#why cant we see them after they were dunked
The anon with why cant they shut up about ironwood. I have to say, honest to god, i think they need a character that people are excited about but oppose the girls so they can dunk on that character and the fans, cause they are insecure about their writing (especially regarding morally grey characters) and feel threatened by the popularity of said character. I was here since the trailers (thats why i still keep up with rwde cause i am curious about this train wreck) and people were really excited after the black trailer to see adam at the end of v2 and then in v3. The same thing with ironwood, folks were excited to see him again in v4 and then in v8! More then they were excited to see what team rwby is up to. And thats a big no no. For me this cartoonish villain turn was the writers saying: you are enjoying the media we created wrong! So now we make sure you cant enjoy it your way.
Also the other villains are way to underdeveloped or one dimensional to be good dunking material. But thats only my opinion.
Unfortunately that is very true. The behavior comes from a place on some level of them realizing the writing is subpar but not wanting to accept that because if they like something that is bad that makes them bad, which is not how this works but its how they think it works which is an issue.
It's an unfortunate symptom of the bad writing the show has. The mains are not well written characters, so people latch onto characters that actually are well written but fans don't like that because we're supposed to like the mains and follow the mains story and they're supposed to be our favorites but they're not well written, they're hypocritical and sometimes even cruel to people who need their help the most.
I would also have to agree that the writers are very self conscious and are trying to convince people they are good writers without putting in the work to improve their craft and punishing people who do not consume the show the way they have decided it should be. A good writer wouldn't have these issues but they're not good writers largely because they refuse to accept criticism and learn from their mistakes.
Back to James, he was accidentally written better then the mains and infuriatingly rather then embrace the well rounded character they threw a fit and threw him in the trash so they could delude themselves into thinking they're good writers and its so odd to me. Theirs nothing wrong with having interesting background characters, it makes your story richer and feel more alive. The issue is the writers threw out what made the mains fun and interesting and are surprised the fans are annoyed and latch onto a character that was still at the time well written.
Unfortunately most characters in the show have become boring and poorly written. The really fun characters are few and far between and even then some of the fun characters as you said are one dimensional like Tyrian or are now dead like Watts and Roman. I also cannot ignore the fact that since they're woman the fndm thinks they cannot be dunked on or criticized because that would be sexist not realizing that by refusing to allow woman to make mistakes and be held accountable for them you are being sexist.
The fndm is a train wreck that won't stop and it just so damn unhealthy.
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laylanatorseventeen · 2 years
tbh the more I think about it mass effect 3 kind of sucked. before I start dunking on it, a couple good things:
*actually, first, uh, warning. I don't like Kaidan. I don't like Ashley. Mild character bashing ahead.*
-enemy design actually awesome. the reaper forces were cool and unique and I liked them. Cerburus forces, while annoying, also good designs.
-i got to kill Udina. Fuck that bitch.
-Geth Shotgun My Beloved
-Getting to know the geth better. They got done so dirty but I appreciate the worldbuilding
Bad things about the game, both big time and small time things that annoyed me personally:
-all the annoying tedious fetch missions. Like bro. Bro. Is this really necessary. I'm not even getting to shoot anything.
-Kai Lengs whole existence. I hate you you pretentious ass dressed like an emo 13 year old ass bitch. Fucking big talk from a motherfucker who never landed a hit on me in any of our "fights" despite having backup and a literal gunship. Fuck you, and fuck whoever came up with your infuriating ugly bitch ass.
-in mass effect 2 you make all these bonds with these awesome characters. and then they get tossed aside in mass effect 3. Like no offense Traynor and James and whoever the fuck else but like bro literally why not just let me have the CREW I HAD BEFORE
-Kaidan/Ashley mouthing off to me in the first mission and then like I send JAMES back to the shuttle???? Bitch!!!! When will Bioware let me slap Kaidan in the mouth. Ashley too. The Reapers are literally fucking here, I do not give a rats flea bitten ass what you think of me. We literally have bigger problems, shut up or find another ship to serve on hoe
-also why does mass effect 3 always make my ported mass effect 2 femshep look like someone kicked her face in and she's swelled up.
-so James is the new Kaidan huh???
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Image of me trying to have an actual human conversation with James to like, get to know this random guy they foisted upon me without the game making me tell him I want to throw Garrus over for his grotesquely muscled dick
-you mean to tell me that out of the entire salarian society/military, renowned for their intelligent and logical approach, only Kirrahe is willing to look past the genophage and band together TO STOP LITERAL GALACTIC EXTINCTION!!!!! they frame it like ooohhoo you can either have the KROGAN or the SALARIANS and bro I just don't buy it. I get the stupid dalatrass is gonna be petty but surely there are at least some salarians gonna be like. bro.
-i know EVERYBODY bitches about the ending but tbh imma put in my two cents cause it's just That bad. Bro. For one thing. I hate that kid. The dream sequences were so annoying. Also maybe if the kid had more than one creepy bland ass expression I would care like the game wants me to. All in all, bad choice for the vi to look like the kid. I don't care. Also. How you HAVE to choose one of the damn options and they're all BAD. like congrats you spent half the game trying like hell to save the geth!! But for some reason now you have to KILL THEM ALL to kill the reapers!!! Or!!! You can make this DEEPLY INVASIVE CHOICE FOR EVERY SOUL IN THE GALAXY. or you can control the reapers which the entire game has framed as the WORST OPTION EVER and annoying internet people will act like YOU PERSONALLY BETRAYED REAL ACTUAL PEOPLE and are also VERY STUPID if you choose that option. Like the fucking AI controls the reapers correct. SHOOTING/DESTROYING THE STUPID AI SHOULD BE A REAL VALID OPTION INSTEAD OF IT JUST MEANING "HAHA EVERYONE FUCKING DIES." WHAT HAPPENED TO GOOD OLD FASHIONED FIREPOWER. WHAT HAPPENED TO STRATEGY. WHAT HAPPENED TO A FULFILLING ENDING TO A GAME SERIES YOU SPENT DOZENS OF HOURS PLAYING.
-i have read not only a rumored ending where the reapers were going to be lured into a system and then they'd blow the mass relay, but at least 3 separate fanfiction solutions to the reaper war that not only made more sense but were more personally fulfilling. Most involving just fucking using actual normal warfare against the reapers, who are not, in fact, invincible to everything except a stupid ai program.
-overall I think the main problem with mass effect 3 is that the gamemakers seemed to forget to put the fun in the game. Like homedog I am playing this game because I care about the characters and playing video games is supposed to be FUN. this is not fun. This is, by turns, infuriating and tedious. Highlights of the game are Curing the Genophage, Geth Worldbuilding, and firing a clip into the head of a dead Cerberus Combat Engineer, because fuck you and fuck your turrets.
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jrueships · 2 years
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Best friend behavior
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passable-talent · 4 years
Is this even necessary? Yes please part 6!!!
and so we return, one whole month later
| part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 |
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After Azula’s attack, and the forced flee from the Western Air Temple, you spent a few days being pissed at Zuko. Like, really pissed. You didn’t speak to him at all. This was something that concerned and confused the prince, because it had seemed like the two of you were making real progress only a few nights before.
What had happened?
He didn’t try to fix it before he left with Katara. Partially, he thought, to give you space, and because he assumed that your issue would be easier to fix than Katara’s. So for a day or so you simmered, just like you had back at the Western Air Temple, rage as always masking your hurt.
When he returned, and things with Katara settled down, he found you perched among the jagged stones that lined the pathway up to his family’s old vacation home. You were still hidden here, but felt even excluded from the team, which let you think, and sulk.
“Y/N,” he said, announcing his presence as he climbed up the rock. You had your back to him, and your shoulders tensed up. You didn’t face him.
“What do you want,” you asked, giving him a shoulder so cold he’d lose his firebending.
“I want to know why you’re angry with me,” he said, and you looked up at the sky, frustrated, as though he should clearly know without you needing to tell him.
“That so?” You spat, and as you weren’t wearing shoes, you sensed as he walked closer to you, arms at his sides. It seemed he was attempting to be non-threatening.
“Yes. I realized I’ve done a lot of explaining, and not much listening. Whatever is keeping you so angry at me, I’ll listen.” You fixed your gaze to the stone in front of you, glaring, before you shut your eyes tightly. Your fists tightened up, and you brought your arms to your chest, and it was like your body was contracting to prepare for an explosion.
It was.
“You want to know why I’m angry with you?” You shouted, turning around while throwing your hands down to your sides, “it’s because you’re so stupid!” Your gaze avoided his, but not purposefully, instead because your anger manifested in rapid movements while you spoke. “You get ambushed by your psychopathic sister, who has been known to manipulate you, and you- you go after her anyway?” You held up your hand, four fingers shown to him, just in case he’d forgotten how to count.
“She had four airships. And you had nothing. No backup. You didn’t let Aang or I follow you, and you charge off into battle.” You leaned forward, a snarl on your lips.
“I watched you fall. I thought you died!” With the final exclamation of your anger, you stepped forward and shoved him backwards, but with a twist of your planted front foot you moved out of the way some of the jagged rocks he might’ve stumbled or fallen onto. Anger finally released, your expression turned to one of pain, of fear, of sadness.
“You told me you’d make it up to me. You can’t do that if you’re dead.” You turned to the side, now avoiding his gaze as he collected himself from the ground, and felt tears begin to fall.
“For so long I mourned Lee, right? Thought that the guy I loved was gone, because who you are isn’t who he was. And I finally figure out that that’s not true, that you are almost as good as I thought you were, and then I think you’ve died...” you trailed off, wiping the wetness of your face with a roll of your shoulder.
“I’ve already mourned Lee, I cant mourn Zuko, too, okay? I don’t want you to die, especially not by something stupid, like charging into a battle you couldn’t win.” You turned your eyes back to him, and found him staring at you, an expression you’d never quite seen on his face. It wasn’t a clear expression that you could pin, other than that he looked so... young. Surprised, almost.
“What?” You asked, voice still a bit jumpy from being choked up.
“You said you loved me.” It took a mental backtrack through your words to realize that you had, indeed.
“Zuko...” you breathed, and you turned toward the horizon, where the sun had long ago dunked into the ocean but still it reddened the sky. You brought your hands to the other’s bicep, as though it could help you protect your heart, and you forced some of your own hesitation away as you breathed out.
“Zuko, I loved you,” you admitted, finally, and that rush of it almost made tears re-emerge. “I did. You were sweet and funny and we got on so well.” You heard him step toward you, and you looked away from where he was near to being. “But the reality I thought I was living in... the floor fell out from under me. The Dai Li were secretive, and they weren’t what I thought they were. Iroh wasn’t just a kind old man, but was a fire nation general. The new leader of the Dai Li wasn’t a brilliant young soldier, but was a fire nation princess. A manipulative and snakish warrior who wanted to topple the earth kingdom. There was a war going on I’d never even heard of!” After the volume of your statement drained away, you hung your head, closing your eyes before your gaze could find the ground.
“And I wouldn’t have minded finding out you were the prince of the fire nation. Some part of me says I should’ve figured it out myself. What hurt me was that... you had so much more anger than I thought you did. Sure, you could be moody, but when we found you in those catacombs, the way you looked at Aang...” You let out a breath, and opened your eyes to look out over the ocean.
“I didn’t know you could be so... malicious. It was something I’d never seen from you before.” You turned your gaze to him, and let your mind wander to the moment when you stood between him and Katara, when Aang was dying. You remembered that predatory look in his eye.
“Did you even see me, that day? Or could you only think about getting to Aang?”
He didn’t answer, and you spared him from needing to. You didn’t think you wanted to know his answer.
“I think that I’ve blamed you for everything that went wrong that day. Aang’s death, your betrayal, the Dai Li’s betrayal. And I guess that isn’t fair. But I can’t seem to let it go.” You felt tears well up again, and Zuko slowly slipped his hand into yours.
“I want to forgive you,” you said, squeezing your palm around his fingers, “I want to let go of all this anger, and grief, a-and confusion, but I look at you and I... I see this boy who made the wrong choice. And that’s so frustrating, because you’ve made the right choice, again and again, you’ve defended us and helped us and fought alongside us. It’s not fair of me to focus on your mistakes when you’ve been making up for them.” You took a deep breath, and with its shaky exhale, let go of some of the sadness still clawing at you.
“I just want to let it go, so I can love you again.” There was an instant’s pause, when the prince took in your words, an instant’s pause in which the waves crashed on the shoreline and a bird cawed overhead. An instant’s pause, and then Zuko tugged you by the hand into his chest, wrapping his arms tightly around you. You hugged him back, tightly, almost squishing his torso into yours while a final few trembling breaths fought their way out of your lungs.
“I’m sorry,” he said to your shoulder, and you could hear emotion in his voice. “You deserve so much better than me. I’m so sorry. I- Y/N, I loved you then, too. If it weren’t for you, I might not have had the courage to leave the fire nation. You helped me change, and you didn’t even know it. Please, please don’t be mad at yourself.”
“I’m glad I met you,” you whispered, when a few moments had gone by.
“Me too,” he said back, laying his face down and into the crook of your neck.
You could’ve stood there and hugged him forever. You could’ve stayed in his arms, where you knew it was safe to be conflicted. He understood, and didn’t ask you to change, or make a decision. Maybe Zuko was better than Lee after all- he was flawed, but he chose to overcome those flaws and be a better person in spite of them.
It made him stronger. And, you thought, it would make you stronger.
Your heart had been broken. You’d been lied to, and cast aside. But you found it in yourself to forgive him, and to be honest with him, and to keep him close to you.
“Hmm?” You pulled from his chest, your eyes dry of their tears but heart still raw and open. You were ready to forgive him, and to move forward.
But there was one more thing.
“I need you to tell me what happened to Iroh.”
request for pt 7
edit: pt 7 requested!!
edit: | part 7 | part 8 |
-🦌 Roe
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antoine-roquentin · 3 years
Curtis: I am nervous about saying this to you, but I do think computer games have played a very powerful role over the past 20 years in reinforcing that managerial way of seeing the world. I’m nervous because you know much more about the games than I do. But it has always seemed to me that, at some point, as well as running around and shooting and solving puzzles, games introduced this other thing. Which was that you spend a lot of time choosing and managing things – not just how you looked, but what weapons and what powers you had, and how you could balance one against the other to produce the most effective online-being for the system of the game. That computer games were one of the pillars of the modern ideology which says that the most important thing is to keep the system stable
Booker: I’m sure you’re right about the influence of games, but I think you’re describing the front-of-house user experience, which is probably the part that’s influenced the wider world the least. Games where players are juggling equipment and abilities tend to be combat-heavy exercises in perpetual instability, and any kind of management game I’ve ever turned my hand to, where the aim is basically to build and maintain a stable system – whether it’s The Sims or Tropico, or whatever – usually ends in stressful chaos. Although maybe that just underlines why I shouldn’t be running the country.
But I agree that the principles of game design, the background structure, are popping up everywhere. A few years ago I fronted a Channel 4 list show about influential video games. They were listed chronologically, so we started with things like Pong, and the final entry on our list was Twitter, which I described as a “multiplayer online game in which you choose an avatar and role-play a persona loosely based on your own, attempting to accrue followers by pressing lettered buttons to form interesting sentences”.
At the time people sort of scoffed at that, and I was slightly taking the piss, but I do think we were right to classify it as a game, because it’s designed like one. Not just in terms of the “score” feedback, the retweets and likes and so on, but the rhythm of it, the flow of little moments of delight or disappointment, just like a Mario game. There’s a clear gameplay loop where, the more you engage, the less you want to put it down. If Twitter didn’t already exist, you could launch it today on the Steam game store as an RPG.
I don’t want to just dunk on social media, because it gives voice to people in a way that wasn’t really possible before, but its inbuilt tendency to encourage escalating, heightened speech seems guaranteed to ultimately turn a lot of users into performers, a bit disconnected from the complexity of what they feel. Sort of like the way people talk after a couple of drinks. Actually, I don’t know why I’m telling you this, because you touch on it in the series.
I’m not sure if you’ve heard the gaming term “grinding” – it’s sort of half-pejorative; it basically describes a player happily and voluntarily performing a series of repetitive tasks over and over, for hours or sometimes weeks on end, in the hope of some eventual reward. It requires some quite sinisterly well-calibrated game design to work properly. It has to feel like popping blisters on an endless sheet of bubble wrap – monotonous and fulfilling at the same time. If I had to invent a word to describe it, I’d say “emptifying”. I don’t know if it’s as evil as some people think – playing a game like that can be really soothing and oddly meditative. Like knitting. But I remember reading that these grind-y gamification principles are creeping into lots of real-life situations, like Amazon warehouse jobs, to make them feel less tedious.
Anyway, I’ll shut up about games now. I’d love to see you explore game design though.
Curtis: I think that’s a brilliant observation about Twitter. That makes a lot of sense. And I really like the idea of the gamification of everything. It’s also true in politics. Do you remember that man who Tony Blair brought into be his press person – Alastair Campbell? He immediately set up a thing in Number 10 called The Rapid Response Unit. Its job whenever Blair or the government was attacked was to immediately attack back, and monster them before they had time almost to breathe. It was very Twitter before Twitter – but it also had all the attributes of a video game. Number 10 became a place under constant attack from zombies, or whatever, from outside, and you had to spend your time stopping them coming through the windows or up from the cellar. And there was never a time to relax because there would always be another wave.
It was something that Armando Iannucci captured very well in the Thick of It – that constant attack sensibility. But that mood of constant crisis that Campbell created also had another function. It was a brilliant way of hiding the fact that you as politicians didn’t have any real ideas any longer. Gamification as a way of creating a world of constant hysteria that never allows you to stop and ask, “What is this all for?”
And I think that idea of “grinding” touches on something that I know in myself. That sometimes having to do an extraordinary set of repetitive tasks is really calming. I find it when I am editing – when at points I have to do some logging or checking, which is very time consuming. It does allow you to drift into a dream state, which liberates you from all the inner voices. You lose yourself, which, in our very self-conscious age, is something quite unusual. I read a piece a while ago that argued that people’s relationship to factory work in the age of mass-production was much more complicated than we think. That of course it was depressing and exhausting, but many people also liked the repetition in a strange way precisely because it allowed them to move into another state, into a form of calming and liberation.
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creampievampire · 3 years
Could you go into the difference between the subtext and queerbaiting in it, I'm still kind of -well it's obviously gay but nothing was really ever said or shown that says that expect for people talking about it- Like are the characters and their relationship just queer-coded (positivly ofc lol) but the baitiness comes from them sort of confirming it off the show?
of course! im assuming by ‘it’ you mean merlin, but rather than explaining the reasons why i think bbc merlin is a matter of subtext (or queer coding) and not queerbaiting, i think it would be easier and more productive to explain the difference between the two in general. they are very similar - which is why i think a lot of people are unable to tell the difference between them - but they have important differences
just a warning, this is going to be a LONG post lmao ive bolded exactly what each term means below, after which i go into more detail on the whole issue. this is something im passionate about so,,, ♥
queerbaiting specifically refers to a marketing technique in which creators hint at but dont actually depict a queer character or relationship. They do this in order to attract a queer audience with the suggestion of a character or relationship they can relate to, while also avoiding alienating their queerphobic audiences
queer coding is the subtextual coding of a character as queer through the use of things like metaphor, allegory, hinting, recognisable traits/stereotypes/experiences, etc. This is done to build believable characters and create more complex plot lines, and it is also regularly used by people who want to tell queer stories but are unable to do so explicitly. it CAN be used negatively to enforce damaging stereotypes, but that is just a small part of its usage
both of these things utilise subtext in order to work. subtext is not only a crucial part of the creation of any piece of media, but is impossible to avoid.
an example of the most basic types of subtext is when a character tells someone that everything is going to be okay, but you can tell they dont believe it. or when youre watching a story unfold and you suddenly connect the dots and realise whats going to happen before its explicitly stated - you used subtext and the hidden meanings and hints to figure it out!
the people involved w a piece of media create their story with a specific purpose or meaning in mind, and they construct the subtext of the story to reflect that purpose/meaning. HOWEVER, the viewers dont always see things the same!
your experiences and personality shape the way you view and interpret every piece of media you consume. if you hate cops youll see the insidious undertones in cop shows - if you grew up with an abusive parent youll see the biting implications in a characters dialogue that others find innocent - if youre queer you will search for and fine queer characters everywhere, regardless of the creators intentions
now, both queerbaiting and queer coding use subtext to function, right? so how do you know which is being used and whether or not its a bad thing? its all about intention
to give a specific explanation of the difference im going to use two examples that are (arguably) very similar in the way their queer characters became canon
example 1: adventure time featured the characters marceline and princess bubblegum, who have been forever depicted as a couple in fan content. their interactions in the show were read into and latched onto bc we saw ourselves in them and we saw it as positive queer rep. but their relationship was never explicitly discussed during the course of the show and was only confirmed at the end of the final episode.
that makes 10 seasons in which their relationship existed only in subtext, and when it did finally exist in canon it was only for a few minutes, if that.
example 2: supernatural featured the characters dean and castiel (lol) who have been depicted as a queer couple pretty much since the first episode cas appeared in. i personally hung on their every interaction, analysed every glance between them, bc i interpreted deans character as a parallel to my own childhood trauma.
cas joined the show in season 4, so that makes 11 seasons in which him being gay existed only in subtext, and when it was confirmed he was immediately cut out of the show. the exact nature of dean and castiels relationship still remains in subtext.
so why is it that adventure time is widely considered perfectly fine but supernatural is dunked on as being the poster boy for queerbaiting?
its bc adventure time involved queer creators and was an earnest representation of queer characters, but they were boxed in by their publisher, Cartoon Network and thus the only way for the relationship to exist in the show was through subtext.
supernatural, however, consistently neglected their queer character and employed transparent tropes and stereotypes - bringing him in just sparingly enough to keep queer audiences interested while never being gay enough to alienate their macho manly man queerphobe audiences. they would have dean and cas stare into each other eyes for a full 30 seconds and then almost immediately follow it up with an episode about dean banging a disposable female character.
so imho adventure time falls under queer subtext, and supernatural falls under queerbaiting
when it comes to a show like bbc merlin i see a lot of debate about whether or not its queer coding or queerbaiting, and my intention is not to convince you of either. merlin was very much a product of its time, and i have argued the same about seasons 4-6 of supernatural as well, before the queerbaiting escalated and became exhausting to me
the purpose of this post is to start giving you the information you need to analyse any piece of media and come to your OWN opinion as to whether or not its queerbaiting or whatever else
people will ALWAYS have differing opinions about this shit yall. i have debated so many times w so many people about where the line is and whats okay and what should be ‘cancelled’ and if consuming something deemed problematic makes you a bad person or not
and my conclusion?
if youre capable of acknowledging the flaws and issues w a piece of media without trying to defend it as a shining beacon of purity simply bc you like it, then you do you. enjoy whatever you want to enjoy - if i think its reprehensible i simply will never interact with you lol
at some point everyone has to stop regurgitating these generic woke speak cancel culture speeches and buzzwords and formulate their own opinions
my advice to anyone reading this is to learn how to do close reading (ill provide a link to a wonderful short guide on it in a reblog bc tumblr hates links) and start really considering where you draw the lines with all types of content. decide for yourself whether merlin or supernatural or adventure time crosses the line into content you cant stomach, but respect other people whose interpretations differ from yours
i know a HUGE amount of people think supernaturals confession scene was homophobic and toxic - a slap in the face - but when i watched it i saw myself reflected in dean. a repressed bisexual whose emotions had been stunted by lifelong trauma, who wasnt ready to face his feelings for cas but quickly realising that his chronic avoidance and fear was about to tear them apart possibly forever. to me it was tragic and beautiful, and i loved it
i also think merlin is a tragic and beautiful love story, and to me its a pivotal piece of queer media that changed the way i viewed love and made me believe that it was a possibility for me bc i related so deeply to arthur
i hope that you can draw a satisfying answer from this, anon, and i apologise for this post being a full essay lol but i believe it needed to be said  - i dont think there is a right or wrong answer here
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uchihashisuii · 3 years
tumblr is tryna suppress the vik truth 😔 so sending in two here we go again:
scenario where johnny is alive and in a body at the end but i think v and johnny would become... maybe not inseparable, but theyd stay extremely close. i mean they literally know each other like the backs of their hands, so theyd hang out all the time, and both show up somewhere when you only invited the one. theyre family now, and its staying that way and sometimes theyd go to talk to the other before realizing oh yeah, they were trying to talk in their head again, they dont need to do that anymore. or theyd have mostly non verbal convos where they gesture and only half start a couple sentences while the other finishes them off because they know how they other thinks, and everyone around them is like ??? could ya speak up so the rest of us can follow please. and v and johnny will hang at the clinic bc v wants to hang, and vik gets to meet the bastard that almost killed her for the first time. and hed be gruff and cold and distant (and a little pissed) because yeah johnny didnt mean to but it still happened, she was still hurt and a mess for so long, and she had so much shit to deal with. he doesn't act outright hostile or anything because he saved her too in a fucked up way, and he'll be thankful to the bastard for the rest of his life for that, even if he never admits it.but hes also veeery jealous and trying not to show it. he doesnt mean to, but theyve got this bond no one else has now, and these same quirks and jokes and johnny understands her better than literally anyone ever, how could he not be jealous of that? hes got something vik wants, and hes upset for even thinking like this i mean hes too old to feel posessive of someone he has no right to. and he recognizes this, recognizes that johnnys not going away anytime soon. hes here for good and will be here as long as v's around, theyre a weird package deal right now, but he cant stay mad for long and needs to get over being jealous because he sees why theyre both friends now despite everything. like yeah hes a prick but his hearts in the right place, and he can be funny and charming and makes v laugh, and he sees the similarities in them. the smoking, the gun tricks, the jokes and the passionate rambling, they laugh the same or give the same grin. hes not as awful as hes made out to be, because he can see where v and him started merging and its maybe not a bad thing that v changed him, he can see it from the start of their first interaction. he shouldnt be jealous of the fucked up situation they both never asked for.
(cut for length ♥)
“ - anyway all of this to say that vik would absolutely try to keep johnny at arms length if they ever met, but would very quickly grow to like him because he sees so much v in him, and he cant not like anything thats a part of v (though he can live without them hamming up their silent convos, thank you) and johnny would absolutely pick up on the jealousy thing and think it kind of funny, and rib on vik when v leaves for a minute, or tease v when they leave because viks got it bad. and once all of thats been dealt with i think vik and johnny would have this fun dynamic of like, just shitting on each other and poking fun in a light hearted way. as if like, johnnys her brother and hes just tryna hold up his own with her family. and they wont talk about it but theyd recognize they have their own places in v's heart and theyd both do anything for her and thats okay, they have different roles to fill. i just think vik and johnnys dynamic would be so neat, johnny having essentially known everything about him and all v's feelings toward him, while vik just knows him as a terrorist, and the guy that was killing someone soso important to him. johnny would make fun of vik being an old timer, and vik would dunk back that not only is johnny older than him but he could absolutely demolish him with one hand tied behind his back. but yeah, lot of good potential there. i love the idea vik being jealous of johnny and feeling like an ass for even thinking like that. johnny going 'haha simp' but then also being like 'v, i unfortunately care for you so im gonna tell you right now no one in this city is worthy of you but the doc is the only one that comes close. i swear to god make a move on him before he turns green, i cant stand seeing him pine after you. fuck him and then never speak to me about it, i dont wanna know or see anything. luv u prick' and not to say that johnny would ever replace jackie bc he couldnt, and theyre not looking for a replacement. but their dynamic would echo the one v and vik had with jackie with the jokes and teasing. and vik would see the old v, the one from before the heist come back a little with how she bounces off everyone and keeps the convo going. shed light up again in a way she hadnt in what feels like a long time. and johnny wouldnt like, become bffs with vik or anything but he wouldnt treat friendships the way he did back in 2020, so he would really try with his friendship with vik when he needs to, if only for the sake of v. because everything and everyone important to her is important to him now too, and hes gonna take this second (third?) chance seriously because hes different now, and with everything vs done for him its worth doing. (apologies for the length again 🙏)”
once again i find myself with not a goddamn thing to say you put into exact words EXACTLY the things i feel about this im
im obsessed with the image of johnny and vik ripping each other to pieces (jokingly) and v being in the middle of it like “why do two people i love gotta b like this to each other” and johnny being the one to try nd get them together oh my GOD johnny loving v with his whole heart and wanting nothing but the best and for them to be happy im
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ectonurites · 3 years
for the character headcannons ask game, jason and cass?
ALRIGHT ALRIGHT im putting this one under a cut because it got SUPER long bc i cant shut up ever
lets start w jason
A (realistic headcanon): 
ok using the ‘realistic’ category here loosely but GOD i love the idea of Damian & Jason having interacted while Jason was staying with the League before getting dunked in the Lazarus Pit. like. this obviously would need to be set more in preboot and following the Lost Days & Batman Annual 25 version of Jason’s resurrection, but god the idea of it just makes me scream in a good way. Like... these are things Jason likely doesn’t remember very clearly once he’s brought back to life more fully by the pit because he was uh pretty catatonic, but Damian being a little kid and knowing about the boy that his mother keeps around the base, that she’s trying to help bring back to health. Damian not even knowing that’s his big brother, just that he’s a presence that shares his mother’s attention. Jason again being unresponsive but like, ok god you know that part of lost days where Talia shows the others observing him that he only fights back at those he perceives as genuine threats trying to hurt him, 
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Because Jason can perceive that she’s safe, she’s not actually trying to hurt him, he trusts her because she saved him? thinking about lil child Damian who is ya know already being trained in fighting stuff and like the idea of him trying to provoke Jason just to see what happens but Jason not fighting back because on some level be it his connection to Talia or even little baby Damian visually reminding him of Bruce, he knows that Damian is safe too 🥺 
and then when Jason and Damian meet again in Gotham as Red Hood & Robin respectively, Jason not really remembering because there was so much going on back then for him, but Damian realizing that oh... that was Him
B (hilarious): 
alright so if we are looking at comics currently, in modern stuff jason is what, like 22? hes old enough to drink in the US but still definitely early 20s so around my around my age, thats what im using as a basis here. if we adjust timeline and still consider his death having happened when he was 15, that puts it around 2013. and then coming back to like interacting with people about three years later if we still kinda base things off of the preboot timeframe (since we never got a super solid retelling of the timeline of death -> resurrection -> training -> tries to get revenge aside from knowing he went to the all-caste instead of the lost days version of the story) making him reenter the regular world and stuff around age 18 in 2016. meaning a solid three years of pop culture that he was entirely missing, and like im sorry but he really doesn’t strike me as the type to bother looking into what he missed, he’s kinda busy focusing on other stuff. lets take a quick look at some major things from those years. 2013 gave us ‘what does the fox say’ and ‘the harlem shake’ . 2014 had that time U2 just put a fuckin album on everyone’s phones, The Fault In Our Stars movie came out. 2015 introduced the phrase ‘Netflix and Chill’ and the whole blue & black vs gold & white dress debate happened. imagine any of the other batkids (or even arguably roy during rhato stuff) bringing these things up and jason’s ensuing confusion. thank you for your time
C (heart-crushing): 
so. there are two specific instances from rebirth era Jason i want to bring up here and much like a lot of these it’s less a headcanon and more of an inference based on observations, but i wanna take a sec to discuss Jason’s relationship with other people’s death. early in rebirth, Tim ‘dies’ from that whole thing in detective comics. he didn’t actually die, we as readers know, but in-universe they all very much so thought he was dead. frustratingly a lot of the batfam wasn’t really shown mourning him aside from in the Detective Comics Rebirth title itself (which just. when a major character dies even if its temporary- that should have a ripple effect) BUT an exception to that is in RHATO 2016, where we get this offhanded comment in Jason’s internal monologuing
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similarly later when Roy, who like, had an incredibly close relationship w Jason that had just gotten mended before Heroes in Crisis, gets fuckin murdered in that whole thing... Jason doesn’t go to his funeral either. He leaves a dramatic voice mail and then visits the grave on his own later, choosing to instead keep working on the mission they’d started rather than going and taking the time to mourn properly.
Jason’s relationship with death is incredibly complicated, obviously. He has died, he has come back, and he now is willing to cross the line most other bats won’t and will kill people when he deems it necessary. I think thats something important though- he doesn’t just like... go around killing for fun (usually, some writers preboot made him a little murder happy but even then usually this still was vaguely followed) he kills people he thinks deserved it. Like, even looking back at the mess of Morrison’s Jason during Batman & Robin 2009, Jason was still trying to bring a sense of justice with who he was killing (”punishment that fits the crime”), it wasn’t killing for the sake of killing. He sees things in this kind of almost black and white ‘people who deserve it’ and ‘people who don’t’ way, and he has no problem dealing with death when it’s with the people he thinks deserve it. 
but when someone who doesn’t in his mind ‘deserve it’ gets killed? i think he just goes into total avoidance mode. throws himself into other things he’s doing, tries not to dwell on it too much no matter how much he still thinks about it (this is especially evident in him consistently telling people “i’m fine!” after what happened to Roy, despite bringing Roy up literally like every few issues for a WHILE after he died and very clearly still struggling with it, Artemis is the only one who gets through to him on it a little bit) 
but yeah, I just think that from Jason’s relatively unique situation of having been murdered, he knows what it’s like and he is perfectly fine wishing that on people he thinks are bad and deserve it, but it crushes him to imagine the people he loves and cares about having to experience something as painful as what he went through. not to mention the whole “I came back, why do I get a second chance at all this when they, who are a much better person than I am, probably won’t” mindset we get some implications of him having 
D (canon is a coward and won’t) 
hello DC i am once again insisting a batfam member is bisexual
A (realistic headcanon): 
ok so we know cass likes ballet. thats canon. however i think we also should in general explore cass experiencing other types of dance/performance as well, be it herself as a performer or even just watching. like... god imagine her & like my brain just automatically for group activities puts her with tim steph and duke but also for this in particular I feel would be a Jason embraced activity, but like them going to see a broadway show or some other professional theatre or something, and her just being enthralled by the reading of body language of the performers! like again by any point in current stuff cass does have like, the ability to speak fine (reading still hard tho) but even so I think like. okay im a theatre kid if that’s not obvious from the Everything About Me but one thing I always do after seeing a show is ya know spend dinner afterwards discussing it with whoever i saw it with.
I just think that like, bringing those people i just mentioned to the table to discuss seeing a show after would be so FASCINATING because cass would bring this whole perspective of critiquing their acting on a whole different level- not based on how well they delivered lines out loud, but by what their body language was saying as they moved on stage. like im very amused by the idea of cass getting a totally different picture in her mind about what a character’s motivations were because she was paying way more attention to what their physicality was saying vs the words that were written and how they were delivered. i think the debates her and the others would have would be EPIC there. jason defending the text as it was written adamantly and cass being like ‘ok yeah sure but thats not what they did’
B (hilarious): 
cass having no concept of money because why would she bother? is SO funny to me. like it’s not that she couldn’t be reasonable if she wanted to, but like, she knows that the Waynes are well off so it’s not something she actually needs to be concerned about, so she just goes hog wild. takes steph out to fancy dinners and makes steph order for them since cass ya know doesn’t really read the menus, and steph’s like ‘jesus christ this costs-” “don’t worry about it” “but cass-” and she just holds up one of bruce’s credit cards and steph’s still like “but you don’t even know the range-” “it is fine”
bruce does not have the heart to tell her to stop
C (heart-crushing): 
i mean this is pretty much canon but especially now after death metal where she’s remembering, not just being told by a guy using weird alternate timeline technology, that she used to be an adopted member of the Wayne family... like that hurts so bad. To look at these people who have ya know been kind to her, Bruce has still been a father-like figure to her (i mean literally from the moment they met in New 52 canon during the flashback in Batman & Robin Eternal, where he’s telling her that she’s not a monster just because of what people forced her to do.... that she’s a hero... that hug.... dad behavior), and they do to some extent treat her as family... But to then really know, to feel and remember that she was actually adopted! She was a part of their family. To look at how she’s been calling herself Orphan while working with them this whole time... that’s so heartbreaking! I have cried about this idea so much! I want so badly a conversation between her and Bruce now where he offers to officially adopt her again, I need it so bad and if it doesn’t happen at some point in the next year or two I will be so distraught.
D (canon is a coward and won’t) 
i want an in-depth exploration of cass’ relationship to her own gender. being raised without language and you know with so much of her life being independent (remember: CASS RAN AWAY AROUND THE WORLD WITHOUT REALLY KNOWING ANY SPOKEN LANGUAGE) and outside of an organized society impressing too much of gender expectations on her, i feel like the way she experiences it would be very unique! like sure she’s so far been fine with being assigned ‘girl’ (ya know that comes with batgirl, and how people just automatically treated her based on how she looks) but in terms of gender expression and like her actual relationship with ‘traditional femininity’ etc like... because of how she was raised I just think she’d have a really different perspective on it that could be cool to explore, and I think she’d fall outside of the binary after she really thinks about how she identifies.
tldr on that: she/they nb cass is what i’m getting at here
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mother-snake · 3 years
rp/ tommyinnit ends up dying. he wakes up. he’s back in pogtopia. but there was one thing that didnt change. he had become a ghost. and not realising this walks over to where wilbur is talking with techno and greets them exitedly, trying to cover his fear for the both of them.
they turn and stop speaking as they see the ghostly apparition looking like it had been dunked in a lake. they speak to him, and they realise he doesnt know what happened. why were they looking at him so strangely.
and so, they know they have to break the news. one trip later to the borders of manberg. and they call out. and slowly people trickle forwards. knowing they cant do anything as they arent on manberg ground.
but as soon as they see tommy they know why they are here. the final people to arrive are schlatt, quackity, dream and tubbo.
schlatt is confused as everyone else, he knew the kid was stubbourn. so why was he dead? quackity felt his heart shatter, tommy didnt deserve this. dream... wondered if was because of someone on the server, but he knew it wasnt. tubbo... he took one look at tommy and screamed in grief. tommy was quick to console him.
“i guess i was in one war too many. heh, this is rather stranhe...” he giggled. everyone looked at him confused. “you promised me once that if you couldnt be the next schlatt... i couldnt be the next wilbur. guess we both broke that tubs,” tommy smiled. “what...what do you mean?” tubbo mutteres, scared at the awnser. “well.... were exiled. and wilbur blows up l’manburg everything stops for a while. but something went wrong, you exiled me... and later techno blows up l’manburg....we locked dream in a prison aswell! but... i didnt want to fight another war. i didnt want to become the hero again...”
tommy turned to technoblade, “i guess i was theseus, and in the end, you were my lycomides...” for some reason, the words chilled techno to his bone.
schlatt looked at tommy a thought crossed his mind, “how many of us die?” “just you and wilbur. only ghostbur came back,” tommy smiled fondly, “i hope he isnt lonely.” “who wins?” wilbur whispers. barely hearing it...tommy responds. “techno. dream. phil.” he lists. “wait- phil?!” tubbo askes shoked, “phil comes around?” “yeah. the three of them blow up l’manburg after my exile. i didnt want it to happen... its nothing compared to what wilbur is doing....” tommy seems to get lost in thought.
“i almost lost you tubs,” he whispered. and for the first time, they all saw tommy as what he truely was... and as what he had beome.
a soildier. a soldier who would fight tooth and nail and get nothing in return.
the war ends that say
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Midnight Meadows (Pt.2)
"And he asked me to dance, personally!" Virgil said covering his face.
"Well that's good isnt it?" Remy said, taking a sip from his drink.
"No! He probably has expectations for me now! I can't keep this up for a month!" Virgil said, pulling his hood over his ears.
"Virgil, relax, everything will turn out just fine, you'll do just as well tonight," Janus said, taking a sip from a wine glass labeled with the word 'soup'.
"How am I supposed to relax! Hes a prince," Virgil said, tail still shaking.
"And all this fancy stuff is already getting annoying! The fabric is to itchy and it's barely breathable!" He continued, scratching at his legs again, gods he wished they'd come up with less tight fabrics to use for fancy things.
"Well the super fancy outfits were only for the first day, now as long as you're not wearing like- sweatpants or pajamas or something I'm sure its fine," Remy said, shrugging.
"But if he asks me to dance again I cant just be casual!" Virgil whined.
"You wont be casual, you'll just be confortable," Janus said, rolling his eyes.
"Maybe I should just stay home again- it's probably safer if I do," Virgil muttered.
"Oh of course cinderella, I'll be sure to lock you in an attic when he brings over your shoe so the mice have to get you out," Janus said sarcastically.
"Why would he go that far out for me?" Virgil said.
"Oh my gods baby bro have you not looked at the papers? The man is absolutely smitten with you!" Remy exclaimed, throwing his hands into the air in exasperation.
"What do you mean hes smitten with me! Are we thinking of the same person?" Virgil said, making a grab for the newspaper on the table. He very well couldve checked his phone to find it faster, but of course , he wasnt really thinking at the moment.
And there it was on the front page, Prince Roman and himself, dancing, and next to that the headline "Small-town feline steals prince's heart, exclusive interview inside,". Virgil turned the pages till he found it.
His face turned redder with each word, he'd never received affections such as this before, much less from someone with such high status.
"See, I told you he was smitten, he'd be heartbroken if you didnt show up tonight," Remy said, taking yet another sip from his coffee.
"Alright alright, I get it," Virgil said as he set the paper back down on the table.
"Itll be fun Vi, I promise," Remy said, ruffling Virgil's hair through his hoodie, Virgil hissed and swatted his hand away.
"Ok ok- geez, someones fussy," Remy said with a laugh.
"Shut up-" Virgil snapped.
"Aaaaaaawwwww, baby's upset~" Remy poked Virgil's cheek slightly, snickering.
Virgil spent a few more hours relaxing, tonight's party started a little early than the previous night, so he had to get ready a little sooner.
Tonight's outfit was a short black skirt with a silver studded belt, A black crop hoodie with black and purple striped sleeves, and black boots. The only accessories he had today were a spiked collar, as it turns out, tying ribbons to your ears and tail wasnt all that comfortable.
Once again he'd gone to the ball in a carriage, and once again he still felt undeserving of it. But this went further as he stepped out, his hand was immediately taken by one of the guards.
This is it- I did something illegal- do they still have the death penalty? Am I getting guillotined? Virgil's mind was racing so fast that he hardly registered where he was actually going.
"He's here your highness," the guard said as he let go of Virgil's arm.
"Oh thank goodness- I was worried he was late," Virgil was started back to reality by the sound of Roman's voice, and of Roman's arms around his waist.
"You- what?" Was all Virgil could managed to say.
"I was worried about you! You left in such a hurry last night! I thought you might not show up today, thought I'd have to try knee-high boots on every neko in the country!" Roman said with a laugh.
"Worried? About me?" Virgil said, still confused.
"Of course! Why wouldn't I be?" Roman said.
"Well- I uh- but you- but I havent done anything to deserve it! Every other guest brought you gifts and compliments and all I did was run off to the garden and sulk!" Virgil said, slapping a hand over his mouth as soon as he finished the sentence.
"That's exactly why I ran after you! And you gave me something not one single other guest had," Roman continued.
"Which was?" Virgil said, one of his ears tilting to the side.
"You gave me trust," Roman said.
"How the hell did I do that," Virgil said, stunned.
"Every other person I offered my hand to spent the whole of the dance looking at me like they intended to have my money and my head by the end of the night, but when I danced with you all you seemed to want to do was watch me, no talking, no pulling away because you thought it wasnt going well, just dancing," Roman answered.
"Your highness, the ball is beginning," one of the guards said from by the door.
"Well I suppose we should be off then," said Roman, linking his arm with Virgil's and guiding him to the ballroom. Almost immeadietly Virgil wanted to retreat back into his hoodie. It felt like everyone was staring- no- glaring- at him. And he was just standing there, holding the crown prince's hand.
"Dont worry, it'll be alright, they cant hurt you so long as you're with me," Roman whispered, arm now drifting to hold him by the waist.
"But you chose me over them," Virgil said with a quiet whine.
"And they'll just have to deal with shame of knowing they'll never be as radiant as you," Roman whispered, lifting Virgil off the last step and placing him in front of himself. Virgil felt his face flood with color.
Soon enough Virgil seemed to forget all about what was around him, his only focus being Roman.
Until Roman had leave for a moment to handle some, princely stuff.
So Virgil was alone, standing by a punch bowl at a party like he was back in high school getting told he was prom queen only to get silly string dunked all over the dress Janus had made him.
"Well Virgil, I didnt think I'd be seeing you so underdressed on a stage so soon again," Virgil froze as a very familiar voice reached his ears, and a wave of dread washed over him.
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moontours · 3 years
Personally I don't like Roy and Kory being Jason's friends because they're not written like themselves, but more as shallow husk of their characters so they can somehow fit with Jason and being an extension of him, while negating the previous relationships they had with Dick and the titans. I can't overlook that just so Jason can have some friends, if Lobdell was at least half a decent writer, he could bring characters to play with Jay with interesting dynamics (think Donna and Kyle) or even Roy and Kory themselves, but still at least,in character. But he didn't even tried, so the rhato group is soured to me.
2. anonymous said: I've actually always found it to be very realistic for Dicks friends to also be friends with his Brother .
Jay was shy and didn't really have many friends of his Own but he spent time with Dick and his friends and over time they became Jays friends too.
I mean that's just how these these things Work.
3. anonymous said: People were like “why don’t they just make new characters to be Jason’s friends???????” And you know why not? Because 1) these are characters people are familiar with, and recognition sells. 2) since people are familiar with them they don’t have to do a bunch of groundwork on establishing new characters looks, personalities, skillsets, relationships, backstories, etc. 3) writers??? Are allowed???? To do things with characters??? Sometimes?????? Why relegate beloved characters to comic book limbo in favor of new characters? RHATO wasn’t good and they were OOC (as was pretty much everyone else in the New 52), but it kept Roy and Kory from disappearing into non-existence! Roy and Kory are characters who have been around for decades. Why would you expect any writer to give up the opportunity to use them in a story in favor of having to come up with new characters from scratch to be friends with Jason, who doesn’t have many connections and needs them, who wouldn’t have any of their own connections either, and who chances are would most likely be slam dunked directly into comic book limbo after the series ended? RHATO had a good premise, terrible awful execution on all levels
4. anonymous said: I think Jason should steal more friends. Give Jason Stephanie next
5. anonymous said: I agree with that one anon, I swear rhato wasn't the best thing in the world but it was nice seeing jason have friends like kory and roy 🥺 and I also hate when people say like their friendship isn't valid because they were friends with dick first like ????
i very much agree that roy and kory weren’t being written as themselves in rhato and totally see why that would ruin the whole rhato group for u like i get it but also idk i still like them in theory, if not in practice and i dont see why they cant be both dick’s friends and jason’s friends like absolutely lobdell’s writing is to blame but the premise itself isnt bad. i also do agree that it makes sense and is realistic for dick and jason to have the same friends like some of my friends were my brother’s when we were growing up it just happens ejhbahjsdb and yeah i agree, it’s much better to use established characters than new characters when it comes to creating new relationships like idk why ppl are like “why dont they just create new friends for him” bc if that DID happen, chances are ppl wouldnt care abt them which. i mean is how most ppl feel when new characters are created for one story only. n recognition absolutely sells. like idk i think everyone who does like roy and kory being jason’s friends DOES recognize the fact that rhato isnt good, that their characterization wasnt good but it was still nice to see them and to see jason have friends. people are def not possessions and its fine for them to overlap. and finally, jason and steph would be the funniest duo ever i think
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oh-theatre · 4 years
Just A Remnant Now
A/n: lmao this is so bad im so sorry,,, lmaooo ITS SO BAD
TW: Death, spirit, spit, farting, destroy, pain, graphic descriptions, ANGST, no happy ending
“Im sorry Remus I cant talk to you right now, its been months and I cant figure out where this spirit energy is coming from” Logan huffs. “Tomorrow is my presentation and if i have nothing to show for it my entire funding, this project crumbles” He rambles. Remus follows him, his feet carry a sweet lightness as he listens.
“What will they do with the spirit or ghost?” Remus questions, sitting on one of the cold benches focusing hard as he fiddles with something in his hand. A cold breeze as Logan snatches the tool away from him. “Hmph” Remus pouts
“My guess? Ill get a whole team of scientists! A whole new lab with facilities and so much more! And ill tear it apart and study every aspect” Logan beams, the glint in his eye sickened Remus.
“So you'll kill it?” Remus scoffs “Seems kinda brutal”
“No ill just...take it apart to...examine its..origins and what it can do and...its a ghost what does it matter Remus?” Logan inquires, typing viciously away at his keyboard. 
“They still have feelings, their sensories are there!” Remus argues, feeling his face flush. “The way you plan to tear them apart is inhumane! Its against their will Logan, they are still forms of living. 
“They are, in every sense of the word, not Remus. They are dead, figments of what used to be. They cant feel pain, or emotion, they are a remnant” Logan explains
“They are more than that! Lo you're not listening!” Remus stands now, Logan could be intimidating but Remus towered over the scientist. 
“Im not listening because you don't know what youre talking about”  Logans cold glare would pierce anyone but not Remus. “You're just my engineer.” He spits
Though i wish we could be more, both think in unison through their frustration.
 “They have the memories of their old life, they have feelings, they have feelings of the world they must traverse through now as a spirit. They develop feelings, emotions, memories and more. They travel through to the middle ground between living and dead. If they accept it, they move on but some choose to stay!” Remus finishes, his breath cold as it spits on Logan. “Some don't have a choice! Some are tethered! But they aren't just ghosts Logan. They live in the now, through whatever means. Tearing them apart with my molecular design would kill them, and every ounce of pain felt would hurt just as much as it would to you.” Remus finishes, his body shakes, he tries his best to keep solid to the ground. 
“You've developed emotions for these things” Logan rolls his eyes. His judgment was not missed. “And if im not mistake, its your device Remus” Logan reminds
“You're right...it is” He turns to where the device sits immaculate, his design perfect. Such as the mad genius he was. He took his work in his hands, feeling every ounce of metal and wiring that was in it. Then, in the flash of an eye, the machine crashed. It fell to the ground with the force of anger, Logans shock and frozen state was unmissable as the pieces clattered around the ground. 
“What have you done” He whispers viciously. Remus stands triumphant feeling the pain inside. 
“What I should have done as soon as I made it” Remus sighs.
“Why do you care so deeply for these things! You have no idea what they are or what they do!” Logan yells, his voice echoes through the lab.
“For how smart you are.. youre so fucking dumb Logan!” Remus argues back. “For months the same spiritual energy has been popping up on your monitor! You couldn't put two and two together?” He smirks. “You really think after your failed convention last year they would send you an engineer?” 
“What are you saying” Logan breathes
“You're so dumb Logan!” Remus swipes an angered hand across the table, tools crash to the ground. 
“Stop calling me that” Remus’s accusations had cut deep.
“You call me that at least once every hour!”  The continue arguing, it hurts each of them more than can be described. Each new insult is a breach to the relationship they had built up over the past year.  Finally Remus couldn't keep it in anymore. “Im the spirit Logan!” 
the silence that fell through the lab was piercing. 
“I didn't want to move on because fuck closure, so i found you. I liked what you were doing...or at least what i thought you were doing. But once i had built the machine i could have left...but I liked you Logan. Plus you hadn't found a spirit! I thought hey maybe this will be the final piece of the puzzle...” Logans speechless breaths were terrifying. Remus cant help but reach out, he focuses allowing his hands to solidify. He takes Logans hands. “Watch” He instructs, after a quick thought Logans hands fall through Remus’s hold. 
“no no” He tries desperately to grasp to Remus, he wants to feel his hands. “No no lies lies all of it” He spirals, Remus just watches knowing this was inevitable. Remus feels a tug at his heart, he works quickly and the machine is one again. Logan remains at his desk, murmuring nonsense. 
“Lo?” Remus for all his chaos, had the softest voice. “Take me...to the demonstration tomorrow” he offers. Logan looks up finally, his eyes red from thoughts. “I was just another chess piece for your game, just use me...i don't think i wanna stay around much longer anyway” He sighs.
“No Remus. We have to stop this project.”
“what?” Remus barely breathes. 
“I was wrong...I was wrong and so misguided.” Logan admits, he has no idea if his next move would work but he takes Remus hands feeling a warmth as they stay solid in his hold. “You were never a piece...but I was wrong. Because they can feel, you feel...and I feel you” He moves a hand to Remus cheek. Logan had never seen this energetic bumble of ‘not safe for work’ jokes and buzzing laughter so...tired. And it was his fault. “You feel pain and joy and sadness and-”
“Love” Remus adds, Logan holds back his desperation. 
“I was truly an idiot, I was so focused on not looking like a failure I forgot my true goal. To discover and explore...not destroy” Logan sighs “I wanted to learn, but i let that go and became this”
“You dont wanna...destroy?” Remus cant quite wrap his head around it. 
“No god. I wanted to understand! But i let the success and money get to me. And i lost sight of who I was. You arent a danger...you are a miracle” He smiles ever so slightly. “SOmething I love so much is not worth destroying” He states
“Love?” Remus feels himself relax. 
“So..so much” Logan says
“Hah you're in love with a ghost” Remus teases, Logan sighs with a giggle and a playful eye roll. 
“I still have the machine remus” Logan threatens with a grin. Remus steps back and gasps his collar. 
“How dare thee!” He cries ever so mockingly. “I thought you cared”
“Woe is you” He laughs quickly pulling Remus into a kiss. 
Yeah its weird, but so intriguing. He expected a cold chill but received warmth in Remus’s embrace. 
They canceled the demonstration and gracefully stepped away. Years passed and Logan desperately tried to find a solution, he wanted Remus to stay, to be here in all his physical form. But on a quiet fall night, Remus was sprawled across the couch trying to dunk cheese balls into his mouth. Logan sat at his work bench concocting as he did. Logan had had his doubts over the years, Remus was a ghost. But Remus explained that the longer he was on earth he felt tethered a developed a physical form. He wasn't a human but he wasn't a ghost, almost a third party but he was real. 
But he was fading. 
And Logan worked tirelessly to find out what he could do. He had consulted with Virgil and Patton, two scientists who had done great strides for the world of science. He constantly worked alongside Janus but to no avail. Remus was fading, he would have to go soon. Remus didn't mind, all he tried to do was comfort his partner but Logan, for as smart as he was, was in deep denial. 
But this fall night, as a cheesy treat fell into Remus’s mouth his image flickered. This caught Logans eye from his work. 
“Remus?” He rushed over watching Remus sit up straight. The flickers were slow before they became full glitches and constantly. “No i need more time. Surely.” He could feel his tears coming. 
“Promise me youll find someone? Whos maybe not a farting ghost” Remus shrugs, Logan shakes his head, this wasnt the time for jokes. “Logan you knew this was coming. Also lets be honest, it was weird im a ghost”
“You're not though! You're a tethered!” He cries
“Guess my tether snapped” Remus sighs. He wanted to spend these last few moments in sweet bliss but instead, in true Logann fashion, he was arguing. “Come cuddle me you obnoxious man” He pouts
He knows its a joke but the sadness in Remus’s eyes finally catches up to the scientist. He obliges sitting with Remus. They do cuddle, and Remus finally lets go. His tears are soft and he doesnt think much but he doesnt know whats going to happen next. 
“You should get a dog” He sniffles, Logan laughs dryly stroking the messiest hair he had ever known. “Also Janus totally likes you” Remus wasnt oblivious to the way Janus looked at Logan. But he didn't mind, Logan was his...but he wanted his partner to be happy once he was gone. 
“Perhaps, but let me just...let me mourn alright?” Logan asks
“Fine, but promise me you wont mourn forever, please?” He holds up his pinky, Logan rolls his eyes but promises either way. Remus leans up a tad to kiss Logans cheek. “Lets just sit here ok?” He requests, Logan grants it. “I love you Logie” He knows that only he is allowed to call him such a name. They sit in silence, feeling the heartbeats and warmth. Every intimate move felt so careful. 
“I love you so much” He says after a moment of silence, he awaits a response but looks down to see Remus was no longer there. A small gasp as he takes to his chest. This is what it felt like, so much pain. They never conducted the experiments but as he clutched his heart and sobbed loudly he imagined this was close enough. 
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incorrecttwoset · 4 years
Dani's thingies:
So i was rewatching some old twoset roast commentary videos of agt to help deal with the shock of EDDYS LOFI TRACK WTF WE NEED BRETTS ASDFGHJKL which reminded me of the fact that china's got talent actually sent them an email quite a while back
WHICH THEN GOT MY WRITER *cough*ihaventwrittenficsorliterallyanythinginawHILEbutistillgetideas*cough* BRAIN A THINKIN'
What if they actually accepted it?
Look, i know this is an old idea with all the comments and people on reddit screaming "pEtIToN fOr bREtT aNd eDdY tO gO oN aGt tO dUnK oN tHeM" and such
Heck, even the bois themselves addressed it.
BUT WHAT IF they accepted the invitation at the time?
If i recall correctly, they were still in music uni when it was sent and their yt channel was still either ridiculously small or they havent made it yet.
Oh lol, i just watched the vid where they said they were invited and they said that it was BEFORE the agt roasting reviewing vids.
So, imagine watching chinas got talent and then seeing tHE BOIS COMING UP ON STAGE AND PERFORMING and maybe plugging their merch and yt channel lol
Imagine that this was sent to them when they were still planning the agt vids and then going "you know what, since we're going to diss on agt anyways why not show them how its actually supposed to be done?" And them on stage just SHREDDING PAGANINI
AND THEN WHEN THE BOIS READ THE SCRIPT THEYRE GONNA GO LIKE "this is bullshit, lets blow this popsicle stand" "but dude we're gonna get kicked out if we disagree" "dont worry i have a plan"
So on the day of shooting or the episode or whatever, the bois go with the whole song and dance. Eddy's on piano and Brett's just KILLING on the violin, the judges go "you guys sound like youre playing two completely different pieces but the violin guy can come back tomorrow, yadda yadda", emotional backstage moment about their LoYaLtY and fRiEnDsHiP, and brett agreeing to come back on with a zoom in shot of Eddy's tOTALLY betrayed face.
And then when its the day of Brett's performance... oH BOI.
He walks on, in a suit and tie with a mask covering his face. He doesnt say a word when the judges comment on his outfit but only waits for silence. He raises his bow... and BAM! FUCKING PAGANINI 24 CAPRICE. ITS SO SUDDEN AND FAST AND UNEXPECTED THAT EVERYONE CANT HELP BUT CHEER AND CLAP AND JUST DIE. And when the performance is done, the judges say "that was an amazing performance, we knew that the pianist was holding you back!" He smirks.
The TDLR of my coffee fueled ranting is why the fuck have i not seen any good fanfics of our violin bois destroying agt?! I mean, it might be on wattpad but hello? AO3? Where my AO3 writers at? Answer the fuckin call my dudes.
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godrics · 4 years
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UNDER READ MORE  (bc it’s actually really long now that im on tumblr)
okay so the concert started with the vcr/video from the dream show ..
rory's little scene was her as a teacher !!! so cute
OOH and then the transition into her into her teacher clothes into a suit .. thats my girl
her hair is still like this. much more vibrant than it was because she redyed it oops
first song was GO!! change ur ways
she was wearing this [ black cargo pants, a black crop top, belt, along with chains lmao idk how to describe. oh and black boots ] for go, drippin', we go up, and stronger performances!
it was kind of awkward at first but then she saw nctzens' faces so she was happy
"to the world, this is the nct! we are nct dream”
she clapped excitedly, jumping up and down
"beyond the dream show~"
when haechan asked the time where the fans were, she read the comments, squinting funnily at the screen before gasping
"one of the czennies said it was 3am!"
the other boys gasped in shock before clapping slightly
"thank you for watching us even though it's 3am!" rory said to the fans. "but go to bed as soon as this is over~ or whenever you're feeling tired, that's okay too!"
"for our global fans, we prepared something special, right?" haechan said and rory nodded, smiling
"so we prepared our greeting in various languages"
rory's greeting was in french! fans went crazy bc she sounded SO good and her pronounciation was good too
after that she says, "renjun took english from me" in english and playfully glared at the older boy who laughed.
she turned to the fans and said, "but um, wendy-unnie taught me that so .. if it sounds bad it's all her fault." she claps as the other boys laugh
when they were talking about how they felt, rory said "i watched superm and wayv's concerts so i was excited because i knew we'd hear from the fans just like they were here with us in person. they were really loud, too" and laughs
when renjun told them to scream, she hit him lightly and said "yah, don't you remember what i just said? some fans it's 3am there!"
"oh dont scream then," renjun laughed, making her laugh before she went back to waving at the fans as they waved their lightsticks
when the fans appeared behind them, her eyes widened and she immediately ran to the screen, waving in all directions
she noticed when she got close to a fan's screen, they'd start waving their hand/lighstick even harder and it made her laugh
"rory, come back!" jaemin laughed, tugging her with him back to where the other 5 were
"wow, pretty grass" rory mocked mark as she stared at the lightsticks where the audience were supposed to be and on the screens
haechan had to hide a laugh
then there was we go up performance
woo fun
then stronger! she loves that song is2g
okay for the next vcr
she was in a school uniform standing in between jeno and jaemin
"you guys suck," rory laughed, watching the boys try to succeed
when renjun comes over and succeeds in under one minute and one hand, she gasped in shock lightly before watching him walk away coolly and put his head back down on the desk
jaemin nudged her as she laughed, "you guys are just losers!"
and then it ends on her walking over to renjun and bending down to face him and tapping him on the shoulder
he jumps from how close she is and she laughs, grinning at him, "that was cool" before going back over to the boys and he watches her
next video of the vcr oo
she gets hit in the head by the basketball(she's after chenle) and luckily saves it before it falls to the ground and throws it towards the basket, renjun jumping up to hit it in
why is she always getting hit in the head rip rory's head
next performance is dunk shot!!!
she hated the outfits tho jfc
she was wearing white loose shorts that ended midthigh and a pink button up over a white t-shirt
yeah super plain im so sorry rory that the stylists did you dirty like that
(to be fair the boys looked bad too like what was that matching .. there was NONE)
she hyped up jisung so loud during his solo dance
and had a huge ass smile on her face during it
she was in the middle of renjun and chenle at the bottom
"i think chenle changed the most" rory laughed, talking about the difference from now and almost four years ago when they debuted
"you changed a lot, too" chenle poked her and she huffed out a laugh, choosing not to respond to him and shook her head
when it was time for the interactions, she had to hide her wince because since she watched wayv and superm's, she was worried about how it would go because some fans' wifi connections were bad(so were sm's but anyways--)
oh luckily the first fan spoke korean !!
"hi!" she waved excitedly at the fan
when the fan said her name, she quietly repeated it to herself but it was still heard from the mic
"there's a song called 7 days in your album. what do you guys mean to each other?"
rory's mouth went dry at that question as she rubbed her hands together, looking at the boys silently as they ahhed and oohed
she smiled slightly as she saw how big their smiles got at the question
chenle said that the members were his family. they're literally siblings
she laughed at that
hyuck said that the members were apart of himself and that he grew up with all of them
jisung said bc they're older than him, they're like his younger siblings
rory had to look away in order to not laugh at his answer LMFAO
she couldnt contain how big her smile got when jaemin said that he couldn't live without them
she literally almost cried from tears of laughter from jeno's answer "onion"
renjun said that the members are youth to him
and him bringing up the stupid bottle to his face . i s2g she quickly yanked that from him so quick while laughing
and then finally it was her turn
"um, thank you for the question, siyoung!" she clapped slightly before continuing. "to me, the members are .. my childhood" she nodded slightly as she spoke. "we all grew up together so each of them have a piece of my childhood that i dont want to leave"
renjun pulls her into a side hug as jeno says "cute~"
wolfies(rory's stans) cried
when the fan said she'd stick with nct dream seven days a week, she laughed from the sudden overwhelming feeling at her words and bowed towards the fan, keeping her eyes to the ground so the camera wouldn't catch her teary eyes
too bad the camera did once she looked back up
"nct dream have 8 members--" when haechan said that, rory smiled big and nodded her head
"infinity" rory cheered, the members following behind
the next caller was up!
"ooh, poland" rory smiled
the fans question was "what are your biggest dreams" which she translated for them
rory's answer was "i have no doubt that nct dream will stay together forever so ... i my biggest dream is nctzens staying with us forever. even when we all grow up and have our own lives, i hope nctzens will some day think of nct dream and smile"
jaemin literally walked over and pinched her cheek, cooing at how cute she was
rory rolled her eyes playfully but let him
ah yes to this day he's still the only one she'll allow to give her skinship in public
rip other boys
she felt so sad when the third caller's connection was bad
"ah ... difficult technicalities"
she put a thumbs down
anyways next was don't need your love!!!
she LOVES this song so much guys its unreal
her place at the start is right in between renjun and jisung again lmao
shes leaning against chenle and jaemin
she loves hearing the boys' english btw
also in this version she has more lines but im not gonna tell which ones that's too much work
and next is we young!!
watching the part when they take a pic .. made me cry so it made rory very nostalgic
rory's wearing a professional suit but like . with a skirt i forgot what its called rip
she's standing in between hyuck and jeno
when jaemin laughs she laughs
she has that pic in her phone case btw
along with an ot8 pic
when they're talking abt the 50 years later OO im gonna . cry again
"so we can see how we change"
"um, we're gonna look older" rory laughed
btw grandma rory literally still looks good as hell sorry i dont make the rules
rory: "chenle would look like steve jobs but like .. chinese"
chenle was so offended bye
rory: "jisung if you grow a mustache i will never forgive you"
"bc you'd look stupid i cant be seen with someone looking stupid"
the other pic where renjun jumps .. her face is literally so genuinely shocked in that pic LMAO she didnt expect that
btw she was wearing a black blazer but it was shorter .. and another black skirt with a white crop top underneath rip
so theyre uneven rn right?
so instead of her being a third wheel(not really)
when it's her part, she's backstage and as she's doing her part, she reached into an open closet and .. pulls out a cutout board of mark :((
yeah she cried too when she thought of it and luckily sm let her!!
at the end of her part towards the end of the song, she smiles and says, "right, mark-oppa?" and forms half a heart up to the camera
(taeyong later sends her a video of mark reacting to her parts and when she does the heart he puts half a heart up next to hers <3)
next is candle light! they dont really have a choreo to this one either
anyway candle light wouldnt have been her first choice bc she'd prefer to perform dear dream .. BUT ANYWAY
next is PUZZLE PIECE and 7 DAYS!!
the camera catches her and jisung doing their little handshake . so cute
she then hugs chenle so he wouldnt feel left out
end posing of puzzle piece, she's in between chenle and jisung AGAIN SLDJDJL
they form a heart with her doing the bottom and chenle and jisung doing the top/sides
when they read the comments after performing jeno reads one that says "rory is so talented, her vocals are so good"
and then hyuck read "rory's parts in best friends was so cute"
she blushes so cute
when they talk abt the album
rory says in english, "thank you for supporting us and we hope you guys enjoyed listening to the album as much as we enjoyed making it .. think of it as our gift to you for always loving us!!" cute baby. and then gives a little finger heart
special guest is mark, jungwoo, and doyoung!!
she expected mark but was surprised about jungwoo and doyoung
she couldnt stop smiling the whole time because literally all she had to do was see 127 and smile immediately like they dont even got to do anything
the technical difficulties .. rory said in english again "i think you need to get your wifi checked, mark"
"no mark-oppa?" he teased and she laughed
when they were complimenting them, jungwoo said that mark really enjoyed rory's parts in best friends and she full out giggled from nervousness, blushing from embarrassment
doyoung complimented her vocals and rap and shes never been so proud of herself
compliments from 127? her greatest achievement
jungwoo then said she was so cute wow more blushing
she found the challenge boring and wouldve preferred if 127 picked the damn challenge themselves bc then it wouldve been funnier and more fun but alas .. sm >:(
she picked puzzle piece tho
THE FUCKING NEXT VCR .. so emotional when she watched over it
she literally just watched her and her friends grow up in literal seconds
there's a clip of her from chewing gum on mark's back while he's riding the hoverboard
.. also somehow they got a clip of her hugging jaemin when he came back sigh
emotional manipulation!! she was kinda pissed that was in there bc it was supposed to be private but what can she do .. it's sm
there's a video of her chasing jeno during we young era while on the mv set
and another one of renjun literally dragging her on the ground because she wouldnt let go of his legs in mfal era
in mfal era she's seen running over chenle when he's out of their little cars
its funny he almost fell if jeno didnt catch him LMAO
but its ok dont fret he was in the grass
mfal era where hyuck tries to make a basket but fails and she steals the ball from him and makes it in .. he pouted FOREVER after that
the video of them in chewing gum era and then goes to ridin' era ..
her clip is her smiling shyly at the camera WITH HER CUTE PIGTAILS OH MYGODDD SO SOFT SO BABY
and then it goes to her in ridin' era with her leaning against the car and a lollipop in her mouth, staring dead straight at the camera somehow intimidatingly
n then ofc the music changes and the videos go more recent
theres clips of her behind the scenes in we young, go, dnyl, and boom
also some of her at that dream show concert
the ridin' stage was prerecorded but anyway she's wearing the same outfit she does in the mv
she saw a clip of the car cg and she yelled at the members jokingly saying it almost ran her over
wearing same outfit for quiet down which was live
they had one more song after :( she was really sad and she made sure nctzens knew that
"i wish we could perform more songs for you guys but .. only one more :(" and then sighed really loudly
"i wish you guys were here in person as well but your health is way more important and until then .. well, hopefully we can see each other again in the future! i miss seeing all your pretty faces" she then pouted as the other members oohed loudly and she laughed
after the other members continue she then reminds them all to "wash their hands and wear their masks over their noses if they have to go out"
when renjun says bonjour her eyes widen and she says "wow, so you stole my english and now my french?" she jokingly raises her hand to hit him but all he does is laughs and grabs her hand to 'stop her'
last is boom!
they shouldve performed dear dream or mfal but i guess booms good too not like they havent had to hear that song for 9 months
at the end she sneakily gives the camera a finger heart
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The First Post
To be honest, I’m not expecting anybody to read these or actually find them, or even care. 
This is for me. Be it for the sake of journaling, therapy, word vomit, whatever. 
An opportunity to let go. 
I guess I’ll start from the top
Shit’s been weird as fuck; as it has been for a lot of people. It was my last day of uni forever the day we shut down for the first covid quarantine, my apartment lease was up in a few months, and I didn’t have a job anymore. I was fortunate enough to have extended family in the area with whom I could move in with after my lease was up. Fast forward a few months and I’m home again. 
I really thought I had overcome a lot of shit I was dealing with when I moved out after high school. I had a routine, it wasn’t always healthy but it got me through. But damn has it hit hard since I’ve been back at home. Don’t get me wrong, I love my parents, they’re good parents; they’ve grown a lot since I’ve been away. But there’s always something that doesn’t change. Or, it’s evolved in a weird way that’s not as bad but still like an “are you kidding me,” type of vibe. 
I can’t believe I’m still being so fucking vague, like no matter how hard I try I can’t just say it, fuck I cant even type it. 
How do I even streamline everything in my head. I’ve never thought about how I feel cause it makes me mad, and I don’t like being angry. I don’t like how it makes me feel. 
Why the fuck I have so many issues coming from a family that wasn’t terrible, just had it’s little quirks, beats me. 
My mom, I love her to bits, she works her ass off for us and I am eternally grateful for that. Our relationship hasn’t always been good, it only really improved until after I turned 19. We used to fight a lot. But not in the fist fighting sense. It was mostly me doing things she didn’t want me doing but I did any way so she just yelled at me all the time. She used to hit me and my siblings when we were kids. She never beat us until we turned blue, and it didn’t make her a bad mom when she would tell me to grab her heels instead of a belt. 
I have never talked about this memory, thought about this memory, it is one I like to keep locked away. I must have been 8, we had just recently moved the year before. I remember running upstairs, my mom was chasing me, yelling at me. Saying she was gonna beat me until I bled. I remember being cornered, screaming, crying, looking up at her, and that’s all I remember. That’s where the memory ends. My memories don’t pick up again until I was about 11 years old. 
I used to hate her for it, but I know now that she was just coping with her anger the only way she knew how, and I don’t blame her for it. It was normal for her, it was normal for us. 
Wow I feel like I went off track, but hey there’s your not so tragic backstory, just a kid with a mom who had anger issues sometimes. UGH man I hate talking about this. Cause I know it could have been worse. I think that’s one of the reasons I have never talked about it, wrote about it, or anything, is cause it could have been worse. What point is there in telling someone if it doesn’t change anything. Like why the fuck am I so altered by a childhood that wasn’t even that bad. 
Because of that we used to fight a lot. 
My mom is your typical girly girl, does her nails, and im not gonna lie she is very pretty. She takes good care of herself. 
I am very much the opposite. I got into alt-rock at an early age and fell in love with being all angsty. I cut my hair off, wore baggy band tees, black skinny jeans, and topped it off with my huge ass DC sneakers. I pierced my own ears a few times, pierced my friends ears. I tried piercing my LIP when I was 10, the needle only went in half way. That shit still makes me laugh. 
Basically, I looked like a little emo boy and I liked it. I liked the way people would avoid looking into my eyes, or would look away quickly, or called me sir. I think I liked it so much only because my mom hated it. 
She used to be very... vain? I mean low key still is, but whatever. Right about 10 years old is when I remember my mom making comments about my weight. I did sports in school, but it was never enough to stop my mom from telling me I was too heavy, or that I wasn’t sucking in my stomach enough. There were other things going on at home that I think snowballed it but that’s for another time.
I’ve never called it an eating disorder but I guess that’s what it was. What it is. It wasn’t debilitating, I never got underweight, I looked normal and healthy. It wasn’t as bad as it could have been. I stopped eating, I tried puking, I started binging. Not enough to cause attention, just enough to feel in control because I didn’t know how else to deal with everything going on. 
After I moved out, I thought I had moved past it. I really thought I was doing something, and getting buff, that was the goal: get ripped as fuck. I was going to the gym 6 days a week, for an hour or two, lifting weights. But I wasn’t eating. I had no idea I wasn’t eating, I was just busy. Always busy. 
I didn’t realize how much it affected me until last year. An acquaintance of mine asked me if I was “ok” because I was looking “really thin”. Never in my Life had I heard those words directed at me, ever. That shook me So Hard. 
I don’t want this to be a dunk on my mom, I love her so much, and she’s grown so much as a person and as a mother. I’ve forgiven her. Which is why this shit makes me so mad ‘cause it’s like, “I’ve forgiven her but why can’t I make it stop,”
Okay All of this to say: Im back home 
quarantine has definitely fucked up my weight, as it has for many others. but now being back at home with my mom telling me everyday 
wow ur getting fat
if u dont exercise youll get fat
I see your double chin you need to loose weight. 
like WHY is it fucking me up. why is my parents fighting and ignoring each other again still fucking me up. Why cant i sit down tune that shit out and just fucking work like i need to. Why cant i fucking eat. why is it so hard to just say “i need help but i dont know how”
It’s been a week and I have totally ignored everyone that’s been reaching out to me.
Why do I feel so guilty.
Man, I feel like such a whiny bitch baby. 
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
hxh movie....2!
ruth and i watched the second hxh movie and that certainly was a movie
the title is already cracking me up lmao ‘the last mission’ THATS SO DRAMATIC. 
the first like 3 scenes feel totally disconnected like theyre from different movies vnjskdfnsdkflk
‘many decades ago’ vbhjdsfbajsdf that phrasing is hilarious somehow 
damn young netero just killed jeb bush 
ah look its our movie villains, starting their villain stuff
so i guess this is set around where we are in the series now - like, somewhere in this beginning part of the chimera ant arc where gon and killua are hanging w/kite. which is kinda funny bc they dont explain AT ALL how and why gon and killua are in this city suddenly hvbajdsfjskdjan
killua skateboarding makes me smile :’) love it 
omg wing and bisky are here too!!! nen fam 
im so proud of zushi being a floor master omg....i love how the side characters progress and grow offscreen, separate of the protags, kinda like seeing pokkle again (rip tho, i think) 
LEORIOOOOO MY MAN!!!!!!! he really showed up for like 3 seconds then gets KOd and dumped in a sewer....STOP DOING MY MAN SO DIRTY GIVE HIM SCREENTIME..
ohhh so we’re doing anime die hard. kinda like the first macadamia movie 
that lady rlly just stabbed herself huh.
these antags look like theyre from naruto. main antag dude looks like about 7 different anime guys fused 
oh man netero got dunked on immediately Ls. gotta take him out so the protags can do the fighting 
gon and killua are so good. and also in love. epic 12 yr old romance 
KURAPIKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lookin sharp in a suit. also just looking depressed as hell in general. KURAPIKA ARE YOU...GOOD....ARE YOU STAYING HYDRATED??? TAKING UR VITAMINS?? I DONT THINK YOU ARE. 
also i still cant believe kp is working for neon still...it rlly feels like they just gave up on life and just figured that staying there was fine or w/e
now the 3 protags are goin full die hard thru the tower...WHERE is leorio i cant believe they rlly threw my mans in a sewer like that smh 
these guys r rlly called ‘the shadow’ thats so edgy 
also i watched this like a few hours ago but im a dumb bitch so im reading thru the wiki article for the movie to remind me what happened, and apparently The Shadow(tm) was the black ops division of the hunter association, and they were later rekkt once they started w/the On...i so didnt get that while actually watching the movie vhdakjfhbskdfn thanks hunterpedia for explaining that one to me 
wooowww so the HA rlly just committed massive, morally reprehensible war crimes and then just sealed it all in a book or st and moved on. yikes id be mad too, generic anime dude villain 
so these three rlly just resurrected a dude by going into the desert and saying ‘hey we r emo can you give us some power and maybe anime jeb bush’ and that Worked 
now kurapika is fighting the dude in the control room and gon&killua are fighting Big Dude WHO BEAT UP ZUSHI!!!!!!!!! get his ass boys 
and then he immediately gets yoinked by hisoka, who is for some reason in this movie. i feel like they were like oh yeah hisoka is like, the 5th main character/antagonistic force of the story so i guess he should be here. its hilarious tho bc he spends 90% of his already limited screentime in this movie just playing w/his playing cards and smirking. bastard man you just gooo awayyyyy
seeing beans again omggggg green dude u r great
also who the FUCK is that smarmy looking blonde at the HA HQ...i hate him already based on 1) his atrocious pattern-clashing fashion sense, and 2) his smarmy aura. he looks like hes never thought a thought in his life. ruth says he might be buddies w/ging which makes me hate him even more 
gon and killua....r dating. ty 
when gon and the bad guy start fighting in the elevator shaft and killua just kinda watches hvbajddfhbsjf hes like ‘oh the narrative demands that gon fights solo for a bit so i guess ill stay here’ lmao 
but then he saves gon with his physics-heavy electromagnet elevator clamp plan....smart baby 
then after they defeat the guy they just start chatting lol i love them 
ohhh shit the guy exploded, thats fucked up 
poor gon :( more trauma for the poor kid 
meanwhile kurapika fights an evil clone of themself. wow 
tbh kurapika could totally one-up these guys by being like ‘well ok at least you have each other, im the VERY LAST kurta’ 
its strange to see kurapika fighting w/the sticks instead of the chains tbh
they are married tyvm 
kurapika is soooo not doin well like...please get some rest
kurapika referring to their ‘new friends’ hmmmm thats probably an actual canon reference since this doesnt get brought up again in the movie. probs referring to w/e kp is doing in canon at this point 
LEORIO USING NEN LMAOOO hes like pshhhh that was easy but internally hes like owww....sir ily sm 
damn kurapika rlly stabbed that guy w/a stick huh. rip dude 
ohhh shit its those drug capsule things 
leorio best dude
wow so kp has to make an On covenant OR DIE...yeah i think theyll choose the die option 
squad reunion :’) even tho kp is like, dying 
gon is such a good boy :( ily baby 
leorio and kurapika are str8 up married ty 
final battle timeee
love how at this point in the story gon only has one attack so he has no choice but to keep doing that same attack (well, the 3 variations) over and over til st happens lmao 
lmao gon and kurapika are rlly on the opposite ends of the ‘On’ scale here w/kp willing to die rather than accept using On, and gon seeking out On for POWER and also VENGEANCE 
the themes of gon’s righteous anger on behalf of others continues...
the boys are rlly getting tossed around a lot this movie geez 
hh boy gon is now...PURPLE-BLUE 
oooh killua convincing the lady to chill out was cool - tho ngl i didnt realize she was still alive 
now netero can go ham. i wonder if he’ll finish the fight or if gon will 
uh oh gon is Extra Feral now 
oughhh they love each other so much bro. fuck this 
gon banging his head on the ground and then killua jumping in between him and the ground....true love bro 
gon snapped out of it WITH THE POWER OF LOVE!!!!!!!!!! im emo and gay. thanks 
love how even when netero was younger he was still like, an old guy lmao 
and then the next day theyre all just back in heavans arena hbvhdahdfbjsakf who cares that the building just got hijacked? whatevs 
kurapika smiling a little and melody then smiling knowingly....melody is like Bitch I Know Youre In Love 
still kurapika seems like. not Right. pls get some therepy 
im glad zushi got to fight that guy like he was supposed to....and w/the nen fam cheering him on :’) 
its wild how they didnt really delve into the whole ‘war crimes’ thing w/the hunter association lmao. idk if this movie is canon so that might be why....they just brushed over the fact that the HA was like, running concentration camps and murdering entire groups of people. wild 
this movie was fun!! it felt more like hxh than the last movie, which v much felt like a generic anime movie. this one felt more in character. it did fall into typical anime movie tropes sometimes but the characters felt more like themselves here, espec w/the point of the story this seems to be set at 
like gons anger and all that - while it obvs comes from a place of love and kindness, he can get carried away sometimes...i feel like we’re gonna rlly delve into the negative impact of this in the CA arc and i am both so ready and not ready at all 
this movie was hella gay which i appreciate. love the gays 
all in all this was fun!! i wish there were more hxh movies lmao i love anime movies. well at least theres the musical LMAOOO im gonna watch that soon 
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