#with no spice tho cus he's basic
wisteriagoesvroom · 2 months
i return from trying to figure out some narratively-necessary f1 rpf birthday blowjob tetris to... this gem from @kichona-s
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Just Flower Husband ideas (obviously all just C! Ones, lol :P sorry if this is too long!)
Scott touches Jimmys bare skin and Jimmy nearly accidentally knocks Scott's lights out on reflex from the surprise of ice cold hands on his back, so then they chat and decide that Scott should warn just in case Jimmy doesn't miss the next time.
Jimmy pulls away after a kiss and says how Scott is making his teeth hurt because of how sensitive they are to cold. That doesn't stop him from continuing to kiss Scott tho. Scott gets upset about this so he will try to drink warm things before he kisses Jimmy
Scott had to have an awkward chat with both Joel and Lizzie to get their blessing to date Jimmy (it's respectful to do in Rivendell), and Lizzie nearly unleashed a hurricane on him, but was pretty receptive after she heard him (basically begging) over the 70+ MPH winds. Joel simply had a nice, calm, lengthy chat with him, broke Scott's nose and gave him a... less then fresh horse head for the road. Went better then Scott expected, all things considered.
Scott loves borrowing Jimmy's clothes. Jimmy is smaller then him by a foot or so, but he's muscular and wears baggy clothes, so they fit tall, skinny Scott pretty well. It's embarrassing when he forgets to change and one of his advisors goes by him with weird looks, tho
After Jimmy transforms into his sea monster form, Scott loves fidgeting and messing with his fins. It makes Jimmy flustered, cus they are sensitive, as well as sharp. He's worried that if he doesn't constantly bind them down, he'll hurt Scott, whereas Scott wishes Jimmy would stop wearing them. He thinks they look not that great.
Rivendell food is pretty bland. If anything, they only really have sweet foods, because berries and syrup are easy to collect in the mountains. Scott absolutely loves the really rich, spicy foods from the codlands (mostly imported from Mazalea), and he likes kissing Jimmy because he can almost taste all the spices and flavors from the food there. Jimmy likes the natural sweet taste from the foods from Rivendell, so it works out.
Jimmy has really good eyesight, but kinda bad hearing (he can still hear, but he sometimes needs it repeated and can't understand quiet people at all. He knows sign but it's mostly to talk underwater.) Scott has easily strained eyes from the light always reflecting off the marble and snow of Rivendell. Jimmy's kingdom doesn't have straining colors and everyone in Rivendell speaks clearly, so they don't have much issue with eachother.
Aaahh oh my gosh I adore all these headcanons so much (particularly that sea monster Jimmy one)!! 🥺🥺🥺
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lockawayknight · 3 years
ohhhh in LOVE with this thing @vilestblood tagged me in tysm tysm tysm friend!!
𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
1. What does your muse smell like?
ohh i actually wrote about this briefly before, and i stick by what i said then: a mix of ash, iron, and cinnamon hearts, at least in ds2 timeline. he spends a lot of time in the iron keep with magerold, who constantly has incense burning, which Clings To Clothing just like the keep’s smoke and ash, so he smells a lot like murder and rlly pleasant incense lol. less stinky than one would imagine. in ds3 timeline he is also less stinky than one would imagine since pate makes him bathe like twice after every murder lmao, and they share soaps and stuff so it becomes a mix of death and lavender. so yeah, in general, distinct scents of death/metal/blood and various lovely earthy or floral scents~
2. What do your muse’s hands feel like?
VERY very rough, calloused and warm, just an absolute mess. soft where there are scars, but otherwise just rather unpleasant :T the fact he has such a strong grip and is pretty generally rough with touch doesn’t help, though when he is delicate and tender, the roughness of his fingertips can make for instant goosebumps~
3. What does your muse usually eat in a day?
nothing!! aside from estus and the occasional healing herb ofc. being undead means food isn’t at all an essential, and in general is a luxury more than anything. food is more of an Event than something common, something they do for special occasions and nothing else, and it usually isn’t anything fancy. the one thing he does regularly make is basically the undead equivalent of a fuckin five hour energy lmfao, he’ll boil green blossoms and elizabeth mushrooms and a few other healing spices and herbs into a sort of pungeant tea and throw it in a flask. tastes fucking disgusting but gives u mfin wiings fjfnndmd
4. Does your muse have a good singing voice?
his voice is incredibly raspy and his range is limited, but otherwise yeah!! if he had some voice lessons and knew how to switch into a falsetto he would be incredible, but he tends to belt and place it wrong when he does sing. still pretty tho!! and he has a surprisingly good sense of tone. catch him with the prettiest grittiest voice in the drunken bar song sesh
5. Does your muse have any bad habits or nervous ticks?
uhhh murdering people????? ngfnsk he’s incredibly violent, when he gets upset he tends to default to Must Kill Someone, which i suppose is a bad habit. his worst outward habit is he punches walls a lot, often with intent to hurt himself — a ‘safe’ way for him to relieve violent anger without causing harm to others, cus usually it happens in arguments. he also scratches, skin picks, pulls his hair out, lots of self-harm stuff if he gets stressed and is unable to take it out on someone else. he’s basically a wolf gnawing its leg off when he passes a certain nervous threshold hhh :c
6. What does your muse usually look like / wear?
a frumpy mess fnnfskk. baggy clothing, loosely belted tabards and skirts, long coats and cloaks or oversized overshirts, he just desires to be Formless and pulls it off incredibly well. in modern stuff he mostly wears blacks and dark colours, but in regular souls verses he actually wears a lot of colour, usually blues and greys, and in ds3 timeline lots of yellows and greens from clothes given to him by/stolen from heysel and leonhard. he is A Colourful Shape with messy hair and no face
7. Is your muse affectionate? How much? How so?
VERYYYY he is a sweet little puppydog when he likes someone, he will follow them around and offer his help and protection. verbally you’ll never know, he’s gonna make threats and call you a bastard no matter what, but he’ll do it in the same step as giving you a lil affectionate head bonk and killing a man for you. his affection is specific, a bit odd, but strong as hell. he’s a knight at heart. you win his affection, you win yourself a knight.
8. What position does your muse sleep in?
curled up very tight on his side when alone or uncomfortable, sprawled out horridly obnoxiously over The Entire Sleeping Surface when comfortable or with company. he’s a nightmare to sleep next to lmao
9. Could you hear your muse in the hallway from another room?
oh definitely. even when he’s being silent he’s being noisy. his most silent activities are repairing his gear and drawing, and he has a very strong hand, so you can always hear weapon whetting or strokes of the pen. he stomps when he walks, he talks to himself, he slams cupboards on accident, he groans and growls all the time. also, his armour jingles. literally unless he is actively trying to be silent, like when sneaking for combat purposes, you’ll always know he’s there, cus even in his most silent of moments he’s making some sort of noise
tagging!!: @hithernthither, @axemurderercreighton, @mildmcnnered, @grimoirerat, @of-forossa, @yellowfingcr, & @meowzerswowzers!!
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