#while Vivi used to work for Mrs. Alexton I don't think they arranged play-dates for their children
Natasha, say you were the Ladybug Holder, partnered with a Black Cat Holder and you had to assemble a team- who would you potentially call in as an ally and what Miraculous would you give them
"Uhm, that's a difficult one. Logic says I should avoid involving people I know too well, maybe even use the Horse to recruit a team from outside of Achefall but... that doesn't seem very feasible. I need to pick people I can trust and I don't have such a big social circle.
"I can see Maris' point in that she wants more or less fix kwami-Holder pairs, so everyone can get comfortable with one power-set. But to be honest, I feel like if it was up to me, I might go for a smaller core-team, and give them Miraculous based on who is available and what is needed at the moment. Kwami swaps tend to happen anyway, and sometimes Maris even forced to recruit bystanders as one-time Holders, so doing it this way might help to make things more flexible, and hiding the actual size of the team could be nice too.
"Let's see... one person I'd surely recruit if they were willing would be Kris. There would be no sense not to- I know them enough to trust them. They are an adult, so they could use their powers more. And they're already involved with the Miraculous, they were since childhood. They're pretty good at improvisation, so I think they could get a lot of use from the Goat. If we needed more raw strength, they could also use the Dragon... they like swords, or at least I know they did as a kid. And if things were dire enough, they could back us up with the Snake... uh, on a second thought, maybe they wouldn't be that thrilled to have a time travel Miraculous. But it works pretty differently than the Rabbit, so they might be fine with it.
"Depending on the circumstances, I might try to get Sonya on my team. She already proved herself very capable, but of course I'd understand if she said no. Probably wouldn't be a very good idea to give her the Turtle again, even though the villains already know some of our team's identities, so it might be pointless to worry about that. But she could also use the Ox that works kinda similar, or maybe the Tiger would fit her too.
"It would be probably a bit too reckless to involve someone who is basically living with me, but maybe Saiyuki could be a good fit for the Fox or the Bee? Not sure why, it's just a hunch.
"Naota loves to do things for people just to make them happy, they would be probably a good fit for the Pig... wait, maybe they wouldn't be that comfortable to weaponize people's desires against them. Then maybe the Dog would work better, and Erica could have the Pig instead.
"Fletcher likes birds and sometimes it feels like he... I don't know, wants to prove himself I guess? So the Rooster might fit him well.
"I recall Hikaru mentioning once that in their childhood games she played pretend as a hero with lightning powers, so she'd probably enjoy the Dragon. If a sneakier approach was needed, I think she'd manage the Bee well too.
"Justin is a baseball player, so either the Dog or the Monkey could work well for him, since both of those requires throwing skills.
"Let's see, we're left with the Horse, Rabbit and Mouse. I feel like Eva could do well with any of those."
[[Eva belongs to Tsukiyomaru/Arcade Rabbit. I'm not sure if he can be found here, otherwise I'd tag him properly.]]
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