thepsykerfromfenris · 5 years
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I don’t know what I’m supposed to do Haunted by the ghost of you Oh, take me back to the night we met
The Night We Met // Lord Huron
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thepsykerfromfenris · 5 years
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greek mythology | gods and goddesses |  χάος 
→ Chaos refers to void state before the creation of the universe or to the initial gap created by the original separation of heaven and earth. 
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thepsykerfromfenris · 5 years
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- Ragnar, hay cosas que están escritas en las estrellas, eso es así. No podemos zafar aquello forjado en el destino y escrito en el cielo, sólo debemos saber leerlo para estar preparados. Igual que el fuego en la mirada. Nadie podemos ver el nuestro propio, pero el resto puede vislumbrar el destino en nuestros ojos, se pueden vislumbrar las grandes hazañas o una oscura condena. Si estás aquí es porque vi el brillo de grandes cosas escritas en tus ojos y de verdad creo que fuiste elegido para grandezas en el capítulo que darán para sagas, sólo necesitas alguien que crea en ti… sino ninguno de nosotros nos explicaríamos que hubieses podido empuñar un arma tan magnificente y noble como la Lanza de Russ para defender a los Lobos del propio Magnus. - ¿Los Rune Priest te enseñaron todo eso? - No, fue el propio Leman Russ.
- Ragnar, there are things written in the stars. We can’t escape from those things forged in the destiny and written in the sky, we only need to know how to read them to be aware. This is like the fire on the way of looking. We can’t see ours but the others can see the destiny in our eyes, and they can discern great feats and dark sentences. If you are here is because I saw the spark of great things in your eyes and I really belive that you were chosen for glory inside the Chapter, to do things that will be singen in the Sagas; you only need someone who belives in you… otherwise, anyone could explain that you have holded such a glorious and noble weapon as the Spear of Russ to defend the Wolves from Magnus himself. - The Rune Priests taught you all this things? - No, it was Leman Russ himself.
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thepsykerfromfenris · 5 years
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i loves stars
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thepsykerfromfenris · 5 years
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"Follow me and I promise you glory and adventure! Follow me and I promise that, if you fall, your name will be sung for as long as the Sons of Russ walk the stars!" — Logan Grimnar
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thepsykerfromfenris · 5 years
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Despite being almost universally referred to as "The Fang," the Vlka Fenryka (Space Wolves) refer to their fortress-monastery simply as the Aett. In Juvjk, the local Fenrisian dialect of Low Gothic, this means "clan-home", "fireplace" or "den".
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thepsykerfromfenris · 5 years
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"Listen but closely Brothers, for my life's breath is all but spent. There shall come a time far from now when our Chapter itself is dying, even as I am now dying, and our foes shall gather to destroy us. Then my children, I shall listen for your call in whatever realm of death holds me, and come I shall, no matter what the laws of life and death forbid. At the end I will be there. For the final battle. For the Wolftime"
And now, when a Rune Priest has a vision of the Wolf-King, the entire Space Wolves Chapter sets force in an attempt to find their missing Primarch through the Great Hunts. Sveid made an ancient promise, and she had sworn to bring Leman Russ back with his Sons and until then, the aim of her existence is the loyalty to the Chapter and the search of the Wolf-King.
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thepsykerfromfenris · 5 years
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Character Sheet ~Sveid
Name: Sveid Alias: The Psyker from Fenris Age: Apparently young Homeworld: Fenris Chapter: Space Wolves Race: Human Tribe: Black Claws Talents: Psyker grade Gamma (Tempestas discipline: Telepathy, telekinesis and pasive precognition) Loyal to: Space Wolves and the Primarch Leman Russ Trustworthy men: Ragnar Blackmane, Njal Stormcaller, Leman Russ Appearance: Eyes: honey Hair: long wavy brown with ginger highlights Face: pale skin, scar on the right side Body constitution: thin, standar constitution from Fenrisian population. Without genetic modifications
Personality: Sveid was a solitary person because of her circumstances but now she loves being with people and her brothers, the Space Wolves, who have become her new pack. She is distrustful and apparently arrogant but Sveid is a generous person and trustworthy, and always cares about her comrades. She has learnt to be an independent and strong person but sometimes she needs the support of her trustworthy men. Likes: - Looking at the see of stars - Learning from the rune priests - Leman Russ and Ragnar Blackmane - Wolves from Fenris, she can easily have mutual understanding with animals - Music and huge celebrations - Roasted meat and mead on banquets - Young Blood Claws Dislikes: - Afraid of the Astronomican - Against the practices of the Inquisition with Psykers and other Imperial aspects - Thousand Sons - Being asked about the time when the Primarch was there - In the past, she disliked being called The Psyker from Fenris, but not anymore - Waiting for Russ Equipment: She brings a bolter gun but Sveid uses her Spear to fight and launch her psychic powers. She can’t wear an Astartes armour, so she wears a customized and lighter armour. Battle skills: Basic knowledge of shooting. In a charge between two armies she balanced out her human weakness by riding a Thunder Wolf. She uses her Spear as a distance weapon and she usually channels her psychic powers though it. Goal: Sveid wants to bring Russ back to Fenris again. History headcanon: Sveid was born in the coastline of Asaheim. She was a member of the Black Claws’ tribe and she was there when the Thunder Fist tribe killed the main part of her tribe due to a fight for the territory. While those hard days happened, Fenris, witnessed without seeing the crash of a new breach of Inmaterium. When it was opened all the things around the Eye turned unstable and Sveid, somehow, felt the need of looking up to the sky when hundred of wolves started howling in the distance. In that moment the massacre disappeared and that day Sveid started having visions. Thereafter she would be able to feel the pasted pain of a brother when she touched them and she could see their future, so she started being the Witch and the Psyker from Fenris. It was a gift, someone said, but the majority of them were afraid and repudiated those dark visions… After the bang of the Eye the world seemed to remain in silence. That night she started discerning events as she was watching from the other side of a thin veil, until it seemed to her that she was dreaming while walking between the people there in broad daylight. The society from Fenris removed her because they were afraid of the future events that she could trigger and now, without home to come back, she walked and resided the forests and caves full of solitude. The only audible thing there were the murmurs of the forest and the monstrous creatures called by the new light placed in the middle of the darkness. The silence of the forest was only broken by yells of pain, which were caused by fire visions on her skin, or by cries of a solitary and insane life. Any human mind could reach any understand and the name of The Psychic from Fenris was always called with fear, and it didn’t matter which was the speaking voice. When King Thengir found that young boy into the forest, Sveid was called as the Psyker of that place to stablish understanding with him. As he became Leman, king of the Russ, their relation had grown up and she was stilling there to support him. A new live started and she started as well to be surrounded by people how took care of her and loved her. Sveid was stilling unstable and she was victim of hyper-sensorial feelings and her visions, mainly at nights until she started managing them with the help of the Rune Priests. Now she has learnt from Njal how to control her psyke and she has became a powerful psyker known beyond Fenris. When Leman left she sunk into the darkness because years where passing and she couldn’t avoid thinking that the last words of Russ where a lie, he wouldn’t return soon with her, By helping the Wolf Priests choosing the new recruit of the Space Wolves, she started evading her dark thoughts and Ragnar, the young boy she chose became her right-hand man.
Images from Pinterest and Instagram (@ art_asyash)
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thepsykerfromfenris · 5 years
The amazing @konohagakureship did this awesome draw of my oc Sveid. I really love it!! 🐺💙
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Commission for my dear @woodandmagic of her Warhammer 40k oc Sveid ❤️
Thank you for commissioning me!!!
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thepsykerfromfenris · 5 years
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Hi Everybody!
Yesterday I played for the first time with my Space Wolves miniatures! 🐺💙
We played with 750 point and I went to the battle with my Long Fangs, Fenrisian Wolves, the Thunderwolf Cavalry and Blood Claws. I had also a Wolf Lord seeing the battle with the older wolves, the Long Fangs.
It was a nice play with the Death Guard player and painter @dalaimar (check his Instagram account, it's great) and unfortunately for the Imperium, Daddy Nurgle won this time. But don't worry! The Sons of Russ never give up!!
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thepsykerfromfenris · 6 years
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#2 First visions
“But everyone must be careful to break the veil, as well as the minds of the psychics and the lighthouses in the Warp. The more you delve into that source, the greater and more terrible will be the entities that can follow the footsteps of your mind.”
— Excerpt from the Treaty on the Dangers of Inmaterium of  Grimenghael 
After the bang of the Eye the world seemed to remain in silence. That night she started discerning events as she was watching from the other side of a thin veil, until it seemed to her that she was dreaming while walking between the people there in broad daylight.
The society from Fenris removed her because they were afraid of the future events that she could trigger and now, without home to come back, she walked and resided the forests and caves full of solitude. The only audible thing there were the murmurs of the forest and the monstrous creatures called by the new light placed in the middle of the darkness. The silence of the forest was only broken by yells of pain, which were caused by fire visions on her skin, or by cries of a solitary and insane life.
Any human mind could reach any understand and the name of The Psychic from Fenris was always called with fear, and it didn’t matter which was the speaking voice.
Tras el estruendo del Ojo el mundo pareció quedar en silencio. Esa noche empezó a vislumbrar sucesos como desde atrás de un fino velo, hasta que le pareció soñar andando por entre las gentes a plena luz del día.
La sociedad de Fenris la apartó de sí temerosa por el porvenir que podía desencadenar y ahora, sin hogar al que acudir, paseaba y moraba en bosques y cuevas de plena soledad. Lo único audible allí eran los murmullos del bosque y de las criaturas disformes llamadas por la nueva luz que encontraban en mitad de la oscuridad. El silencio del bosque sólo se rompía con los gritos de dolor que le provocaban visiones de fuego en la piel o con los lloros de una vida solitaria y sin cordura. Ninguna mente humana alcanzaba a comprender y el nombre de la Psíquica de Fenris siempre se escuchaba nombrado con temor, sin importar cualfuese la voz que hablaba.
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thepsykerfromfenris · 6 years
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Hi Everybody!
I started working some weeks ago and it is good to be back. So the real life has started again...
And yes! I continued assembling more miniatures 🐺💙 I bought the old starter pack some months ago and I finally have my Thunder Calvary! It is something I wanted to work with and I'm really excited!! I also bought some Fenrisian Wolves to support the fast attack and I can't wait to see how this project continues growing.
I know I'm pretty slow but I prefer enjoying it instead of working with haste. In the future you will see some colours on the miniatures but now I want to finish with the assembling process.
Have a nice week!
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thepsykerfromfenris · 6 years
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"People think that the Astartes of the VI are simple savages, but you have spent enough time between us to know that this is not true, we fight intelligently, we do not just launch ourselves into the charge, although it seems that is what we do, we always use impeccable tactical intelligence, we take advantage of any crack in the enemy, whatever weakness we have. We are relentless, we are not stupid. "
-Leman Russ, speaking in Nikaea with Kasper Ansbach Hawser
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thepsykerfromfenris · 6 years
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"...as the strands of iron are twisted and hammered together in the forging of a killing blade, so shall we be. I and my oath-sworn have been until now the Wolves of Fenris, and you, cousins of my blood, the Wolves of Terra. Together we shall become the Wolves that Stalk the Stars, and the beasts that crawl and feed in the darkness of the void shall come to fear us, and know themselves hunted."
—Primarch Leman Russ, speaking to his warriors upon taking the reigns of leadership of the VI Legion
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thepsykerfromfenris · 6 years
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"Listen but closely Brothers, for my life's breath is all but spent. There shall come a time far from now when our Chapter itself is dying, even as I am now dying, and our foes shall gather to destroy us. Then my children, I shall listen for your call in whatever realm of death holds me, and come I shall, no matter what the laws of life and death forbid. At the end I will be there. For the final battle. For the Wolftime."
— Last words of Leman Russ, Primarch of the Space Wolves
Chapter, taken from the Codicium Imperialis, Vol. VI, Part I of the Liber Honorus
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thepsykerfromfenris · 6 years
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Hi Everybody!
I'm still on vacation, hurrah! And I'm far from home, so I stopped painting and working with my miniatures. But I've continued reading and I recently finished the first book of the Space Wolves saga and I've already started with the second!
Before I started my holidays I bought the old starter pack of the Space Wolves and soon I will be able to work with the Thunder Calvary! I also ordered a pre heresy miniature of Leman Russ and now I'm waiting for his arrival to start assembling and painting it. I'm so excited!
I hope you all are having a nice holidays!
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thepsykerfromfenris · 6 years
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Hi Everybody! I'm preparing my Long Fangs to be painted and at the same time I will prepare a new unit of Long Fangs with missile launchers. Meanwhile I want to share this with you, because I started loving the lore of w40k before beginning to assemble miniatures. I think I've read the whole Wikipedia about Space Wolves and surprise! I started with the Space Wolves books. And well, I want to say that I'm enjoying a lot reading it !!! A huge hype is happening here :) I bought the second book of the saga and now I'm afraid of being unable to find the other ones because they are old and discontinued. Any ideas? In any case, a huge fan is growing here 🐺💙
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