#y'all have no idea how relieved I am to see such a big improvement!
kris-mage-fics · 9 months
A happy update on Jade! (If you don't know what I'm talking about, here's part one which is very long if you read the whole thing, and a 'things are getting better' part two.) I'll put it under the cut since it's still about a sick kitty, even though she's doing a lot better.
She had a vet appointment earlier this week, and I was right she has gained some weight back. The infection she had is fully cleared. Which I'm very glad of, I didn't relish the thought of giving her another round of antibiotics. But the best news is her kidney function has improved some! So the prescription kidney food we switched her to has helped, which is great!
I'd say her behavior is about 95% back to normal. She even started playing again last week, which almost had me crying from joy! And she's been a lot more demanding of attention, as well as more talkative again.
Honestly, for being around 12 years old I think Jade bounced back pretty fast! I'm not going to lie, I was really worried there for a while. So I'm really thankful she's stabilized for now. We'll do everything we can for her to keep her as happy and healthy as possible, for as long as possible.
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