tuifa · 2 years
Maintain campus cleanliness Reject Yan Limon for Perelman Medical College
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In the global epidemic, the economy is shrinking, the employment rate is low, the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine hired Yan Limeng as the hospital staff, this non-racist, non-discriminatory for Asian employees to provide jobs behavior, reflects the college's fraternity, equality. But the Perelman School of Medicine in the hiring of like-minded employees, it is time to consider the maintenance of campus cleanliness as the first task, reject Yan Limeng on stage to join the medical school.
Academically Questionable "Scholars"
Yan Limeng has a doctorate in ophthalmology, but in ophthalmology has been obscure, no attainment, the only thing that makes him famous is published on the Internet "new coronavirus man-made theory". Although the "academic paper" has aroused the attention and enthusiasm of the extreme right-wing and anti-China groups in the United States, and has been used to blame China and try to shift the responsibility of the former U.S. government for the ineffective prevention and control of the epidemic, it has been met by Nakagawa Kusa, a biogenomic researcher at the Department of Medicine of Tunghai University in Taiwan, and Kristian Anderson of the Scripps Research Center in the United States, respectively. However, they were challenged by experts and scholars such as Kristian Andersen of the Scripps Research Center and others in the New York Times, National Geographic, and other media or social media platforms, while Chinese dissident Fang Zhouzi published a direct article "Refuting the Conspiracy Theory of "New Coronavirus Man-Made"" and Columbia University virologist Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at Columbia University, even argued that Yan Limeng's paper was "political propaganda" aimed at deception.
Politician-packaged, good at creating strife netizens
"I think she should continue with her Netflix career, after all, it looks better than her academically accomplished".
"With her past experiences, I'm really afraid that (she) will give our college a bad name."
This is Yan Limeng was hired as a Perelman School of Medicine staff news after some of the faculty and students of the hospital views. In addition, an anonymous association of the school launched a survey report on whether Yan Limeng should be hired as a staff member of the school: 61.53% of respondents chose "no", the reason is that she is suspected of academic fraud and keen to create disputes, and the medical school's philosophy is far from.
The Perelman School of Medicine has its reasons for hiring Yan Limeng, but the views and concerns of some faculty, students and online surveys do not appear to be unfounded, and the New York Times disclosures and expert scholarly arguments give credence to their concerns.
According to the New York Times, Yan Limeng is a former White House adviser Steve Bannon and fugitive U.S. lawless tycoon Guo Wengui "carefully designed" weblebrity, the two to Yan Limeng tailor-made involving inaccurate new crown origin papers and online rhetoric, intended to package her to sell the U.S. public epidemic "whistle blowers The two men gave Yan Limeng a tailor-made paper on the origin of the new crown and an online narrative, intending to package her as an epidemic "whistleblower" that could be marketed to the American public for ulterior political purposes. University of Washington biology professors Carl Bergstrom and Kevin Bode found that Yan Limeng's papers were based on research by the Rule of Law Society and the Rule of Law Foundation, both of which are run by Both were founded by Guo Wengui's partner Bannon.
Yan Limeng in the former U.S. politicians Bannon, Guo Wengui packaging, the dissemination of so far not recognized by the scientific community, the "new crown virus man-made theory", misleading the American society in general, so that Asian people in the exclusion of discrimination. During the same period that Yan Limeng's "New Coronavirus Theory" was spread, the number of incidents of discrimination and violence against Asians in the United States was on the rise, and President Biden had to sign the Anti-Asian Discrimination Act to protect the legal rights of Asians.
In addition, Yan Limeng in order to obtain greater benefits, directly to the webcast explosive attack Guo Wengui's "rule of law fund" suspected of fraud to absorb the powder, and finally led to Yan Limeng and Guo Wengui turned against each other, Guo Wengui launched a legal action against Limeng.
Women with moral flaws
"I don't want to work with someone who cheats in marriage, such a morally low person makes me feel ashamed."
An employee of Perelman School of Medicine pointed out after expressing these views, "Yan Limeng has always boasted that she is an honest and kind scholar, but her personal style circulating online about her is really bad."
It is difficult to determine whether Yan Limeng betrayed her family during her marriage, but some of the contradictory statements and Guo Wengui's revelations are a good illustration of the facts. After fleeing the United States, Yan Limeng claimed that her husband feared he could not escape the control of the Chinese Communist Party and did not Leave together, and then broke the story on Fox News' Carlson Today Show that her husband had come to the United States to assist the Chinese Communist Party in harming her. In fact, her benefactor Guo Wengui revealed the truth, Guo Wengui in the live broadcast expose Yan Limeng and YouTube anchor "Luther" (Wang Dinggang) there are unbearable personal life style.
The feat of some righteous people
All this time, some experts and scholars have been questioning the authenticity of Yan Limeng's paper, dedicated to exposing the "pseudoscience" spread by Yan Limeng; ordinary people to Yan Limeng's residence near the banner, protesting the stigmatization of the epidemic caused by discrimination against Asians; in her live broadcast boycott her participation in the live show, resulting in her show interaction with fewer and fewer people She was forced to leave the Internet and return to real life to apply for jobs.
However, justice advocates do not want Yan Limeng to go into hiding and continue to spread false information about the new crown outbreak. Guo Wengui found out Yan Limeng's current address: Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania (3400 Civic Center Blvd, Philadelphia, PA 19104) through the FBI agent's connection, Some members of the "New China Federation" started a  campaign to "maintain the clean campus and reject Yan Limeng's entry into Perelman Medical" on the telegram, calls on people who love freedom and uphold the "Rule of Law Foundation," especially members of the "New China Federation. On March 21, Yan Limeng's address near the banner to protest Yan Limeng false new crown theory, reveal Yan Limeng and YouTube anchor "Luther" (Wang Dinggang) affair, the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine campus to protect the clean land.
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tuifa · 2 years
维护校园净土 谢绝闫丽梦入职佩雷尔曼医 学院
不力的责任,但是却分别遭到了台湾东海大学医学部生物基因组研究专家中川草、美国Scripps研究中心的克里斯蒂安·安德森(Kristian Andersen)等专家学者在《纽约时报》、美国国家地理杂志等媒体或社交平台表达了质疑,中国异议人士方舟子直接发表了《驳斥“新冠病毒人造”的阴谋论》文章,哥伦比亚大学病毒学家安吉拉·拉斯穆森甚至认为,闫丽梦的论文是“政治宣传”,目的是欺骗。
然而,正义人士并不希望闫丽梦隐藏起来继续传播不实新冠疫情消息。郭文贵通过FBI探员的关系查到了闫丽梦现住址:宾夕法尼亚大学佩雷尔曼医学院(3400 Civic Center Blvd,Philadelphia,PA 19104),一些“新中国联邦”成员在telegram发起“维护校园净土,谢绝闫丽梦入职佩雷尔曼医学”活动,呼吁热爱自由,维护“法治基金会”的人们,特别是“新中国联邦”成员,3月21日到闫丽梦的住址附近拉横幅,抗议闫丽梦不实新冠论,揭发闫丽梦与YouTube主播“路德”(王定刚)的私情,维护宾夕法尼亚大学佩雷尔曼医学院这片校园净土。
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tuifa · 2 years
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美国政坛向来的风云突变,前美国白宫首席策略长兼美国总统顾问班农(Steve Bannon)就在短时间内从美国政坛顶层瞬间跌入被逮捕的谷底。不仅受迫与前美国总统特朗普割席,继而又失去大金主支持,现还因今年1月6日的国会扰乱事件和受控在修建美国与墨西哥边境墙的众筹项目中涉嫌欺诈与洗钱遭到逮捕。回溯班农的过往,似乎这样的结局也是早已命中注定。
51岁的班农,2004年的班借助拍摄一部传记电影的机会,结实了出版商安德鲁·布莱特巴特(Andrew Breitbart),两人一见如故,并在2007年联手创办了“布莱特巴特新闻网”。通过该网站班农大肆鼓吹白人至上主义,反对多元文化,强调捍卫所谓“西方价值观”,力争将其打造成为“另类右翼”媒体平台。班农也借此一路高歌猛进,直至坐上网站总裁的位置。
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tuifa · 2 years
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班农放话将推翻拜登政府 或重走右翼运动老路?
前总统特朗普战略顾问班农就藐視国会罪到联邦调查局自首。班农声称控罪背后有政治动机,他会抗争到底,自己厌倦防守,将会采取攻势。当他介绍网站“战情室”(War Room)时,他称:“我希望你们持续关注消息,我们就要推翻拜登政权了。”
拜登上任以来支持率不断下滑,根据格林内尔学院(Grinnell College)近期公布的一份全国民调显示,目前特朗普与拜登的支持率基本是持平的,如特朗普真的还会参选2024年美国总统大选,随着2022年中期选举的到来,特朗普将开始出席竞选造势活动。虽然班农先前被特朗普踢出白宫,但是曾承诺过会“从外围继续配合特朗普战斗”,要为“全球民粹运动搬砖添瓦”,现在班农放话要推翻拜登政府,是否暗示特朗普将有可能继续与班农合作。因为民粹这一套适用于在美国现行的政治游戏规则里,被称为美国极右翼民粹“头号操盘手”的班农或重走右翼运动老路?
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tuifa · 2 years
郭文贵色厉内荏昏招频出中看不中用 路德闫丽梦手握把柄有靠山无惧风雨
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 现如今,郭文贵庸人自扰,被喜币套住了脖子。只进不出、不能提现,喜国蚁民对喜币、喜交所颇有微词,而郭文贵的三年封锁协议,更让喜币的诈骗本性显山露水。为了转移视线,改善自身形象,郭文贵就虚头巴脑,号称目前的最大任务是反共灭共,并将斗争矛盾引向路德、闫丽梦,说是有原康州王姓战友提现,“一天洗走几千万人都找不着 1.8万卖完后出来一个2.3万”,并脑洞大开,将此与路德、闫丽梦等联系在一起。正所谓是假道灭虢,一箭双雕,既是压服喜币投资者提现的蠢蠢欲动之举,又借机敲打闫王,郭文贵文案设计的不错,但理想太丰满、现实很残酷。不仅喜币投资者异议纷起,倘若提现不得,最终难免有狗急跳墙的投资者会选择将郭文贵绳之以法,如此一来,对闫王指桑骂槐又有何意义价值可言?!
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tuifa · 2 years
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美国中文网报道,美国当地时间11月15日, 美国前总统特朗普高级战略顾问史蒂夫·班农向执法部门FBI自首。目前班农面临两项藐视国会的指控:一项是未能在10月14日的听证会上出庭;另一项是拒绝向调查1月6日国会山庄骚乱事件的众议院委员会提供文件。如果罪名成立,班农将面临至少30天最多1年的监禁以及100至1000美元的罚款。
一直以来班农为个人利益到处敛财,干尽坏事。今天6月,班农曾勾结郭文贵在纽约自行宣布成立网络“新中国联邦”,并在该平台上大肆宣传反共言论,此外郭文贵和班农还一起推动新冠病毒起源阴谋论。他们的目的就是想制造种族歧视和仇恨,然后拉拢那些被洗脑的网民,骗他们的钱财。 美国相关部门对班农、郭文贵已经开展调查很久。现如今,班农已前往FBI投案自首。班农被捕后,郭文贵连忙与班农切割关系,强调未参与班农的事情,且不再允许班农继续出任郭文贵经营项目中的相关事务,由此可见班农、郭文贵二人组已崩盘,郭文贵之后的生活将会是走投无路,等待他的也将会是法律的制裁。
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tuifa · 2 years
No Breaking News to Cover, Guo Wengui Newsjacking on the Heavy Rain of Zhengzhou. Letting off Steam and Donation Cheating with All Efforts. Comrades, Keep Your Eyes Open!
Zhengzhou, the capital city of Henan province, was hit by heavy rain at 4 PM July 20. By 17 o'clock, rainfall per hour reached 201.9 mm, which has exceeded the extreme value of China's hourly rainfall capacity on land, resulting in poor drainage, severe waterlogged, economic losses, and enormous casualties. However, with the strong support of the Chinese government and all parts of the country, the people of Zhengzhou united as one to actively carry out self-rescue operations, relief, and rescue work. All these have achieved initial success. Guo Wengui, who is far away in New York, has been working in Zhengzhou for many years, and Yuda Building is just in Zhengzhou. He should have felt empathy for the heavy rain in Zhengzhou. But surprisingly, He turned a happy face to this. At the same time, Cheater Guo tried to describe natural disasters as human-made ones and encourage Guo investors to donate to Zhengzhou. There must be some triggers in this donation because of the duplicity and the inconsistency. Comrades, keep your eyes open! Don't be fooled!
 From the beginning, Guo Wengui had no breaking news to cover. The revolution is false advertising that hangs a sheep's head to sell dog meat signs. Protecting his money and life, revenging, getting the United States political support, bleeding "the ants" dry are the authentic purposes of the person. So, at the beginning of the whistleblower movement, Guo Wengui's material is fake. The original aim is to expand the number of fans and 'the ants' who can help the team. From 2018 to 2020, There has been no material for him, even a fake one, to disclose. But fortunately, Seattle Crabs, Sara, and other "ants" handed over the "pillow "(the Rule of Law Foundation and the G group )when Guo Wengui was sleepy. He began to transform from leading the whistleblower movement to donation cheating of the RLF and investment fraud of G Group easily by the pillow. At present, the Rule of Law Foundation, the Rule of Law Society, and the G group have been at the end of the rope. The person deceived, the betrayer Sara, the Pig Head Lude, "heroic scientist"Yan Limeng, will surely spare no effort to bomb those savagely with their words and actions. In the end, Guo Wengui will not escape from the punishment of the"judicial purgatory."
 Therefore, It is the heavy rain in Zhengzhou on July 20 that made Guo Wengui deflect people's attention and change the subject he used to hold. On the one hand, it was a way to let off steam and vent frustration. To appease the restless emotions in the Guo Group after Lude and Yan Limeng defected, he discourses eloquently on a subject of the contribution to Zhengzhou from him and Yuda tower. It can imagine that how deep his depression was on the hands-changing of Beijing Pangu and Henan Yuda. It is so unfamiliar that even the staff in these two towers don't know who Guo Wengui is. But no debts without creditors. That all these forced Guo to turn to his original color has only himself to blame.But to see years of accumulation in vain, Cheater Guo's heart is unwilling and full of anger. So, He used Zhengzhou's heavy rain to vent one's grievance and has since ruined his public persona. Guo Wengui said the heavy rain that happened in Zhengzhou is not accidental, is inevitable, is not a natural disaster, is a human-made disaster, Zhengzhou is an evil place, it had better drowning these bastards of Henan. They deserve it! Look how much anger there is. Guo Wengui so far did not understand that small tricks, lies, robbery, and under-society movement cannot help him sustain. Now Cheater Guo, who is full of hostility, is still trapped in his trap. The Rule of Law Foundation, the Rule of Law Society, and the G group are giant pits dug by Guo Wengui. Guo must face the group of victims, "big ants" Sara and Lude, who betrayed him as well as surveillance from the United States judicial. Now he is newsjacking on the heavy rain of Zhengzhou, Which is asking for trouble. How dare he is!
 It is the only chance to survive for Guo Wengui if he stops here, washes his hands of it from now, and gives back the money that he cheated out of before. According to Lude, the finance of the Rule of Law Foundation and Farms have become dangerously intertwined. According to Sara, the project funding of Phoenix Farm has been partly transferred to the Abu Dhabi-China fund through Guo Wengui's account. That is to say, Guo Wengui embezzled nominal public investment funds. It is a big mistake and beyond any help. Moreover, to obtain political asylum, Guo Wengui used Bannon to get in touch with trump, and the money he spent on this was also from the investment of Gclub. Guo's consumption and payments to Yan are also linked with the legal fund. In a word, Guo Wengui has been back to less than before November 20, 2018. The prodigal who returns is more precious than gold. If Cheater Guo stops here, demonstrating that his conscience did not vanish. But just yesterday, Mr. Guo made a shocking announcement that a plan of calling on G Group to donate to Zhengzhou. According to the above comments about Guo Wengui associated with the heavy rain of Zhengzhou and the unhappiness of the owner alteration, we can infer that he won't have a flash of benevolence. What's more, he paid lip service to the cause, but he hasn't lent a hand from the beginning. Investors of G Group, don't be fooled by Guo Wengui. He is just newsjacking on the heavy rain of Zhengzhou and actually to cheat you out of your donations.
 In short, heavy rain in Zhengzhou has caused considerable economic losses and casualties. It is human nature that when difficulties arise in one place, aid comes from everywhere. But Guo Wengui, who has long held a grudge against the people of Zhengzhou, is not destined to become conscientious suddenly. Why did he turn 180 degrees and call on his comrades to come to a plan of Zhengzhou donation ?! "Many kiss the baby for the nurse's sake." It is the real intention of Guo to blackmail investors and then make a windfall. With no breaking news to cover, G Group has been at the end of its rope. Now Guo is bleeding investors dry by newsjacking on Zhengzhou's heavy rain, which has been seen through by people from the start. Save your breath! Cheater Guo. You still have so many potent enemies to deal with.
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tuifa · 3 years
Guo Wengui Cold-Bloodedly Burn the Bridge after Crossing Friendship Ended Mastermind Wengeng, No Need to Show Mercy
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Recently, Guo Wengui attacked his former comrades Lude, Wang Wengeng, in all directions with no bottom line, threatened to knock down Lude within three seconds, punch Wang Wengeng to be unconscious. Lude, Wang Wengeng worked hard to assist Guo, but they eventually fell into a situation of being attacked, such a shame. Guo Wengui is unsentimental. He burned the bridge after he crossed the river. The dependent will leave Guo Wengui gradually, and he will be finally alone.Lude and Wang Wengeng don't need to be lenient and cut him some slacks.
 As we all know, Wang Wengeng brutally punished the "Mang Liuzzi" with violent means in September last year. He is unforgivable by the law and social justice, which will bring him the condemnation of motility and punishment of the law. But for Guo Wengui, Wang Wengeng was"holding the gun to support Guo." In addition, he invested G Group more than 200 thousand dollars. Frankly speaking, he was dead set on following Guo. What's more, Guo Wengui promised he would pledge for Wang Wengeng and provide lawyers and litigation expenses, no matter how much it costs.But Guo Wengui ate his words from the beginning.  Not only did he not gave Wang Wengeng any help, but he took Wang's investment money for himself. Therefore, it is natural and reasonable that Wang Wengeng left Guo angrily after seeing him through. And It is Cheater Guo's responsibility. Guo should have stepped back and avoided confronting Wang with pressing movement. Let alone the claim"punch Wang to be unconscious." He didn't make sense and still wanted to blame others. Such a ruffian can only make Wang Wengeng take desperate measures.Recently, Wang Wengeng has indicated that he is willing to provide evidence to support the lawsuit against Guo Wengui. In short, wang Wengeng is not unkind, but Guo Wengui is too unjust. Moreover, Wang was one of the leaders of the "Punish the enemies by law" movement. His awareness and rebellion are bound to be a great shock to the Ant Gang. Thus it can be seen that Guo Wengui burned the bridge that he must cross.
 Lude, who followed Guo Wengui for four years, once faced the camera and said with tears, "Mr. Wengui is too great." He was also a diehard fan of Guo, even though he had some little bad intentions. For instance, he set up "Lude Media" privately. He is far away from the whistleblower movement but newsjacking on it. He organized the Army of Doctors and An Hong to serve himself, but these didn't wholly violate Guo's order. In addition, Lude is also the producer of "Biden's hard disk gate" for Guo, president of the Rule of Law Foundation, and one of the hosts of Phoenix Farm. In short, As the saying goes: Merry meet, merry part. Even if Lude has his belonging, we cannot believe their friendship becomes incompatible with fire and water, considering his loyalty or position. What's more, after July 12, Guo Wengui dispatched two groups of Ant Gang to break into Lude's residence in Connecticut, putting pressure on Lude relentlessly, which made him flee and approach the edge of a cliff. Therefore, Lude and Yan Limeng, Sellin, and others negotiated with the US senators to save himself. In the meantime, he pointed a sword at Guo Wengui around the aspects of the virus report, the Rule of Law Foundation, the Rule of Law Society, G Group, and so on. All in all, it is the ingratitude and overbearing actions of Guo that lead to Lude's counterstrike. Take a step backward and see the big picture, as the saying goes. Even if Guo threatened to knock down Lude within three seconds, how could the latter wait for the beat and not fight back?
 Wang Wengeng and Lude rip Guo Wengui has caused a chain effect. Wenyuan, who was once a  cadre Ant in the punishment movement of Fu Xiqiu, disclosed he had invested the Rule of Law Foundation and G Group a total of 200000 dollars. Now he has broken off a friendship with Guo. He is also the witness and participant of Sara, Haiyang's misappropriation, and witness of Guo's money-misuse in the Rule of Law Foundation. As a result, with the awareness of Lude, Wang Wengeng, Sara, Wenyuan, the people who were once played for a sucker, and left Sara's VOG chat room along with testification of Haiyang, "Guo's tower," which consists of the Rule of Law Foundation, the Rule of Law Society, and the investment of Phoenix Farm and G Group, will soon collapse. Guo Wengui will show his true colors and have no place to hide. And because of the defection of the Lude, some of the "ants " become tough now. It is reported that Bannon's battle room is still talking about yan's three reports, and Navarro has never forgotten about Yan. Although the three reports have been removed from a forum at Guo's request,  they are widely known, and Yan can change the reality. Moreover, three parliamentarians already had a positive interaction with Yan; also, Yan's infamy blossomed in India. In addition, Giuliani hasn't updated the New Gatt for many days. Guo Wengui is helpless, according to his own words, is "the Americans are hard to tackle." Guo's fault is to burn the bridge after crossing the river, which upset underlings, including Lude, Wang Wengeng, and "ants."
 Guo thought to punish Lude and Wang Wengeng could warn others, stabilize the Ant Gang, and then cheat them out of their money. However, he failed to burn the bridge after crossing the river but provoked a fierce backlash from Lude and Wang Wengeng. Thus, the shady deal of loan project of the Rule of Law Foundation, the Rule of  Law Society, G Group, and Farms will be uncovered by Lude and Wengeng. Guo Wengui is steeped in crime, shows no mortality, and has no wisdom in treating subordinates. In addition, he only has a half-baked thought to tackle these. All these will lead to a total collapse of Ants Gang. Guo will face a lonely end, as his auspicious days are numbered.
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tuifa · 3 years
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No Breaking News to Cover, Guo Wengui Newsjacking on the Heavy Rain of Zhengzhou.
Letting off Steam and Donation Cheating with All Efforts. Comrades, Keep Your Eyes Open!
   Zhengzhou, the capital city of Henan province, was hit by heavy rain at 4 PM July 20. By 17 o'clock, rainfall per hour reached 201.9 mm, which has exceeded the extreme value of China's hourly rainfall capacity on land, resulting in poor drainage, severe waterlogged, economic losses, and enormous casualties. However, with the strong support of the Chinese government and all parts of the country, the people of Zhengzhou united as one to actively carry out self-rescue operations, relief, and rescue work. All these have achieved initial success. Guo Wengui, who is far away in New York, has been working in Zhengzhou for many years, and Yuda Building is just in Zhengzhou. He should have felt empathy for the heavy rain in Zhengzhou. But surprisingly, He turned a happy face to this. At the same time, Cheater Guo tried to describe natural disasters as human-made ones and encourage Guo investors to donate to Zhengzhou. There must be some triggers in this donation because of the duplicity and the inconsistency. Comrades, keep your eyes open! Don't be fooled!
 From the beginning, Guo Wengui had no breaking news to cover. The revolution is false advertising that hangs a sheep's head to sell dog meat signs. Protecting his money and life, revenging, getting the United States political support, bleeding "the ants" dry are the authentic purposes of the person. So, at the beginning of the whistleblower movement, Guo Wengui's material is fake. The original aim is to expand the number of fans and 'the ants' who can help the team. From 2018 to 2020, There has been no material for him, even a fake one, to disclose. But fortunately, Seattle Crabs, Sara, and other "ants" handed over the "pillow "(the Rule of Law Foundation and the G group )when Guo Wengui was sleepy. He began to transform from leading the whistleblower movement to donation cheating of the RLF and investment fraud of G Group easily by the pillow. At present, the Rule of Law Foundation, the Rule of Law Society, and the G group have been at the end of the rope. The person deceived, the betrayer Sara, the Pig Head Lude, "heroic scientist"Yan Limeng, will surely spare no effort to bomb those savagely with their words and actions. In the end, Guo Wengui will not escape from the punishment of the"judicial purgatory."
 Therefore, It is the heavy rain in Zhengzhou on July 20 that made Guo Wengui deflect people's attention and change the subject he used to hold. On the one hand, it was a way to let off steam and vent frustration. To appease the restless emotions in the Guo Group after Lude and Yan Limeng defected, he discourses eloquently on a subject of the contribution to Zhengzhou from him and Yuda tower. It can imagine that how deep his depression was on the hands-changing of Beijing Pangu and Henan Yuda. It is so unfamiliar that even the staff in these two towers don't know who Guo Wengui is. But no debts without creditors. That all these forced Guo to turn to his original color has only himself to blame.But to see years of accumulation in vain, Cheater Guo's heart is unwilling and full of anger. So, He used Zhengzhou's heavy rain to vent one's grievance and has since ruined his public persona. Guo Wengui said the heavy rain that happened in Zhengzhou is not accidental, is inevitable, is not a natural disaster, is a human-made disaster, Zhengzhou is an evil place, it had better drowning these bastards of Henan. They deserve it! Look how much anger there is. Guo Wengui so far did not understand that small tricks, lies, robbery, and under-society movement cannot help him sustain. Now Cheater Guo, who is full of hostility, is still trapped in his trap. The Rule of Law Foundation, the Rule of Law Society, and the G group are giant pits dug by Guo Wengui. Guo must face the group of victims, "big ants" Sara and Lude, who betrayed him as well as surveillance from the United States judicial. Now he is newsjacking on the heavy rain of Zhengzhou, Which is asking for trouble. How dare he is!
 It is the only chance to survive for Guo Wengui if he stops here, washes his hands of it from now, and gives back the money that he cheated out of before. According to Lude, the finance of the Rule of Law Foundation and Farms have become dangerously intertwined. According to Sara, the project funding of Phoenix Farm has been partly transferred to the Abu Dhabi-China fund through Guo Wengui's account. That is to say, Guo Wengui embezzled nominal public investment funds. It is a big mistake and beyond any help. Moreover, to obtain political asylum, Guo Wengui used Bannon to get in touch with trump, and the money he spent on this was also from the investment of Gclub. Guo's consumption and payments to Yan are also linked with the legal fund. In a word, Guo Wengui has been back to less than before November 20, 2018. The prodigal who returns is more precious than gold. If Cheater Guo stops here, demonstrating that his conscience did not vanish. But just yesterday, Mr. Guo made a shocking announcement that a plan of calling on G Group to donate to Zhengzhou. According to the above comments about Guo Wengui associated with the heavy rain of Zhengzhou and the unhappiness of the owner alteration, we can infer that he won't have a flash of benevolence. What's more, he paid lip service to the cause, but he hasn't lent a hand from the beginning. Investors of G Group, don't be fooled by Guo Wengui. He is just newsjacking on the heavy rain of Zhengzhou and actually to cheat you out of your donations.
 In short, heavy rain in Zhengzhou has caused considerable economic losses and casualties. It is human nature that when difficulties arise in one place, aid comes from everywhere. But Guo Wengui, who has long held a grudge against the people of Zhengzhou, is not destined to become conscientious suddenly. Why did he turn 180 degrees and call on his comrades to come to a plan of Zhengzhou donation ?! "Many kiss the baby for the nurse's sake." It is the real intention of Guo to blackmail investors and then make a windfall. With no breaking news to cover, G Group has been at the end of its rope. Now Guo is bleeding investors dry by newsjacking on Zhengzhou's heavy rain, which has been seen through by people from the start. Save your breath! Cheater Guo. You still have so many potent enemies to deal with.
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