toweroffate · 6 years
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                  in his defense he was DISTRACTED BY A CAT. normally he was much more alert and far more graceful, but the little fluffy thing was sitting perched in a window. pretty as a painting! good thing his reflexes were quick enough to divert damage AWAY from his body ( who knew sword training would be handy in an accidental coffee duel? ). though truly he hadn’t been upset, he was almost glad by the happenstance when he looked at the young fellow. a most curious AURA of shimmering light weaved with gold clung to him. king smiled, shaking excess coffee off the hand it had spilled over and swooped down to pick up the dropped cup. ❝  oh there’s no need, if anything it was my fault. in fact, i was JUST thinking how i would much rather have some cocoa. why don’t you join me? ❞  then he turned and tilted his head, as though it wasn’t really up for debate.
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Khalid took a moment to realize what had happened   and   before he could reply with an   “    uh,   i have to  –     “   the other had turned.   A sigh escaped his mouth   and   before he could find better judgement he’d trail behind.   “    I am truly sorry,   I’ve had my head in the cloudd lately so it’s totally my fault!    ”   Khalid couldn’t help but feel bad about the entire situation even if it wasn’t his fault.   “    I’ll pay for you cocoa – it’s on me.    ”   Khalid didn’t know how to deal with people, specially good looking much taller people.   Suddenly he felt under dressed and tried his best to fix his hoodie   and   look more presentable.   this isn’t a date Khalid Nassour,   he heard Nabu’s voice   and   suddenly realized he wasn’t alone.   “    i know that, leave me alone.   ”   Khalid whispered trying to keep Nabu out of his business.   “    Again, really i am so sorry.    ”
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toweroffate · 6 years
“Can’t reach him–” His head snaps forward, eyes still glowing a fluorescent green, the struggle between man and spirit seemingly forgotten. “What the hell do you mean ‘can’t reach him?’ He’s in there, isn’t he? Where the hell else could he be?” He can’t let this happen. Khalid trusted him not to let this happen. Kent trusted him not to let this happen. Luckily for them both, there were things Wrath could do that Fate just couldn’t:
Break the rules, break the order, and get what it goddamn wants.
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“You’re not letting go of a damn thing. We’re getting him back. Just tell me what you need me to do and I’ll do it.”
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“    Even i,   Nabu,   have no answers.    ”   For the first time in millennia Nabu felt fear.   When he possessed Zatarra he could hear the other speak to him,   he could feel his presence.   When he granted the powers to Kent he knew both could control it together in a bond that was strong enough to maintain both minds intact at one point.   But now,   there was nothing but silence.   Nabu knew there might be more to this,   he knew there might be a darker energy at play   but   not being able to reach Khalid meant he’d had no way to find out.   “    This might be the work of Wotan   and   if he has reached the boy there might be no getting him back.    ”
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toweroffate · 6 years
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“So how the heck do we beat this thing then?”
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“    This is my first league mission,   how should i know?   Don’t you guys deal with this stuff on a daily basis?    ”
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toweroffate · 6 years
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“Okay,” He thought for a few moments about it, before pulling using his ring to make a duplicate. “I want you to put this on and see if you can fly with it,” they would see if it was a balance issue, or just a problem of magical control that way.
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“    Uh.    ”   Khalid took a second to scan Hal Jordan’s face,   “    how do i,    ”   he tilted his head a bit confused,   “    do i just put it on or is there like – more?    ”
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toweroffate · 6 years
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                Dinah looked towards the kitchen her face was full of sorrow and she did regret being the one to bring the news. She didn’t want any of the others to come and explain it as they probably wouldn’t have handled it at all tactfully. or have known what to say. She heard the questions about the Hall of Justice and Mount Justice. The memory of the young heroes came to her mind and her mouth thinned just slightly. She did miss them but they were safe for the moment with Captain Marvel and Red Tornado watching them. “Nabu mentioned Mount Justice?” She questioned wondering why Nabu would choose to mention the former base of operations. “They aren’t. Mount Justice is where our covert operations team live. They tend to be protogés of heroes like Batman,  Flash…The Hall of Justice is for full League members.” She explained. She felt that he would perhaps benefit from working with the team as she handled their training and care. She wouldn’t force that decision just yet. “Did Nabu say why he mentioned Mount Justice?”” She asked him with curiosity. She wasn’t sure why he would do.
Dinah had half a mind to take the helmet and burn it for all the trouble it had caused but she knew it wouldn’t ever happen. She glanced at the kitchen again and she could hear the quiet murmur of conversation as well as crying. Dinah didn’t want to interrupt them right now. Dinah put her arm around Khalid’s shoulder in a gesture of comfort. She knew losing someone was tough and she knew it would take some time for the family to heal. “I’m sorry all this has landed on you. Being Doctor Fate wasn’t easy for Kent and I can only imagine what it’s doing to you.” Dinah spoke her voice was gentle and calm. “You should come to Mount Justice when you want to talk to me.or even the team…” She said as a way to reassure him. She wanted to give him a place to come if it ever got too much for him. She had helped Dick and Wally an she was confident she could help Khalid if he needed. She felt protective of Khalid she had to admit.
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Khalid took a second to understand her explanation,   he felt like a sidekick:   wasn’t as strong,   wasn’t as able to control his abilities   and   at any moment he felt he could have a mental break.   Perhaps Nabu felt he could learn about being a sidekick before he became something more, “    i’m not a strong as you are,   with my “ gift ”,    ”   he whispered trying not to alert anyone in the kitchen of their conversation.   “    Nabu mentioned it might help me to stick around with people my age,   something about learning from my peers?    ”   Khalid feared being around others who were superpowered,   he feared they’d laugh at him for not being as strong   or   as agile   or   as strong willed, he felt weak and not in control.   A lot of things came to mind though he didn’t know how to address most of them,   he didn’t know if Dinah would believe him.   so he’d choose to remain silent and allow her to go on. 
Khalid felt her hand touch his shoulder,   suddenly his mind stopped wandering   and   like a ton of bricks he felt himself fall back to reality   “    it’s not good for me,   at any moment i feel like i could break.    ”   Suddenly a spur of emotions overwhelmed his body that his hands began to shake   and   the room felt hotter than normal.   “    There are times where i fear Nabu might not give me back my body,   but i fear it might not even be Nabu.    ”   Taking a deep breath Khalid tried his best to calm down,   he had known of this for months now,   maybe it was the fever dream he had of Kent one long night detailing the many lives living inside the helm,   or it might even be Nabu himself whispering secrets he wouldn’t be able to detail outright,   “    i fear there might be another one in here,   someone who wants so badly to be alive.    ”   Khalid knew he needed help   and   maybe Dinah might be the one to give it to him.
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toweroffate · 6 years
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               Dinah listened when Khalid explained that he was losing track of time and the glimpses he had seen of the Tower. It was just as she feared, Nabu was starting to take over the young man just like he had done Kent. Dinah felt the grip on her hand. When she heard his words she gave him a sympathetic look and gave a nod. “I promise I won’t say a word about you or the helmet. I will keep this between us.” Dinah spoke gently giving his hand a comforting a squeeze. When Elizabeth and her husband came in she quickly let go of Khalid’s hand and gave his shoulder a comforting squeeze.  Elizabeth eyed Dinah with an odd look on her face. Muhammed looked at Dinah and Khalid a small frown marring his face for a moment. Before anything could be said Dinah stepped forward. “I’m Dinah Lance…I was a close friend of Kent Nelson.” She began. Elizabeth looked shocked to hear the name and then upset.
Dinah then went on to explain Kent’s death in a way that hopefully wouldn’t make them realise Khalid had taken over from Kent. “I understand it’s a lot to take in…” Dinah spoke. Elizabeth seemed to be in shock for the moment and didn’t speak. Muhammed did the best to comfort his wife. Dinah was feeling nothing but a sinking feeling for the moment. Her eyes then flickered to Khalid before returning to Elizabeth “I am a therapist and I would be happy to help you and your family through this time,” Dinah offered. “I appreciate that Miss Lance. I just need to…” Elizabeth began and pointed towards the kitchen. She and her husband left to go to the kitchen and Dinah could hear the kettle and cups being moved. She looked at Khalid once more. “I think maybe you should come to the Hall of Justice, I want to help you get better control,” She spoke gently. “ “Nabu’s a real jerk. and I don’t doubt he’ll take advantage,” Dinah spoke quietly so no one but Khalid could hear.
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Khalid felt a sudden feeling of acceptance,   maybe it was the tone of DInah’s voice or how warm she felt about him being Kent’s relative.   He took a few seconds to accept all of this because for himself,   he couldn’t grasp the idea.   Being Fate had been a taxing experience   and   maybe having someone around who knew what that was like,   who knew what Nabu was like,   might come as great help.   The shoulder squeeze managed to snap him back to reality and it all hit him too fast.   His parents stepped through and Khalid nearly lost it.   With a quick head shake he managed to fight back some tears,   he’d been lying for far too long   and   things couldn’t be messier now.
The look on his mother’s face almost made Khalid want to walk over   and   give her a hug,   he couldn’t,   his feet felt glued to the ground   and   all he could do was stare ahead and listen to Dinah.   Though that steady focus was broken when his parents walked past him and entered the kitchen.   Suddenly his gaze rose   and   Khalid began to stare at Dinah   and   think of her request.   Khalid did nothing but nod,   all of this sudden rush of information,   in front of his parents,   was almost too much for the young Fate to handle.   Khalid had a recent running streak of being emotional,   unstable,   and at times he felt it hard to speak   or   even make coherent sentences.   “    They’ll be in there a while,   this might be worst than it looks.    ”   He knew his mother,   he knew she wouldn’t take the news of losing relatives very well.   “    Hall of Justice,    ” he spoke quietly,   “    Nabu spoke of the place but we never actually went,   he also mentioned Mount Justice?    ”   Khalid asked thinking back on his talks with Nabu,   “    are they one in the same?    ”
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toweroffate · 6 years
“I think now would be as good a time as ever, yes.”
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J’onn swept out his hand in an encouraging gesture. “Go ahead, Fate.”
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With glowing palms Khalid rose his hands to the air   and   slid them in front of his face.   In a slow flurry of golden light the helm began to materialize from top to bottom,   Khalid’s glowing hands seeming to build it as the magic spread out from his palms.   With a brighter glow the helm took full form concealing his head   and   Khalid rose slightly,   hovering a few inches above the ground.   “    Ready!    ” The voices behind the helm spoke in unison,   though,   one voice, Khalid’s,   seemed to be a few seconds behind.
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toweroffate · 6 years
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“I fuckin’– can’t talk to you right now.” Too much magic, too much of what he’s trying to resist. “I wanna talk to the kid. Lemme talk to the kid.”
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“    The kid can no longer contain a stable mental state.    ”   Nabu hadn’t come to talk,   he hadn’t come to see how the Spectre was doing,   he came in search of help,  there were some things even he couldn’t do.   “    Khalid dove too deep, search for the power, found no door out,    ”   the voice echoing from the helm remained low, Nabu felt fear, a fear he dare not speak,  “    he has no tethers,   he remains silent,   I can no longer reach him.   I fear if i release my grasp someone else will take over,   someone else will gain the power of Fate.    ” 
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toweroffate · 6 years
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“It’s always just come naturally, it’s willpower,” pretty much the second he got his ring he’d been flying through the air. “I’m not sure how magic works, but I do have a degree in aeronautical engineering from the Air Force Academy, I guess we could see how keeping planes up could apply to people.”
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“    Balance,    ”   Khalid spoke a single word he knew nothing of,   “    I can’t seem to keep my balance,   i either lean one way   or   another   and   it’s never the way i wanna go.    ”   Watching Kahlid fly was a fun in itself,   he never really knew how to make it stable enough so he looked a complete mess in the air,   though,   it did get the job done.
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toweroffate · 6 years
@theringisntthehero​ liked for a starter.
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“    Sorry,   mister Jordan,   I don’t mean to bother you,   I just need your help,    ”   Khalid felt his stomach churn inside out,   he was a nervous wreck,   always,   “    by any chance could you teach me how to fly?   Your power comes from an outward source,   the ring,  correct?   how do you remain steady in the air?    ”
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toweroffate · 6 years
@occultsant​ liked for a starter.
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“    Sorry,    ”   hands rushed up in the air in defeat,  apologetically,   “    i didn’t see you there.    ”   Slowly Khalid let out a sigh of frustration,   he needed to stop bumping into people, complete strangers,   in the middle of busy streets.   He should’ve been paying attention   but   recent events has had his head up in the clouds.   “    I truly didn’t mean to spill your coffee,   i could buy you a new one?   If you want,   I don’t want to keep you from where you’re going!    ”
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toweroffate · 6 years
@bruceman-the-batwayne liked for a starter.
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“    There,    ”   Khalid’s hands began to glow a familiar golden color,   “    this is the most i can do without the helmet.    ”
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toweroffate · 6 years
@birdouttahell​ liked for a starter.
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“    What is it you seek from me,   child of Batman.    ”
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toweroffate · 6 years
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           like this post for a       starter from Khalid.     
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toweroffate · 6 years
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“You’re nervous. It’s understandable. Everyone is, their first time here.” J’onn wasn’t, but Khalid doesn’t need to know that.
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“    Should i helm up?    ”   Khalid felt odd saying those words,   but he hoped J’onn wouldn’t judge him too harshly.   “    I mean, should i summon Nabu’s power?    ”
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toweroffate · 6 years
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          Dinah looked carefully at Khalid for a moment and then she realised that he was now Doctor Fate. It was clear that Nabu had chosen to stay with Kent’s family which surprised her somewhat. Dinah gave him a long stare for a moment and then shook her head. “I can explain it to her…Kent was my friend as well as a trusted member of the team,” Dinah said slowly. She then moved to place a hand on Khalid’s shoulder. “I take it she doesn’t know you’ve taken over from Kent?” She asked delicately. She then gave Khalid another hard stare, Kent had always struggled to remain himself with Nabu. “How are you coping with being Doctor Fate?” She asked him. She would always help and she owed this to Kent “I can help you if you ever need it.” She promised him. She knew that Fate wasn’t exactly on good terms with her or Ollie but she would help Khalid if she could do. “I should also give you this.” She spoke gently and then went into her pocket and brought out Kent’s pocket watch. He had thankfully left it with Ollie before things had gone south. “It belonged to Kent. You should have it. You can keep it or give it to your mother if you like,” She told him. Her attention was drawn away as she heard the sound of movement near the door.
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A quick shake of his head was all Khalid could provide to Dinah’s hand on his shoulder,   he hoped it would be enough to answer her about his identity still remaining a secret.   A small blink was followed by his head lowering its gaze as he took a deep and calming breath.   Though it was suddenly cut short when he heard her words,   in fact,   he was having trouble staying himself,   there was something about the helmet’s pull that didn’t leave him any room to be himself.   Recently Khalid had been experiencing random lapses of times,   he’d go to bed   and   he’d wake up three days later,   he was constantly missing classes,   and   he always felt tired.   His gaze rose and he nodded,   “    i can’t seem to explain how i keep losing track of my time,    ”   meek voice spoke from meek frame,   “    sometimes i don’t know if it’s me being tired of if I've actually been sleep walking.    ”   Khalid’s head lowered once more,   “    i sometimes have glimpses of these places,   a room full of stairs,   and a dark hallway that leads to a dinning room with a long red couch.    ”   Suddenly like a magnet his hand reached for the watch   and   in a small flash of bright spark they seemed to connect to one another.   It felt warm in his hand,   but it also felt like it belonged with him.   “    Thank you,    ”   he nodded his head,   “    this means a lot         ”   and   suddenly he panicked,   “    oh no.    ”   He heard the noise   and   shook his head rapidly,   “    i don’t want to tell them about me,   please.    ”   Khalid quickly grabbed onto her free hand,   “    please, promise me,   keep me, the helmet, between you and I?    ”
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toweroffate · 6 years
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           Dinah was surprised that it was a young man who had opened the door. She had hoped that Elizabeth would be home but she supposed she could speak to her son. She was thankful that Kent had mentioned his niece a few times and Bruce had managed to track Elizabeth down along with her husband and son.  “I’m Dinah Lance, I was hoping to speak to Elizabeth Nassour. You must her son?” Dinah asked her tone was curious for a moment but then the reason why she came weighed heavily on her heart. “Is she available to speak to? It’s about Kent Nelson. I think she needs to hear this,” She spoke her voice was heavy with regret. She felt a little shakey and upset now. Dinah shifted her weight a little and recalled the moment she had been told Kent had died. “Maybe you should hear this too. Do you mind if I come in?” Dinah asked.
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         Khalid could only nod   and   open the door wider for her to step through.   Truth be told he’d been dreading this day,   the day his friends would come along   and   tell his family about what happened,   he’d fear that maybe they would also be able to sniff out the helmet   and   be able to find out he was its new owner.   Khalid held his breath for a few seconds as he thought of what to say,   maybe there was a lie he could tell,   but with conviction in his mind he gave a sharp nod of reassurance to himself   and   decided lying wasn’t right.   “    I know,   miss Lance,   Nabu told me about what happened.    ”   Suddenly his nervousness left   and   his face cracked into a frown.   “    I haven’t been able to tell her yet,   i haven’t had the time,   how do i explain to her what he was?    ”   He knew that if he dared he’d have to tell her about himself as well,   about all the timed he’d skipped to go out a fight Nabu’shis mystical battles,   and   of all the enemies he had made because of the helmet.   It was a long story   and   Khalid didn’t know he had it in him to tell,   at least not yet.
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