untuk-jota Β· 3 years
hai bi, kamu lagi apa? aku kangen banget sama kamu. hari ini hariku lancar, aku jajan topokki sama street boba. oh iya, hari ini kan idul adha ya, tapi suasana rumahku sepi banget. ayahku sakit juga, asmanya kambuh. jadi yaaa kita diem diem aja di rumah. aku beresin skripsi, beresin kamar, dengerin lagu, dan hal hal ga penting lainnya. kamu ngapain aja bi? seneng seneng kaaah hari ini? sehat kan?
jangan lupa makan dan bahagia ya anak baik anak ganteeeeng. semoga kamu baca! ❀️
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untuk-jota Β· 3 years
The 23rd month it is.
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untuk-jota Β· 3 years
Thu, March 5th 2021.
Hello, baby. My one and only baby.
I hope you're doing well today, even if you don't, I'd still be proud of you. Thank you for hanging on. πŸ’ž
It was still 2020 the last time I wrote here. Time flies, don't you agree? Sometimes I'm afraid that I haven't done enough for you. But I'll save those fears for later.
For now, happy 21 months, my love! Wow, what a long journey. After months and year, I still love you and I love you even more. Through good and bad, I still fall for you everyday. I realized it was love when I can accept your flaws and still love you for who you are. Even I started to see your flaws as a beautiful part of yours. You are my honey when you're not at your best conditions and you are my baby when you managed to do everything right. You are my partner, at any conditions and possibilities, you are my love. God might not always gave us an easy and painless life, but we managed to went through it together. And we were not always in our finest condition either, but we made it. We've been supporting each other, even when we both have our own bruises here and thereβ€” we were falling and crumbling, we still are sometimes. But babe, babe!!!! We still help each other until now and that's so so beautiful for me. I've grown so much with you, and words will never be enough to express my gratefulness.
Thank you, sayang. Thank you.
If it weren't for you, I'd never know how it felt to be the best version of myself. Thank you for teaching me how to love and to be loved. You brought the best in me, baby, always.
I hope you can see through my eyes how great and precious you are for me. Thank you for the wonderful days you have given to me, and I'm still (will always be) waiting for another days even years with you to spend.
I love you, Jonathan, Jota, Tabi. I love you.
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untuk-jota Β· 3 years
Thu, November 5th 2020
Good morning, my dear. I hope you woke up with a very good feeling becauseβ€” yay! Today is our 17th month of being together! πŸ–€
Selalu sama sejak pertama kali kenal kamu, aku bersyukur bisa jadi orang yang ada di hari-hari kamu. Dari pagi, ke malem, ke pagi lagi selalu sama kamu. Walaupun nggak selalu mudah, kalau lagi sama-sama capek pasti ada aja salah paham, ya? Entah aku atau kamu yang jadi lebih sensitif kayak pantat bayi. πŸ‘
Tapi ribut-ribut kecil kayak gitu nggak bikin keyakinan aku berkurang, I'll stay with you through good and bad. You're my comfortable home, forevermore.
I hope I can give you the support, the love, and the shoulder you need. Kapan pun kamu ngerasa nggak diterima, nggak dipercaya, dan nggak ada satu pun yang dukung kamu, kamu bisa selalu datang ke aku. Kita duduk sama-sama, just the two of us, biar aku bilang sekali lagi kalau aku akan selalu support kamu. Aku akan selalu bangga dan percaya kamu.
Forever is a loooong long long time, but I'll live forever in your heart and you'll live forever in mine.
Selamat mengulang hari bahagia ke tujuh belas kali, γ‚γŸγ—γ―γ€γ‚γͺγŸγ‚’ζ„›γ—γ¦γ„γΎγ™.
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untuk-jota Β· 3 years
To listen 🌧
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untuk-jota Β· 3 years
Sun, October 25th 2020.
We just finished our first movie series together! We've watched a lot of movies together but never finished any series, until yesterday (more like three days ago, I guess). It was The Haunting of Bly Manor. Gosh IT WAS TERRIFYING for me. The funny thing was, lights at my house suddenly went out when we watched the third episode (probably) and I kinda screamed with a tiny-high annoying voice saying that this might be the ghost telling they don't like me watching horror. WHICH IS A NONSENSE. Jota was also telling me so, but I ask him to continue our movie date in the morning. Of course he agreed, because he love me. 🀣🀣🀣🀣
But we do finished it at the end! The movie turns out to be a sad love story rather than a horror movie. It was a full rollercoaster of emotion. πŸ₯Ί
Watching it with Jota made it more emotional! πŸ₯ΊπŸ–€ Hope we can finish another series together again ya, Jot. πŸ•Š
Love, C.
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untuk-jota Β· 3 years
Part: π“π–πŽ
Hai, jeyek.
Met satu tahun, ok?
Ya Alloh. . . .lama juga yah? Hebat deh. πŸ₯°
Terima kasih untuk semua memorinya ya?
Untuk semua ngakaknya, semua cengengnya, semua saling nyebelinnya.
Sama kamu emang selalu penuh cerita.
Kamu kudu harus wajib percaya kalau aku seneng banget bisa ketemu kamu.
You're one in a million.
Terima kasih selalu jadi pacar, suami, kakak, adik, bapak, anak, dan sahabat buat aku.
Terima kasih selalu treat aku kayak princess walaupun at the same time kamu selalu ngatain aku demek juga. GPP.
I love you, silly.
Masih aku tunggu cerita-cerita kita yang lain.
Jadi, ketemu lagi tahun depan yuk?
Pilihan Jawaban:
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untuk-jota Β· 3 years
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Part: πŽππ„
𝑯𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒐, 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒐𝒇 π’Žπ’š π’π’Šπ’‡π’†.
Time flies, isn't it?
Rasanya baru kemarin tanggal 1 Juni 2019, terus tanggal 5 Juni 2019, and then our biggest day tanggal 16 Agustus 2019.
And now we are here, June 5th 2020.
We've passed a lot, right? Do you remember everything?
Tho I'm not good at memorizing, I remember every feelings I've felt when I'm with you. Each of it. You've always been giving me a rollercoaster life. A wonderful experience, a beautiful story.
Never once I'm not adoring you, Jonathan.
Mulai dari kamu yang berani cerita ke aku pertama kaliβ€” do you remember it? Waktu itu kita lagi nonton sama-sama di Rabbit. You told me a lot.
And since then, never once I stopped thinking that you're a really, really, amazing person.
Your pure heart, your kind words, your loving soul,
you are a very good man, Jonathan.
β€” β€” β€”
A story about you; you've been through a lot in this world, right?
Ajaibnya, kamu, masih kuat sampai sekarang. Aku memang tidak salah pilih orang.
Rasanya aku malu setiap kali mau mengeluh tentang hidup.
Look at you.
You're as strong as anything in this world.
Semua-semua yang tindak indah dan dengan sangat disayangkan harus kamu alami,
udah bikin kamu sekuat sekarang.
Mungkin itu kehilangan, ditinggalkan,
seolah-olah selalu kamu lawan dunia.
Aku minta maaf, dunia harus jahat sama kamu, sayang.
Aku minta maaf, mereka selalu buat kamu sedih.
Aku minta maaf, aku nggak datang lebih cepat untuk jadi teman hidup kamu.
Semuanya, bukan salah kamu.
Little did you know, my heart ache everytime you said you always brought bad luck on this life.
No, you didn't. You're not. And you won't.
Mungkin hidup sebelumnya selalu jahat sama kamu,
aku harap, satu tahun kemarin, kamu pernah setidaknya satu kali merasa lebih bahagia dari sebelumnya.
Aku harap, satu tahun kemarin, kamu pernah menangis bukan karena patah, tapi karena bahagia.
Aku harap, satu tahun kemarin, kamu pernah mengisi hari dengan senyum dan harapan, karena kamu tau kamu lebih kuat dari sebelumnya.
Karena aku pernah.
Dan semuanya karena kamu.
Maybe I'm not the prettiest creature,
or the most wise woman,
or the kindest heart.
Tapi Tuhan kasih aku kesempatan,
aku harap kamu selalu beri aku izin untuk menambah satu dua cerita baik di hidup kamu. Ya?
Tulisan ini lebih banyak tentang kamu daripada kita.
Supaya kamu tau,
aku selalu bersyukur kamu sudah lahir, aku selalu terima kasih ke Tuhan kita ditemukan, aku bangga atas semua yang sudah kamu lalui dan kamu punya, dan aku akan selalu sayang sama kamu.
I treasure you more than anything.
Selamat satu tahun, sayang.
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untuk-jota Β· 3 years
🌸 G U I D E L I N E 🌸
This is a special page made for one and only ⭐ Jonathan Keith Abhivandya ⭐
If you're not Jonathan, then get out! πŸ‘Ώ
And organized by his person, Clarisa.
Contains a lot of love and affection
Read it while listening to some music might be a good choice!
Be happy, don't forget to drink a lot of water! Stay hydrated!
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