zibethrose · 2 months
Happy Saturday soul family.Let love fill your day with wondrous delight. Know Life lessons are used to rock you into consciousness,so let the energy of love guide you to reclaim your life to Process the hurt to get to a space where you can forgive and let go,no longer triggered❤️Stay true to your sacred self, know that love is foundational to your existence. Root yourself in it, and you'll always find your way back to Source
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Align your thoughts and actions with the vibrations of the Universe for the evolution of your consciousness and you'll not seek your identity outside of yourself as you will understand the glorious power of ‘I am.’ Pray to voice your gratitude and your concerns to filter your emotional state to better understand what serves you and what destroys you.Grow into your authentic Self by honoring the divine spark within. Don't morph into someone that pleases others but not yourself. Recognize that Conformity is overrated, 🆂🆃🅰🆈 🆃🆁🆄🅴 to yourself. You will be ok. *** Please like, share, subscribe and follow me @ www.zibethrose.com
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zibethrose · 27 days
Happy Monday soul family. Make love your daily bread💞Explore new pathways for vitality and peace.Stand in Your Sovereignty,embark on an inward journey toward spiritual growth and promote divine transformation into your life🤗Your mindset is a powerful tool for shaping your reality and maintaining a positive vibration. Once you tap into the sacred you will not seek your identity outside of yourself in work, relationships or material things as you will understand the glorious power of ‘I am.’
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Being sovereign helps you to shake off negativity, not allowing slights to imprint on your psyche by viewing obstacles as steppingstones to greatness, allowing life’s challenges to inspire you to aspire in becoming all you can be.
Now is not the time to stagnate in idleness, but to seize the opportunity to do inner work to cultivate understanding and acceptance of your true nature which empowers you to discard fakery and be unapologetically you.  
 It's time to be independent, start forging your own path to live your own life in accordance with the dictates of your heart, appreciating what you have.  
Recognize that Your dreams are the seeds of your future. Keep your vision alive and vibrant by Watering them with determination and dedication. Realize that even the smallest steps can take you closer to your aspirations.  
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zibethrose · 28 days
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Happy Tuesday you beautiful souls. Make love your daily bread.
Stepping back from situations where you feel disrespected is selfcare. Claim ownership of who you are, have been and will be. Be proud of the way you survived without compromising your truth, no matter what happens.Recognize that sovereign means to own all your colors that shade you bright, innerstanding that the interplay of dark and light is complementary forces you keep in harmony. Become so confident in yourself that no one's opinion, rejection or behavior can negate your sense of self. Work on being the best version of yourself, for that's all that really matters.Find solace, inspiration, and a renewed sense of purpose in the quiet sanctuary of your heart actively choosing to evolve into higher consciousness. Get in touch with your higher Self through spiritual practice innerstanding that the highest priority is to be loving to yourself and others.
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zibethrose · 2 months
Happy Friday beloved soul. Make love your daily bread. Release the need for external validation innerstanding wellness depend on your inner state not the image promoted by society which feeds on illusion and delusion.Drop into your heart to fill your own cup to heal to Be well🤗
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Time to pivot or course correct for noticeable growth if comfort is blocking your soul's evolution journey.   When you're not growing it's time to get going as its indicative of a situation has become stagnant lulling you with the false security of illusion and delusion of comfort by resisting the uncertainty of change.
Find balance between heart and mind to get healing from hurtful situations by releasing the anguish of leaving and walking away from betrayal. Don't ruminate in negative energy as you'll get emotionally depleted nor exhaust your emotional resources trying to help someone that's not ready to heal, Better to just release conflicts, cut your losses and stop making excuses for the lack of reciprocal love in your life. Instead face the harsh truth of your relationships focusing on solutions or a perspective shift. Dig deep to step away into your strength to move forward Innerstanding that it's not your responsibility to fix or heal anyone, as growth is a personal task.  
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zibethrose · 6 months
Permit love to underscore your every thought, word, and deed. Love looks past so-called imperfections as the attraction is based on the beauty of the soul. Love is totally accepting as you look with your heart and not only your eyes. Know that the heart brings unity between spirit and matter, which allows you to experience the sacred. Being heart-centered equates to being a warrior of light dealing with life in accordance with the guidance of your soul.
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When you live and move in love you become in sync with the sacred that allows you to surrender to the universal flow of life. Recognize that Life happens for you and not to you, as life is designed to unveil your truth, your strength and most importantly, unleash your love. Know that your emotions act as a furnace that burns away the dross allowing you to love unconditionally.  Letting go of the splinters of past hurts is to understand the lessons that it taught understanding that clinging to past hurts prevents you from moving forward to where future joy is awaiting you. Reclaim your bliss by making space for the hearkening's of your soul and you will find yourself blossoming effortlessly. 
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zibethrose · 12 days
Happy Thursday beautiful souls.Reclaiming your authentic nature is not a passive process but an active one that requires you to confront your innermost fears,beliefs and doubts.The journey of selfdiscovery and personal growth is an essential aspect of the spiritual journey🤗It takes courage to let go of the past and embrace the unknown, but it's never too late to start anew.Cultivate your personal power to reclaim control over your life and dare to do things differently to manifest your dreams.
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Heal by opening your heart to experience the beauty of life.Do not stay in the energy of lack or stuck in your struggles. Open your heart to love and life to resurface ready to move forward in abundance. May the following quotes inspire you to undertake the spiritual journey to personal freedom that reignites your confidence in yourself to rise to the occasion, to be courageous, and to have faith in your ability to traverse life’s vagaries; shaken but never defeated. Embracing your true self allows you to tap into the reserves of your faith to keep on going, to arise from the ashes of setbacks, disappointments, and grief that inevitably accompanies your life journey. It helps you move from pain to peace aided by your unwavering faith, trust and hope in yourself and life. * *
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zibethrose · 10 days
Happy Saturday beautiful souls🤗Make love your daily bread.Know that the Soul is the GPS to the sacred. It's the source of your truth that help you declare “No,I deserve better than this!” It's your soul that picks you up when you are down and carries you through your struggles💞
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There will be times when what others say and do will make you doubt your connection to The Universe and Unconditional Love. These are the moments when you need to step back, feel into the situation with your heart and ask for guidance. Make peace with yourself, release mental anguish.  Guard against falling into a unhealthy pattern of negative words, thoughts and feelings by cultivating a mindful life approach that will help you in maintaining emotional balance for overall wellbeing. Thoughts are the fuel that feeds your attitude, actions and feelings and influences the way you live and experience life. Start paying attention to your thoughts and learn to curb negative thought patterns from escalating.
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zibethrose · 2 months
Happy Wednesday soul family.Hold space,loving without measure,honoring your beloved's truth, who they are, not editing them,giving them space to be without fear of being judged or rejected to fosters a connection that goes beyond the superficial,a love that exists beyond bounds❤️
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This is a love that allows another to be authentic, as your love desires nothing more than their happiness, giving them space to just be and having utmost respect for their boundaries.  Being loved in this way makes one feel completely seen and accepted. True love is honoring the person's truth, who they are, not who you want them to be as true love desires your loved ones to be authentic, without fear of being judged or rejected. True love fosters a connection that goes beyond the superficial, a bond that often involves accepting and innerstanding each other's core values, beliefs, and life goals. This connection creates a sense of companionship, where both partners feel they're on the same team, working towards common dreams. Step into a place of truly connected love through loving without measure.
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zibethrose · 1 month
Happy Tuesday beloved kindred souls🤗 Surround yourself with people who are good for you and good to you. Let go of untruths to align with the sacred essence recognizing that the different types of love enfold you with a cascade of blessings to guide you home to your heart💞
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Release the emotional barriers to experience love in its glorious sacred essence and avail yourself of the joyous possibilities that love, and connection bring in your everyday.Let your heart guide your conduct to cultivate a disposition in attitude and character that is grounded in strength and inspired by love. Know that judgement is not yours, as mercy is the fruit of love. Innerstand that love is your compass to get you to your destiny. There's nothing more transformational than open-hearted love. Take care of yourself with compassion and Surrender to the fullness of Love innerstanding that being love-centric is In Sync with the sacred. Know and innerstand that When you have nothing but love, you have everything. * *
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zibethrose · 2 months
Happy Saturday beautiful souls.May love be your daily bread.Don’t distance yourself from yourself for another's approval, stay authentic and be sovereign in thought,word and deed by harnessing the power of your intuition, innerstanding that the source of your wisdom, lies within.
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Living consciously facilitates your betterment and helps you to reclaim your sovereignty and prevent negative influences from interfering with your potential and corrupting WHO you are at core level so that your natural talents and abilities can be harvested fruitfully. Don’t let your mind talk you out of your heart’s desires, Innerstanding that the energy of the heart is Insync with the soul and thus always Aligning your intentions with the harmonious vibrations of goodness. * * * Please like, share, comment, subscribe and follow me @ www.zibethrose.com
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zibethrose · 9 days
Happy Sunday beautiful souls.
Recognize that adding to your treasure trove of lived experiences take precedence over playing it 'safe,' as comfort zones enfold you in a conformist lethargy that's the death knell to living large and unapologetically.
Live your truth.
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Stay real🤗Recognize that when you lose touch with yourself you become untethered from partaking fully from the delights of life. Reconcile yourself to the truth of who you truly are coupled with the inner knowing that You. Are. Enough. Make time to discover your truth by becoming still and going within to explore the depths of your very being. Connecting with your heart will help you to divest yourself of the things that do not resonate with your true nature. Each day herald a fresh start. CHOOSE. Hold on to the dredges of yesterday, or seize the day as if you're brand new, not shackled to yesterday nor holding out for a tomorrow that may never be.
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zibethrose · 4 months
Happy Thursday kindred souls. May joy fill each breath you take and flood your day with wondrous delight.
Be gentle, don't act from a platform of malice. Know that acts of care is to do what's necessary without allowing words or actions to tarnish or break the spirit of another.
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Gentleness is founded on goodwill and love seeking the best outcome and serving the highest good, creating a safe space that allows others to feel seen and understood and encourages an openness that defuses conflicts and gets willing cooperation. Know that harsh admonishments just stiffen the back and increases resistance which ultimately escalates conflict. 
Gentleness is centred on doing no harm. No, it doesn’t reference being a doormat, instead, it speaks of a determination to engage in behaviour that is founded on loving care, kindness and compassion rather than inflicting needless pain in word and deed. 
Know that inflicting needless suffering is a sport for the weak-minded trying to hide their sense of inadequacy by adopting a false mask of grandiosity which is indicative of the discord raging within themselves. Know that healing of this inner discord can only be resolved through doing the necessary inner work that brings self-knowledge and loving acceptance of self. Understand that Gentleness nullifies any tendencies towards cruelty to self or others.  
Recognize that a disposition of Gentleness creates a shielding force of positive energy that avoids you becoming entrapped in BS as it allows you to maintain a bubble of protection against emotional assaults from crippling your soul. 
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zibethrose · 5 months
Happy Sunday beautiful souls💜May you be favoured with good fortune and delightful experiences this day🌻🌹🤗 You tap into the Sacred, your innate magic, when you stay true to your sacred nature as being authentic allows you to walk by the beat of your own drum in faith and love having the inner strength and courage to speak and live by your convictions. It's time to step out of your comfort zone and into new experiences.Have the courage to pursue what aligns with who you are and what you want. Embrace the freedom to explore different paths and make changes along the way as needed,remember that your journey is not set in stone.
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Recognize life is an ongoing adventure, where you get to become more yourself. Life grants you opportunities to discover and uncover the truth of who you truly are. Cultivate discernment in knowing what serves you and allows you to soar and what hurts you and puts you in chains.Stay true to your own vision, and do not let others discourage you from your goals or bully you into conforming to their expectations. Help yourself to yourself.
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zibethrose · 4 months
Happy Friday beloved kindred souls.May love and laughter be your daily bread. Recognize that how you narrate your lifestory matters, as it reflects whether your experiences have made you bitter or better.Though You cannot change your past, you can use it as a foundation for growth❤️
Actively pursue expansive experiences, live with zest, living in the now. Recognize that not everything requires a reaction, know that you don’t have to retaliate when someone wrongs you. Know that judgement is not yours. Understand that they’ll feel it one way or another. Embrace love and hope to catalyze healing and growth in your life to fuel resilience to continue your journey. Engaging in activities that spark joy within injects elements of the delightful into the mundane that infuses you with zest for life.
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Do all you can to ensure that you live a positive life ... you are here to live an expansive life for dynamic soul growth, so go ahead, create, learn and fulfil your purpose via the sacred energy of love. 
Actively pursue expansive experiences, live with zest, living in the now. Recognize that not everything requires a reaction, know that you don’t have to retaliate when someone wrongs you. Know that judgement is not yours. Understand that they’ll feel it one way or another. Embrace love and hope to catalyze healing and growth in your life to fuel resilience to continue your journey. Engaging in activities that spark joy within injects elements of the delightful into the mundane that infuses you with zest for life.
Let love be your guiding light to Unlock the power within you and soar high. Release the emotional barriers to experience love in its glorious sacred essence and avail yourself of the joyous possibilities that love, and connection bring in your everyday. 
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zibethrose · 3 months
Happy Saturday you beautiful kindred souls. May love and laughter be your daily bread.
Know that there is nothing more powerful, more transformational than open-hearted love. Know and innerstand that When you have nothing but love, you have everything. 
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Know that Love empowers you to manifest living your truth. Doing you is the undoing, the stripping away of all that is not you to unveil the love that brings you back to yourself so that you recognize and innerstand your essence, your truth.  
This metamorphosis allows you to become the embodiment of love and connect with the sacred to revel in the vibrant exuberance of Being liberated by the power of love to consciously choose to see the best in one and all. 
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zibethrose · 6 months
Recognize that everything originates from your interior landscape. To renew yourself you must understand your thought patterns and what feeds these thoughts. Exterior change starts from within. Living from your soul enhances your ability to reclaim the warrior spirit of love and light that you are. Embodying love helps you transcend the material by permitting you to feel your soul's whispers guiding you towards your purpose. . Work towards connecting with your heart so that you can step into authenticity that allows you to step into your path of authority and become who you are meant to be. 
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Know that the Soul is the GPS system that helps us connect to the sacred. This is an intuitive level of conscious awareness that transcends reason and logic. It is the source of your love, wisdom and compassion. It's your soul that help you declare “No, I deserve better than this!” It's your soul that picks you up when you are down and carries you through your struggles. It inspires you not to quit but to start afresh, no matter how many times you fail. Don't allow your emotions to rule you but to INFORM you of how people, situations and things impact you on a soul level. Being heart-centered doesn't mean excluding the knowledge that your mind holds but blending it so that you can live without regret. 
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