#worst case they kill you all and reseed the world with abominations grown out of your dead sister's dna
voluptuarian · 1 year
Honestly all the conversation about "x or y made me stop watching anime," I've never heard anybody bring up mythological window dressing
Like I will never forget the frustrated anger I felt having watched God Eater with friends, seeing all the mythological connections and drawing conclusions based on them, and quickly realizing it all meant nothing. I was so fucking mad I gave the show up immediately! And it's something I've seen used in a lot of series over the years, and avoided as a result. Other than just not hanging out with as many people watching anime, and just being much older than most show's intended audiences, it's probably the biggest factor contributing to my drop in interest in anime.
Interestingly Evangelion is completely admittedly a very successful use of mythology window dressing but somehow the plot and events are so big-picture and nuts that it works anyway??
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