tokyo7thsubs-blog · 6 years
Episode 1.0 - Haru 2 - I’ll Clean it All Up
I’ll clean it right up!
Haru: Hm hm hm
Haru: Oh, good morning, Manager!
Manager: Morning. I see you’ve started. Sorry about that, I should’ve come in earlier… Uh...
Manager: Wha!?
Manager: Why are you dressed like that!? What happened!?
Haru: Ahaha… I guess that is how you would react…
Haru: Coney-san kind of forced me to wear this when I came this morning…
Haru: Umm, it looks weird, doesn’t it? I’ll go and get changed!
Manager: No, I didn’t mean it like that. It actually looks really good on you…
Manager: Wow, Coney-san really does know how to make girls shine!
Haru: Ahaha… I think I’ll get changed anyway. I’ll end up dirtying this great costume…
Manager: You’re right. I still think it’s a waste though…
Manager: Still, you didn’t have to come this early for a part time job. Sorry about that.
Haru: Oh, don’t worry about it. I just love cleaning!
Manager: I’m glad you’re here Haru. Oh yeah, are you having any trouble with cleaning?
Haru: I do, I do! It’s a good thing you’re here now!
Haru: The bookcases in storage are so heavy that I can’t carry them. Can you help me out?
Manager: That’ll be no problem at all.
Manager: hack cough… It’s really dusty…
Haru: Well it is storage. There aren’t any windows here…
Haru: I’ve gone over it with a vacuum, but it looks like I need to go over it maybe two or three more times…
Manager: Sorry for making you do all this…
Haru: Ehehe. I can do my best since I love what I’m doing!
Haru: Anyway, over here Manager. This bookcase is too heavy…
Manager: Yeah, this is heavy all right… But, wow. There’s so many idol goods left behind here.
Haru: Then that means it’s a studio with a lot of history, doesn’t it?
Manager: I don’t know the details, but I’m sure that the previous idol used to be a huge fan of idols.
Haru: I see… He loved idols…
Manager: Ah! A Holocon!
Haru: It is. It’s all worn out. It looks like it’s an old model.
Manager: To think that this slipped in the back of this old bookcase. I wonder if it still works.
Manager: Whoa! A hologram popped up!
Coney: Oooh! This is live footage of idols that retired once upon a time! Doesn’t look like there’s any sound though!
Haru: Hya!?
Manager: Coney-san, when did you get here!?
Coney: I was testing out the equipment. They may be old, but they’re still going just like the old days!
Coney: Anyway, look at this! Manager, Haru-chan, do you know who this person is?
Haru : Oh, I know! My mom used to sing hum her songs to herself back in the…
Manager: It was recorded August 2016… This footage is over 15 years old.
Haru: Oooh, it’s from that long ago? It sure takes you back!/It sure is nostalgic!
Manager: Haru, what kind of song was it? Just sing it if you remember it at all.
Haru: Huh? N-No, I’ll pass on that, I’m fine…
Coney: Yeah, do it. Haru-chan, try singing for a bit!
Haru: I’d… Rather not…
Coney: Huh?
Haru: I’m not talented, so...
Coney: Whaaat! Stop saying that and just sing! SINGING NOW!
Coney: Need I remind you, young lady? It’s written in the contract that part of the staff’s job is testing out the equipment!
Haru: What…!? But you said I was just going to clean…
Coney: Cleaning starts with constructing the venue. After that, singing a couple of songs to test the equipment might just fall within the staff’s realm of responsibilities!
Manager: ‘Might’…? You sound so confident over something so vague…
Coney: Haru-chan, this is part of your job! Let’s recording test! Now!
Haru: Huh!? C-Coney-san!?
Manager: (Coney-san’s pretty ruthless…)
Haru: … I sang.
Coney: OK! That was some great singing! Man, that gave me goosebumps!
Manager: Yeah, you’re amazing, Haru! It’d be a waste if you stay on as cleaning staff!
Haru: Ahaha… Can I stop now?
Coney: No doubt about it! Haru-chan, forget the sound check! You should stand on a real satge!
Haru: No, I’m…
Haru: I’m all right…
Coney: Hmmm, but you had a lot of fun singing, didn’t you? You loved it, right?
Haru: I enjoyed it, and I do love it… But I’m fine…
Haru: My singing won’t bring a smile to anyone.
Coney: Ooh, I see. But, why’s that?
Haru: Well…
Manager: Coney-san, you can’t just force people to do as you want them to.
Manager: Besides, our contract’s beginning to look more like a fraud…
Manager: I’ll make sure this doesn’t happen again.
Haru: Oh, but please let me carry out the soundcheck. It’s my fault for not reading the contract anyway.
Haru: And… I’ve already signed it, so I’ll do it!
Manager: Haru, are you sure? You’ll only sing a lot more from now on…
Haru: Ehe… It’s all right. It’s not like I’m debuting. I won’t be an idol just from doing soundchecks!
Haru: I’m just cleaning staff who doubles as soundcheck in the end! All right, I’ll clean it all up!
Coney: Aww, Haru-chan looked like she was having so much fun singing too…
Video Part 1: "[Tokyo 7th Sisters] Episode.001 - Haru Chapter 2 Part 1: I'll Clean it Right Up! "
Video Part 2: "[Tokyo 7th Sisters] Episode.001 - Haru Chapter 2 Part 2: I'll Clean it Right Up! "
Translator: "@Puchi_tl "
Typesetter: “@polnarefffff”
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tokyo7thsubs-blog · 6 years
EP1.0 - Haru 1 - I Hate Idols!
Part 1: I Hate Idols!
Haru: "Aaah. Aaaaah!"
Haru: "She sells seashells by the seashore!"
Haru: "Oh. Hello, everyone!"
Haru: "I’m Kasukabe Haru!"
Haru: "I’m a sixteen year old high school freshman!"
Haru: "The following is the story of how “we” first met…"
Haru: "A story how regular girls you can find anywhere…"
Haru: "One where they meet, worry, and persist! It’s that kind of regular story…"
Haru: "Ehehe…"
Haru: "But I’m sure this is special!"
Haru: "We are Sisters!"
Haru: "It all started from one girl’s dreams."
Haru: "It all began from our small Agency."
Haru: "Sisters who dream!!"
Haru: "Hey, what do you want to do?"
Haru: "I..."
Haru: "We..."
Coney: "Now, what is important for a stage which has singing and dancing idols? You there, manager!"
Manager: "Well, that would be songs I think. The acoustics and the lighting play a big part too…"
Coney: "Yes, you are correct! You sure know your stuff! But there’s one more thing you need. What is the number one thing you left out?"
Manager: "Hmm…"
Coney: "Simply! The singing, dancing idol herself!"
Coney: "So there you have it. We’re going to town to scout us some idols!"
Manager: "S-Scout, I see…"
Manager: "Will it even go well…? I’m something of a first timer and all…"
Coney: "No worries! No problem! Leave it all to competent Germane Coney!"
Coney: "Everywhere Coney goes there are girls with raw potential! I’ll show you the power of the hidden Coney Sensor!"
Haru: "Um… Excuse me…"
Manager: "Huh? Who might you be?"
Haru: "I’m here for the part-time want ad…"
Manager: "What ad?"
Haru: "Yes! The one for the cleaning staff."
Haru: "Oh, where are my manners. I’m Kasukabe Haru, a highschool freshman!"
Coney: "A-ha. To think that Nanastar’s revival would begin from recruiting cleaning staff. Manager, you’re pretty good at details!"
Manager: "No, I don’t remember putting up any want ads…"
Haru: "What!? But, it was in the shopping district’s application section…"
Manager: "What’s it doing there… Oh, maybe it was left there from an old open spot."
Manager: (The old manager sure did whatever he wanted…)
Haru: "Oh, I see…"
Manager: "Sorry Kasukabe-san. We don’t really have any need for help right now…"
Coney: "Hm? We have a spot open though."
Haru: "Really!?"
Coney: "It’s a job that all girls would love. Are you interested?"
Haru: "Yes, of course! What kind of job is it?"
Coney: "It’s a lot of fun, and you can make a lot of people smile and be happy! "
Coney: "People say it takes a bit of work, but will you be okay with that?"
Haru: "No problem! I can shine windows and clean toilets with no trouble!"
Coney: "Then that settles it! Haru-chan, give your hand at being an idol!"
Haru: "Idol… I won’t be cleaning… But I’ll be an idol?"
Coney: "Yes! Are you so shocked to the point of speechlessness? Well, anyone would to be honest!"
Manager: "Idol… You know, that would work! Yeah, you’ll definitely be able to do it!"
Manager: "What do you think, Kasukabe-san?"
Haru: "I won’t do it…"
Haru: "Idols…"
Haru: "I hate idols!"
Manager: "What?"
Haru: "Ah… I-I’m sorry! It’s nothing, really!"
Manager: "You just said you hated idols…"
Coney: "You don’t wanna be an idol? I’m sure you can shine with the best of them, Haru-chan."
Haru: "I’m just here for the part time cleaning job… So being an idol’s a little bit…"
Haru: "If it’s anything other than cleaning, I’ll have to excuse myself!"
Coney: "Come on, we’ll have you clean the place clean and proper! Kay? Kay?"
Haru: … "Really?"
Coney: "But of course! You’re Nanastar’s tentative cleaning staff Haru-chan. Right, manager?"
Manager: "Y-Yeah. I guess…?"
Manager: "Oh, that’s right. How about you help tidy up a lot of the rooms here to start?"
Haru: "If it’s tidying up then…"
Coney: "All right, so just sign here. We’ll see you tomorrow!"
Haru: "By the way, what should I clean up?"
Manager: "Yeah, about that…"
Haru: "Ahaha…"
Haru: "This is…"
Manager: "Something like that."
Haru: "Mm… Either way, they look like they’re in need of clean up!"
Manager: "This agency hasn’t been used in a while…"
Manager: "I was going to split the work between me and Coney-san, but how about helping us out, Kasukabe-san?"
Haru: "Yes! That’s what I’m here for!"
Haru: "Manager! I’m burning up! I’m getting all fired up now!"
Haru: "Oh, and please just call me Haru. Kasukabe-san makes me feel a little awkward…"
Manager: "Sure thing. All right Haru, let’s work together starting tomorrow!"
Haru: "Yes! Kasukabe Haru will do her best! I’m looking forward to it!"
Video: EP 1.0 Haru- 1
Translator: @Puchi_tl
Typesetting: @K1x777
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