#wtnv lusia
fuskinari · 2 years
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“Cute name for a bug!”
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desert-bluffs-and-me · 7 months
WTNV quick rundown - 89 - Who's a Good Boy? Part 1
For the other episodes, please click here or check the tags on my blog!
[moving from baby talk to a dog, to a serious, urgent question] Who’s a good boy? Who’s the good boy? Who is it? Who is it? Welcome to Night Vale.
The strangers have taken over the town, destroying anything they can, seemingly for absolutely no reason than to destroy things. Cecil has taken his reporting to the streets. Carlos and his team of scientists are holed up in his lab trying to find a solution. Steve, Abby and Janice are also there and is it the 'safest place'. Carlos gets increasingly frustrated at his inability to find a solution using science but refuses to take a break.
Cecil notices that Dark Owl Records is untouched. Michelle and Maureen are smoking candy cigerettes outside of the store. He asks them how they escaped the destruction. Maureen says that she commanded the army to not attack this place and quit her leading-an-army 'internship' due to feeling misled and not liking her boss. She still has some irritation towards Cecil but admits that she thinks he's just clueless, which he doesn't understand. Maureen says Chad is trying to reverse the ritual he did. Michelle and Maureen are not putting a label on their relationship.
Lusia explains how the 'beast' (the beagle puppy) controls people because it's so cute you would do anything for it, anything at all.
Cecil enters the house of Frances Donaldson. He finds that she has become a Stranger. She speaks to him through inanimate objects including his own shoe. She states that when you are 'made strange' you are transported to a cavern. The cavern is dark and full of mud whose quantity chances and although you can hear what might be other people, you can never reach them or even call out. Eventually, after years of wandering like this, slowly losing yourself, you end up wanting what the master of this place wants, and he wants nothing. That's why they are destroying NV, because they want nothing, but they also don't want a why they only want nothing. Even though Cecil can see Frances, she insists that she is still in the mud.
Cecil meets Louie Blasko, who urges him to say 'weather' (the weather plays) and then is turned into a Stranger. He also meets the man who is not tall and the man who is not short. They say that they have nothing to do with this, that the only real question is 'Who's a good boy?' and also steal Cecil's pen.
At City Hall, Cecil finds that City Council have fled and that Trish Hidge is fleeing from the Beagle Puppy. Cecil comments that the puppy is no longer cute. In fact it is changing, stand upright, becoming elongated and mishappen. It tells Cecil that he is the good boy and that he rules the wet caverns of Hell. He says he wants nothing and he will get it.
Weather: "Plunder" by The Felice Brothers
Cecil is finally ready to admit that Steve loves Abby very much and that they have a good family together.
Carlos apparently likes to play Bloodbourne to relax.
France's mailbox is 'killed and skinned'. Make of that what you will.
Despite stating that he's 'not on the radio' right now, he still adds the community calender and a sponsored spot. Cecil could be simply compelled to do these things as part of his reporting even when the reporting is 'physical'.
There is no sign off for this episode.
Proverb: "Remember to compliment-sandwich when critiquing. Example: "That’s an okay shirt you have on. Everything you wrote is bad. You’re wearing a shirt."
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ok so a lot of people make Carlos and his team of scientists out to be normal people which, fair enough. they are shown to be confused/concerned by Night Vale, so i get why
but also let's please not forget that one of his scientists (Lusia) researches Being Disappointed In Potatoes, or that Carlos (completely seriously) said he studies Science, not plants or nature, or that their science machines are literally just called Science Machines
these people are not normal bestie
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weaverlings · 6 years
honestly I’ve been listening slowly and I just got to episode 84 and that’s because of episode 84
I love Past Time so, so much but it’s also intense as an experience
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lostcybertronian · 4 years
“I can’t imagine my life without you in it anymore.” For Cecilos of your still doing WTNV prompts?
Okay so. I heard somewhere that it was Carlos who proposed to Cecil, and I have since wondered what that moment was like.
Prompt: “I can’t imagine my life without you in it anymore.”
    “Maybe we should ask him what’s wrong.”
The lab sitting in the strip mall next to Big Rico’s Pizza was usually a buzz of activity; scientists went in and out, often carrying some manner of complicated machine or experiment. Sometimes that machine or experiment was alive, sometimes it wasn’t, but it was always scientific and always under the careful eye of Carlos the scientist.
    As of now-- 3:34PM Night Vale Standard Time (NVST)-- not a whole lot of science was getting done, and the tension could be cut with a metaphorical knife. Even Lusia-- usually immune to even the worst of what tension had to offer-- was ignoring her potatoes instead of loudly insulting them, as her newest experiment demanded.
    “And by ‘we,’ I mean you, Nils,” the scientist continued casually, casting a pointed glance at Nilanjana as she did.
    Nilanjana shrugged. Her petri dish full of bacteria was being stubborn today, and she had spent the last hour and a half trying to out-stubborn it. “His door is locked. He probably doesn’t want us bugging him.”
    “Since when has that stopped you?” Mark chimed in from behind her, and with a sigh Nilanjana got up, proving his point.
    “Carlos?” She rapped her knuckles against the door, then waited. When Carlos did not respond, she glanced back at the others, holding her hands up in a gesture of *what now?* before turning back to the door when Lusia motioned her to try again. “Are you alright?
    “Please open the door, Carlos,” she said, knocking again. “We’re worried about you.”
    There was a long moment when, again, there was only silence. Where Nilanjana was convinced that Carlos wasn’t going to come out, or answer at all.
    But, after that long moment-- which felt a lot longer than it actually was, but that might’ve just been because time was weird in Night Vale-- he did, unlocking the door and poking his head out.
    “I’m fine, Nils.” He didn’t look fine; he looked worried. Strung-out. Even his perfect hair was looking less perfect than usual, a by-product of his anxiety. He flinched when, from somewhere in his lab, there came a crackling swear and a girl’s high-pitched whimper.
    “What’s going on?” Nilanjana stood on her tip-toes in an attempt to peer around him, but unfortunately, another thing perfect about Carlos was his height.
    “It’s Cecil.” Carlos retreated from the doorway, and Nilanjana followed as he seemed to fall back into pacing a hole in his floor. “And Janice. Cecil had Janice in for an interview about her basketball team, and he forgot that it’s contract renewal season with Station Management.
    “I swear, he forgets that the radio station is dangerous,” he muttered, before Nilanjana could say anything. He pulled a small, velvet-covered black box from his lab-coat pocket, flipping open and closed the top in a rapid synchrony of soft taps. 
    “What is that for?” Nilanjana wondered, eyeing the box. She had never seen such a tiny experiment before, and thought that maybe if she asked about it, she could keep Carlos sane for a few more minutes. “Is it scientific?”
    “Oh. This?” Carlos waggled the box. “Totally scientific. Totally.”
    “Oh. Cool.”
    All they could hear from the radio now was the weather report, a fast-paced, frantic song that sounded just as Carlos felt. He shoved down the overwhelming urge to call the station, but that didn’t stop his phone from appearing in his hand regardless.
    His heart leapt into his throat when it buzzed, a text from Cecil filling the screen: made it out of station. Can you watch Janice?
    “They made it,” Carlos murmured. “He wants me to watch Janice.” He glanced up, thumbs already moving across the keyboard, typing out a reply. “Would you guys mind if Janice hangs out here until Abby gets out of work?”
    Nilanjana brightened. “Sure!” She said. “I think Lusia has been wanting to show off her potatoes.”
    She had never seen Carlos look so relieved. He dashed off another reply, his shoulders slumping. “Thanks.”
    The scientist shrugged. “No problem. Janice is nice. Cecil is nice. Do you want me . . .” she paused. “Do you want some alone time?”
    “I would like that, I think.” Carlos raked a hand through his hair. His eyes held the tiniest bit of warmth and his lips the smallest of smiles as he looked at her, though they were mostly obscured by worry. “Thanks, Nils.”
    Carlos was out of the lab before Cecil had even pulled into the parking lot, his lab-coat fluttering at his heels as he all but ran to the car.
    “I was so worried,” he said, when the engine cut and Cecil got out. “Is Janice okay?”
    “I’m okay,” Janice said from the passenger’s seat, her voice small. Her face was pale, but still she managed a smile. “Uncle Cecil and Intern Geoff distracted Station Management so I could get to the elevator.”
    “She was very brave,” Cecil added. He was pale too, and clearly shaken. He gave Carlos a quick kiss before stepping away to retrieve Janice’s wheelchair from the backseat. “I have to get back to the station before they realize I’m gone,” he mumbled, half to himself, once Janice was settled into the chair. 
    “Go back to the station, Uncle Cecil.” Janice wheeled herself forward, heading for the lab ramp. “I’ll text you when Mom comes to get me.”
    “Are you sure you’re okay?” Cecil asked, and Carlos suspected that it was his hand on Cecil’s arm that kept him from going, scooping her up, and putting her back in the car where he was sure she would be safe; he was having the same thought himself. 
    “Yeah,” came her answer, “thank you for the interview, Uncle Cecil. I had fun.”
    Cecil sighed. “Alright. I love you.”
    She cast him another smile and a wave, and then was gone, disappeared inside the lab where Carlos was certain Lusia would be upon her, urging her to insult her potatoes.
    “I should go,” Cecil said, resigned. “The weather report won’t last forever. It’s quite nice out today.”
    “It is,” Carlos agreed, “but don’t go yet. I wanted to tell you . . .”
    Cecil turned to him, questions rising behind his beautiful, kaleidoscope eyes. But before he could voice any of them, Carlos forged on, “things like these, where you’re in danger at the station- they . . . they make me realize that I can’t imagine my life without you in it anymore. Me without you is like- is like me without science. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you.”
    “Carlos, what are you saying?”
    “I’m saying . . .” Carlos pulled the box from his pocket, sinking down to one knee like he’d seen people in movies do, flipping the box open as he did to reveal a shining silver band. “I’m saying you should marry me, Cecil. Because I want to marry you, and-”
    “Yes!” Carlos didn’t think he’d ever seen Cecil cry, but he was crying now, slow tears trickling down his face as he stared not at the ring but at Carlos as if he was the entire world. “Yes. I will marry you. I’d be *so happy* to marry you.”
    Carlos rose, smiling even as he began to cry, too. He took Cecil’s hand, kissing the back of his hand before sliding the band onto his ring finger.
    “I- I have to get back to the station.” Cecil’s voice wasn’t higher than a whisper. “The weather report is almost done.”
    “Go,” Carlos told him. “We’ll talk more tonight.”
    “Okay.” Cecil kissed him, and for a second Carlos’s whole universe was that kiss. “I’d like that.”
    It was reluctance with which he broke the kiss, but it was with something close to giddy joy that the Voice of Night Vale got back into his car, feeling, for once, that he was ready to face the wrath of Station Management as he started the car and drove away from the lab.
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nightvaleintros · 6 years
117 - eGemony part 1: “Canadian Club”
intro] Joseph Fink: Hello from book tour. We are current in the Windy City. That’s right, we’re in Denver. Let’s talk about the holidays, whether you celebrate Christmas or any of the number of other religious holidays of various importance and meanings that have all been lumped by Christian America into the box of “kind of like Christmas but to those people”, then you’ll probably be looking for gifts for the humans in your life that you care about, and we have things that those humans would love! For instance, you know the beautiful design of our new novel “It Devours!”? Well, now you can get that horrifying circle of teeth as a throw pillow, and the tooth end papers as tights that will make everyone you know say, “oh wow, your legs are covered with teeth”. And check out the rest of the merch we introduced this year, like a remix of the Night Vale logo by the original logo’s designer. A variety of new pins, one including glittery blood. A shirt and tank top that say “Pain is just pain entering the body”, and of course classics like the “A scientist is always fine” lab coat, and our full set of Night Vale Tarot cards. Have you seen those things? If not, check them out.
We constantly move things in and out of the store to keep it fresh, so if you have your eye on something, buy it or make sure it’s on your holiday gift list, because we regularly get emails saying “Oh no, you don’t sell that item anymore!” and no we don’t. So get it while it’s here. Welcometonightvale.com and click on “store”. https://topatoco.com/collections/wtnv
That’s it for commerce. The writers of Night Vale, Jeffrey and I, are on book tour until November 17, going all over the country and chatting with each of you and signing our new novel. Welcometonightvale.com and click on “books” to see an event near you. http://www.welcometonightvale.com/books/
Then the full cast Night Vale live show will be doing Texas, the Southwest and West Coast in late November and early December, including some special guests that haven’t been anywhere else on tour. Tickets for sale now. Welcometonightvale.com and click on “shows” .http://www.welcometonightvale.com/live/
And finally, see a bunch of us at the first ever PodCon, this December 9th and 10th in Seattle. A podcast convention by and for people who love the hell out of podcasting. We’re there along with John and Hank Green, the McElroy brothers, Lore, and a rare live “Alice Isn’t Dead” show. The schedule just came out and I’ve never seen so many things I wanted to do all packed into just few days. Check it out at podcon.com.
And hey, That shirt looks nice on you.
[outro] Meg Bashwiner: Welcome to Night Vale is a production of Night Vale Presents. This episode was written by Glen David Gould, with Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor and produced by Joseph Fink.
The voice of Night Vale is Cecil Baldwin. The voice of Hugh Jackman was Hunter Canning. The voice of Missy was Lusia Strus.
Original music by Disparition. All of it can be found at Disparition.info or at Disparition.bandcamp.com. This episode’s weather was “Lost Everything” by Mary Epworth. Find out more at maryepworth.com.
Comments? Questions? Email us at [email protected], or follow us on Twitter @NightValeRadio. Or have a dream in which you get a paper cut and a rich dark soil pours out.
Check out welcometonightvale.com for more information on this show and the 27-city book tour for our novel from the world of Welcome to Night Vale, ”It Devours!”, which is currently happening right now.
Today’s proverb: People always say “before I die”, as if they haven’t already begun the process.
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ao3feed-wtnv · 4 years
Welcome To Night Vale
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/31gyjdM
by CateyBear123
WELCOME TO NIGHT VALE is a twice-monthly podcast in the style of community updates for the small desert town of Night Vale, featuring local weather, news, announcements from the Sheriff's Secret Police, mysterious lights in the night sky, dark hooded figures with unknowable powers, and cultural events.
"With its uncanny blend of the macabre and the mundane, the news out of Night Vale sounds like what might occur if Stephen King or David Lynch was a guest producer at your local public radio station." - NY Times Turn on your radio and hide. Disclaimer: WTNV does not in anyway belong to me, it belongs to Joseph Fink and Jeffery Cranor. I made this book for people who need to follow along with words, would rather read then listen. Please support the podcast and the books, thank you!
Words: 2471, Chapters: 2/150, Language: English
Fandoms: Welcome to Night Vale
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Other
Characters: Abby Palmer, Adriano Copiello, Agatha Oglivy, Alondra Ortiz, Angels - Character, Annette Traylor, Apache Tracker, Arnie Goldbulm, Barks Ennui, Basimah Bashara, Betty Lucero, Big Rico, Brandy Lance, Cactus Jane, Cal Palmer, Camilla Cortez, Carlos the Scientist, Cecil Palmer, Cecil's Mother, Chad Bowinger, Charles, Charlie Blair, Chelsea Dubinski, clair, Dale Salazar, Dan Cardozo, Dana Cardinal, Darryl Ramirez, Deangelo Flynn, Deb, Diane Crayton, Donald Penebaker, Donovan, Earl Harlan, Esteban, Felicia Good, Fey - Character, Frances Donaldson, Frank Chen, Glow Cloud - Character, Glow Cloud's Child, Gordon, Gordon Moreno, Hadassah McDaniels, Harrison Kipp, Hierarchy of the Angels, Hiram McDaniels, hooded figures, Hugh Jackman, Huntokar, Intern Kareem, Intern Maureen, Intern Vanessa, Jackie Fierro, Jake Camp, Jake Smithwick, Jamillah, Janice Palmer, Janice Rio, Jeremy Godfrey, Joanna Rey, Joel Eisenberg, John Peters, Josh Crayton, Juanita Jefferson, Junius Duncan, Kevin, Khoshekh, Lacy, Larry Leroy, Laura, Lauren Mallard, Leann Hart, Lee Marvin, Leonard Burton, Lisa Smithwick, Lorelei Alvarez, Louie Blasko, Lucia Tereschenko, Lucinda Fierro, Lusia, Lutrice Beaumont, Mab, Madeline LeFleur, Maggie Penebaker, Maliq Herrera, Marcus Vanston, Martin McCaffrey, Martin McCaffry, Mayors of Night Vake, Megan Wallaby, Melony Pennington, Michael Sandero, Michelle Nguyen, Miriam Adelman, Missy Wilks, Mr. Smithwick, Mrs. Smithwick, Nazr al-Mujaheed, Nick Teller, Nilanjana Sikdar, Nina Gordon, Old Woman Josie, Otherworldly Children, Pamela Winchell, Pastor Munn, Paul Birimingham, Prince Reynolds, Roger Harlan, Roger Singh, Sabina, Sarah Sultan, Scientists of Night Vale, Sheriff of Night Vale, Sheriff Sam - Character, Sigrid Borg, Simone Rigadeau, Siobhan Azdak, Station Management, Stephanie, Steve Carlsberg, Strangers - Character, Susan Escobar, Suzanne Thurgood, Tamka Flynn, Teddy Williams, Telly Williams, The Beagle Puppy, The Computer, The Distant Prince - Character, The Faceless Old Woman, The Man in the Tan Jacket, The Masked Army, The Shape in Grove Park, The Smiling God, The Woman from Italy, Them - Character, Thomas Charles Fleming, Trish Hidge, Tristan Cortez, Troy Walsh, Jeffery Cranor, Joseph Fink
Additional Tags: Reading, A lot of reading, for people who like reading instead of listening, please read this
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/31gyjdM
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ao3feed-nightvale · 4 years
Welcome To Night Vale
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/31gyjdM
by CateyBear123
WELCOME TO NIGHT VALE is a twice-monthly podcast in the style of community updates for the small desert town of Night Vale, featuring local weather, news, announcements from the Sheriff's Secret Police, mysterious lights in the night sky, dark hooded figures with unknowable powers, and cultural events.
"With its uncanny blend of the macabre and the mundane, the news out of Night Vale sounds like what might occur if Stephen King or David Lynch was a guest producer at your local public radio station." - NY Times Turn on your radio and hide. Disclaimer: WTNV does not in anyway belong to me, it belongs to Joseph Fink and Jeffery Cranor. I made this book for people who need to follow along with words, would rather read then listen. Please support the podcast and the books, thank you!
Words: 218, Chapters: 1/150, Language: English
Fandoms: Welcome to Night Vale
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Other
Characters: Abby Palmer, Adriano Copiello, Agatha Oglivy, Alondra Ortiz, Angels - Character, Annette Traylor, Apache Tracker, Arnie Goldbulm, Barks Ennui, Basimah Bashara, Betty Lucero, Big Rico, Brandy Lance, Cactus Jane, Cal Palmer, Camilla Cortez, Carlos the Scientist, Cecil Palmer, Cecil's Mother, Chad Bowinger, Charles, Charlie Blair, Chelsea Dubinski, clair, Dale Salazar, Dan Cardozo, Dana Cardinal, Darryl Ramirez, Deangelo Flynn, Deb, Diane Crayton, Donald Penebaker, Donovan, Earl Harlan, Esteban, Felicia Good, Fey - Character, Frances Donaldson, Frank Chen, Glow Cloud - Character, Glow Cloud's Child, Gordon, Gordon Moreno, Hadassah McDaniels, Harrison Kipp, Hierarchy of the Angels, Hiram McDaniels, hooded figures, Hugh Jackman, Huntokar, Intern Kareem, Intern Maureen, Intern Vanessa, Jackie Fierro, Jake Camp, Jake Smithwick, Jamillah, Janice Palmer, Janice Rio, Jeremy Godfrey, Joanna Rey, Joel Eisenberg, John Peters, Josh Crayton, Juanita Jefferson, Junius Duncan, Kevin, Khoshekh, Lacy, Larry Leroy, Laura, Lauren Mallard, Leann Hart, Lee Marvin, Leonard Burton, Lisa Smithwick, Lorelei Alvarez, Louie Blasko, Lucia Tereschenko, Lucinda Fierro, Lusia, Lutrice Beaumont, Mab, Madeline LeFleur, Maggie Penebaker, Maliq Herrera, Marcus Vanston, Martin McCaffrey, Martin McCaffry, Mayors of Night Vake, Megan Wallaby, Melony Pennington, Michael Sandero, Michelle Nguyen, Miriam Adelman, Missy Wilks, Mr. Smithwick, Mrs. Smithwick, Nazr al-Mujaheed, Nick Teller, Nilanjana Sikdar, Nina Gordon, Old Woman Josie, Otherworldly Children, Pamela Winchell, Pastor Munn, Paul Birimingham, Prince Reynolds, Roger Harlan, Roger Singh, Sabina, Sarah Sultan, Scientists of Night Vale, Sheriff of Night Vale, Sheriff Sam - Character, Sigrid Borg, Simone Rigadeau, Siobhan Azdak, Station Management, Stephanie, Steve Carlsberg, Strangers - Character, Susan Escobar, Suzanne Thurgood, Tamka Flynn, Teddy Williams, Telly Williams, The Beagle Puppy, The Computer, The Distant Prince - Character, The Faceless Old Woman, The Man in the Tan Jacket, The Masked Army, The Shape in Grove Park, The Smiling God, The Woman from Italy, Them - Character, Thomas Charles Fleming, Trish Hidge, Tristan Cortez, Troy Walsh, Jeffery Cranor, Joseph Fink
Additional Tags: Reading, A lot of reading, for people who like reading instead of listening, please read this
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/31gyjdM
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WTNV quick rundown - 66 - worms...
Featuring the voice of Mara Wilson as The Faceless Old Woman.
We all lie dreamily upon damp earth spotting clouds shaped like animals we have yet to invent. Welcome to Night Vale.
NV is suffering from an infestation of worms, as it did 12 years ago. They're doing all of the 'usual worm things': flying around and dropping trees onto cars and houses, spitting venom as well as eating stray cats and then leaving large, mewling pellets all about town. They've completely enveloped the Rec Center annex, which iwas holding a Continuing Education Course: Counter-Terrorism Techniques for Beginner.
City Council, initially classifying the crisis on a warning scale as 'worms...' updates it to 'Worms!!' which isn't as bad as 'WORMS' but has the potential to be as destructive as the WORMS! (and twice underlined) outbreak of 1997.
The SSP are too busy with the worms to deal with trying to find Hiram or the FOW, who are still at large. Cecil recounts in third person how they have tried to harm Dana several times, resulting in him being puppetted into her helping her. He continues, in third person, to express how he still believes she bought him in the aunction and has been using him to help her without asking. 'Frank Chen' says he saw Hiram flying far away so Hiram is absolutely not still in NV. Eventually the worms are beaten back by the SSP armed with flamethrowers.
Cecil however, has been distracted from the worms problem due to really wanting to see Carlos. He laments openly about how it's weird that people can't go into the dog park and openly admits he wants to try and break into it so he can go and visit Carlos.
The FOW appears in Cecil's radio booth and seems eager to both absolve herself and Hiram and to get Cecil out of NV so he won't save Dana. She disguises this as wanting to help and tells him how he will have a dream from which he will wake and be told how to get into the dog park.
He then receives a black envelop from Station Management with a glyph on it which scares him into thinking he's in trouble for questioning the dog park being forbidden. He instantly apologises for doing so, but Station Management tells him that he misread the glyph. The glyph on his envelop is the abbreviation for human resources, who have approved his vacation. They then show him the actual glyph which means what he thought the first one meant and he falls unconscious for 'some time'. During which he receives the message about getting into the dog park as foretold by the FOW.
Weather: "Little Black Star" by Hurray for the Riff Raff http://hurrayfortheriffraff.com
After years of trying, NV is finally allowed to have a Book Club. It will be run by Tamika Flynn at Patty's Hardware & Discount Pastries (“Shop at Patty’s! They’ll never suspect a thing!,” Patty shouts in the looped recording playing from her perpetually squirming animatronic statue out front of her flagship store) Tuesdays from 2-4 pm.
Spring League tryouts are being held from 10am to 2pm 'next Saturday' with volunteer coaches Betty Lucero and Lusia Tereshchenko. There is a joke here hinting at the ridiculous idea of assigning kids into teams based purely on their dispositions which directly parodies the house sorting mechanic in the HP series. Coach Tereshchenko died over 150 years ago and is now a ghost.
Craigslist in NV apparently just sells your things to random people without your consent. Citizens by the name of Denise Esposito, Sally Jansen, Mario Landis and Pedro Reyna are mentioned.
It seems that Cecil did indeed get the voicemails and describes Kevin vaguely as a 'colleague? acquaintance? nemesis?'.
Cecil expresses that sometimes he becomes weary of NV itself, likely because of events that put him in danger or take over him to help others and other such things which leave him in constant danger and anxiety.
I'll be back. Whenever. Refreshed. You'll know when. It'll be when you hear my voice again. Stay tuned next for… I don’t know. Anyway, time for vacation! Good night, Night Vale. [sound of headphones coming off; maybe a mic bump] [calling off mic; leaving the studio] GOOD NIGHT! Woo hoo!
Proverb: When you wish upon a star, your dreams come true, but - because of distance - not for millions of years.
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desert-bluffs-and-me · 8 months
WTNV quick rundown - 84 - Past Time
Featuring the voice of Jackson Publick as Hiram McDaniels.
Dress for success. Put on your tall hat and rubber gloves and long, gray coat. Success requires this specific outfit. Welcome to Night Vale.
Cecil and Steve have been helping Janice train for softball, which she loves. She went to tryouts at the haunted baseball diamond in hopes of joining NV's first wheelchair softball team.
Coach Lusia Tereshchenko (the ghost) states that there have been many Strangers watching the tryouts. She firmly believes that they are not from DB and are not ghosts. She hints that they 'remind her of the men on the train'. It turns out she came to NV decades ago, 'old west' time, after accidentally helping some outlaws attempt to rob a train of the same crates You were in charge of loading and unloading. They are fired upon by the sheriff of NV at the time and Lusia tries to help the sheriff but is ultimately killed. As she dies/becomes a ghost she sees the Dark Planet.
She also says that the train used to run by a field, which kids used to play baseball on, so she learnt to love the game and eventually get good at coaching it. She is also the reason it's referred to as the 'haunted baseball diamond'.
She says that the men on the train were evil in a different way to the strangers. She also says that Cecil used to play softball, but he doesn't remember that.
As they leave, Cecil sees the boy in the hoodie and the beagle puppy which gives him a bad feeling once more.
Weather: "The River, The Woods" Astronautalis
During a segment of Hey There Cecil, Cecil informs somebody that quartz chips and dead pheasant have not been legal tender since the 90's which is why their landlord is mad about rent payments. He also receives a note from somebody who pet Maureen and the boy in the hoodie's beagle puppy and after that had terrible nightmares about the puppy which resulted in them throwing up black tar. Still, they want to know if they should get a dog. Cecil says yes but they seem to be allergic to beagles. Carlos also sends a Hey There Cecil asking for a date. Cecil accepts.
Hiram's Violet head calls and tells Cecil that he will no longer be a witness against himself, but will stand with his other heads because he cannot continue to fight against himself. Hiram also states that NV needs his protection against the strangers who are absolutely not just people from DB but even his probably couldn't defeat them.
Stay tuned next for something lurking just outside your window. Don't worry. It's not a human.And as always, good night, Night Vale. Good Night.
Proverb: Dance like the government is watching.
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WTNV quick rundown - 61 - BRINEY DEPTHS
Featuring the voice of Wil Wheaton as Earl Harlan. There's nothing under your bed. Nothing in your closet. Nothing waiting in the hall. You are surrounded by nothing. You cannot escape it. Welcome to Night Vale.
A vague yet menancing government agency asks Cecil to say 'Briney Depths' on his show. They send him many Facebook messages, Twitter dms, Snapchats and anon Tumblr asks (Cecil has a lot of social media it seems) about it. They claim they just really want to hear him say it. They continue to ask this all the way through the show, resulting in many repeats. Finally, it seems it works as a code word to wake up sleeper agents with unknown purposes. The sleeper agents are every citizens in NV. Every one of them. Including Cecil.
Hiram and the FOW (who has never actually been Seen, just heard) have been meeting up to talk about things they claim are completely innocent.
There is another 'Cooking Stuff' segment with Earl Harlan. He tells us that the tiramisu he taught us to make last time is actually extremely poisonous and shouldn't be made. This time he's teaching us how to make pulled pork. He describes the act of butchering a pig in visceral detail. Cecil says he'll give it a try with one of the pigs he has at home.
Earl also mentions that he's still confused about how he was 19 for so long, about his son (whose name he doesn't remember), and asks Cecil what year he was born only for Cecil to avoid the question. Earl tells Cecil that he's proud of Cecil for how he's dealing with Carlos being away. Cecil tells Earl he's proud of how he's dealing with time being weird and for somehow raising a son.
Little League coach Betty Lucero is worried that there's weird things going on in the haunted baseball field her team practices on. It's not the usual ghosts, but some kind of odd sulfur smell, anguished howls from a nearby neighbourhood and and a red glow at night that makes her skin feel loose and itchy.
Cecil apparently went their physically for this interview but ends up running away after being scared by Lusia, the third base coach, who died in 1843 and has gray skin, a tattered dress and pupil-less eyes.
Cecil receives a thank you letter from the Erika's, thanking him 'for what he did'. It comes with a picture which he immidiately loses behind the desk and has to go retrieve (indicating his desk is against a wall, if you're drawing his booth...) and it turns out to be a photo of himself at city hall fighting off a hoard of antiques. Cecil reacts with confusion as he's sure it was Intern Hector who did that, after all, he got bitten by an antique.
He decides he needs to talk to Carlos about it and he tries to understand how he did something heroic (like saving Dana) without knowing how. He doesn't actually think that science applies to the real world very much, but that it provides a nice metaphor.
Weather: "The Bends" by Doomtree http://doomtree.net
Stay tuned next for all the air being sucked out of the room you’re in we’re sorry we’re so sorry but this is the only way. Good night, Night Vale. Good night.
Proverb: I let my haters be my motivators, mostly they tell me I suck and then I get sad, this was a terrible idea.
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WTNV quick rundown - 117 - eGemony: Part 1 "Canadian Club"
Read the rest of my rundowns here!
Co-written with Glen David Gold.
Featuring Hunter Canning as Hugh Jackman and Lusia Strus as Missy Wilks.
The suffocation of the ego, the eternal silence of the void, faceless, yet screaming, and now serving orange wine on tap. Welcome to Night Vale.
Cecil is sponsored by money today and visited by Hugh Jackman (but not THE Hugh Jackman) who is the Senior VP in charge of Dreamfluencing at eGemony which yes is pronounced exactly like hegemony this is not a subtle plot lol.
He is apparently looking for a case of Canadian Club whiskey that was hidden in NV as part of a contest/promotion that ended up sinking the company which eventually became eGemony.
Due to printing 'errors' in the rest of the magazine Hugh is sure that the case is under Cecil's desk and is being cagey about why they want it so much. Cecil says that the desk wasn't even there when the ad/contest was run and that Hugh should ask Station Management.
Cecil, looking through the Playboy magazine the ad comp was run in (Playboy seems to be more...feminist, shall we say? in NV and this issue includes 'all the women who have ever played James Bond' which is apparently quite a few) and discovers that one of the girls Missy Wilks may in fact be living in NV right now on Kessler Streets. He recognises her by the similar eyes and tendrils.
Missy instantly tells him to look under his desk and that she's been waiting for this call for 40 years (she also raised a family and shot a guy once). Cecil's seems heistant and says he's even closed his eyes every time he had to cower under there so has no idea what he will or won't find.
Missy encourages him to look, saying that although Hugh says they found all the other cases that is a lie. Instead they left the cases there to 'absorb the soul of the place' which they later recovered a drunk leaving those plays soulless. They want to drink the soul of NV in a similar way. Cecil looks under the desk but only finds an envelope which tells him that the case has been taken to the cavelands, home of the baristas. Missy is worried that the baristas will be no match for eGemony's dreamfluencing.
Cecil knows that he should warn people but warning people invites consequences that he's afraid of.
Weather: "Lost Everything" by Mary Epworth
According to Hugh, Cecil's supervisors aka station management are called Eunice, Lilly, Agatha, Demarcus, and Jad. They are also 'old friends' of his.
Missy Wilks turn offs include impatient people and tick bites (Cecil agrees). Her turn ons include groovy people, good food, overwhelming feelings of dread…chanting and…all hail the Glow Cloud.
In NV you seem to be able to ring someone by spelling out their name as the numbers.
Stay tuned next for the sounds of chewing amplified to the threshold of pain. Good night, Night Vale, Good Night. 
Proverb: People always say "Before I die…" as if they haven't already begun the process.
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ao3feed-nightvale · 4 years
Me Without Science
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ygL0sx
by LostCybertronian
Carlos proposes to Cecil during a radio station crisis.
Words: 1325, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Welcome to Night Vale, wtnv
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Cecil Gershwin Palmer, Cecil Palmer, Carlos the Scientist, Nilanjana Sikdar, Lusia (Welcome to Night Vale), Janice (Welcome to Night Vale), Station Management (Welcome to Night Vale)
Relationships: Cecilos, Cecil Palmer/Carlos the Scientist
Additional Tags: proposal fic, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ygL0sx
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ao3feed-wtnv · 4 years
Me Without Science
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ygL0sx
by LostCybertronian
Carlos proposes to Cecil during a radio station crisis.
Words: 1325, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Welcome to Night Vale, wtnv
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Cecil Gershwin Palmer, Cecil Palmer, Carlos the Scientist, Nilanjana Sikdar, Lusia (Welcome to Night Vale), Janice (Welcome to Night Vale), Station Management (Welcome to Night Vale)
Relationships: Cecilos, Cecil Palmer/Carlos the Scientist
Additional Tags: proposal fic, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ygL0sx
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