verakoto · 2 years
“There’s a Japanese phrase that I like: koi no yokan. It doesn’t mean love at first sight. It’s closer to love at second sight. It’s the feeling when you meet someone that you’re going to fall in love with them. Maybe you don’t love them right away, but it’s inevitable that you will.”
— Nicola Yoon, The Sun Is Also a Star
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verakoto · 2 years
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verakoto · 2 years
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Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى‎) says, in the passage about the month of Ramadan itself in Surah Baqarah, “When My slaves ask you about Me then most definitely, I am very near.” (2:186) It is the next part of the ayah that I’d like for us to focus on. Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى‎) says, “I always respond - and will always respond - to the call of the caller whenever he or she calls out to me.” This is a very powerful reminder to us - particularly to those who are not able to fast for any reason during Ramadan - that dua is definitely one of the things they can do. For our brothers and sisters who are not able to fast, there are still ways to make sure that their Ramadan is spiritually beneficial and productive - dhikr, facilitating iftaar for others (as mentioned before) - but I’d like to focus on dua. Dua is the most valuable opportunity and most valuable thing that anyone can do - at any time - but specifically during the month of Ramadan. During these blessed days and nights, dua is extra emphasized. I’d like to encourage everyone to make dua. Focus on your duas, write them down on a piece of paper or make a list on your phone as you go throughout your day, so that you have much to ask Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى‎) for. Understand that you don’t necessarily have to use formal language - or speak in the Arabic language - in order to be able to make dua. Learn to have an ongoing conversation with Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى‎) throughout the day, throughout the night - no matter what situation you are in. This is the most valuable opportunity we have during Ramadan. #RamadanProTip
Via @abdulnasirjangda
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verakoto · 2 years
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verakoto · 2 years
Ramadan Mubarak to you all ✨
May Allah accept from us and forgive us. May He allow us to break our bad habits and form good habits. May He allow us to reach our goals and perform deeds that are pleasing to Him. May He help us to rectify ourselves and keep our niyyah pure. May He keep us in His pleasure, mercy, and guidance. Rabbi zidni ’ilma. Allahumma zidna imaanan wa yaqeenan wa fiqha. May we be among the righteous and freed from the hellfire. May our major and minor sins be forgiven. May we come out of this month as better Muslims pleasing to our Rabb. ameen ya rabb! 🌙❤️
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verakoto · 2 years
Jangan merusak apa yang sudah kamu jaga dan ingin miliki seumur hidup, hanya karena terburu-buru ingin menikmatinya. Tidak baik dan kamu pasti akan menyesal, percayalah.
Sesuatu yang Allah takdirkan untukmu, tetap akan menjadi milikmu dan datang padamu. Yang membedakan adalah cara menjemputnya, yang membedakan itu keberkahannya.
Jangan terburu-buru, sebab dari keterburuan itu sering tertinggal yang namanya keberkahan. Pelan-pelan saja, tahan dan jangan terbawa nafsu, sebab sesuatu itu jika memang takdirmu ia akan datang dan menyambutmu.
Utamakan mencari keberkahannya, ya.
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verakoto · 2 years
اَللّٰهُمَّ اِنِّىْ اَعُوْذُبِكَ مِنْ جَهْدِالْبَلَاءِ وَدَرْكِ الشَّقَاءِ وَسُوْءِ الْقَضَاءِ و شَمَاتَةِ الْاَعْدَاءِ
O Allah, I seek refuge in you from the difficulties of hardships. And being wretched and an evil fate and the enemy’s rejoicing for my suffering
— [Bukhari]
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verakoto · 3 years
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‘Children of Shatila’ (Lebanon, 1998) film by Mai Masri. In this scene the youth of the Palestinian refugee camp interview an elder with a video camera.
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verakoto · 3 years
If you're serious about growth, be serious about your habits. A good routine can change your life.
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verakoto · 3 years
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
“ التائب من الذنب كمن لا ذنب له ، وإذا زال الذنب زالت عقوباته وموجباته ” .
The one who repents from sin is like one who did not sin, and if the sin is removed, then the punishment and consequences are also removed.
• Sharh al-‘Umdah (4/39)
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verakoto · 3 years
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It’s okay to not be okay. It can be helpful to transform that “not okay” to a “not okay yet”. I always feel more hopeful remembering that I will be okay again, and the period of not being okay doesn’t last forever. ♡
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verakoto · 3 years
BASICS OF ISLAM : Morals and Manners : Care of Kin. Part3
The term relatives usually implies close relations such as immediate family, cousins, aunts or uncles. There are special benefits in treating these relatives well. The Messenger of God said,
“An aunt is like another mother.”
Likewise, an uncle is like another father. It is only natural that as part of good morality such close family members have certain rights on us. Among these rights, paying visits is of particular importance. As explained below, the general rule is that one should visit close relations first on holidays, and then occasionally at other times, if possible bringing gifts.
Visiting strengthens the bond of love between relatives, and puts an end to estrangement. It allows people to share their sorrows and joys, and to help one another through difficult times. In particular, the elderly need to spend their final years in peace and happiness in the bosom of their family, knowing they are loved and cared for.
There is another consideration that should be taken into account when examining the subject of sila al-rahm. One should not expect anything in return; in this context, this means that we must not only look after the relatives with whom we are already close, but we should also attend to our duties toward those who have severed ties with us. The Prophet said,
“One who simply returns good with good is not living the full meaning of ‘caring for relatives.’ True care means to care for the relation who has not shown us any regard.”
In fact this is a general principle—we should always think carefully and choose the good action in every situation. It is not correct to look after the well-being of those in need when one is weak and powerless but to change one’s conduct when wealth and power increase. This situation is one among the thousands of layers of meaning in the following Qur’anic verse:
But is it to be expected of you (O hypocritical ones), that you will break your promise and turn away (from God’s command- ments), and cause disorder and corruption in the land, and sever the ties of kinship? Such are they whom God has cursed (excluded from His mercy), and so He has made them deaf and blinded their eyes (to the truth). (Muhammad 47:22–3)
As a final point, I wish to point out a general principle found in a hadith of the Prophet. Being fallible humans, we may sometimes let bad words slip, especially when we are agitated and angry. There is a striking hadith about this:
Ibn Amr ibn al-As relates the following words of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him:
“One of the greatest sins is to curse one’s parents.” Those with him asked, “Would any person curse their own parents?” The Messenger answered, ���Yes! If anyone curses the parent of another person, as that person will then curse their parent in return, it is as if he has cursed his own parent!”
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verakoto · 3 years
The only relationship where you will never have your heart broken is your relationship with Allah.
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verakoto · 3 years
being vulnerable is hard. bringing up difficult things in an offhand way because it’s not a big deal, please don’t make it a big deal. being vulnerable and opening up means you could be judged, and that’s tough. when you don’t know how people will take things, when it could turn out badly. but being vulnerable also opens up opportunities for understanding, for connection, for support. it’s not bad to be vulnerable, please try to remember that.
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verakoto · 3 years
“When you feel like nothing is going your way and you feel down, pick yourself up and help others even if you’re hurt yourself. Helping others and seeing their happiness will without a doubt make you happy too. Helping others does not decrease your value, it only increases it.”
— Hussain Anwar  
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verakoto · 3 years
There is no better life companion than a companion who reminds you to pray, reminds you of Allah and increases your Imaan.
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verakoto · 3 years
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Feeling so much love from Internet friends this week. <3 Only wishing that plane tickets were cheaper!
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