6esiree · 6 hours
How They React To Your Thong Straps Showing
Imagine you wear a Y2K inspired outfit, thong and all, and you decide to show it off to Alastor/Lucifer/Husk/Vox/Adam?
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Who doesn’t love some Y2K inspired clothing, baby tee, low-rise jeans, thong straps and all? Apparently Alastor. For someone who dressed so conservatively, you should have anticipated his reaction, his head snapping at an unnatural speed as you excitedly descended the stairs in an outfit that was absolutely scandalous to his standards. Before you could even think about approaching the man, Alastor manifested in front of you, a tight smile on his face.
“My dear, what are you,” Alastor coughs in between his question, his eyes frantically scouring your lower half, “…wearing?”
Your breath hitched as Alastor planted his chest against your back, his hands running tentatively down your sides, assessing the thin, lacey strap’s that clung over your hipbones between his thumb and his forefinger. He lifted the material, clicking his teeth in what you believed to be disapproval when he traced it to your backside.
“It’s just a new style—” You started, but then Alastor let go of the straps, interrupting yourself with a squeak as it snapped at your skin.
“How dare you showcase my favorite pair of lingerie in such a crude, outward display?” Alastor whispered to you, his breath tickling your ear. “What did I do to deserve such a punishment, hm?”
Alastor had interpreted your excitement to follow along a harmless trend as a strange form of punishment, and there was nothing you could say or do to convince him otherwise. You sighed in defeat, reaching behind you to unfasten his coat, too lazy to go upstairs and change. To say that Alastor was pleased was an understatement, unable to handle the thought of anybody seeing you in such an outfit.
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When Lucifer’s immersed in something, he tends to lock himself away in his office and ignore you. So, in an effort to get his attention, you decided to go out and buy some Y2K inspired clothing, which consisted of a tank top, a push-up bra, low-rise shorts, and of course, a cute thong. As soon as you got home, you put them on, barging into the man’s office and scaring him as the door slammed behind you.
“Damnit, I just—honey, I’m so sorry, but unless you have something important to say,” Lucifer started as he turned around, a deformed rubber duck in his hand, “You’re going to have to—oh my fuck.”
The rubber duck in Lucifer’s hand ceased to exist the moment his eyes landed on your form. Feeling rather triumphant, you did a little spin, allowing him to see your outfit from every angle. The man was practically frozen to his chair, but his stare never abandoned the curve of your breasts, or the way the thong straps tightly clung over your hipbones, squeezing your soft skin.
“Are you…going somewhere?” Lucifer asked you when he finally snapped out of the trance you had put him in.
“No, I’m not,” You said, a sigh of relief escaping his throat. “But maybe I should, huh? You’re so busy and I’d love to try out my new—“
“Wait, what? No!” Lucifer shot up from his chair, panicking. “I mean, how about we go out together? Don’t want you going out all alone dressed like…this.”
You arched a brow at Lucifer, his arms wrapping around you as he planted his chin on your chest, looking up at you with a nervous expression. “Hm, yeah, I’d like that,” You said, chuckling as his grip on you loosened, hands falling down to unashamedly caress your hips. Lucifer’s thumbs moved under your thong straps, goosebumps littering your skin at the act. Yeah, you’d definitely be doing that more often.
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You never really got into the Y2K clothing trend, but tonight you were going to go out to a club. Besides the thong, Angel decided to lend you something nice to wear, nervousness blooming in your chest as you wondered how Husk would react to you in a tube top and torn, low-rise jeans, the elastic straps of your thong tightly clinging to your hipbones. It was just so…revealing, and you quickly figured out that the old man felt the same way when you stopped by the parlor to show him.
“Hey, doll, I don’t mean to state the obvious but…” Husk stuttered from his seat on the couch, his eyes looking everywhere but at you. “Your, uh, underwear is kinda showin’.”
“Oh! Yeah, I know. It’s the style,” You said, turning around and showing him your backside. “Do you like it?”
Apparently, the straps on the side were fine, but the whale tail? Nope. Husk immediately stood up from the couch, a gasp escaping your throat as he wrapped his wings around your body, all while his fingers hooked onto the belt loops of your jeans. “Husk, they can’t go up any higher!” You squeaked, your crotch screaming for help as he tried to pull them up, the denim unforgiving.
“Well, ya can’t go out like this,” Husk practically whined, his hands moving up to your sides. “Christ, I won’t be able to focus on anythin’ else but this skimpy lil’ thing ya got on.”
Husk proceeded to grab your thong straps, tucking them into the safe confines of your jeans. His cheeks flushed in embarrassment when you turned around to glare at him. “Come on, babydoll, I’m beggin’ ya,” He said, tucking his nose into the crook of your neck, looking up at you with those big yellow eyes of his. You had never seen Husk act like this, so you said, ‘Fine,’ chuckling when he purred in response.
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While Vox worked away in his office for most of the day, you found creative ways to distract yourself. This time around, you sought out Velvette, asking her to dress you like one of her models in the latest trend: the Y2K style. She rolled her eyes before snapping her fingers, only stopping when she said, ‘Ah, there’s the one!’ You were so excited with the outcome that you decided to bother Vox for once—that and the fact that Velvette had shooed you away.
“Sweetheart, I have a meeting in exactly 10 minutes,” Vox said as he let you in, the smoothness of his voice allowing him to hide his annoyance. “What is it that you need that couldn’t wait?”
The man casually set down his coffee mug on his desk, unprepared for the sight of you in an off the shoulder top, low-rise shorts, and—wait, what was the thin material on your sides? You patiently stood before Vox with your hands as he leaned forward in his chair, his eyes widening when he figured out that it was your thong straps. A wicked smile slowly took over his face, glad that you had interrupted him in such a pleasant way.
“Why won’t you let me get a closer look, hm?” Vox hummed, leaning back into his chair and patting his thigh, inviting you to sit on his lap.
“Sorry for coming into your office during work hours,” You said as you lowered yourself on his lap, giggling as his hands immediately went to your sides.
“No, no—I’m glad you did,” Vox said, placing a tender kiss on your shoulder. “You look absolutely ravishing, sweetheart.”
You sighed as he toyed with the straps on your hips, his fingers moving underneath the thin material, admiring the lacey fabric. Vox didn’t do anything past that, however, the meeting he had to attend less than 5 minutes away now. “Fuck, I have to get going,” He told you, but he promised to see you as soon as it was over with, leaving the rest of his workload to his assistants. A small part of you felt bad for them, but you couldn’t wait to see Vox earlier than usual.
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If anybody appreciated skimpy clothing, it was Adam. While the way you dressed around him was more casual and therefore less revealing, you decided to surprise him during one of your little meetings, sitting patiently on the edge of your bed wearing a halter top and low-rise shorts, the straps of your thong obscured by your hands. When Adam welcomed himself through your window, that was when you stood up, moving your arms to the side.
“Hey, babe, how’s it—holy shit, what are you wearing?” Adam said, reaching up to remove his mask to see you better. “Fuck me, is that…? No—yes?”
You bit your lip as Adam seized your hips, maneuvering you with little to no effort, his eyes frantically taking in the sight of you. You looked up at him through your lashes, observing how his throat bobbed in anticipation, especially as he rolled the thin straps between his thumb and his forefinger. To say that you were delighted by Adam’s reaction was an understatement.
“Do you like it?” You asked him, gasping when you were suddenly tossed onto the mattress. “It’s uh, Y2K inspired, new trend of clothing down here in Hell.”
“Like it? I fucking love it, baby,” Adam said, leaning down to capture your lips in a searing kiss, his hands unbuttoning your shorts. “Everything else can come off—except for the thong, gonna fuck you in it.”
Adam’s wings excitedly flapped behind him as you lifted your hips, allowing him to remove your shorts with ease. Hearing the way he groaned was just heavenly. “Mind if I spend the night?” He suddenly asked, your breath hitching in surprise. “You can do that?” Adam shrugged, mumbling his classic, ‘I’m the first man alive,’ basically telling you that he’d find a way to explain his absence from Heaven. You rolled your eyes before nodding, already thinking about what to wear next month.
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6esiree · 2 days
i just wanna say that ur gen z reader fic is absolutely amazing, i love reading over and over again bc husk is my favourite character, and me being gen z myself is making it better 💞
Husk was the first character I fell in love with!! Maybe it’s the daddy issues speaking but it’s just ugh, idk, I love everything about him, especially his voice. It’s so deep and rich and I would fucking melt if he whispered in my ear.
I also love how much of a grump he is. Ik if Husk had a partner that was Gen Z, he’d be smiling a lot more bc they would be a ray of sunshine in the dark, depressing world that is Hell.
- Making a Sinstagram for Husk. He only follows you and that’s it, ignoring everybody else when they start pestering him about him not following them back.
- The only time Husk opens the app is to look through the billion posts you sent him throughout the day, and even then you have to beg him to do so.
“Please watch them,” You say, Husk sighing in defeat when you pout.
“Fine—better be somethin’ funny.”
- Husk goes through all the videos you sent him with a straight face, but that’s only because he doesn’t understand Gen Z humor.
- Plus, all you do is send him cat or hamster posts with the caption “You and Me, Always Forever,” the only time he reacts to something you sent him being this:
- You’re just swinging your legs and giggling as a blush creeps up Husk’s neck. He watches it again to make sure that he hadn’t imagined the “🫵” LOLLL.
“Christ,” Husk shakes his head, putting his phone down.
“It’s my way of saying I love you.”
- Telling him the most random, out of pocket shit you can think of. It either makes him laugh or he looks at you in horror—there is no in between.
“Come over here and kiss me on my hot mouth, I’m feeling romantical,” You tell him, leaning over the counter.
- Husk recoils, and he doesn’t know whether to laugh or be embarrassed.
- Angel heard what you said to him and he’s down on the ground on his knees, holding his stomach and busting his ass off.
“So is that a no?”
- Husk massages his temples, resuming his work as if you had never asked him that.
- Wearing Y2K inspired clothing. You come down to the bar one day wearing a baby tee, lowrise jeans, and the strings of your thong showing on the sides.
- Husk immediately notices this, his mouth falling open as he spots the black strings hugging the sides of your waist.
“Hey, doll, I don’t mean to be…ya know,” Husk stuttered, approaching you from behind, his hands covering your sides. “You’re, uh, underwear is kinda showin’.”
“Oh, it’s the style! Do you like it?”
- The man blinks, wrapping his wings around you, pretending to give you a hug as the rest of the hotel’s residents come down.
“Christ, are ya tryin’ to get me hard?”
“Fine, I’ll go change then.”
(I will probably do this prompt with the rest of the characters btw 😼)
- Making Husk play Roblox with you. He thinks it’s stupid but as he lays his chin on your shoulder, watching you fail horribly at such a simple game, he decides to try it out.
- You’re actually trying to play an obby, which isn’t that hard. You just kept underestimating how far you jumped.
- Husk ends up giving up because he doesn’t really play games, especially on his phone. Plus, his own fingers keep getting in the way.
“I told you it’s not that easy—“
“It’s my fatass fuckin’ fingers!” Husk insists, his eyes glued to his phone, back slouching and all.
- Telling Husk “Nuh-uh.” He asks you to do a favor for him, but you decide to fuck with him first because you can.
“Nuh uh,” You say, watching his brows knit in confusion.
“What do ya mean, ‘Nuh uh,’” Husk repeats, “The fuck is that?”
“Nuh uh.”
“Come over here—“ Husk says, starting towards you, looking pissed off.
Anyway, that’s all my mind could come up with rn. I actually wrote sm the first time I saw your message, but tumblr just never uploaded it? I think it’s cuz I tried to refresh the app while my wifi was acting up 🗿 but yeah! I love Husk, and I also love imagining saying or doing the most random shit cuz it’s fun trying to predict how he’d respond LOL.
But TYSM FOR THAT!!! <33 and I’m so sorry for responding hella late. I’m not the biggest fan ofy first fics but I’m not taking them down cuz ik some of y’all love them.
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6esiree · 3 days
I just wanted to let you know I love your writing even if I don’t interact with a lot of your posts ❤️❤️ I hate publicly showing my love for fanfics in case people I know see it >.<
That’s so sweet of you, thank you <33 Even if they’re anon they still mean sm to me!!
Also, I’m glad that I don’t have to worry about anyone I know finding me. I’m not embarrassed over what I like but I mean, if I was in ur position… yeah, I understand you. Some of the stuff I write is interesting LOL
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6esiree · 4 days
A Homemade Porn Video
Imagine you have an OnlyFans and you ask Alastor/Lucifer/Husk/Vox/Adam if they want to do a porn video with you?
When you approached Alastor with this question, he blinked, unsure whether he had heard you correctly. He’s a very private individual, so the mere thought of the two of you being recorded while doing something intimate for others to watch irked him. Alastor was also certain that he’d lose respect as an overlord if word got out that he was participating in adult films—in short, the answer to your question was an easy no.
“Nobody will know it’s you, I promise,” You said, grabbing his hands and pulling him in for an embrace, looking up at him with a pout. “Please, Al? I’ll do anything.”
Alastor was about to shake his head, but when you said that, he hummed, a wicked smile on his face as he considered your offer.
“Hmm, anything, you say?”
Alastor wouldn’t make you do anything that would put you in harm’s way, however, if he needed a favor in the future, he knew that he could count on you. That is what he reminded himself as he pressed the live button on your phone, capturing the way his cock slid in and out of your cunt. He kept his mouth perfectly shut while you unashamedly tossed your head back against the pillow, making all sorts of pretty sounds for your viewers instead of him.
Alastor felt jealousy stir in his chest as message after message poured in from all the nasty, horny sinners watching your cunt flutter around his cock, but he used it as motivation to make you cum. He focused the camera on your face as he leaned in and plunged into you in a new position, his free hand slithering up your thigh to massage your clit, the head of his cock hitting that velvety spot inside of you.
Your viewers were disappointed, and that gratified Alastor, but only for a bit. As you came, the man’s hand and his thrusts never letting up, you whined, clearly overstimulated. ‘Fuck, fuck, fuck,’ You chanted, tears welling up in your eyes as your body shook underneath him. Yeah, Alastor was definitely going to offer to support you financially after that, the last message he saw on your phone about some random wanting to ‘meet up’ making him shatter your phone in disgust.
The video wasn’t lost, however, Alastor rolling his eyes with his arms crossed in front of his chest as you named it right next to him.
“Pussy So Good That He Broke My Phone.”
To say that Lucifer was flustered when you approached him with this question was a severe understatement. You wanted to do what with him? Record the two of you doing something…intimate for others to watch? Yeah, he was the King of Hell, and he could do anything that his heart desired, but he still had a reputation to uphold. You had to assure him that nobody would know that it was him behind the camera to get him to accept, so long as he kept his mouth shut, of course.
“If it’ll make my darling happy then, sure, why not?” Lucifer said, feeling nervous but also slightly excited as you approached him.
“Just because of that, I’ll let you choose what we do,” You said, grabbing his chin and gently lifting it so he could look up at you.
“I, uh—are you sure?” Lucifer squeaked.
You nodded with a ‘mhm,’ your eyes flitting downwards to see how he nervously wrung his hands in front of his pants.
“Get on your knees…please?”
Lucifer shakily held your phone above his stomach, secretly afraid that he’d switch the camera’s perspective as your mouth eagerly swallowed his cock, streaks of cum cascading down your face. You brought your head back, your hand wrapping around the base while your tongue sloppily kissed the head of his cock. Lucifer couldn’t help but softly curse, carding his fingers through your hair with his free hand, tugging at you to slow down so he wouldn’t come prematurely.
The way you looked up at him through your lashes, teary-eyed, flushed cheeks, swollen lips and all made him push your head back onto his cock, however, a choked sound escaping your throat as your nose met his pelvis. Lucifer decided that he would subscribe to your channel later on, wanting to revisit how the head of his cock peeked through your cheek while you sucked him off, or how your mouth fell open when he finally came, swallowing every drop of cum he had to offer with the corner of your lips curved upwards.
Lucifer is horrified when he finds your video, though, the name making his cheeks flush in embarrassment.
“Big Dick In Charge Gives Me A Facial.”
Approaching Husk with this question was a bit of a nerve-wracking experience, especially because you couldn’t easily predict his response. The man was reserved, but he’d also done some…questionable things in his past. That’s why when Husk shrugged and said ‘Why not?’ you weren’t all that surprised, at least not until he told you that he didn’t care about preserving his identity because he had nothing to lose.
“What d’ya want me to do, doll?” Husk asked, answering him by motioning towards the loveseat in the corner of your room.
“Take a seat over here and make yourself comfortable,” You said with a smile, watching him do just that.
You placed your phone on the coffee table in the center, using an adjustable stand to angle it in a way that would only show your lower halves. You took a seat on Husk’s lap, your back against his chest as you lifted up your skirt and slowly spread your legs for the camera to see, whispering ‘Touch me,’ to him. Husk obliged, his fingers pulling your underwear to the side, exposing your cunt to the cold air. You moaned as he massaged your clit, feeling him poke your ass from the confines of his pants.
Husk didn’t free himself, however, his other hand going around your waist, unbuttoning your shirt to fondle your breasts. He felt rather powerful as you writhed on his lap, your juices staining his crotch as he kept denying your orgasm. Nobody else could have you like this, so he hoped you’d incorporate him in your future videos to remind your viewers of that. For now, Husk decided to indulge in your pleas while he toyed with your cunt, his mouth latching onto your neck as he plunged two fingers into your hole.
Out of curiosity, Husk asked you what you named your video, his ears falling flat against his head with a groan when you told him.
“Old Man Plays With My Kitty.”
Image—that’s what Vox valued the most, and everybody knew that. That’s why when you approached him with this question, you weren’t surprised when he told you no, turning his back to you as he resumed whatever he was previously doing. You pretended to head towards the elevator, mumbling something about asking Valentino to help you instead, Vox immediately materializing in front of you with a ‘I changed my mind.’
“I’ll do it, so long as no recognizable part of me comes out,” Vox said, staring down at you as he rounded you. “Not even my hands can come out, sweetheart. Everybody knows who I am.”
“Fine, just…stand behind me,” You instructed him, the camera zoomed in on you.
“Like this?” Vox said, unbuckling his belt and undoing his pants when you nodded.
Vox held onto your hips with a tight grip, your legs closed shut as his cock slid between your folds from behind. He was struggling to stay quiet, used to dirty talking with you when he was making you feel good. At least your moans gave you away, he thought as the head of his cock purposely missed your hole, massaging your clit instead. Vox had never done this before, and as good as it felt gliding through your wetness, he could tell you weren’t getting much out of it.
Your viewers were enjoying watching you get teased, though, all sorts of degrading names directed at you flooding the chat. Oh, did that piss off Vox. He suddenly kicked your legs open, thrusting up into you without any warning. You let out a cry, feeling relieved but also confused, especially because everybody would recognize his clothes. But Vox would deal with that later, too busy listening to your cunt squelch as he fucked you at a relentless pace.
When Vox got on his monitors after that, preparing to hypnotize whoever watched your video, he started choking on his coffee.
“Watch Me Get Fucked From Behind—A Video You’ll Probably Forget.”
For someone who loved having sex, everywhere and anywhere and in whatever position imaginable, Adam was a stuttering mess when you approached him with this question. To be fair, it’s an entirely different thing to record yourself doing something intimate for many to see, so you had to assure him that nobody would find out who he was, in Heaven or in Hell, taking into account the fact that he always wore his mask.
“I’ve fucked, like, a shit ton of people before you, babe,” Adam said as he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. “You don’t think they’ll recognize my dick?”
“Yeah, uh, I kind of doubt that but…” You started, backing up until the back of your knees hit the bed. “Maybe you could eat me out? Most people are used to seeing you with your mask on, so…yeah.”
Adam was also used to being on the receiving end, but he eventually shrugged, taking off his mask before pushing you down. “Only your mouth comes out—it’s a closeup,” You told him when he shot the phone next to his face a suspicious look. He mumbled ‘Yeah, yeah,’ a sigh escaping your throat as he kissed you through your panties, teasing you almost in revenge for making him get on his knees. Adam secretly enjoyed it, however, the wetness he was greeted by when he moved the lacey fabric aside serving to boost his ego.
The man had you panting in no time, his tongue fluttering against your clit as a mixture of his saliva and your juices dribbled down his chin. His fingers worked away at your cunt, too, relentlessly massaging that velvety spot inside of you. Adam almost cursed when you suddenly pulled his head back by his hair, the look of confusion on his face instantly contorting into one of surprise as you convulsed around his fingers, a clear liquid cascading down your thighs.
He blinked, the disbelief evident on his features as you suddenly ended the live video, your chest heaving and your legs trembling. “I just made you squirt, babe, holy shit!” Adam said, making you laugh. You proceeded to sit up and seize his collar, encouraging him to get on top of you. “Do that again, but with your dick this time.” Of course, he did not hesitate when it came to that, straining against his robes as he noticed the mess underneath you.
Adam was content with how everything went down…until he logged into your account when you were asleep, his eyes bugging out of his head at the name of the video.
“Dickmaster? More like Pussymaster—How To Make Someone Squirt.”
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6esiree · 4 days
A Tender Moment With Husk
You sat on Husk’s lap, your legs draped over his thighs as one of his hands mindlessly toyed with the hem of your shirt, the other anxiously twitching against the dealer’s table. The minimum bet for Blackjack started at $10, and while that wasn’t a lot for him, you decided to pitch in some of your money for fun. Even if he lost, you couldn’t care less. Alastor only granted him one day off of the week, and you just wanted to spoil your old man, as you so lovingly told him.
“Christ,” Husk cursed under his breath when he was dealt a pair of eights, one of the worst hands possible.
The dealer had an ace, too, so the chances of them busting were incredibly low. Husk was well aware of that, his leg bouncing as he debated his next move. He could either split or surrender, but he ultimately chose the latter, sighing as he swiped his finger behind the bet. “I knew I shoulda played the roulette,” Husk mumbled, bitterly watching the dealer take half of his chips. “I’da felt less cheated.” You rolled your eyes, leaning in to wipe the frown off of his face with a quick kiss.
“I thought this was just for fun,” You spoke against his lips, reaching out to stroke his cheek.
“Well, it is, but ya know,” Husk said, bringing you in for another kiss, playfully biting your bottom lip before withdrawing. “One jackpot isn’t enough for a gambler like me, dollface.”
As you pulled away with an ‘Ow,’ sucking in your lip in an attempt to soothe the pain, you arched a brow at him. Jackpot? You had been sitting with Husk the entire time, the only exception being when you got up to go to the restroom, like, half an hour ago. There was no way he had hit a jackpot and not told you about it.
“Wait, what—when did that happen?” You asked, hearing the dealer groan as they continued the game.
“The day you came into my life,” Husk chuckled, affectionately patting your side with the hand that had been toying with your shirt. “Don’t ya agree?”
Your face flushed in embarrassment, immediately understanding why the dealer had reacted the way they did. Shaking your head, you grabbed one of Husk’s suspenders, pulling it back and letting it go with a ‘thwack!.’ “Ha-Ha, you’re so funny,” You said, savoring the yelp that escaped his throat when it smacked against his armpit, but only for a moment. Husk proceeded to push the rest of his chips to the dealer, scooping you up into his arms as he stood up.
“Funny? Oh, I’ll show ya funny, alright,” Husk said, turning around and making a beeline for the restroom.
“Oh my God—wait, Husk, no!” You gasped in horror, trying to wriggle out of his arms, but he was just too strong.
Before you knew it, Husk had you slack against the stall door, one leg hiked up as he entered you from behind, his nose pressed onto your shoulder. You whined, your body eagerly accommodating him. “Let everybody hear how much of a winner I am,” Husk said into your shoulder. “A high roller, yeah,” You giggled, but then he rolled his hips, shutting you up in almost an instant. You deserved it, though, and the man made sure to remind you of that with every thrust.
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6esiree · 5 days
Do you have a masterlist or am I blind
No, I don’t have one 😭 I’ve been using tumblr to read for a while, but def not to write. I’ll get started on one tho!!
Also, ima use this post to address a few things.
So, I appreciate them all sm, and ima keep them open in case one of y’all suggests something interesting/doable. I’m sorry, but I’m gonna be picking n choosing bc there are simply some things that I can’t write abt, like Valentino. Yeah, he’s gorgeous, and I LOVE his voice, but he sucks 😔 it’s hard for me to imagine that he’s capable of being loving and all that fun stuff, y’know? At least based off of what we’ve been shown so far abt him on Hazbin.
Who I write about:
Idk if y’all noticed but I def have some favorites. I’m trying my best to be fair tho, I promise!! I wanna write about the women too but I need some ideas first … I’ve literally been jotting down whatever comes to mind on my notes.
If I take a bit to post:
I usually go back and forth between whatever I’m writing, plus, I’m a uni student AND I’ll just go out on a whim when I have writer’s block.
I literally went to a casino, got myself a drink, and watched a game of Blackjack and Roulette yesterday night to help me write for Husk. Like yeah, gambling and drinking is not what he’s all about, but if I can do something that’s associated with a character my mind will go places, yk??
Anyway, I’ll probably be uploading more stuff on the shorter side. I burnt out pretty quickly with all the writing, and the last thing I wanna do is give up on this 😭 it’s actually kinda fun and I appreciate every follow, like, reblog, and especially your comments!! I read them all, whether they’re anonymous or on an actual post. They also rlly help boost my confidence and motivate me to continue writing, so please don’t shy away from sharing ur thoughts and ur expectations <3
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6esiree · 7 days
“Oh, so your fingers worked when they were inside of me last night, but today they can’t text me back?”
I saw this on Instagram and tried to imagine how my five fav Hazbin men would react if you texted them this. I whipped this up pretty quickly so sorry if it’s crap, LOL <3
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Alastor only has a phone so you can contact him whenever you need to, and he usually answers right away. But the one time he doesn’t because he’s out with Rosie, you decide to hit him up with this and he’s visibly horrified, flustered even, when he finally reads it.
“Is something the matter, Alastor?” Rosie asks, putting her teacup down as she notices the look on his face. “Oh my! Are you…blushing?”
“Excuse me for just a second,” Alastor says as he stiffly stands up, pushing his seat in and turning away, furiously typing at his phone.
“I am with Rosie. We will talk about this when I get home, understood?”
“Ok, I’ll be waiting for u <3.”
“Kiss your legs goodbye, mon chéri, because you will be unable to walk for a while.”
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Whenever you go out, you like to text Lucifer to see how he’s doing. This man answers FAST as fuck, that is why the one time he doesn’t you hit him up with this, trying to get his attention. When he finally checks his phone his heart instantly drops—I mean, what is he supposed to feel? He’s a blushing mess as he recalls what you did last night, but he’s also panicking, so he decides to call you.
“Hey, honey! I’m so, so sorry, I was in the middle of something,” Lucifer says, trying not to stutter, but you can still hear the nervousness in his voice. “My fingers work just fine, by the way, I can show you if you come back home—“
“Christ, Luci! I was just trying to get you to answer.”
“Pretty please?”
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Husk takes his sweet ass time responding to your texts, so the best way to reach him is to call him. However, it’s just one of those rare occasions where you can’t call him, that’s why you hit him up with this to try to get his attention. Husk has company at the bar, so when he finally sees your text he immediately turns his back to everybody, cursing under his breath as he tries to adjust himself through his pants.
“Oh, babydoll. Just wait until you get home,” Husk texts you back, pissed off but also slightly amused, especially when you answer him.
“Haha, ok…whatever u say old man :P.”
“You’re lucky Angel can't mind his own fucking business, otherwise I’d have something to say about that.”
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Unless he’s busy with something or he’s pissed off with you, Vox will answer your texts right away. The one time he forgets to tell you he has a meeting, you hit him up with this after trying to reach him for a while. Vox steals a glance at his phone and this is how he reacts to it in his head, his screen slightly glitching when he’s asked to put in his two cents about something because he’s flustered. As soon as the meeting is over with, though, he teleports to your room, utterly embarrassed.
“I was in a MEETING! What in the Hell were you thinking?”
“Hey, I didn’t know that, I swear!”
“Yeah, yeah, now come over here, sweetheart. I'll show you that my fingers work just fine.”
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Adam is 50/50 when it comes to answering your texts. Sometimes he’ll answer quickly, and sometimes he won’t, which can be frustrating. When you hit him up with this, it’s one of those times that he’s taking hours to see your texts, even leaving you on read when he finally opens them because his memory is shit. Adam is out with Lute, his eyes bugging out of his head when he decides to check his phone. I mean, hey, what’s up with that?
“Sir? Where are you going?” Lute asks him, watching him spread his wings, but Adam doesn’t answer, leaving before she can notice his boner.
“Hey, what the fuck is wrong with you? You gave me a boner in public, you stupid—!”
“Well, start answering your texts then, Adam! And don't you dare finish that sentence, or no sex for a week.”
“I'm so sorry, baby. I love you so much and I will answer your texts right away from now on.”
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6esiree · 7 days
More Than Just a Sugar Baby
Summary: Imagine you’re Alastor’s/Lucifer’s/Husk’s sugar baby and one of you starts to develop feelings?
Warnings: NSFW, AFAB reader, swearing, a little bit of angst if you squint? Husk is drunk, but that’s it. I wasn’t happy with Vox’s and Adam’s parts so I’ll upload those soon. MINORS, DO NOT READ!!!
Romance was not something Alastor dealt in, everybody knew that, so when a pretty little thing like you suddenly showed up at the Hazbin Hotel in search of him instead of redemption, they were…confused. Nobody dared to pry into the man’s private affairs, however, shut down by a mere stare over the shoulder as he escorted you upstairs. This continued religiously every Saturday night, your secret arrangement never escaping the confines of Alastor’s walls.
“Oh, mon chéri, why are you being so quiet?”
You sighed as Alastor placed a gentle kiss on your clit, his arms wrapping around your thighs to part your legs, which you were too shy to do yourself. “That’s better,” Alastor murmured, his tongue slithering past his teeth. “But not quite what I’m looking for.” You tossed your head back against the mattress with a cry as he licked at your clit, which is exactly what he wanted to hear.
Lick, kiss, lick, kiss—Alastor did this back and forth, relishing in every noise that escaped your throat, including the way your hips tried to wriggle away from his ministrations. You didn’t recognize the man between your legs, and truthfully, neither did Alastor, overcome by something he had worked so hard to suppress since he manifested in Hell: carnal desires.
“Is this what you wanted all along, hm?” Alastor asked you as he lapped at your cunt, making for a filthy sight.
The sexual aspect of your arrangement was new, at least when it came to you being on the receiving end, so you were afraid that if you gave Alastor a verbal response, you would tell him more than a simple ‘Yes,’ months of getting on your knees in exchange for salvation from the financial hole you had dug yourself into making you feel…certain things for him.
“Well, yes—“ You started.
“‘Well, yes?’ Do not lie to me,” Alastor interrupted you, the sound of radio static flooding your ears. “Just admit that you kept pleasuring me for something you no longer needed.”
“That’s not entirely true…” You tried again, but there was no point in lying when you had already fucked up from the beginning. “Okay, fine. I’m a liar. It’s just—I don’t want to be your sugar baby anymore, Alastor.”
“If that’s the case, then why did you continue to return to me?”
“Because I want something more.”
A foreign feeling stirred in Alastor’s chest at that, and while he didn’t know what it was, he did know that he preferred to hear what you said more to any other sound you’d made thus far. He latched onto your clit, suckling it and making you feel rewarded for your honesty. You were close, so, so close, but then Alastor brought his head up with a ‘Pop!’, any complaints you had dying on the tip of your tongue when he crawled up to you.
“Part those legs for me, won’t you, mon chéri?” Alastor told you, settling his fingers on his belt buckle as he peered down at you with a smile, his cock straining against his pants. “I will give you something more, alright.”
Nobody was aware of your arrangement with Lucifer, not even his own daughter, and he intended to keep it that way. Even when he moved into the Hazbin Hotel shortly after it was rebuilt, the man told you through the phone an hour before you were supposed to meet, “Just tell me when you’re outside, alright?” allowing him to whisk you away in secrecy, a smile on his face as you lit up at the sight of his wings.
“Fuck, please keep doing that—yeah, just like that, honey.”
Lucifer carded his fingers through your hair, a groan escaping his throat as your tongue leisurely traveled up his cock. But when you peered up at him through your lashes and gave the head a wet, sloppy kiss, the man yanked your head back, his body stiffening as an orgasm racked his body. Knowing that it was the third one of the night made your heart swell with pride.
“That was…quick,” You said, giggling when he shot you an unamused look.
Even though Lucifer didn’t mind a little teasing, he couldn’t help but wipe that smile off of your face, his tail wrapping around your waist. You yelped as he tossed you onto the space next to him, your heart pounding violently against your ribcage at the suddenness of the act. “Lucifer!” You scolded him, your face flushed in embarrassment as he hovered above you with a toothy grin.
“Aw, why’d you stop laughing?” Lucifer arched a brow at you.
You would have responded if he hadn’t trailed his hand down your shorts and past your underwear, locating your clit with ease. Lucifer chuckled as you parted your legs, your head sinking further into the pillow, but your displeasure never leaving your features. “You’re the worst,” You muttered, your eyes fluttering shut as the pads of his fingers moved up and down your folds, collecting your slick.
“Yet you keep coming back to me,” Lucifer said, leaning into your neck, staying there as he added the next part in a joking manner. “You must love me then, huh?”
You sighed, your back arching off of the mattress as he slowly sunk his fingers inside of you, stretching your walls with a delicious burn. His thumb massaged circles onto your clit, too, the combination feeling heavenly. However, you particularly enjoyed watching how Lucifer’s arm flexed as he worked away at your cunt, the way you clenched around his fingers a testament of that.
“And if I do?” You whispered, feeling his breath hitch.
Lucifer brought his head up to look at you, his hand coming to a standstill. You opened your mouth to ask him why he had stopped, but then he curled his fingers upwards, pressing against that velvety spot inside of you. “And if you do…” He said, seemingly considering your words as he fucked you with his hand, the room filled with the filthy sound of your squelching cunt. Your eyes fluttered shut with a cry—fuck, you were so close.
“Well, uh, if you do, you wouldn’t have to worry about money ever again,” Lucifer added tentatively, assuming that was what you cared about the most.
“Yeah, but…I’d also get to wake up next to you every morning,” You said, looking at him with half-lidded eyes.
Lucifer suddenly captured your lips with a kiss, swallowing your gasp of surprise. The two of you had agreed not to do that when discussing the terms of your agreement, finding the act too…intimate, reserved only for lovers. But there you were, letting each other know how you truly felt by defying one meager rule, all while his fingers continued to work away at your cunt, preparing you for the long night you were in for.
Husk lost the ability to love a long time ago—that’s what he told you when he offered to help you with your financial situation, positive that the sexual aspect of your arrangement wouldn’t affect him. But as the months passed by, he started to feel a distant ache in his chest, guilt enveloping his heart when he realized it only worsened with every visit you paid him. So, what did Husk do? He drowned himself in liquor, trying not to let his feelings get in the way.
“Shit, babydoll…ya treatin’ me s’good.”
You kissed at Husk’s neck, your hand buried in his pants as you stroked his cock at a leisure pace. He was usually the one on top, but he came into your room utterly inebriated tonight, asking you to take care of him as he collapsed onto the mattress. You could tell that Husk wanted more, his hands bunching your skirt up over your waist, the pads of his fingers running down your cunt through your panties, but he was drunk.
“Always,” You said, feeling him throb in your hand.
“C’mere,” Husk said, patting his lap. You hesitated, but you eventually retracted your hand from his pants and complied. “Why ya bein’ so shy, mm?”
“Maybe because you’re drunk—“ You started.
But then he grabbed your hips and tried moving you against him, his brows knitting in confusion when you didn’t budge. You ached for Husk, truly, but how could you give him what he wanted without feeling guilty about it? That is what you wondered as he tried to shrug off his own pants, the man growing frustrated as he failed to realize his suspenders were still on.
“Just needa get these fuckin’ pants off.”
“How about I use my mouth—“
“Nah, lemme—“
“What’s wrong with you!?”
You hadn’t meant to blurt that out, but watching Husk drunkenly struggle underneath you made you feel sort of…upset. Not to mention that this wasn’t the first time he had come to your little meetings like this. As you stared down at him, you started to wonder if he was doing it on purpose, the hurt on your face sobering him up a bit.
“Shit, shit, shit,” Husk said, panicking as he pulled your skirt down where it belonged.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to yell at you,” You said, but he wasn’t having any of that.
Husk shook his head, holding onto your hips as he sat up. He was no longer hard at this point, so you straddled his lap, your eyes fluttering shut as he reached out to cradle your jaw. “Don’t apologize, babydoll,” He muttered, the stench of whiskey wafting into your nostrils, but you were too busy focusing on the feeling of his thumb swiping across your cheek to care.
“Is everything alright?” You asked. “I’m only asking because I’ve noticed that you’ve been coming to me all drunk and shit.”
“Yeah,” Husk said, but when he noticed how unconvinced you looked, he sighed. “Ain’t nothin’ wrong with me, I’ve just had a lotta shit on my mind, s’all there is to it.”
“Y’know, Husk? If you don’t feel comfortable with…this anymore,” You said, gesturing to the two of you, “You can just tell me.“
Now it was your turn to be surprised, blinking as Husk massaged his temples. You had no idea that he was trying to figure out how to tell you that he’d been getting drunk so he’d feel less guilty as he fucked you, refusing to end your arrangement not only because you needed the money, but because he was selfish, too. “Husk?” You said, your hand settling on his chest, his heart racing against your palm.
“I’m just gonna give it to ya plain and simple,” Husk sighed, placing his hand over yours. “Look, I like ya, and I didn’t wanna say anythin’ about it.”
“But why’d you get drunk?”
“I got drunk ‘cause I’m fuckin’ selfish, alright?” Husk said, raising his voice at you by accident. “Sorry, babydoll, I just feel like a jackass right now.”
You leaned in and placed a kiss on Husk’s nose, trying to show him that you weren’t upset. In fact, you appreciated his honesty, relieved to know that he didn’t find you…disgusting or anything. “Let’s talk about this when you’re sober, okay?” You said, pushing him down onto the mattress. “For now, let me take care of you.” Husk’s face flushed at that, but the way his cock twitched underneath you felt more rewarding.
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6esiree · 10 days
Ok, with all this talk of calling them daddy, hear me out- The Hazbin men as sugar daddies. Where it starts as just a mutual transactional relationship but quickly turns to them developing actual feelings for the reader 😭
(If you want specific men/just want to start with a few, then I’d personally like to see either Vox, Lucifer, and Adam the most (but honestly I love all the men in HH so I can’t really complain LMAO)
Hope you have a great rest of your day!
I’m actually working on this rn!! I have Alastor and Lucifer down so far, and I’m planning to do the rest 🙂‍↕️ so if anybody was wondering why I haven’t uploaded in a bit, this is why ☝️ I’m giving y’all a short, spicy n somewhat sweet sugar daddy bit for the main 5 I write for, and I’ll try to have it done by tomorrow!!
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6esiree · 13 days
A Tender Moment With Lucifer
Insecurity continued to torment Lucifer even after you came into his life, a consequence of his divorce with Lilith. He hoped that the feeling would go away with time, but it continued to chip away at his self-worth, threatening to seep into your relationship and poison the foundation the two of you had built on love and trust. So what did Lucifer do? Nothing—except cling onto you at every opportunity, especially when you were planning to head out.
“Don’t go,” Lucifer whined into your back, his arms wrapped tightly around you.
You closed your eyes and sighed, a smile growing on your face as you felt a gust of wind hit your back. “Luci,” You playfully warned him, but he ignored you, unraveling his wings and wrapping them around you so you wouldn’t leave with your friends, who you were on your way to meet up with at some restaurant.
“I just…really need you right now, alright?” Lucifer admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. “Please stay.”
That is how you found yourself on top of Lucifer, his hands squeezing your waist as you placed kiss after kiss on his lips. How many did you give him? One, two, three, four—you lost count a long time ago, your mind clouded with desire the moment he twitched in anticipation underneath you. But when Lucifer uttered ‘I want to feel you,’ you decided to stay, your phone vibrating with every missed call and unread message as you showed him how much you loved him.
Halfway into the act, you figured out why Lucifer was being so clingy, his voice betraying him when you moved your hips against his a certain way. “Oh, fuck, honey,” He tossed his head back with a groan. “Don’t ever leave me—mmfh—couldn’t imagine eternity without you.” Your hips came at a standstill, making Lucifer whine in disappointment.
“I’m not going to—what?” You stuttered, realization dawning on his face as you blinked, obviously concerned. “Luci, baby, is that why you wanted me to stay?”
Lucifer instantly shook his head, tripping over his words as he tried to find a way out, so you grabbed his cheeks and made him look at you. “Only way I’d leave is if you told me to, y’know,” You said, proceeding to litter his face with kisses, making him laugh. “Besides that, you’re stuck with me forever!” It would take a lot more than that to help Lucifer feel more secure with your relationship, you knew that, but the way he stared back at you with a big goofy, lopsided grin made it all worth it to you.
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6esiree · 15 days
Lending Them Your Hello Kitty Pajamas
Imagine lending Alastor/Lucifer/Husk/Vox/Adam a pair of your Hello Kitty pajamas for Movie Night? Everyone else is dressed so snugly, but when they come into the room in their usual getups you’re just like, yeah no, that’s not going to work buddy.
It took a lot of convincing to get Alastor to join in on Movie Night, so the fact that he came down in his suit was no surprise to you. He was your partner, though, and he had a soft spot for you. Convincing him to put on some pajamas wouldn’t be a hard task, the only issue being that he didn’t have any. You hooked your arm in his and dragged him to your room, trying not to giggle as you had something specifically in mind for him.
“Darling, do you perhaps have…anything else?” Alastor asked you, eyeing your drawer.
“Nope,” You said, pushing the drawer shut with a tight smile.
Yeah, you were lying. You definitely had another pair that would better suit Alastor’s taste, but he looked so cute in a simple t-shirt and your Hello Kitty pajama pants. Sure, you felt a little guilty for making him wear something outside of his comfort zone, but Movie Night was only so long.
“Very well, then,” Alastor said, unconvinced but ready to go. “Let us join the others, hm?”
He gingerly placed his hand on the small of your back, escorting you out of your room. As you headed downstairs, you felt everybody’s stares settle on the two of you, their eyes widening upon noticing what Alastor was wearing. You could tell he was doing his best to ignore them as Charlie started the movie, your ears filled with the familiar sound of radio static.
But his eyes remained glued to the television screen in front of you, his arm wrapped around your waist to keep you at his side. Alastor would do anything for you, even if it meant suffering a little teasing from the other residents to make you happy, adoring the sight of your cheek smooshed against his chest. The man wasn’t big on PDA, but he dipped his head and planted a kiss on your forehead, smiling as you sighed in content.
When you heard Charlie mention that Lucifer was joining in on Movie Night, you were excited. You showered and even made sure to wash your pajamas that same night, hoping to get the man’s attention. When you walked out of your room, you squeaked, surprised to see him waiting on the other side of your door with a sheepish look on his face.
“Shit, I’m so sorry! Didn’t mean to spook you,” Lucifer chuckled, his hands behind his back as he bounced on his toes.
“No, that’s alright, just didn’t expect to see you…here, y’know?” You said, quickly adding the next part, “Did you need something?”
You watched as Lucifer chewed his lip, seemingly debating whether he should go ahead with whatever he had come to you for. He shook his head, turning around and lifting a foot to walk away, but then he sighed and turned back to you.
“I was wondering if you had, uh, an extra pair of pajama pants on you?” Lucifer asked as he tugged at the collar of his shirt. “I don’t have anything…casual, so I was asking around to see if anybody had anything to lend me. So far not good.”
Oh, yeah. You had something casual for him alright. You nodded, disappearing into your room and handing him a pair of pajamas that you had decided not to wear. Lucifer’s eyes practically bugged out of his head when he saw the Hello Kitty pattern on it, but he didn’t complain, smiling at you and telling you ‘Thank you,’ before scampering off to his room.
When Lucifer came downstairs and sat on the spot next to you, which you had purposely saved for him, everybody looked at him in confusion. Charlie offered her dad a smile as she started the movie, but Alastor? He made sure to look him up and down, offering him a snide remark disguised as a compliment.
Lucifer brought his knees to his chest, hugging himself, clearly embarrassed. You started to feel bad, so you swallowed your pride and decided to be a little honest with him. “I think you look cute in them,” You whispered, bumping your shoulder against his. “Really?” He said, his cheeks growing redder than they already were when you nodded. Ignoring everybody’s stares and comments became an easy task for Lucifer after that, too busy stealing glances at you to care.
The first time you slept in Husk’s room, you realized he didn’t have any pajamas. He’d basically jump out of his clothes and sleep in his underwear, which was totally fine. It was his room—he could do whatever he pleased. But he had nothing snug to wear when it came to Movie Night, so you decided to lend Husk a pair of pajamas, and oh, he was not happy about your choice.
“I ain’t wearin’ this shit,” Husk grumbled as he stood in front of you, wearing your Hello Kitty pajamas.
“Come on, Husk! You look cute—“ You started, watching his ears fall against his head at the word ‘cute.’
“Cute? Yeah, fuck no, lemme go change.”
But when he noticed how downcast you looked, Husk sighed. You were so kind and patient with him, comforting him at his lowest, so wearing something as silly as your Hello Kitty pajamas was the least he could do. Husk snatched your hand with a ‘Let’s get goin,’ the corner of his mouth twitching upwards as you gasped in delight.
It’s safe to say that Husk regretted his decision when you went downstairs, the way Angel pointed and laughed at him making him growl. He didn’t turn around and change, though, taking a seat on the ground and patting the space between his legs instead. Charlie kindly asked the spider to quiet down, but it wasn’t until Vaggie threatened to shut him up that he finally did so.
As the movie played, you leaned into Husk’s embrace, feeling his chest vibrate against your back. You sighed in content as he nuzzled his face into your neck and wrapped his wings around you, allowing you to hear the old man’s purrs in privacy. But of course the moment had to be ruined, Husk’s eyes flying open when he heard a camera shuttering. Angel was so screwed.
When you suggested dedicating a day in the week to watching movies—Movie Night—the Vees shrugged and said, ‘Why not?’ especially as bonding was something all of you needed to work on. As you left your room, you bumped into Vox, your face falling as you noticed that he was in his usual getup. He didn’t have his coat on, sure, but that was still disappointing.
“Do you not, like, own a pair of pajamas?” You asked him.
“Didn’t know there was a dress code,” Vox said, his hands behind his back as he turned to you with his signature grin.
“Yeah, there is, but I guess you didn’t catch that,” You said, grabbing his arm and dragging him into your room. “As per fucking usual.”
Vox huffed, but he didn’t protest, watching you dig through your drawer in curiosity. “A-Ha!” You said, his eyes widening when you held up a pair of Hello Kitty pajamas. “Yeah, no, I am not wearing that,” Vox said, but you threw it at his face. “Come on! Don’t be a baby,” You laughed as it hung over the edge of his screen, shielding half of his scowl.
The two of you went back and forth with the pajamas for a while, but you managed to wear Vox down eventually. That and the fact that Velvette started calling him, her contact popping up on his screen. “Fucking fine!” Vox said, putting them on. Before you knew it, he snatched your hand and teleported you to the Vees shared living space, a smug look on your face as you hopped over the couch, taking up the space between Vox and Velvette.
You laid your head on Vox’s lap, tangling your legs with Velvette’s in the process. She scoffed, shaking her head in disbelief when she realized why the two of you had taken so long, Valentino chuckling from his armchair. Halfway into the movie, you felt Vox settle his hand on your head, his claws mindlessly combing through your hair. As ridiculous as he looked in Hello Kitty pajamas, he thought as he tucked your hair behind your ear, he couldn’t be mad at a doll like you.
Your relationship with Adam was complicated, to say the least, but he somehow made it work. He snuck out of Heaven for your first monthly Movie Night, your window rudely flying open as he welcomed himself into your room. “Hey, babe,” Adam said, wearing his mask, robe, and all. You sighed—he was supposed to come in pajamas, but of course he didn’t listen.
“Yeah, no, you’re not laying in my bed in all…that,” You said, watching Adam’s face light up. “Come on, take it off.”
“Oh? Well, shit, if you say so!” Adam said, tossing his mask aside and removing his robes, obviously thinking that you were going to do something else.
When he had dressed down to just his underwear, you got up from your bed, rolling your eyes as he looked at you in confusion. “Hey, where the fuck are you going?” Adam asked, answering his question by tossing him a pair of pajamas from across the room. “Put those on,” You told him, sitting down on your bed, chuckling as he sputtered in disbelief.
“Oh, come on! I’m not putting this shit on,” Adam said, holding out the pajamas in front of you and pointing out the Hello Kitty pattern. “Look at this! It has fucking—what is this? Cats? Cats with bows? Yeah, no, I can’t wear this, babe.”
Adam tried to give them back to you, but you folded your arms and shook your head, telling him that Movie Night couldn’t proceed without pajamas. He tossed his head back and groaned, mumbling ‘Fine! Whatever,’ as he put them on, a displeased look on his face as you moved back onto your bed and lifted the blanket for him.
You placed your head on Adam’s bare chest when he laid down, your leg over his lower half. When your eyes flitted up to the man, he looked everything but happy, giggling as he told you to start the movie. You did just that, sighing in content when he draped a wing over you, pulling you impossibly closer to him. It wasn’t often when you two got to do something together, so Adam swallowed his pride for once.
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6esiree · 18 days
Getting Dared to Call Them Daddy, Pt. 3
Summary: You get dared to call Valentino and Angel Dust daddy.
Warnings: Swearing, slightly NSFW, Val being Val. I speak Spanish but not Italian, so I just went off of what I found online. Forgive me if I’m incorrect ❤️‍🩹 Anyway, MINORS DO NOT READ!!!
Your sentiments about Valentino were mixed. As a bartender, the last thing you wanted to do was chat it up with the patrons, especially because they usually only spoke to you for one thing. While the moth wasn’t that blatantly obvious with his intentions, the language he used with you subtle and strangely bordering along sweet, you knew what he did for a living.
He was a pimp, exploiting people for money and power, so you didn’t trust him all that much. Still, you couldn’t help but find him…attractive, appreciating the moth from afar with fleeting glances. That was all you allowed yourself to do, prohibiting your mind from traveling past the superficial thoughts, and you made sure of it by being curt with Valentino whenever you interacted with him.
You did this for the longest time, but then Velvette convinced you to play a game of Truth or Dare one night, and suddenly, you had to interact with the moth in the worst way possible. “I dare you to call Val daddy,” She said, immediately halting what you were doing as you processed her words. Had she noticed the way you looked at Valentino? No, there was no way she had…or had she?
“I’m sorry, what?” You stammered, setting down the glass you were cleaning. “Come on, Vel—why the fuck should I do that?”
“Got a bone to pick with that fucker, that’s why,” Velvette said, shrugging before tapping the counter, asking for another drink. “Trust me, babe, he won’t hurt a single hair on your head.”
You complied, feeling slightly relieved that her dare had just been a mere coincidence. Slightly. You still had to call the moth daddy, which was weird because how the hell would that constitute as payback? That’s what you wondered as you grabbed a bottle of tequila, serving Velvette a shot knowing damn well that she preferred cocktails.
“Okay, but that doesn’t help me understand why I should do it,” You said, sliding the shot to her.
“Look, you’ll understand when you do it, alright?” Velvette said, shooting you a dirty look before downing it like a champ in front of you. “Also, never mind calling him daddy,” She added, and you would have sighed in relief if she hadn’t continued, “Say ‘Papi,’ or however the fuck you say daddy in Spanish.”
Yeah, if you used the Spanish version on Valentino, you weren’t going to be able to walk away from him—literally. You might as well ask him to fuck you. As you opened your mouth to protest, a familiar face slid onto the stool next to Velvette. ‘Fuck,’ you thought, averting your eyes and focusing on the dirty glasses you had set aside, trying not to panic.
“Do what?” Valentino asked, chuckling when Velvette shot him a glare over her shoulder.
Even though the background was filled with the chattering of people and the sound of slot machines being used, the silence that enveloped the bar was painfully loud. You decided to speak up, the tension between the two overlords only serving to exacerbate your anxiety.
“So, uh, what d’ya want, Val?” You asked, clearing your throat.
Valentino turned to you with a hum, his antennas moving at the sound of your voice. As he faced you, you were glad that he had no pupils, irises, or whatever they were called, feeling only slightly intimidated under his stare. Your throat bobbed in anticipation as you watched him contemplate your question, though.
“Hm, tell me, what does the pretty little barkeep recommend?” Valentino eventually asked, his gold tooth glinting under the dim light as he smiled.
“Well, what are you craving?” You asked, backing up and leaning onto the counter behind you, gesturing to the various liquors around you, “I can make you anything—been doing this shit for a long time.”
“You know what? Surprise me.”
Valentino perched his chin on top of his knuckles, intent on watching you work. You mentally sighed, turning around and grabbing the first bottle of liquor you saw, which happened to be rum. It was easy to make something good out of it, so you had a cocktail whipped up for the moth in no time.
“Here ya go—oh! Where’s Velvette?” You asked as you turned around, the stool next to Valentino empty.
“Over there being a fucking llorona,” He gestured to the other side of the bar with his head. “Nothing new.”
Velvette moved several stools down while you were making Valentino’s drink, which was a bit funny to think about, admittedly. She looked pissed, but he didn’t seem to care, his claws brushing against the back of your hand as he accepted the cocktail. You mentally cursed yourself out for the way your body reacted to the gesture, goosebumps littering your skin.
“Thank you, cariño.”
You were about to ask Valentino if he liked his drink, but then you felt something hit your arm, looking down at your feet to see a crumpled piece of napkin. Yeah, it had to be Velvette. You raised your head to look at her, and oh, did you regret doing that, the way she mouthed “Do it,” with a serious expression making your heart drop.
Chewing your lip, you backed up, hoping that everything would turn out fine. It probably would, especially as Valentino wasn’t that much of a threat compared to the other Vees. You couldn’t even imagine a worst case scenario if you wanted to…unless it had to do with the whole avoiding him thing, then no, everything would not turn out fine.
“So, did I do you right?” You asked, trying your best to appear nonchalant as you leaned over the counter.
You suddenly became painfully aware of everything Valentino did, but you particularly liked the way his antennas moved whenever you spoke, seemingly delighted by the sound of your voice. He placed his drink down on the counter, slightly craning his neck as he took in the sight of you. This was the longest you had ever interacted with him for, and judging by the look on his face, he knew that.
“Of course you did, cariño,” Valentino chuckled, the nickname affecting you more than the first time, “It would have been obvious if you hadn’t, no?”
“Right,” You said, feeling Velvette’s stare burn into the side of your head.
Valentino offered you a sly smile as he picked up his drink, but before he could attach his lips to the rim, you reached out and wrapped your hand around his. The way his eyes widened as you leaned in and helped yourself to something that was not yours felt so…powerful. He quickly recovered, though, and you knew that when the scent of cigarettes and alcohol wafted into your nostrils.
“Hm, yes, it would have been obvious,” You hummed.
“I told you,” Valentino said, thinking he had you right where he wanted you.
“I just had to make sure, y’know?” You said, resting your cheek on your palm as you looked at him. “Now how’s about you do me right, papi?”
Just like that, Valentino switched up, recoiling as the word left your lips. It’s not that he didn’t like it—no, he fucking loved it. In fact, he’d rail you right there on the counter, forcing you to call him papi over and over again until your voice went hoarse. But the moth knew that you’d never willingly do that, the way Velvette cackled on the other side of the bar proving him right.
Now, Valentino was pissed, and because you couldn’t tell who it was directed at, you tried to apologize. “I didn’t mean that—“ You started, but he grabbed your face, bringing you in for a kiss that left you feeling rather…dizzy, intoxicated even. “Once I handle this pinche puta desagradecida,” Valentino spoke against your lips, a wicked smile on his face as he watched a pink streak trickle down the corner of your mouth, your eyes half-lidded, “I’ll do you right, baby, mm?” You could only nod, feeling defeated, but at least he’d make you feel good.
Angel Dust:
The first person you befriended at the Hazbin Hotel was Angel Dust. He was friendly—too friendly, even—but you didn’t mind. You liked him, and honestly, you thought he liked you too. But then you saw how often he seemed to be in Husk’s space, never missing an opportunity to invite him into his bed. That is why you took everything Angel said or did with a grain of salt, failing to notice the way he looked at you longingly from across the room, wishing that you reciprocated his feelings.
But when Angel introduced you to Cherri Bomb, a close friend of his, you started to have second thoughts about everything. She quirked a brow at you an hour into a game of Truth or Dare, her eyes darting between you and Angel, who was practically glued to your side. You shrugged Cherri off, though, because what were you supposed to tell her that she didn’t know?
“Shit, ran outta beer. I’m gonna go get me anotha’ one,” Angel announced as he stood up from his spot on the couch. “Don’t ya two play without me, alright?”
Yeah, Cherri didn’t care, and she made that known as she turned to you with a wicked smile on her face. “Truth or Dare?” She asked you, taking a swig of her beer as she waited for your response. You didn’t want to come off as lame, so you put on a brave face and said dare, never anticipating that she’d make you confront Angel in the dumbest way possible.
“Bold—I like it!” Cherri said, looking over her shoulder before suddenly seizing the collar of your shirt. “Come ‘ere, darling.”
“What are you—“ You started.
But you interrupted yourself with a gasp, your faces only a few centimeters apart as she pulled you in. What the Hell was Cherri up to? You wondered, your nose crinkling when her breath fanned against your face. She eventually turned away and settled her lips next to your ear, which you were glad about…until she hit you with something even more unpleasant.
“I dare ya to call Angel daddy,” Cherri said, letting you go before you could process her words.
You shook your head, confused by the idea of calling Angel a term he sometimes referred to himself as. And what would calling him daddy achieve, exactly? Except for making things awkward between the two of you.
“I’m sorry, what?“ You stuttered in disbelief. “That’s—no! I can’t do that!”
“Wait, nah, you’re right,” Cherry said, but she wasn’t agreeing with what you thought she was agreeing to. “Do you know Italian? ‘Cause I think it’d be more effective if you said it in Italian.”
“No,” You deadpanned.
“It’s like, papino, or uh, paparino? Some shit like that. But neither sound that hot, ya know?” Cherry continued. “You can just call him papi, ehh…no, papino.”
“You gotta be fucking kidding me,” You scoffed.
Angel liked Husk, and the last thing you wanted to do was get in between that. Or did you?
“What? You gonna pussy out?”
No, you were not, but out of all the things Cherri could have dared you to do, why…that? She laid back on the couch adjacent from you, innocently swinging her legs over the armrest as you rested your face in your palms. You were so busy mentally cursing yourself for caring about how Cherri perceived you that you jumped when the couch dipped next to you.
“Is everythin’ alright with ya?” Angel asked you, your eyes widening when he settled a hand on your back.
As his fingers delicately stroked your spine, an act that felt intimate and therefore forbidden, you figured out Cherri’s reasoning behind her dare. You lowered your hands, peering up at Angel to see him looking down at you with genuine concern. His hand halted as your eyes scoured his face, but when a blush creeped up his neck, embarrassment flooded your brain.
Angel didn’t even look at Husk like that, you realized, most likely fooling around with the poor old bartender because you didn’t seem to reciprocate his feelings. That was a painful thought, but you had no time to beat yourself up over that, especially with Cherri watching you and Angel thinking something was wrong with you.
“Shit—no, sorry,” You quickly said, straightening your back and offering him a smile.
“Are ya sure, honey?” Angel asked, your stomach flipping at the endearing term. That was a first. “Ya took, like, quite a while to answer.”
“Yeah, do ya need to cool down for a sec?” Cherri added, a smug look on her face.
Of course she was acting innocent. But it made sense, considering that the two of you continued to play the game despite Angel telling you not to do so.
“Nah, trust me, I’m good,” You said, trying not to glare at her.
“Ehh, I’m startin’ to think that somethin’ happened while I was away,” Angel said, folding his arms as his eyes darted between the two of you, obviously suspicious.
Cherri downed the rest of her beer, saving herself from having to respond to the spider and leaving you completely at his mercy. It was times like these where you regretted skimping on drinking, so you had no other choice but to get over the stupid dare.
“Yeah, I have no idea what you’re going on about,” You said, leaning back into the couch and crossing your legs.
“I ain’t blind! The two of ya are actin’ all weird and shit,” Angel said, standing up and wildly gesturing around himself with his hands. “I was only away for a few minutes, so what the Hell did ya guys talk about in such a short span of time, huh?”
“Oh, you wanna talk about ‘actin’ all weird and shit’?” You got up from the couch and approached the spider.
Cherri sat up, interested to see what you were up to. You weren’t a pussy, and you were going to show her that.
“I—uh, what?” Angel shook his head, his brows knitted in confusion.
“Please, you act weird all the damn time!” You started, observing how flustered he was under your stare. “Yet I don’t tell you shit.”
“I don’t know what—“ Angel started.
You placed a hand on his shoulder, his body immediately growing tense. This was the first time that you had touched Angel, so you weren’t entirely surprised to see him react the way that he did. But when you trailed your hand down, your fingers disappearing into the fluff of his chest, that just proved to you that whatever he felt towards you was different.
“This—do you feel this?” You asked him, noticing the way his heart-rate picked up underneath your palm. “Yeah, that’s what you do to me all the time.”
“I, uh—it ain’t no different than how I treat Husk,” Angel weakly countered, a nervous chuckle escaping his throat.
“I’m not talking about Husk,” You said, trying not to glare at Cherri as she squealed. “I’m talking about this,” You placed your hand directly over his heart.
“I make ya feel like…this?” Angel stuttered, reaching up to place his hand over yours.
“Then why didn’t ya tell me anythin’?”
“Because of Husk.”
Angel stared right through you, thinking about how the two of you could have been together if you’d been honest from the start. That was what you gathered from his facial expressions, observing how they alternated between happiness and disappointment
“I feel like such a jackass,” Angel admitted, pulling you in by the waist with his second set of arms. “All this time ya liked me, and I thought ya didn’t ‘cause—ah, I fucked up, huh?”
“Hey, I didn’t say anything either,” You smiled at him.
“That don’t compare to what I did,” Angel scoffed. “I mean, the whole time we could’ve—“
“How about you shut up and give me a kiss, papino,” You said, reaching up to hold his face.
You would have received your kiss if you hadn’t added the last part, but hey, you weren’t complaining. The way Angel melted in your arms was reward enough, even though he was a bit heavy for you. “Did ya learn Italian…just for me?” He asked you, too busy swooning over you to notice how your arms trembled as you held him. “Yeah, uh, something like that,” You chuckled, shooting Cherri a glare when she tried to interject. “I think—I think he’s the one that needs to cool down now,” She said between bouts of laughter, but the spider shook his head, mumbling something about wanting to do the opposite in bed with you. Yeah, you were in for a long night.
(👆Credit for Angel’s part btw <3)
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6esiree · 20 days
hey, so I saw your " being dared to call them daddy" fics and I loved them! Could you do part 3 including any characters you want + valentino,thanks!
I posted part 3 with Angel Dust and Valentino like a day ago, but I ended up taking it down bc I was not happy with it 😭 I’m going to revise it and all that fun stuff, so be on the lookout. I’ll try to post it within the next two days !!
Edit: Also, if u guys have any ideas/expectations for these two characters, feel free to lmk down in the comments 🫶 I could rlly use the help for Angel especially
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6esiree · 20 days
A Tender Moment With Alastor
When Alastor asked you to move into his room, he never anticipated that he’d have to share a bed with anybody else but you. Well, more like anything, because there were plushies where his pillows usually sat. Round little creatures with soulless expressions—is this what you liked to sleep with every night? That is what he wondered as he approached the bed, his eyes gravitating towards one plushie in particular.
It was a fawn, which looked more worn and less plump than its companions. Alastor grabbed it, squeezing it and feeling how compressed the stuffing was under his claws; his heart jumped as he realized that this was your favorite plushie, and it just so happened to be a deer like him. Perhaps he could ask Niffty to replace the stuffing, he thought, even though you’d be cuddling it less now that you had his company.
“If you want me to put them away, I totally can,” You suddenly said, the door softly clicking behind you.
Alastor’s ears fell back against his head, spooked, but he quickly recovered. Bringing the fawn against his chest, he slowly turned around, a tender smile on his face as he peered down at you. Spotting your favorite squishmallow in his arms, your breath hitched and your cheeks flushed in embarrassment—fuck, you hadn’t meant to leave that one out, especially considering that you bought it because it somewhat resembled Alastor.
“Is this supposed to be me, darling?” Alastor asked, no hint of sarcasm behind his words.
“I, uh, yes—I’m sorry. I was supposed to put that one away, but I forgot,” You quickly said, but he shook his head, finding your apology unnecessary.
“If anybody should apologize, it should be me.”
Alastor took a seat on the bed, setting your squishmallow aside and patting the space next to him. You happily complied, forgetting your embarrassment the moment he wrapped his arm around your waist, bringing you in for an embrace. But nothing could compare to the sensation of his lips on the crown of your head, or the way he grabbed ahold of your jaw with his other hand, his thumb caressing your cheekbone.
“I should have asked you to move in a long time ago,” Alastor hummed, your eyes fluttering shut at the slight crackling behind his voice. “Oh, forgive me for being a fool.”
You opened your mouth to respond, but Alastor dipped his head and swallowed your words with a kiss, which you were more than happy to return. Your relationship was relatively new, but after he almost died at the hands of Adam on Extermination Day, he decided to be more forward with you. As Alastor’s hand settled on your knee, tentatively moving up to explore uncharted territory, you sighed, eager to find out what the future had in store for you both.
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6esiree · 24 days
A Tender Moment With Adam
Notes: Whipped this up for y’all while I tackle everybody’s requests! This is also kind of an apology for what I did to Adam <3
You straddled Adam’s hips, savoring the way his breath hitched as you tentatively reached out to cradle his jaw, thumb brushing against the stubble on his chin. You’d told him he was beautiful when he revealed his face to you, but he refused to believe you. So there you were, appreciating each and every one of Adam’s features with your hands, his fingers restlessly flexing against your waist.
Wherever you touched him, your lips followed, and oh, you could tell the man was doing his best to act nonchalant about the whole thing. But as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling his head back by his hair and littering the column of his throat with featherlike kisses, that was when Adam decided to give into your ministrations. He let out a heavy sigh, the corner of his mouth twitching upwards as you giggled.
“What’s so funny?” Adam asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
When you continued to kiss him, he bunched your shirt up over your waist, his fingers delicately running up and down your exposed skin. You jumped, the tenderness of the moment ruined as Adam tickled you—but how could you be mad at him? His laugh was music to your ears. You hastily pushed him down, the back of his head falling plush against your pillow with an ‘Oof’ as you hovered over him.
“I love you,” You said, placing a kiss on the tip of his nose, making him groan.
“Eugh, you’re so fucking corny, babe,” Adam chuckled, flipping you over so that he was on top of you now. “But I…love you too—thanks for sticking by me.”
He pulled you in for a kiss, leaving no room for you to respond to his statement, which admittedly left your heart slightly aching. Any thoughts about his past love-life were squashed as his hands trailed up your sides, however, your eyes fluttering shut when they landed on your chest. Typical Adam, but you let him have his fun with you, the next time you’d get him all to yourself being 365 days away. If only things were different.
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6esiree · 28 days
Getting Dared to Call Them Daddy, Pt. 2
Summary: You get dared to call Vox and Adam daddy.
Warnings: Swearing, slightly NSFW, angst, canon death. Beware of Adam’s part. Idk how I wrote all that out of a game of truth of dare, but I did and I don’t feel like rewriting it </3. Anywho, MINORS DO NOT READ!!!
You had a life outside of the Hazbin Hotel, working at the entertainment district in Pentagram City. The casino you were employed by wasn’t exclusive, per se, but it might as well have been as it was a hot spot for overlords and other high-profile individuals. That’s how you became acquainted with the Vees, even though your shifts didn’t coincide with their visits half of the time. Tonight was an exception, however, and Velvette was in a particularly good mood.
Well, it actually took a few cocktails to get her there, but you weren’t complaining. She took a seat at the bar and mindlessly scrolled on her phone, only opening up when the alcohol settled in—nothing unusual. You were mentally prepared to have her talk your ear off about shit you couldn’t care less about, but she proceeded to surprise you by asking if you’d like to play a game.
Truth or Dare, Velvette suggested, leaving you wondering if you’d heard her correctly. It was easy to forget that everyone in this damned afterlife was normal to some extent, even an overlord like her. When she quirked a brow at you, motioning ‘Well?’ with her hand, you shrugged and said yes, never anticipating that she’d take the game further than most people did.
Velvette asked you to go first, so you did, glad that she settled for truth. You sucked at this game, and the last thing you wanted to do was frustrate her as you pondered endlessly over a dare. Anyway, as you whipped up an old-fashioned cocktail for a patron, you hummed, asking her to tell you something interesting about Vox. The man was a mystery to you, only ever uttering pleasentries instead of engaging in an actual conversation with you.
Velvette sipped at her drink, rubbing her chin in contemplation before shrugging and ultimately telling you that he wasn’t who he appeared to be on the surface. Vox was charismatic, yeah, but he was also weak. Blinking, you slid the cocktail to the patron, taking your money and shooing them away. Everyone knew that Vox valued his image, Velvette continued, and that he’d do anything to preserve the persona he had meticulously crafted since he manifested in Hell, but there were some things that were simply out of his control.
“What? Look, I’m not trying to call you a liar, but that’s kinda hard to believe,” You responded honestly, “What do you mean, ‘Out of his control’?”
“Trust me, he’s absolutely pathetic,” Velvette said, leaning over the counter to whisper to you, “Regarding the rest, you can find out yourself—that’s if you aren’t a pussycat, of course.”
You peered down at Velvette, knowing damn well that if you chose truth, she’d never let you live it down. Her fingers tapped expectantly against the counter, waiting for your response as you bided your time by cleaning the dirty glasses you had neglected earlier. Truthfully, you were afraid of what she’d make you do, but you eventually sighed and muttered dare.
“I knew you had it in you!” Velvette praised you before adding the next part. “Go and call him daddy, I dare you. You’ll see how he’ll crumble like that,” She snapped her fingers, “When a babe like you calls him daddy.”
You dropped your head and carded your hand through your hair, immediately regretting your decision. How the Hell would you get around to calling one of the most influential and powerful overlords daddy, exactly? As you raised your head to look at Velvette, you hoped that she had your back if he reacted poorly.
“What if he—“ You started, but then you were interrupted by one of your coworkers.
Velvette sat back down, annoyed, but also too drunk to complain. Anyway, they asked you to whip up some cocktails for the other two Vees, practically begging you to deliver it to them, too. When you quirked a brow at them, asking them why you should do their job as a waiter, they started to ramble on about how they had accidentally pissed off Valentino. Ah, fuck. Not like you’d say no anyway, especially considering what Velvette dared you to do.
Instead of giving them a verbal response, you waved your hand in dismissal, letting your coworker know that you had them covered. They thanked you profusely before scurrying off to tend to another table nearby, leaving you scowling as you got to work. Velvette watched you work your magic, assuring you that everything would be ‘Fiiineee,’ giggling when you rolled your eyes.
“Look, if I’m wrong—which I’m not—I got you covered,” Velvette added, watching you step out from your post behind the bar, drinks in hand. “Oh, wow! I’ve never seen the other half of you,” She gasped, but you ignored her.
You were so fucked—that’s the only thought that circulated your mind as you leisurely made your way to the VIP section. The bouncer at the entrance, a friend of yours, regarded you with curiosity when you stopped in front of him. ‘What’re you doing here?’ He inquired as he stepped aside to allow you access into the area, but you told him that you’d tell him later, feeling slightly anxious upon spotting Vox and Valentino.
The two overlords were lounging around on opposite ends of their booth, Valentino characteristically flocked by attractive sinners as pink smoke wafted around them, while Vox sat entirely alone, an annoyed look on his face as one claw tapped incessantly at the empty glass in his hand. As you approached them, you made sure to straighten your back and put on a friendly face.
“Hey! Uh, I got a Sazerac and a Lemon Drop here—whose is what?” You announced, holding out the drinks as you tried not to dissolve under everyone’s stares.
“Ah, I didn’t know you waited!” Valentino tilted his head, practically undressing you with his eyes, “The Lemon Drop es mío, cariño.”
Typical Valentino, but you couldn’t be bothered to feel uncomfortable by him. Unfortunately, you got used to his advances, the only one who could instill some semblance of uneasiness within you being Vox. He interacted with you the least out of the Vees, after all, but you never bothered wondering why until now.
“Apparently someone pissed you off?” You said, huffing as he enveloped your hand in his while handing him his cocktail.
“Don’t even remind me,” Valentino scoffed theatrically, “This establishment is full of idiotas—aside from you, of course. Say, you should wait for us from now on.”
Goosebumps littered your skin as you turned around to hand Vox his drink, realizing that he had been watching you the entire time, his eyes unashamedly following your every move. He didn’t shy away when you met his stare, either, which made you doubt Velvette’s words even more. Fucking Hell, why did you agree to play such a stupid game?
“Well, you’d have to talk to my boss about that, you know,” You continued the conversation, trying to quell the anxiety in your stomach. “The last thing anyone wants to do is pay someone two salaries.”
“Oh, cariño, I can easily arrange that,” Valentino chuckled, taking a sip from his cocktail, “Mm, yeah. I’ll definitely be talking to your boss tonight.”
And that was the end of your conversation with the moth, especially as his attention was stolen by one of the sinner’s next to him. Now that you had to face Vox, you never wanted to cease to exist more than ever. In fact, you hoped the next extermination would take you if things went wrong as you handed the man his Sazerac, his signature smile consuming most of his screen as he accepted it.
“Is everything alright with you?” Vox asked as his claws brushed against your knuckles, savoring the way you jumped at his touch, “You seem nervous, sweetheart.”
Your face flushed in embarrassment, watching how he took a sip from his drink. You would have recovered quickly if he hadn’t thrown a pet name at you, the way he uttered sweetheart with that voice of his making you feel slightly pathetic. But you had to get over yourself, especially because you could feel Velvette watching you from afar, waiting for you to do something.
“Me? Oh, I’m fine!” You said, shaking your head with a smile. “What about you?”
Vox blinked, confused. It was now or never, you guessed, taking a seat on his thigh and draping your legs over him. His body tensed underneath you, never anticipating that you’d do something so bold, but he didn’t push you off.
“Uh, why wouldn’t I be alright?” Vox asked after a few seconds had passed by.
When he didn’t protest to you being on his lap, you placed your hand on his chest, but it was mostly just to steady yourself. However, you couldn’t help but notice how solid he felt under your palm.
“I don’t know—you look sort of pissed off, I guess?” You said, feeling how he tried to steady the rise and fall of his chest, the act fruitless as his heart rate gave him away. “Velvette’s at the bar, Val is…being Val, and you? Well,” You gestured to the free space around him, “Do I even have to say anything?”
Vox rolled his eyes, but he didn’t answer. Instead, he slithered one of his arms around your waist, holding you against him as he leaned forward to place his drink on the table in the center of the booth. A gasp escaped your throat—you couldn’t remember the last time someone held you against them like this. He was making it challenging to maintain your composure, especially as his hold remained on you as he sunk back into his seat.
“Look, I’m usually here outside of my own volition, alright?” Vox finally said, his free hand moving along with his mouth.
You hummed, making sure that he heard you. His response was total bullshit, you thought. There was nobody paying enough attention to him to ensure that he stayed.
“How? You can come and go as you please.” You said, speaking without thinking, “Everyone is too busy doing their own thing to even care that you’re still here.”
Vox’s eyes widened as you said that, and for a moment, you feared that you had overstepped. You were never so openly blunt, not even with Velvette, and you got along with her quite decently. On the other hand, this was your first real interaction with the man, so you dearly hoped you hadn’t upset him.
“I—shit—I’m sorry,” You quickly said, “I didn’t mean to overstep, it’s just—“
“Oh, sweetheart, if I’m upset, it’s only because you’re correct,” Vox interrupted you, his eyes relaxing as he gazed at you. “Now, it’s my turn to give you a hard pill to swallow—how can you apologize for being so blunt when you sat on my lap without my permission?”
You paled at his question.
“Hey, I asked you something first,” You quickly countered, which made Vox chuckle.
“You know, I’m starting to believe that we’re both here for the same reason,” Vox said, his free hand settling on your knee. “What do you think?”
If you had understood what Vox was implying, he was here for you. He tagged along with Velvette and Valentino to admire you from afar, and that baffled you, especially as he always appeared so confident, so eager to get what he wanted. Maybe that’s what Velvette meant when she told you that Vox wasn’t who he appeared to be on the surface, however, you still had yet to figure out how that made him weak.
Anyway, while Vox was correct, it was only to a certain extent. You had never thought about the man in any other way besides superficially, only sticking around him because of what Velvette dared you to do; but now that Vox had you in his embrace, his claws flexing against your hipbone, you decided that he was starting to grow on you.
“Hm, I don’t want to give you the satisfaction of admitting that you’re right,” You replied slyly, leaning in so you were chest to chest with him.
Vox stared at you with a large, toothy grin, pleased by your words. As you peered down at him, all you could think about was how perfect of an opportunity this was to turn the tables on him.
“But you’re correct…daddy,” You whispered, reaching up to trail your finger across his screen.
As soon as you called him daddy, you felt Vox’s screen warm up under your touch—so that’s what made him weak, you thought as you observed the way his face fell at such a simple word. Truthfully, it was satisfying to witness such a powerful man dissolve underneath you, but the feeling was short-lived. You blinked, noticing the way Vox sat insanely still. You snapped your fingers in front of him to see if he would respond, but he didn’t. Ah, fuck.
“Uh, Vox?” You said, narrowing your eyes at him, “Hi? Hey? Helloooo? Vox!”
Again, he didn’t respond. But you only started to grow concerned when the rest of his body began to warm up. Vox had a TV for a head, so maybe you had caused him to overheat? Your suspicions were confirmed when his screen suddenly turned blue, the phrase, ‘A problem has been detected and Vox has been shut down to prevent damage to his systems,’ on his screen, ‘The problem seems to be caused by the following file: Daddy.exe.’ Nothing could have prepared you for the way his length poked your leg, though.
And to make matters worse, the power went out. Great. Fucking great. Vox was hard and also temporarily out of order. At least Velvette was having fun, you thought as she howled in the background, somehow drowning out everyone else as they complained. You sighed, realizing that you couldn’t just get up off of his lap, not when you were shielding whatever dignity he had left.
So, you swiped the hat off of his head and fanned him to cool him down, even though your efforts were hardly making a difference. Meanwhile, you could hear your boss yelling in the background, ‘What the fuck happened to the power!?’ spotting her using the flashlight from the other end of the casino.
“The fuck is going on?” Valentino asked, standing up as he illuminated the area around you with his phone. “Vox, what the fuck? What’s wrong with you?”
“One moment he was normal,” You said, still trying to cool him down, “And the next he blue screened.”
Valentino took a long drag from his cigarette, blowing the smoke over his shoulder before leaning down to look at Vox. You’d heard through the grapevine that his vision was shit, and it was apparent in the way he took his time reading one simple sentence with narrowed eyes.
“The…problem…seems…to be…caused…by the…following…file…Daddy.exe,” Valentino slowly read aloud. 
You tried not to shrink under his gaze as he turned his attention to you.
“Well?” Valentino asked, quirking a brow at you as the power suddenly returned. 
“I didn’t know he’d…do all that when I called him daddy,” You muttered, hoping you hadn’t pissed off the moth. “Otherwise, I wouldn’t have done it—I swear.”
Instead, Valentino tossed his head back, a hand on his chest as he laughed. “I can’t be mad at una cosita linda like you,” He said, petting your head.
Thank God, you mentally sighed.
Suddenly, you heard a ‘zzt!’ your head snapping to Vox. As his body jolted upwards and his face replaced the blue screen, you stilled your ministrations. Blinking, he looked at you with an undecipherable expression, seemingly recalling what happened. You quickly put his hat back on his head, opening your mouth to apologize; but then Velvette ran up to the booth, showing all of you how she got everything on video.
If you weren’t fucked before, you certainly were now, the way Vox turned to you and grabbed your jaw after she left communicating that. “As soon as your shift is over, you’re leaving with me,” He said, leaving no room for you to refuse. “Understood, sweetheart?” You nodded your head obediently, unaware of how he was going to destroy your insides later that night, forcing you to chant the word daddy as he did so.
Ah, Adam. The first man alive. You had the displeasure of meeting him your first Extermination Day, and God, was he full of himself. It was satisfying dodging and escaping him, hearing how he cried out in disappointment when you sought refuge in the darkest crevices of Hell’s infrastructure. “Yeah, run away you fucking coward!” You heard his voice bounce off the brick walls, your hand over your mouth as you stifled your laughter. What a loser.
You continued to fuck around with Adam, though, taking advantage of his reckless fighting style. He hated how slinky you were, the way you effortlessly slipped away from his grasp when he thought he finally had you frustrating him. By the third extermination, you started to tease him, relishing in his poorly disguised groans—a meager ‘Fuck you’—as you brushed against him or touched his wings.
Adam could have killed you a long time ago, the first time you escaped his clutches being sheer luck; but he kept searching for you, locating you with ease despite the fact that you never lingered in one specific area. You were well aware of this, so when you, Angel Dust, and Cherri Bomb were drunkenly playing Truth or Dare the night before the Exorcists attacked the Hazbin Hotel, you let them in on your history with Adam.
Big mistake on your part, especially as Angel took advantage of this information to dare you to do something insanely stupid. “Dare ya to call him daddy,” he slurred, Cherri smacking her chest as she choked on her beer. “Are you trying to get them killed?” She asked between coughs. Your friendship with her was relatively new, but she liked you too much to see you go so quickly.
“Let’s see if you’ll remember tomorrow,” You rolled your eyes, but Angel was adamant that he would. “Hey, maybe we might be able to take him down if ya distract him.”
Angel didn’t forget, and for the first time since you arrived in Hell, you were afraid of what might happen. You couldn’t care less about the dare—the people you grew to love and care for were being directly targeted, and you didn’t want to lose them. If anything, the idea of calling Adam daddy only served to spur you on, even if it would ensure your death. 
You stood alongside everybody else as the Exorcists poured into Hell from above, visibly gratified by the sight of so many sinners in one place. When Adam and Lute finally came into view, you made sure to wave at them with a smile. Lute was completely unaware of your past interactions, the scowl on her face a testament of that. Adam, on the other hand, looked oddly horrified. 
You would only face him after Alastor’s shield was broken, having slain several Exorcists by then, the evidence plain all over your clothes. Adam was strangely unfazed by this, however, seemingly too busy being pissed off by your presence when he found you behind the hotel.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Adam said as he spun you around, his grip on you piercing.
You heard the moment Adam landed near you, but you gave him the satisfaction of believing he had caught you unaware. Huffing, you shook his hand off of you, pushing him back with your foot. That pissed him off. It was easy dodging his attacks, though—too easy, you realized. You quirked a brow at him as the two of you practically danced around each other, creating the illusion that you were fighting.
“Fucking hello? Are you deaf?” Adam asked, swinging at you but completely missing.
“You might as well fight with the air,” You said, but then he knocked your spear out of your grip. No big deal, your hands would do. “Seriously, what do they teach you up in Heaven?”
“That doesn’t answer my question!” Adam said, lunging towards you in frustration. “Come over here, bitch—gotcha! Fucking finally!”
Never anticipating that he would pull such a stunt, Adam managed to tackle you to the ground. Fuck, he was heavy, but you’d find a way to escape his grasp. This is what you thought until he pinned your arms above your head, placing his legs on either side of you and caging your body underneath him. For the first time since he met you, you looked at him with fear. You were stuck.
“Shit, as hot as this is, it’s time for you to die,” Adam said, but you knew he didn’t mean it—the second part, precisely.
“Why now?” You panted, your heart beating violently against your ribcage.
“What? What are you talking about?” Adam asked, his eyes widening as you bent your fingers to touch his hand, which were holding your wrists together. “Hey—what are you doing? Fucking stop that—“
“You could have killed me a long time ago, you know,” You interrupted him, forcing your body to relax in his grip in an attempt to appear genuine. 
Adam had a big mouth—everybody knew that. He would curse at every opportunity, the words, ‘Fuck,’ ‘Shit,’ and ‘Bitch,’ consisting of most of his vocabulary. But as he looked down at you, completely at his mercy, he had nothing to say. Not even a meager insult.
“I—“ Adam said, but that was all he had to offer.
You closed your eyes and exhaled, opening them after a few seconds. Angel’s dare echoed in the back of your mind, and you knew that you could weaponize it, but you needed to wear Adam down a bit more, his body too tense for your liking.
“Before I die, can I at least…see how you look like?” You asked, hoping it would work.
“You’re already looking at me right now, what?” Adam shook his head.
Of course he misunderstood you. 
“Behind the mask, I mean,” You specified, trying hard to be patient. 
Adam looked over his shoulder, clearly hesitant. The fact that he was considering your request was a good sign, however, excitement blooming in your chest. After a minute or so, he turned back to you, sighing in defeat.
“I, uh—fuck, fine!” Adam stuttered, readjusting his grip on your wrists so he could remove his mask with one hand. “Don’t move, or I’ll, uh, kill you! Yeah.”
You nodded obediently, secretly curious as to how he looked like. As he held your wrists together with one hand now, Adam looked over his shoulder again, making sure that nobody was paying attention to you two. When he was satisfied, he tentatively reached up to grab his mask, his stare never leaving you.
You couldn’t help but notice how Adam’s fingers trembled. He looked so vulnerable, and that made your stomach feel a bit funny. You wanted to call him pathetic, but the way he slowly revealed himself to you squashed that urge. As much as he sucked, he was still a person, you realized, especially when his mask landed next to your head.
Your eyes darted across his face, taking in each and every one of his features. If anybody asked you to guess what Adam, the first man alive, looked like, you would have replied with ethereal. But as you took in the sight before you, he was…average, with pale skin, hazel eyes, ash brown hair, and stubble decorating his chin. Still, he somehow managed to mesmerize you.
“Are you done, uh, looking?” Adam stammered, turning away from you.
He was growing self-conscious under your gaze, and that made you feel…bad? Oh no, why did you feel bad? You noticed the funny feeling in your stomach was only growing stronger, making you nauseous. You had no idea what it was, but if you remained underneath Adam for a second longer, you feared that you’d discover what it was.
But before you could shut down whatever this was, you had to indulge yourself first, being the sinner you were. You also justified it by convincing yourself that he hadn’t been worn down enough yet.
“Kiss me,” You said.
“What?” Adam blinked, completely caught off guard.
“I said kiss me—are you deaf?” You said, throwing back his insult from earlier.
“Now why the fuck would I—I don’t want to—that’s crazy—“ Adam struggled to form a coherent sentence, nervously laughing in between his words.
“Kiss me, daddy.”
His grip on your wrists immediately loosened, shocked. You had him right where you wanted him, retracting your arms from above your head with a practiced speed, seizing his collar and bringing him in for a kiss. Adam gasped against your lips, but that was the only form of protest he gave you. Before you knew it, he had one hand buried in your hair, the other on the small of your back with the sole purpose of joining your bodies.
It was supposed to be a quick kiss, but you allowed it to progress, enjoying the feeling of Adam’s hands desperately clawing at you. Meanwhile, all he could think about was how he couldn’t kill you anymore. He was addicted to the way your lips wetly smacked against one another, your hands glued to his face and his face only.
Your body was starting to heat up, and so was Adam’s, you realized. “Fuck,” You whimpered, feeling his length poking at your thigh. When he took the opportunity to shove his tongue into your mouth, his hand cupping the space between your thighs, your mind instantly went ‘Nope.’ You were in the middle of a battle, for fuck’s sake.
“Adam, we need to—“ You said, separating from the kiss, but he just dived right back in.
You grabbed his face, forcefully pulling him away from you. Adam peered down at you with rosy cheeks and bruised lips, his mouth slightly agape as he struggled to catch his breath. He looked absolutely blissed out, even as his hand remained in between your thighs, your head falling back with a moan as he started to massage you through your pants.
“Stop!” You cried, grabbing his wrist and squeezing him harder than you should have.
“Ow—what the fuck!” Adam whined, retracting his arm. 
When he looked at you like a kicked puppy, you rolled your eyes and sat up. 
“We are not going to fuck in the middle of…this! It’s not right,” You said, trying to snap him back to reality. “Look around you, Adam!” You gestured wildly, regret immediately replacing the arousal you previously felt.
“Fuck, I’m so selfish. What if my friends are dead? And I could have saved them if I weren’t so busy—“ You stopped rambling when you noticed the expression on Adam’s face.
He looked everything but apologetic, and God, did that piss you off. You quickly collected your spear from the ground and moved behind him, holding the weapon against his neck.
“Woah! Hey, babe! You don’t gotta do all that!” Adam panicked, his hands landing over yours, albeit putting no effort in pulling the spear away from his neck. “I’m sorry—you’re right—this is wrong and you—“
“Get up,” You demanded, kicking at his feet when he didn’t listen. “I said get up!”
“I’m doing it, I’m doing it!” Adam said, but he had to stop halfway into his ascent.
The man was taller than you, so there was no way he could stand up at his full height without risking getting choked. 
“Hey, genius, I can’t get up without your fucking spear—“ He started, but then he felt the weapon abandon his throat.
“Get the fuck out of here,” You said, grabbing his arm and spinning him around.
“What?” Adam asked, his brows furrowed as he processed your question. “No, I’m not gonna leave. Do you have any fucking idea what just happened?”
You turned away from Adam, feeling tears prick at your eyes. You really hated yourself for what you were about to do, but it was the only way to get him to understand.
“So? Who cares,” You said.
“The fuck? I do, you stupid—ah, sorry, I’m not good at this kinda stuff,” Adam shook his head, frustrated. “But I…care, about you and whatever just happened.”
“I was only trying to save myself,” You said, but Adam wasn’t having any of it.
“Well, shit, you have a funny way of doing it,” Adam said, rounding you as he gauged your reaction. “Do you make googly eyes at every fucker who’s about to kill you, huh? Let them kiss you and touch you the way I just did?”
Screams pierced the sky, a reminder of everyone fighting right around the corner. You didn’t have the time to argue, especially as you thought about your friends, who were out there risking their lives while you were fucking around with Adam.
“I don’t want you, Adam. Okay? Get it through your fucking skull,” You lied through your teeth, seizing his collar and forcing him to look at you. “Look at what you and your dumbass army are doing! You’re slaughtering innocent souls that are fighting for a chance at redemption.” 
Adam stuttered, a look of disbelief upon his face. While it pained you to see him that way, your words were exactly what he needed to hear. If you allowed anything else to happen between you two, you’d never be able to forgive yourself.
“But what right do you have when you’re here in Hell—“ Adam tried to counter, but you didn’t let him finish his sentence. 
“I’m sorry, but you spared me out of your own goddamn selfishness, mercilessly killing other sinners because they weren’t me. I’m not special, and honestly, neither are you!” You continued, trying not to acquiesce as you heard his breath hitch in his throat. “You’re the Adam—so fucking what? I could never be with you, and you should’ve known that when all of your wives have left you.”
You bit your cheek as you pushed Adam away, trying not to apologize as his heart shattered into a million pieces before you. He could have killed you, but he didn’t, instead opting to watch you as you turned your back on him—just like everybody else he had ever loved. Little did you know that that would be the last time you saw Adam alive. “Did ya do it?” Angel joked as you observed his lifeless body, his face falling when you didn’t laugh. “Cause ya didn’t have to, but if ya did, uh, good job?” You eventually offered him a half-hearted nod. Hell had won, and Extermination Day had been cancelled, but you felt hollow as everyone brought you in for a celebratory hug.
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6esiree · 1 month
Fucking Them to Ulterior Motives
Edit: Found the Original song on Spotify + I added Adam and Angel Dust.
Y’ALLLL …ik you guys want a part 2 to the Daddy fic, but wouldn’t it be nice if I wrote about senselessly fucking the Hazbin men to this lost song that went viral?
Like, I can imagine you pushing Lucifer/Alastor/Vox/Husk/Adam/Angel down on a chair, forcing them to watch you as you dance around the room, their eyes following your every move as you sway sensually along with the music. You guys are halfway into a bottle of liquor, too, so all of your senses are heightened.
Now, let’s cut to the good part where you’re riding them at a relentless pace.
Lucifer: You already know that Lucifer is going to be a mess underneath you, his head tossed back, pleading for you to be more gentle with him over and over again. He’s doing everything in his power not to climax instantly when you ignore him, trying to block out the filthy squelching that fills the room. Lucifer fails miserably, of course—he hasn’t been fucked this good in a while.
Alastor: Portraying Alastor as submissive seems impossible, but I’m sure I could figure out how to dissolve him into a pathetic, whining mess for y’all. He’s sensitive as he rarely ever indulges in carnal pleasures, his smile almost falling as his length glides in and out of your slick hole a testament of that. Alastor eventually forces your hips at a standstill, though, overwhelmed.
Vox: The way that Vox always appears so calm and collected? Yeah, that’s just a persona, and you figured that out as soon as you sunk onto his length. When you start moving, it’s over for him, but you mercilessly continue to ride him, savoring the way his screen glitches and buffers as you overstimulate him.
Husk: I’m sure Husk would eat this shit up. The old man’s body is slumped, eyes half-lidded, and mouth slightly agape, allowing breathy sighs to escape his throat. He’s trying his absolute best not to sink his claws into your hips as you ride him with fervor, his length already throbbing inside of you. You can bet Husk is mentally cursing himself because his body is reacting like that of a horny teenager.
Adam: We all know that Adam usually likes to dive right into the good part, perfectly fine with little to no foreplay. So when you finally crawl onto his lap and sink onto his length, he is immediately thrusting up into you, desperate for release. While he is mostly in control, Adam is still a mess underneath you, the bruises you suck onto his neck prematurely sending him over the edge.
Angel Dust: Oh, Angel would be in a state of bliss, unaccustomed to being indulged in such a sensual way. He’s also usually…theatrical, but as you ride him, you have to coax him into giving you a bit more than pants and breathy moans. Angel is too busy focusing on the sight of his length sliding in and out of your hole, only crying out loud when you tug his head back as you pick up the pace.
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