning and crying pathetic excuse for a human being. 
Being hauled to the principal's office, no cameras to be had, it was Reader’s word against his competitors. Valentino listened as Reader vehemently denied Valentino’s involvement. And of course, the powers that be would believe her against him- she wasn’t exactly the type to be in trouble, while both Valentino and the other boy had suspension sheets a mile long.  Not that being suspended, or even expelled would honestly matter to him, but there was something sexy about watching his latest fuck defend him vehemently. Later on that night, in the backseat of his car, he made sure to show her just how much he appreciated her defense. 
Their relationship lasted the rest of the school year, and when he returned in the fall, she had been accepted to university a year early. Valentino never saw her again- not that he expected to. Nor did he care all that much. It was a long time after all. Besides, the little slut probably ended up in heaven. As he walked up the pathway to the house, he pushed back those thoughts, those memories. The past was in the past, and he needed to focus on the situation at hand. 
He swung open the door and watched the teenagers scatter like roaches. He made his way through the house as though he owned it, glancing every so often at the tracker to ensure his niece's location. Around him, teenage demons began to whisper as they scurried out of his way. 
Oh shit, is that Val?
What is Valentino doing here? 
I heard he’s related to someone here.
Maybe he’s here to scout?
Wait, isn’t Vox’s daughter here? 
You think that’s her uncle? 
He enjoyed their fear. Relished in it, actually. Perhaps if they made the connection between her and exactly what family she came from, they would think twice before pulling her into events like these. 
“Uncle Val?” His niece's voice squeaked from across the living room. She stared at him in shell shocked, deer in the headlights eyes. “What are you doing here?” 
“It’s time to go home now, niñita,” he said evenly as he strode up to her, plucked the red solo cup from her hand and casually tossed its contents over the demon who spiked it. “Come, before those drugs in your tummy hit.”
She looked at him in anger and he saw, not for the first time, a flash of himself in her defiance. How funny it was that although she wasn’t his biologically, she had streaks of him built into her personality as though she was. 
“Uncle Valentino, I am staying here with my friends and there is nothing you can do about it,” she put her hands on her hips and glared. “And for your information, I’m not doing drugs, it's just a little vodka.”
“You forgot the cardinal rule of going out, bebita princessa. Always watch your cup,” he replied calmly as he lifted her up and tossed her over his shoulder with ease. “I’ve already had a long day, do us both a favor and don’t make it longer.”
The usual grumbles, the screams, the cries and the I hate yous spewed from her mouth. But no one dared to interfere. They knew the consequences if they stepped between Valentino and his family. He brought her inside the limo and checked his watch. 
“Uncle Val, I don’t feel so good.”
Her head rolled to his shoulders and he laid her down on his lap. His timing was impeccable, right down to the exact second. 
“I know. And you’re not going to. Shit’s gotta work its way out of your system.” He said as he rolled her to her side and twisted open a bottle of water as he pressed two black capsules to her lips. “Swallow these. Drink this. It won’t make the feeling go away, but it will absorb whatever’s left in your belly.”
She shakily obeyed and he gently held her steady as the limo brought them closer to home. 
“Puke if you’ve got to, wouldn’t be the first time you got sick on me,” he said lightly as he held a plastic bag just below her mouth. “Better to get it all out than hold it in.”
She let out a groan. “Uncle Val? Did you ever…get into trouble when you were a kid?” she asked. 
He chuckled and looked down at her. “Trouble? That’s hardly the word for it, bebita.”
She was quiet for a moment and he gently tucked back a stray strand of hair. 
“Is Daddy gonna be mad?”
Valentino shook his head. “I think you Dad is just going to be happy I got to you in time. You need to be more careful, ninita. Especially if you’re going to misbehave so far out of town.” He stroked her back as he spoke. “Rape happens. It could have happened to you tonight, and you’re lucky- very lucky, I happened to be in the area and could get to you in time. Otherwise…” He paused and looked down at her, “I don’t want to ever see you in that situation, conejito. It would never be your fault, but you must be cautious. Not everyone is the kind soul you are.” He adjusted her ever so slightly. “Close your eyes. It’s going to be awhile before we make it home.” 
“Uncle Val?”
“Yes, cariño?” 
“Thanks for looking out for me. I’m sorry I yelled.”
He sighed, “bebita, I’m just glad you're safe. Save the apologies for your dad.”
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darkwolf989 · 6 days
( i fixed it a bit)
Can i request  being Valentino's daughter that is 17 years old, He tries to introduce vox as his boyfriend to us for the first time
( hope that makes sense💓)
Valentino paced the hallway in the kitchen. His daughter would be home from practice at any moment, and truth be told, he wasn’t ready. If it was up to him, he would have kept this information private. But it wasn’t- and Vox’s ultimatum wasn’t a consequence he was willing to suffer. 
“Val, she already loves me. She literally calls me Uncle Vox,” Vox said from where he lounged on the couch. “Why are you so worked up?” 
Valentino gritted his teeth. It has been two years since his daughter had fallen beside him, two years since he found out her mother, his human lover, had ascended into heaven. Of course he had tracked her down- after all, a fifteen year old dropped to hell was a big deal. 
He had spent the better part of those two years trying to get to know her, trying to figure out the type of being she was. And by all accounts that he could figure out, she didn’t belong down here. She was smart, viciously snappy, and well- she looked more like an angel than a demon with her blue eyes and blonde hair. But she was Valentino’s daughter, and much to his dismay, having his blood course through her veins was apparently enough to make her fall. He couldn’t see a reason otherwise, and the few times he did try to talk about why she fell she simply shrugged her shoulders. 
She had been closed off at first, and it was a slow process to begin to build a relationship, to gain her trust. Honesty and consistency in every area of his life, with the exception of his relationship with Vox, had been the key to getting her to show any sort of emotion.
He tried to keep her life as parallel to life on Earth as he possibly could. Enrolled her in school, encouraged her to join the same sports teams she had played on when she was alive, and supported everything she did to the best that he could. Finally, with enough time, it seemed they had gotten to a place where she trusted him enough to tell him, to show him when she was upset, happy or most commonly- angry. To a point where he actually believed she felt comfortable and safe in their home. 
 What would she say when she found out that he and her Uncle Vox were more than just friends? Would that ruin the trust he had so painstakingly built up? 
He heard the elevator door click and the rage he was a master at controlling spilled out of his daughter.
“Fucking whores, all of them,” she yelled as her pink bag flew across the room and landed inches away from one of the floor to circling glass windows. “Fuck!”
“What’s got you all riled up?” Vox asked without looking up from his phone. 
“What’s the matter, bebita?” Valentino asked as she flung herself in his chair. 
“We are so fucked if we play as badly on Saturday as we did on at practice today, I swear to Christ if I get one more accidental kick…” she began with a snarl. 
Both Valentino and Vox waited patiently for her to unload. Listening, not trying to solve the issue, seemed to be the best way to support her when she was this upset. They had both come to learn that she held her emotions deep inside, and Vox theorized that events from her life on Earth triggered this coping mechanism, this anger.  They figured the best way to handle it was to give her a safe place to vent. 
Finally she sighed. “But I guess it’s whatever. What are we doing tonight? And are we going out to dinner? Cause I’m fucking starving.”
Valentino tried to hide a smile. Maybe, just maybe she was more like him than he would like to admit. “Watch your mouth, niñita,” he scolded gently. “But to answer your question, yes we are. I made reservations at your favorite place.”
That seemed to brighten her up. She picked up her bag from where it landed and went off to her room, presumably to shower and change. 
“She really is your daughter, Val. She acts just like you when you were that age,” Vox said as he stood up. He wrapped his arms around Valentino’s waist and kissed his neck. “Stop worrying. She’s tough, tougher than maybe even you.”
Valentino sighed. “Yeah. I guess so.” 
They turned their heads at the sound of a crash and a slew of curse words. 
“Maybe we should tell her in the limo?” Vox suggested. 
“That might be a good idea,” Valentino responded. “Should… should we go check on her?”
“Probably best to give her her space,” Vox replied as he rested his head on Valentino. “And let’s feed her first. Make sure she’s in a good place mentally. Let her calm down, she seems really upset.”
Several hours and one calm dinner later, reader was sprawled out in the limo, scrolling through her phone as they made their way back towards home. 
Valentino looked at Vox and Vox nodded. 
“Baby?” Valentino said gently. “We need to chat.” 
Reader looked up from her phone, “about what?”
“Your Uncle Vox and I…we’re dating.” The words rushed out of Valentino’s mouth. “And we wanted you to hear it from us first before anyone else.”
“Ohhkay…” reader responded. “Cool. Thanks for telling me.” 
To Valentino’s surprise, she picked her phone back up. 
“Wait, do you have any questions for me? For us?” he asked.
She paused and looked up from her. “Dad, I’ve known you two have liked each other since I got here. It's sort of about time you and Uncle Vox made it official…”
Her voice trailed off and an expression he hadn’t seen before washed over her face as she tried to process the information. Glimpses of fear, worry that she seemed to be trying to desperately contain.
“This changes nothing overall, princessa,” he reassured her. “We just wanted to make sure you heard it first from us.” 
He watched as she looked away and to his surprise, he saw tears creeping out of the corner of her eye, and something inside of her seemed to break. Gone was the anger from earlier. For the first time in the two years they had lived together, she began to cry.
“Bebita? What’s wr-”
Vox was next to her before he could move. As he watched him wrap her in his arms he felt his heart pang. Why was she so upset? He opened his mouth to ask, but Vox shook his head as she broke down into sobs against him. 
“Please don’t kick me out,” she gasped between breaths. “Please, Daddy. Vox, please. I can’t do it again, I can’t.”
“Kicking you out? No, honey. Never.” Vox said softly. 
“Why would you think that sweetheart?” Valentino asked as he moved to the other side. “Hey, hey deep breath. You’re okay.” He gently rubbed her back. “Talk to us. Come on babygirl, please. Tell us what’s wrong.”
She swallowed, her expression a blend of sadness and fear. Finally, Valentino heard her inhale. 
“You, you asked me a long time ago why I fell,” she began in a shaky voice. “I..I wasn’t completely honest when I said I didn’t know.”
Slowly, her story came out. Her mother, who remarried when reader turned thirteen, long after Valentino had descended into hell. A stepfather she loved while her mom dated, and changed for the worse when they got married. How she ran away at the age of fourteen, after he told her she couldn’t stay with them. The sins she committed simply to survive on the streets. The final year of her life before her arrival in Hell. 
Valentino felt sick to his stomach as he listened to the things she did, the pain in each and every word she spoke. When she grew quiet again, he reached for her and pulled him. 
“Never. That would never happen, not here with me. I promise.” He said softly. 
“I, I know. And I kn-know Uncle Vox wouldn’t…I’m not afraid I’m just…” she choked out. 
“Traumatized,” Vox said quietly. “Sometimes when we live through events so similar to our lives on Earth, they trigger that pain, that sadness and that fear. We can reassure you all you need, but you need to let these emotions, these memories out. You don’t need to suffer holding them inside.” He leaned over and kissed the top of your head. “And we will reassure you as much as you need. You’re ours, and you’re going nowhere.”
“If you ever vanished, we would find you. No matter what, your home here is your home. Nothing will ever change that,” Valentino added. “You’re a part of this family. Now and forever, no matter what happens.”
He felt the rise and fall of her chest against him as he held her, allowing her tears to flow freely and then settle. Finally, the limo rolled to a stop. 
“Why don’t we go upstairs and have a family movie night?” Vox suggested as he watched her expression carefully. “No pressure if you need time to yourself.”
They had both offered her that escape whenever she released a slew of emotions. To their surprise, for the first time since she was offered the out, she shook her head. 
“Then movie night it is,” Vox said cheerfully as he pushed open the limo, taking her hand as he stepped out of the limo. “Com’on kiddo, let's go. Dealer's choice.” 
One movie turned into two, and halfway through the third, reader fell asleep on the couch. Even with her being seventeen, it was effortless for Valentino to lift her up and carry her to her bedroom. As soon as she was safely tucked in, he turned out the lights and made his way to his own bedroom. 
“Do you think we did the right thing? Said the right things?” Valentino asked as he opened his arms for Vox to snuggle to him. 
“I think the fact that she spent the entire night with us more than answers that question. We might want to consider trying to find her someone to talk to though- a therapist maybe. I get the feeling the fits of rage we’re seeing are a mask of her true emotions- and she’s going to need guidance in processing her feelings, especially at seventeen years old." Vox suggested as he climbed into his arms.
“If she would entertain it, sure,” Valentino replied. “We can talk about it.” He closed his eyes. 
He felt the weight of Vox’s head on his chest as he tried to quiet his mind. He loved both his daughter and his boyfriend with everything he had. 
And he would do everything in his power to make sure they knew that.
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darkwolf989 · 6 days
Can I request Valentino x wife!reader where they take their 2 months old daughter to get vaccinated and Val just can’t stand to see his little princessa cry after receiving a vaccine shot
Oh my god this is the SOFTEST Valentino thing ever. I love it! Enjoy!
Valentino watched as his wife lifted the baby from the bassinet. Typically he would be right by her side, assisting wherever needed. But for the moment, he held back, baby carrier in hand as he watched his reader, his wife, snuggle the baby to her chest. It didn’t matter that neither of them had slept a full night in two months, or that they only showered that morning by the grace of Vox’s canceled meeting. He wouldn’t trade the sight of her holding their daughter for the world. 
He set the carrier down and stepped forward. He carefully took the baby from her, leaning over and placing her into the protective seat with careful hands. The infant blinked up at him with the same blue eyes as his wife and cooed. 
“That’s right niñita, Daddy’s here,” he said softly as he lifted the entire carrier up. “We’re taking a trip downstairs, okay bebita?” He lifted up the entire carrier, leaned over and kissed his wife on the cheek as they stepped into the elevator. 
Doctors appointments for any other infant in the world would involve a trip in the car, a potential rescheduling of naptime, and ensuring everything the child could possibly need when leaving their home was carefully packed in case of emergency. But for Valentino’s daughter, the trip simply involved a baby carrier, a diaper bag, short elevator ride and perhaps most importantly, her father ensuring his studio was absolutely empty. 
Admittedly, never did he think he would be using the high tech nurses office he installed in the studio for anything more than medical fetish pornography, or the occasional employee with sex toy induced emergency, let alone his daughter's eight week old check up. But the convenience of having a pediatrician work around their schedule, and having access to everything in house couldn’t be ignored. And for Valentino, clearing the studio was less of a feat than taking a trip outside of the V tower. 
As soon as the elevator door opened, they stepped out and carried the infant down the hallway and into the office. Upon arrival, his wife immediately began the discussion with the doctor. He left her to it as he lifted the baby from the carrier and held her to him. 
“Are we in a new place, muñeca? What do you see?” He asked as he gently cradled her so that she could see the entire room. “I see two blue chairs,  and one green table, and a silver container full of white cotton balls and…”
“Val? Bring her back over, doc is ready,” his wife interrupted his conversation with their daughter. 
Begrudgingly, Valentino walked back to where they stood and handed the baby over to the doctor. He watched her carefully as the doctor weighed her, listened to her insides, and examined her thoroughly to be sure she was okay. As soon as she was finished, Valentino picked his baby girl back up and held her back to his chest protectively. 
“Everything looks great,” the doctor said cheerfully. “She’s due for her two month vaccinations- three shots and then I’ll see you again in a month.” 
Valentino gritted his teeth. “Shots?”
Reader nudged him, “Val, we talked about this.” 
As someone who had given and received more needles than most, Valentino knew first hand the pain they caused. And that was the last thing he ever wanted his sweetheart to experience. 
“Are they really necessary?” He asked uneasily. “She’ll cry and…”
“And you can pick her up and cuddle her until she settles and then we’ll go home,” his wife interrupted calmly. “You and I both did the research. We talked to how many doctors? We both decided this was the best course of action for her.” 
Hesitantly, Valentino handed her back over to the doctor. As soon as she left the warmth of his arms, her cries began. His wife tucked her arm into his and laid her head on his shoulder. Valentino laid a comforting arm on his wife and grimaced at the sound of her cries. 
Valentino knew it was the best choice for her.
Valentino knew the shots would protect her in ways he couldn’t.
Valentino knew that they had done everything possible to make sure this was the best decision for their daughter.
But the facts didn’t make his heart hurt for her any less. Nor did it make the innate instinct to take his child and get her as far away from the source of the pain any less powerful. As soon as the last bandaid was put on, he swept his daughter up in his arms and gently rocked her. His wife turned to the doctor to review the follow up procedures as he comforted the screaming child. 
“Shush, Princessa. Daddy is here. It’s okay. I know it hurts,” he muttered. “I’m sorry little one, I promise it was for your own safety. I know, I’m sorry it hurt.”
“She’s probably hungry too, Val,” Reader said softly as he tried desperately to soothe his daughter. “Let’s pop over into your office and I’ll nurse her before we go back upstairs.” 
He looked at the clock. She had a point, it was almost her lunch time. Or was it snack time? It didn’t really matter either way- she ate almost every two hours. He passed his daughter back to his wife and picked up the empty baby carrier, along with the diaper back. Together they left the nurses office, and made their way back towards the elevator. He let them into his work office and reader took her usual place on the couch as Valentino locked the door. 
He sat next to his wife as she nursed their daughter. He put his arm around her and gave reader a soft kiss on the top of her head. There was something primal, something pure and so incredibly beautiful about seeing his wife feed his daughter. Bottle or breast didn’t matter to him- it was the early mornings, late nights and sheer dedication to this tiny little baby. No matter how exhausted she was, she always put their child first. Something Valentino recognized and did everything in his power to only take care of their baby, but to encourage his wife to take care of herself. 
“Here, I’ll burp her,” Valentino said when she was finished. 
Reader handed her over to him and he held her upright against him. He pulled the cloth out of the diaper back and draped it over his shoulder before he positioned her so her head rested against the cloth. Carefully, he stood up as he patted her back. He walked around the room as he thumped her back firmly.  
“You’re pretty good at this you know,” Reader’s voice came from behind him. He felt her lift the dry corner of the cloth and out of the corner of his eye, saw her wipe the little girl’s mouth. “Spit up should bother you more than it does.”
“Babies are pretty much just more delicate versions of inebriated adults,” he replied as she took the infant from him. With his now free hand, he lifted the diaper bag up and slung it over his shoulder. “They eat, they sleep, they cry, they throw up, and then they sleep again. It’s basically the same thing.”
Reader laughed as she settled the baby back into the carrier. “You have a point. What do you say we get this little one down for a nap and then…” she paused and let out a grin. “Have some alone time?”
Valentino pushed open the door, “only if by alone time you mean sleep.”
She laughed and walked across the dark studio to the elevator. “Of course that’s what I meant.”
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darkwolf989 · 11 days
I JUST GRADUATED AND TURNED 18 A COUPLE DAYS AGO! 😎🥳 I’ll be reading all your work! Do you do emoji anons? Can I be 🦦?
Hi 🦦 annon!
I sure do and you sure can! I am so glad you love my writing and enjoy reading my work! I promise to be back to posting regularly again soon!
A thousand congratulations on graduation!! If no one has told you lately, I am incredibly proud of you!
Your life has opened up into a whole new world, and only amazing adventures await! Your path will be incredibly joy filled and unique- celebrate all the moments- big and small! Enjoy every second, the good times and bad, and remember to try to learn a little something new every single day. ❤️
No matter where you go or what you do remember that life is a journey- not a destination! Half of the fun truly is in getting there!
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darkwolf989 · 11 days
hi dear! just wanted to pop in and make sure you’re doing alright :) don’t forget water and food when you can, and lots of breaks! you’re doing great and we appreciate you bunches!
Hi 🐰 and friends!!
Thank you so much for all the well wishes 😍🥰😘❤️ I love and appreciate both the note and the appreciation!!
I have a big life event coming up this weekend so it’s pulled me away from my writing just for a touch while we put the final details in place! Rest assured things will settle down and I plan to be back on schedule this week!
OTO in particular I have the next chapter pretty much done- it just needs those final edits. The chapter following is also laid out!
Requests are still open! What happens when I get a request is that I copy and paste it into a running Google doc and sketch write as inspiration hits! I have most of them completed, but not edited (and I won’t post things that are unedited! I want to give every one my very best! )
Fingers crossed for quiet moments to edit- I have scribbles and scrawls for requests scattered throughout my Google docs but just haven’t gotten them quite there yet!
❤️ Mandy
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darkwolf989 · 14 days
Can i request being Valentino' s daughter and he tries to introduce Vox to us? ( I know they have an on-off relationship originally but maybe they could be fully together in this fic?) No pressure tho💓 have a good day
Hi! Love this idea- I just need a touch more clarification! Are you requesting a being Valentino’s Daughter and Valentino introduces Vox to her as his boyfriend? Making it official official- and eventually they become a family?
Any specific age range for Val’s daughter?
This looks like so much fun! Let me know please ❤️
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darkwolf989 · 15 days
Valentino x Reader (He Always Keeps His Promises)
I honestly can't remember if I posted this or not so apologies if there is a double post!
I snuggled against Valentino in our bed and closed my eyes. Tiredness, exhaustion. All of those things that came with working on my feet all day. Heck, if I was being honest, I was exhausted even on my day off.  The last thing I wanted to do was get up out of bed, but Valentino felt otherwise. 
He sighed and ran a hand through my hair, tucking back a stray strand. When he walked into our bedroom after coming home from work, he wasn’t surprised to find me in the same position he left me in- sprawled out, remote in hand, laptop propped on a pillow, sketchbook and table on the night table. 
“Princessa. Come on now, you need to get up. You need to eat. Even a little something,” he said as lightly as he could. “Come on now.”
“Sleepy!” I whined and snuggled into him. “No. Too Sleepy.”
There it was. The warning tone that made my stomach drop in both excitement and fear. 
“What was the last thing you had to eat today?” He cupped my chin and forced me to look into his eyes. 
I hesitated. “Uhm. I had a few chips. Pancakes- Vox made them and brought me one.”
“And what time was that?”
“I don’t know!” I whined. 
“Then up you go.”
His arms wrapped around me and yanked me from my cocoon of blankets. I whined again and was rewarded with a sharp grab on the ass. 
“Princessa,” he said sharply as he carried me out to the kitchen. “Behave.”
“You pulled me out of my blankets, and now you’re making me eat. I have every right to whine,” I protested. 
“Quit being a brat and sit pretty for me,” he said sharply as his hand caressed my bottom before he sat me on the counter. “You need to eat, otherwise you won’t have energy for the rest of the activities I have planned for tonight.”
I hung my arms around his neck. “Val, I don’t need food, but those activities…”
“Won’t happen if you don’t eat, mi amore. I know it’s difficult for you to understand, but our bodies need energy. And we get that energy from food. And…”
“And Vox gave me the whole talk already,” I grumbled. I tried my best to mimic his words as sarcastically as I could. “Food goes in our tummies and makes us feel good!” 
“See? You understand the concept already,” Valentino replied as he added pasta to the boiling water. 
I heard him mutter something I couldn’t quite catch.
“Whatcha making anyway?” I asked, leaning over to see if I could sneak a peek. I reached over as if to stir the contents of one of the pots on the stove. 
He swatted my hand away. “It’s a surprise, princessa. Now tell me about your day.”
As we chatted, the amazing scent of my favorite pasta sauce began to fill the air. Valentino’s speciality. I felt my belly rumble and he turned and gave me a grin.
“Are we still going to insist we’re not hungry?” He asked teasingly. He stirred the cast iron pot with a wooden spoon. He scooped up just  a bit on the tip and blew on it before pressing it to my lips. “Open, princessa. What do you think?”
Flavor exploded on my tongue. Sweet, spicy, and absolute perfection.
“Amazing, as always Val,” I replied. “When will it be done?”
“Glad to see you found your appetite,” he replied. “Give me just a moment.”
I watched as he created a plate- salad, pasta, homemade sauce. From the oven came a few slices of garlic bread- made from the leftover Italian bakery bread. Four of my absolute favorite things. He leaned over and kissed my forehead as he handed me the full dish. 
“Eat every bite, mi amore,” he said with a dangerous grin. “And I promise you you’ll be rewarded.”
I felt a shiver run though my entire body, a mix between a jolt of desire and anticipation. After all, Valentino never broke his promises.
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darkwolf989 · 15 days
Can you write a Valentino x song artist reader, singer? I'm not sure how to word that but she's super obvious and every one thinks she's super innocent but she's actually a dirty minded fucker she's just really really obvious and Val's like "I can make you sing all night muñeca" and she just cocks (heh heh cocks) her head to the side and just stares at him "I sing for a living... do you want me to put out a new song?" And Vel and Vox just burst out laughing
AH! Sorry it took so long! I wasn't quite sure how to make this come to life so I gave it my best shot. Enjoy!
His smile glowed red in the darkness across the stage. She could see it from where she stood, or rather, from where she danced. She wondered, as she sang, if he would try to approach her after the show. After all, he was The Valentino, the number one porn demon and top talent scout in the Pride Ring. 
She chastised herself as she continued her song. It just wouldn’t do to fuck up her reputation like that. She knew better. And she knew he knew better than to make their relationship so incredibly obvious. After all, it was vital that in public at least, she maintained her innocence. 
Though to be honest, the things she wanted to do to that man. As she wound up her song, she heard the roar of applause. 
Play Dumb, she thought as she watched that smile glow from the very back of the stage. Pretend like you’re not going to fuck this man the second your limo drops you off at his place. 
Valentino just had a way of making it so, very, hard to play dumb. To ensure that she, at the very least, pretended to be oblivious to the uncontrollable filth that spewed from his mouth. 
She suppressed a giggle. Hard. 
“That was beautiful, cariño,” Valentino purred as he took her hand and kissed it. 
Behind him, Vox and Velvette stood, ever the ones to do their best to keep Valentino on a leash. Honestly, he would probably prefer to be on a physical leash, she thought. In his words, there had to be a kink for that somewhere. Maybe they could try that tonight. 
Instead, I let out a girlish giggle, “Why thank you, Mr. Valentino. And Mr. Vox and Ms. Velvette..”
“Cut the shit. It’s Velvette. No prefix,” Velvette snapped. 
I let out another giggle, “Sorry, Velvette.”
"I can’t wait to make you sing all night muñeca,” Valentino continued loudly. 
Internally, I winced. Too loud. I needed a reaction, and fast. 
I cocked my head to one side. “I sing for a living, Mr. Valentino. You want me to put out a new song? Already?”
Both Vox and Velvette burst out in laughter as realization crossed Valentino’s face. Wordlessly, he turned on a heel and stalked away. As I turned away from the other two V’s and made my way to the limo that would secretly drop me off at the V tower and discreetly pick me up several hours later. 
After all, I had a reputation to uphold.
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darkwolf989 · 15 days
Outside The Office Master Links
This is the Master List of OTO Chapters!
Outside The Office Part One
Outside The Office Part Two
Outside The Office Part Three
Outside The Office Part Four
Outside The Office Part Five
Outside The Office Part Six
Outside The Office Part Seven
Outside The Office Part Eight
Outside The Office Part Nine
Outside The Office Part Ten
Outside The Office Part Eleven
Outside The Office Part Twelve
Outside The Office Part Thirteen
Outside The Office Part Fourteen
Outside The Office Part Fifteen
Outside The Office Part Sixteen
Outside The Office Part Seventeen
Outside The Office Part Eighteen
Outside The Office Part Nineteen
Outside The Office Part Twenty
Outside The Office Part Twenty One
Outside The Office Part Twenty Two
Outside The Office Part Twenty Three
Outside The Office Part Twenty Four
Outside The Office Part Twenty Five
Outside The Office Part Twenty Six
Outside The Office Part Twenty Seven
Outside The Office Part Twenty Eight
Outside The Office Part Twenty Nine
Outside The Office Part Thirty
Outside The Office Part Thirty One
Outside The Office Part Thirty Two
Outside The Office Part Thirty Three
Outside The Office Part Thirty Four
Outside The Office Part Thirty Five
Outside The Office Part Thirty Six
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darkwolf989 · 15 days
Hi! Could you write Valentino's son dating angel headcanons?
Sure! To be honest, this isn’t a scenario I’ve given too too much thought to so if you request this again my response might be different or more detailed as time passes.
Valentino x Son (Dating Angel Dust)
-Valentino Owns Angel.
-Valentino doesn’t fuck Angel, Valentino drugs him. Angel is addicted to the drug that Valentino produces.
-Because Reader (Val’s son) is a half demon by an angel mother, he doesn’t give off the same drug as Val and is therefore useless as far as the drug market goes
-Valentino doesn’t give a damn what happens outside of his studio, and that includes him dating Angel
-But this dating life better not interfere with his work
-Valentino has had you on the business side of then industry since before you could walk
-That being said, you didn’t grace the stage until you were of legal age (even Valentino has his limits)
-Valentino never asks his son to do anything he himself hasn’t done before
-Valentino wonders if this could make a good profit, and if so, where actual love porn would make the most money 
-Angel Dust is NOT allowed in the apartment
-Valentino’s son is low key sort devastated when Angel moves out but he understands (And eventually he follows him? Time will tell if that unfolds.)
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darkwolf989 · 15 days
Hello 🐝🚬 is back!
Could I request male! reader,Valentino's son that is dating Angel Dust and Valentino's reaction to him being told that ( it is fine if you dont want to do it)
Of course I want to do it! It’s just a matter of inspiration- I will always tell the requestor (either privately via PM or if anonymous a published response) if I don’t feel comfortable writing something. Thankfully, I happened upon a bit of thought earlier that this request seemed to fit, so enjoy!
TW: Valentino is fucking evil. Rape. Porn. All of the things that make Valentino NOT a good demon. 
That is all <3 Feedback is always appreciated! 
I took a deep breath and walked into my father’s studio. At the age of eighteen, I had become more than familiar with the inner workings of my fathers business for far longer than I cared to consider. More than once, I had followed in my father’s footsteps, taking center stage both directing and starring. 
“Ah. Reader. Come. You’re just about to see our favorite actor…take center stage.” 
The way my father said it made me wince. I watched my now boyfriend strut across the stage and take his place, his legs spread wide open as he was tied down to the bed. 
“Dad, stop, I need to talk to you before this scene.”
My father gave me an annoyed look before returning his attention to the stage. “What the fuck is going on that is so important that you need to interrupt my art?”
“My boyfriend isn’t your art,” I shot back as my temper flared up. 
My father chuckled and took a long drag from his cigarette. “Boyfriend, you say? Angel?” He leaned forward as his eyes flashed red. “Angel is my property, little boy. His life depends on the salvia from my mouth. Not yours. And I couldn’t give less of a damn what you do with him in his off time, but while he’s on my stage, his dick is mine.” He leaned forward and I saw the familiar glint of darkness flit in his eyes. “Unless you want to join him? Make a bit more money for your Papito?” 
I gritted my teeth. “Mom would be pissed if she ever….”
The slap sent me flying across the room. I struggled to stand as my fathers footsteps clinked across the room, his eyes blazing. “Do not ever, ever talk about your mother in front of me, do you understand? She’s dead. And there is nothing you, or I can ever do about it. Now piss off, or get on the stage before I get really angry.” He turned on a heel and retook his place in his chair. 
I brought myself to my feet and wiped the blood off my cheek as I slowly made my way to the stage. I shoved aside the demon that straddled him and took his place. 
“Hey,” Angel said softly as I leaned into him. “I didn’t think you’d actually do it.”
“Better me than him,” I replied as loudly as I dared. The lights flickered and dimmed. I took the cue to push myself into Angel. He gasped, the loud overdramatic screams I had come to learn firsthand were so incredibly faked. Every inch of me wanted to kill the man who put me in this position, but I knew that unless that contract was null and void, Angel would disappear along with him. 
I held Angel against me in the dressing room after the shoot and stroked his back as he curled into me. Bruises, not by my hand, blossomed across his body. Angel’s pet pig, Fat Nuggets, nuzzled into us, circled twice and laid down. As I held Angel as tight as I dared, only one thought crossed my mind. 
I would get him away from my father if it was the last thing I did.
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darkwolf989 · 15 days
Please please please can I order a Val's daughter where she asks Vel for condoms, and Vel gave her them and gave her the brief how to use them talk. And was like "if you need or have any questions please don't hesitate to ask me hun". They went on and Vel accidentally mentioned it mid convo to Val and Vox a few weeks later, and Vox and Val were freaking out like "she asked for what?", "you gave them to her?" And Vels like "would you rather her not use them and get pregnant". Vox and Val are just straight panicking like "she's to young for that" and Val's like "she didn't even come to me she went to Vel I literally own the biggest porn industry in hell why wouldn't she come to me?" And yes I was in a coffee shop when I first came up with it that's why I said can I order idk that seem self explanatory or maybe not what ever have a amazing day loves ♡
Ah!! Yes, another fun one! Enjoy!!!!!!!!
Velvette stood in the mess of fabric, threads, models and chaos. Around her, the smell of fabric softener, tobacco and perfume, all blended together to make a head splitting scent. From across the studio, she watched reader slowly make her way across the studio. Her Aunt senses kicked in and she shooed her models away as reader walked towards her. 
“Hey sweetheart, how are you?” she asked with her hands on her hops. “You look like you’ve had a rough go of it.”
“Auntie Vel? You know how you said I can always talk to you? Can we talk?” She asked quietly. 
“Of course, of course. Come, come. To my office.” Velvette pushed through the crowd, barked an order and her employees dispersed. Once inside, reader settled on the couch and Velvette closed the door.
“Spit it out sweetheart, you look miserable. What’s wrong?” She asked. 
“Aunt Vel, do you know what a condom is? And can I have one?” Reader’s cheeks turned pink with embarrassment. 
Velvette didn’t blink at the request. “Sure. Go into my room, bedside drawer. I have a whole bunch you can choose from. Flavored ones, too.” 
Velvette didn’t think her niece's face could get any redder. 
“Flavored ones? What would I need those for?” She asked in confusion. “Don’t they just…go on my…”
The headache multiplied. Surly, she couldn’t have made it this far being Valentino’s daughter without knowing the basics of safe sex? Or not- after all, Valentino could be accused of being teeny bit overprotective of his baby princessa.
“No, no. Sweetheart, has your Daddy taught you how to use a condom? Or even what they’re for?” Velvette asked as he bit back her frustration. 
Reader flushed a deeper shade of crimson and shook her head as she gazed down. “No, but there is a guy at my school and I really like him and I just…”
Velvette held up her hand and made a mental note to yell at Valentino later. “You don’t need to tell me why you need them. I just want to make sure you know how to use them properly.” She stood up and cross the room at record speed. “You wait here. Don’t move.” 
One banana, a bright pink practice dildo and a detailed explanation later, Velvette watched her niece skip off with confidence and reassurance. While she was demonstrating, reader spilled all the details about her upcoming date that night. She wasn’t sure if they would sleep together, she admitted, but she wanted to be prepared just in case. Velvette was proud of her for making that decision, and reassured her that if she needed more or had questions she could always come to her- no questions asked. 
On the flip side, she was livid. Her father was Valentino- the overlord of sex, drugs and depravity; and the resident demon of the night. How could he have possibly kept his daughter so in the dark that she had to learn about this shit from her friends at school? She bit back her frustration as she dove back into work. She needed to have a conversation with them at some point. And her mother too, at that. 
Unfortunately for Velvette, with the ever growing schedule at her fingertips that opportunity to slip into conversation consistently vanished. On the other hand, her sweet niece made it a point to drop by her Auntie Vevelttes whenever she needed a refill- or simply to fill her in on her dating life. Which only reassured Velvttee she had made the correct decision. 
Her chance came a month or so later, as the three of them sat around the dinner table at one of their favorite restaurants. 
“So, baby girl is out on another date?” Vox asked. “She gets more and more like her father every day.”
Valentino snorted. “As if my niñita would be anything like me. My sweet bebita doesn’t even know what sex is. She’s kissing and giggling and holding hands at the movies. It’s cute, honestly.” He took a sip of his wine. 
Velvette choked on her drink. “Valentino, are you for real?”
Both boys turned to look at her. 
“What do you mean, Vel?” Valentino asked sharply. 
She snorted, “Val, she asked me for condoms weeks ago. I gave her a lesson, a handful, and sent her on her way.”
Valentino dropped his glass, red liquid and shards scattered all over the floor. He pushed away the demon waiter who rushed over.
. “She asked you for what now?” He squeaked. “You did what?” 
Vox looked at her in a mix of horror and disgust. “You gave them to her!?” 
“Why would you do that without consulting me first?” Valentino snarled as he stood up and slammed his hands on the table. “She’s too young for that shit! What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“Yeah, Vel. She’s just a baby, how could you?” Vox demanded. “You’re corrupting her!” 
Velvette rolled her eyes. “Me?! She’s sixteen! She learned about them at school, thanks to your fucking delusions and refusal to acknowlege she’s growing up!” She leaned back and ignored the look of fury on their faces. “Tell me, would you rather she be safe, or not use them and end up pregnant?”
That seemed to resonate with both the boys. Slowly, Valentino lowered himself back down and Vox took a deep drink from his glass. 
“I need to have the talk with her, don’t I?” Valentino asked quietly as he put his head in his hands. An insulted look flitted across his face and he sat up straight, “god damn it, I own the biggest porn industry in hell! Why would she go to you and not me?” 
“Because the words ‘Porn’ and ‘Daddy’ only go together when you’re not related,” Velvette replied sarcastically, “As for the talk, I’d prefer it if you didn’t, I got it covered, Val- and she’s not only been coming to me for condoms, she’s been telling me about all the dates she’s been going on. Now tell me, do you really think if you go to her now she’s going to keep telling me shit? I think the fuck not.” Velvette stood up and wagged  her finger at them both. “So no, Valentino. And you too, Vox. Stay out of it unless she comes to you first. Understood?” She took another drink of her wine and sat back down. “Don’t fuck this up. I’m a goddamn good Aunt.”
“That I don’t disagree with,” Valentino sighed as the waiter pressed a fresh glass into his hand. “But promise me you’ll keep her safe?”
“Is that not what I’m doing now? Don’t fucking push it, Valentino. I’m still pissed you waited this long,” Velvette shot back as she glanced down at her menu. “Now shut up,  hurry up, and order. I want to beat Reader home in case she needs a little Auntie time.”
There were not many beings in this universe that could shut up Vox and Valentino, but Velvette was definitely one of them.
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darkwolf989 · 15 days
Hi, I don't know how busy you are with requests and I don't want to overload you but if you felt up to it, would you consider part 3 to Lucifer's eldest daughter?
Part Three is posted! You're not overloading me ever <3 I simply need to make sure I love what I write before I post it and balance being a functioning human! <3 Please leave comments and let me know what you think!
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darkwolf989 · 15 days
Could I request a second part of Lucifer's oldest daughter. I gotta know more about what happens after Zestial finds her!!!
Hi there! Part Three is up! Let me know if you want me to continue/thoughts on the shift in perspective!
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