#young royals itsay don't say no leonpob heartstopper uk bl western bl
talkingbl · 2 years
Actually Unpopular BL Opinions pt. 2
So, people are doing this again.
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If you haven't seen my first Actually Unpopular BL Opinions, click here!
Since folks wanna do this again, I'll bite. Remember, these are just my opinion--opinions which are fluid and open to change as circumstances change. Anyway, here they are:
Jaechan acting in Semantic Error doesn't = queerbaiting.
I actually agree with folks that Bad Buddy got boring in the latter half of the story. Looking back at the second part of my post on Bad Buddy, I'm realizing that the latter half of the season was a subpar, lackluster, overly contrived, terribly paced mess. Stuff seemed to just happen for no reason and the chemistry started to waver a bit because of it I think. Now, I'm not one of those people who thinks Ohm and Nanon never had chemistry just because Nanon came out as straight (which, lmao to the idea of coming out as straight and also to those who thought he was anything but despite him constantly telling y'all he was only into women). But, I do think that at certain points their chemistry felt more platonic than romantic (but honestly this just added to the overall chemistry for me as I think most good couples have a friendly chemistry in addition to the romantic chemistry). I also want to be clear that I never really felt sexual chemistry between the two and I think that's why some people believe they lack chemistry.
Currently, the only 2 popular BL actors I ever want to hear sing again are Billkin and Jeff. Nunew might get a pass every now and again. Everyone else, kindly stop.
Most Japanese live-action BLs are not interesting in the slightest. Actually, I'll take this a step further and say most Japanese BL manga I've read aren't particularly interesting either. It's so strange too because I like certain anime (AOT, JoJo) but I just can't get into the BLs.
Even though I liked it, KinnPorsche is overrated. There, I said it. Now that I said it, let's be clear about something: KinnPorsche didn't 'fall off' like Bad Buddy the way people are claiming, nor is the acting, production, etc. egregiously bad. It is the plot that was extremely convoluted, had no real goal, and relied mainly on cheap/nonsensical plot twists, BL tropes, and sex in lieu of a coherent story. The story is somewhat like Check Out if Check Out was actually entertaining and well executed. But I don't wanna get into this one too deeply as I haven't done a write up on it yet.
Never Let Me Go looks like the best BL of 2022 (I don't consider Not Me 2022).
We Best Love is so incredibly difficult to get into. I don't feel the chemistry between the leads, I'm not sure what the storyline is, the acting isn't great, and the production isn't the crispy high quality I'm used to. Idk, I just don't get the hype.
Fish Upon The Sky is GMM's most all-around entertaining BL after Not Me and Theory of Love.
I don't know if I'm just letting his performance in Bad Buddy affect me, but I can't bring myself to watch anything with Jimmy in it. I am literally not watching Vice Versa because his acting style really bothers me.
Story-wise, Young Royals is better than any BL I've watched thus far ,with the exception of Not Me. I know this is the hottest take on planet earth, especially because I loved ITSAY, but understand I'm not saying overall it's the best, I'm saying the story/plot is the best combination of interesting and well executed.
Don't Say No wasn't good or interesting and the only thing that saved it was LeonPob. Actually, I have to do a write up on this one because I have much more than can reasonably fit here.
Heartstopper is for them kids. I tried episode 1 and just could not get into it. That doesn't mean it's bad, just that it's for them kids.
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