#yah'll make me believe I have a future beyond just surviving everyday
okkennymay · 1 year
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It’s almost like a curse at this point and there’s about an 80% chance I’ll be sick tomorrow after posting tonight buT GOSH DARN IT I AIN’T GONNA LET IT STOP ME, NOT ANYMORE, ESPECIALLY NOT WITH SUCH KINDNESS THROWN MY WAY TIME AND TIME AGAIN YAH’LL ARE THE BEST [ chokes back sob ] (❤´艸`❤) 
To experience such a warmth in my heart is what keeps me coming back time and time again, no matter how my body punishes me for it 💖 I don’t know what I've done to deserve such wonderful people as all of you, but your patience with me as I fight my fate is something that continues to give me strength 💖
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