#you know how you can tell that supercorp was unintentional and not what the writers meant to do at all? because it's well written
searidings · 3 years
You know, it's truly amazing how, despite the garbage writing, these SG writers have somehow managed to tell one of the most complex and beautiful relationships I've ever seen. Without even knowing it initially. And yes, Katie and Melissa's chemistry on screen is some next level voodoo magic and yes acting choices have helped to sell it. Absolutely.
I was late to the party, supercorp was not on my radar per se until the latter half of S4. But now that I'm here, I just think it's time to get to the lovers part of this friends to enemies to lovers trope they've been flexing for the past 5 years.
Otherwise, I'd really like to know what the point of it all was.
the way that despite their best effots the cwsg writer's room tripped and fell into one of the greatest star-crossed sapphic romances of our time is honestly so inspirational. failing upwards is possible kids never stop chasing your dreams <3
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ruffiorocks · 5 years
Can we stop thinking Kara is perfect and Lena is evil?
Wow... every time a new episode of Supergirl airs I end up blocking several people. There are still people looking for literally any reason at all to hate Lena and to make her the villain of this show. They simply cannot comprehend that this show isn't GOOD characters and BAD characters.
They cannot grasp the fact that Kara is not perfect! She shouldn't be perfect either because that is not real or even believable. Kara is heroic, brave, self sacrificing, adorable, oblivious etc. But she's also niaeve, a little selfish, a massive liar, a control freak and thinks she somehow has authority over people because she's a superhero, oh and she's also killed people. She's had the city hate her and had to win back their trust and she's lost a lot of people, but she actually gained the most important one (Alura) back.
Do you know who else is like that? Lena is! Lena is a hero, you can protest all you want and yell "Lena killed Lex" but you can't deny that Lena has saved National City and Kara and Supergirls life several times, she even saved James' life. She cured Sam etc. Lena is also brave, did you not see her wanting to go into that valley to find Sam? She didn't have to. Did you not see her get her and Mon El away from those guards? Did you not see her agree to marry Mon El to save the children's hospital? You didn't see her protect Kara from Mercy Graves? She's also self sacrificing to, did you not see her tell Supergirl to drop her so she could hold that plane up? Lena can be adorable to, excited when Kara brings food, sitting on the floor of her office wanting to be normal and train for game night. Oh and she's oblivious because she doesn't see though Kara's glasses disguise. (Although that one really is just the writers making her look dumb). Lena has trauma and has lost a lot of people to. She watched her mother die aged 5 and believed it to be her fault. She was adopted by an alcoholic abusive father and a mother who didn't want her and resented her existence. She gained a brother who she thought loved her but actually just saw her as play thing and something that needed to be improved. She's constantly shot at, kidnapped, and has people using her name in vain. Lena came to National City and was instantly under suspicion purely due to her name. When Kara had to win back National City it was due to something she had done, but Lena was pre-judged, not really by Kara but the rest of the Superfriends and Clark plus NC had their opinions set in stone.
Lena can do bad things to, she can be pretty selfish but that's ok because it's normal. Now as for lying, Lena is more of an "it's not your business so I'm not telling you about it" kind of girl. Lena is more omission of truth . It does get her into a lot of trouble, but she does it for the right reasons, she kept Sam a secret because she was scared about what would happen to her if people knew, she kept kryptonite a secret because she KNEW what people would say but the need for it outweighed the judging and scorn she would get. She kept the Harun El a secret because she already knew what Supergirl would say, but Kara didn't actually get to make that decision. She didn't tell James about saving his ass from prison because she let him think it had solved it himself. It was only when he was dumb enough to throw the reprieve he has been given away that she told him the truth and he rejected her.
Lena is a massive control freak as well, but that is probably because she has to be. She's a 24/26 year old Billionaire genius CEO that has to be in control of things, needs all the data, and is constantly being watched for mistakes.
Lena killed people to, she shot Corbin, but that was to save Alex's life. She shot Lex but that was to save the world and Argo City. She did go to kill Edge, but that was because he was literally poisoning children in her name. I should also like to point out that Lena isn't the only one to let her emotions get the better of her, remember when Alex was illegally holding Maxwell in a cell and proceeded to beat him to a pulp,? She lost control and had to be dragged out by Jonn. Speaking of which , remember when Jonn found out Mgann was a white martian and even though she wasn't guilty of anything other than saving his ungrateful ass he procceeded to almost beat her to death??
People need to realise that the show isn't split into Super friends = good Lena Luthor = bad. What a boring show it would be. People also need to realise that both Lena and Kara (and others) have their pros and cons. Neither one is perfect! They both make mistakes and both do questionable things.
Kara is automatically seen as perfect because she's the main character and the one with the cape. But that doesn't make her always right or perfect.
I saw a post where someone asked why did some of us hate James? The answer was "he cockblocked Supercorps". This is what I'm talking about, the automatic response from someone who isn't giving it any real thought. I don't hate James because he stopped Lena from being gay. I've disliked him from day one. I don't like his attitude, the way he played with Kara's feelings in season one, his treatment of Lena when they were dating, his boring 'hero arch'. But I'm not oblivious to the fact he has done good things to, his episode with Marcus was his best one in my opinion.
Lena is being condemned for using the VR to punch and kill Kara? Well she isn't actually killing anyone, that's not real. She's working out her frustration in a horribly unhealthy way. But she has Lex's watch, she knows how to make Kryptonite, if Lena wanted Kara dead she would be by now. All Lena would have to do is invite her over to a Kryptonite room, turn it on, stab her? Done. But she hasn't done that, because she has already stated shr doesn't want to kill Kara. A fact that Is going over people's heads entirely.
Lena could have destroyed Kara at the ceremony,she intended to but she didn't. People need to go back and rewatch the episode. Lena was very confident in her revenge plot when talking to Hope, but as soon as Hope was gone Lena was conflicted. When Kara came to talk to her and Kara was about to tell her the truth, Lena was sat with rapt attention, but Kara didn't do it. Then when Lena went to talk to Andrea and Andrea mentioned the big story Lena promised, Lena HESITATES! Or am I the only one paying attention? Lena is actually shocked at Kara's confession, you can see the range of emotion on her face, opening her mouth but nothing coming out. She was taken by surprise. She decided not to expose Kara. Kara comes to see her and gives her the watch and Lena is OK, but then the moment she comes into contact with Hope she's conflicted again.
Lena doesn't actually have to forgive Kara. Please don't mention the whole "kara doesn't owe her secret to anyone" line because I've addressed this several times and it doesn't add anything new to the discussion.
People hate Lena now for deceiving Kara, that she's emotionally manipulating her, abusing her trust. I'm sorry, but isn't that what Kara has been doing to Lena since day one? Even if it was unintentional?
Now for Lena selling Cat Co, you CAN'T hate Lena for doing that. Lena literally can't sneeze without someone saying she's making people sick. Lena didn't want Cat Co anymore, she even said she only brought it for to Kara. In the place she's in now? It's hardly surprising she sold it. Who she sells it to doesn't matter, I mean if she sold it to Morgan Edge id question her, but she sold it for quite a profit to an old friend. What is wrong with that? If Andrea decides to change things up that's up to her, but that isn't on Lena at all. Kara, James, Nia etc. Would have all had to sign contracts with those clauses in them, and it actually makes perfect sense. Andrea would have inherited those contracts, so all Cat Co staff would have been under the same clauses with Lena, probably Cat to. People may not like Andrea's new style but she's in the business of making money, James said they didn't allow profit to drive them (think that was it) but James doesn't own Cat Co and isn't a businessman.
So yeah, in conclusion stop giving every one else on the show a free pass and blaming every little thing on Lena. She isn't responsible for Andrea's behaviour. We may as well blame Kara for All the Kryptonian drama. Lena isn't Bad and Kara Good, it's so much more complex than that. Everyone has faults. Open your eyes and take off the "I hate Lena " goggles and see the complex story for what it is.
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