Kitchen Remedies To Get Rid Of Nausea During Pregnancy
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Nausea is very much usual almost in every pregnancy case. This happens for increasing the hormone level during early pregnancy. Nausea during the first trimester is also referred to as morning sickness. But this name does not indicate that you are sick. Morning sickness is considered to be a good sign of pregnancy. But, vomiting indeed is painful and it should not be increased. You can easily control nausea with some easy home remedies. Window to the Womb, the clinic for early pregnancy scan in Peterborough would share some convenient tips so that you can get rid of nausea whenever it becomes painful to you.
Ingest Ginger: 
Ginger is the most effective kitchen remedy to reduce the tendency of nausea. Reports say that ginger has some compounds that help to control vomiting and nausea without any side effects during pregnancy. Hence, for getting rid of excessive vomiting, make ginger your best friend at your early pregnancy.
 The smell of peppermint has some anti-nausea effects. Inhale the smell of peppermint whenever you feel like vomiting. It indeed works.
 Like ginger, lemon is also very much handy in every kitchen. Lemon works magically to reduce your vomiting tendency. Just slice a fresh lemon or scratch the peel with your nails and take the smell. The feeling of vomiting and nausea would vanish in seconds.
Cumin powder: 
Cumin powder helps to reduce vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain during early pregnancy.
 Cinnamon has a strong smell we all know. This smell often works for reducing vomiting and nausea.
Fennel powder:
 Fennel power does a great job of controlling excessive vomiting or morning sickness during pregnancy.
Milk with rose water: 
Having milk with a drop of rose water every morning, helps to prevent nausea during pregnancy. Just add a splash of rose water to a glass of milk and boil that properly. Consume the milk once it becomes warm.
Though nausea is a thing that should not be worried about, it should be under control. Nothing is good when that becomes extreme. Hence, it is good to be acquainted with some kitchen remedies that help reducing vomiting and nausea during pregnancy.
Get the best report for the private ultrasound scan in Peterborough at Window to the Womb and be updated with your little one’s well-being.
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Well-Being Scans Explained In Brief
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A well-being scan is often necessary to assess how your unborn baby has grown. More often than not, your obstetrician or midwife will advise you whether a Wellbeing scan is something that is necessary or not.
Well-being and growth scans are basically medical scans. The scans usually last 30 minutes or less. In this scan, they measure specific parts of your baby to confirm if there has been a normal and satisfactory growth according to what is expected from your due date. 
Here are some of the specific things that will be assessed during the Wellbeing Scan at Peterborough Clinics:
Check fetal growth
Monitor anomalies with your baby (e.g. the fetal renal pelvis dilatation)
Review the findings from the prior Private Ultrasound Scan 
Assess placental position 
What should you expect to happen on the day?
You should book an appointment as soon as you decide that you need to get a well-being scan. When you arrive at the clinic, you will be required to provide information about your pregnancy before the sonographer takes you through the entire scanning room. 
You will be required to lie straight on a table so as to expose your tummy before a clear gel is applied gently on your tummy as the sonographer gently moves the probe over the tummy and records images.   
They will take your baby’s specific measurements in order to monitor its growth. Also, a vaginal scan may be conducted as this gives a view of the baby. A vaginal scan is also great if you are having a low-lying placenta. 
After completing the scan, an on-site obstetrician or a radiologist will review the results you receive the report.  
The purpose of Wellbeing Scans at Peterborough Clinics
The Wellbeing Scans at Peterborough Clinics is done for various reasons. Simply put, the purpose of this pregnancy scan is:
To locate what position is the placenta of your baby
To determine the lie or the presentation of your baby
To measure and identify fetal heart rate
To measure or determine the amniotic fluid index
To determine what gender is your fetus. The doctors will do this upon your request
To examine the Doppler flow of the fetus umbilical cord in order to check the placental function 
To establish the current estimated weight of the fetus 
To measure the fetus’ abdomen, head and femur bone so as to assess the fetal growth 
So, that is basically what the process of Wellbeing scan at Peterborough Clinics involves. 
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