throwdowners1213-blog ยท 7 years
My YouTube Channel
So if you guys do not know me i am obviously throwdowners 1213. so this is the story hiw i started my YouTube channel. I started the channel like almost 2 months from now. Then i was really board and did not kniw what to do so i was inspired (well maybe ripped off a little bit i admit that) SuperMarioLogan. Then i realized i need a name and sime characters so i felt really random and decided throwdowners and i did the numbers for my ages because i am about to be 13. Then i realized i really need a partner but i was i little embaressed to tell anyone that i like doing plush videos but i noticed people at my school loved them not my videos yet offcourse so decided to ask my best friend drannin. Drannin was one if my best friends and neighbors and we hung out every day so i decided if he wanted to help start the channel with me. Asked him and surprisingly he said yes. So the next day we started on our first ever video we made together we carried our plush bucket to the park and there were mushrooms which was good for the scene but there was sime kids there said they can subscribe if we gave them a few plush's and si we did but what do you know they lied. So here is the part about the video "condom theif" (because me and my friends are really dirty minded by the way). So me and drannin did the video and im gonna let you know we do video idea's while we are filming we don't plan it out before the video except what its supposed to be about. We filmed with a minecraft creeper and a sonic boom plush. The creeper stole sonic's condoms and gave them back after sonic was being so annoying so he transformed into a fake jj watt and tricked so sonic by giving him a dollar instead if 2 million dollars then jj watt beated him up then sonic called his dad then jj watt and sonic's dad. Then jj watt called his dad and it was a monkey it was donkey kong (by the way i don't have a donkey kong plush we used a regular build a bear wirk shop monkey plush) and they fought and donkey kong and jj watt started rapeing the 2 and that was the end if the first episode but i remastered it into much better editing. So we did a bunch of videos with mario and luigi. But one night drannin spent the night and slept on the same couch as my sister then he started groping her and masturbating in her when he thought she was asleep but she was really awake. Then the next few days my sister told me what he did then i talked with him he said "no why would i i would never do that" but in a very NERVOUSE way. So then she told my dad and then thay filed a report on him. Then a few days later the cops talked with his dad and his dad got really pissed. Then a few days ago on sunday drannin got arrested at dollar general for what he did to my sister and ever since i heard about it i felt bad and did not a t the same time. So 2 days ago i called my other friends and told them what had happened and they were really upset ty and jerimiah are my friends still but jerimiah lives in dickinson but ty lives a few blocks away. So now i do my videos with my sister. She replaced drannin for his characters and now we are fine but i broke my phine which still wotks otherwise i wouldnt do this article. And yeah i will upload more videos today and ill see you guys later. ThrowDowners1213
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