alwayzraven · 30 minutes
Kardeşlerim Ep 132 - FINALE
After the uni entrance exam, they did a 3 week time jump to results day. Aybike got into law school and Berk got into business school and they both got into the same university 🥳 Sometimes universities have different departments so I guess that makes sense. Ayla was so happy for Aybike and congratulated her.
Two days later, Susom tried to get married but they couldn’t. Oglucan took them somewhere to take pictures and their car got stuck in the mud and then the tractor that picked them up also broke down. Then they tried to get married again a couple of years later and Sarp and Omer fought with someone on their way to Susen’s house and ended up at the police station. A couple of years later, after they finished uni, they tried to get married again, this time Aybike and Berk came with Omer to pick Susen up. Aybike was pregnant and just when they were about to leave for city hall, Aybike screamed and said that she was giving birth.
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Everyone panicked, Omer told them:”DO NOT PANIC” while he was panicking himself 😂
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Berk looked like he was the one giving birth. Susen told Aybike:”DO NOT GIVE BIRTH RIGHT NOW” as if she can control it 😂 Berk threw himself in the backseat and told Omer to drive. He was hyperventilating and telling Aybike to breathe while also screaming:”I am becoming a dad!!!”. 
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When they got to the hospital, Aybike was screaming at Berk to not go anywhere, He told her that he loves her and that he was going to wait for her.
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After a long wait the doctor came out and Berk asked her if everything was okay and if it was a girl or a boy. He told her that he and Aybike chose not to find out about the gender of their child. The doctor told Berk that Aybike and the “babies” were okay. Berk was confused. The doctor told him that Aybike gave birth to twin boys.
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Berk was overjoyed and screaming that he became a father of twins. Oglucan was crying and saying that he became an uncle (dayı oldum).  This scene was so WHOLESOME ❤️
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Then, there was another time jump (probably a year later). The twins were playing with Berk and Aybike was getting ready to go to court.
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Berk told her that she is going to win the lawsuit. AND THEN THEY KISSED! THEY ACTUALLY KISSED 😭😭
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OKAY here is what happened. I was in the kitchen making dinner during the commercial break and then the show came back and I was still making dinner but I had my headphones on so I was listening to the episode and then they showed this scene and I heard the sound of a kiss but having watched 4 seasons of this show I assumed it was a cheek kiss and I didn’t pay much attention to it and then when I came back to watch, they had already moved on to another scene. I didn’t check twitter or ig so I didn’t see ppl losing their shit about the kiss scene and then @ksjiuvrs commented :”did you see the kiss scene” and I thought why would she ask me that if it was a regular cheek kiss scene and then I thought”did they 🤔??? No, that’s impossible…….but let me check anyway just to be sure” and then I saw it all over twitter. I could not believe it. I still can’t believe it! ppl have been asking for this kiss scene since S1. They caught us by surprise, no one was expecting this 😭
Okay back to the episode.
Aybike asked Berk if he was going to be able to take care of the twins while she was gone or if she should take them to Ayten. Berk told her that he can take care of these two cuties and he can even take care of five cuties. He meant he wants more children in case it wasn’t clear 😂 He told her that if she doesn’t believe him, they should make more. Aybike was preparing to leave and Berk picked up the twins and told them to wish their mother good luck and to tell her that they want more siblings 😂
Berk had a business call and the twins were crying so he couldn’t focus. After the call ended, he told his assistant to postpone a meeting he had tomorrow because Aybike had a meeting and he had to take care of the twins. Berk kept his promise. He said he was going to put his kids first and that’s what he did ❤️ Aybike and the kids were his priority. He supported Aybike so she can work without having to worry about the kids. We love a supportive partner 💚 Their relationship is the healthiest one on this show 🥺
Omer and Emel finally moved out of the chicken coop. Omer bought a house. Oglucan and Aybike bought a house for Orhan and Ayten which was close to Omer’s house. Aybike thanked her father for taking care of them despite the rough times they went through and she thanked Ayten for treating them like her children. Berk was with her. He didn’t say a word but he was proud of her as always.
Susen and Omer were finally getting married for real this time. Berk was with the twins and Aybike was helping Susen get ready. Yasmin came to play with the twins and then asked Berk about the girls. He told her that they were in the room (with Susen) and he couldn’t go in there. He asked Yasmin if she could tell Aybike something for him and Yasmin said:”What do you want me to tell her”
Berk:”That I love her very much”
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Yasmin smiled and said:”okay I will tell her, ask adam(man in love)”
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After the wedding, the group went to the beach and made a bonfire. Oglucan asked Tolga if he was staying. Tolga told him that he missed all of them and that he doesn’t know what he missed when he was traveling the word. Berk told him that he didn’t miss anything. Tolga told him that he didn’t have kids when he left and now he has two. Berk told him that this was only the beginning. Aybike told him that she doesn’t understand how two kids weren’t enough for him. Aybike said that they are always running after the twins and taking care of them is tiring. Berk said that he is okay with that. This man is dead set on having a football team of children 😂
In the end, Akif decided that he was going to confess all of his crimes to the police (Veli’s death, Resul’s death, how he framed Kadir…..). Honestly, the list is so long I don’t remember everything he did. The police didn’t take him seriously and they told him to provide them with proof so he whipped out that cursed usb. I don’t know if it has more than one video on it but apparently it was enough to land him in jail. There was one secret that wasn’t revealed in the end which was Leyla’s death. It's so sad that after all of those deaths, this is how they chose to deal with the main plot of the show.
This episode felt like a dream. I’ve always wished to see married Ayber scenes and a kiss scene and we got everything in this one episode. I am satisfied with the ending despite everything. Of course, there is always room for improvement but I think the writers did what they could, especially since they didn’t have enough time. Ayber will always live rent free in my mind. They hold a special place in my heart and they are my all time favorite ship ❤️ I wish Melis and Recep all the best in their careers and I will be keeping an eye on their future projects 🫶🫶
Ayber brought me to this show after I watched an edit of them on YouTube. I have never imagined that I would write “recaps” of a tv show after each episode airs but I wrote +100 recaps of Kardeslerim episodes. I would like to thank every single one of you on this site who read my recaps, sent an ask or commented their opinion about Ayber ❤️❤️ I had so much fun discussing everything related to Ayber with you and this blog will always be an Ayber blog 🥰 
Now, if anyone is looking for me, I will be camped at the 3 second Ayber kiss scene 🏕️ That’s where I live now. Thank you and good night!
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alwayzraven · 2 hours
The only thing I wanted but didn't get was Ayla and elif with twins
same, I wanted to see Ayla with her grandchildren 🥺 I wish we saw her with them at the Omer's house bc they were there before the party started.
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alwayzraven · 2 hours
did anyone notice how 80% of the scenes in the final episodes were about the "young characters" storylines instead of Akif/Nebehat and Orhan/Ayten scenes?
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alwayzraven · 3 hours
Anyone remembers Berk's imaginary friend/cat Cango??
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alwayzraven · 3 hours
So Berk became a business men only then why did they mention psychology???
The only explanation I can find is that they simply forgot. They forgot about a lot of things they wrote on this show. The writers don't watch their show.
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alwayzraven · 4 hours
okay now imagine all of them actually suffered a bus accident and all of the things we watched today were basically their collective dreams 😭 NVM I think that'd have been funny
I honestly was thinking the same thing today. What if this is not real? what if it's Emel dreaming or imagining those things and they are all dead? Thankfully that wasn't the case 😂 This show made me so paranoid 😂
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alwayzraven · 4 hours
Berk's Turkish accent is so cute😘.......it was my first time hearing him speaking English. And him wearing shorts while on a meeting was a deja vu moment for me(lockdown)
I was surprised too to hear him speak in English. He looked so ridiculous with those shirts but we all have tried that before 😂😂
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alwayzraven · 4 hours
So omer will never get to know about how his parents died......none of my concern........ AyBer got a happy ending, AyBer got a kiss, AyBer became parents that's a lot to get from this stupid show although I wanted to see them getting married but I won't complain anymore
No I think Omer knows. The police must've notified him when Akif got arrested. Akif asked Nebehat before he went to prison if Omer will forgive him one day and she nodded.
Honestly, I am satisfied too. I didn't expect to get this much Ayber scenes from the last episode ❤️
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alwayzraven · 4 hours
Why didn't they upload the scene were AyBer kissed😫😫
Even in the finale they disappointed us😤
just watch the episode 😂 They usually upload random scenes...
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alwayzraven · 4 hours
What stories are AyBer gonna tell there twins? 🤔
How Berk bullied thier uncles and hospitalized their grandpa OR How Aybike beat the shit of their father every time he tried to drag her and their baba was like this is the girl I was looking for who will roast me day and night
Just imagine one of the twin is just like S1 Berk (not the evilness but the mischievous and naughtiness)
Jr.Kızıl Şeytan/Vampir 😈
He will definitely tell them how she beat him up 😂 He will tell them about their days at Attaman school and what they went through 🥰 one of the twins will take after his dad and the other will take after his mom. One will be mischievous while the other one will break so many hearts 😂
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alwayzraven · 4 hours
and that was it ❤️
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alwayzraven · 4 hours
I love how most of the cast is showing everyone in their goodbye posts and then you have Recep, who is posting about Melis and only her! 😂
I will miss the their biggest support system that RecMel are for each other! 😭😭
I will miss them and their 🔥 on-screen chemistry ❤️ They gave us the best tv show ship 🥰 I wish them nothing but the best 🫶🫶
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alwayzraven · 4 hours
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we waited 4 whole seasons for that 3 sec kiss scene 😭 I stopped hoping for a kiss scene a long time ago, it was so unexpected 😭
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alwayzraven · 4 hours
So everyone on the show died for nothing 🙆🙆🙆🙆🙆
Exactly 😬😬 and all that drama was for nothing too.
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alwayzraven · 4 hours
Thank God Ogulcan stoped intrupting AyBer otherwise the twins won't exists only 🤭
I am wondering what happened during AyBer wedding night did ogulcan irritated them?🤔........ that would have been fun to watch
Berk knows how to deal with him now. Berk probably kicked him out after the wedding party ended 😂
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alwayzraven · 4 hours
Berk getting confused and speaking to his children in English instead of Turkish while on a business call was so funny 😂
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alwayzraven · 4 hours
I’m sorry but YasTol and Elcan not being endgame and Married when SusOm and Ayber are IS BEYOND REALISTIC!! Not all Highschool sweethearts need to be happy , together and married in future! Likes it’s so rare so it wouldn’t have been realistic! Plus Ogulcan and Tolga both had many love interest while SusOm and Ayber didn’t! Berk only had Melissa , then Omer had Ayse , then susen had kaan also kadir but those were just small temporary crushes! While for Tolga and Ogulcan they both had many actual relationships before Yasmin and Elif! So yea I think the ending makes sense!
Tolga and Yasmin will get back together. They both didn't date anyone after they broke up. I am sad to see that Oglucan and Elif broke up 😭 but they seemed happy unlike Tolga and Yasmin. I hoped everyone would be happy in the end and that's what happened so I am satisfied with this ending despite everything.
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