Boop! :)
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In the spirit of Easter, I’m resurrecting this blog and opening up my ask box again for the first time in forever. Send me your questions and help me dust off the cobwebs from this ‘ol blog
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Evidence for the Resurrection
It’s Easter time once again! A Sunday that marks the single most pivotal point of Christianity. If you want to prove Christianity is a hoax, all you must do is illustrate how the resurrection was a facade. It is absolutely essential to our salvation that Christ conquered death, for if Jesus Christ did not rise from the dead our hope is lost. 1 Corinthians 15:14 likewise states, “And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain.” Without the resurrection our belief is baseless, futile, unfounded, and foolish. So why is it we believe such an outlandish claim could actually happen, superseding the natural laws of earth? Here’s a few reasons…
The Bible is the most historically accurate ancient text in the world — When discussing the validity of history, it’s only reasonable to reference your source that has proven most reliable. The Bible is that source. No other record of ancient history has come CLOSE to matching the reliability of the Bible. If we say the Bible is untrustworthy, we must discard every other historical record as well because the Bible vastly surpasses every test of authenticity as no other book does. More on that here and here.
Yes, Jesus really died - Many people start off with the dispute that maybe Jesus wasn’t really dead. However, that neglects both the historical and circumstancial context. The Romans were masters at execution. They knew how to draw out suffering to the finest line between death and life, make it last for days on end. This was their art form. These men were proficient and practiced. Jesus was tortured, whipped with a scourge that often exposed bone and vital organs, tearing flesh from a body. Many people didn’t survive that alone. He was forced to carry a cross that could have weight up to 300lbs, and he crumpled under the weight, unable to bear it. Nails were driven through his wrist and through both his feet. Make note he would be unable to walk from the pain in his feet, his hands would be rendered useless. The way you hang on a cross causes death by asphyxiation, to breathe you had to push your self up with means grating your torn back against the wood and putting more pressure on the holes ripping your limbs. After Jesus died they speared his side to make certain he was dead and fluid came pouring out. The Romans checked thoroughly to make sure he was dead because they were shocked he died so quickly. He was bloated, swollen, and gored by death on a cross. Even if for arguments sake, Jesus was not yet dead, being in a tomb for three days would indisputably see to that. If blood loss didn’t kill him, infection certainly would. Additionally, Luke, one of eyewitnesses who recorded the events, was a doctor so his perspective is a notably authoritative one. (Luke 23-24).
The tomb was empty - There is no possible way Jesus, weakened to the point where the Roman masters of execution called his death, unable to use his hands or feet due to the spikes pounded into them, was able to roll away a MASSIVE boulder and over power two trained and able-bodied Roman soldiers. The idea that Jesus didn’t fully die on the cross and escaped the tomb is absurd. Furthermore, the guards stationed to prevent anyone from robbing the tomb and the Roman seal on the two-ton rock ensured that anyone who dared to even attempt to move it faced the death penalty themselves. If the guards themselves fell asleep they faced the same fate. There was a LOT at stake if Jesus’ body was taken, the Romans were taking no chances. Every other argument for the absence of Jesus’ body can quickly be dismantled by historical context and the circumstances by which these things took place.
It was prophesied - Isaiah talks about the particular circumstances of Jesus death, such as no bones would be broken, an unusual anomaly when it came to crucifixion. Jesus himself also foretells that he will rise within three days. Even smaller details like casting lots for His garments were spoken of hundreds of years before Jesus was born. Other prophesies like this show that Jesus’ death was no accident, God knew what He was doing. (Isaiah 52:13-53:12; John 18-20)
Eyewitness accounts - Jesus appeared to over 500 people after His resurrection, many of whom were alive at the time of the gospels being written and therefore could confirm or dispute their accuracy (1 Corinthians 15:6) Among those include the disciples, Mary Magdalene, and Paul the former murderer of Christians. The Bible records accounts of skeptism and unbelief, but they saw the scars on his hands, touched his solid flesh before them, heard his familiar voice, and they believed because of it. Paul became that which he initially DESPISED because of his encounter with Jesus Christ, that alone is a mind-blowing testimony. The man who hunted and killed Christians became a Christian who was willing to be tortured and killed because he so strongly believed in the saving death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The apostles went from hiding in extreme fear to preaching the gospel in the face of deadly persecution - When Jesus died the apostles went into hiding. They were TERRIFIED that the Romans, the other Jews, would come after them next. Yet, after Jesus appears, they’re fearlessly preaching the gospel out in open crowds of THOUSANDS. It’s a dramatic switch of perspective. To go from quivering fear to such emboldened confidence, surely seeing Jesus standing risen before you would give you that kind of intrepidation. There is little else to explain how these men were suddenly ready to risk everything after being afraid to admit they ever knew Jesus just days before.
Apostles willing to die for Jesus - Now some people say the apostles stole the body of Jesus to convince people to turn to Christianity. The Bible says that lie was started by the Romans in order to discredit the apostles. However, almost all of the apolstles died for preaching the gospel, and all of them were severely persecuted. Why would they exchange their lives, their health, their reputation, their livelihoods, their comfort for something they knew was a lie? It simply makes no sense. The only logical conclusion is that they believed Jesus was the resurrected Christ.
Appearing to a woman first was a dumb move - The testimony of a woman would not be as respected as than of a man in those times. If Jesus’ resurrection was a ruse, the logical thing to do would be to claim he was seen by a male dignitary of noble standing, not a woman who had been previously possessed by demons - a social blemish (Luke 8:2). “Unflattering” facts like this, the cowardis of the apolstles, their initial skeptism, not recognizing Jesus right away, etc. lend to the credit of the account because it demonstrates an accurate retelling, not a fabrication that was crafted to deceptively sway the masses into false belief.
Vision, hallucination unlikely due to number of witnesses and circumstances - Jesus didn’t appear to two people and then go back to Heaven. He appeared to over 500 in all sorts of different locations. People who weren’t looking for him, people who didn’t believe it was Him until they had proof. Proof so certain that they were no longer afraid, they were filled with unextinguishable hope. We must also realize the historical context of the time in which it took place. It’s much easier to fabricate this kind of illusion today with the technology and way by which we pass on information. The time period in which the resurrection took place adds merit that should not be ignored. News was circulated in a manner that was unique to our present day process.
Non-Christian historians record the resurrection - Josephus, a renowned secular historian at the time of Jesus’ death, writes, “On the third day He appeared… restored to life.” It should be noted there are many who debate the reliability of Josephus’ words regarding the resurrection, however, many historians find this evidence to support the Bible’s claims.
The persecution of the early church - Under Nero’s reign the early church suffered some of the most violent persecution, not to mention the Jewish leaders who also sought to kill the Christians. The steadfast resolve of a Church who was in its infant stage is astounding. The only explanation is that they all genuinely believed in the resurrection. They had nothing to gain and everything to lose by preaching the gospel, yet they did so freely despite the cost. If Christianity was based on a lie, it should have been easy to crush it as it was beginning. The fact that the force of the entire Roman Empire wasn’t enough to sway their devotion is incredible. The whole of the known world tried to annihilate Christianity in the cradle but couldn’t.
It is the accumulation of evidence that begs cause for belief - It is not for one singular reason that we believe Jesus rose from the dead, but rather the combined evidence that demands an explanation that only the Bible provides. The proven accuracy of the Bible, the eyewitnesses details; the historical records of Jesus walking, eating, alive; the unexplainable absence in the tomb despite all efforts to seal it; the prophesies fulfilled; the change in people’s lives, the martyrs, the flourishing of the church in the face of persecution. It all points back to Jesus rising from the dead as the only reasonable explanation. The Bible consistently presents answers to questions the world has no answer for.
More comprehensive analysis and sources
Within these sources you’ll find more Biblical references, breaking down arguments and evidence, and quotes from some of the world’s finest minds and historians.
The Resurrection of Christ: The Best Proved Fact in History
Resurrection: No Doubt About It
Biblical and Extra-Biblical Evidences
Is the Resurrection True?
Atheist’s Look at the Resurrection
Still got questions/comments? Shoot me an ask! I don’t usually reply to comments on long posts, but I’d certainly love to talk!
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Okay but the fisherman weren’t exactly all “soft boys” themselves. I will remind y’all that one did slice off someone’s ear.
Father: "Son, we have another spot open for the Apostle post. Any preference?"
Jesus: "Hmm maybe someone sweet and and gentle. Who wouldn't hurt a fly, y'know? A soft boy. Another fisherman, perhaps?"
Saul of Tarsus: "DIE you Christians!!!"
Jesus: "I want that one."
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Evidence for the Resurrection
It’s Easter time once again! A Sunday that marks the single most pivotal point of Christianity. If you want to prove Christianity is a hoax, all you must do is illustrate how the resurrection was a facade. It is absolutely essential to our salvation that Christ conquered death, for if Jesus Christ did not rise from the dead our hope is lost. 1 Corinthians 15:14 likewise states, “And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain.” Without the resurrection our belief is baseless, futile, unfounded, and foolish. So why is it we believe such an outlandish claim could actually happen, superseding the natural laws of earth? Here’s a few reasons…
The Bible is the most historically accurate ancient text in the world — When discussing the validity of history, it’s only reasonable to reference your source that has proven most reliable. The Bible is that source. No other record of ancient history has come CLOSE to matching the reliability of the Bible. If we say the Bible is untrustworthy, we must discard every other historical record as well because the Bible vastly surpasses every test of authenticity as no other book does. More on that here and here.
Yes, Jesus really died - Many people start off with the dispute that maybe Jesus wasn’t really dead. However, that neglects both the historical and circumstancial context. The Romans were masters at execution. They knew how to draw out suffering to the finest line between death and life, make it last for days on end. This was their art form. These men were proficient and practiced. Jesus was tortured, whipped with a scourge that often exposed bone and vital organs, tearing flesh from a body. Many people didn’t survive that alone. He was forced to carry a cross that could have weight up to 300lbs, and he crumpled under the weight, unable to bear it. Nails were driven through his wrist and through both his feet. Make note he would be unable to walk from the pain in his feet, his hands would be rendered useless. The way you hang on a cross causes death by asphyxiation, to breathe you had to push your self up with means grating your torn back against the wood and putting more pressure on the holes ripping your limbs. After Jesus died they speared his side to make certain he was dead and fluid came pouring out. The Romans checked thoroughly to make sure he was dead because they were shocked he died so quickly. He was bloated, swollen, and gored by death on a cross. Even if for arguments sake, Jesus was not yet dead, being in a tomb for three days would indisputably see to that. If blood loss didn’t kill him, infection certainly would. Additionally, Luke, one of eyewitnesses who recorded the events, was a doctor so his perspective is a notably authoritative one. (Luke 23-24).
The tomb was empty - There is no possible way Jesus, weakened to the point where the Roman masters of execution called his death, unable to use his hands or feet due to the spikes pounded into them, was able to roll away a MASSIVE boulder and over power two trained and able-bodied Roman soldiers. The idea that Jesus didn’t fully die on the cross and escaped the tomb is absurd. Furthermore, the guards stationed to prevent anyone from robbing the tomb and the Roman seal on the two-ton rock ensured that anyone who dared to even attempt to move it faced the death penalty themselves. If the guards themselves fell asleep they faced the same fate. There was a LOT at stake if Jesus’ body was taken, the Romans were taking no chances. Every other argument for the absence of Jesus’ body can quickly be dismantled by historical context and the circumstances by which these things took place.
It was prophesied - Isaiah talks about the particular circumstances of Jesus death, such as no bones would be broken, an unusual anomaly when it came to crucifixion. Jesus himself also foretells that he will rise within three days. Even smaller details like casting lots for His garments were spoken of hundreds of years before Jesus was born. Other prophesies like this show that Jesus’ death was no accident, God knew what He was doing. (Isaiah 52:13-53:12; John 18-20)
Eyewitness accounts - Jesus appeared to over 500 people after His resurrection, many of whom were alive at the time of the gospels being written and therefore could confirm or dispute their accuracy (1 Corinthians 15:6) Among those include the disciples, Mary Magdalene, and Paul the former murderer of Christians. The Bible records accounts of skeptism and unbelief, but they saw the scars on his hands, touched his solid flesh before them, heard his familiar voice, and they believed because of it. Paul became that which he initially DESPISED because of his encounter with Jesus Christ, that alone is a mind-blowing testimony. The man who hunted and killed Christians became a Christian who was willing to be tortured and killed because he so strongly believed in the saving death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The apostles went from hiding in extreme fear to preaching the gospel in the face of deadly persecution - When Jesus died the apostles went into hiding. They were TERRIFIED that the Romans, the other Jews, would come after them next. Yet, after Jesus appears, they’re fearlessly preaching the gospel out in open crowds of THOUSANDS. It’s a dramatic switch of perspective. To go from quivering fear to such emboldened confidence, surely seeing Jesus standing risen before you would give you that kind of intrepidation. There is little else to explain how these men were suddenly ready to risk everything after being afraid to admit they ever knew Jesus just days before.
Apostles willing to die for Jesus - Now some people say the apostles stole the body of Jesus to convince people to turn to Christianity. The Bible says that lie was started by the Romans in order to discredit the apostles. However, almost all of the apolstles died for preaching the gospel, and all of them were severely persecuted. Why would they exchange their lives, their health, their reputation, their livelihoods, their comfort for something they knew was a lie? It simply makes no sense. The only logical conclusion is that they believed Jesus was the resurrected Christ.
Appearing to a woman first was a dumb move - The testimony of a woman would not be as respected as than of a man in those times. If Jesus’ resurrection was a ruse, the logical thing to do would be to claim he was seen by a male dignitary of noble standing, not a woman who had been previously possessed by demons - a social blemish (Luke 8:2). “Unflattering” facts like this, the cowardis of the apolstles, their initial skeptism, not recognizing Jesus right away, etc. lend to the credit of the account because it demonstrates an accurate retelling, not a fabrication that was crafted to deceptively sway the masses into false belief.
Vision, hallucination unlikely due to number of witnesses and circumstances - Jesus didn’t appear to two people and then go back to Heaven. He appeared to over 500 in all sorts of different locations. People who weren’t looking for him, people who didn’t believe it was Him until they had proof. Proof so certain that they were no longer afraid, they were filled with unextinguishable hope. We must also realize the historical context of the time in which it took place. It’s much easier to fabricate this kind of illusion today with the technology and way by which we pass on information. The time period in which the resurrection took place adds merit that should not be ignored. News was circulated in a manner that was unique to our present day process.
Non-Christian historians record the resurrection - Josephus, a renowned secular historian at the time of Jesus’ death, writes, “On the third day He appeared… restored to life.” It should be noted there are many who debate the reliability of Josephus’ words regarding the resurrection, however, many historians find this evidence to support the Bible’s claims.
The persecution of the early church - Under Nero’s reign the early church suffered some of the most violent persecution, not to mention the Jewish leaders who also sought to kill the Christians. The steadfast resolve of a Church who was in its infant stage is astounding. The only explanation is that they all genuinely believed in the resurrection. They had nothing to gain and everything to lose by preaching the gospel, yet they did so freely despite the cost. If Christianity was based on a lie, it should have been easy to crush it as it was beginning. The fact that the force of the entire Roman Empire wasn’t enough to sway their devotion is incredible. The whole of the known world tried to annihilate Christianity in the cradle but couldn’t.
It is the accumulation of evidence that begs cause for belief - It is not for one singular reason that we believe Jesus rose from the dead, but rather the combined evidence that demands an explanation that only the Bible provides. The proven accuracy of the Bible, the eyewitnesses details; the historical records of Jesus walking, eating, alive; the unexplainable absence in the tomb despite all efforts to seal it; the prophesies fulfilled; the change in people’s lives, the martyrs, the flourishing of the church in the face of persecution. It all points back to Jesus rising from the dead as the only reasonable explanation. The Bible consistently presents answers to questions the world has no answer for.
More comprehensive analysis and sources
Within these sources you’ll find more Biblical references, breaking down arguments and evidence, and quotes from some of the world’s finest minds and historians.
The Resurrection of Christ: The Best Proved Fact in History
Resurrection: No Doubt About It
Biblical and Extra-Biblical Evidences
Is the Resurrection True?
Atheist’s Look at the Resurrection
Still got questions/comments? Shoot me an ask! I don’t usually reply to comments on long posts, but I’d certainly love to talk!
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Wake up, babe, there’s new mercies in the morning.
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Avril Lavigne was actually quoting Ecclesiastes when she said chill out, whatcha yellin for, lay back, it's all been done before.
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Could you talk more of the trinity? I accepted but hadn’t thought too deeply about it. But someone was talking about how the Son of God did all the physical stuff like being born human, performing the creation, and showing up as The Angel of the Lord in the OT like in the lions den, burning bush, and wrestling Jacob. And it made me curious. How would you describe each person of God? Or just any facts on the trinity?
Trinity stuff is alway mind boggling and at the end of the day usually I just have to conclude with I will never be able to fully grasp the complexity and union of the trinity, but I know God has given me enough to be sure I can trust everything He says is true.
While it is a difficult concept to grasp, it is important that we concede that the trinity is the doctrine of the Bible because to deny the trinity (as Mormonism and Jehovah’s Witness do) is to either create a polytheistic religion and/or a heretical false god.
So what is the trinity? The trinity is the the biblical doctrine God is three persons in one - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
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The statement that Jesus did all the physical stuff such as creation would be incorrect. Genesis 1:26a says, “Then God said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness.’” This makes it known that all members of the trinity were involved in creation. In the case of the lions den, Daniel 6:22a says, “My God sent His angel and shut the lions’ mouths, so that they have not hurt me.” In this case the Bible is clear God sent an angel to do as He commanded, it was not Jesus. We must always be very careful to go back to what exactly it is that the Bible says. Especially concerning confusing doctrine like the trinity, people like to insert their own ideas and theology to make it more palatable but if it is not consistent with what the Bible says it is a lie.
Moving on though, the Bible does in fact talk about specific jobs for different members of the trinity. The Bible talks about the Holy Spirit being our Helper (John 14:26) and Intercessor (Romans 8:28), it was Jesus who took on flesh (John 1:14) and died and rose for our sins (1 Corinthians 15:4), God the Father is the head (1 Corinthians 11:3). The omnipresence of God allows Him to be all at once. God is not sometimes manifested as the Holy Spirit and then changes into Jesus. God is Father, Son, and Spirit all the time.
The best way you can learn more about the trinity is by looking up verses about who God the Father is, who Jesus is, and who the Holy Spirit is. Try making a three-column chart and writing down the attributes you find for each person of the trinity. You can keep it in your Bible to help identify how God has worked throughout history and in salvation as you study His word and learn more about Him!
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Do you understand that the way you come off and present yourself is incredibly self-righteous and smug? All of your answers are only for the in-crowd who already agrees with you, the way you answer questions wouldn't help convert anybody, and it only pushes people further away from Christ, there was a time where I looked up to you, and used this blog as a model, my mistake for making any human something to look up to. 1/3
but I nearly apostatized because of you when I realized how uncompassionate and unkind these things were just under the surface. If God hadn't greatly blessed me with people who were actually humble and compassionate during that time I think I would have walked away, because all my models before then were just like you, and the version of Christianity you preach, and the way you interpret the gospel is so uncompassionate it can't even be called good news, not really. 2/3
Please, I'm begging you, do some self-reflection, stop answering asks in a way that comes off as 'dunking on the haters' you are only pushing people away from the love of Christ. Your self righteous smug 'I will pray for you's come off as passive aggressive at best. If you won't change it would be better for you to stop running an apologetics blog at least, it's only hurting your witness. 3/3
These are heavy accusations and I would ask to know exactly and specifically where I have exhibited any unkindness so I can address it. I apologize greatly if my words were hurtful, that is NEVER my intent and I know sometimes with text tone can be misconstrued. I apologize if there was any miscommunication to that effect.
You are right though, I should never be on a pedestal. I am human, and whether in this instance or another I will fail, I will stumble into sin, I will make mistakes. Lord knows I do daily. My only goal is ever to point people to Christ. He is the one person who is perfect, omniscient, and will never let you down. Read your Bible, search the scriptures, don’t take my word for things. Never put your trust in me, I beg of you to put your trust in God alone.
As far as my defense of the truth of the gospel, if that is what you want me to apologize for I must inform you I cannot. If I have spoke in error about the Bible, tell me immediately, so that I may either refute your claims with scripture or repent of my ignorance. I will not, however, apologize for speaking the truth of the Bible, because that is the most loving and compassionate thing I could possibly do.
And when I say I will pray for you, I mean it sincerely, and when I say I will pray for you, I do. There is no cloaked aggression, no sinister motive, no alternative meaning. I am simply bringing you before God and asking Him to bring you to Himself and show you how to walk in godliness and truth, just as I ask He shows me. So dear anon, I will pray for you. Pray for me too.
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Could you talk more of the trinity? I accepted but hadn’t thought too deeply about it. But someone was talking about how the Son of God did all the physical stuff like being born human, performing the creation, and showing up as The Angel of the Lord in the OT like in the lions den, burning bush, and wrestling Jacob. And it made me curious. How would you describe each person of God? Or just any facts on the trinity?
Trinity stuff is alway mind boggling and at the end of the day usually I just have to conclude with I will never be able to fully grasp the complexity and union of the trinity, but I know God has given me enough to be sure I can trust everything He says is true.
While it is a difficult concept to grasp, it is important that we concede that the trinity is the doctrine of the Bible because to deny the trinity (as Mormonism and Jehovah’s Witness do) is to either create a polytheistic religion and/or a heretical false god.
So what is the trinity? The trinity is the the biblical doctrine God is three persons in one - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
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The statement that Jesus did all the physical stuff such as creation would be incorrect. Genesis 1:26a says, “Then God said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness.’” This makes it known that all members of the trinity were involved in creation. In the case of the lions den, Daniel 6:22a says, “My God sent His angel and shut the lions’ mouths, so that they have not hurt me.” In this case the Bible is clear God sent an angel to do as He commanded, it was not Jesus. We must always be very careful to go back to what exactly it is that the Bible says. Especially concerning confusing doctrine like the trinity, people like to insert their own ideas and theology to make it more palatable but if it is not consistent with what the Bible says it is a lie.
Moving on though, the Bible does in fact talk about specific jobs for different members of the trinity. The Bible talks about the Holy Spirit being our Helper (John 14:26) and Intercessor (Romans 8:28), it was Jesus who took on flesh (John 1:14) and died and rose for our sins (1 Corinthians 15:4), God the Father is the head (1 Corinthians 11:3). The omnipresence of God allows Him to be all at once. God is not sometimes manifested as the Holy Spirit and then changes into Jesus. God is Father, Son, and Spirit all the time.
The best way you can learn more about the trinity is by looking up verses about who God the Father is, who Jesus is, and who the Holy Spirit is. Try making a three-column chart and writing down the attributes you find for each person of the trinity. You can keep it in your Bible to help identify how God has worked throughout history and in salvation as you study His word and learn more about Him!
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hi, hope you’re well. i’m pretty new to studying the bible (raised christian in name only, learning true faith as an adult) and it’s obvious that the bible does not condone mercy killing humans (euthanasia or abortion or whatnot) but what about animals? if a pet dog is suffering and it is put down, for example, is that okay?
How wonderful it is that you’re taking the time and initiative to dive into the Bible!
I have a unique perspective on this myself since I come from the veterinary field. Euthanasia is something I deal with frequently. So let’s take a look at what the Bible says…
Genesis 1:26 — “Then God said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.’”
This verse makes two important distinctions. Firstly, humans are made in the image of God and animals are not. That means that humans have attributes such as a conscious that animals do not. Secondly, humans rule over the animals. This is important because in regards to animal rights, people often want to compare them to humans. It is important to identify that biblically speaking humans and animals are not equal.
Proverbs 12:10 — “Whoever is righteous has regard for the life of his beast, but the mercy of the wicked is cruel.”
Matthew 6:26 — “Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?”
These verses tell us that God cares about animals. We have been given rule over the animals, and with that authority comes the expectation that we will care for them and treat them with kindness.
Exodus 20:13 — “You shall not murder.”
Genesis 9:3, 6— “Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything… Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood shall be shed; for in the image of God He made man.”
Again, there is a distinction between humans and animals. God clearly states that we are not to kill another person. Throughout scripture it is consistently stated that no man is to take the life of another innocent person for ANY reason. The only killing that is ever condoned for people is the death penalty in regard to heinous and unrepentant sins. On the other hand, the killing of animals is clearly acceptable in certain cases such as consumption, and while we are called to care for animals, we are permitted to kill them in certain instances such as nutrition. Not to mention the Old Testament is full of instructions for the animal sacrifices that were required prior to Christ’s death and resurrection. Exodus 21 also outlines that an animal is to be killed if it is a danger to others.
Because of the distinctions between humans and animals, we can reasonably conclude that if an animal needs to be put down due to suffering or extreme aggression, this is permissible.
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