#yeah he's got a giant rhino horn right in the center of his face but other than that... smooth
dovalore · 1 year
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wyrms on strings (endwalker)
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aeonprime-blog · 5 years
Aeon: Prime
Part I: Phoenix
[Asian] Jin has the power to manipulate metal. (Ivory)
[Black] Thomas psychically controls water. (Emerald)
[White] Sarah can generate copies of herself, as well as summon lethal light energy. (Silver)
{Alien: brown skin} Cassidy generates devastating blue-malleable mist. (Sapphire)
[Inuit] Joseph can bend fire at will. (Scarlet)
These five are known throughout the galaxies as The Protectors; after synchronizing with the mystic force that granted them their superpowers, diamond-shaped, different-colored gemstones manifested on each of their foreheads. The heroes teamed up with the Tenth Division of Earth, which is a private military, aimed to bring peace to all worlds.
The Protectors' mysterious abilities allow them to morph into white light in order to merge into a doppelganger of the source of all magic; in this form, they appear as a giant swordsman, which contains all of their powers.
Chapter 1: The Protectors
Year: 2988
The Protectors, in the form of a titanic warrior, are currently levitating hundreds of feet above the brown sand; in this conjoined mode, their skin is pale and incandescent, their eyes radiate gold, its head is bald, and the figure's clothed in a black kimono and sandals. In their hands are two steel swords, covered in fire. The sandstorm below is blinding the four different, titanically-built opponents, who're dripping with dark slime that oozes from their mouths and eyes. One of them is a gorilla with the tail of a scorpion; it has four arms, massive and extremely sharp teeth, and sable fur.
Another is a two-headed rhino with an incredible amount of strength and speed; its horns are sharp, and it's standing on two robust legs. It also has exceptionally-strong anthropoid arms, and proportional-human hands. The last two are both lion hybrids, that have the arms and legs of a man, and ferocious paws. One is covered in ebony hair, and the other, in white. The maned beasts are capable of flying with the use of their feathered wings, and have exceedingly sharp claws, as well as dragon-like-spiked tails.
Suddenly, the lions break out of the storm, and pursue The Protectors. The colossus turns to face its opponents.
Simultaneously as the heroes focus an energy blast (which expels out of their fanged-filled mouth) at the ivory one, who attempts to block the attack with its crossed forearms, they fire frost from their flaring eyes, at the other. This beam of ice freezes its target, and after falling to the ground, it shatters into thousands of shards. The lion's guard fails. Once the laser catches his face, its lifeless body is flung onto the sand. The intense weather begins to dissipate.
Right before the remaining ogres, who're nervously scanning their whereabouts, are able to spot them, the mountainous blade wielder breaks apart into the individual team members (they're wearing matching-black compression suits; excluding Joseph, whose lower half is covered with metallic armor, on their feet, are dark, futuristic, jika-tabi boots); they roll upon touching down behind their enemies. Jin creates two-ginormous swords that levitate over each of his shoulders, and Joe aims his gun-blast technique at the gorilla. In sync, they propel their projectiles into the same foe; Jin's blades penetrate into the back of its head, while Joe's beam connects with its upper back, instantly causing it to fall over onto its face.
His body hitting the sand generates a brief quake. To defeat the last enemy, Cassidy summons six-prodigious-open hands, and sends them at the monstrosity; they grab onto each of the mutant rhino's arms and legs, as well as its two horns, and apply pressure, which effectively slows down the hulk, who's charging at the team. While this occurs, Sarah creates ten of her copies, and bolts up to its position. She and her clones expel bursts of silver energy into its face, through their eyes; this completely obliterates one of the heads, causing its red blood to squirt out, and cover the surrounding area. Thomas finally ends this fight by landing on the beast's constrained head, and thrusting two spears into its remaining eyes.
"No!" screams a strange, distant, voice.
The heroes form into the flying swordsman, and advance in the voice's direction. It's Mr. Ladva, a mad scientist who specializes in turning regular animals, into ghouls and freaks. He's wearing a special helmet, that allows him to control the mind of his creations. He lowers his binoculars, and hops atop his steed's neck. He hugs on tight, as the enormous crow lifts off with great haste. After a brief chase, they move away from the desert, and are now flying over tree-filled forests. The glimmering-red ray from their mouth-cannon connects with the bird, causing it to crash land into the plant life, below. The Protectors dive to the impact zone, and split apart. They instantly spot both the mutant animal, who's disintegrating into inky ooze, and Ladva, whose body lies still in the dirt.
"That's ten million more, in the bank," says Jin. Cassidy retrieves Ladva's body, and places him over her right shoulder.
Sebastien, the male Tenth Division member, who's wearing his military attire, is sitting at his desk. His communicator is attached to his ear, and by holding its center button down, he continues the conversation with the client. "I hear you, Mr. Quin, I understand why you're so up in arms, but the guys are on vacation right now. The best I can offer you with what you're bargaining with, is Squad 11. Now if you don't like that option, then you're going to have to find somebody else."
Tom, who's now sporting a blue flannel, a gray tank top, and advanced compression pants, along with Joe, who's clothed in a (flame-resilient) black-Adidas tracksuit, make their way into the small office. The officer's attention is captured by the men.
"One moment please, sir-" the receptionist says. He releases his finger from the device on his ear, and acknowledges them. "What's up, guys?"
Tom asks, "Who are you on the phone with?"
"Someone that's offering ten mill for a job that involves undead parasites, and a desolate moon within the Garbu Galaxy."
"Sounds like fun, to me," responds Joseph.
"I told him you're on vacation."
Thomas approaches his desk, and says, "Let me talk to him." Sebastien removes the communicator, and hands it to him. He equips it. "Hello sir, this is Thomas. I'm one of the members of The Protectors; you mind explaining to me the details of this operation?"
Many hours have passed, and The Protectors are positioned near the railing that borders the ocean; Jin is wearing a white tank top, and dark compression shorts. Sarah is dressed in a black hoodie and jeans, and Cassidy is fitted in her Tenth Division uniform. They're standing beside each other, and are facing the sea and sunset, ahead. "So, you're sure about going through with this?" asks Jin.
"Yeah. In fact, this job came at the perfect time," answers Thomas.
"Why's that?" Sarah asks.
"Well, the same date that my wife passed away, is in just two weeks. I wanted to head out to Earth and visit her grave, as well as take the opportunity while I'm there, to contribute some money to the charity where I'm from. There was a bad storm that hit recently, and things aren't looking good. I think with this check, I can do a lot for them. I got my man Joe backing me up on the mission, too, so there's nothing to worry about."
"Yeah there is, we've never dealt with this type of opposition before; plus you said they're parasites? What if they get in your brain, and make you go crazy. Before you know it we'll have to come and-"
"Jin, shut up. Nothing like that is going to happen. This will be a walk in the park," states Joe.
"All right, fine. By the way, if anything seems sketchy, don't hesitate to call."
"Jin, we won't be needing your help," interjects Tom.
Chapter 2: Quin's Map
Quin, now suited in a highly-advanced spacesuit with a see-through helmet, is piloting his all-black gunship; The Protectors accompany him within the cockpit. The heroes' outfits haven't changed. A screen that's crafted into the wall on the right, is displaying a commercial. Jin is the narrator. While Jin's words are spoken, an image of him appears; his skin is covered within a metal shell. He's standing fifteen feet away from the camera. "My name is Jin, and my team has been honored to combine our forces with the Tenth Division of this galaxy. Together, we have set out to eliminate anything that threatens the peace and longevity of the universe."
The image then switches to a recording of Sarah, who, along with the rest of The Protectors, are standing the same distance away from the recorder. She, now in a compression suit, engages her power form (this mode makes her appear shrouded in white energy). She hovers in space, and releases an incredible ray of light from her eyes, which she aims, upward. Jin, while still off camera, states, "We are the greatest warriors of this realm, and have vowed to never use our powers to harm anyone other than the enemies of the innocent." After Sarah, it's Joe's turn to advertise. Joe, now completely covered in fire, points his index finger at the device, and releases a shot into the lens, blowing it up, instantly. A new camera then cuts to Cassidy, who's hovering with the use of her blue wings; the energy that she both manipulates, and is covered in, morphs into ten rapidly spinning swords that revolve around her body. "Our services are not free, however, I assure you that we're worth every penny."
Thomas appears last. To demonstrate, he first changes his hands, into blades, then into axes. He then kneels to touch the ground with both of his palms. He first creates an ice replica of himself that stands five feet ahead of him, and then conjures a pillar, that in three seconds, extends him fifty feet into the air. From the top, he launches a Fuuma shuriken at his statue, smashing it to bits. The commercial cuts to a recording of the team standing together, and facing the camera. Cassidy is standing first in line, to her right is Joseph, then there's Sarah, then Jin, and last in line, is Thomas. Jin says, "We live to serve, not to incite fear. Peace be with you all." The recording ends.
"That's my first time seeing that," says Tom.
"Me too," replies Joe. "I think that I looked like the weakest one."
"Yeah, I agree." They simultaneously chuckle.
"Shut up," he returns.
"We made it," states Quin. Quin's spaceship jumps out of hyperspace; the metal shield that's covering the exterior of the windshield, disengages and folds back. From beyond the window, the red surface of the tremendous moon, is revealed. The Protectors' attention turns to the spectacle.
"Wow, this place is huge," Joseph says.
"All right gentlemen, remember, you're looking for the hidden entrance to the underground laboratory; the watch I gave you will lead you to its location. Once inside, your job is to locate the black briefcase that's containing my map. You will see horrific life forms down there. Some may look human, but don't be fooled. Those who resemble us, are the result of the alien parasites having complete control over them. Now, they're nothing but brainless-monstrous beasts, and must be taken out of their misery. There's no cure, so don't think that bringing one back to base, is a good idea. They'll only succeed in turning everyone that's not like you, into one of them."
"If you don't mind me asking, where does this map lead to?" inquires Tom.
"It contains the coordinates to an abandoned planet, where many priceless items reside; I won't go into anymore details, however, I will tell you that I only wish to sell the treasure." They suspiciously look into Quin's eyes. "To customers with integrity, of course."
"You don't have any other option," says Joe.
"I see; well since you question me, can I ask you something?"
"Go for it," answers Thomas.
"Why don't you need a suit?"
"Our bodies have been merged with a power that allows us to function optimally under any condition within this universe."
Quin's ship halts one hundred feet above the surface of the moon. The two exit out of the cargo bay's doors; they jump, and land gracefully against the rocky surface. The heroes begin their trek; Quin ascends, and escapes into hyperspace.
"How far is this place again?" asks Joseph.
"It says an hour; but it's underground, so if we don't find the hidden entrance, it could take us a lot longer."
Joe suddenly sees a set of two different pair of tracks. "Hey, over here." They make their way to the location of the prints.
"I think we should see where they lead to," says Tom. They follow the indentations.
"You know what I always wanted to know?" asks Joseph.
"What was your most memorable mission as a Pegasus agent, like?"
"That one's a long story."
"Well, lucky for us, we have time to kill."
Chapter 3: Agent Glass
Almost Four Hundred Years Ago:
Thomas, now dressed in a brown-leather jacket, and jet slim-fitting jeans, approaches his motorcycle that's parked outside of an abandoned apartment building. A street light shines bright over his customized, futuristic matte-black bike. He mounts it, and puts the key in the ignition; the bright-red rims light up as it turns on. He disengages the lock that connects his wine-colored helmet to the seat of his bike, using his fingerprint, which he places on the lock's screen. He puts the helmet on his head, and in the corner of the visor, is a built-in screen that displays the map of the Neo Sector. He kicks up the kickstand, and accelerates down the lonely street.
As he drives, Thomas replays his mission briefing; he recorded it with the use of a feature on his special contact lenses, which allow him to project the recording across the visor. Paul Simmons, his boss, is sitting in the chair at the edge of the briefing table as he explains the objective to the Nimrod Task Force. This squad consists of Agent Thomas Glass, Agent Ariel Garcia, a young Hispanic woman, clothed in a brown dress, Agent Gabriel White, a dark-skinned man, wearing a sable suit, Agent Chad Smith, who appears to be of Asian descent, and is dressed in a gray ensemble, and Agent Bruce Jones, who's an older-white man, sporting a blue business outfit; all of them are sitting in their designated seats around the oval table. "Last night, I got word that Vincent Cecil has escaped from prison; he's also Incognito, which makes him our priority," Paul says.
Tom is now speeding through an encapsulated freeway, passing by and weaving through many cargo trucks and buses.
"He escaped, again?" asks White.
"I know. We're still unsure how he pulled it off. We tried hacking his Seeker chip to track him down, but Overwatch soon realized that his file has been completely erased from our A.I.'s system."
"Do we have any idea on who the surgeon could be?" asks Garcia.
"His chip wasn't removed surgically; Vincent hired a hacker for the job," replies the chief.
Thomas continues to skillfully maneuver through traffic as he speeds down the highway that's bordering ruined infrastructure and wasteland on each side.
Paul pulls up a projected image of Simon Ryder (who's Tom's old boss, and Pegasus' target) on his holographic projector that's resting on the table. He slowly skips through the five obscure close up images of the target. "This man's name is Simon Ryder. For the past ten years, he's been in charge of running a criminal hangout spot; we've been able to confirm that his base of operations is some sort of nightclub in the Zero Sector. Apparently, for some time now, he's found a way to get his hands on stolen Guardian gear, and has redesigned their flight devices, to fit onto people he calls The Bozos. He records these criminals, in a type of betting-game show, to see which one can capture the most amount of flags that he's got hidden. Little did we know, this event is a fan favorite amongst the Underworld."
"How do you know they're criminals?" asks Thomas. Paul presses a button on the projector. The display switches to the images of the racers. It automatically alternates, every five seconds.
"Agent Garcia has successfully infiltrated Simon's establishment. We've since discovered that they too, have somehow attained Incognito status; and, like Vincent, these other guys didn't use surgery to remove their chips. If Simon isn't responsible for this, then he knows who is," says Paul. Thomas' expression indicates how deep in thought he is as he gazes down at the table. "Garcia has also informed me that in three days, Simon plans to air the final event. Normally, there's nothing you can do to make Simon come out of hiding, however he promised his fans to make an appearance on the night of the finale." Paul looks over at Tom. "Something wrong, agent?"
"No sir," he says, as he readjusts his composure, and sits attentively.
"Then keep your head up, and listen to what I'm about to tell you; I want you and Garcia to make the arrest on Simon. He's the first step to putting Vincent and the others, behind bars."
The footage ends just as he arrives at Simon's nightclub; sand and ruins fill this abandoned area. Tom parks his bike on the street opposite of the building. He locks up his helmet, and approaches the wooden-front door. He knocks three times. Sam, the security guard, opens the speak-easy panel, and peers through. "Who are you?" he asks.
"It's Glass; James' replacement." Sam's eyes scan Tom's body up and down.
"You're late."
He slides the panel close, and proceeds to unlock and open the door. Tom enters, and is immediately bombarded with loud and aggressive techno music. Prostitutes and criminals fill this top secret place. Motorcyclists ride around in circles within the tall spherical cage at the center of the club. A voice is heard through the small-hidden radio inside of his right ear.
"I'm to your left," says Garcia.
He turns his attention to the bar, and spots Agent Garcia, who's now working undercover as a bartender, and wearing black lingerie. The coworker standing beside her, begins making an alcoholic beverage; Garcia grabs her jacket that's resting on the counter, and puts it on.
"Hey, can you take over for a few minutes? I have to make a quick call."
"Just don't leave me here for too long," she replies.
Garcia continues toward the hallway that leads to the exit. Tom follows her through the club; he passes by many drunk clubbers. The door that leads to the outside, slowly closes, as Tom enters the corridor; he catches it right before it's closed, and proceeds through. Garcia runs into Rich and the Camerabot, on her way; Richard is the host of the Bozo Games, and the Camerabot is a re-engineered Guardian, which they use as their cameraman. As she makes her way to the benches overlooking the packed parking lot, Rich grabs her by her arm, and says, "Whatever you're doing out here, make it quick; we're heading out in fifteen." He lets go, and continues toward the back entrance. The host notices Glass standing near the door. "You don't happen to be James' replacement, do you?"
"I am."
Annoyed, Richard asks, "Then why aren't you suited up, yet?"
"I was just going to-"
"I don't want to hear any excuses, just know, if you're not on the bus in time, I'm the one who'll get chewed out for it, so do me a favor, and get a move on."
"I will." Rich shakes his head in disappointment, and advances into the club. He proceeds to take a seat beside Garcia, who's now seated on the bench. "First off, Ariel, I want to thank you for meeting me like this."
"I hope you're not about to make me regret it."
"I'm going to need you to hold off on Simon's arrest." Garcia turns to him; her face indicates her confusion and astonishment.
"You must be out of your mind? Why are you sticking your neck so far out for this guy, anyway?"
"Because I owe it to him."
"What do you mean?"
"Both of my adopted parents passed when I was only fourteen. My real father died while my mom was pregnant, of a heart attack. My mother died almost right after I was born, due to complications during the delivery. My adopted father died of a heart attack as well, and my adopted mother was killed by a mugger three days later. Their names were Adam and Sandra, Saber. The day Sandra was murdered, was the same day I ran away from home; I knew that if I stayed, I'd be taken back to the orphanage where I grew up, and that wasn't an option for me. I was homeless for two years before Simon found me on the street, and took me in. I doubt I would be alive today if it wasn't for him."
"Have you told the chief about your relationship with the target?"
"No. If he found out that I kept all this a secret, he wouldn't hesitate to have me discharged."
"Look, I'm sorry, but I don't think I can go through with this, Glass. It's just too risky."
"What if I made you an offer?"
"Are you trying to bribe me?"
"I'll give you one hundred grand for your cooperation."
"Where are you getting one hundred grand from?"
"Tonight's prize money. If I lose, you can proceed with our orders, and take him in like we planned; but if I win, you'll take the money, and not report any of this to the chief." A pause occurs; he looks into her eyes and says, "I know about Crystal's condition."
"How dare you bring my daughter into this!" she quietly exclaims.
"You know just as well as I do that this money could mean life or death for her."
Garcia folds her arms, and looks down at the ground. "And what do you suppose we tell Paul about Simon?"
"We tell him that there was no race tonight; Simon never showed up, and this night never happened." Garcia's expression reveals her contemplation. "Don't worry, everything will be fine." He retrieves both a small business card, and a pen, from inside his jacket pocket. "Write your information on here. I'll be sending you the money directly into your account; and don't worry, it won't be traced."
He hands the card and pen to Garcia; she begins writing. "What makes you so sure that you're going to win?"
"Before I started working with Pegasus, I raced here for a living. Believe it or not, but I never lost."
"Impressive." She finishes jotting her personal bank details, and hands the card back to him, "You think you still got it?" He places it into his right pant pocket.
"I certainly hope so."
"I have to know, how does letting a target walk, work in our favor?"
"In exchange for my participation tonight, Simon's agreed to give me the location of Vincent's hideout."
"Are you serious? He knows where-"
Ariel's fellow bartender interjects, "Savannah!" she shouts; this name is Garcia's alias. She turns around to see her coworker standing in the doorway of the back exit. "Rich needs you inside!"
"I'll be right there!" Agent Garcia returns her attention to Thomas. "I have to go."
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