#you're not crazy; this is just really stupid and dishonest discourse
Sorry to be a coward and not post this on the post myself, but every time I respond to menalez her cronies start spamming my inbox calling me all sorts of pornographic things and making jokes about my sexual assault.
What's her beef with you saying "All women are discriminated against on the basis of sex and sexuality"? It's correct. In many parts of the world the leading cause of familial femicide is the suspicion, real or unreal, of a woman having heterosexual sex. In many places it's pregnancy or at least happens to pregnant women. Radfems of all orientations point this out all the time. These are most often the direct result of sex (misogyny) but obviously the sexuality of the women is not irrelevant. Men hate women's sexual behavior. There is a reason whore, slut, bitch, and other terms that degrade women on the basis of sexuality are the most common misogynistic insults. Domestic violence is another example.
"All women suffer discrimination (material disadvantage + abuse), even if they are OSA" does not mean that lesbians don't suffer their own specialized form of discrimination, scrutinty, and some intensified forms of misogyny. This does not diminish the horrible things lesbian have to go through, and that society has no place for them. This does not means hetero women are do not have the privilege of avoiding lesbophobia. Of course hetero women can avoid lesbophobia. But that does not mean they are "net" privileged with no necessary caveats.
And if their stance is that het and bi women gain material advantage by not partnering with men or being around men (which agree with), how is it offensive to say that het and bi women suffer material disadvantage for partnering with men or being around men? It's literally alluding to the same thing! Am I crazy? If just saying this gets them so bad, I don't think they know if they agree with themselves then. It seems to change depending on how and when they want to dismiss all problems bi women face, or at the very least they only want it put in very specific language rather than being viewed from all angles.
I'm sorry to hear that her friends have treated you so poorly; it's not, and it never will be, appropriate or feminist to call people by pornographic terms or to mock their sexual assault. You're welcome to DM/anon message me and vent if you ever need support <3
I agree with your assessment, and I see how heterosexual women are targeted for their sex and their sexuality in my volunteer work all the time.
First example -
An abusive husband sexually abuses his heterosexual wife (sex discrimination). As part of the abuse, he forces her to have sex with other women (sexuality discrimination), records it (sex + sexuality discrimination), and threatens to send the footage to friends and family if she ever leaves him (sex + sexuality discrimination). He knows that her friends and family will ostracise her if he spreads the footage (sex + sexuality discrimination).
Second example -
A heterosexual young woman lives in a conservative society and rejects a young man's romantic advances. In retaliation, he lies and tells people that they had sex (sex discrimination) and she is shunned in her community for being 'impure' as a consequence (sexuality discrimination). There is nothing she can do to fix her reputation or protect herself from further abuse.
Final example -
A heterosexual woman is sex trafficked to another country and forced to work in an illegal brothel (sex discrimination - but I think you could argue sexuality discrimination too). She wants to leave, but she's worried that she'll be returned to her country of origin and that people will shun her (sexuality discrimination).
I could go on for days... these lived experiences aren't just a form of sex discrimination, they're a form of sex discrimination specifically reliant on abuses of a woman's sexuality.
But I have no idea what her problem is; I know that it's easy to conflate sex discrimination with sexuality discrimination, but she seems determined to take things a step further and claim that I think lesbians oppress heterosexual women or something. It's not just a misunderstanding, it's a bad faith, dishonest way of reading my comment (and it's a perfect example of why I think the axis of oppression is brain rotting).
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