weirdbraincustard · 9 months
the pedestal is yours too
i am important to my SP.
they are lucky to have me in their life.
i bring joy, love, comfort and growth to them.
my SP is grateful to have known me as much as i am grateful to have known them.
we are mirrors to each other resulting in tremendous self-discovery.
i treat my SP as someone i love & someone who loves me. right now. despite everything. i try to be kinder and sit with my triggers that have nothing to do with them. i do not harbour resentment towards their current 3D version because i know i somewhere created this and i have the power to do differently now.
i love them for who they are right now, even if they’re not the ideal version we want them to be and allow them to flourish into a better person. i love them through their unfinished current 3D version, the obstacles, the triggers - because my higher self knows these things are trivial in the long run.
if we continue energetically projecting “SP is not doing enough for me” , “SP is not mirroring my affirmations” and “SP just loves to push all my buttons”, how do we expect to feel loved & cherished?
we can’t expect to receive love, adoration and contentment if we are constantly viewing our SP with the lens of scrutiny, how they’re not enough, how they’re not doing things for you etc. we focus so much on the lack that we forget to be kind to them. they’re also on their own spiritual journey, they’re too learning to live.
detach your SP from your triggers and take a good & kind look at them. understanding them , where they come from & what you can do to soothe them is something you’ll learn along the way. your triggers are the key to manifesting. your triggers are an opportunity to understand why you are the way you are.
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weirdbraincustard · 9 months
Your self worth is not determined by how many men find you attractive or by a certain men not finding you attractive/ wanting to be with you. For every man that doesn't want you, there is a woman in the street thinking you're pretty.
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weirdbraincustard · 9 months
Happiness is your nature. It is not wrong to desire it. What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside.
-Ramana Maharshi
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weirdbraincustard · 9 months
You're allowed to take up space and exist, with all of your needs and problems. You are not a burden, you are not annoying, especially if you depend on other people's care in some capacity, people love you and are glad you exist. Your needs are valid.
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weirdbraincustard · 9 months
The 3D Cannot Create.. So Why Do You Create Fear?
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I’ve been having a recent epiphany that has helped me understand the law better and helped me get rid of fear or at least self soothe when i feel fearful cus I don’t believe in stripping ourselves of our emotions…
I would say “the 3d cannot create” everyday for a YEAR but it wasn’t until a few days ago when i had a lightbulb moment… the 3D… really … cannot create.. it’s nothing more than a mirror… so why do I FEAR my shadow and expect it to show me something different.. why do i fool myself into believing i am the shadow and not the being that casts the shadow??
We fulfill ourselves within our imagination and get so stoked about our desire.. then we leave imagination and come down to the 3d world and bombarded with all the things the senses throw at you. now you start doubting.. you start counting down the time bc it’s been xyz long and you think it’ll never happen.. I literally always do this…
But then i thought to myself… the 3d cannot create any of those scenarios im envisioning… it’s my twin.. it is a shadow.. whatever I experience in the 4d is what i MUST experience in the 3d no matter what because self MUST be expressed
I’ll literally get so confident then expect the 3d to show me otherwise and be fearful and start asking myself what if it doesn’t happen and but if there is no separation between the 3d n 4d and all is imagination…. why would you NOT get it? … seriously… because the only way all those negative scenarios would happen is through persisting in them… it’s all imagination at the end of the day..
the relationship between the 3d and 4d is a simple input and output it’s just us who overcomplicate it because of all the baggage we’ve assigned to the law and all the things we’ve internalized about what we can or cannot do. if you assume something in imagination it MUST come to pass. just like if you go up you must come down. it’s a 1+1=2 situation and yet i complicate it so much…
but at the end of the day.. the materialization is guaranteed … because self must be expressed.. self is the only thing being expressed in this world bc the 3d cannot create..
after having this epiphany i’ve been able to self soothe and talk myself out of fear by reminding myself of this.. the 3d is my dutiful shadow. it follows in my footsteps.. whatever i experience in my real reality i must experience in the physical no matter what. I don’t care if it’s the day before an event and the pieces haven’t fell into place yet.. it MUST happen.. but only if you have confidence in this.. because I’ve noticed wavering is why we have wonky results..
but why do we waver?
We waver because deep down we think there is a separation between the imaginal and the physical. we think the physical is acting on its own outside of us and can create. which is why try as we might to maintain a state of confidence.. for the “big” things or the things that seem “out of reach”,, results may be spotty because we think our imaginal experiences aren’t enough and we convince ourselves that any of the things happening on the outside are out for our control
the truth is all that’s missing is confidence… a knowing.. an unshakeable conviction that what we say will happen MUST happen and WILL happen.. but the only way to do this is to truly understand that the 3d is your reflection and it can’t possibly show you anything you haven’t experienced…
I personally am now so so so excited for the end of the year and am looking forward to school (something i DREADED).. because i know a specific event MUST take place now which will change my life. why? because the real me experienced it in imagination and self must be expressed. why would my 3d show me something different unless i continuously waver and imagine something different.. if i experienced it why wouldn’t it push out? this realization has helped me be excited about things i was previously anxious about
i feel like the thing w the law is how “simple” it is but it’ll take you years to understand a simple concept. i hope you guys get what i’m saying here
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weirdbraincustard · 9 months
let’s talk about imagination.
everything stems from imagination (the 4d). imagination is the source of all creation, and you cannot escape it. your assumptions, thoughts, state, 3d, etc. are all apart of it. the way something manifests is when an idea is accepted in imagination, meaning you identify with it. the reason that imagination is reality is that once you imagine something, you experienced it. yes, you actually experienced it. however, you’re who chooses what you want to accept as true into your world. this is why things, such as intrusive thoughts dont manifest. lets say you have an intrusive thought about you punching your best friend as you’re talking w them. it will not manifest and you wont actually punch them because you’re not truly identifying with that idea. you don’t actually intend for that. it’s the same reason why not every thought comes to fruition.
all thoughts manifest ❌ , thoughts you identify w/accept as true manifest (A.K.A. assumptions) ✅
now, what most people fail to realize with these methods is that the goal should not be to change your 3d. i understand that’s what you want, but you actually need to leave it alone. the 3d will change on its own. once you are attempting to change your 3d you are in the state of “trying” or of “lack.” the most important thing you should know is that manifesting isn’t about “trying” ITS ABOUT BEING. manifestation is instant already, so there’s nothing else that needs to happen except you realizing that you really do have it.
you can do what you want to manifest, as long as it’s helping you realize it's yours.
changing self has nothing to do with the 3d so it really makes me laugh when people are like “i tried to manifest and i went and bought $10,000 worth of clothing and still didn’t become rich” because again, they didn’t change their imagination, they tried to change the 3d. life doesn’t happen to you, it happens through you. that’s all the 3d is, AN EXPRESSION OF SELF. when you’re unsatisfied with your circumstances, look within instead of instantly seeing the 3D as the enemy.
“We go to church and the mind turns outward to some god, and he paints a word picture of someone before whom we must bend our knee and cross ourselves. But that’s not what Scripture really teaches. Scripture teaches that the power that creates the entire universe is not without man, but within man, as man’s own wonderful human Imagination. That is the creative power of the world. All things exist in the human Imagination, so if the word “God” would turn you out, try to make the adjustment within yourself and begin to believe that the God of Christendom, the Lord Jesus of Christendom, is your own Imagination.” -Neville Goddard
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weirdbraincustard · 9 months
it already is
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you're already what you want to be. your refusal is the reason you don't see it. —NG
imagination is the only reality. remember the neville & barbados story?
as abdullah says "you're already in barbados"
your desires are already promised into your reality. you're already what you want to be. anything, you name it, is yours.
remember the "door slam"?
if you're already what you want to be, why are you still searching multiple ways to "be it" ?
That’s stupid to discuss how I’m going to go when I am in Barbados! And if I am faithful to my assumption, I can’t discuss the “how.” I’m already there!
abdullah didn't suggest neville a hundred techniques to help him impress his "subconscious". he just said a simple thing, a fact, that he was already in barbados. and that is all ever is.
it is all about the focus. reality goes where your attention goes.
replace barbados with any of your desires. anything. you're already with your desires. now will you go around thinking of a million ways to get your desires, while they're already true? obv no. you're already it. that's how easy it is.
like, if you want blue eyes, you cannot go back and forth about being the one with blue eyes and checking the mirror for external confirmation. you already have it. if you have already accepted having blue eyes, why are you still looking around to confirm it? you have it and that's how it is.
while it is true that, sometimes we fall out of the knowing, for it is impossible to be in the state 24/7, falling back into it is all that matters. it is fine if you get anxious, or sad, but the knowing is all that matters.
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weirdbraincustard · 9 months
many of us don’t realise it but we have somewhere fallen out of love with our SP during this manifesting journey. how do we expect our SP to love us back when we have so much resentment towards them?
we’ve focused so much on what we “don’t want” that somewhere along the lines we’ve forgotten what it used to be like to crush on them, think of them fondly, radiate unconditional love, giggle to ourselves, pray for them, recognise what about them made us fall for them.
we have collected so much resentment in our hearts that we’ve left no space for ours or even their love to flourish. what we accumulate for so long echoes into our 3D. the more grudges we hold, the more our love turns into ego attachments.
be grateful you found someone who makes you feel this way. celebrate this opportunity that another person is being a mirror to you, reflecting your fears, insecurities, hopes, dreams & soul. your SP is an opportunity to uncover more about yourself. your triggers are an opportunity to know more about yourself & the work you’re doing to be a better version of yourself.
fall back in love, with yourself, with your SP. do not resent yourself or them for what you’ve created as a result of past thoughts. forgive yourself, live a little, love a lot <3
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weirdbraincustard · 9 months
"What you truly and literally must feel is that with your imagination, all things are possible. You must realize that changes are not caused by caprice, but by a change of consciousness. You may fail to achieve or sustain the particular state of consciousness necessary to produce the effect you desire. But, once you know that consciousness is the only reality and is the sole creator of your particular world and have burnt this truth into your whole being, then you know that success or failure is entirely in your own hands. Whether or not you are disciplined enough to sustain the required state of consciousness in specific instances has no bearing on the truth of the law itself— that an assumption, if persisted in, will harden into fact." - Neville
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weirdbraincustard · 9 months
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weirdbraincustard · 9 months
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cr Edward Art in Awakening
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weirdbraincustard · 9 months
affirm with me!
i am the adult that my child self would be proud of, feel safe with and look up to
i only allow the best possible things to enter my life for my highest good
i always imagine an invisible halo above my head because i embody angel energy
i believe in love because i exist and i am full of it
it is a privilege to know me & to be loved by me
i was born to be lavish, healthy, cherished, successful and happy
i am stunning, kind, empowered and loved by all
i am not afraid of failure because i believe i can get through everything
i have been through a lot & i am proud of my progress & courage
no one has a heart like me. i love like no other and people around me know that & value that
i strive to make time for myself every day because i deserve to be spoiled, cared for and maintained
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weirdbraincustard · 9 months
let. life. happen.
DO NOT sit by a corner waiting, anticipating & missing out on life thinking about “WHEN” you will receive your full manifestation. a true creator who knows their potential, rests well, eats well, takes care of themselves, meets people, focuses on their career & lets life happen. you are whole with or without your desire. no desire is bigger than you. your desire should not be a bigger priority in your life than YOU.
“i’ll do ____ only when ____ happens”
“i’ll feel happy only when ____ happens”
don’t let your manifestation be a hurdle that stops you from living your life. let life happen. the best way for a manifestation to unfold is when you’re consistently done with the manipulating and worrying & allow it to come to you. do the things that make you happy. meet your friends, take a new class, go to that new restaurant.
don’t punish yourself for not having your desire yet. don’t punish yourself for finding happiness in other ways apart from your desire
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weirdbraincustard · 1 year
the mere existence of a desire is proof that it is there to be manifested.
we were born to desire, create and live in the experience we are building as the gods of our realities. our desire wants us & is constantly manifesting us back too. nothing is “one sided” in manifestation.
for example, if you’re manifesting an SP:
you wanting your SP is an indication that your SP is somewhere manifesting you back. no matter what the 3D shows, there's always desires and assumptions in ours & other people's minds manifesting everyday. as much as we like to believe the 3D as the ultimate truth, there are things we may not be aware of in the moment. the reason you want your SP is because somewhere, maybe even unknowingly, they have a desire for you or just want a partner with qualities or traits like you. these things are subconscious and you can’t peer into other people’s minds to determine. but what you can do keep choosing the reality where they want you back too, no matter what reason you give yourself, no matter the circumstances. the 3D is not the ultimate truth, it keeps changing and shifting according to our inner reality. but it is safe to say, desires are never one sided. apply this to every situation honestly. that job you want??? it wants you back because the company is looking out for someone as talented, dedicated & deserving as you! EVERYTHING YOU DESIRE WANTS YOU BACK TOO. KEEP CHOOSING IT AND IT WILL REFLECT.
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weirdbraincustard · 2 years
i used to love sammy's content but i've outgrown her now. the LOA YouTube community has so many new faces and there's so many people you may resonate with better or move onto without calling one better or worse. here are some channels i currently love and why :
• Law of Assumptions Backdoor (Matt) : Matt breaks down LOA concepts very easily to understand and apply. He is also active with his subscribers' comments/queries & often does live videos with his partner (SP) which are great to watch.
• Create With Corri (Corrina Taylor) : Corri T is able to articulate well & guide people about "how to deal with the uglier aspects of the healing journey to become a better conscious manifester". i often watch her because she soothes me when i am feeling agitated. Her SP & self concept content is always gold.
• Manifesting With Kimberly : Kim is a wonderful coach who is like an empowering elder sister. Some of her best content deals with : understanding states & how to deal with spiralling.
• Create Your Future (Ani) : Ani is extremely knowledgeable and articulate about the LOA. i just enjoy listening to her talk. she's insightful and compassionate especially for people dealing with SP manifestations.
• Agnes Vivarelli and Kim Velez : Love them both and particularly their visualisation meditations.
• Anila Sita : I visit her channel whenever I need her "Bad Bitch" energy. She's empowering and supportive. Her best content deals with self concept and feeling confident in your sexuality & body.
(This may or may not change in the future. Allow yourself to like & enjoy whatever content you like in this moment in time :-3 )
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weirdbraincustard · 2 years
Have you got a good piece of advice on how to stop getting triggered by negative signs. I want to ignore them, but they are so in my face in particular when I am affirming that it makes me spiralling and sick to the stomach. Many thanks x
a huge chunk of the #loa culture teaches people to be positive 24/7 or "flip" the negative thoughts. but it's not humane to deny feeling what you actually feel in the moment.
it is important to address the physical triggers that a negative thought causes. if a thought or a feeling makes you anxious, uneasy & sick to your stomach - you need to take care of it first, soothe your body, feel your feelings, cry it out, talk to a friend, take a nap or get a snack. you cannot treat your body like a machine. since your mind and body are so deeply connected, it is important to take care of one another to take care of both hollistically. you can let physical triggers pass without it having any impact on your manifestation. your human experience of feeling has nothing to do with your experience of creating your reality with your assumptions. assume that regardless of what you feel, you always manifest your desires.
it is also very important to go to the root cause of why a negative thought triggers a certain physical reaction in you. is it a past pattern? is it doubt in the law? is it feelings of unworthiness? you have to find it and you have to show yourself compassion. more often than not, it isn't a fear about how things may unfold negatively - it is about how that would make you feel about yourself.
you have to face that fear. even in the state of failure, wreck & mess — tell yourself, "so what? i am still worthy. i am still deserving despite everything. what i face doesn't change what i truly deserve."
you need to FACE WHAT YOU FEAR from losing this manifestation. consider that the mere possibility of not having manifestation makes you feel unbalanced, agitated and spiralled. if you constantly just focus on "flipping the thought" & do not acknowledge the issue that makes you feel this way, you may end up feeling like you're gaslighting yourself. it is important to separate yourself from your manifestations in a way that they don't become the sole source of your self concept.
giving an example: lots of people ponder upon the question - "i am afraid what if i don't get my sp?"
yeah, so what? what would happen if you don't get your SP? how would that make you feel?rejected? hurt? alone? unworthy?
it is important to remember that you do not have to give anyone else more power on your mind than yourself. you are still a bad bitch, with or without your manifestation. you are still a catch. you are brilliant, kind & funny. someone else doesn't and will never define how worthy/deserving you are & how truly precious your love & energy is. give nobody the chance to make you feel lesser than the god/goddess you are.
you need to acknowledge that you would still be worthy despite having or losing the manifestation. working on solidifying your self worth & self concept as independent from what you're manifesting is the best way to feel grounded when negative circumstances show up.
taken from Corri T on YouTube, what i like to say to myself when something negative happens - "things change" - there's comfort in knowing that things will not and have never been the same all the time. everything is moving and this uneasiness will go away, these negative signs will go away, i do not have to feel powerless in the face of fear. these small signs hold no meaning or significance to me in front of how beautiful my end goal, my true manifestation is.
see the bigger picture and assure yourself that you're allowed to feel things out and that things change. they always will. keep assuming that even the most unexpected bridge of events may lead you to your desire.
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weirdbraincustard · 2 years
Hey! i'm manifesting a travel , can u please give me some advices ?
it's okay not to do this all the time, i just did these things whenever i felt like :
• watching YouTube vlogs of people going to that location and imagining it's me. subconsciously making myself familiar with the place. Thinking this is going to be me someday.
• i was manifesting going to a particular beach so i was listening to the sound of waves on my headphones and visualising the feeling of sand between my toes, the wind ruffling my hair, how would my sundress look and feel like etc.
• making an amazon wishlist of things i would buy for the trip as if I was already going.
• affirming to myself : "i can't wait to go to ____" whenever i thought about it. i did not impose any strict deadlines on myself. but just kept making myself associate the holiday destination with "excitement", "meant for me" , "deserving of me" and overall just something i was looking forward to experience someday.
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