#yeah Id let him do me in the chemistry lab don't judge me BECKY
spenglercore · 6 months
So I inflicted the extended cut of Stripes on @antsyserpentine while he was out in orbit, and we both first saw Bill Murray and Harold Ramis in Ghostbusters, which makes Stripes at least a 1,000% funnier to us.
But also, the first time I watched it and THIS showed up??
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1, I absolutely LOST ALL OF MY SHIT laughing, and 2, immediately thought of this from the IDW comics.
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And then proceeded to die inside bc hjesus fucking christ in a handbag I would HIT THAT with extreme prejudice.
That floof and the aviator-style glasses is Peak 70s but also hot, no I do not take criticism.
This better not awaken anything in me.
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