Reminders to all:
Witchcraft is your own craft. You don't have to listen to or follow others. You cannot gatekeep nor own herbs, flowers, incenses, rituals, etc. Many many cultures do the exact same shit as each other with different ways of doing it, different intentions, and for different reasons. As long as you are aware of your intentions, it doesn't matter.
You can curse and hex and jinx all you want. If you don't believe in karma, that's ok, I don't either.
Your craft and practice is unique and special to you. You can create your own oils, rituals, routines, holidays, days, sigils, spells, etc. It doesn't have to make sense to anyone else but you.
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being in nature is so calming. I love just sitting outside in my backyard, listening to the birds chip, feeling the air whoosh around me. the sun on my skin. looking at our beautiful flowers and herbs and tree.
I love watching the goofy birds drink water from the bird bath and hop around and do silly things. I like watching funny clumsy bees bump into me and then fly away. and I love picking ants up and saying Hello! to them and setting them down. I love talking to plants of all kinds.
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An essay on why we all get so fatigued trying to do witchcraft, and some ideas on what to do about it.
I've mentioned a few (several?) times that I'm trying to rework my practice to be so much lower energy.
I want to practice a lot. My path has responsibilities and demands. I want to be engaged in witchcraft daily and often.
As a part of this I have had to really sit down and untangle the question of chronic magical fatigue, which then turns in to chronic regular fatigue.
I've come to some personal realizations during this quest. Here is one of them, which I would like to suggest as a concept or hypothesis but not a literal truism:
One of the most vital and basic energy working techniques you can learn is feeling how full your "mana tanks" are.
Magical battery, odic fluid, witch-power, whatever you want to call it. It's finite for all of us (even if for some it can recharge faster than they can use it).
I have yet to see a "daily practice" or "101 energy work guide" provide a resource on how to feel how much magical energy you have, and explain how to avoid over-spending it.
I have also never seen a 101 guide ever really explain that "energy-gathering" techniques which are meant to recharge you are in and of themselves draining.
Techniques which refill your mana tanks are often the same techniques as energy raising and energy programming.
E.g.: "Pull energy up from the earth" (energy raising) "and guide it to your spine, imagining that it refills and recharges your whole body" (energy programming).
This is an actively draining technique.
The only passive energy-gathering technique I'm familiar with is just resting.
As humans, this should be common sense! Eating food requires energy (to find food, to prepare it, to consume it) and then can further tire us as our body redirects resources to digestion.
As humans, when many of us get older, we start to realize our physical limits. You know how far you can get in the day on a single bagel. And for many of us, if you've pushed past your limits, your whole day is thrown off. Refueling might make you crash and nap, not suddenly fill you up with a huge burst of energy!
Yet somehow it's pervaded the 101 energy working sphere that a certain energy-gathering exercise - which drains your magical power - will just fill you up and you can do as much magic as you want again. Warnings about not over-exerting are usually like, "take it easy! Only do 1 or 2 minutes if you can't do all 15, or even take the day off ;)" but no actual instructions about how to feel out your limits and know how to reliably stop before you over-exert.
I think that for a lot of people it would be helpful to divide their energy-working abilities into two categories: Muscle and Fuel.
Your energy working Muscle becomes stronger over time. It has its own muscle-memory, and repetition of techniques can allow you to do them faster and better over time. This Muscle behaves very much like your earthly muscles: it burns fuel to work, but it also becomes fatigued and even damaged with over-exertion. It requires regular periods of rest. Once pushed to the point of fatigue, the necessary period of rest becomes a lot longer.
Your energy working Fuel can be thought of as the little magical calories floating around your energy body system. These units of energy are refilled and recharged as we do normal things like eating, sleeping, and engaging in restorative mundane activities. This Fuel doesn't do anything on its own*. In order to utilize it, you have to engage your Muscle. The more that you work with Fuel-collecting and Muscle-using, the more efficient your energy body system becomes at accepting, processing, storing, and expelling Fuel. You can use your Muscle to collect Fuel and store it inside your energy body.
No matter how much Fuel you have, once your Muscle is fatigued, you have to rest.
I can run a marathon (no I can't, but imagine with me) and be totally exhausted. If I eat an entire pizza, will this allow me to suddenly run another marathon? No, of course not!
Now, let's imagine that nobody brought a pizza to me, but I had to walk down to the corner shops to buy one - now, my poor muscles can barely hold me up. Energy-raising exercises still require you to flex your Muscle, and if it's already fatigued, you are probably just shooting yourself in the foot.
Your Fuel and Muscle are not automatically synchronised. And I think a lot of us out here are abusing our poor Muscles, demanding they work again and again and again, not understanding that they need literal periods of rest - hours and days to be allowed to relax, heal, and regrow to a stronger state. And I think a lot of people do believe that just by Refueling, their Muscles are supposed to "magically" work as if they just came of a week of rest.
In my beliefs, this Fuel and Muscle are the same ones we use for divination, spellwork, and spirit contact :) So if you're trying to do tons of these things all the time and thinking that a grounding exercise can replace rest, you're probably literally just… running yourself into the ground.
I would like to propose that if you are having a really hard time dealing with fatigue and energy levels when trying to engage with your practice**, you should learn two techniques: A way to judge the fatigue of your Muscle, and a way to judge the fullness of your Fuel.
Either of these things can be accomplished with a pendulum on a number line (using a pendulum requires usage of your Muscle, by the by!). Bodily sensations may tip you off - I get a strained feeling in my forehead when I'm close to over-exertion. You can also induce a psychic technique, such as asking yourself where you're at and waiting to hear, see, know, feel, or understand where your Muscles and Fuel are at.
I would also like to propose that metaphysical energy gathering can actually be so tiring that it might be inappropriate for everyday use. Raising a ton of energy and infusing it into yourself or objects for later use is a full day's activity, not a quick act you can shove into a morning routine. I'd like to clarify that here I differentiate between energy-raising, and meditative techniques which provide a "grounded," present-moment focused state of mind.
If you're taking suggestions, I would recommend figuring out how much magic you can do before you achieve a state of 50% Muscular fatigue/Fuel exertion, 75%, and 90%. I believe you shouldn't push past your limits. It just hurts. It feels bad, it's exhausting, and it takes exponentially longer to rest and heal. And I think many of us will be surprised at how little magic we can accomplish when we respect our limits.
*Some people who experience a great over-abundance of personal energy do have weird stuff happening around them all the time; it's the metaphysical equivalent of a cat rubbed with a balloon and set loose in a Styrofoam factory.
**Here, I mean people who notice marked upticks in exhaustion and fatigue when working magic, not people with baseline fatigue which just carries forward.
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troubleshooting spotty spirit connections/"godphoning"
This post is full of my personal UPGs and stuff. These are just my beliefs and what works for me. YMMV.
It takes them a lot of energy to come through to us. Feed them and help them get across the veil.
Have you ever done a big tarot reading and got really drained? Or focused really intensely on a spirit guide meditation that left you feeling lightheaded and hungry? When we connect to the spirit world it is tiring and energy-intensive. There is no reason to believe that connection on their end is any easier.
A lot of rhetoric gets tossed around that spirits and guides are so powerful and life-changing, etc. And this might be true, but I think it gets construed in a way where we assume that because they're so powerful, it must be very easy for them to appear to us - so any failure of communication is squarely on our shoulders.
This is unfair to both them and us.
Your offerings aren't just token gestures. You are actually providing energy to your spirits - dense, earthy energies they need in order to be able to come through to our world. Fresh water is refreshing and polite, but not really energizing. Food offerings are especially helpful.
This is the point of spirit houses and spirit vessels. You create a sacred object or space aligned to a spirit's energies, and invite them to come inside of it and use it as they please. As a magic-worker, your words of dedication and consecration make a literal foothold for that spirit to more easily come to our world. This also provides a place for the spirit to rest and relax as they speak to you.
Liminal times and spaces make it easier for us to reach the spirit world, and therefore easier for them to reach us. Taking actions such as laying a compass, casting a circle, or reaching trance states can actually be extremely helpful. It's not about "spirits are dangerous so cast a circle first," and it's not about "you have to meditate and clear your mind" (trance can be achieved ecstatically, after all). It's about creating or entering into in-between spaces where our worlds more easily meet.
If you primarily use tools to communicate with spirits, cleanse and charge them more regularly. The spirits can direct the energy within your tools instead of having to use their own.
If you're already using spirit vessels or houses, try gently cleaning them and re-consecrating them. Provide as much energy as you can to the spirit at that time, so that they can more strongly imprint upon the vessel.
Stop trying to talk to them all of the time.
Spirits are people too. They shouldn't be treated like invisible humans with cool new skins, but that doesn't mean they don't have autonomy and personhood.
Spirits exist independently of us and they don't disappear and go into the void when we stop paying attention to them. They are living their own lives. Even if you believe the spirits do revolve around you, at some point they have to leave to go find information you're asking about, or review the strands of fate to make sure you're headed in the right direction, or whatever.
You don't expect your human friends to be on call 24/7 and it's rude and inconsiderate to just assume all spirits are going to want to communicate with you every single time you want to communicate with them.
No, the point of this is not "you're clingy and the spirits need space."
The point is that if you're just picking up the spirit phone at any random time, of course some of your communication will "fail" because they're not free to answer!
You might be blaming yourself for having unreliable psychic abilities when the reality is that you're just sending a FaceTime request at a bad time.
It is my experience that this is true even of gods. Sometimes I walk by the shrine of my primary god and it's just empty - he's not there right now. It's not because he hates me or because my psychism failed. He's probably off chasing nymphs or something, he'll be back later.
Try setting a schedule with the spirits if possible, such as determining what time(s) of day they're free to talk, what days of the week or moon phases they're usually free or busy, and so on.
You have times when you're more or less attuned to communication, too. The most random stuff can make psychic senses go haywire. For some, a strong cup of coffee will turn off their second sight like flipping a switch. If you try to get more of a schedule going, it will be a lot easier for you to control the variables contributing to your successes or failures. It's not fair for you to assume your psychic senses are static and you should just be able to turn them on at any time you want.
Give them a good reason to talk to you.
There are many kinds of spirits. Some we primarily interact with as friends and companions. For them, the reason for them to talk to you is that you're cool, interesting, and they want to spend time with you (all your friends think that about you! I promise!).
Other spirits can hold a much more spiritual or tutelary role in our life. When they speak, they have something important to say - and they're not necessarily going to let that be drowned out by everyday chatter.
Have you ever done a tarot reading you didn't like or understand, and then re-drew the spread to ask again? And the second time made even less sense?
Talking to spiritual teachers can be like that. They tell you something important, and they're not necessarily going to rephrase it. The problem with spiritual teachers and guides is that you still have to be the student and the explorer.
I have often communicated with the gods and spirits of other people. In these situations, I do my best to give them a really good reason to want to talk to me. "Hello, gods and spirits of [client]. I am helping [client] with [their question/problem]. I will be empty, and you can speak through me. I'll do my very best to clearly share everything you want them to know."
No matter what, though, spirits might just not want to talk. And that's ok.
Ask yourself the kinds of relationships you have with the spirits and beings you're attempting communication with. Having a very close and fulfilling relationship with a spirit doesn't mean it's appropriate to treat them like a casual friend (just as I can have a very fulfilling relationship with a professional mentor, but it's still inappropriate for me to call them at 3am after some wine).
Keep an eye on the intention of your communications. Are you unable to "find" your guide when it's about an important spiritual question, but they show up just to chat? Or vice-versa? Ask why a spirit might choose to not respond to some types of communication.
I find that spiritual guides can get irritable and non-responsive if you continually request communication without applying their advice.
In the case of spirits who are primarily friends/companions, try thinking of a fun activity for the two of you to do together, or something interesting to show them. Spirits enjoy novelty, too. Maybe you could read a new book together :)
Conversational skills transcend dimensions.
There is a difference between requesting communication and just vibing with a spirit's vibes.
When you want to communicate with the spirits, do you actually think, say, or sign, "hi, it's me, I want to talk to you today about [topic]"? Or do you just kinda show up like, "I'm here, so... yeah."
I like vibing with the vibes. I like sitting quietly with people and spirits and just existing with them. But I wouldn't sit quietly in the vibes and then say, "okay, so you're just not going to talk to me??"
Other things like manners go an incredibly long way. Spirits have a concept of boundaries and politeness - some more than others.
Active listening and critical thinking helps a lot too (and it's a great way to strengthen relationships with other humans!). Make sure you're treating spirits like a conversation partner, and not a novelty toy that spits out mystic answers to your questions.
One of the best ways to bond through communication is to create the space for the other person to share their thoughts. It's more than reasonable to show up to a spirit with a question.
But if you redirect the conversation always to be what you want to talk about, think your senses are going haywire just because a spirit is showing you something that isn't what you asked about, or only want to talk about yourself or your problems - it's not reasonable to expect that 100% of spirits want to be a part of 100% of those conversations.
Try approaching every spirit communication with clear intent. Just wanting to chat and hang out is more than okay, but be upfront with your interests and needs.
Try asking the spirits if they're free to talk and if they're interested in talking about what you want to discuss.
Make time and space for the spirits to bring up their own topics.
Employ manners at all times, even if you think your communication effort failed. Please, thank you, hello, and goodbye are powerful words.
Be open to the idea that the spirit might not want to talk about your question or your problem, and that they might have something to share with you that doesn't appear to directly benefit you.
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I love nature so much. I love worms
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sometimes when I was going through break ups, bullying, etc there would be this automatic switch inside my thoughts where this almost motherly like feeling would come onto me and my thoughts would almost 'respond' to me in a way.
before getting into witchcraft and learning about deities, I just thought it was me comforting myself like a mother would, as I've never geniunely had a mom, it's always been my grandma.
I'd be crying and upset and having negative sad thoughts and suddenly id think "Hey, hey it's okay. Don't cry love you're trying your best. It's gonna be ok, you're ok" almost in the tone of a mother. Looking back, the memories of when those times would happen almost looks like someone is hugging me, when I replay them in my head.
"It's ok, some people leave. Some people aren't meant to stay in your life forever and that's ok. You'll get through this. I know it hurts, I know you feel betrayed. But it'll get better."
Sometimes it'd sound like it was laughing but in a sympathetic and comforting way, the way a mother hugs her child when the child is upset.
I don't speak to myself like this most of the time, as my thoughts tend to manifest more so as feelings instead of the little voice you use to read things.
"You're not ugly, don't listen to them. You are absolutely beautiful and if they can't see it, they are blind!"
"I know you want closure love but he's made it clear he doesn't want to talk to you. That's a form of closure. I know what he did wasn't fair, it hurt, he betrayed you.
I know but it hurts so much. Why did he leave me? I'm just not good enough
"No, you are good enough. Some people aren't meant to stay in your life forever, some people come and go. There's not much you can do about it. It had nothing to do with you and everything to do with him"
The feeling I'd get would be warm, like I was being hugged. The voice/thought would change it's tone too, it didn't really ever sound like me. I'd already be crying from hurt and betrayal but that feeling would wash over me and it would feel like how my grandma hugs me when Im already upset and the tears would just spill out even more.
I've never known what it's like to just have a *mother* figure. But that feeling made it feel like it was my mother, thinking about it makes me wanna cry, not in a bad way, but because the feeling is so beautiful, so comforting. It never felt like an "evil" presence but when the moment would pass I could tell it was something else at play because as I've stated, I don't talk to myself like that.
I like to believe it was Lady Lilith helping me in those times, and that She was hugging me and letting me know it'll all be ok
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A Poem for Lady Lilith
Her long gorgeous raven black hair
Skin pale like porcelain
Her scent like roses and wine
Magnificent gown made of the softest black silk
Her silver crown bedazzled with garnet
The most beautiful face you'll ever see
Whose tongue spills out words of wisdom
Words of mysteries
Her eyes red like wine, like garnet
Fire ablaze amidst Her presence
Her daring owl and charming serpent
Her power
No presence can compare to that of Hers
As She sits on her throne
Her silver chalice
Full of red wine
A single black dahlia sits perfectly between Her ear
The full moon illuminates Her
She is Lady Lilith
And no one can compare
Renich Viasa Avage Lilith Lirach! Praise to Lilith :)
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Regarding Channeling
Lately several things have come to my attention regarding people’s opinions and stances on channeling spirits and deities. As someone who has been doing this for many years, I feel compelled to write some notes about making contact effectively while trying to avoid some common pitfalls.
 First of all, it is not a trifling matter nor should it be taken lightly when bored or indecisive. I heard people simply not knowing what to do and while feeling bored, they try randomly to see “who’s willing to talk to me”… such things are not the right way to approach the spirits or the deities. It should be a conscious effort of dedication, not something to fill time when idle. Secondly, sometimes I have heard they attempt to channel without actual prior knowledge of the spirit; on occasion they even wanted to do this with spirits of the dead, hauntings or other entities that they had not met before and were full of unknown variables. It must be mentioned that while doing channeling you allow a part of your mental space to be “shared” with the entity / spirit. Therefore if you don’t know what you are doing or if you allow such mind-sharing with an unknown being, it could potentially have detrimental effects on your mental health. Emotional outbursts and impulsive behavior that are out of character are all too common, but more severe and enduring effects could occur. I had two friends in the past who were not too careful and ended up with mental health disorders.
 A third thing to bear in mind is that you should take all the necessary steps to make this contact as good as possible; even if you are good at it, even if you know the spirit or deity beforehand, it is good practice to make the right environment for the contact. This is two-fold: by the right environment, most people understand the outer environment as being conducive to the channeling; no distractions, the appropriate offerings/objects for the spirit (if available), preferably without bright lights, incense, etc. However the internal environment is just as important. A calm and serene mind, a body in relaxation are perhaps too obvious, but remember that you also need to part with your “everyday self”, putting it aside. If this is not done, the message will get contaminated by your own ideas, thoughts, past experiences, fantasies, and will end up being untrustworthy. I have heard several people who think of themselves as experienced who fail to do this, believing that they can simply bypass the problem just because they have talent, strong will or good technique.
 It is vital to the procedure to learn to put aside one’s ego and to allow space in yourself temporarily in order for the spirit to speak better. You do this by practicing emptiness in yourself, a feeling of hollow space (not linked to depression), as if you are receptive and totally trusting without reservations. Obviously one can see that unless you absolutely trust the spirit or your safety precautions, it can be a really bad idea as it can lead to possession (or even lesser troubles, but in some cases enduring and causing severe grief). Contrary to what many believe, this is, indeed, a difficult skill to master as it is exceedingly difficult to be free of illusions while doing this, and only through years of practice combined with talent you may see satisfactory results.
 You must always remember that spirit or deity channelings must happen with free will and without coercing the entity or forcing yourself to do this. If one fails to take this into account, they will soon discover how much of a bad idea it was. Sooner or later, bad spiritual practice always produces negative states which can be felt in the person’s life, so be cautious of this. Do not be easily impressed with wild claims and exciting prospects, but instead, try step by step and advance yourself through solid training. There are no substitutes for a spiritual life (by spiritual, I mean a life in direct communion with the spirits); once a person has tasted it, they never go back to mundane life as it seems hollow and empty of promise. So the desire to channel for yourself or others may be strong; however always temper it with reasonable expectations based on actual achievement and skill, practicing at every opportunity. It takes years but in the end, the rewards are too profound to mention. I certainly never looked back; but I also never trivialized it or made it sound easy and quick to master. The gates of knowledge are open to those who willingly devote themselves to the practice of spirituality. Be patient, and work meticulously. Like everything else that demands time and serious practice, it has costs and there are personal sacrifices to be made at times. But my voice joins those others who walk this Path and say, it was worth it.
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Invoke vs summoning
invoke is to call up (a person, specifically a deity) for help, assistance or guidance while summon is to call people together, a command, a call or an order
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Types of Witches - My Digital Grimoire Series
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*these are my pages, please do not repost as your own!*
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How to Work & Calibrate Your Pendulum
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This is by no means an official guide. If anything this is just a way of letting you all know how I go about using my pendulum. I’m going to talk about calibration/establishing how I worked out what-means-what before I go into any methodology (I gathered my information from myriad sources and will list them if I can remember what/where they are).
Calibration/Figuring Out What Your Pendulum is Telling You:
Alright, so you might have a totally different way of doing this, but here’s mine! Firstly, you need a pendulum. This may be obvious, but I’m just putting it out there. A pendulum can be any weighted object that is suspended from a chain or string or some kind. You’ll find that lots of people use crystals for pendulums as they work particularly well. I did not with my first pendulum (tragic side story: my Mama accidentally threw my guide sheet and pendulum away when cleaning - absolutely devastating).  That being said, you do not have to use a crystal. As I mentioned, my first pendulum was in fact a small silver pendant that held a white and black pearl inside. It was hung on a slim silver chain that was 7″ in length. An effective pendulum should be something that is connected to you and only you as it will be imbued with your energies. Take care - do not allow others to handle your pendulum as it may alter the energies and therefore the accuracy and effectiveness of your tool.
Onto the actual subject of this post (I digress often, as you’ve probably noticed). “But, Rowan how do I even get started!?” I hear you cry. Well, my darlings, this is how I did it:
First things first, you’ll need a piece of paper, a pen, and a ruler (if you like your lines straight) and of course, your pendulum. On the piece of paper, draw a circle as best as you can. It doesn’t have to be perfect but you can draw around a cup or mug if you like to get a nice round circle. Make sure the circle is big enough; I would recommend something akin to the size of the palm of your hand or bigger. 
Next, use a ruler to find the centre of your circle and mark it with a dot. Now draw a line horizontally through the dot. Do this vertically and diagonally so that you have a diagram like the one below. 
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Once you’ve done this, sit down and breathe in and out deeply and calmly. It is time to prepare yourself for divining.  Before every use of the pendulum, it is imperative (for me!) to be in a calm and serene state and to do this, I sit comfortably and close my eyes. I envision an aura of protective white light surrounding my body. Starting from my toes I let it envelope me and bathe me in warmth and spiritual energy. I visualize it travelling up through the crown chakra and into the third eye. This increases psychic and spiritual power.
The next thing you must do is a little strange sounding but important in this sort of work. You must tap a small circle counter-clockwise (the opposite direction in which a clock moves) around your thymus with your index finger (your thymus is just over an inch below the hollow between your collar bones on your chest). Doing this helps balance the energies within you.
This next part you will only have to do once, unless like me you lose your guide papers in an unfortunate cleaning mishap:
Now you need to establish the directions and what they mean. For example, which swing means yes? Which means no? Who knows? You will, in a minute. Sit with the soles of your feet planted firmly on the ground and place the paper between your legs/feet and take the chain/thong/rope between your thumb and finger, or two fingers; have a loose but secure grip. Let the pendulum hang and make sure the point of it is above the centre of your circle - this is why the dot in the centre helps because it’s a larger focal point. 
To find your directions, you have to ask! Simple! Say aloud: “Show me the ‘yes’ signal/sign”, and take note of the direction of the pendulum’s movement. Does it move clockwise? Counter clockwise? Swing side-to-side? Diagonally? Up and down?  If the pendulum does not move, repeat your question. If, after say 5-10 minutes it shows no intention of going anywhere, move onto your next enquiry. Once you have identified your signal, claim it and confirm it by saying something along the lines of, “this is my signal for yes”.
Repeat this exact process for ‘no’, and then, ‘do not know’, ‘ask later’, ‘cannot say’ and ‘maybe’ or ‘sort of’. 
To further confirm that these are correct, test the pendulum by using statements that you know the answer to, for example, ‘my hair colour is ______’, or ‘my name is ______’. If your signals are right, the pendulum’s response will be yes or no depending on the statement you have made.
Once you are sure that you have calibrated your pendulum, make a note on your piece of paper regarding the directional signals. Note their meanings down. 
Once this is all done, you’re done! You can begin divining to your heart’s content! You can keep using your guiding circle for as long as you like, there is no harm or shame in it! I used mine for a while afterwards to keep myself calm and confident as I am still a baby at this sort of thing.
Good luck and happy witchcrafting!
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Types of Water Divination
Hydromancy: divination using water
The flow of water speaks to the intensity of current and/or upcoming events. To practice this method, dip a metal ring in water and gauge the movements like using a pendulum for "yes/no," or interpret the answer from the number of ripples that arise.
Acultomancy: divination with needles
Using needles in water or flour, the diviner would interpret shapes and patterns created by the needles in the substance. 21 or 7 needles would be used following the question being asked. The broken line may mean traveling or heading on a new journey. The parallel lines may mean money in the future, either given or taken away. The vertical lines are meant as guided roads to take. The horizontal lines may mean what the fate will be.
Ceroscopy: divination with molten wax in water
Light the candle with your question in mind and allow the wax to drop into the bowl of water. As the wax forms shapes and pattens, use these to interpret an answer to your question.
Quercusmancy: divination with acorns and oak trees
Lovers can drop acorns into the corner of a body of water. If the acorns touch, the lovers are meant to be. Acorns were also carried as lucky charms. If an oak tree shed its leaves, an oath was said to be broken.
Lecanomancy: divination with oil and water
Drop oil or rocks into a bowl of water and interpret the shapes and ripples in answer to your question.
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What causes damage, to which crystals
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Daily reminder that:
Witchcraft and the metaphysical cannot cure mental illness, physical illness, or disorders.
Mental health symptoms are not signs your "third eye" is opening.
Spreading misinformation about what the metaphysical can do actively hurts people.
You have to believe scientists. That's not up for debate.
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a.k.a May Day
What is Beltane?
Beltane, May 1st is the beginning of the “light half” on the wheel of the year. Like many sabbats on the wheel of the year, Beltane is Celtic in origin. Etymologically, “bel” means “to flash, shine, or burn”, while “tane” means “fire”. It is also thought that Bel was a Celtic sun god. Regardless, Beltane is viewed primarily as a fertility festival. Traditionally, bonfires are held on this day. May Day is also the time where faeries ride out into the mortal world. Faeries are very powerful during this time, so it is considered unsafe to sit in circles of yellow and white flowers, as well as sleep out in the open air on May Day (May 1st) and May Eve (April 30th)
Colours: Green, yellow, orange, red, pink
Food: Bread, dairy, cake, Bannock (Scottish oat cake), honey, spice, aphrodisiacs
Herbs: Hawthorn, mugwort, ivy, woodruff, meadowsweet, frankincense, cinquefoil
Flowers: Marigold, rose, foxglove, lily of the valley, blooming flowers
Crystals: Amber, emerald, aventurine, malachite, rhodonite, rose quartz
Incense and Oil: Rose, frankincense, lilac, vanilla, passionflower
Animals: Cattle, bees, rabbits, goats, butterflies, frogs, swans
God(desse)s: Green man, maiden, Brigid, Cernunnos, Flora, Hera, Bes, Freya, Aphrodite, Pan, Dionysus
Tarot: The Lovers
Spells: Fertility, abundance, love, relationships, happiness
Put up a maypole and dance around it
Put a plate of moss out for the faeries on the night of May Eve
Have a bonfire
Sex/Fertility acts
Have a picnic
Make a flower crown
Bake bread/Make infused butter
Deliver May Baskets to your loved ones
Decorate your home/backyard with ribbons
Altar Ideas
Mini maypole
May Baskets
The concept of a May Basket is relatively simple and flexible. It is simply a basket of homemade treats and flowers that you can leave at the doors of your loved ones. This is a fun tradition that is sure to make people happy
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Dance around a maypole (a tree works too)
Create flower crowns
Meditate or astral travel
Wear flowers on your body
Leave offerings for the Fair Folk
Make promises or commitments to loved ones (friends, lovers, family)
Create daisy chains
Go for a walk and wish on a hawthorn tree
Decorate your altar
Seasonal spring flowers
Mini maypole
Green alter cloth, ribbons, beads, etc. 
Light red, pink, and green candles
Feel free to get creative with the rest of the information you gather and make it your own- it’s your practice, do your thing
Spend time with those you love
Give rose quartz to your loved ones
Wear red and white
Light candles
Ritual bath
dark green
light blue
Crystals and stones
rose quartz
pink tourmaline
pink angel aura quartz
Herbs and Flowers
fresh salads
vanilla flavored foods
red fruits
spicy food
new life
Beltane fire
sun magick
Other names
May day
Reminder: Just like Samhain, the veil is the thinnest on this day. Take advantage of that and remember to protect and keep up your wards. 
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