#whole way through the wedding me and my friend were just yelling WHAT ABOUT FARAMIR
i can't believe faramir got half boromir'ed then was nearly BARBECUED ALIVE by his father then the first thing he sees when he opens his eyes is his father being barbecued alive then he doesn't even get a yay you're alright! scene the DISRESPECT
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elvish-sky · 3 years
It's Not a Wedding Without a Food Fight {Éowyn x Reader}
A.N: So the slouching thing was inspired by another request I got, but the request was for platonic Legolas and Aragorn and this is not so I will be writing another more in depth one with that! But this was great to write- I haven’t written much lately so this was an awesome piece to get back into things with. I really hope you guys like it!
Requested by Anon on Tumblr: hhhm can I request any female character x fem!reader? the fandom desperately more femslash content sjfjsgsk
Word Count: 1,823
Summary: You and Eowyn are about to get married.
Pairings: Eowyn x Fem!Reader, Aragorn x Legolas
Warnings: Fluff, Humor
It’s Not a Wedding Without a Food Fight
Laughing, you strolled hand in hand with your fiance down the hallway. Tomorrow was your wedding day, and as you were the adopted sister of the newly crowned King of Gondor, and Eowyn was the Princess of Rohan, it was going to be quite the event.
But tonight, the night before, was just for you. You were headed to a small family dinner with the Fellowship, Eomer, and Faramir, one last gathering with them before you were married.
As a fun surprise, you and Eowyn had picked each other’s outfits for the night. She was wearing a light yellow dress that matched her hair, embroidery-less but cut in a way that accentuated her perfectly, with a golden circlet crowning her head. You were her opposite, in pale blue with a silver circlet that matched the one she wore while still paying homage to your brother. You had laughed at each other’s clothing choices when you first saw them, chuckling at how somehow you matched.
Reaching the end of the hallway, you pushed open the double doors to see all your friends sitting around a table. Merry and Pippin were at opposite ends of the table (as everyone knew that you had to separate them if you wanted an event to be slightly less chaotic- although they were sitting together at the wedding tomorrow. You hoped that wasn’t a mistake). Boromir (who had survived his wounds at the hands of the orcs), Faramir, and Eomer had their heads bent together in some deep discussion, and Frodo and Sam were contently sipping their ale with Gandalf. Legolas and Aragorn seemed to be bickering about something, and Gimli, seated between them, just looked annoyed.
You paused in the doorway for a moment, holding Eowyn back, just looking at all your friends alive and happy. You wouldn’t have thought it possible that you’d all be here, and that you yourself was getting married. To the most beautiful woman alive.
Eowyn noticed your thoughts drifting and squeezed your hand, bringing you back to the present to see your brother smiling up at you, no one else having noticed your presence.
And then, with Pippin’s shout of, “Y/N! Eowyn! You both look great,” everyone was pushing back benches and stools and coming over to hug the both of you and escort you to your seats.
You sat between your brother and Gimli, Eowyn next to Eomer and Boromir several seats down.
“What’s going on?” You asked Gimli, gesturing to the elf and human arguing over your heads.
“It’s the posture thing again, lass. They’ve been at it for ten minutes.” The dwarf shook his head.
Ahhhh. The posture thing. It had started in Rivendell when the Fellowship had first formed, and had been going on ever since. Even when the two had started courting, the human still bothered the elf about it. Aragorn was very bothered by people with bad posture. You had grown up with him constantly nudging your back whenever you slouched, and the constant whisper of “Postuuure,” in a singsong voice. You felt bad for Legolas, but you had to admit Aragorn’s nagging had helped you. Your back literally never hurt.
“Seriously, Legolas, stop slouching,” Aragorn hissed.
The elf sighed. “Aragorn. You leave me no choice.”
You watched, wide eyed, as Legolas grabbed a handful of food and smashed it into Aragorn’s hair.
“FOOD FIGHT!” Came the expected yell from Pippin, and with that everyone was standing and grabbing food and throwing it at whoever was closest.
Even Gandalf was participating, somehow managing to hit Pippin repeatedly in the back of the head with roasted potatoes. Aragorn and Legolas were attacking each other as fiercely as they would orcs on the battlefield, smashing food in the other's face.
Laughing, you ducked under the table for a moment to catch a break, and found Eowyn with a stockpile of food.
“I was waiting for you to come down here!” She had a mischievous smirk, and you quirked an eyebrow.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m waiting. When Pippin got up and yelled I grabbed all the food I could and hid under here. Want to surprise attack everyone?”
You nodded. “This is why I fell in love with you!”
She laughed. “Three, two, one!”
On one you exploded from under each side of the table, hurling food at anything that moved. You hit your brother right in the face, got Legolas’ hair covered in something, and backed Boromir and Eomer into a corner with the amount of food thrown at them, Faramir laughing in the background.
Finally, after everyone was completely covered, you and your soon-to-be-wife climbed onto the table.
“Who are the champions?” Eowyn asked.
Boromir groaned. “You are. You are very much the champions.”
You grinned. “Now that we’ve established that, who wants to help us clean all this up?”
Everyone rose, and helped you clean up the huge mess you’d made. After, everyone made their way to their rooms, tired.
You entered your bedroom and closed the door, leaning against it. Tomorrow you would be married. To the best woman alive. You smiled as you went to your wardrobe, donning your nightclothes while gazing at the wedding gown you couldn’t wait to wear. You fell asleep with the wardrobe still open, eyes fixed on that symbol of your future.
“Y/N! WAKE UP!” Was the first thing you heard the next morning, accompanied by a cacophony of knocks at your door.
“What,” you groaned, rolling over.
“It’s Pippin! Sam’s with me! We brought breakfast!”
“Fine. Come in.” You sat up, rubbing your eyes as they opened the door.
The smell of eggs and toast wafted in with them as Sam set the tray at your desk. You got up and padded over, sitting in the comfy chair.
“Thank you both very much for this!”
The hobbits beamed.
“That’s not all, Y/N!” Pippin told you. “Frodo and I are both very good at doing hair, so Frodo and Merry went to Eowyn to give her breakfast and do her hair, and we came to you!”
You beamed at them. “That’s awesome! I have absolutely no plans for my hair, so go right ahead.”
Pippin nodded at you and set to work, him and Sam keeping up a stream of cheerful chatter.
Once finished, Pippin showed you to the mirror and you gasped. The hobbit really knew what he was doing, it looked lovely.
“Thank you both so much!”
“Happy to, Miss. Y/N! Now, we’re going to let you finish getting ready. Aragorn will come by and get you once the ceremony is about to start,” Sam told you.
You waved as they closed the door behind them, then set your eyes on the dress. It was time to finish getting ready.
You slowly rotated in front of your mirror, admiring yourself. The white dress was long enough to hit the floor in the front, with a train that stretched back. The bodice had silver edging along the v-neck, and you knew that Eowyn’s was edged with gold.
Hearing a knock at the door, you opened it to see Aragorn, crown gleaming, waiting for you.
“You look beautiful, Y/N. Eowyn’s going to love you.”
“I know!” You laughed, looping your arm through the one he offered and setting off.
You walked down the aisle on your brother’s arm, beaming at your soon-to-be-wife who stood next to Gandalf at the front. You glided past friends whispering words of congratulations, gripping your bouquet with one hand and Aragorn with the other, up past the Fellowship seated at the front who had become your family. As Aragorn took your hand, placing it in Eowyn’s, you looked into her eyes and knew the two of you were going to be so happy together.
After the ceremony, after you had kissed your wife with petals raining down on you, you made your way to the party together. When you opened the double doors, cheers rang out and the two of you kissed once more.
You drank, and sang, and ate, and generally had a lovely time. You were torn out of a conversation with Legolas by Eomer shouting out for silence.
“In Rohan, we have a tradition that anyone who is not married gathers together and the bride throws the bouquet over her head. It’s said that whoever catches is will be the next to be married!”
You looked over to Eowyn, who smiled and gestured for you to join her as Eomer corralled everyone into a group at the other end of the room. He counted down, “THREE, TWO,” and on “ONE” you and your wife threw your bouquets in synchrony.
Turning, you burst into laughter as you saw who held the bouquets. Aragorn, looking a little amused but mostly very nervous as he held one bouquet, was staring at Legolas, who stood next to him with the other clutched in his arms, an identical expression on his face.
Boromir whistled, laughing with you at the two of them. “Guess we’ll be hosting another royal wedding soon enough!”
Aragorn was blushing like mad, glancing over at Legolas shyly. You didn’t think you had ever seen Aragorn be shy before. But as you looked on, Legolas strode over and pulled Aragorn into a kiss, fingers tangling in his hair. Another cheer went around the room as they broke apart, both flushed.
As you made your way over to your brother to make fun of him, you heard him whisper to Legolas, “But don’t think you’re off the hook with that posture.” You laughed.
The party wound down later, people leaving with congratulations to you and your wife and wishes for a happy marriage. Aragorn and Legolas had snuck off somewhere after the whole bouquet thing, which you were not at all surprised by, and the rest of the Fellowship had headed out or looked ready to do so.
You grabbed Eowyn’s hand, and with a wave to Gandalf, Boromir, and Eomer, the only people left, the two of you exited the room. You made your way through the halls to the room you would now share, that had been prepared by your families.
Opening the doors together, you gasped in unison. It was perfect. A door led to a balcony and you walked out hand in hand. The moon shone down like a spotlight on the two of you as you turned back to look at your room.
“So, my wife, what do you think?” Eowyn asked.
“I’m shocked that our brothers were able to make something this beautiful, but I love it. Also, I suspect Legolas helped.”
Her laughter rang through the air, and then she leaned in. In the moment before her lips touched yours, she whispered “I love you.” And then you kissed.
When you broke apart, the only thing you could say was, “I love you, too.” And then you kissed her again.
Everything tag ❤️: @entishramblings @itgetsatadhazy @boyruins @anjhope1 @kumqu4t @katbby16 @thewhiteladyofrohan @kirstenscaffeinateddisaster @beenovel @shethereadinghobbit @guardianofrivendell @hey-its-nonny
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