Random Prompt n°46
"...so, what's, like, the deal with the alpaca?"
"To be honest, you wouldn't understand."
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Random Prompt n°46
"What can I get you? Tea, coffee, mil-"
"Anything that may help with feeling like your skin has been taxidermied."
"Cappuccino it is,"
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Random Prompt n°45
"All I hear is bullshit-"
"All I see is a coward."
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Random Prompt n°44
"I'm baking a cake, do you want a slice?"
"When did you learn how to bake?"
*loud explosion in the background*
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Random Prompt n°43
She had eyes full of tears and hands prickled by thorns, yet her heart sang a song joy, of impossible hopes.
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Random Prompt n°42
"Stop it. Now."
"Don't you-"
*miscellaneus sounds of breaking furniture*
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Random Prompt n°41
"I gave up listening to your whole monologue roughly half an hour ago."
"I've been talking for only two minutes-"
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Random Prompt n°40
"Sometimes I ask myself, do they even have braincells to use? And then I remember I'm the only one you have."
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Random Prompt n°39
"Could you please stop stabbing me? We both know it won't take anywhere."
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Random Prompt n°38
A: "Shut up!"
B: "No, you shut up!"
C: "Why don't you both shut up and stop talking to each other completely?"
A and B, in unison: "Shut up!"
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[Came up with this for @a-mag-a-day since this is one of my favourite episodes, also heavy tma spoilers from now on.]
I really like the theory of Lagorio's films being a way of capturing the Entities' powers on a fisical medium, as a predecessor to the Archivists' tapes.
I actually tried listing with which power each mentioned film might be connected:
Labyrinth of the Minotaur-The Spiral.  >Literally a labyrinth, plus Gabriel (most probably the Worker-In-Clay Gabriel)
Agents of Orion-The Desolation (?)  
Beyond Time-The Lonely (?)  
Under New York-The Buried.  >Literally underground
The Crawling Ones-The Corruption.  >"My dreams are crawling and many-legged." -J. W. Prentiss
Dead Sky-The Dark.  >Maybe the title references an absence of sunlight?
Nightmare Children-The Flesh (?)
Forty Winks-The Eye.  >What winks? You guessed it,
Toy Shop-The Slaughter.  >Said to have been described as a hyper-violent video nasty
Orbit-The Vast.  >Featured a 12-feet-tall animatronic, plus the title may refer to the vastness of the sky
The Wire Runner-The Stranger.  >Only use of CGI in Lagorio's filmography, and criticised for it. Could it be because of the Uncanny Valley, Polar Express-style?
Eagle Falls-The Extinction.  >Featured irradiated creatures
Jewel of the Amazon-Hunt.  >Centered around an animatronic jaguar
The Harvestmen-The End.  >The Harvestmen could possibly be a reference to the Grim Reaper
Dancer (unfinished)-The Web.  >Probably a failed attempt at a film for the Web
Widow's Weave (unfinished)-The Web.  >A later attempt at creating a film for the Web indirectly through Dexter Banks. It might have gone a... bit out of hand.
Oh and also, I just love the mental image of Daisy angrily scribbling on a hiring paper in Peter's office. My little feral girl she's precious :)
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Random Prompt n°37
A: You need some sunlight.
B: Wha- it's been raining for three days straight-
A: *grabs them by the neck* Sun. Now. *shoves them through the window*
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Random Prompt n°36
"Oh, hi, how are-..."
"...anything wrong?"
"Yes. Yes, you shouldn't be here."
"What- What do you..?"
"I saw you getting shot."
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Random Prompt n°35
A: "You can't do that!"
B, smirking: "Do not speak on behalf of nonexistent laws, darling."
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Random Prompt n°35
A: "Stupid."
B: "Asshole."
A: "Idiot."
B: "Bitch."
A: "Hot."
B: "wait what-"
A: "Hotheaded."
B: "Moron."
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“This is your daily, friendly reminder to use commas instead of periods during the dialogue of your story,” she said with a smile.
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Random Prompt n°34
"...and then we said: We're going to need some flowers!"
*traumatized* "Y- You just confessed... confessed you murdered a man, you know that?"
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