vikifangirl · 4 months
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vikifangirl · 6 months
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06:46 pm
I was about to not post because in the end I kept asking myself… why did I dress Kaiba's children like wizards???
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vikifangirl · 10 months
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I saw a couple of videos on tiktok and I wanted to make a puzzle version ❤
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vikifangirl · 8 months
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Second contribution of Mpregmonth and this would be part of my lore/headcanon/fanfic/doujinshi/history/comic. With this I want to show that Kaiba becomes very attentive and patient with Joey during his pregnancy. In fact, I like to think that with the birth of his children he ceases to be, or at least mostly, an absolute HDP.
Joey is expecting twins, so his favorite pregnancy clothes outgrow his very quickly. It didn't affect his until it did because his favorite maternity pants no longer fit his. As soon as he told Kaiba, he bought him several pairs of the same model and in different sizes.
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vikifangirl · 7 months
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Joey, congratulations what a joy Congratulations
Tristan: You know? If we're really not happy, we could just… leave and not talk about this if that's what you want.
Atem: Joey, I'm sorry for putting you in this situation. If you need time to decide
Joey: I don't need time I want my baby I won't leave without him
Joey, that's good We will help you with everything you need We will be with you, Joey I'll be the uncle guy
Atem: Joey, if you allow me, I would like to fight in your place.
Kaiba: You've done enough by getting us into this absurd ridiculousness. stay out of this I will be the one to fight for our son
Someone tell him that thing said two Give them a moment
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vikifangirl · 9 months
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My first contribution to Mpregmonth. The couple I chose for this year was the Puppy
Since I didn't have much time, I decided that I would only post on Sundays. The first theme I chose was 19 because I liked it a lot and I have many of those surprise birth scenarios. For starters they will always, ALWAYS have twins they will call Sunko and Sunjo (boy and girl or 2 boys). This drawing is not part of my headcanon/fanfic/doujinshi/story/comic, here it is just a separate story.
Well, here Seto and Joey are not about to get divorced. It was just Joey who suddenly gave birth unexpectedly in the bathroom XD
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vikifangirl · 2 years
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Day 18 crying
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vikifangirl · 2 years
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Dia 10 compras
Pegasus sigue vivo. Aquí es donde fracaso, este es el último dibujo que tenía listo para publicar. Me falta tiempo así tendré que saltarme los siguientes días para concentrarme en los que más me interesan ya que me ayudan a construir mi historia. Podría escribir para rellenar, pero odio como lo hago… Hay guacala, lo hice aquí
Después de completar la mudanza las compras del bebe eran lo siguiente, casi nada, todo estaba listo para recibir a su pequeña. Tenían varios artículos guardados que consiguieron cada vez que cuidaban de los gemelos de Joey y kaiba, desde su nacimiento hasta el último año cumplido, el resto fueron regalos que sus amigos y otros conocidos les hicieron.
Nuevos regalos les llegaron junto a una carta, no había forma de olvidarse de Pegasus y él tampoco de ellos. La carta iniciaba con halagos y felicitaciones por la llegada de su hija, el resto hablaba de los paquetes que la acompañaban. Pegasus prometía que aquello se trataba de un sincero regalo, una pequeña línea de ropa diseñada exclusivamente para la princesa. Era maravilloso, ambos estaban encantados, los atuendos parecían sacados de sus decks. Además de estampados con los monstruos más amigables y tiernos del juego que nada tenían que ver con ellos no habían encontrado nada igual o parecido en las tiendas para bebe. Atem agradecía el tiempo que Pegasus se tomó para aquello, aunque ahora estuviera feliz meses atrás su sola mención habría provocado pánico en Yugi, era difícil olvidar que él también fue su enemigo pero sería injusto no darle otra oportunidad como hicieron con el ladrón
Yami- lo tomare, pero me ofende muchísimo
day 10 shopping
Pegasus is still alive. This is where I fail, this is the last drawing I had ready to publish. I don't have time so I'll have to skip the next few days to focus on the ones that interest me the most as they help me build my story. I could write to fill in, but I hate how I do it... gross, I wrote here
After completing the move, the baby's purchases were the next thing, which was almost nothing, everything was ready to receive his little girl. They had various items in storage that they bought every time they took care of Joey and Kaiba's twins, from their birth until their last birthday, the rest were gifts that their friends and other acquaintances gave them.
New gifts arrived together with a letter, there was no way to forget about Pegasus and neither he about them. The letter began with compliments and congratulations on the arrival of his daughter, the rest talked about the packages that accompanied this. Pegasus promised that this was a sincere gift, a small line of clothing designed exclusively for the princess. It was wonderful, both were delighted, the outfits seemed to be taken from their decks. Except for prints with the friendliest and most tender monsters in the game that had nothing to do with them, they had not found anything the same or similar in baby stores. Atem also thanked for the time that Pegasus took for that, although he was now happy months ago, the mere mention of him would have caused panic in Yugi, it was difficult to forget that he was also his enemy but it would be unfair to give him a new opportunity as they did with the thief
Yami - I'll take it, but it offends me a lot
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vikifangirl · 2 years
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Día 3
 Me sentí lo suficientemente humillada por tantos dibujos bien hechos que me tome un poco de tiempo para hacer al menos el lineart. Supongo que después podre ponerles color pero por ahora es todo lo que pude hacer
De este solo puedo decir que amo dibujar a Yugi comiendo hamburguesas
Day 3
 I felt humiliated enough to see so many well-done drawings that I took a little time to at least do the lineart. I suppose that later I will be able to put color on them but for now that is all
From this I can only say that I love drawing Yugi eating hamburgers
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vikifangirl · 2 years
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Día 28 juegos
 Primer vistazo al resto de mis bendiciones.
Sunjo y Sunko, 3 años. La pulsera y collar fue un regalo del faraón, tienen su protección después de haber hecho algo que los puso en riesgo mucho antes de nacer.
Kinto, 9 meses
Primera vez en mucho tiempo que el grupo de amigos sale dejando a los niños al cuidado de una niñera. Unas horas antes de volver a casa Joey recibe una llamada de su hija. La niñera sigue dormida después de haber jugado con Yien y los monstruos y el hombre del vestido les han estado dando dulces pero ya pasaron su límite de ese día y quiere saber si pueden comer más.
Es posible perder un juego de las sombras contra un bebe
 Day 28 games
The first look at the rest of my babies.
Sunjo and Sunko, 3 years old. The bracelet and necklace were a gift from the pharaoh, they have his protection after he did something that put them at risk long before they were born.
Kinto, 9 months
 First time in a long time that the group of friends goes out leaving the children in the care of a babysitter. A few hours before going home, Joey receives a call from his daughter. The babysitter is still asleep after playing with Yien and the monsters and the man in the dress have been giving them sweets but they are past their limit for that day and she wants to know if they can eat more.
It is possible to lose a shadow game against a baby
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vikifangirl · 2 years
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day 02
Years ago I made all my couples in the sims 4 game. When he got pregnant, every time Yugi threw up he made Yami clean up. You caused it, you clean it XD
Another thing that happened in the game was that they had a girl and I decided to keep that, Kaiba and Joey had twins and Bakura and Ryou had a boy. I still don't have a definitive name for any of the children but for the puzzle baby I am trying to make a combination between the names of her parents and other words to form a name and it has to start with Y
Look up Japanese and Egyptian names to combine them to form a meaningful name like Sayumi (my little princess) and shani (perfect) to have yusani (my perfect little princess)
Día 02
Hace años hice a todas mis parejas en el juego the sims 4. Cuando quedo embarazado, cada vez que Yugi vomitaba hacia que Yami limpiara. Tú lo provocaste, tú lo limpias XD
Otra de las cosas que paso en el juego fue que tuvieron una niña y me he quedado con eso, kaiba y Joey tuvieron gemelos y Bakura y Ryou un niño. Aun no tengo un nombre definitivo para ninguno pero estoy tratando de hacer una combinación entre los nombre de sus padres y otras palabras para formar un nombre, la bebe puzzle tiene que comenzar con Y
Busque nombres japoneses y egipcios para combinarlos y formar un nombre con significado como Sayumi (mi princesita) y shani (perfecta) para tener yusani (mi perfecta princesita)
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vikifangirl · 2 years
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Día 14 romper fuente
 Shadi siempre tan atento y preciso.
Solo unos segundos de pánico antes de volver al ser estoico que su compañero necesitaría. Tranquilizo y acomodo a Yugi mientras llamaba a Tristán que, como habían planeado, se alojaba en la casa-tienda esperando este momento; conseguir un auto y aprender a conducir sería una tarea para después, lo mejor era dejar que alguien con experiencia y de toda su confianza se encargara. Después de tenerlo todo listo y con Tristán esperándolos llevo a Yugi al auto seguido de un par de hombres que Shadi controlaba para llevar el equipaje, no fue lo que le ordeno cuando lo envió por ayuda pero en ese momento no importaba
Day 14 water broke
 Shadi, attentive and precise as always.
Just a few seconds of panic before reverting to the stoic self his partner would need. He reassured and made Yugi comfortable while he called Tristán who, as they had already planned, was staying at the house-tent waiting for this moment; getting a car and learning to drive by himself would be a task for later, it was best to let someone with experience and who had all his confidence take care of it. After having everything ready and with Tristán waiting for them, he took Yugi to the car followed by a couple of men that Shadi controlled to carry the luggage, it was not what he ordered when he sent him for help but at that time he didn't care
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vikifangirl · 2 years
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day 01 Pregnancy test In the story that I won't write and hardly draw, the puzzle pregnancy starts 3 years after Atem returns from the other world. As time passes, the couple begins to have their continuous moments of irresponsibility, so Yugi ends up suspecting the reason for his sudden discomfort. He waits until Yami is not home to take a test that comes back positive. I didn't have enough time to do complete drawings but I needed to do it. The challenge also helps me develop a story or at least have a timeline, like the tender pregnancy that is much more advanced or the puppy with 3-year-old twins (they will be 4 years old before the puzzle baby is born)
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vikifangirl · 2 years
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Dia 16 parto
El momento había llegado. Sería difícil, mucho, Joey y Ryou no lo disfrazaron pero prometieron que al final todo valdría la pena cuando finalmente tuviera a su pequeña en sus brazos. A lo largo del último mes y con ayuda de sus amigos Yugi se preparó. Enterarse que no podría producir suficiente leche fue una dura noticia así que a pesar del miedo hizo prometer a Atem que no le quitaría ese momento.
Era difícil cumplir con su palabra, Luchaba por no perder la calma y enviar todo el hospital al reino de las sombras al ver a su luz sufriendo. Deseaba manipular su mente para ignorar el dolor, incluso hacerlo inconsciente a todo lo que sucedía pero si algo iba mal Yugi no podría manifestarlo y el personal médico tampoco lo notaría pues su intervención alteraría o incluso dañaría las maquinas. Entre los dos Yugi siempre fue el más fuerte, mostrando coraje ante retos como así e incluso siendo capaz de mantener a su oscuridad bajo control. Este no era el momento para ser débil, no sería una carga más para su compañero. La forma en que Yugi se aferraba a su mano le hacía saber que lo necesitaba. Quizás el vínculo mental se rompió tras el duelo ceremonial pero el lazo entre sus almas era inquebrantable,  mientras Yugi siguiera llamándolo estaría ahí para él aun si solo podía sostener su mano o darle palabras de amor y ánimo, superarían esto juntos.
Finalmente nació. La acercaron solo un momento para poder ser vista por sus padres y la retiraron después de que el faraón cortara el cordón, tenían que revisar su estado. Mientras el personal iba de un lado a otro ellos se miraban sonrientes al escuchar el llanto, yugi agotado y Atem mimándolo. Podían esperar, ahora sabía que al igual que el hijo de Ryou y Bakura su pequeña aun no tenía la fuerza suficiente para tomar ni un alma o invocar monstruos, estaría bien en manos de los médicos y ellos estaban a salvo de ella.
Después de un rato les entregaron su bebe, limpia y lloriqueando fue dejada sobre el pecho de Yugi. Su nombre seria yien
Day 16 Birth
The time had come. It would be very difficult, Joey and Ryou didn't disguise it but they promised that in the end it would all be worth it when they finally had their little girl in their arms. Throughout the last month and with the help of his friends, Yugi prepared himself. Finding out that he couldn't produce enough milk was sad news, so despite his fear, he made Atem promise that he wouldn't take that moment away from him.
It was difficult to keep his word, he struggled not to lose his temper and send the entire hospital into the realm of shadows when he saw his light suffering. He wanted to manipulate his mind to ignore the pain, even make him unconscious of everything that was happening, but if something went wrong Yugi wouldn't be able to manifest it and the medical staff wouldn't notice it either because his intervention would alter or even damage the machines. Between the two Yugi was always the stronger, showing courage in the face of challenges like that and even being able to keep his darkness in check. This was not the time to be weak, it would not be another burden for his partner. The way Yugi held on to his hand let him know that he needed him. Perhaps the mental link was broken after the ceremonial duel but the bond between their souls was unbreakable, as long as Yugi kept calling him he would be there for him even if he could only hold his hand or give him words of love and support, they would get through this together
Finally she was born. They only brought her close for a moment so she could be seen by her parents and they removed her after the pharaoh cut the umbilical cord, they had to check her health. While the staff went from one side to the other, the couple looked happy when they heard the crying, yugi exhausted and Atem pampering him. They could wait, now she knew that just like Ryou and Bakura's son, her little girl still didn't have enough strength to take a soul or summon monsters, she would be fine in the hands of the doctors and they were safe from her.
After a while they handed over their baby, clean and whimpering it was left on Yugi's chest. His name would be Yien
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vikifangirl · 2 years
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Día 31 Feliz cumpleaños
Final del Mpregmonth
No conseguí cumplir con todos los días pero ame dibujar a mi OTP con su bendición. Seguiré dibujándola junto al resto de niños, tengo algunas ideas para ellos. Mis primeros OC con nombres y diseños desde el fandom de Sonic XD
Conocí a algunos asombrosos artistas, escritores y editores, ame sus obras y ahora los estoy siguiendo. Agradezco mucho también a la gente que me comenzó a seguir a mi, he recibido comisiones mpreg YAY
 Day 31 Happy Birthday
 End of mpregmonth
I didn't get to meet every day but I loved drawing my OTP with his blessing. I will continue to draw her with the rest of the children, I have some ideas for them. My first OCs with names and designs since I've been in the Sonic XD fandom
I met some amazing artists, writers and publishers, loved their work and now I'm following them. I am also very grateful to the people who started following me, I have received mpreg commissions YAY
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vikifangirl · 2 years
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Día 30 Primeros pasos
Ella ya había dado sus primeros pasos antes pero Shadi ya no le abría las puertas. Solo se dieron cuenta cuando la dejaron jugando en el suelo, se levantó y fue tras sus padres
Day 30 First steps
She had already taken her first steps before but Shadi no longer opened the doors for her. They only realized when they left her playing on the ground, she got up and went after her parents
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