#yes i am fully gaslighting myself here and saying that's daisy and simone
stlispenard · 10 months
📱📸, for Nellie!
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PHONE THINGS / ACCEPTING. @selfruin for nellie.
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 3 months
People I've met irl with the same name as dcla characters (and how they were)
Nina: I have met LOTS of people named Nina, and they all have been very different. One of them is related to me and I love her ofc. But then there's also Nina from fourth grade who... well, we were on the swings at recess and I said "I wonder how they make cartoons like Phineas and Ferb, like how they animate them", and she stopped her tracks and said "Are you watching cartoons?!" in the most judgemental tone ever. She then jumped off the swings and walked away, not wanting to be associated with a fourth grader who was so cHiLdiSh she still watched cartoons. So, Nina from fourth grade, if you're out there: Fuck you :)
Maxi: Maxi is a very common name for people my age. Often a nickname of Maximillian (just like Maxi in Violetta's full name is Maximilliano). The Maxi's I've met have often been "one of the boys" and sometimes had a bit of a cocky attitude. One in particular also was famous for making really odd comments sometimes lol.
Helena: Often teachers or friends of my mom are named this. Been very different how they have been. One Helena was my english teacher in middle school and she was from America. She was also my drama teacher (in middle school I went to a school that had a performing arts program), but apparently she was not a fully fledged drama teacher but just "took a course in it for one class". And you could tell, because she just had no idea what we were doing. Once like a week before we performed was like "so I have an idea what you could do :)" and we were like "... we have a play already thanks"
Daisy: Now, the Daisy in Bia is a wonderful person. The Daisy I met irl......................... *traumatic flashbacks*
Simon: I've only met people who are named Simon without the accent over the o. They've all been like Simón in the show :)
Camila: I had a daycare teacher named Camila and I found her to be the funniest teacher. She was in charge of the younger kids, but she talked to us older kids a lot. I remember when my little brother was born and she every day was like "you need to show me your little brother!". And I was so excited when my mom came to pick me up and had my little brother with her (because she was on maternity leave), and as we were leaving, I saw Camila out in the yard and was like "CAMILA!!!! MY LITTLE BROTHER IS HERE!!" and she came out to greet us.
Leon: Every Leon I’ve met has been under 2 years old. I think that name is trending rn (googled: Yep, Leon was top 12 on the baby name list in Sweden 2022).
Lucas: In elementary school I had THREE people named Lucas/Lukas in my class. Extremely popular name in my generation. All of them were different. One of them left no impact on me at all, one of them was the most annoying boy ever, and one of them I had a crush on and ran around telling him I was going to kiss him. He also hit me with a stick in kindergarten and we went to the same daycare where I witnessed him spin around and fall down on a sharp rock, so his mom had to come pick him up and he needed to sew three stitches on his chin.
Alice: Yes, I’ve met several, but all of them are pronounced the english way. They’ve all been very kind people. One of them was a friend of my sisters and my sister said she was a bit odd, though. Although, I can’t judge for myself since I didn’t know her.
Ana: Well, maybe not spelled Ana, but Anna I’ve met hundreds of. Relatives, classmates, teachers, friends of my parents… no one is the same. Every Anna I’ve met has been nice except for one Anna in elementary school who I found so annoying, because she always acted like I was stupid, and gaslighted me. I’ve also had a teacher named Anna who was… we’re not gonna talk about her I am just wondering how she could be allowed to be around children tbh.
Emma: Emma is such a normal name that some Emma’s I’ve met have been nothing but kind, but other Emma’s have been hell’s children. I have nothing but love to say to some Emma’s and have the biggest grudge against other Emma’s.
Emilia: Yes, I met one Emilia. She was very nice and kind, although quite shy.
Amanda: Yep. One girl in my confirmation group who kissed me on the cheek because I offered her chocolate that I didn’t want. And one from my childhood who every time she was invited to birthday parties had to be accompanied by her mom as she had a tendency to get… out of control…
Diego: I’ve only met one Diego and he was literally 1 years old (people naming their kids Diego and Leon… they’re gonna grow up having the real life Violetta over here)
Tomas: Every Tomas I’ve met is either a middle aged man or a toddler, there’s been nothing in between. None of them have left a strong print on me lol
Monica: EVERY Monica I’ve met has either been a lunch lady or a teacher. They are always in school in some way. No one has been the same
Luna: Every Luna I’ve met has been friends of my sister and I never knew them much to say I have an impression. Like I’ve said hi to them at most.
Alex: Every Alex I’ve met is exactly like the Alex in the show. Literally if you’re named Alex (often short of Alexander), you’re destined to just act like that ig
Lara: The only Lara I’ve known was in the same ”art and design” class as me (this was kind of like regular arts class except it was an optional class you could take, like with drama, and you didn’t get graded so you could just sit there and draw or work on an artwork of your choice). I have to admit that I know nothing more than her name. Sometimes I wonder if she was also in my science, physics and biology group (we blended classes for those subjects). If she were I never talked to her. Honestly don't even know her face. Just know she exists because the teacher called her name.
Eric: Every Eric/Erik I've met has been the friend of a friend. I've never been close to an Eric but I've known his name because we have a mutual friend. Although, I recall once when I was like. 4? I was invited to a boy named Eric's birthday party, he went to the same daycare as me and he invited everyone in our daycare group. Remember nothing from his birthday except that it was out on some 4H farm and I ran around chasing a white balloon that was flying over the field. I don't even know if there was cake??? Every kid just ran around. But then again I was 4 so it's understandable I have such blurry memories.
I'm not sure if I've met anyone more that has the same name as a dcla character (maybe the same name as a small character that appeared in like an episode maybe).
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